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Right lets try this again, this time on a fixed connection and not sat on a train.
I started to ask a question regarding purchasing orders for rack units when I am more of a desktop person.
I need some information regarding 1U units for price/power.
We need to do testing on our main product. Currently we use 10 desktop PC purloined over time so they are all below spec. They run 24x7 on automated test scripts. What we want to do is test feature branches before they get merged into the main source.
Order whatever the sysadmin asked for.
Which means we need to massively expand our capacity.
We have to put the order to Information Services to get it for us.
That's a bit poor - they should really be speccing this up for you I'd have thought
We need to test XP, Vista, Win7 (32 and 64 bit) running as VM's and as many as 5 branches (1 per team + 1 main tree) so that is 5 times as much power as we currently have.
So you're looking at virtualisation, yeah?
Gawd, I hope so.
Yeah. VMWare probably.
@graham.reeds Product recommendation isn't my thing, but I'm happy to chat with you while it's quiet. So lets flesh out what you need
How many machines, in total, will need to run? And what sort of spec does each virtual machine require (RAM, number of cores, HDD space)?
We need to automate much of the testing environment. Currently we need to ghost the desktop machines and get the latest software on there and then start the automating tests.
Is high availibility and fault tolerance important to you, or are they essentially throw away machines
Throw away machines.
Oh, you'll love VMware.
We start from a fresh install every time and regression testing.
Ooh, you'll enjoy snapshots, templates and cloning then
any samba wizards here?
Also we need to test with and without service packs etc.
@sysadmin1138 I saw "Powerful electronic disco" in the tab title (as that was all the fitted) and wondered what you were playing at.
@graham.reeds Yeah, this is all well within the remit of a VSphere setup, but you need to have a real think on how many machines you need to run at once, how RAM they'll need etc
@HaydnWVN Maybe, but this chat isn't really a place for live support. If you're having an issue, best thing to do is to ask a question on the main site. If you have already asked a question, paste a link to it and we'll have a look.
Remember, the name of the game is to consolidate your machines
@MichaelHampton my question will probably get closed as being too localised, but i'll post it anyhow :P
But if
That is what I am trying to decide.
@graham.reeds How many totals VMS?
@graham.reeds Maybe work a little backwards - what's your budget. It sounds like you may be able to work with VMWare Essentials, but it'll limit you to 3 hosts, with 2 physical CPUs per host
About 30 virtual machines running concurrently.
I was thinking a rack of 1U Dell boxes, but not my speciality.
@graham.reeds Nah, you don't need anything like that
Way overkill.
For 50 machines you probably only need two or three servers, depending on how much you want to squeeze out of each VM
Budget isn't a concern as this is a one off puchase that will hopefully last a few years before we need to expand.
Well, I've done single servers with 50 VDIs, BUT they're stuck at 2GB and aren't mean for intensive stuff
As soon as you start working from snapshots instead of spending hours reimaging, your whole process is going to go a lot faster anyway.
Depends on the budget, one Dell R710 or a DL360 fully specc'd would probably be fine. Of course you might want two or three for load balancing/ fault tolerance.
@graham.reeds You need to take alook at VSphere licensing. Trust me, you'll want to scale up your individual servers and not increase the quantity
Well the minimum spec for our software is a a 2GHz PC with 2Gb of ram.
We have a couple of machines with less than minimum spec for timing purposes.
@graham.reeds Haha, dude, this is going to be easy!
Are you thinking local storage?
I am not a serverguy. I spend most my time on SO.
You got stuck with this because there isn't a server guy?
There is. They are in a different building on campus.
I've been aksed to spec it up before we make a presentation.
Take a look here and have a serious think about what you need.


If you want high end features then VSphere can quickly become the most expensive part. That said, Essentials only (The lowest one) licenses you for 3 servers, 2 CPUs per box for about £500 per year
Essentials Plus would probably be "nice" for you to have, as it comes with VMotion but from what you've said, I don't think you need the features
well my plans for the week have all turned upside down at zero notice - ah well
I was think a machine to hold all the images running MS Server and this creates and sets the machines off runing.
@graham.reeds the others speaks the truth. number of physical hosts has a strong impact on your licensing costs. Why not get faster hardware instead of wasting it all on licenses?
@graham.reeds I think you'll need another product inbetween to automate all of that
and yes, 50 VM's with 1vCPU and 2GB ram is -nothing-, as long as those 50 vm's aren't doing something at the same time
you'll get far with two modern specced DL360's (1u, if space is a consern) or DL380's
and honestly, all the testing you're describing isn't solved by virtualization.. you still need something to push out the correct software with the correct amount of updates
@pauska Couldn't agree more
@pauska Sorry I meant DL380 above ^^
one solution could be manually creating templates for every single environment you want to test
it's basically a clone of a working vm, that get's redeployed in a sysprep style
Just as a matter of comparison, let me dig out the specs of the 50 machine server I did the other week
so you'll have XP_SP2_template, XP_SP3_template etc
If I were you, I'd put more money into I/O speed as deploying all the time takes it toll
Sure, but once you have the templates set up, you can script the whole thing easily enough. I think.
the other nice thing about vsphere is that you can set the vm disks to non-persist. It basically means that every change is reverted when you power off/on a vm.
yeah, both vsphere and hyper-v has a extensive set of scripts available
@pauska In his current setup, he's physically ghosting machines to start a test. Virtualization would be a massive improvement, I think.
two servers and some kind of shared SAS box with 15k's or SSD would be more than enough
I wonder if you can get SAS with VAAI?
Are we sure about this VMware thing?
@graham.reeds Realistically though, whats is your budget? I reckon 3x high spec servers is the way to go but you can easily spend some serious money on them
@pauska SSDs will cost more than everything else put together :D

Have a little play here, you can start off with the wizard and see what it chucks at you
I'd say estimate 8 - 10k per server for the hardware (Anyone else weigh in on that)?
@Chloe What are you thinking, spec wise?
What are the virtual machine storage requirements? I think IO is actually going to the most difficult bit to get right
If it's desktop OS 120GB virtual hard disks should be enough?
@tombull89 Depends how much eh wants to spread, but 2x Intel X5650's or better with a shit load of RAM will eat it from what I gather
He said 2ghtz pc with 2gig RAM, can't see the software being over 10gig?
Sorry. Called away and I have a meeting in 5 mins.
so prob 50gb vhd's would be enough
@Pausaka. These VM will all be working.
@tombull89 I'm just thinking best way to do the physical disks. Most VDI deplolyments are essentially read only, save some caching so two 146 15ks in RAID1 is fine, but if it's 50 VDIs hammering the disks then it's going to grind
Running automated tests.
@graham.reeds Define working, what do your tests do
Are they IO intensive, CPU intensive or memory intensive?
@graham.reeds What sort of load for the tests? High CPU/RAM/Disk usage?
@graham.reeds We're not being awkward dude, but speccing for virtualisation is VERY workload dependent. It's almost impossible to give specific advice without knowing exactly what kind of work these machines will be doing
Trust me budget is not a concern. If we need $50k of hardware and we can prove we need it then it won't be a problem. If we ask for $50k and we can't prove the need then that is a problem.
The tests are running a scripted tests for a large desktop product.
What the tests do is input data and check, from a various screens that the numbers are correct.
Crap, I am already out of close votes for the day.
While not the most intensive of operations the battery of tests built up over the years take a long time to run.
@graham.reeds But what do these scripts do? Is there much read and write activity for the disk? Do you they do a lot of memory swapping, is 2GB going to be enough RAM or will they be swapping to disk in no time. And what about CPU useage, is the processing CPU intensive?
@graham.reeds The question here isn't what functions do the tests run, but whether the test suite overall, when running, is consuming CPU, disk, network, RAM, etc., and how much. It's possible you've never needed this data before.
There will be not a large amount of writing. Some are intensive reading and writing but they are the exception and not the rule (torture tests, etc).
Like most desktop app most of the time is spent drawing the screen and waiting for user input.
@graham.reeds As very broad advice, my starting point would be something like a DL360 G7, with a pair of Intel X5650's, a 1GB write cache, an extra NIC and 4x 15k 300GB disks with as much RAM as you like. Two or three of those would see you very nice
But it's very hard to say without real knowledge of your apps. Before comitting, you probably need to do some performance monitoring on your tests and get an idea of the metrics we've mentioned
I can get the metrics from PerfMon yes?
However without something to compare them to, I don't know whether they will be high low.
@graham.reeds Yep, a pretty good starting point. I'll hold my hands up and say it's not really something I've had to do too much, but I'm sure others here will be able to help you a bit more on that
Thank you Chloe. I owe you a pint.
@graham.reeds Just my brief opinion on what you've said here, there are way more knowledgeable folk, especially when it comes to HP and Virtualisation. @ewwhite and @Chopper3 to name two
@Chloe not me? :(
@pauska I couldn't just list the whole of chat :D, but yes, you too
Honestly, doing anything but minimum two servers with virtualization is asking for problems...
like I said.. get two modern servers (like HP DL360/380 G8) with dual 8-cores and some kind of fast storage backend
@pauska Would 4x disks in two sets of RAID1 split into two datastores work nicely do you think?
@Chloe You're talking about 2x2disk RAID1?
@graham.reeds didn't I ask you a question about your issue yesterday?
@pauska Yeah, just wondering what kind of I/O he's going to need. All my VDI experience has minimal I/O requirements
@Chloe That's very hard to answer, as we don't know anything about how the vm's will behave I/O-wise..
You might of done. I was on a train and that disappeared out of reception and then I was home and home life rules until I was back at my desk the next day.
I'm pretty sure anything with parity is out of the question, so either RAID1 or RAID10
@pauska That's where I was going, yeah
The disk isn't intensive for a single machine. There are tests which are intensive but they are few.
@graham.reeds would you mind just going over the basics of your requirements for me again please?
@graham.reeds still, remember that vm's share disks.. one vm flooding the disk subsystem will affect the others
50vm's with 60GB disk equals 3000GB of storage
thin provisioning it will probably cut that at least in half, but you need room to grow
3TB of fast RAID10 storage results in 10 600GB 15k disks in RAID10, plus hot spare(s)
and 10 disks in one raid10 is stretching it..
Might be aswell with a SAN afterall :D
yeah like I said, a shared SAS something with double controllers
Not if you use VMWare View's 'Linked Clones' btw
could someone just quickly let me know what the requirement is please
@Chopper3 We're a bit sketch, but at least 50 virtual machines running desktop OS running a variety of software testing scripts
Physical minimum requirements are a min of 2GB of RAM and a 2Ghz CPU
is that it? what hypervisor
Looking at VSphere, and that's what we said but we're unsure on what kind of workload
what guest OS apps? tell me no Flash please :)
It's their own software, he's a dev house I presume
Got a meeting. Will you be around in a couple of hours?
Is there a need for HA?
So I reckoned Essentials would probably be enough
imagine so, shouldn't be but my plans have just gone up in smoke
ah - he's in the UK, good
I am in UK.
I know, that's what I meant, me too
Everyone here is in the UK except for me. I've been up all night working on PowerDNS.
@MichaelHampton :( Bad times
@MichaelHampton Pauska's in Norway, as is his sock
I was thinking about their hosted service. But then I remembered GoDaddy...
I ran out of close votes an hour ago. It's been a bad day.
@Chopper3 How do these people wind up runnign NameServers
how do they find us?
I expected more DNS-related questions with yesterday's GoDaddy problem.
@Chopper3 I'm figuring he has some reseller account on [random web host]
@MichaelHampton Is there an estimate of how many sites that took down?
@tombull89 I don't have one handy, though I'm sure the media will figure it out eventually.
@Chopper3 a html address in a DNS entry. Yay.
@Chloe vsphere without HA/vmotion == bleh
I'd go for the essentials plus..
@pauska Yeah, but for what they need and if they're using local storage, too
@Chloe local storage == bleh
I sort of agree, but it's a lot more expensive so if they're not going to use the features it's a hard one to justify
turn the question around instead
Why are they going to use local storage? Can they afford the downtime if a server goes poof?
@pauska question == bleh
he said the machines were losable
@pauska He said they were throw away machines
What if they need to move the more intensive vm's on one server, and use the other server for many more less-intensive vm's? Copy vmdk files by hand?
@Chloe yes, the machines are, but I'm pretty sure that the templates are gold to keep..
@pauska I'm not ignoring your point, it's just a cost / benefit analysis when all said and done
@pauska Don't think that'd be a problem, i mean at the moment they're re-imaging each and every machine by hand each build/rollout
@HaydnWVN re-imaging them from what?
a image?
@pauska From what I gather, he just needs a build of each OS with their software. Easy enough to back that up
@pauska Yeah, using Norton Ghost!
and how dumb would it be to suddenly loose all those images
i imagine they have a base image file for each os, then they just install their current platform onto it
@pauska Yeah, but you build them once and back them up somewhere
Like I say, cost/benefit that's all. If they need serious uptime then they need to pay some more, that's all there is to it really.
It's not like they're doing any actual production or data processing they need to keep on them
It's stuff like this why I love Citrix Provisioning Services, but I don't know how much it is to buy or even if you can buy it seperately nowadays
restoring 500GB of templates to a esxi over SCP..
plus that you would need duplicate templates, since you're suggesting not going for shared storage
so that if you update one template, you have to copy it from the esxi to local machine, and then copy it over from local machine to the other esxi
@pauska Yeah, but this is a dev environment and you're talking a saving of several grand
I have no idea how often the templates would get updated, but it's wise to think about all these crazy scenarios before you purchase something
@Chloe time also costs money
@pauska Kind of, but not really. Spending £3k is a lot different to spending a bit of time doing something every so often
He said earlier that a $50k budget was "no problem" since this was a investment for many years ahead.. I see no reason to cut everything to the bone...
especially when it comes to local storage vs centralized storage, as the ROI of the local storage would basically be 0 if you move to a shared solution
@pauska Agreed, but what i find slightly odd is if they've got the time to re-Ghost those machines by hand, yet an 'unlimited budget'... Those two things (time & money) rarely come hand in hand
For example here - i have lots of the former (to a degree...) and not much of the latter... They'd rather me continue supporting windows 2000 clients than replace them.
(but i dug my heels in and got replacements anyways)
I guess I'm a special person then, since I -insist- on making investments that will allow us to save money over time and get more time for other tasks
we're two people here managing ~70 remote locations and one big HQ..
I'd love to have that option, investments here go into stock not IT :/
@pauska It's a fair point and yeah, I'd probably recommend essentials plus but it's probably unfair to say he needs it. But £30k doesn't get you THAT far into the virtualisation arena
yeah, I admit, it's quite the price difference from essentials to essentials plus
I wonder how WS2012+SCVMM would compare..
Dunno, would be an interesting one
He could even consider XenServer, it's the platform for most of our VDI installations
(I know it's not a VDI install as such, but it sounds like he could use many of the features)
@pauska Don't forget that vSphere 5.1 doesn't need shared storage for vMotion now
@pauska Sucks more than a vacuum cleaner :D
good morning vietnam!
@pauska: The VM aren't going to be kept. Failure of a machine is okay. We currently have a bunch of machines and regular human interaction to keep things running. We need to start running the scripts for feature branches. This instantly doubles the resources for 1 additional branch.
While a machine failure may delay results for some or all branches we will still get results. Prior to release there will be no new features going in so the changes will be minor and capacity will be spare. So failure in that scenario while not ideal is survivable.
We are looking at about 4 or 5 concurrent branches. So we need a lot of extra capacity.
Just keep in mind that if one of your PC's goes boom today, you still have other PC's to image, and you also get to keep your images (templates in virtualization)
if you have a single server local disk storage, if that server goes down you loose -everything-
templates, all your vm testbeds etc..
@pauska @Hay
@pauska @HaydnWVN: The machines are flashed by hand with Norton Ghost
But the single server local disk storage would have some tolerance for failure?
on the storage? depends on RAID level
@Chopper3 you about? @graham.reeds is back
yep, still could do with a bit of an ABC in what's needed
@HaydnWVN: We've done it this way for so long and each time the say problem bites us. Branches weren't seriously tested when they have been merged - just general dev testing - and gotchas appeared it was a nightmare to sort. We want the branches tested as well as the main branch.
@Chopper: Ask and I will do my best to answer.
@graham.reeds ok, so this is a VDI type solution you're looking for right? your own code, what's it's OS/load-profile?, is this for production/end-user use or for testing? what level of resilience do you need
@HaydnWVN: New management is allowing us to look at these problems seriously and need to put together a proposal.
@Chopper3: VDI? I am a dev guy.
@graham.reeds what's the problem then?
@Chopper3: OS-wise: WinXP, WinVista, Win7 (32 & 64bit) plus testing for new service packs etc.
This is for in-house testing.
so this is testing your code on those different OSs or is it for people to run your code on them
@graham.reeds VDI stands for "Virtual Desktop Infrastructure". It's generally meant to refer to using virtual machines remotely with thin clients and such, but it fits your use case as you're not really doing what people would consider to be server virtualisation
ah soz, didn't look before hitting enter
@Chloe: Thanks.
so this is JUST for testing - cool, what are your resilience requirements do you know? if you have one server and it goes pop how long could you manage with it down?
and how many VMs do you think you'll need?
6 OS x 5 branches so 30 VM running concurrently is the max.
and are these normal say 2 x vCPU, 4GB, 30-50GB VMs do you think?
i.e. simulating regular users desktop/laptops
If we had 1 server and it went down just as we are doing final acceptance tests it will be panic stations but to get up to 30 VMs running that looks to be several machines which will give us spare capacity.
In VMWare-land, how often does a single server go "pop"?
anything 'odd' about your code in terms of resource utilisation? does it hammer the CPU, need lots of memory or grind the disks?
That sounds right. The product specs is a 2GHz machine with min of 2GB.
No, user interface. Imagine you are running automated tests on Excel. lol
@ewwhite I've seen exactly one PSOD, had two systemboards go and a few memory modules pre-fail in what, 35,000 machine years
There is one exception that we do a torture test with a very large dataset for timing purposes, but I guess that will still be run on minimum hardware.
People shame me for having single-server VMWare installations in some places.
@graham.reeds ok, well load-wise this isn't much to worry about bar possibly a boot-storm on the disks, do you want a pizza-box server or do you have any other physical server requirements (i.e. blades etc.) and do you have a budget already
@ewwhite That is terrible yes :) I have an 8 host cluster at home
@Chopper3: I was thinking from the outset a few 1U pizza boxes and small rack in the corner of the test suite.
@Chopper3 derp. I knew you had a lot but woah.
@graham.reeds from a memory and CPU position what you're doing doesn't need more than one modern machine
@tombull89 spent the weekend 'upping' them to 5.1 in fact
It will run concurrently along side the physical boxes while we iron out any issues with build imaging.
Anyway, lunch. I will be back in about 30 mins but have another meeting this afternoon. Thank you all for your help.
@Chopper3 it's ready?
@ewwhite on my account yes
oh, i should look
@graham.reeds so you want say 2 x vCPU at 100% for 30 VMs? fair enough, I get that, while I normally would recommend Intel Xeon based servers perhaps just two of HP's DL385p Gen8's would be very cost-effective. Put two x 6278 Opterons in them, 64GB would do easily and then stick in the second disk bay and fill it with a bunch (12-16) of their 146 or 300GB 15krpm 2.5" SAS disks in R10 with vS 5.1 on it
@ewwhite the web-based client stuff is...different
was playing with the replication stuff but ran out of time
@Chopper3 it's 1x2ghz cpu requirement afaik (he said so earlier)
ah! in which case a single server could/should do just fine then
might be tempted to go with AMD in this case though, maybe it's just my discounts but for this kind of thing their £$/core is amazing
Q: router 2wire, slackware desktop in DMZ mode, iptables policy aginst ping, but still pingable

user135501Im in DMZ mode so Im firewalling myself, stealthy all ok, but get faulty test results from shields up that there are pings... yesterday I couldn't make connection to gameservers work, because ping block was enabled(on the router).I dissabled it, but this persist even due my firewall. what is the ...

Kill it with fire.
did my bit already
Q: Script to restart server when no user is remotely connected

RitonLaJoieI'm looking for something special : here is a windows server that is used for development by 4/5 people remotely working on it through remote control. I'm installing Visual Studio 2010 on it, and the installation won't continue until the server has been restarted. I'm looking for a way to reboot...

"All you gotta do is symlink that library to meet the dependency...."
5 people, just tell /ask them ffs
I hate giving that type of advice...
I'm sure he could script what he wants with minimum fuss, but it's a shonky thing to just reboot a server anyway. What if someone just disconnects for a second, or they're about to jump on and do some work while it's going down
I think I used too much snark.
@MichaelHampton It is a crap question, though. Even with 50, 60, 70 users logged on it's still far better to arrange a window with people than it is to just bounce it as soon as no one is looking.
Isn't "schedule a maintenance window" Sysadmin 101?
@MichaelHampton Clearly not for everyone
How do you schedule a system crash? :p
Reboot ALL THE SERVERS...and hope no-one's on.
@HopelessN00b: not very carefully
No cluster at home, but I just created my 17th virtual machine on my workstation.
@chopper3 Did you use the "import ESXi images" screen?
and upgrade manager to update your hosts?
@ewwhite just used deployment manager tbh
already had a host profile to apply so that was easier
@Chopper3 never seen deployment manager... does it manage deployments?
what's it's real name....auto-deploy sorry
Awww... yeah, I don't have that
Update manager it is.
My personal setup only has three hosts...
You said you had EIGHT, right?

Do people just scan read?
Yes, dear.
@ewwhite Well, they shouldn't
@ewwhite I think they are G8 Blades too...
hmmph... nobody needs that for a home instance!
@ewwhite yep, eight 460 hosts, a pair of 460's as a W2K8R2/MSSQL cluster, another pair as an Oracle RAC cluster, and a BL2x220 pair for admin/util stuff (InForm etc.)
But no NexentaStor!
nope, just a small 3Par T400 and a FAS3240
Apparently, interpreting "logon script" as "logon script" is objectionable to some people. God, people are dumb.
@Chloe Damnit I couldn't help myself. You've got another profile pageview
@KennyRasschaert I fancy her myself, now
And I just locked myself out of my home server... Might have to take lunch a little early today. Great way to start the day too.
@Chloe where'd you get the picture, anyway?
someone you know or random googling
@KennyRasschaert It was very specific Googling, actually
Because just ]searching "webcam girl" carries all kinds of risk
Crom dammit!
Just got in a server order configured by a sales guy that no longer works here. Wrong hard drives, wrong redundant PSU (the model he ordered can't even do redundant), and the parts are all opened.
@Chloe Hahaha... "I'm running Windows 2008 DataCenter Edition… and I need dyndns." I suspect he didn't pay for it.
Don't your orders go through some sort of technical vetting by a separate person from the Sales Guy to prevent that??
@MikeyB That's Server 2003 DCE
@MikeyB 2003, to be fair!
If I could scrounge up any of our old Windows licenses I'd give them away...
@ChrisS Yes we do. Started doing so after the first time this happened and we ended up with $20k in hard drives that are now in various home machines. The tech guy who vetted it slipped up. But I like blaming the sales guy :p
I saw on Ebay someone whose main selling point that the server came with a license for Server 2003 Standard. Uh, great, it's 2012.
@Chloe Well, I suppose you could upgrade it to 2008 R2 cheaper than buying a license outright.
If it would run it, that is.
@tombull89 True!
Q: Does cloud computing offer this?

TheBlackBenzKidI have some newb questions I want answering please about cloud hosting - we are currently looking at Rackspace and getting a windows box. This is the situation: We have 15 computers in our office. We have 3 printers, some wifi and some network plugged. We have a standard router and the office sh...

That there is fucking hilarious and everything that is wrong with using the phrase "cloud"
"Can we have a server in the cloud that does this? Is it possible I mean the computers would be wireless connected to this cloud and you turn the machine on and its hosted?"
@Chloe my brain it buuuurrns
That question is, quite frankly, bloody awful.
The real irony is that he says "We have a network company saying..." like their full of shit. They've probably specced him up a nice small office system, but it's just not cloud enough
"i got a fever and the only prescription is MORE CLOUD"
I wonder how much it'd cost to build an orbital data centre connected to earth by a nano-tube based tether, cooling would be cheap, it could be solar powered and more importantly it'd give the vacuous senior managers who only learn about new things from their inflight-magazines something new to bang on about as it'd be "above the clouds"
@Chopper3 The first company to put a hosted solution into the ISS will clean up!
@Chopper3 Even cheaper, create a network share called "cloud", ???, profit!
it's all Apple did
@Chopper3 Cooling in outer-space is very difficult, as you can only use radiation, convection and conduction don't work (which are the two ways we normally use on Earth).
Q: Bulk fax handling

SeanI have been tasked with finding/creating a bulk fax solution to fax individual reports to hundred of our clients (each report will be unique). We would prefer to stay away from a per page service as the cost would add up rather quickly. The key issue is we need to send all of these faxes sent a...

Why has community bumped that, despite an accepted answer 2 years ago?
@ChrisS interesting
@Chloe Someone posted a spam answer, which was deleted.
I think the user was deleted, too.
@MichaelHampton Ah, makes sense
If you tossed a human out into space, and assuming they were trying to survive, they'd suffocate before dying of anything else. If brought back "inside" in less than ~2 minutes they'd heal up, no permanent problems. Staying "out", they'd take over a day to freeze solid, though the moist areas of the body would freeze within several seconds.
@ChrisS So they don't really explode?
Well, that's one way to get rid of annoyying staff...
@MichaelHampton I never got why people thought that
@MichaelHampton Sorry, every part of your body can withstand 15psi, which is all the more a total vacuum is different from Earth's sea-level pressure.
This needs testing.
@Chloe Large pressure differences can do really spectacular damage... Most people assume space is a significantly different pressure than air-pressure down here.
@ChrisS I was obviously took geeky as a kid
@Chloe For instance, when working on a trans-Atlantic (might be Pacific, not sure) pipe, a thousand feet (300+m) down (water pressure increases ~.445 PSI/ft or 3kN/m²) the pressure is enough to do extraordinary damage youtu.be/LF-lFd-NUI8
I still think that what happens to human bodies in space needs testing. Would any of you like to volunteer ... your managers?
@MichaelHampton I know it's actually happened to people, I believe all were controlled test, but I'm not sure.
@ChrisS But that's a huge amount of pressure, rather than 0 pressure
And in vacuum, the pressure comes from inside your body rather than outside.
@Chloe It really doesn't matter which way you're going... The pressure in that crab's body was the same as the water around him. Inside the pipe was less. Similar to a human in space, but on a different order of magnitude.
@ChrisS I must admit, i hadn't clicked. Impressive stuff!
@ChrisS Actually, would a person who got tossed into space freeze that quickly? The specific heat of a vacuum is pretty low; I'd think it would take quite a while to radiate off all the body's heat into a "medium" that's essentially a perfect heat insulator.
@MichaelHampton No but i have users going spare here if you want a few?
@HopelessN00b It does depend on a lot of things, but the human body has enough water in it that the water would steal a lot of heat freezing and sublimating. It take a month before the body got to any significantly negative temperatures; but freezing wouldn't take too long.
@HaydnWVN Send only the most annoying, obnoxious users.
@MichaelHampton Got plenty of those!
@MichaelHampton Most of them in the Sales office!
The heat from the sun hitting a body in space would actually be enough to keep that side warmer than normal body temperature (ever laid out on a beach near the equator too long; sun stroke...). So we're going to have to shade the body, or toss it farther away from the sun if we want it to freeze solid.
@ChrisS Still, without a good medium of heat exchange (loss), I have trouble believing you could cool a substance with such a high specific heat by 30 degrees in a matter of seconds, especially while it's still being heated by your core body temp.

Even hypothermia takes longer to set in when you dump someone into sub-zero temp water, and that's a much smaller decrease in body temperature.
@ChrisS Are you engaging in body disposal by explosion?
@HopelessN00b In space they're mostly freezing from the heat "stolen" by evaporation. Radiation takes ages, which is what you're thinking of.
Ah, that would do it. Still, I say more testing is needed... and I just so happen to have a list of people I'd like to volunteer as test subjects.
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