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@Dan Back row, green with white polka dots.
@ChrisS Nice play!
Man, I must only have been 20 then
@Dan 19; short of 20 by a few months.
Or is that date in Euro format??
I hate whoever came up with the bass-akward US date format.
@ChrisS You made me recheck that! Yeah, Euro format, or what I like to call "logical"
Yeah; "Logical", "sensical", "reasonable".. They all pretty much fit, though I prefer yyyy-mm-dd if I have a choice.
The one in the photo is easier to read for me,but I can handle anything so long as it's in unit order
Right, I'm going to relocate to the restaurant where hopefully they'll have a plug socket
MOAR Sysadmins!
@ChrisS the days I have spent figuring out how to reformat dates in my scripts because of all the possible ways to write them
Updated the link, can you not see that?
@KyleBrandt That works
I is bac
too bad I'm not senior and not an admin :p
@KyleBrandt Which is all cool except that I have no desire ever to go within hailing range of New York
@KyleBrandt Another?! Did you push Bart off the roof? Haven't heard form him in a while.
He is chained to the racks
@KyleBrandt Kinky
spanking with TP?
@Adrian cough Stack Exchange New York, NY (telecommute) (relocation offered) cough
@Zypher I saw that. Too many people there. I'd have panic attacks upon getting off the plane.
I'm sure you're all wonderful people there in NY. That many people in one place scares the living shit out of me
@Adrian telecommute - telecommute
There's a wonderful little 'town' in Central Oregon. There's 17 people living there. The average population density is 1.7 people per square-mile. Sounds like heaven to me.
@Zypher Will you let me relocate from the UK?
@Dan ask @KyleBrandt he gets to deal w/ that crap :)
aaand buck passed
@LucasKauffman Well, there's that aspect. Now that I've actually spent 8-10 months hanging out with you guys, I realize I'm not possessing of a senior skillset either.
That's the problem in this town though. Only hiring Entry level help desk techs or senior with a resume 8 pages long and 15 years experience with 5 years of experience in 7 different niches.
@Zypher Haha, wish I could even consider it
@Zypher Aren't you guys mostly a Windows shop and moving that way with anything that isn't already?
@Adrian I know that one, got very lucky with my current job :p
@Adrian about 60/40 windows/linux
been pretty consistent at the persentage since i started about 2 years ago (yikes!)
@Zypher Ah, from the big boss' blog posts about being a Windows shop, I'd assuming it was 80/20 and rapidly going 100/0.
@Zypher what services are linux and which are windows?
@Adrian I've been doing IT work for nearly 15 years and I certainly feel old, but not senior. :]
@Dan Pretty sure that would be fine
@LucasKauffman all core Q&A services are windows
LB's are Centos, Redis caching in Centos
@ChrisS Yeah. About the same here. Spent about half of it stuck in low-skill positions with no real mentoring. I have a lot of stuff to catch up on
@Adrian nah, we are more about right tool for the job than philosophical choices
utilty servers are a mix of windows/linux depending on what works best
@Zypher Well, that's a fairly good philosophical choice right there when you get down to it. But I'm definitely not your man for a heavy Windows position.
haha fair nuff :)
First devs picked .NET, that is really what is what about
Oddly, there's damn little observed crossover in this town. Most of the Windows people won't touch Linux and vice-versa.
@KyleBrandt I hear that. at $job[-1] they picked Perl and Oracle. What a mess that company turned into.
@Adrian As a Windows admin I'd find it very hard to learn Linux to a point where I could be marketable with it. The only Linux based systems I use are ESXi, XenServer and the odd virtual appliance
NYC sux.
One more week and a day here...
@Dan try being familiar with a different *nix OS then trying to remember the differences. It's like dating identical twins, you go to pick one up for a date and can't tell which one opened the door.
@ChrisS Haha, superb analogy
@chriss @dan The Rosetta Stone cures all.
@Dan The more I work with it the more I realize that @mdmarra is exactly right. If you try and admin Windows like a Linux network, it's an unholy mess.
@ChrisS Just remember one thing - always use pkill instead of killall
Fsck. Just figured out that they ran one of our DSL lines through the fire panel for the building.
@MikeyB killall -9, duh
Can't disconnect for service change without the alarm going off and the fire dept. rolling trucks.
ANyone have a clue on this output?
@Adrian They're very different philosophies - likewise the other way, whenever I deal with Linux I just try and forget Windows altogether
core-4507#ping repeat 1000

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 29 percent (299/1000), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/8 ms
@MikeyB I use killall on a regular basis... Especially killall -u chris
@ChrisS Not kill -9 -1 as the user?
@JeffFerland Best part of that what-if: It assumes there are 300 billion birds in the world. This number comes from the best-titled source ever—“How many birds are there?”, an actual academic paper published in 1996 in the journal Biodiversity and Conservation.
@ChrisS aye. use that all the time here for killing stray Gnome processes that lost their SSH tunnel to the user's LTSP terminal.
@KyleBrandt Your timing sucks
@JeffFerland Life's a B, then you die. =]
Well hell. I'm hiring too. Can I pin it? jobvite.com/m?3M9Zsfw6
@JeffFerland Yes, if you put it on careers.stackoverflow.com
@KyleBrandt again?!
@KyleBrandt . . . god, you didn't leave Bart in the underfloor without food, did you?
@Dan yeeey 5k
@voretaq7: I heard your current company is thinking of firing you through the grapvine, better apply just in case
@ChrisS I've been trying to get them to fork $$$ for careers. I think I might just expense it. << >> <<
@KyleBrandt I hate when I get fired by the grapevine. I much prefer security just hauling my ass out.
@LucasKauffman Wicked cool :D
@JeffFerland what if the grapevine is security (prehensile vines!)
@voretaq7 Then it sounds too much like NSFW things from 4chan.
@KyleBrandt you guys are a windows shop - I'd have to hide out with the haproxy servers and try to be unnoticed :-/
@JeffFerland there are things on 4chan that aren't nsfw?
@JeffFerland ---X--- is <s>X</s> in chat
@voretaq7 and again I say fuck mark up down with a rake. (That would be one word, but fuck markdown)
Markdown is inconsistent. and incontinent. and intolerable. and lots of other in-things
@JeffFerland You don't fuck markdown, markdown fucks you.
@kyle Careers.SE is still working for me...
but people are slightly late...
@Dan ...with a power rake
@voretaq7 Truth right here, bro
Three companies this week called because they passed on me earlier in the summer and are now looking again. Seems to be an uptick in engineer jobs.
@ewwhite well that's a good thing for us I guess :)
@voretaq7 Not sure to be offended or not...
@ewwhite Speaking of, trying to figure out if this is rude:
# All specified updates must be in the same directory (.)
@ewwhite when in doubt be offended :P
One said, "well, um, see... the guy we hired got a job offer from Google that he couldn't refuse..."
at least you're competent enough to get offers :P
@ewwhite ouch
@voretaq7 Oh, I'm not. It's a ruse...
@ewwhite Then why aren't you making a half a mil a year in commissions with a Sales job? =)
I'm going to go back to that ATM from last night and wonder what could have been...
@ewwhite sysadmins in the us seem to earn a lot more than here lol
@ewwhite Holy fuck, I nearly choked on my steak
@ewwhite Flickr sets off $NEWJOB's web filter
@JoelESalas somebody's either paranoid or a jerk.
@JoelESalas Instagram.
@ewwhite Two for two
@MikeyB Holy fuck
also thank you
@Dan It was left on the ATM by the person before me.
@JoelESalas "I've got 189148.54 problems but cash in the bank ain't one of them."
@MikeyB Now indictments for embezzlement? Bingo
People really do have that type of money here in New York.
it's just weird to actually SEE it.
@ewwhite Yeah, sounds like my future in-law's neighbors. One neighbor controls the Chubb Group. Another one was a plastic surgeon in LA for 30 years and retired to go trout fishing for the rest of his days.
Crazy-ass resort towns
I mean, I make money through some questionable means...
but to have that much in your liquid checking account...
I couldn't imagine what one would have to do, short of being a celebrity/in finance/pimp..
@MikeyB Dayum!
@ScottPack you're in Ohio - you don't count :P
@voretaq7 What part of below average cost of living and ability to own a home don't you understand?
@ScottPack The part where I have to live in Ohio...
@voretaq7 Well, and strictly speaking this town barely feels like Ohio. Or, at least, what my impressions of Ohio were before moving here.
@ewwhite I could never just draw out $100 from that account. I'd want to be wiping my sweat with $50 notes
@Dan It just makes me realize that there's MORE somewhere else.
@ewwhite Globalisation still makes me feel odd - I mean, I was in HSBC the other day and I'm like a bazillion miles from you
It should make you feel odd!
@ScottPack does your pickup need a gun rack?
I've just done something I rarely get to do
Send a letter of compliment to a hotel chain
@Dan To the Cavendish, in London?
@ewwhite Haha, no The De Vere group. I've stayed at a few of their hotels and they're okay for a midrange hotel but this one has just been impeccable. The staff mostly, never stayed in a place so friendly
And now they've just brought me the biggest slice of cheesecake I've ever had from a restaurant
Actually, ever had.
@voretaq I'm not sure they make one for a Fit.
@ScottPack I don't think I even fit in a Fit.
Now that you mention it I don't think I've seen one since leaving Kentucky.
@ScottPack How does it feel knowing that, to most of the world, trucks with gun racks belong to members of a violent popular uprising and the armed forces/Police
@ScottPack The Pols here tried to make them illegal here in WA State a few years back. I don't know who they think they were kidding. Nobody has them in areas where the cops are going to bother trying to enforce that.
The differences between the Seattle/Tacoma area and the back-country are so stark that one group simply cannot understand the other.
@Adrian What's wrong with gun racks?
@Adrian +1
@voretaq7 Scary.
@Adrian That's like NY State from Westchester County south, versus anything north of that
@voretaq7 Seattleites consider firearms very scary and don't want them nor any related paraphernalia to be visible
@voretaq7 Amen to that, brother. Probably worse here though.
Gun racks are not scary.
The people who put them on their trucks often are....
@voretaq7 This is true. Being a motorcyclist though, there's often a degree of necessary respect displayed if only because they know there's good odds I'm packing as well.
@MikeyB I love that you're told to email "LOGON AT US.HSBC.COM". Are they trying to prevent spambots from scanning their ATM receipts?
@wfaulk tricksy spambotses OCRing our tech support addresses...
(no need for online account maintenance... )
Right, that's me - off to bed!
@Adrian are you getting any wildfire smoke in Seattle right now? I'm going crazy over here and looking for a place to escape it.
@r.tanner.f Oh yeah. In fact I thought it was overcast this morning, but the smoke layer was thick enough to blot out the sun for the first half hour or so of the day.
Onshore flow is supposed to restart tonight and push it back East
@Adrian reason 87142 to live east of the mississippi.
@voretaq7 No, you people have hurricanes AND tornadoes there. No thanks.
@Adrian tornadoes are new.
and a hurricane is just a storm.
@voretaq7 We had a wind storm a couple years ago that started knocking things over. People were in a panic! :P
(at least by the time it gets up into the 40s)
@r.tanner.f pfft - QQMore. Call me when your trees fall down.
@voretaq7 I've lived through 5 of those damn things. Last time I flew East of the Mississippi once came within a mile of my hotel. Not. Going. To. Happen. Again.
@Adrian Wuss :-)
@r.tanner.f We're kinda getting used to those here in Seattle. They happen 3x/year lately.
look at least the very ground doesn't try to shake us off like an angry wet dog....
(Except in Virginia.)
((and fine so east-coast geology means you feel that shit in like Maine))
@voretaq7 And I can live with that and the volcanoes. Quakes and volcanoes are rather infrequent.
@voretaq7 Eh my side of the Cascades doesn't get much of that either. Just fires mostly. And snow I guess... 206ers can't handle the snow. >_>
@r.tanner.f 206ers can't handle the snow because we have the 2nd steepest city in the country on average.
@Adrian Fair enough.
Only SanFran is steeper than here.
Yeah I guess I wouldn't want to drive Seattle in the snow now that I really think about it...
@r.tanner.f It sucks, but it's manageable. You just have to pick your route. Most locals only know 1 way to get to most places.
The idiots trying to drive up the Counter-Balance should all suffer immediate and permanent license revocation.
@Adrian people here can't handle the snow because they're fucking mental defectives
@voretaq7 Well, Yes. Folks here probably could if they'd take the time to think instead of consuming all their brain cycles emoting.
@Adrian ugh, you have emos?
we have hipsters. not sure what's worse.
@voretaq7 They're ALL Emos here. Even the hipsters spend more time emoting than thinking. The Hippies are the worst of the lot. Very Very VERY Liberal, Extremely Brainless.
The center of the whole 'Ban Vaccines' movement on the West Coast is on the islands here in Puget Sound.
@Adrian Good.
I think something like 22% of kids on one island have basic infant vaccinations
Quarantine them on their islands, let the epidemic end them, and the rest of us can have immunizations and not die of plagues like in the 17th century.
Seems fair to me.
Some of the school boards have even been filled with those idiots since some schools don't even require vaccinations here even though they're in violation of state regs.
<-- Lived in Ohio for four years. twitch
...this explains so much.
BTW @ScottPack decided to adopt you, so pack your litter box kitty - you're moving back to Ohio!
He lived in Cincinnati. Let's be clear.
@Adrian That's a state reg? I thought there was some loophole that let you get away with it... I know I did in school. >_>
@ScottPack ... it's all the same to me dude.
@ScottPack Everything from Grand Rapids down to Mobile is the ebils.
@r.tanner.f Who knows anymore. The State sure is in love with the dirty stinky hippies. They probably did make a loophole for them.
I'm aware there are places, and they have names, but it's kinda like saying "Youngstown, NY" to someone
@WesleyDavid And everything north of Grand Rapids up to Canadia was a candidate for filming Deliverance.
(Without looking who can tell me where that is)
@voretaq7 Over by Corning, right?
Maybe Schenectady
@Adrian definitely not schenectady
it's a little north of Buffalo
In fact, I think driving the length of I-75 is prescribed to people with persistent-euphoric-disorder. By the end of the trip they're freebasing Zoloft and two-fisting Clearwater.
@voretaq7 You're thinking of Niagara Falls.
(you make jokes about Buffalo being in Canada? Youngstown is on the other lake)
@Adrian No, I'm thinking of Youngstown, NY :-)
Youngstown is a village in Niagara County, New York, USA. The population was 1,957 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Buffalo–Niagara Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. Youngstown is on the western edge of the town of Porter and is at the international border with Canada. It is north of the city of Niagara Falls. The Youngstown Level Regatta, one of the largest amateurs sailing regattas, is held here annually. Hosted by the Youngstown Yacht Club, the event was started in 1972 by Don Finkle, a YYC member looking for a different kind of yacht racing. He wanted to do something...
@voretaq7 Ah, I'm confused. Thinking of Cooperstown.
@voretaq7 My Ex's family lives not too far from there. (Youngstown)
I like youngstown - it's kinda sadly hilarious.
Kind of like New Haven?
@Adrian is there a reason they're an ex aside from the fact that they must be some sort of FUCKING YETI? :-)
@ScottPack New Haven is below the snow line.
Youngstown NY is north of Albany, and therefore Canada.
Whatever. It's all armpit.
Like Jersey.
@ScottPack frozen wilderness. Like the rest of Canadia.
Silly Canadians.
@voretaq7 Nah. They're old but otherwise decent folks. Their daughter OTOH is a piece of work.
@voretaq7's NY Geography Class -- From south to North:
4 boroughs + Staten Island.
Long Island (Yuppieville. Beware of soccer moms)
Westchester County (We have enough money for a driver to take us to NYC Proper)
Some parkland
The deep south, with snow
Some more parkland
Albany (source of corruption and malice that even the permafrost won't claim)
Canadia. Filled with Canadians.
You forgot to point out that NYers thinking that everything out past Westchester County is a trackless wilderness filled with hillbillies.
@Adrian To me, that's everything east of downtown LA
@JoelESalas Should take up motorcycling. It will give you an appreciation for just how fscking amazing California is.
Whoa, tehs *GASP* !!! I guess you don't think that the Xiki shell looks fricking mind blowingly awesome, though?

I'd star that, but apparently I spent my allowance of chat votes for the day... neat to learn there is such a limit.
4 hours ago, by voretaq7
@wfaulk I LIKE IT! So when df tells me / is at 101% full I can just edit the output and make it empty!
Also, what if my prompt is # ?
@KyleBrandt GASP! The awesome has inspired me to work on my resume for practically the first time in... 3 or 4 years!
It's more the idea than the specific implementations in that demo vid are full of a mind-blowing amount of super-concentrated win, IMO.

A hybrid of CLI and GUI that may actually combine the best of both? Too much SA-awesomeness for mere words to describe.
@HopelessN00b yeahhhh, except my servers do not has mice
so I can't click
and my terminals don't pass clicks through to SSH, because... well... SSH NO MAUS!
so I can't click there either...
and it means taking my hands off the keyboard... which makes me slow
Mark Shuttleworth needs a fucking shovel to the face.
@voretaq7 If it's good enough, or as full of win as it could be, I'm sure someone will hack together an SSHi/SSHwm standard for mouse support, though. The exciting possibilities this could open up... mmm....
@HopelessN00b Enter versus shift-enter would be a fine distinction
I just don't like the mousery
or the "edit your output" stuff
@voretaq7 Yeah, but that takes all the hard work out of photoshop when I send screenshots of how well performing client systems are in spite of their protests.
OK, but the ability to expand/collapse and reposition your output on the screen? Imagine how much easier that would make comparing disjointed configs, directories, metrics and all that... from a single CLI window!!! drools
@HopelessN00b tmux, click-addict!
It's like The Matrix, only less Keanu Reeves.
Although, depending on your terminal, you can add keanu's face as a background.
Stuff like that needs to get fixed though :-P
@KyleBrandt But if all the stuff like that was fixed, what would happen to the QA department? ~"As thanks and reciprocation for doing perfect work to epic standards... well, none of you are needed anymore, here's your pink slips." ?
@ScottPack Just outta curiosity, what the hell does "Classified and IT|H|" pay grade mean... as quantified in numbers? (With a dollar sign in front. And a frequency at the end.)
Had a good set-to with the middle padawan. He's not happy.
He's wrong but the documentation says he's right. As if you could ever implicitly trust the Samba docs.
So who is going to apply for the SE position that @KyleBrandt posted?
It's always exciting to do the end of day terminations where managers walk the staff out.
Someday I'll likely be one of them.
@Adrian I've had that done to me, was escorted out by a security guard
Mindless mode on. "Pink slips? Who would be wearing those?"
They were pretty good at it, had their technique downpat
It's a little bit insulting though to be escorted out, as if you're make a scene or steal shit
@MarkHenderson I vaguely recall it happening to me once when I worked for CompUSA. Was a voluntary termination though. They always had security walk every one of their car on the last day and make sure nothing was stolen during the last day.
Rather odd policy, really.
That or the boss as just as asshole, which he was.
I got fired for circumventing their security by obscurity policy (I found a single network port in our office that was on a different, un-restricted, vlan)
So I continued to bring in a switch and some dual-port NICs and set up some manual routing rules for everyone in the office
Q: Syncing user accounts across multiple servers

Ricky HewittI have been wondering if there is a better way to manage user accounts across multiple servers. At the moment, I have a main user account (e.g. 'user') on my home/dev machine, and for each server I manually create that same 'user' account. Then I use rsync to copy my .ssh directory and any other...

You all don't have to a click a button every week or viruses start destroying the network? Guess my SA practices are a bit different
Please stop advising people to use NIS!
@KyleBrandt Sort of like in LOST?
@Hopeless Classifies and IT is the payscale (because we still stupidly have several) and "H" starts in the neighborhood of $55k/yr.
Well, but in lost he isn't sure. In this case, I know it will work
@KyleBrandt Sounds good to me. No more annoying perimeter protection or anti-virus software to buy
Just click a button
@MarkHenderson Customer Service. =)
@84104 What's wrong with NIS?
@Adrian You ask "What's wrong with NIS" and then make this comment:
Well, yes. It may have been invented for that. But the 1980s called and they want their directory service back. — Adrian 42 secs ago
Mind you. Neither of those is mutually-exclusive. =)
NIS' problem is that it's old
If more stuff supported it, I'd probably be less unhappy about still running it here.
NIS is 1980? That would make it more modern than 64 bit computing.
1979 IIRC the start of that correctly
I don't actually recommend anyone implement NIS anymore. It's a pile of work to deploy and you'll end up tying it into LDAP to get things like Drupal sites to authenticate against it.
@Hennes 70s didn't sound as good while I was typing that.
Ik keep associating the 80s with a song.
@Hennes Heh. Lucky that onebox'ing doesn't work for youtube. =D
@Adrian It's old. Implementations tend to be insecure. I'm not sure what it's best hash type is, but I'm biased to suspect it's weak. The main thing is that people are advising it for new deployments along side LDAP, as if LDAP wasn't superior.
@84104 I downvoted the NIS guy in solidarity
@84104 Hell, some morons can't figure out how to do shadow maps and send out the password hashes as part of the passwd map
*waves8 Night all
Timezones (again)!
@MarkHenderson Ok. I threw an answer in there to back up my smart-ass comment.
I've never checked the code to back it up, but I think NIS uses unsalted hashes too.
The stupid things I've seen done with NIS would boggle the mind.

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