this douche bag is / pretends to be in IT / pretends to be a programmer, has access to my intranet's code. Claims he can't close a support ticket (i single handedly wrote the ENTIRE support ticket system). Send me an email saying he can, CC'ing my 2 bosses in on it (they love to do that to try to get me in trouble) so i create a support request, assign it to him, reset his password, login as him, mark it completed (works fine, obviously) - i tell him it works fine and make sure hes using IE
(it has problems in firefox) - replies back to me - not on my pc. a: its a fucking website - its pc agnostic. b: your a programmer, go look in the code. c: your also a sys admin - and you give me no error message? no description of wtf is going on? and your in IT ?
Hello, I'm Sally Struthers. Do you want to make more money? Sure! We all do!
You can be a television repairman, dentist's assistant, clerical aid, drug mule swallowing condoms full of coke! Call now for your free information packet.
ordered firewood for the pizza oven last night - we'll drop it off tonight / tomorrow morning (today is tomorrow) - wife home early - did the wood come ? no - call the dude - did you drop it at the right house? yeah - call the wife - did you actually look in the back yard or just the driveway ? just the driveway - can you look in the backyard? yeah, its here. wtf. call up firewood dude - sorry man, my wife didnt see it
NAME slapd-bdb, slapd-hdb - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
SYNOPSIS /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
DESCRIPTION The bdb backend to slapd(8) uses the Oracle Berkeley DB (BDB) package to store data. It makes extensive use of indexing and caching to speed data access.
hdb is the recommended primary database backend. It is a variant of the bdb backend that uses a hierarchical database layout which supports subtree renames. It is both more space-efficient and more execution- efficient than the bdb backend. It is otherwise identical to the bdb
It's what the man page says.
I have no clue how to benchmark these things!
Maybe knows stuff about this.
If it does, it's not tagged well. There are not [bdb], [hdb] or [ldap] tags and the only 2 [openldap] questions are on ACLs.
Because I hit the disk, and the OS X I/O scheduler algorithm is very simple:
"OMG DISK ACCESS! OK Everybody fucking STOP! just STOP!. NO EXECUTING! This process wants the disk, so HEY! NO! NOBODY CAN HAVE THE CPU UNTIL WE'RE DONE WITH THE DISK!"
@ewwhite I tuned the shit out of my Fedora install. Mini from 2009, 4GB RAM, shitty old disk. It runs like liquefied FAST because I can sacrifice safety for speed
I mean I know that's a herculean task for a system with FOUR FUCKING PROCESSORS running at 200 TIMES THE SPEED OF MY FIRST COMPUTER with MORE RAM THAN WE EVER DREAMED ABOUT HAVING AS DISK back in the day...
@voretaq7 Don't get me wrong, I made every effort to ghetto-rig together a Linux install on this son-of-a-bitch mini. It just refuses to boot from Linux correctly
I've had far more HD failures on Mac than SSD... I average a new Mac laptop every 12-18 months, going back to 1998. Each one has suffered an HD failure.
@lsiunsuex yeah, well I work for bikesheds-R-us. If I ask them to involve a designer the bossman will want to be involved in the site design so he gets his money's worth
to put that in perspective, 2 years ago we hired professional writers and a professional designer to redo our marketing website.
Unfortunately my scope of authority does not extend to telling the CEO "Look, just let the fucking professionals do what you're paying them for and rubber stamp what they hand you"
(otherwise shit might get done :-)
I'll be lucky if we can get that ugly version of the site launched by the end of the year (only a year behind schedule)
i'm just about fucked right now - i can't develop in titanium studio (ios app) on my macbook pro cause i'm on ios 6 beta and the macbook pro is on mountain lion. the imac is running windows 7 right now and i just put windows 8 on the alienware. my sister in law imac is here getting snow leopard right now, so when thats done, put SL on my imac, put titanium and x-code on it. then dev my iphone app. leave the macbook pro alone and load a few VM's to test in ie9 / 8 / 7
i'll waste the next 4 hours just installing os's so i can test shit :(
website looks awesome in ie10 but fuck-all is using it right now...
and with the learning curve of metro, fuck-all will be using it 1 year after its released