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Interesting. SF's CSS is hella broken in Chrome 20.
@Adrian can you post a screenshot?
@Zypher sure, just a sec.
@Zypher Has the Data Explorer not been updated in 3.5 months??
@ChrisS ummmmm
no idea
@Zypher Only happens when I click the link to see ALL the comments.
ah damn that's odd, alhtough Chrome 20 might be unsupported at this point
22 is the latest
@Zypher It's on an Ubuntu 12.04LTS that was updated last Friday.
@Adrian just checked with a dev Chrome v20 is no longer supported - apparently Ubuntu is turning off hte Chrome auto-update in the official packages as you should be auto udpated to v22 by now
@Zypher So your support window is 2 versions and thus 12 weeks long?
@Zypher do (you) we have maintenance/testing this weekend ?
I think what's most interesting is that the top 145 Answerers contribute as many Answers as the other 3100 Users. Of those 145, the top 34 Users account for 25% of all answers in the time period.
@Iain according to the blog post they intend to end the world at least twice
@Adrian yep, current and previous version
Q: Which browsers are officially supported? And what else do I need?

EarlzI know that the Stack Overflow system is designed well enough that you can have read-only access even in Lynx. But what are the official browsers that the team supports that can use every feature of the site? And what do the browsers need to do so? Return to FAQ index

@Iain we are doing a failover test to our secondary DC ...
@voretaq7 just checking
@Zypher Well, that's a problem for people that run a corporate network. 12 weeks is about how long the dev and QA cycle runs for a browser that's used for web-apps.
I realize you don't have any control over it, but it's a bit short-sighted.
@Adrian shrug i didn't make the policy ... all i can suggest is use a browser with a shorter cycle ...
@Zypher lynx
@Zypher shorter cycle? You mean longer, yes?
@Adrian yes
or shorter QA cycle :)
@Zypher What is the stance on Firefox ESR?
@voretaq7 someone did write something at some point that would let SE run on Lynx
@Zoredache the 3.6 stuff?
At the moment firefox ESR 10.9 is the current release. mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq
hmm insteresting it looks like the dot releases of ESR keep up with the major releases of FF
@Zypher @Iain It works fine just visiting the main site...
@voretaq7 Yeah, most things work just fine with Lynx
@Zypher Yes, I wish I could tell Canonical to kick updates out sooner, and yes, I wish I had another half-million dollars to hire more QA. I also wish I had a unicorn to ride for my morning commute. The 3rd is far more likely to happen than the first two.
@Zypher The are released on the same cycle, but ESR only gets bug fixes. The main release also gets features. I suspect the ESR version will mostly work fine. But you might want to consider suggesting that as something that could be supported.
hmm interesting i'll ask after the colo move
@Adrian I mean i feel your pain, but yea, Cananocol has decided to turn off the auto update part of Chrome ...
@Zypher Rightly so. It's not Windows. You don't want all the users to have sudo powers to update things willy-nilly.
Package Management doesn't work well with auto-updaters.
@Adrian Package Management doesn't work well. FTFY
@voretaq7 Dunno. Mine works damn spiffy.
@Zypher I worked in Software Dev for 4 years, so I totally see your point from the perspective of your industry and your staff's usage patterns. But also having done system admin for general administrative and staff audience for 8 years, having a free-for-all is a really bad idea.
@Adrian well it's not exactally a free for all when we are talking about Chrome and the FF model
Chrome especially is written such that it almost 100% lives where the user can update, and is really a per user install ...
@Zypher Which is unsupportable from a Corporate IT perspective. We simply can't have servers with 250 users that average 35 concurrent users all running a differently-compiled FF or Chrome to use our apps.
I wonder how many first posters don't answer to comments because they expect to get a notification via email.
@Zypher that is true for the standard install, but there are system wide versions. The official Debian/Ubuntu version is system wide.
and never bother to get back
So, is this pretty much all I get out of OpsViews? i.imgur.com/yk6WR.png
@David Without spending any money? Yup.
@David what did you expect?
I don't know
I just DLed it w/o reading lol
(massive boredom lately @ work)
@Zoredache I'm really thinking the non-system-wide setup is predicated on that fact that there won't be any shared usage of PCs or network mount of home directories. I dare not even ponder the carnage implicit in having those packages installed in user home directories if the dependency libraries get out of sync on the various end-user workstations they'd be running the browser from
Everyone expects that, or better
ok, this is just getting more and more absurd. Can anyone tell me if it's worth to explain how to fire up tcpump? or should this question just be voted down? I'm not sure... serverfault.com/questions/437859/…
I'd like to help, so I wonder how to brew up one of these comment-chats
is this just automatically?
@AlexanderJanssen it'll prompt you automatically after a few exchanges
@AlexanderJanssen it is almost never worth trying to explain that to people.
but he only has 1 rep
so he can't chat anyway
can i somehow force the chat?
i never tried that
and like @Zoredache said aside from pointing them at the manpage for tcpdump there's no way you're going to be able to teach them how to sniff network traffic for useful debugging information on a Q&A site
you'll wind up with them posting a raw pcap file somewhere
@AlexanderJanssen I want the magical keyword to start a chat to be [Shibboleet] - see meta.serverfault.com/questions/3730/…
(which can be useful for other things...)
@Zoredache there should be another magic keyword that makes the user's computer eat them alive. I nominate Arpawocky
blargh. i don't think i want to bother with this request..
only if he can give me a good answer to my alteon problem
hm. there's a duplicate. apparently someone posted the same question to two SE sites. the first question appeared here, the other one was just migrated from stackoverflow
used the flag thing...
ROAR! I flee. Off to a wedding (at which I can't drink, because I have to fly tomorrow).
@voretaq7 Those things seem 100% unrelated from my perspective
@JoelESalas which one, flying, drinking or getting married? Flying sounds pretty cool. I really should stop being lazy, and go take some lessons.
@Zoredache OH HE'S THE PILOT. Now it makes sense
@JoelESalas and on Sunday he gets to take his PPL flights (or some significant proportion of them )
I'm pretty sure that getting married is implicit after the drinking. You'd have to be drunk to get married.
@WesleyDavid Is that November 9, 2011, or November 11, 2009?
ARGH I'm such a moron! #fail
deployed a few dozen servers, put them into the wrong security group (which didn't allow tcp/80) and was wondering why the hell i only got HTTP 503 from the loadbalancer
@AlexanderJanssen Grew up on Animaniacs, eh?
Well, perhaps not grew up on. You're about my age. Meaning for this room, you're an old guy....
@MichaelHampton do you think it would matter all that much?
see, I'm about to hit the 40ies soon... but as a German guy, I only learned about the Animaniacs a few years ago. Know what? It's friggin' awesom!
@Adrian you don't have to be drunk to get married (in fact being sober somewhat eases the whole ring-slipover thing) but you would want to get drunk afterwards to forget what you've done.
marriage... getting drunk... been there, done that
@syneticon-dj A perfectly valid viewpoint. Plus, if you're drunk during the reception, you're providing more entertainment value.
vomiting all over the pulpit - that kind of thing?
@syneticon-dj jesus, no... :)
(or behind the pulpit, if you are particularly polite)
@syneticon-dj Sounds like life in the US Midwest. I don't remember very many weddings growing up where fewer than half the groomsmen were sober.
Of course, most Midwesterners are at least half German.
I've seen people posting screenshots for instructions. Would if be OK if I do that as well - although it would be several screenshots, like 6 of them?
@AlexanderJanssen At best, Maybe? It's not indexable that way, which is what drives .SE results.
@AlexanderJanssen posting screenshots should be fine if there is no other way to make your point. Overdoing it may look bad, though. 6 sounds like a whole lot of screenshots unless you have a lot of text in between
We're setting up IPv6 and after committing it to the JuniperOS I can't ping the external interface on v6... so I start looking it up and when I look back the other guy is checking various things on the router... like the chassis temperature....
it's about this answer... serverfault.com/questions/437833/…
i think i made my point but i'd like to improve it by showing the correct clickyticlicks.
@JeffFerland I think he needs to meet my Devs.
Match made in heaven.
aws console is... tricky
@AlexanderJanssen doesn't AWS have a set of command line tools? If possible, post instructions based on those. GUIs are bound to change...
@syneticon-dj yes, it has. but this guy doesn't sound like he's ever used the aws-tools before.
well, as a bonus he is going to use them as soon as he reads your answer
i hope so! :)
also I hope I get some proper upvotes, for I researched for three hours... :)
(was curious myself)
it's really an interesting question
the fedora people didn't bother to document this properly.
If you want rep, you should pick easy questions where everybody can recognize a correct answer. Choosing difficult topics for answers will only yield a handful of upvotes and is an ungrateful task in this regard. Of course, all SF participants strive for continuous self-improvement and answer nonetheless.
oh i don't give a damn about rep. it's just a bonus. i like to answer tricky questions
@JeffFerland checking router temperature to fix connectivity issues makes perfect sense to me - IP addresses need warming up - didn't you know?
@syneticon-dj I think it was nervous twitch... just made me laugh
@JeffFerland me too - so he brightened up the life of at least two people tonight. Give him a hug :)
@AlexanderJanssen the headache is mostly because it's past midnight :)
Got to get to bed, good night everyone.
jesus, you're right...
n8 @syneticon-dj
ok, gotts hit the hay
good night
... damn you JunOS
@syneticon-dj But isn't it nice solving a tough problem?
Q: How to wire 20 computers and 20 phones and 1 server into LAN?

John SmithI have currently 3 switches Two Netgear JFS524 with 24 slots, One Belkin with 16 slots. Server DSL Internet Router. Main question is how to connect switches together, two Netgear's are next to each other, yet one is about 100 feet away and holds about 5 computer and 5 phones. If i connect them...

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