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@coredump Is that song just now making it down your way?
@packs HAR HAR HAR :| No, just remembered it.
Hello guys
@packs wow thats quite evil but funny too
So, @coredump, on which gopher server did you find the link to SF? :)
this is by far most amazing chatroom design ever
@packs I figured he found it on UseNet?
@fmysky except that it doesn't have an IRC gateway :)
@ErikA What is it with people and IRC?
@Jacob it's like a chatroom on steroids. Yes, this is a very good chatroom as far as web-based chats go, but it lacks a ton of features compared to IRC.
@Jacob if you've never spent a decent amount of time on IRC, you probably won't understand.
@ErikA I've been on IRC, but I kinda like this web interface better
I can keep my irc client, irssi, running in a GNU screen session, so I can attach and detach to it whenever I want, without actually signing out of the room. I can set up custom triggers, notifications, logging, automatic actions, etc.
The awesomeness of this chat room is what springed me on that:
Q: StackExchange/campfire like chat app or server

coredumpSo I spend a lot of time at the Comms Room here in the SF chat, and I absolutely love the interface. It's a proprietary software, so, anyone know any open or free alternative that even begins to look like the SE chat? I searched before posting and most of the questions are solved using jabber. I...

@packs we use monkeynet over ethervines...
and with IRC, one can choose a client of their liking (though I'm not sure why anyone would choose anything other than irssi) :)
BitchX, bitches!
Ok, is it too bad to comment on 2 answers to the same question that are advertising the use of webmin? I never posted comments against something, but webmin is too much
yah, webmin is bad.
of course, it's probably been 8 years since I've touched it.
@coredump which one?
@ErikA, yeah irc is better but this is enough for the purpose
Q: How to save cost when using Amazon instance

Let's say I have a linux instance in Amazon and I save everything in the EBS. I only need to use the instance a few times in a month therefore, normally I will "stop" the instance and "start" it when I need to use it. Beside this, I wonder if there is any further way to save more cost? The EBS i...

Superuser dumped the trash...
Why won't Itunes play music from my file server? it pulls it to the local HDD, anyone know how to get it to stop?
@Jacob cause you have it set to "keep my iTunes music organized" I'd guess.
iTunes really isn't meant to deal well with remote libraries, though.
...one (of many) unfortunate things about the software
@ErikA bah lets see if Zune runs over Wine god I hope so
I added a response instead of commenting about Webmin. Seemed more sensible to provide alternatives before bashing the tool.
@coredump well done.
@Jacob was you or @hobodave that said something about having a good understanding of nginx?
have an upboat
@coredump Personally opsview>zabbix
@coredump I am decent in Nginx
I like zabbix because it's russian. Or Ukrainian.
@Jacob take a look at this question. I found it intriguing and if you have a way to make it work I would love to know.
Q: How to disable Nginx logging for localhost or certain ip?

user73254Ive got several sections in my nginx config, fcgi for php, upstream for certain URLs etc and I want the nginx.log file to no log anything for any query coming from localhost as internal processes just flood it and then get processed by cron scripts. Any ideas? Ive tried this is it ignores it. ...

Also, the "If is Evil" page of NginX site is nice
@coredump I thought you were Brazilian?
@Jacob I am. Russians and Brazilians have much in common :)
@coredump really I am fluent in English German and Written Latin. I should learn Spanish
@Jacob how's that pfSense working out for you?
@ErikA Good
@Jacob written latin? Did you went to a convent or something? :P Learn Chinese. The future is Chinese.
Did you get OpenVPN working?
@Jacob tell me about opsview
Another derived of Nagios
L2TP didn't work... So I am running PPTP until I get some time to run OpenVPN
Nagios FTW. Love that stuff.
Nagios seems to be an unanimity, mainly on the part of forking it to do something prettier.
My relationship with nagios is well known to all of you right :)
@coredump don't believe so
@coredump No? Yeah, but it has a much better UI and front end
We are deciding on server density and Opsview
@coredump ohhh yeah haha
One thing I like in zabbix is the monitoring/alerting/graph'ing capacities
I've had no complains with Opsview
SMS and all
Icing is another Nagios derivative that seems nice
@coredump correction Opsview charges for SMS
and is it hosted or paid?
No paid tool enters my networks without a really great justification
@coredump Its free or enterprise... and self hosted
@coredump enterprise really doesn't mean much
@coredump I decide what products we use hehe
You know another thing I suffer? Ticketing/incident reporting
I use OTRS, but I LOATHE the thing
@coredump I cant remember our tool
but its FOSS
Request Tracker?
@coredump RT is pretty nice.
@ErikA I like it. I customized RT on my last workplace and it was great.
I don't know, why every ticketing system is written in the devil's language with satan's dialect? (Perl OOP)
agreed. We're running a commercial one (which I believe is an RT descendent), and it's all sorts of nasty perl as well.
Perl is write only, OOP Perl is like... a clusterfuc*
I am even thinking in starting a project and making a real simple ticketing system on Python.
after being involved here at SF, I get so frustrated when trying to participate on a "normal" vBulletin or phpBB forum.
...for instance when you see a bad answer and you want to go fix, but can't.
like, it opens and closes tickets, it scales the ticket after a certain time, it allows a ticket to be 'authorized' by a manager and supports basic change management.
@ErikA yeah, I must admit I am a late comer to the SE sites (I only knew Stack Overflow and never cared much), but SF got me hooked
@coredump may be irc can handle it better
@coredump would it be FOSS?
@fmysky handle what? The chat, ticketing, monitoring or the SF site? I talked a lot tonight sorry :)
@Jacob All code I write is GPL :)
@coredump I'd contribute...
I'm trying to write a multiline block quote using >, but carriage returns are not recognised. The lines are appended to each other.
(This is when I want to write a new question)
@coredump for useless security reasons most of code is on my Mac or my bosses PC only :(
@steve paste the quote and use the toolbar button to see if you are doing something weird on the markup
@coredump SF site
> Options +FollowSymlinks
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?steve\.doig\.com\.au/wordpress/$ [NC]
> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.superlogical.net/$1 [R=301,L]
@fmysky Are you saying that IRC is better than the SF site?
Q: mod_rewrite beginner

Patricklet's say that i have the following directory structure site lib versions /1.0 /application /library /public and my site root is mydomain.com i would like all request to mydomain.com to be redirected to mydomain.com/versions/1.0/public , whilst keeping the request url to myd...

Aren't we all beginners on mod_rewrite? :P
@Steve Have you posted on the main site, it'll get more attention?
OK. Thanks.
@coredump not at all. but i think irc could be..how do i say it, more agile?
@Jacob unless I have a contract or a specific order from higher powers to write non-gpl code, I don't see why my personal projects can't be.
@fmysky The site has it's advantages: you can "ask and forget" and check back later, you can access it easily (IRC sometimes is blocked), the site markup allows real documentation to be written, etc.
@coredump Well most of my stuff lately has been little company stuff
@fmysky IRC has its advantages too.
@Jacob /sadface
@coredump true
And you don't get badges for IRC
I like badges.
I am solidly going to my 100 consecutive days one. 27 right now. If I lose it I will lose it.
some SF wiki pages are more valuable than anything else
I am posting it on the main site, but the preview does not recognise carriage returns in my block quote.
Can anyone here edit my post?
Q: .htaccess to rewrite migrated Wordpress site

SteveHi. I've moved my Wordpress from one domain to another, and I want the use .htaccess 301 redirects to redirect posts on the old domain to posts on the new domain. My webhost suggested I try the following: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?steve.do...

@Steve check now
Thanks mate, fixed. What did you do?
@steve removed the > and added four whitespaces before each line to make it a code block
Ah, thanks.
> are more to text quotes, like quoting from the documentation. Also both blocks don't have any visibly difference.
btw there was a meta question about that, adding difference to block quotes and code blocks
K. Do you know the answer to my question?
It's stumped my web hosts.
@Steve answered there. Give it a try.
Q: Request to add visual difference between blockquotes and code blocks

hobodaveIt has always irked my inner aesthetic nazi that code blocks are indistinguishable* from blockquotes at first glance. See my recent answer for an example. I'm picturing something like this: *Yes, I know that code is monospace and blockquotes are not.

@coredump Brilliant, that fixed it mate. Headache solved.
@Steve np
@Steve can you accept the answer? :P
In 3 minutes I can.
Damn newbie limitations. :-(
Use the site more :)
anyone think some(most?) amount of problems at SF can be solved by reading those lengthy man pages or docs?
@fmysky there are some questions that are really beginner stuff, but not most.
There are also the repeating questions. Reverse proxying, mod_rewrite, etc
@coredump true
Everyone think their problem is unique, but not really.
best thing about SF is everyone benefits in some way or the other
"When I die I want Charlie Sheen's life to flash before my eyes" is the best quote of this week
Hey guys
5 hours later…
I have conquered mysql
was the end boss difficult to defeat?
I had to slay the magic literal
A: Why is this MySQL FULLTEXT query returning 0 rows when matching rows are present?

hobodaveThe behavior you see is by design. When using the natural language query (NLQ) if the total number of documents containing the term is greater than 2 million, then the weight will be 0. This is done on the following lines of /storage/myisam/ft_nlq_search.c: gweight=word->weight*GWS_IN_USE; i...

@hobodave so...I've got this question about transaction truncation...
@Chopper3 for serious?
@hobodave no, not at all
heh :)
I typed BEGIN TRANSACTION in this chat earlier today. Now I can be as rude as I like...
It's like the dagger of time.
TomToms on form today
Q: Linux Mail servers over Windows Mail servers..

NoviceSysAdminhey guyz, am new in systems administration and the org am in has been using exchange 2003 for lyk forever,i thot i would change the systems to a linux server basically to cut l

@sam that's mild
@Iain i'm just impressed with the effort, I was just going to leave a snarky comment but he has the commitment to go the whole way and write half a page of vitriol
yeah I understand - I wrote a snarky comment then thought better of it and put a flag o it
The problem I have with TomTom is that he's very often right, it's just the "Hammer-of-TomTom-Rightousness"© he uses
In that particular case the question deserved the vitriol
oh I agree, it deserved it!
and you guys gave me a hard time :P
Good morrow SysAdmin's and other lesser beings ;)
Good slacker morning.
I've become slightly obsessed with this website; couponsherpa.com/ask-coupon-sherpa/…
Blimey. I'm fibrillating just looking at that...
I'm salavating
I almost went to Denny's Beer Barrel Pub the last time I was in the US. We had to cancel because my friend overdid it at a Brazilian steakhouse two days before.
Hello guys
A: Cannot access websites hosted in China

JacobWe need so much more info than this, without knowing if you have shared,VPS, or dedicated, the host. I can only guess that non-Chinese IPs are getting blocked by the host or possibly some transit provider. About the only thing you can do is talk to your host.

Seems simple to me - ask the Chinese authorities
@Iain Yeah, they're most likely at his door now... :)
wb.mysql.com - Error establishing a database connection. Hmm.
Here's a mountain bike race in Chile, see if you can watch it without saying 'fuck' under your breath at least once; vimeo.com/9970489
ooh, think I've seen that one.
minor chuckle at the english guy at the end
and the rather mental jump just before the finish line
Like the loose dog as roaming obstacle.
oh hai i can haz exchange replacement in linux plz kthxbai
@RobertMoir heh - TomTom got his teeth into that one.
oh yeah :-)
Hello, fellas
good ${time_of_day}
@tombull89 - can't say i blame him either. Sometimes its handy to be able to set a rottweiler on someone
Hi Folks
looking at that website @chopper3 posted earlier and i have to ask, why on earth do people abuse their bodies that way
@RobertMoir true. I can't tell if it was a troll attempt or someone with poor spelling and concept ideas - the last line makes no sense to me "linux server basically to cut l "
@RobertMoir it's tasty
oh there's some tasty goodies up there but you'd stop enjoying the burger after the first couple of pounds of meat right
@RobertMoir: Depends what you do with it afterwards. Apparently, Micahel Phelps was putting away 17,000 calroies/day during the peak of his training schedule.
(not that there's many Phelps lookalikes on that site...)
@smallclanger, thats impressive but i bet he didn't eat it all in one massive wad of meat and dough
There I go, work in the middle of a extended holiday
i mean i could see ordering one of those massive burgers to share, especially for the novelty of it (and believe me, I am not a skinny person or an especially light eater) but i'd just be ill trying to eat something like.. .well.. any of those
Actaully it wasn't that far off. He was stuffing his face with massive pizzas and fried eggs and mayonnaise. All sorts of junk as it was the most efficient way to get the energy in.
god bless his guts
you'd probably stop the plumbing up the day...well next couple of days.. after one of those challenges too
@SmallClanger My son is a rower and has to eat between 10,000 and 12,000 calories a day when training hard
Got to be hard to wind your metabolism down after that kind of intake/expenditure.
@Chopper3 I have a cyclist friend like that. Intellectually I understand the why and how, but it unnerves me a little.
uh huh
I had a bit of a rant on
A: SMTP host name vs. domain in "From:" address vis-a-vis Email Deliverability

SmallClangerNote: There's some opinionated ranting in this. You're free to ignore it :) Ok, this is email we're talking about, so we should start by saying there is simply no way to guarantee deliverability of a message. SMTP was devised in a quieter, more trusting time. Since then, many people have implem...

@SmallClanger when he gets back he's either a) full of beans or b) utterly shattered - never anywhere in between - the Olympic water sports are being held in Weymouth which isn't too far from us - he's going to be helping out down there for the 2/3 weeks
I'm hoping to hide in a bunker for all of the Olympics. :)
good post smallclanger +1 for the point that its not possible to guarantee delivery period alone, though the rest of it is good reading too
that page of challenges has caused much lively discussion at the office
we're quite taken with the curry challenge right down the list
@RobertMoir: Thanks. I hated having to put SPF in place, but too many of our mails were bouncing (or worse, being blackholed) as a result of not having it.
i hear that
and you're totally right in what you say in your reply imo
Cool. Wasn't sure if this was the place for these kind of rants, but it was hard to resist.
wow - can't remember the last time I had a chance to just sit there and answer some questions without the "red flag of mod interuption" appearing :)
@SmallClanger thats not really a rant it would barely register on the TomTom scale
heh, TomTom scale. 0 - minor rant. 12 - nuclear, post and poster barely survives
noooo 2 TomToms is sufficient to cause a singularity 12 would end the universe
a µTT would cause most people to cringe
:p so what was the most recent one? That's one of the highest level TomTom's I've seen.
The worst got flagged into obscurity
not the first time you've had a TomTom conversation recently?
17 hours ago, by Iain
2 Tom Tom would cause a singularity and then we'd all be sucked into it.
no, I was just wondering if he's been on holiday or busy as we haven't seen much of him recently
To be fair to TomTom, that post was one of the clearest examples of "Oh my god, you should not be in charge of your company's IT" I've seen, yet.
but like others he could had just flagged it
yeah but that ain't how he rolls is it
I appear have installed a server with the default language set to Nigerian
@ITHedgeHog great :P
lol, yeah - fun - in the same way stubbing my toe is fun
I recently had to set up a server for the QA team using the russian language, that was done mostly by remembering where buttons where and guess work
All my servers are installed in a foreign language (portuguese). We are used to it now.
@coredump Aren't you from Brazil?
@ChrisS yes... and that's the joke I tried to make :P
i know that it's bad to get offtopic here, but Those Dancing Days is releasing a new album today and their music is sooo good
OIC, too early for jokes, caffeine hasn't kicked in yet.
@fmysky said last night that most of the questions here would be answered by a good man reading. I didn't agree with him on the 'most' part, but sometimes I doubt it
Q: calling a different python interpreter from bash command line

Dennis DanielsI have python 2.7 installed [user@localhost google_appengine]$ python Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Sep 16 2010, 18:03:06) [GCC 4.5.1 20100907 (Red Hat 4.5.1-3)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. I want to use the python 2.5.2 that is in this director...

Like, c'mon, it's basic shell
\o/ time to celebrate, our Hyper-V server just hit 6% CPU Usage. That's the most we've ever demanded form it =P
@coredump Yes, basic shell - but its easier to ask on SF than it is to read man
Yay, my MCITP upgrade books just arrived, I can get on and fill my time with that joy!
@Sam Sometimes those books are a really good read. It does depend a lot on the author (and the publisher's page minimum...). I learned a few new tricks studying for my MCIPTs.
hopefully so, to be honest I don't mind doing them, it's finding the time to fit in some study, I have to do it in reasonable chunks of time, trying to just pick bits up when I have 10 minutes spare doesn't seem to work for me
@coredump: I took "Good man reading" in a similar way to "Dead man walking". Was wondering who this 'Good man' was...
Whenever I consider moving into a more development-type role, I have to think of things like this to remember how much better being a sysadmin can be: thedailywtf.com/Articles/…
what's MCITP?
@coredump Microsoft Certified IT Professional
Microsoft Certified IT professional, it the replacement for the MCSE
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) is a program of Professional certifications awarded by Microsoft. Individual certifications are awarded upon passing of one or more exams. The MCP program itself is designed for both IT Professionals and developers. Beneath the MCP program is a variety of more targeted and focused certifications (e.g. Microsoft Certified IT Professional, etc). Like Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Red Hat, Sun and Ubuntu programs, the certifications mainly focus on their respective product, as opposed to employment aptitude tests designed for programmer trainee jobs. These b...
@Sam MCSE, MCSA, and just about every other MC there ever was.
well, that's one way to lose $424 million...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_(satellite)
@Iszi true, i'm doing it to upgrade my MCSE
@tombull89 Yeah, that sucked. Reminds me that I meant to check on the X-37 launch...
Looks like it went on Saturday. spaceflightnow.com/atlas/av026
@Iszi I know someone who went to work in a project where the x-37 is one of the outputs, he's told me SO little about the project
@Chopper3 did you edit the link to Wikipedia? It doesn't work properly...
no, not at all - in fact the only edits I ever make to wikipedia are stupid random ones, like adding to z-list celebs bios that they have a cat called "Mister Crazylegs"
@Chopper3 I think @tombull89 is referring to the link you pasted. It's missing the close-parenthesis.
@Iszi yes, that's it.
The Glory satellite was a planned NASA satellite mission that would have collected data on the chemical, micro-physical and optical properties—and the spatial and temporal distributions—of aerosols, and would have collected solar irradiance data for the long-term climate record. The science focus areas served by Glory included: atmospheric composition; carbon cycle, ecosystems, and biogeochemistry; climate variability and change; and water and energy cycles. The satellite was lost on March 4, 2011, when its Taurus XL carrier rocket malfunctioned. The cost of the satellite was US$424 mi...
SEC seems to have eaten it.
No, I just fixed "loose vs. lose"
hm...maybe I didn't copy the entire link then.
no worries, Iszi got the thing right.
love the x-37 though, got cross-range so can go a single polar orbit trip :)
Hey, what's that function that drops the image, Wikipedia, and other previews in here called anyway?
I wanna post a feature request to have it support secure Wikipedia pages.
@Iszi Oneboxing
@Zypher Thanks
@ChrisS Am I reading that right? 17 Exabytes?
@Iszi They mounted The Cloud for local storage.
Just finished my UK Census form - quite fun actually
@jscott Hm. In that case, it seems a little on the smallish side.
I don't have one yet
@Iszi The Cloud uses thin provisioning so it only seems small.
@Iain mine only came this morning, very easy but have you seen all the stuff about non just going with CofE?
I saw something on the news about the humanist's advertising being pulled as it may offend
did it? didn't see that, basically as so many people just default to CofE it gives the religious right all the power they want, so there's a big campaign to say "no religion" if that's actually the case rather than just defaulting to CofE
and thought Holy Mary mother of the divine Jesus what are we coming too
@Chopper3 did you go with Jedi instead?
@Chopper3 thats the one
I will go with atheist as usual
@Sam no, that's what I'm saying, all these faith schools etc are supported by the millions of people who put CofE when they really mean 'nothing'
I did too
Jedi or Atheist ?
"No religion" is what the form says
So on the online version do you have to pick from a list of religions or is it free text?
didn't know there was an online version to be honest, the paper one has a list and an 'other' section you could fill in with whatever
ah right fair enough
In that case I may be for the restoration of the Norse gods
I do agree that defaulting to CofE just to make sure you don't get smoted on the off chance is only helping the CofE get more power than it deserves
@ian good one
@Sam ironically it's not the CofE it helps at all, but people like Reg Vardy and all the really dangerous botherers
@Chopper3 a very good point
hadn't spotted that, cheers
pity pauska's not around I think it was Norway that was the first country to go over 75% in their last census
Norway is a creeeeeepy place
???? it's a lovely place
everywhere has its weirdos I guess
@Chopper3 the black metal bands from norway are done with weirdness, they are something else :)
@coredump Eh... most of them are just imitating what the original black metal bands did. The church burners and such are like the real religious fanatics that hate christianity, not necessarily black metal bands as a whole.
But they sure do make some cool music ;).
@coredump So Norway has church burnings by metal heads, we've got Cross burnings by racists..... Tomatoes, potatoes, that sort of thing.
and guns, don't forget the guns :)
@packs "we" who, paleface :)
@Chopper3 I would kill for sensible gun control laws. Seriously, who do I have to kill? I'll do it right now - one life for thousands kinda thing :-/
I only have high kidnapping and drug killing rates
@coredump we have high everything. including people most of the time...
@coredump You make our oxygen so I'll be nice to you
Hey Nokia, can you stop failing please
@Chopper3 and don't forget the water. When all the else fails, US will say we have weapons of mass destruction and invade to get our water.
there won't be a US when the water runs out though, that'll go when the oil runs out
Now India and bits of China, they'll run out of water a lot sooner, a third of the world relies on water that originates in the Himalayas, that'll be the mountain range whose rainfall has been most affected by global warming
@Chopper3 Guns are a weird thing over here. I only actually know a handful of people with guns.
@packs me too
@packs I love guns. I wanted one. Then everytime I think of that I think on my kid at home and the implications of having a gun, so I stop thinking about the subject.
But then I know of families who have enough to be their own private army and stock ammo up to their legal maximum.
@coredump I just don't see much of a reason to have one. I don't hunt, and I don't really feel like I need it for the 'protection' aspect.
I got to shoot an M16 in Vegas once though, astonishingly fun, grinning like an idiot for about 4 hours
@Chopper3 I can imagine. While I didn't get to shot it, holding a .50 Desert Eagle AE felt....manly.
Dude gave me some spiel about how it's too expensive to shoot, or some bullshit.
It's certainly not a practical weapon.
@packs maybe they are stocking up for the Zombie Apocalypse?
@Chopper3 3 shot burst or semi-auto?
short bursts :(
3 I think
Hah. I can see that in The Wire. "Bitch was going to get a cap in his ass, but have you any idea how much bullets cost these days?"
@tombull89 Well....I'm going to do my best to avoid politics in this statement, but the stocking up started happening during the last stages of a recent US national election.
@SmallClanger On the plus side, it only takes one per person. Fewer if they line up first.
@Chopper3 yea, they uhh don't make them in full auto anyomore even for the military
at least in the 'A2' version
you can only do 3 round burst or semi-auto
but 3 round burst is fun :)
hell semi auto is fun with those guys

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