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Anyone know what kind of resolution one should expect from a decent security camera these days?
I'm looking at a really good deal on some IP cameras, but they're only VGA resolution, which seems a bit shit for a security camera
@MarkHenderson that sounds typical for low end
I've had some bad experiences with security cameras before, but generally its because they shipped with crappy pirated software
grumble grumble sick lizard grumble grumble
@MarkHenderson Security cameras suck pretty hard -- it used to be QVGA was the best you'd get, so VGA is a step up
most of them are low-light optimized and to hell with being able to read a license plate :-/
The jail I supported had some pretty incredible ones. Probably out of the price range of most places.
@ShaneMadden they also had good lighting I bet :)
@voretaq7 Exterior ones actually.
Interior it didn't matter, since every inch was covered by a camera pretty close by.
:) IR illuminator rings?
Not sure
@MarkHenderson I've been doing sleuthing on good sec camera setups for a few needs. You can get 720p, but you've got to dig for it.
@WesleyDavid Yeah been doing more research in the last hour or so. Everything is VGA except for the top-end stuff which is 720p
For the first time (that I can recall), I exhausted all of my close-votes for the day.
...which is quite frustrating when you go to the front page and see 2-3 more that should be closed. :)
@ErikA Name and shame. I've got a few to burn through.
#3: serverfault.com/questions/417206/… (maybe....I thought yes, should be closed, but perhaps not)
#4: serverfault.com/questions/417200/… (not sure what to think about this one....pretty messy, no good can come of it)
@ErikA I'm very interested to know how tunlr works as well
As far as I can tell its DNS is providing the exact same lookups as normal DNS
@MarkHenderson Agreed, still not on-topic, though, correct?
So, magic must be pretty accurate
@ErikA Oh, absolutally
Off topic
Good. Thought I was losing my SF mind there for a bit. :)
The new(ish) /review is good for burning through one's VTC quota.
Meh, I prefer the old /review so I can search through them by # of close votes
All I know is that now I can see a list of questions with close votes, and I like it.
@ScottPack clearly you haven't read any of the questions :P
I like that I can more easily contribute to closing questions. How's that?
So earlier, some dude went through and added the cfengine tag to a boat load of questions. Some were appropriate, some weren't. I approved, and declined a few, as did @ScottPack I believe. What's our thinking on this massive re-tagging? It appears he was just searching for any Q with "config management" and adding the tag regardless of whether or not it was appropriate.
I ended up declining all the ones I saw, because they just didn't fit.
@ErikA I noticed.
@ScottPack I approved a couple, then noticed what he was doing and then started declining...
One might have, but it had been closed for over a year. Another mentioned the word cfengine in the question, but was otherwise about something completely different.
I would have approved if the tag had been a useful addition. I just didn't see any.
Hah - the truth comes out. He's a dev @ CFengine: linkedin.com/pub/bishwa-shrestha/53/522/378
Le spam.
I should have checked that first, before approving anything.
Meh, denied several with IMHO accurate comments.
Right. G'night gentlemen. Jason.
@ScottPack huggles
lol. g'night.
@WesleyDavid Sweet dreams, Wes!
@ScottPack Your command is my wish.
@WesleyDavid Re: Your MBA G+ post....
Why not just stick an old desktop under the stairs and run Windows on there? RDP in as needed.
@jscott Oddly, I do that right now. In fact, what's weird is that I'm typing this to you from my Fedora laptop RDP'd into an old Windows machine under my desk.
However, I still want Windows on the same portable machine for when I'm at client sites and need to test around with a Windows machine.
@WesleyDavid Nearly everything I do, outside of surfing the webs, is non-local, so I can see using an "underpowered" MBA with no problem.
@WesleyDavid Oh, in that case, yeah, maybe Parallels would be better than BootCamping to Windows each tim.
@jscott I used a 4GB RAM, T7700 based XPS 1530 for almost five years now.
Actually, I upped it to 8GB because VMware Player sux huevos with memory management compared to Virtualbox.
So an 8GB Air with 128GB SSD and an i5 will rock my world
I could conceivably get by with 4GB of RAM, but hey...
The XPS 1530 has been just fine. No complaints from me so far - it's plenty fast. So, really, I don't feel like the Air will cramp me. Except maybe for size. I've got a 15" 1050 x 1680 screen now, but I rarely look at it. I use my 24" Dell as my main screen.
@WesleyDavid Who the hell measures resolutions HxW?
Its WxH (unless of course your laptop has a portrait screen)
@MarkHenderson People that are dyslexic. Cock.
@WesleyDavid You mean syldexic?
@MarkHenderson Didja hear about the dyslexic paranoid? He always thought he was following someone.
Dyslexics of the World UNTIE!
@WesleyDavid Think I've been using my work x200 for about 3.5 years now. i5, 4GB, 128GB SSD, never left me wanting. But again, it's a Windows box and I'm not running SQL Server on it, or building VS2010 projects on it.
@jscott If you haven't run a production system on your laptop, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT DEVOPS
@JoelESalas Starred for truth
@JoelESalas Joel, are you on twitter?
@WesleyDavid Yes sir
@JoelESalas Tweet that so I can RT it with the #devops tag
@JoelESalas Ha! that's half the reason I gave up on Linux on my notebooks.
Or rather, you tweet it with #devops and I'll RT it and then we'll get everyone else on SF to RT it and see how quickly we can piss off the whole hashtag.
@WesleyDavid Okay :D
I'm in.
trolling, trolling, trolling.
Well check that out "Press TAB to search serverfault" :smugmug.com/gallery/…
@JoelESalas What's your tweeter name?
Hee heee hee heee hah hah: theonion.com/articles/…
@JoelESalas Just post the tweet link here
@WesleyDavid #JoelESalas
If you haven't run a production system on your laptop, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT #DevOps
@JoelESalas Okay troops, you know what to do. RELEASE THE RTs!!
@JoelESalas Nice inaugural tweet. :)
Wow... noob.
Nice egg
@jscott That's what she said?
@WesleyDavid #twss
I thought twitter did the gravatar thing, guess not.
@jscott Unfortunately not.
Fortunately not.
@MikeyB That would probably pass as real news in a tabloid paper
I quite enjoyed this one: theonion.com/articles/…
Took two emails to my inbox from wordpress.com (wtf i don't have a wordpress account) about attempted resets of my wordpress.com password (wtf i don't have a wordpress account) before I realized that it was an attack against the gravatar account.
And the fact that they do a simple MD5 of the email address to pull the icon is a joke.
Down with gravatar!
@ShaneMadden Huh, I've seen the same wordpress.com reset mails. Just flagged them, never really looked into it.
@jscott Yeah, I'm not exactly trusting of their security. For some reason.
Never used their hosting, but do run a few WP sites. So it seemed odd.
@JoelESalas The funny thing about how many people are RT'ing your wry #DevOps tweet, is that I suspect most of them read it quickly at thought "Yeah! If you've run production systems on your laptop, you really don't know shit about devops!" WOOOOSH
Thanks Microsoft. You helped me understand why your TMG is pre-emptively aborting connections, but not how to resolve it: support.microsoft.com/kb/934301
@WesleyDavid I can only hope
@MarkHenderson TMG is going the way of the dodo. =/
Alas poor ISA, I hardly knew thee.
@WesleyDavid It turns out that the web interface for a qnap device loads so many seperate resources that its triggering the flood mitigation on the firewall
It's attemping to load 175 seperate resources concurrently
@MarkHenderson Way to make a name for yourself qnap.
@MarkHenderson Wait, public resources? It's crossing the public firewall or is this some kind of internal firewall?
@WesleyDavid Internal firewall
We've put a qnap in our DMZ
Q: Agile sysadmin and devops - How to accomplish?

Marco RamosNowadays, agile systems adminitration and devops are some of the most trending topics regarding systems administration and operations. Both these concepts are mainly focused on bridging the gap between operations/sysadmins and the projects (developers, business, etc). Even if you never heard of t...

How is that a thing that has upvotes?
Aha! Found the setting to apply different rate limits to IP addresses. Seriously, what a shit piece of GUI design
^^ hard-coded to 80. Damnit. Today is just not my day
80 < 175
@ShaneMadden Good question, bad venue. Belongs on Quora, a traditional forum, or a blog.
That was two and a half years ago. Quite a different place back then.
ugh nvm if I had read the entire fine print I would see that it's 50% of the previous setting
@WesleyDavid Yup.
Though I think in 10 years "how do I devops" will be like "how do I LAMP" today.
@MikeyB - who did you piss off? lol
Ignore? What's that?
@ShaneMadden You can ignore people in chat
I believe I have Evan Carroll on ignore
@MarkHenderson Ohhh, chat.
@MarkHenderson hahaha
I missed that mess, but those were some hilarious transcripts.
His current SF suspension ends Feb 27 '13 at 21:55.
I believe his chat suspension is substantially longer (about 9 years longer)
@MarkHenderson It lets you suspend for longer in chat than on the main site?
@ShaneMadden They're seperate suspensions. Last time on here I did a 365 day ban, but he came back almost to the hour that it expired. So I threw a 0 on the end of it this time.
@MarkHenderson That is amazing. I guess the previous year was before my time.
@MarkHenderson No idea. Curious now, though.
I like that it shows mods that there are ignores, but not from who.
Probably Evan Carroll.
@MikeyB Oh well. Enemies are easy to make when you're always right
posted on August 14, 2012 by Matt Simmons

One of the biggest responsibilities I have in my new role is that of Network Administrator. It's been...well, a long time since that's been my title, but I think I can still VLSM a network, even if my fingers are a little rusty typing the commands. One of the things that I appreciate in this [...]

@MarkHenderson Anyone ignoring me?
@WesleyDavid Clearly.
@WesleyDavid Sadly, yes
user image
@MarkHenderson Me likey.
@WesleyDavid It was a pain in the ass to take that screenshot so I hope it got at least a few moments of a smile
@MarkHenderson I did. head bonk
@WesleyDavid Purrrrrrr
This turned sexual fast.
What can I say, my human wife is allergic to cats so I have to get it wherever I can elsewhere
Fuck yeah, fixed a broken static route on a device and I now have 2tb of rsyncing to catch up over a 100Mb link. Joy.
Hell at least it's a 100Mb link and not the 2Mb link it used to be on
@MarkHenderson Static route, eh? There's your problem!
What do you think... amateur porn site?
@ShaneMadden It was either that or RIP...
@WesleyDavid Well there was a guy a while back who was asking for advice on peering, turns out he was running a website dedicated to fat chicks
@MarkHenderson Ewwww. Static routes it is, then.
Or better network devices.
7TB per month for $40. Sounds legit.
Actually, no, if it was porn he'd be making enough money to spend more than $40 a month.
Unless he simultaneously has a meth addiction.
@ShaneMadden Or a sysadmin who understands OSPF :P
I still like that guy who has a mmorpg with 400,000 users and he's using IIS SMTP services to email them all.
That dude is a monster frogging rock star.
@WesleyDavid Well he could be emailing them via the old SQL Server 2005 SMTP engine?
@MarkHenderson SQL Server SMTP > IIS 6 SMTP Virtual Server
@WesleyDavid You reckon? It's not even present in 2008, I bet they were itching to take it out ever since they bought SQL Server
Seriously, why the fuck don't network devices come pre-configured with a list of NTP servers?
@MarkHenderson IIS's SMTP service is really just a batch file getting called by cscript.exe that sends SMTP commands directly to mail servers using telnet.
@WesleyDavid Srsly? Ok it wins
@MarkHenderson In my own mind, that's totally the truth.
Although when you get down to it, every SMTP client ends up sending SMTP commands over telnet :P
Not like SMTP needs a lot more complexity than that. Yet somehow it has the most disgustingly complicated software stacks built around it.
@ShaneMadden Threaded conversaaaaaations
From the Office of "That Should Have Been a Porn Site" - I present to you: mandrill.com
@JoelESalas Too much
From the Office of "Assinine Job Titles" I bring to you:

DevOps Engineer at Quixey

Quixey is building a platform to power App Search for billions of users worldwide. We accomplish this by building a rich index of applications (smartphone apps, browser extensions…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on August 13, 2012

5+ Years of Hands-on experience developing tools that empower the engineering organization
App search for billions of users? Are there really that many people searching for apps?
@WesleyDavid Sign me up.
@Iain Just in time! We're winding up to a DevOps ragefest.
We're building cars? Cool.
Aug 10 at 18:01, by Joel E Salas
@ewwhite Senior DevOps Agile ScrumMaster Cloud Ninja Pirate Rockstar Engineer wanted to troubleshoot Outlook, set up WiFi, and take the blame for things out of their control!
I hope Mark checks his watch before clearing his desk
So if Toyota has its way with puppet, does the scrummaster get angry and collude with chef to ban his kans?
@Iain Early morning?
I was awake so I thought I'd just get on with it
@JoelESalas You mentioned Outlook, so you're using Windows therefore you're not the true DevOp and even if you're using Outlook for Mac that still means you're not using Gentoo so you suck.
@Iain Yeah today is a long day, I wish I could go home
@WesleyDavid I'm using Outlook inside VMWare Fusion on a mac. Hows that for devops?
@MarkHenderson Only counts as DevOps if you used vagrant to stand the virtual machine up and you did it without backups.
@WesleyDavid ... what's a backup?
@MarkHenderson YOU'RE HIRED!!
First thing to do: Upgrade everyone, including the accountant, to Dual Xeon workstations
Second thing to do: Get rid of that stupid complicated switch and install a 48-port 10/100mb normal switch
@MarkHenderson don't forget the Tesla cards.
@MarkHenderson What, no hub?
Third thing to do: Implement BYOD policy and get rid of company issued phones. Bring whatever one you like!
Fourth thing to do: Firewalls are a royal pain the ass to maintain all those rules. New Rule: ALLOW ALL
@MarkHenderson Dude, IPv6 is the new DevOps way. Everything gets a public address. Therefore, no firewalls.
wtf is this routing shit? Re-number every machine to
@WesleyDavid Fuck me dead, why didn't I think of that! My god I can give every single machine its own PREFIX and then each machine can have 10 trillion addresses to itself; rather than 10 trillion shared through the office
Oh and cos IPv6's are so long how about I bind every single address in their subnet to their adapter, so that I don't have to remember their actual address, just their prefix and any random collection of 16 hex digits
Yeah, that'll work
@MarkHenderson Don't forget to configure it all with Puppet.
@MarkHenderson Didn't we have that question a few weeks back?
I can probably write a bash script, install cygwin on every single computer (by hand) and do it that way
@ShaneMadden Which question? Binding 10 trillion IP addresses to one interface?
@MarkHenderson Yup.
I hope so, that would have been fun to see the answers on
@MarkHenderson A++++++++ question. Would downvote again.
Must.... find.... question....
Q: Can I bind a (large) block of addresses to an interface?

p-staticI know that the ip tool lets you bind multiple addresses to an interface (eg, http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6553/1/). Right now, though, I'm trying to build something on top of IPv6, and it would be really useful to have an entire block of addresses (say, a /64) available, so t...

@MarkHenderson There was a newer windows one. I think he was looking for a way to loop all 2^64 addresses in netsh.
Q: ipv4 to ipv6 proxy solution other then netsh

Sander RijkenI've been using netsh interface portproxy for ipv4-to-ipv6 proxy-ing. This works fine, except that I need something to listen on more than just a single IPv6 address, because the address on the server is dynamic. Is there another piece of software that allows me to listen on all IPv6, or a subne...

I give up. But maybe I'll just fire up a VM and try it ;)
Yeah, I think you'll maybe see that feature in Windows 9...
I hope not.
I hope never to see Windows 9 too!
@MichaelHampton Well there will probably never be an OS 11 either, apple will just release iOS for x86 and wash their hands of it
Not looking forward to the "How do I make a different SSL IP binding to every one of these 2^64 addresses because Microsoft's browser support for SNI is still dragging down its implementation on the rest of the internet" question.
@ShaneMadden But that's how Internet Explorer wins. It worked for them once before, and thats why they still have consumers on IE6 even when Microsoft wants it dead
Oh, I solve that with a default SSL vhost that says "Your browser doesn't support secure web browsing. Go shoot the head of IT before anybody finds out what you were really searching for.."
<blink> <marquee>, thankyou so much Microsoft
Well, its 15 mins before home time, maybe I had better start doing some real work before I go home
Windows XP lasted so long because its Fisher-Price looks were so popular with senior management. I predict Windows 8 will be a complete flop. Look for Windows 9 in approximately a year, with a completely revamped Fisher-Price look.
Suddenly not feeling so bad about being single right now.
@WesleyDavid It all sounded pretty normal until it came out that they were women :p
@MarkHenderson snort
@MarkHenderson Don't be silly, 15 minutes before home time is when you start packing up to leave.
Or was it 30 minutes?
@MarkHenderson Biggest giveaway that it wasn't men: no poop shot.
@WesleyDavid My son made me take a photo of his poop in the potty befor ehe would let me flush it
If he does a really really big one he gets proud and wnats a momento
Chat needs a downvote button.
@MarkHenderson Like father, like son. Except you haven't texted me scat photos for, like... at least a week. I thought you and I were special. :'(
Worst part of that one is, I bet he's using "free" hosting.
@JoelESalas I ran my VoIP server on an old laptop with a missing screen I got for $100 on eBay for over a year, until its internal hard drive port gave out. Then I sold it again for $125, the hard drive for another $50, and the VoIP server now lives on EC2...micro. For free.
@MichaelHampton calm down
@Iain I know, I shouldn't have so much coffee at this time of day.
@MichaelHampton it's closed now
Thank Gawd.
Morning all :)
Is that what you call it?
9h35, still morning-ish
Who in hell would be up at that hour?!
@MichaelHampton most people
@Iain Precisely!
Somebody told this poor guy that it was OK to have 100% I/O wait.
Hopefully my liberal use of bold and italics will fix everything up.
YES! The bold and italics worked!
OK, I've finished my coffee. Time for bed.
Bear with me on this one, but how bad an idea is it to run two different subnets over a single switch configured to the native VLAN only, assuming they don't have to communicate at all
I'm thinking broadcast traffic might get screwy
@Dan that wouldn't be too bad...
@ColdT I'm having a nightmare - basically, I need for all intents and purposes a "private VLAN". A network on a range away from anything else, with no default gateway and no routes. Problem is they have no VLANs configured and I'm not about to start to reconfiguring parts of their network because only pain lies that way
Oh it gets worse anyway, it's all Cisco kit so I could chuck a VLAN on with little drama but it's only 10/100 :S
recommended definitely to have two separate broadcast domain, but if you don't have a choice, then not really much you can do other then recommend them a alternative solution
@Dan how many clients btw?
the other issues would be someone statically changing their IP.. that would lead to possible security issues
an placing something like ethereal software would capture a lot of interesting things
@ColdT 150 VDI's :(
that isn't going to work!
not on a 10/100
who an earth thought that would play nicely?!
Mis communication
Oh well, they're just going to have to find a 1gb switch
do you know what the required network use is for each of those VDIs?
they will seriously struggle without a 1gb switch and limit them massively without separating VLAN
@ColdT Tell me about it - to be honest, I'm bouncing it up the chain. The original issue was just lack of VLANs which I figured we could work around, but 100Mb is just a non starter
Even if they just had one 24 port switch for the VDI backbone, that'd do the trick
One has hyphens, one has a space, and the other is all capitals. — womble 32 mins ago
@Iain snigger
2 hours later…
Yay, I has new switch
lol where did you find a new switch
@ColdT I didn't, but when things got a bit "Well if you don't, it won't work. At all" they managed to locate and swap a £1500 managed procurve
guess the bit of a threat of not working does magic!
@ColdT To be fair, they're all good people - I just had to make it clear how bad things were :D
So 1Gb and I get to VLAN properly, whoop
I'm thinking of connecting all of the NICs just cos I can
I always wanted to have all the phones an the call center call each other in a 3 way conference and see what would happen. First person calls a phone, conferences in a 2nd person. Then those 2 do the same, etc...
@lsiunsuex A double-linked list of conference calls?
This is all kinds of fishy:
Q: Disable and clear logs and remove event id 1102?

user900973Can I disable logs and remove event id 1102 (=log cleared event)? I already tried: Auditpol /set /category:* /success:disable But that didn't work for event 1102!

@BartDeVos yes very fishy
did something that don't want others to see
@ColdT Well, just the Log Clear event really. :)
that would point to the user... hence he probably want to remove that even 1102 as well ;)
Ah he's a dev
Devops gone rogue
on one of my sites, we have random inspirational quotes in the footer, so as an Easter egg type thing, I quoted Harvey Dent from Batman Rises - re: nerds
what-if.xkcd.com/7 : "there are probably around a million tons of pet dog in the US alone"
That guy is hilarious
island coconut k-cups back in stock in the cafeteria
my day is looking up
@MDMarra Blech.
@ewwhite Just saw this in my inbox- what was your question?
Q: Is there a way to prevent a SW RAID 1 from degrading?

Alex FloI have a number of Debian servers in a datacenter and from time to time I notice that the software RAID 1 was degraded. While the re-sync process starts automatically and I don't lose any data I find it annoying as it slows down the servers even for days while the HDDs are re-syncing. I was wond...

wtf ^
Don't use software RAID?
@jscott I was thinking of saying that, but I assume there's a reason people set raid up on servers without raid cards.
Howdy all.
@Basil Because they do not have enough money for the raid card.
I must say though, the Mac OEM raid cards are a little too expensive. I just use the software with CCC.
... mac?
They've got bigger problems then. Namely that macs aren't servers.
@Basil No, that was just a side note. You can get a HP P400 for like $60 but a Mac OEM RAID card.. $500 +.
Either was, I would never use software RAID on a server at all. MAYBE in my labs.
Anyone tried win 8 yet, if so, any views?
@Arthor heh, fair enough.
@Arthor Our view of Windows 8 is that we will not be entertaining it as an upgrade path.
@WesleyDavid Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!
@jscott O dear... Vista days all over again.. Thanks.
Yeah; Win8 has some eye candy, and quite a few technical improvements over Win7. But the Metro interface is only useful for Tablets, and even then iOS and Android have much better UX overall. I can't see us ever using it in production at this point.
I heard you can't eliminate the eye candy via gpo for now

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