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@JoelESalas More human than human!
@WesleyDavid More human than ever
@MarkHenderson Wait, if I show up.. does... does your wife know about... us?
@WesleyDavid Hey! HEY! One at a time in the litter box!
@WesleyDavid Yes. I had one similar relationship in the past, several years ago, with my friend Kris. His human girlfriend made him break up with me, but my wife supported our relationship. In fact she wishes that our relationship was back as I had an empty hole in my heart until that fateful day when you flagged 9,000 questions. I knew then then this would blossom into a wonderful thing.
Somewhere I have a picture of two of my old cats peeing in the litter box at the same tome, like gargoyles on either side of a building's edges.
No idea why I did that.
^ (Not the first time I've said that either)
@WesleyDavid . . . freak.
@WesleyDavid Thats awesome. And now I know why you want a video of @voretaq7 lizard whacking off
@MarkHenderson It'll play just a small part in my collection.
@WesleyDavid no mating for the lizard until the tail issue is taken care of :-/
@MarkHenderson Just saw what you said above. You can do NLA from WinXP, no problem
@JoelESalas From Pre-SP3?
@MarkHenderson You need at least SP2 I think.
@voretaq7 Not even with Mr/Mrs Palmer and their 5 sons/daughters?
@voretaq7 Aww, poor guy.
@JoelESalas I still think the appropriate course of action is to destroy the offending computer.
@MarkHenderson Graphic photo of dying tail: twitter.com/voretaq7/status/235468612796825600
Just saw an "UltraBook Inspired by Intel " commercial on television. Does UltraBook mean regular-notebook-trying-to-look-like-a-MacBookAir?
he's completely honey badger about it though - wouldn't even drop it when the vet was tugging on it
@voretaq7 404s?
@voretaq7 That's a really boring 404 page.
hmm... ok twitter's new photo service sucks
@voretaq7 That might be why nobody uses it.
Looks pretty nasty!
@MichaelHampton well they removed support from the ones that don't suck from the twitter client
That might be why nobody uses that either.
find me a better one on iPhone.
Wait are we talking about G+ again?
Oh god, I'm so sorry you have to use an iPhail.
@jscott no I dont use that at all
@voretaq7 :)
@MichaelHampton Not sure if troll...
@jscott nasty
@MichaelHampton Better than any of the provider-fucked android phones you can get in the US
@jscott My gf works at VZW and sees it all. It appears the average intelligence of iPhone users is just slightly higher than their respective ages.
@voretaq7 They're all provider-fucked. That's why we root and choose our own firmware. :)
@MichaelHampton I do enough sysadmining at work. I'll be damned if I'm sysadmining my fucking phone.
@MichaelHampton I'm sorry, I can't be assed to spend half my life fucking around with my phone. I want something that works 90% of the time or better without my having to hack on it.
@voretaq7 And thus the market for BlackBerrys.
@voretaq7 A bright flashlight and semaphore flags. Done.
@MikeyB Had one. Hated it.
@voretaq7 What happened to the tail?
@WesleyDavid Signal lamps are better at night
@JoelESalas we're not sure -- looks like he might have pinched it somehow, but IDK what he would have caught it on, there's nothing in his cage that could do that.
@voretaq7 If his old tail falls off does he grow a new one?
@MarkHenderson the should - it won't be the same shape as the old one tho. his beautiful tail-shaped tail will be gone forever
@voretaq7 Still a pretty good superpower
@JoelESalas agreed
@voretaq7 Now why haven't they figured out how to give humans that ability?
Fuck going to Mars. I want to be able to re-grow my finger
@MarkHenderson well remember they can't regrow bone structure
@voretaq7 Well, a penis has no bones in it, so John Bobbitt would still come out ahead
though they can't regenerate those.
Well I guess you can't have everything
@voretaq7 This is why you find someone who knows what they're doing and have them root your phone. When I did my wife's phone I just ripped all the crap-ware off the phone. The rest is bone-stock, including it's intended functionality and reliability.
@ChrisS yea but then each major OS update is a thing and a half. I like being able to just do updates and not care about whether I need to re-jailbreak, or have to get the update from some third-party site I don't really trust...
Part of my hacking was putting a newer kernel on the phone than the provider officially supports, so no update notifications as there are no updates and never will be. =]
Also had some slight power management tweaks. I tought about overclocking but decided I wanted to keep it close to stock.
The phone would pass for stock unless one of their techs happened to be extremely above average customer service intelligence.
@ChrisS phone techs? Intelligence?
Military intelligence maybe
I understand if people don't want to go the way I did... I take a deep breath before starting on a new phone, on the off chance the first flash goes sideways, you could end up with a bricked phone (after that first update it's safe, unbrickable for anything I would do).
Yes... That's what I mean, they'd never look at her phone and "know" that it's been rooted, unlocked, s-off, rom replaced...
My phone however... The OS doesn't look anything like stock, though it does look like another HTC phone, so maybe if they've used that other phone they might not notice for a few minutes. Or maybe if they're particularly dumb they wouldn't notice that it's very different.
So I got the text from ATT telling me of a software update. "Now with Sense 3.0!"
I'm running Sense 3.5; My phone came with 2.1 (which is supposedly the highest version it will run)
Same here.
I'm so very tempted to try one of the ICS mods, but none are properly stable on the Inspire yet.
I'll have to check the ole lady's to see what it has. I can't remember.
Which phone do you have?
HTC Wildfire S
Sounds exciting.
I'm jealous of your snapdragon processor; the Qualcom ARM11 in mine is pitiful.
But it gets the job done, and last about 3 days on stand-by.
It's most noticable when you can't run ARMv7 applications because you have an ARMv6 processor.
Not exciting at all, cheap, functional and a size that works really well (3.2" screen; I wouldn't want anything bigger than 3.5")
gsmarena.com/htc_wildfire_s-3777.php <-- HTC Wildfire S specs
@ChrisS Well all know everyone will just rush out and buy an iPhone 5 though, if we're being honest
I'm out of contract and I'm waiting to see if the 5 is worth getting, or if I should just stick with my 4S for a while longer at a cheaper contract amount, or if I should switch to Android.
I probably won't switch though cos I have hundreds of dollars tied up in apps/music on the Apple platform
Much better battery lfe than mine. I think I could get a couple of days if I went to full isolation mode.
My cheap Android plays music from ITMS just fine.
I still haven't bought an app; I think I've only got a couple apps from the Play Store at all.
Yeah, my Droid plays music too. I'm not sure, but I think audio files might be cross-platform compatible. :p
@HopelessN00b lies! :P
@HopelessN00b You know why I spend money on iTunes? Because Apple have made it so fucking easy to do so.
No fucking around. Fire up the app store, find the album, hit buy. Done. 10 minutes later it's on every iDevice I have (and that's, shamefully, a few)
@MarkHenderson Like I said, I think you can enjoy iTunes from other platforms too. But if you're willing to sell your techie soul for iFruited convenience, well that's an option too.
@HopelessN00b iTunes on the PC is a piece of shit. I hate it. But on iOS its not bad.
But last I checked, iTunes songs can only be played on iDevices? I thought they were locked using proprietary DRM
And yes, I will sell my soul for convenience. As @jscott said:
2 hours ago, by jscott
@MichaelHampton I do enough sysadmining at work. I'll be damned if I'm sysadmining my fucking phone.
I'm getting old and I'm getting disenchanted with the world. If I had a lawn I would yell at kids telling them to stay off it
@MarkHenderson Just plant a little sod in a pot and yell at kids to keep off it.
We've got a few pot plants. We're also selling our apartment to buy a house as well, so soon I will have a lawn and it will be fucking awesome
@MichaelHampton Could be worse. You could be young and getting jaded and disenchanted with the world.
@HopelessN00b Define the upper bounds of "young"
I was thinking a few years above my age, actually.
So yeah, you're still young.
Hush kids, it's past my bedtime.
I don't feel young :P I go to bed at 9.30, I have a 2-year-old who has approximately 8 billion times more energy than I have and I yell at inanimate objects
Oh and I have plenty of grey hairs
At least my pubes are still curly. When they go straight, then you know you're old
I need some more metamucil.
I've been told that finding grey pubes is disheartening.
@ScottPack I bet it is
Man I still remember getting my first pube. That was an exciting day back in grade 7. I don't want to think about them going grey. Although I have plenty of grey on my head at the ripe old age of 26
Don't worry, I'll let you chaps know when I find one.
Sharing is caring
It's funny. I was a strawberry blonde, then in my 20s I turned brown.
If you don't like grey hair, you could handle stress like most other sysadmins, and pull it out by the roots in a fit of user-rage.
@MarkHenderson ITMS hasn't used FairPlay DRM in years. They're all unencrypted AAC (m4a), with your e-mail address embedded in the file to discourage sharing.
No I'm getting a mix of white and red.
@ScottPack My wife and I were so blonde we were almost white when we were kids. I went brown at about 16
She kept her blonde, thankfully ;)
@ChrisS Really? Damn, I didn't realise. Sweet.
@mark Same here, then strawberry around 14, then started turning brown about 20.
@ScottPack Stawberry blonde is the hottest type of natural blonde (in women anyway)
I've had more hair colors than a Suicide Girl.
It's like the sexiness of having a recessive gene, but with a soul
@MarkHenderson Since April 2, 2007
@ChrisS My iTunes relationship started in 2003 with what's now called an iPod classic (back then, just an iPod) and the DRM sucked ballS
Gingers are fun to mock. :-)
I have an iPod Nano 1G still; but I haven't used it in a long time. I never used ITMS much before they got rid of the DRM, so it doesn't matter much to me.
I went completely legit once you could get DRM-free songs for a reasonable price.
Same here. Grip is cool like that.
@ChrisS If I could get DRM-free movies at a decent price I'd go legit on those too. Or even not DRM free. Hell if I could get Netflix I would be the first person to subscribe
I used to have Netflix steaming service, I dropped it.
Extreme lack of content I'm interested in watching
I dropped mine when they changed the pricing model. More than half the videos we wanted were DVD only
Almost no recent release movies; mostly indie and made for TV.
Almost no recent TV shows, though plenty of past seasons.
And TV shows from the 80s.
Yeah, I still have DVD delivery...
really? I was under the impression that Netflix had almost everything?
Or has that changed?
No, they never had it and little seems to have changed.
They do, but they're getting pushback on streaming licenses from the big media mafia.
Same thing with all the Apple TV, Google TV, etc, products... Lack of content.
I'm really hoping Netflix breaks their backs like Apple did with the big music groups.
Netflix has everything on DVD you could want. Almost everything you could possibly get on BD too.
Netflix is fighting on two fronts though. ISPs hate them and Media Mafia hates them.
But nearly nothing I want on streaming.
I think I streamed 3 tuings over the course of 5ish years.
As I recall Netflix accounted for about half of our bandwidth last spring quarter.
Porn, Netflix, and Facebook account for ~85% of the traffic on the Internet.
@ChrisS That little?
Facebook was also our #1 email source. Pretty exciting numbers too considering that we're a 40,000 person org.
That's only 2 websites + one industry
It's roughly 33% Netflix, 30% Porn, and 25% Facebook as of earlier this year.
@JoelESalas: 1 tweet, 16 retweets. Is that a record?
@MikeyB It better be
If you haven't run a production system on your laptop, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT #DevOps
follows @ChrisS
cackles all ebil-like
A: Multiple SSL domains on the same IP address and same port?

Michael HamptonYes, but there are some caveats. This is accomplished through Server Name Indication, an extension to Transport Layer Security. What is Server Name Indication? Server Name Indication (RFC 6066; obsoleted RFC 4366, RFC 3546) is an extension to Transport Layer Security which allows the client to...

@MikeyB Meh, seems like the spoiled, rich DevOps approach to me. Run your code versioning system on a smartphone, then you've got something.
@HopelessN00b Hey, an svn repo being served by a phone over 3G
By golly I think you're onto something there
@MarkHenderson 3G? IMTS or go home!!
@WesleyDavid Ha! My first victim^H^H^H^H^H^H follower!
@ChrisS O_O
@WesleyDavid GPRS
@WesleyDavid Ok so I admit I had no idea what IMTS was so I just wikipediad it
Let me draw a diagram:
⊃ - Tin can
--- - String
⊂ - Tin can
1010 - lulz in binary format
Serial communication requires two lines of string.
You can multiplex lines of string if you use the big Progresso cans. Minimum 12 ounces.
Good to know :P
@MarkHenderson I'm not that old to know either...
First real mobile services to be offered here were GPRS
There was some analogue stuff in the late 80's and early 90's but by '94 it was pretty much GPRS
Sorry, not GPRS, I mean GSM
A Xeon e5430 and it still takes 30 seconds to open server manager.
Oh wait, this is a 2GB VM. Derp.
@WesleyDavid 2GB of RAM on Windows Server is only enough to pop up that YOU'RE LOW ON RAM JERK warning when you login
@JoelESalas That's not true. It's enough memory to BSOD or run an OS that's not doing anything, too.
Suck on that. 1gb of RAM and a single core on 2008 R2, suckers
@MarkHenderson loling IRL
@MarkHenderson That's a mighty Windows Task Manager server you got there. Can it serv up task manager results to any client, or only to itself? :p
@HopelessN00b Actually its a domain controller for a small network
Which I just notice it's been 33 days since it was rebooted, which means its been 33 days since it was last patched. Might just check their WSUS for anything interesting
Suck it Trebek!
@ChrisS Impressive!
And who said that Windows is a memory hog?
Mine's still got 2MB free too. =]
So it does. Thats 2Mb that could be used for something else, sir!
You could fit half a naked lady in that 2Mb
Perferably the interesting bits
You could fit like 20 naked lades, if they're gifs or jpegs from the good ol dialup days.
@HopelessN00b I was thinking something similar, actually
But this is 2012, if a nipple is under 500px in diameter, it's too low res
Oh man, I remember the days of trying to find images that fit on a 1.44MB disk.
Hmm. Are questions about beating annoying users to death with an old SAN on-topic here? I can't find an assassin.stackexchange or murder.stackexchange site. :/

On that note, I have to head off to do something... grr.
I remember the excitement of seeing the image render progressively. Starts out with all blocks, then a few seconds later you get smaller blocks, and after about a minute, yay I think thats a nipple!
Oh man... the memories
@HopelessN00b We should propose BOFH in area 51...
Or, downloading a video with early P2P like bearshare over dialup. Every few hours you'd copy the file and try to play it, hoping it wouldn't be in a corrupt state, just to find out you had the first 30 seconds where nothing interesting happens
Anyone got a Nexus 7?
So you wait a few more hours, and then typically the video cuts out about 2 frames before the good bits
That reminds me.I just recently picked up a Magic (MTG) deck again. First time in 12 years. I'm going to give Friday Nigh Open Game a try and see how badly I'm beat
And then your brother wants to use the phone so you need to hang up and try again tomorrow
@MarkHenderson Sir you are an inveterate pornography enthusiast.
@JoelESalas Not yet... It's on my list of things I want, but aren't useful enough to justify the cost.
@ChrisS Yeah, I think I was 19 before I realized that real nipples weren't square. :D

@MichaelHampton You know, if it's a slow day at the office tomorrow, I just might do that.
@JoelESalas Not really, but I was a teenager in the dawn of the World Wide Web
@ChrisS I used one over the weekend, and I'm glad to report that it's the perfect tablet. Good size, very light, surprisingly powerful
Why does SE say I have 2 items in my "inbox" and yet only one item is actually new?
I used to get shitscared as a 15 year old with the "ARE YOU OVER 21" banners. I was shit scared the FBI would knock my door down for looking at boobs. Not realising that the FBI doesn't exist where I live and the legal age here is 18, not 21
These days they don't bother with the banners. Type in the wrong URL and BAM meatspin
@JoelESalas I'd rather is had about 8 or 9" screen... The 7" is just a touch small.
@ChrisS Are you a gigantic person? I'm 5'8" so my hands aren't that big
@MichaelHampton DIRTY READS, BRA
@JoelESalas 6'3"
I wouldn't mind trying one. I have a XOOM and it's too big.
@MichaelHampton Two events in the same page.
@ChrisS Ah, OK, well that's confusing.
Why does SE say I have 1 item in my "inbox" and yet no items are actually new?
Yes, they used to list the same question/answer twice, so the two matched up, but not anymore.
Is it Red still?
Not after I refreshed the page. But I have no idea why it came up in the first place.
@ChrisS Yeah, I could see why you'd want a bigger tablet
@JoelESalas It's yum localinstall file.rpm
@MichaelHampton you can yum install file.rpm
@JoelESalas Really? Last time I tried that, it complained about no such package name in the repos.
@MichaelHampton Your yum is smalltime. EL6?
@JoelESalas EL6, FC17
@MichaelHampton How very odd! It's never not worked for me
@JoelESalas Then again, it's been a very long time since I actually tried it, since it didn't work. :)
@MarkHenderson If someone's asking about the best way to protect their data on a home server and saying they'll take a bath with their toaster if they lose any data, should that question be on SF?
@MichaelHampton Way ahead of you
Check it out now
So that GFCI thing... that means you can't electrocute people with toasters in the bathtub?
@MichaelHampton Correct. Its a device built into the circuits fuses that detects any current leakage onto the buildings grounding circuit. If it detects anything out of tolerance, within a few milliseconds it shuts down the circuit
@MarkHenderson I'm trying to decide whether to answer his question or get hung up on the home-server aspect.
Crap! That means I have to have the bathroom rewired, or run an extension cord...
We didn't have RCDs in our apartment when we moved in, I spent 400 bucks to get an electrician in to install them. Well worth it when you have kids
@MichaelHampton He's treating a RAID array as the end-all of data integrity protection. It doesn't belong here
Its the law here in new installations taht all power point circuits must ahve RCDs in residential, and in commercial, all circuits must have RCDs
1. Water conducts better than your skin anyway, so the toaster is unlikely to do any real damage to you in a bathtub, though it's still possible to kill, it's somewhat unlikely.
@JoelESalas He needs educating, but I've seen plenty of people int he business world making the same mistakes
A residual-current device (RCD), or residual-current circuit breaker (RCCB), is an electrical wiring device that disconnects a circuit whenever it detects that the electric current is not balanced between the energized conductor and the return neutral conductor. Such an imbalance may indicate current leakage through the body of a person who is grounded and accidentally touching the energized part of the circuit. A lethal shock can result from these conditions. RCCBs are designed to disconnect quickly enough to prevent injury caused by such shocks. They are not intended to provide protec...
2. 120v is much less deadly than most people think, unless it's running from one extremity to another where the voltage has to go through your cardiovascular system.
@ChrisS It's all about the amps
@JoelESalas And 120v has twice as many of them as 240v
3. US houses are now required to have GCFIs in all rooms with water service, and AFCIs in all bedrooms. Though older houses would likely not be retrofit until it's necessary for some reason.
I have a friend who moved to California and he commented that one of the things that just takes a while to get used to is that extension cords can actually get hot on 120v
Argh, creating new ini-tard boot image takes forever
@JoelESalas It's a combination of both, but what comes out of the wall still isn't as deadly as your parents taught you.
@ChrisS Don't be fooled though, it can kill. My sister was very badly electrocuted when we were kids, and all the doctors said it was a miracle she was still alive
@MarkHenderson That would be an undersized extension cord and a fire risk because he's running more than he should on it.... That's not exactly the fault of 120v that he's using the wrong size cord.
@ChrisS Serious? The length of the extension cord matters?
I have like a 30m extension cord behind my TV to plug in my fish tank cos its the only one I had spare
@MarkHenderson I'm not saying that it can't kill... I'm just saying that parents always instill in their kids that it's automatic death, mostly because that's what they were taught, without basis or reason.
@MarkHenderson Length and diameter of the conductor both matter, yes.
@ChrisS That's one white lie I will happilly tell my child
@MarkHenderson HEY! What happened to the part about him taking a bath with the toaster! That just made the whole question worth reading!
@MichaelHampton Yeah, of the entire question it was the most inappropriate part
Also whether or not you have a power strip and multiplu-plugs plugged into it.

Running everything on the house through a single extension cord is fun... though, probably not at *your* house.
I mean if you look at it in context, if he loses his TV shows and his porn, he's going to kill himself. wtf?
While I'd agree that you keep kids away from electricity, it's like anything else that can kill. It should be treated with the respect it deserves, but not feared.
@HopelessN00b I worked in an office like that once. Everything, including the fridge, running off a single 10a 240v circuit
Daisey chained powerboards and double adapters out of a single socket
@MarkHenderson Still can't decide whether to help the guy build a home server or not.
@MichaelHampton Just... pretend you never saw the home server part
@MarkHenderson Oh, I missed that about the question... if I'd known that, I'd had advised him to get a girlfriend or two, instead of how to set up an enterprise file server in a non-retarded manner.

I mean girlfriends are a pain in the ass, but they're better than porn, even if only slightly.
Does it really matter where it sits?
@MichaelHampton Once he finds out that you know how to do it, he will never leave you alone.
@MichaelHampton RAID6, backup your best porn with a service like Carbonite or something. Problem solved.
@HopelessN00b I suggest just a single girlfriend. Two girlfriends might seem like fun, but it always ends badly for everyone
@MarkHenderson Really? Crap, there goes my weekend plans.
Aren't syadmins supposed to hate single points of failure? Always have working backups.
@HopelessN00b Good sysadmins have nightmares about single points of failure
@HopelessN00b Yes, but if you don't string them very carefully, they will interfere with each other - and you.
So I guess I'm a good sysadmin, and your dating preferences make you a bad one, then? :p
And I imagine that iSCSI SAN administrators jerk off thinking about MPIO and STP
@MarkHenderson Probably more about the ridiculous money they get for RTFM, I'd wager.
@HopelessN00b No no no, see, I took out a lifetime support contract with my girlfriend when I married her
@MarkHenderson But your support contract has vendor lock-in!
@HopelessN00b I was taking a tour of a colo facility once, and they proudly showed off their brand new EMC SAN. Over a million bucks in hardware they proudly announced. It filled a single 42U rack. For a million bucks.
@MarkHenderson Ah, I see. I like to avoid vendor lock-in too, unfortunately... which leaves me with needing redundant erm... "fun" systems from different... "vendors."
So maybe I need to start specialising.
Yeah, I'm thinking it's time to learn more about $AN storage...
@MichaelHampton Thats OK, as I like vagina
Plus during our contract we produced a new product, so we're going to work together on expanding our investment in him
@MarkHenderson The thought has occurred to me. Only problem being if I don't generalize I get shit bored, and start thing about ways I could subtly introduce problems into the environment that I'd be challenged to fix. Not a good combo for me, boredom and admin rights.
@HopelessN00b Same, actually. I don't think I could handle being a specialist, only dealing in a single thing for the rest of my career
Unless it was, I dunno, a testing factory where God makes sure that all the supermodels he churns out are correctly proportioned. I would take that job.
That or having to performance tune the computers at a brewery [which makes good beer, not Budweiser or some shit], involving lots of end-product testing to make sure no changes broke anything.
@HopelessN00b Ohhhh yeah that sounds like a good career
I hear all the employees at Sam Adams have to learn how to make beer and have some level of interaction with the process itself.

I sent in a job app once, asking if that meant I could get hammered on their products during working hours, but never heard back. I guess they weren't hiring. :(
@HopelessN00b I took a tour of the Miller brewery here in Irwindale, the workers do get free beer during lunch
@JoelESalas Good beer, or the crap they produce all day?
@MichaelHampton Crap beer
@MichaelHampton Buurrrnnnnnn
The bottling unit is the loudest thing I have ever encountered. I think if you went without ear protection you'd have permanent hearing damage in under 30 seconds
@MarkHenderson OK, I told him to go get NexentaStor. :)
@MichaelHampton So I saw. I'm surprised @ewwhite didn't jump on it
I wonder if he realises how much money its going to cost him to keep a server like that online 24/7
In just electricity alone
@MarkHenderson Oh, he'll figure that out in a month or two.

Is it really completely impossible to code a remote access portal that isn't a complete piece of shit, or are web app developers just another job that's way overpaid for producing shit? (And all to place a fucking order with these jackasses... why don't they just replace their page with something saying they don't want anyone's fucking business???)
@HopelessN00b Web app developers are way overpaid for producting shit.
@HopelessN00b No, Yes and because that would not pass the CEO's approval, is my guess
I've used many good remote access portal
In a past life I also wrote more than one of them
@MarkHenderson It doesn't cost that much, actually. I do a similar thing with a Dell PVNX3100. Considering it's mostly idling all day, it doesn't use a lot of juice.
@HopelessN00b Is it written in PHP? If so, it's probably a piece of shit.
@HopelessN00b Even keeping all those drives online 24/7?
I just got our electricity bill the other day, we're now paying 32c/kwh flat rate (no more on/off peak)
Our 2-bedroom apartment now costs about $2800 in electricity a year
So power consumption is a massive issue for me right now
@MichaelHampton Dunno about PHP, but I see js, java, and something that required an MS redistributable install. In addition to the 4 other installs and Controls it had to install.

I think this user's just SoL getting this to work through the corporate network.
@MarkHenderson Is that good? In the US there would be riots at 32 cents/kwh
@MichaelHampton No, its not good. We were paying 25c/kwh
I think we're paying... 11? I'd have to go find the bill.
And our consumer here are full of talk, but no action. Plus there's nothing we can do about it. There's only one electricity provider for each area, so its not like you can jump ship
You can change your wholesaler, but at the end of the day it all comes from the same place
Now he'll show up.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I was gonna say, I pay 12c/kwh. Maybe if I was doing 32c, I'd be worried, but with a max power draw of 1700W, and 12c/kwh, I really don't care. Just under five bucks a day, even at max draw. I pay spend far more on far stupider shit.
You guys are fortune that you have the hoover dam, mind you. We don't have anything that even resmbles clean cheap energy here
@MarkHenderson That's because you live on the world's largest desert island.
@MarkHenderson I'm at about 15c/kwh
And all the rednecks are opposed to nuclear power, and sadly there's a lot of rednecks here (only we call them Bogans)
Yeah, pretty sure the Hoover Dam isn't providing any energy to the Midwest.

And compared to, say, Canada, the juice down here is really expensive and the grids sucks sweaty donkey balls.
We have a nuclear power plant about 40 miles away. Strategically positioned so that if it melts down, Boston gets it.
...If it melts down in winter, anyway.
@MarkHenderson Nuclear power is more expensive and more of a headache than its worth anyway, IMO. Fusion or GTFO are really your only options for clean power that's not gonna suck.
@HopelessN00b I'm not concerned. I live upwind of the reactor. :)
@HopelessN00b There's talk about using kinetic energy from the oceans lately, but I can't imagine that they would be particularly efficient

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