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@Aarthi looks like the original order was which got jumbled up by the SEO
@Iain sounds like only one of those is really standalone
diagramming may be OK the rest are meta for sure
@sysadmin1138 there's also
@Aarthi That one's a lot meta.
not as meta as
that's like a whole new level of meta
Q: Server Dropping all Connections Randomly and Packet Loss

Ryan RosarioI just built a server using a Supermicro X8DAH+-F board and running Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64bit. This has the Intel 82576 dual port controller (one port is disabled). Since this is a server, remote access is imperative. The server is connected to a switch (DLink), and the switch is connected to a...

@Aarthi where have you been all of our lives ?
That's actually a kinda-sorta useful meta-category for "problems with WANs to 3rd parties." Surprisingly.
^^^ does this need both ubuntu tags?
@Iain :D in texas, then indiana. :P
@Aarthi they're not doing any harm
just asking; it feels redundant, that's all :)
Yeeeeaaaah. We get that all the time (or did once) with type questions.
also, @Iain @sysadmin1138 @voretaq7 i'm compiling a list in a textfile of all tags i'm suspicious of
Anyone tested/used this successfully (gets windows passwords from fingerprint readers built-into laptops) github.com/brandonlw/upek-ps-pass-decrypt
you guys have and
merge, probs
@Aarthi So is the Tag Hammer of Burnination painted bright green and adorned with Mardi Gras beads?
@Aarthi ooh ooh ah ah ah ah :throws things:
@Adrian sure. it's got a trogdor etching.
@Aarthi Excellent!
@voretaq7 when all this tag burnination is done, you owe me a milkshake and some pancakes.
@Aarthi You're lenient. I'd at least demand good scotch.
@Aarthi I have a whole bunch of tags that differ by one letter or a - that we need to sort through, I was going to bring them to the communities attention when we got the bad tags sorted
@Adrian knowing voretaq, he's just give me Lizard's urine and laugh at me if i asked for that.
pancakes and milkshakes are more my style.
@Aarthi This is true. He's devious like that.
@Iain ahhh. that's legit.
@Aarthi bourbon milkshakes?
@freiheit that does sound good. sup, freiheit
@Aarthi mmmm... booze. ;)
(oh, hey, meeting time. later)
isn't this off-topic for you all?
Q: webbased employee work schedule

bytesumI'm looking for a solution to organize the work shifts of a department like this: 15 employees with each has a different number of hours to work Monday-Friday, 6:00-22:00 always one or more employees on shift overlapping shifts self-organization: employees plan their shifts on their own must ...

@Iain port and ports is the big one, though file(s) is huge too
since y'all wanna burninate that, the community will need to pare that down considerably before i burn.
@Aarthi Yeah… it should probably be marked by a mod as 'Not a good example of the site today'
@Aarthi click click bloody click PANCAKES?
@HopelessN00b …24 simultaneous 1080p streams… and don't think they only bought one.
@Aarthi I live behind an IHOP
under, morelike
slightly above actually because of the way my building is built :P
is a bad one?
also, i updated the meta post again.
I'm starting to get really annoyed with people who flounce out of server fault because they're told their off-topic questions are off-topic.
"starting" ?
@Aarthi prrrrrobably - there's almost always a better tag than "hardware"
@Aarthi well, reaching the point where I'm thinking it's appropriate to hunt them down and punch them in the throat :P
@voretaq7 That's because you fail to accept the central truth that the Universe was created to serve their particular momentary need.
(mostly because the last one deleted his meta question pre-flounce in the process of his flounce, and I was halfway to an answer. Bastard.)
how about ?
No, that's what Vortaq7 was considering.
Oh wait, context. Damn.
@Aarthi that one may have some life left in it :)
@voretaq7 like me
@sysadmin1138 Context?
@voretaq7 we can undelete it so you can post your answer and then delete it again
@Adrian no, you're *UN*dead...
@Iain meh, I clicked the refresh button and my answer was swallowed by the abyss
@voretaq7 I'm fine, it's the shitty excuse for an IT infrastructure that I have to prop up.
as much as I'd like to explain to him what "in a professional capacity" means (as part of your freakin JOB), why policy circumvention is the very definition of unprofessional, and why the correct answer to a problem with a system you don't control is to call the sysadmin, I can't be arsed :P
@sysadmin1138 @WesleyDavid?
@voretaq7 tbh I think it was for the best it wouldn't have gone down well
Isnt Firefox 16 supposed to be out? My 15.0.1 tells me it's up to date...
I.... don't know.
My heart says burninate (or at least untag DB-side)
It was a very polite answer. I didn't go all gollum-MTV-awards on him.
But he flounced, which to me says "I just want to scream and cry and clutch my pearls while calling you all swine and storming off"
@David I thought firefox had no version numbers anymore
@voretaq7 negative
@voretaq7 Windows DLLs have version numbers, but that doesn't mean I pay any attention to 'em.
@sysadmin1138 version: THE CAKE IS A PIE!
@voretaq7 mine says 15.0.1 Funnelcake Jul 2012
@Iain .... the funnelcake is a pizza pie (that got extruded and deep-fried)?
@voretaq7 I had to go look it up - I guess so
@Aarthi that's one that looks like it's being used descriptively and the SEO reordering of tags is messing with the OPs intentions - I'd say burn (based on a quick scan) but see what others say
:/ you're all going to need to pare down more. only 7 are closed.
@Iain yeah I don't see any questions at a quick poll that seem to have meaningful use of
@Aarthi That looks very meta to me. However, it's going to be the devil's own to keep it from cropping back up after it gets purged.
@sysadmin1138 pretty red text says: "Use of the tag is punishable by death.*"
and should be merged first, i think.
* To greatly reduce the administrative burden, all laws have been revised such that the punishment for all offenses is death.
@voretaq7 that looks as bad as a recipe that I was looking at earlier in a veggie Indian cookbook - eggs on chipsticks ugh
@Aarthi mergerized
these two quesitons might need a historical lock:
Q: Advice for getting freelance IT consulting jobs?

Sean TaylorJust wondering if anyone had any advice on how to get IT consulting jobs/clients? I would be looking to target small business in my local area. Also, does having certifations (e.g. MCSE) help attain clients Any other advice welcome. Thanks Sean

Q: What's the entry path towards a database administrator job?

Eric WilsonI've recently lost my job, and I'm working towards changing vocations. My degrees are in Mathematics, but I'm interested in IT, particularly working as a DBA or a programmer. I don't have IT experience, but I have the resourses to be patient with the transition, and I'm currently learning SQL a...

sorry, one more:
@Aarthi Yay, more 2009-stuff for the wood-chipper.
Q: Is it worth using a recruiter to find a SysAdmin?

StewartAt a start-up company where we have probably now grown sufficiently to warrant a dedicated system administrator. Is it worth using a recruiter to find a good system administrator? Or, would the cost likely outweigh any benefits? From a technical perspective, we don't have any unusual or signifi...

@sysadmin1138 :P
@Iain Funnelcake (basic deep fried dough without all sorts of extra shit dumped on top of it) is pretty tasty
@Aarthi we should just remove 2009 from the database
I swear, our percentage of closed questions for May 2009 is probably over 50% by now.
@Iain s/database/internet/
I locked 'em but I wouldn't be opposed to deleting them either
they're all 3+ years old and < 1k views
That all? PURGE!
Especially since they've fixed the associated rep-loss for such ancient-history deletes.
@sysadmin1138 baleeted
(if anyone wants 'em back feel free to resurrect 'em but they're deffo OT these days)
questions /1 and /2 will save 2009
here's another:
Q: What are some good resources for learning PowerShell scripting?

dmoAre there online resources or books that you would recommend as an introduction to PowerShell scripting? The resources I've found primarily focus on interactive use.

Practically everything with on it is likely OT.
In fact, I'll take a tour through there with mah hammer.
@sysadmin1138 if you clear it, let me know.
hey @sysadmin1138 it's that thing we were talking about
Q: Allowing non-admins to run programs as admins (like the setuid bit)

LevHow can I enable non-admin users to run a certain application (in my case, a script) with admin permissions on Windows XP? This would be similar to the setuid bit on *nix.

windows then winxp haha
needs a tagwiki, by the by.
@Aarthi searching for ASCII pile of poo art for tag wiki...
use emoji
We do emoji here
@Aarthi Some people are unicode-challenged :(
Not really.
@sysadmin1138 💣
emoji on iphone works ^
not on m laptop tho
yeah needs more cleanup from the community.
only 3 closed? nope
@Aarthi Y U MAKE US DO WORK? :'(
@voretaq7 she's getting us back for making work for her
@voretaq7 ಠ____ಠ
Yeah, except ServerFault work kinda comes a distant 3rd after doing my day job and housework.
@Adrian I need a chibi slave to clean for me
@voretaq7 Something tells me not to Google that one at work.
Good plan.
chibi == japanese term for "small" or "drawn in a distinctively diminutive art style"
chibi characters are basically "2 heads" tall: a head, and their entire bodies
@Aarthi (so yes, probably not safe to google at work. Even chibi things can have tentacles in... unexpected places.)
@Aarthi Considering that the 1st result that came up on my iphone for that one involved the DeviantArt website, I'll demur until I get home.
for an example: Momo from Questionable Content used to have a chibi chassis
@Aarthi When does pintsize get his upgrade?
Social Workers tend to be awfully straight-laced about anything remotely pornographic showing up on anyone's screens.
/me goes to bed - laters
@Adrian The only abnormal sexual behavior is none at all.
good approximation of chibi style
(I'm a freudian FREAK)
@voretaq7 try convincing 250 mental health case managers of that one. All they see is crazy people all day, and it rubs off on them.
@voretaq7 s/freudian //
@Adrian the crazy is highly contagious
@voretaq7 oh hell yes. I do fear that some has gotten to me too.
@voretaq7 It obviously got to my boss too. I was given authority to make all necessary technical decisions over the day to day operations...provided that none of them cost any money. Ever.
@Adrian mmhmm, ok then
we're closed. Get the fuck out!
you don't get to decide that
what? being closed costs no money, ever!
@voretaq7 Yes. I do think that's a grand idea.
it also makes no money
but they weren't specific about that part
@voretaq7 we're a non-profit. we only spend it.
There is now a vast wasteland of closed, locked, or deleted questions.
@Aarthi Look, you're welcome to stay, but the herd of Alots will be arriving in the morning, and you know how cranky they can be after being cooped up in a container car for months with the Alot of Garbage...
(by popular demand we left the Alot of Screaming Children on the disney-bound JetBlue flight - no need to thank me)
I figured you left them at the front of the XKCD-designed movie theater.
you mean The Oatmeal
That is perhaps the best image I've seen all day.
yes so i saw
Time to brave a Metro full to the brim with Nationals fans. Wish me luck.
@voretaq7 bite
5 mins ago, by voretaq7
@Aarthi http://theoatmeal.com/comics/cats_actually_kill
@Aarthi Yesh, exactly.
I love Oatmeal. Unsurprisingly, he's a fellow Seattle-ite. I think we're all a little crazy here.
Q: Any cross-platform two-panel file manager?

Eye of HellUsing a two-panel file manager really helps for some file operations. Midnight Commander is available for any Linux distribution. There's Servant Salamander for Windows. I have also looked at Total Commander. Mucommander is pretty good, except that it lacks file search (which I require). Is...

all those tags are wrong/bad
did we ever talk about and ?
@Aarthi & ? :)
@voretaq7 The goes from to , bringing along ..... ?
@freiheit dum maus...
should be ? NEVERMIND
@Aarthi probably, but someone probably entered the merge backwards back in prehistory :P
so it would seem
i blame @sysadmin1138
@Aarthi IDK what to do about keyboard & mouse BTW
that's just a nest of bad right there
@voretaq7 if we wanna talk nest of bad:
@Aarthi ?
[tag:reinstall] [tag:boot] [tag:customization] [tag:command-line] [tag:freezing] [tag:dvd] [tag:standards] [tag:training] [tag:program] [tag:basics] [tag:advertising] [tag:education] [tag:library] [tag:package] [tag:system] [tag:mapping] [tag:mapping] [tag:internet] [tag:login] [tag:upload]

[tag:packetloss] [tag:im] [tag:remote] [tag:connection] [tag:business] [tag:time-management] [tag:analysis] [tag:deploy] [tag:forms] [tag:service] [tag:printer] [tag:connection] [tag:connectivity] [tag:theory] [tag:task] [tag:folder] [tag:load] [tag:tape] [tag:limits] [tag:logging] [tag:link] [tag:color
i'm working on removing dupes and cross-checking that list. then I'll alphabetize and submit
@Aarthi you left out :P
That's so bad, markdown won't even touch it.
@voretaq7 I'm SO going to post a question with that tag just to mess with you. =)
they're getting bad again. I think they stay up late drinking and then just migrate questions while they're blotto
I'm out of close votes today, and I never even got to /review!
and now they need 4 drunks to migrate. I'm afraid if we make it require all 5 we'll be responsible for an epidemic of alcoholic programmers
So how does one get more close votes? Does the number go up if you keep running out?
There's 1200+ in my queue....
@Adrian If I remember right it's rep based.
@voretaq7 Damn. I have to put 2 hours a day into answering questions AND 2 hours a day into reviewing crappy questions?
@Adrian you should put 26 hours a day into SF :P
@voretaq7 Which I gladly would if I didn't have to support myself.
I dunno, I seem to have had only 24 close votes since I first got close votes.
OTOH, I'm getting extra "inform moderator flags" regularly, and have no use for them.
@MichaelHampton I might be confusing close votes and mod flags, or smoking crack
eat, vote, and be merry - for tomorrow they migrate more to us
@voretaq7 I'm pretty sure they're migrating more crap than we have votes to close with.
@voretaq7 What is the deal with the stupid newly released oatmeal book only working on Amazon hardware, and not on the iPad or anything else...
@Zoredache iono, I'm not his publisher, I just like his comics :P
@voretaq7 stupid publisher is an oxymoron.
A: The bad tag collection

Jeff FerlandI wrote a query a little over a month ago that sorts tags based upon their closure ratio. Some of them are legitimate tags (nntp seems like a keeper), but most are just signs of poor tag choices or topics that don't apply to this site. For posterity and clickability, below are the top 100 at the...

@Aarthi <murloc sound>
@voretaq7 lol
enjoy the....100ish new tags i found
Most of those look bad, a few look like they could be merged with another
voretaq7 rants about the OOM killer, volume 42
on that note, it's go(home) time.
You have no more close votes today; come back in 59 minutes
You may cast up to 24 close votes per day. (50 on Stack Overflow.)
So that's the problem.
dude, even I have that limit
I run out of close votes on just stuff that's posted during the day, and only if I'm halfway keeping an eye on the site. ... Oh wait, I'm just gonna go post on meta.
@Aarthi Fix that, mkay?
lulz he says to a nondev
Come on, it's like a 5 minute DevOps fix.
all joking aside: no one gets more close votes than that
shrug it is what it is
you summoned
it is done
cc: @Iain @sysadmin1138 @voretaq7 @MarkHenderson @ChrisS @JeffFerland
@Aarthi You can do it! I believe in you!!
What monster have I created?!Jeff Ferland 56 secs ago
@JeffFerland :D
what can i say
i'm really good at finding your shitty tags
not that it's hard
Yes, but handling them is... burdensome :)
they're orphaned
@Aarthi And some are so shitty that there's no not-shitty tag to attach to them.
[tag: not-shitty]
Can't do much there for about 45 minutes
i'm just about done
/me checks to see if he's about to retag something that was deleted
i will be around for about another hour, though
Well, I did vote to delete some of those.
OK, we deleted interview. I don't know what else to tag this:
Q: How to interview a sysadmin candidate?

splattneWhat kinds of questions would you ask and what scenarios would you describe, what kinds of answers would you look for? I don't ask for specific questions. I would like to know which interview strategy is good for selecting candidates who are qualified for the job.

It's one of those historical type questions
Which should also be blown-up, IMHO
probs, yeah...
There's a SE site for that stuff now.
"It's untagged" "Let's re-tag it with what we just deleted!"
they wouldn't want that question migrated, though
it should stay here, with the historical lock
skills or tools
I wouldn't propose to migrate them.
@Aarthi And baleeted with the historical cannon?
Looksl like it fits
Yes, Rico. Boom Boom,
A lot of us try to avoid migrating things at all; we'll only vote-to-migrate really good questions or the worst question Super User has ever seen... :)
@Aarthi Have you set markdown on them to insure they're sufficiently choked?
@WesleyDavid Good Afternoon, Little Kitty.
@JeffFerland ?
Q: Importing about millions of contacts into outlook

TejasI have a CSV file containing about a lot of email IDs(of the order of tens of millions). I want them in my Outlook. But when I try to import them, Outlook crashes every time. So is there any trick/shortcut by which I can get them in my Outlook?

@MichaelHampton yay! That Q was an impressive shit-show.
I actually voted to migrate that.
Flag -> remove
@Adrian Sup, ganstah
@WesleyDavid Waiting for Joel to get done with class so I can figure out where I'm gonna go pour a pint into him.
@Adrian That's been seriously sanitized. I may have to get to 10K on SU just so I can read the deleted answers.
@Adrian I suggest the mouth.
@MichaelHampton No, dude. Don't do it. Stay with the Light!
@84104 Well, beggars can't be choosers. =D
Crap, another one I can't VTC
@Adrian Can you gchat me at [email protected]
Interesting. You can't upvote of flag comments that were migrated over with the question.
@JoelESalas Sweet. Will do.
My colleague and i are preparing to head out
Lemme figure out HowTF GTalk works these days. It used to be integrated into my Google Voice. =0
i'm dropping out too
Sheesh. I haven't used GTalk since last December on my Droid. Stupid thing just works on the Droid1.
@JoelESalas I can't get the damn 2-factor auth to work for GTalk
Stupid iPrecious.
Sent you my phone #.
I guess I'm an old fart, I mostly use the phone for voice & text
I can't ssh in. The hell? :iptables teaking: I can't ssh in! :SELinux tweaking: I CAN'T SSH IN!!!
Just got this in email. You might find it funny.
We wanted to inform everyone that our third Central Backup server failed about 7 days ago. Unfortunately the cause as to why it has failed is still being looked into, but, in the meantime we have replaced the server and it is back online and accepting backups once more.

Since Chicago Central Backup 3 failed, the backups were lost on it. We are working on recovering the backups from the old server, but we are not sure we can recover them.

Our recommendation is if you had a backup on Chicago Central Backup 3 to recreate it. We are working pulling all of the old backups from your profile.
chkconfig | grep ssh ... oh. -.-
@MichaelHampton Lesson: Backup your backups?
ensure => running
@WesleyDavid That's pretty much the story from Lunarpages. They don't do backups of user data, you have to.
I started laughing at about 7 days ago.
11 minutes to more close votes.....
Yeah, that's when we get to close all the crap posted in the last couple of hours.
@WesleyDavid I don't have a backup on "Chicago Central Backup 3". I know better than that.
@WesleyDavid That's ok. I messed up my IPv6 with a non-existant default route. I ssh'd in and accidentally removed my IPv4 default route.
@JeffFerland And it came back in 30 minutes because you automate the configuration of your NICs with Puppet, right?
I have never been burben that way (no more connection)
@Adrian How do you suppose Puppet will pull its configuration?
I do usually start a delayed reboot in case I mess up.

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