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On the ePO server, have you restarted all of the ePO related services
@Sparr I don't know much of anything, but that doesn't sound like something that would best be put here
@MDMarra Yeah, bounced the server twice just to be extra sure.
I don't mean bounce the server, I mean just the services
Yup. Restarted all the services, when that didn't work, bounced the server. Then scratched my head, reread the KB, and bounced the server again, just in case.
I had intermittent problems eith ePO 4.5 and 4.6 where just restarting the services after boot would fix it
Well, I'll try that, haven't restarted the services since the reboot.
Yeah, not sure then. I've done plenty of ePO database shuffling and server migration and never had to pull anything out of a backup for it
@Basil yeah, I was going to ask somewhere else, just not sure where else to ask
Also, are you using SQL Express and if so, are you under the DB size limit? I've seen ePO fail spectacularly and not let you log in if you're at the cap, since it can't write the login event to the database
Nah, full SQL 2008 R2.
I guess I'll verify that the service account has write permissions on the new db server, though. MSSQL says it does, but always gotta double check those MS products. They lie from time to time.
Anyone know how to find if any crontab's are on my OS X server?
@David I didn't think OS X used crond any more
Q: How do I list all cron jobs for all users?

yukondudeIs there a command or an existing script that will let me view all of a *NIX system's scheduled cron jobs at once? I'd like it to include all of the user crontabs, as well as /etc/crontab, and whatever's in /etc/cron.d. It would also be nice to see the specific commands run by run-parts in /etc/c...

I could be wrong though
Way too much computery stuff in here.
@David You could ask at the Genius Bar; that's usually good for a laugh to boost my mood.
@HopelessN00b Ya, make sure you can do some tsql stuff from the epo server to the new server
Gotta rule out the easy stuff
ePO's error messages are the least helpful ever
@MDMarra dunno, still on the hunt for my Disk Full Notification email
google isnt too helpful on this subject
Q: Wamp server phpmyadmin

SAJIDPast few days ago my wamp server was working fine, but when I start today and try to login to phpmyadmin, it is giving this error "You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.". I even tried to change the port of MySql, but still doesnt work... Please tell me how to solve thi...

@David Oh man, don't run a cron on every desktop to poke at that
one for @MDMarra
@Iain OMFG
Use a centralized monitoring tool like we all talked about the other day and figure out how to make it work
@MDMarra wait wut
Or even better, dont give a fuck about local storage and give everyone network storage so that it doesnt matter ;P
@MDMarra Or close to it. Not sure if they're less helpful than Exchange NDRs, but they're close.
Our OS X server is generating a Disk Full Notification email that we cant make stop
@MDMarra, Is that true for software installed with a user policy? I never apply software with a user policy, and so I have never cared.
@David Oh bahahaha
@Adrian it's a dupe of teh question he asked here a bout ten days ago
@MDMarra That's what do here. Of course, it's easier with terminals.
@Iain Can we send that back? And bitch-slap the guys that sent it over?
@Zoredache In that case it will be installed as the user, I believe??? Not sure, tbh. Never needed it.
@Iain And it still sucks and needs to be punted into orbit with a NARQ, yes?
@MDMarra I am not sure. But I am betting the guy is trying to do it as a user policy or something and it isn't working.
Then again, I don't think WAMP should be on-topic here either, which might make me an outlier.
@Adrian that's what I hit it with but it had OT and NC too
Or he just hasn't tried anything, read the doc for the product that say it needs to be installed by Administrator and came right here :)
@Iain Thank you sir. I saw it before it got whacked with the NARQ stick.
@Iain Awww, I went to add a comment, but you just trashed it. :(
The problem is that you don't have permissions to access /phpmyadmin/ on your WAMP server. You should solve that by getting permission to access /phpmyadmin/.
@MDMarra Well I like to give people the benifit of the doubt. Plus I was slightly curious, since I don't actually know what privileges are used for per-user software installation.
Maybe those McAfee error messages are rubbing off on me.
@Zoredache Ya, that's a good question
It might still be system
Damn, and me out of VTCs to close the original question too.
Since doing a "Publish" will still install it as SYSTEM even though it's user-initiated
This suggestion still needs 1 approve vote from other reviewers. Close this popup (or hit Esc) to continue.When did this start?
One more for the kill-shot, please?
@MichaelHampton No kidding. I'm almost 40k rep and someone else needs to approve my approval now.
Q: cannot access phpmyadmin wamp

SAJIDI am trying to access phpmyadmin on wamp, but it is showing me Forbidden--You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server. I am new to Web Programming please help. How can I fix this problem?

I ran out of close votes early this morning.
@MichaelHampton Didn't happen to me. Maybe the review system just doesn't like porcupines.
Thank you. You're all beautiful people.
@MichaelHampton Same here. about 11am, which shows admirable restraint considering I run out by 04:00UTC most days.
Hell, I never even made it to /review
@MichaelHampton I want that gold badge though.
Should take me about 5 weeks.
doesn't go there
Can someone confirm a bug for me? Visit chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=site&sort=active and tell me what site's icon and name you see in the top left (below StackExchange), and also what you see after "a list of rooms about " below that?
25% rejection rate for SO now
a list of rooms about The Stack Exchange Network The Stack Exchange Network (more sites…)

Upcoming events: in 11 hours IT Security QOTW Draft Submission, in 20 hours English Language and Usage Blog pow wow, in 23 hours Home Improvement Project Update Thursday
And tha ServerFault logo.
@Sparr I'm pretty sure that bug's been around for a long time. I remember it being talked about 18 months ago.
@Adrian ok, I'll forget about it then
@Sparr I'm sure the Devs did too about 3 minutes after they told it wasn't a priority. =)
For reference: i.imgur.com/CXPNS.jpg
that is the shit that wont STFU/stop
Aww, crap, it *is* an MSSQL problem. Which also has shitty error messages for anyone who's keeping track.

I'm already longing for the 15 minutes of my life I thought it was a McAfee problem. :(
quick VMWare question...
why clone?
@ewwhite And to clone it has to be shut down, right?
not really...
Ah. Maybe we don't get that on the free esxi
You need vcenter
@ewwhite Why not? Got an easier way to make your life so much harder?
@HopelessN00b For Linux systems, it's almost faster to redeploy.
@ewwhite Ah. Who knows, maybe someday the PHBs down the hall will shake some cash loose.
@Adrian you'll be gone by then
@Iain That or retired by then. 2045 isn't all THAT far away. =)
Spend a few months working on Python and Ruby and re-brand myself into a DevOps engineer.
@ewwhite Right, like I said, cloning makes your life harder. Don't why any would chose it over, say, a template.
Alright, screw it. Enough MSSQL/McAfee headaches for one day. Beer time. Have a good one all.
The people here clone and snapshot a ton within VMWare.
One client has 6 months of snapshots that will take 18 hours to consolidate.
I love the way the CFO wanders into my cube and asks me if there's anything making the Sage server runs slow. HowTF would I know? I don't use it and there's no monitoring. Which is the same answer he's received from me for the past 2 years when he does the exact same thing.
@ewwhite that's bad setup of alerts.. you should set a pretty low snapshot size threshold..
clones are BJUUUTIFUUUL (when done right)
@Adrian Write it in the book
@ewwhite I think Chopper3 had some good war stories about that.
@voretaq7 Yeah, the book also says to file a ticket. they don't do that either.
@pauska This is what the customer wanted... and how they choose to use the system
So I won't be doing anything about it.
@ewwhite Does the customer blame you when those decision bite them in the ass?
@Adrian no
@ewwhite Ah. Bill 'em and forget 'em then.
Unless there's some countervailing loyalty, of course, such as if the customer is Mother Theresa Foreign Ministries or something.
@Adrian not that book
At $job[-1] I had a notebook that I filled from back to front with SIGNS WRITTEN IN BIG HIGHLIGHTER LETTERS
when someone would ask a dumb question I held up an appropriate sign
@voretaq7 Nice. I'm not allowed to be mean to the sheeple though. My boss made that pretty clear.
I'm supposed to be supportive.
@Adrian Oh, I don't get to bill here.
@Adrian thats not mean, it's efficient!
@ewwhite or your employer gets to bill.
@voretaq7 Yes, I know. But the good little ijits from the Happy Student College, School of Positive Self-Image get their drawers in a knot about it.
@Adrian make them wear knickers.
What a night.. switched from OSPF to iBGP between our DC and the IP-VPN MPLS
@voretaq7 Hmm. That means underwear in Upstate NY. I sure as fsck hope they're wearing underwear and I don't want to know if they're not doing so.
6 different VRF's, redistribution into OSPF etc
@Adrian yes, make them wear knickers! (women's undergarments)
@voretaq7 Oh right, you weren't here for the transgender discussion the other night. I really don't have any desire to know what equipment my co-workers have attached to them.
@Adrian she's a very, VERY mannish woman...
@pauska sounds like fun....
@voretaq7 Hey, 6'3" and 250lb balding woman with a bit of beer gut and a penchant for summer dresses year-round. A wonderful case-worker though, and no tolerance for other people's BS, which endeared me to her quite a bit.
used to be a cop. Could still bench-press my sorry ass.
@Adrian ...your average policewoman around here fits that description
@voretaq7 Most of ours are a foot shorter.
Lot of very short women officers in SPD for some reason.
@voretaq7 Yes, the short ones are more likely to shoot you here and claim your size made them concerned for their safety. Which is pretty much a get out of jail free card unless there's a possibility of a racial component.
Starbucks Barista missing … frantic search underway <-- This is tragic, but seriously all I can think of is "ZOMG BRING BACK MAH BARISTA! I NEEDS MAH LATTE!"
I wish I could live migrate users between different terminal servers.. :<
@pauska I wish we could live migrate entire users from SF to SO.
newish type of spammer (10k) serverfault.com/questions/439511/…
Interview time! Somebody mix me a stiff drink.
@Iain He used his fucking work email address
@MarkHenderson yeah
@Iain fwiw 25gb of disk space - can you even install windows on that?
without that I would have closed it as OT->product/service rec
@MarkHenderson ooh dunno I linux/Solaris most of the time
@Iain Fair enough. You probably could install it on there but you'd be flooded with low disk space warnings from day 1
Sadface. Nginx can't use syslog.
My candidate believes the package manager command is sudo
@JeffFerland Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
@JeffFerland Well, I guess to run apt-get or yum or rpm you generally type sudo first, so....
@MarkHenderson Hey, i'm noticing answers being posted to old answered questions by brand new users when reviewing first posts today. It seems like they may all be spam posts but they are all different users, whats the normal procedure for those?
anyone here have a fancy bginfo template I can steal?
Q: Get Zipped Logs from a Remote Server

JonathanI am tasked with trying to find a way to download zipped logs from a remote server. There are quite a bit of these logs and they are constantly created. I do have limited ssh access to the remote server and can scp or rsync the files. However, due to the sheer size of these logs file, I do not...

Could someone please do my job for me style post?
Or just a silly way of asking?
@Hennes Seems like he needs to sit and think about what he wants to know. Sounds like he was just thrown that task an hour ago and has yet to chart out a workflow so is just tossing lines out and hoping someone tugs him in a good direction.
There's a good question in there waiting to be asked, just needs to stay in the oven for a few more days.
I got confused between 'Halp halp. Do this thingues for me' and 'I thought about it. Did not post any detail and just ask for assistence'
In once case I might post hints, the other half of me want to burn it
@Hennes Tell them they can do it with find and -ctime/-mtime
leave the actual implementation as an exercise for the reader.
head>desk my boss confused his PC bringing up the BBC a bit slowly with "all teh internets are broken in the world and you need to fix them". Again. FFS.
That sounds remarkably as a uni prof would do things. (is left as an exercise for the reader)
@DJPon3 tell them you sent Vint Cerf a support request.
@Hennes Lots of good teaching results from that.
I should have just asked him if he'd googled google recently. We all know that breaks the internet
@Hennes Scary part is, that person bills themself as a MySQL consultant.
I have a few more copies if the internet on CD for him.
He nearly had an "accident" with a phone handset yesterday.

Our telephone system's operator's console broke, so I did some immediate troubleshooting then went to let him know, as he complains when he's not "kept informed".

His response: "What are you telling me for"
My reply, delivered through firmly gritted teeth "so you don't look like a putz when someone else asks you about this, and then come and blame me for not keeping you informed".
He shut up for a bit after that, funnily enough, though he did decide to come into the area I working on the phones in about half an hour later, while I had the console in small bits and was desperately trying everything I could think of because it wasn't responding well at all... then asked if I'd tried power-cycling it because that sometimes helps.
sorry. Needed to vent. How are you all doing
Anyone hiring? ;-)
@DJPon3 Hopefully my employer will be soon. And Seattle's weather is pretty similar to the UK.
true enough
Meaning I'm trying to get out. =)
right. It sucks everywhere at times huh
@DJPon3 Yes. Please fucking yes.
I'm sure even the queen / president / whatever gets up in the morning, looks at their work diary and thinks "you know what, I can't be done with this."
@DJPon3 I just got off the phone with my last candidate who believed that sudo was the package manager.
Well I'm better than that but wouldn't describe myself as a *nix guy.
@DJPon3 How about networking?
@BrentPabst Spam them
We'll can them once we check their credentials
@JeffFerland Well, if you want calibration, I can do an interview. Can't relocate down there though.
Networking, sure. I'm much more orientated towards Windows / Mac sysadmin to be honest. I'm trying to decide my next career move because I think for my next move its either time to move into IT management or be a proper tech specialist in a particular area or two.
@DJPon3 UK, eh? I guess the first question is whether you feel like taking a 10 hour plane ride to work in a foreign country.
I'm not wild about relocating unless its for the job of a lifetime.
@JeffFerland You got a linky handy for that position or is the posting closed?
Actually I think quite a few US regs were looking for work a little while back, perhaps they'll be interested in a decent vacancy or two
@DJPon3 mac sysadmin? mac users have sysadmins? really?
@JeffFerland @DJPon3 that doesn't provide national health insurance.
yep, that would take some getting used to!
@pauska don't tell the users themselves that they do, mac users think the damn things work by magic pixie dust
all I know is that the magic pixies had fucked off for the day yesterday when our mac deployment server took a nosedive due to a corrupt SAN parittion and hadn't come back by the time I spent most of the day in a bash session desperatly trying to remember the exact command line paramaters the mac osx version of fsck liked
between that and the phone system (see earlier) I'm already fed up of this week :-)
@DJPon3 mac deployment server?
yep. Mac OSX server running netboot
@JeffFerland Yup. Got everything but AWS experience. Not sure I could deal with a 2 hour commute into Mtn View though.
and deploystudio - deploystudio.com/Home.html - which is great for the price
@DJPon3 Nice.
Sorry, no way in hell am I moving to California.
If you have to manage and deploy mac clients, its awesome. We have about 1500 PCs and about 70 macs, so we don't have time to spend coddling the macs.
Apparently there was one guy at the local Google office who lived out of his Eurovan for 3 years. The van never moved, and between the amenities in the local office and the grocery store 4-5 blocks away, he had everything he needed for those 3 years.
That sounds kinda scary. I mean more power to him but I like to veg out in peace and quiet and a bit of space
No kidding. Different cultures and all.
@Adrian fascinating. Articles have been written, yes?
@JeffFerland That looks pretty cool - but not something I could do justice to.
@DJPon3 yeah, and the position probably doesn't pay enough for me to stay in a friend's guest room for a year during the week and commute home on the weekends.
ahh i see
not so good then
@Adrian Yes it does. You can room at my place. I've got a spare.
$1500/month in airfare adds up real fast =)
@Adrian That is rough
@Adrian That much to SEA-TAC and back? I'd have figured less.
See, @Adrian needs to come work here
@JeffFerland Probably cheaper if scheduling it out further.
@ewwhite Dude. NYC pricing? I'd be surprised if I could afford to breathe there, let alone eat and have a roof over my head.
does make you wonder how fog creek and stack exchange do it
remote workers, commuters etc
There's a premium here for living in London, but many times worse for NYC I think
Aarthi lives just a few hours down the road from me.
@pauska yeah they're big into telecommute and that aren't they, but they have a lot of people on site too I thought.
Well, it's funny to see... I'm experiencing the best parts of NY without the cost.
I'm staying in an apartment 1.5 miles away...
Had to be at work at 10:15am.
left the apartment at 10:01am
hopped on the train...
got in at 10:12
Manhattan seems to be nice like that...
in the right areas.
Yeah, commutes are miserable. I like being able to be in the office quickly.
wait wait wait wait WAIT
Q: Why can't “knife data bag from file” find existing json file on chef server?

elliseraSummary: I'm running into a problem with "knife data bag from file", where knife doesn't recognize the .json data bag file pulled down from a remote git repo. Background: I'm currently trying to transition from chef-solo use to chef server while using the cookbooks, data bags and other chef in...

"knife data bag from file" is like.... a thing?
because it sounds like a rejected scene from Scream 42 - the ill-fated geek sequel.
What's a "data bag"?
Should I know that?
Sounds like something @MDMarra hides in the closet..
and it's a dupe
Q: Why can't "knife data bag from file" find existing json file on chef server?

elliseraSummary: I'm running into a problem with "knife data bag from file", where knife doesn't recognize the .json data bag file pulled down from a remote git repo. Background: I'm currently trying to transition from chef-solo use to chef server while using the cookbooks, data bags and other chef i...

It's like a sock but for people who REALLY enjoy this line of work?
hm.. nmap is acting weird. No matter what I try to ping scan, it tells me that all the hosts in the subnet is up
@ewwhite Uh, would I have to post things like that if I become a DevOps?
@pauska Over a VPN?
@ewwhite well.. it's through router -> firewall -> router -> lan
I'm starting to think that nmap doesn't like being inside a virtual machine.. promisc mode etc
@pauska I've never had an issue with it in a VM
but definitely over VPN connections
I'm trying a physical host now to see
but yeah, it could be some weird TTL shit going on
Hmm, chocolate
yup, worked fine on a physical host
@pauska good deal, then
although it's not a prob on my VM's.
@ewwhite Yeah, that's what scares me. The whole "down is up" thing that DevOps seems to imply.
That or we just get the shitty ones.
@ewwhite perhaps you allow promisc mode on your vnet's
@Adrian Are you still talking 'bout data bags?
@JeffFerland If I can get my resume into a document format that doesn't like it was trampled by pigs except in Office > 2010 later tonight, I'll pop it on over to you.
@ewwhite and douche bags. =)
@Adrian Down is up?
@r.tanner.f an example of casual acceptance of incongruent dichotomies and dissonances.
@Adrian and downtime
accept the downtime.
EMBRACE teh downtimez
@Adrian Never heard it termed like that.
@WesleyDavid Product of a mis-spent catholic college education.
Is there anyone that needs a handful of votes thrown on their questions? I have 20 left and 80 minutes to burn them.
@voretaq7 Downtime is a feature of continuous deployment whereby you are afforded the moments necessary to clean your kanban board with your scrummaster.
@Adrian I've only asked two questions and they both sucked. =(
@WesleyDavid I will hurt you.
@Adrian Actually, I voted to close one of them and @MarkHenderson obliged me.
@WesleyDavid Yeah, I think flagged to close one of my own as well. Though I might've put a cap in it before I hit the initial Submit too.
Anyone have recommendations for a good four post rack shelf?
Need a thing to put odd bits and pieces like non-rackable drobos, mac minis, and the like.
I imagine it must be pretty hard to make a bad shelf unit, but still... thought I'd see if anyone knows of some gotchas
@WesleyDavid look for ones with sturdy wings
I've seen shelves fail because the wings were badly attached / poorly stamped & that's never fun.
@WesleyDavid Don't be cheap. Go for APC. And for the love of God, don't buy it from Walmart.com.
@voretaq7 Noted. Actually, I think I'll not get the four post one. Get two two-post shelves. One front and one back.
@Adrian Was just looking at one from APC
@Adrian oh, you get ONE slightly irregular rack and all of a sudden you hate!
Wish teh shelves didn't also take up the U below it.
@WesleyDavid Good ones don't.
@voretaq7 Apparently APC don't make good shelves then...
@voretaq7 Yes, considering that 1/4th of the Us were not Usable with the door still attached.
They'll be the first to pay when I assume control.
@Adrian bitch bitch bitch :)
we're SAVING you from overloading your power and cooling systems!
@voretaq7 Frequently.
ok, i flea
::scratch and run::
@voretaq7 That's Wesley. He needs another dipping.
@Adrian Only if you wear those heels like last time.
So do I really need per socket metering for the PDU, or just go for per PDU metering.
I was planning on charging for power above 1 amp, but I'm wondering if it's just too much complexity to start with.
Per socket metered PDUs are hella expensive.
And only Raritan makes per-socket metered PDUs that are 110 volt, which is weird.
APC and Tripp Lite only do per socket metering on their 208v PDUs and above.
@WesleyDavid Nuh uh.
@ewwhite Show me! Show me! Show me!
A: Metered-By-Outlet-Monitoring PDU

ewwhiteIt's a slightly strange request, and this is a shopping question, so it will eventually be closed... APC didn't release a product that could do this until recently (aside from the 3-phase PDUs). The models you linked to are the only new-generation APC PDUs that have per-port metering. These E...

@WesleyDavid Everything should be 240v anyway
@MarkHenderson And DC.
@WesleyDavid Well if you're Google you can do that, for the rest of us,it's one step at a time ;)
@ewwhite Wow, awesome. One question: Who the hell is Echola? =)
Do you trust your rack equipment to them?
@WesleyDavid ;) I don't do per-port metering :)
but I needed that in a pinch...
@ewwhite Yeah, I'm debating on the real value of metering clients that closely. Would you use that in a rack or would you not trust it?
Never heard of that company before.
Looks cool and all, but...
AAAArgh. I hate not having enough close votes.
@WesleyDavid I wouldn't bother... I rely on the power meters in the servers, anyway.
@ewwhite Ohhh, so IPMI telling you what the draw is. Why didn't I think of that?!
So do you aggregate the information with SNMP?
@ewwhite I guess I'm also trying to take into account customers colocating things that don't have IPMI or some kind of power draw metering. Some weird appliance or something.
Then again, appliances don't normally suck down power too badly.
Sometimes I wonder if everyone who codes software is German.
I mean. Program Files (capital F)
Control P anel
Ease of A ccess C enter
Folder O ption
etc etc
Dear Betty Ford, please help. @Hennes is fading fast and we can't hold out much longer. Regards,
Betty Ford? That is a reference I am missing.
The Betty Ford Center (BFC), is a non-profit, separately licensed residential chemical dependency recovery hospital in Rancho Mirage, California, that offers inpatient, outpatient, and day treatment for alcohol and other drug addictions as well as prevention and education programs for family and children. The Betty Ford Center, which is adjacent to Eisenhower Medical Center, has 100 inpatient beds available on their campus and additional lodging for 84 clients in the Residential Day Treatment program. The Betty Ford Center opened on October 4, 1982. The Center was co-founded by late U.S. ...
Ah. Google just showed me a first lady.
@WesleyDavid what are you doing? Hosting physical servers?
Build a vsphere cluster, make a keygen, and host the shit for them.
@ewwhite Physical infrastructure, yeah. Servers mostly but also appliances as needed.
@ewwhite Yeah, looking into virtual infra as well.
@Hennes She started the clinic.
I just get annoyed at the amount of crapitalisation on the net. It seems as if every second word needs to start with a capital letter.
First it was just stuff from marketing, but lately I keep seeing these 'typos' everywhere I look.
@ewwhite But that's going to be 'spensive
@WesleyDavid I'll give you two X5450 servers
@ewwhite <_<
or hook you up with a good ProLiant source...
@ewwhite Oh yeah, you're my proliant source. When I've been pricing out servers here and there, I think "Screw this, I'll get Edmund to price out some Renew stuff."
I do new and renew
@ewwhite How big and how much?
Are those the 4u beasties?
@ewwhite Goodness. >_<
yep. Gotta go home
@ewwhite Drive safe... if you drive? Or are you on the subways?
It's New York, who drives?
WTF? A 13yo can sign up for AWS?
Q: MySQL Not Turning On

Shalin ShahI have an amazon ec2 instance running on the Amazon Linux AMI and its a micro instance. I wanted to install Django onto my server so I entered these commands wget http://www.mlsite.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/go wget http://www.mlsite.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/django.conf chmod...

@Adrian With Daddys credit card, yeah why not
They'll probably never catch him.
Perhaps I'm being an ass, but isn't a question posted by a 13yo automatically OT for ServerFault?
There are no states in the US where a 13yo may legally work.
@Adrian Not out of hand, no.
It's not about pay stubs. It's about topicality.
@WesleyDavid I'm thinking the IT professionals clause.
At 13, I could have asked questions that would fit SF.
Hrm, that does pose a thorny issue. We've traditionally not made a big deal out of professional titles, but instead focused on the topic and context.
Then when the topic / context edged into Stupidland, pulled out the Professional-Broadsword and lifted heads from shoulders.
And we've been moderately tolerant of students posting questions as long as they're not blatant homework.
"I'll be the one who lightens yon 13 pounds of deadwood from offen ye shoulders!!" schwhack!
But questions posted by a student in middle school isn't even close.
@Adrian It's always been about the question in isolation though. Punish bad questions, not bad users
We've got a history of editing the word "home" out of questions so that they fit the scope of the site
And if the kid han't posted his age on this profile, would you care?
@MarkHenderson Semantically null, since I wouldn't have known. If he'd mentioned in a comment that he was 13, I probably would've pointed out that this site is for IT Professionals.
And preferably directed him to another .se site that is a better fit for hobbyists in whatever section he was asking in.
In that case, the user clearly has no familiarity with database services and doesn't understand the difference between the mysql client and the mysqld service.
Summer of Love aside, I'd normally be itching to boot a question by such a novice.
Summer's over, haven't you noticed? You can go back to being a surly curmudgeon now.
@Adrian I'd like to know why he's not just apt-getting a repo package for django
Nobody told him to?
230 rep, one day closer to Epic...
@MichaelHampton Not to mention that you really kinda have to work at NOT finding a solution to the "MySQL service not running" thing on the internet.
Gawd. When I was a teenager, screwing around with 80's era computers, there was no Internet like today. I had to read the manuals over and over until I figured it out on my own.
And if that wasn't enough, I had to go to this special building called a library...
@MichaelHampton We were probably also not led to believe that the world revolved around us and that everyone else existed to affirm our awesomeness either.
Yeah, nobody ever told ME that.
I would be an excellent junior high school teacher. Then again, my children are the paragon of politeness, at least when around people that they know I respect. It's always Mr Smith or Mrs. Smith and if they're bothered by that it's Mr. Steve or Mz. Mary.
So odd how so many people here are very uncomfortable with being addressed formally.
If you haven't done so yet, I strongly recommend you seek out and watch the movie Idiocracy.
@MichaelHampton I'd not heard of that. It came out during my 10 months of living under a Big Blue rock though. I missed a lot of late 2006 and early 2007.
I think you'll enjoy it.
@MichaelHampton Just reading the wikipedia article was hilarious. It's definitely on the list for the next run to the used DVD store.
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