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@Adrian Good question.
Ergh, what webmail app uses the email/scripts/loginuser.pl file / directory structure
It should be easier to discern than it is.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm repcapped.
No more useful and interesting answers from me for another 4 hours!
Noob alert!
Q: Is rpm the only file extension for repositories

sameoldI've noticed that repositories in CentOS have the .rpm extension. Are there other extensions? Is .rpm specific to the operating system? i.e. do other linux operating systems have other extensions?

@MichaelHampton Noob yes, bad question, no. Probably more applicable to U&L though.
just paste in a link to wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager and nothing else
@MikeyB I found GlusterFS to be quite slow, but that was on a test rig of older equipment.
Q: nginx clobbering sftp traffic during peak times - is tc the answer?

njahnkeThis is probably a continuation of my previous (unanswered) question because the underlying cause is probably the same. I have a Linux server with nginx and sshd running on it. It's on a shared 100mbit/s unmetered link. During "peak times" (basically, during the day in the US), sftp performance ...

@lsiunsuex If you paste just a link as a real answer then I will probably downvote you... But a comment is probably fine.
gizmodo.com/5930358/… in a year, Metro will be known as a virus that infected every Microsoft UI. People will get sick of the bland, flat UI, boycott and move to OSX where the desktop and portables are actually discernible but both equally easy to use.
@MikeyB Heh, the pragmatic lobe of my brain is a little overdeveloped.
hey guys, got a question about a professional email address setup
@Zach okay
well this is more high-level first I guess
but I'm wondering if it's nicer to have an address with your own website (at zachhodge.com for example) or @me.com
if that makes sense
sigh, that double h is ugly
zhodge = nicer
I use @mac.com, but also have my own domain. Mac.com just forwards to my personal domain.
@Zach i discussed this with a client the other day. theres many ways to do it [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected] - we perferred [email protected] but always @company.com - to ME - a @mac.com or @gmail.com is OK for personal use, but when speaking on behalf of a company, it should be @company.com
@Zach depends what you're doing, I wouldn't buy products/services professionally from a company with a me.com/hotmail/gmail etc. address, maybe personally though, I seem to recall there's a lot of that sort of thing on Etsy
thanks for all the input everyone
Oh, I guess it depends on what you're actually doing
it's not a company address
it'd be a personal bio site
@Chopper3 @Zach For a resume or something, gmail is fine IMHO
or something along the lines of a portfolio
hotmail.com will hurt you, though
I do give a little more credit to sysadmin folks who have their own domain and obviously maintain the infrastructure behind it.
personal bio site = you have a domain name ?
aol.com... worse.
@lsiunsuex going to have
@lsiunsuex I hate telling people "I told you so" but it happens so damn often. My company redesigned their website last year. I told them to go with a simple design, and to limit themselves to a single color, plus an accent color if they really needed it (black, white, and grays don't count as "colors" for webdesign). They ignored all that. Well the new hotness in webdesign, monochromatic sites with big pictures and clean lines.... >=|
compuserve.com... worst.
@ewwhite well hotmail's sadistic tendencies aren't email related :-)
@ewwhite digust
*disgust 00ps
However, outlook.com... there may be something there.
@ewwhite Hey, if you still have a CS account I give you props!
if you have the domain name you probably have atleast a handful of email addresses - MOST hosting providers offer free email when you have a hosting account
@lsiunsuex was going to be my next question
registrar recommendations?
godaddy is the devil
for quick and cheap, i like 1and1.com - cheap, fast to setup and a decent package for a small site
@lsiunsuex That deserves to be pinned.
fucking hate godaddy - garbage - worse than network solutions
@lsiunsuex I noticed 1and1 from a quick google - seemed nice
why the anti-godaddy circle jerk?
i have 14 domains under 1and1 and a few of them forward to rackspace. no problems with 1and1 over the last 5 years
I've enjoyed dealing with namecheap, great service anyway
@Zach shit service, poor company morals (they backed some shit government law that never got passed) - caught multiple times on shady domain registration practices
@Zach Customer Service, Upselling, SOPA/PIPA, and the list goes on
ohh yeah
I forgot about their whole advocating sopa thing
there is a metric shit ton of hosting providers. i like 1and1 - look around, ask some people - buy what you think you can afford / offers a good package for that money
sounds good
I know you guys want to give advice on the domain name itself
I prefer discountasp.net on the Microsoft side... great service
Oh and if you just need e-mail hosting and already have the domain, you can set it up in gmail...
domain names to me are a real pain right now to pick out - you want something descriptive but so much is taken
so gmail e-mail powering your domain
i've spent days running searches, looking through a thesaurus, dictionary, chopping together words - its a f'ing nightmare
@lsiunsuex just depends on what you are looking to do... some are easier than others
@BrentPabst for sure
last time I checked all 4 characters or less domains were taken
I think zhodge is decent for a personal site
.com that is
@Zach sure... mine is brentpabst.com
@lsiunsuex Is squirrelfucker.com taken?
@MikeyB @lsiunsuex Dunno... but you could probably get squirrelfucker.xxx
@BrentPabst Actually… it is taken. Never mind.
/me buys zhodge.com and fucks over the new guy :)
Of course on the other hand I just setup a reseller account with Tucows/OpenSRS and get domains that way
where u go hospitality
@ewwhite I was terribly disappointed the day that I discovered hotmale.com was already taken.
are .xxx's for sale yet?
@Zach yep have been for a while
zhodge.xxx seems viable
or scrotums.xxx
@Zach Of course. Have you guys not seen conan.xxx? ← SFW
wondering if sfw
i'll sell you sexyracks.net - don't have the time to write a blog :(
is that like server erotica?
@Zach Think along the same lines of PG Porn, but actually SFW.
yes, basically
a blog on sexy server racks
weirdest erection, I have
sign me up, doc
buy just your lastname.com if its available then your email address will be [email protected]
the last 2 letters of my last name is .co so i bought something like that
@lsiunsuex That's expensive for me
American Samoa wants an extortionate rate for .as
yeah I'd need .ge
for georgia apparently
I lucked out with brntpb.st, use it with bit.ly for custom short URLs
i should make a business card with a tag line "finger -s [email protected]"
@lsiunsuex nice...
In all seriousness, moo cards are awesome! ;)
@BrentPabst seen those - their nice. but i still want some from plasmadesign.co.uk/metal-business-cards
@lsiunsuex Yea me too, but I don't have a money tree behind my house
me either, not right now anyways :(
@lsiunsuex I had a load of those made, I'll have to dig some out for a phone for you lot - the traders I dealt with loved them for chopping-out
I used to remember a US supplier who made them as well... been a while though
Guess I should go to this company party... not really in the mood today though
you know, a friend of mine has a laser cutter. wonder if he can make me a batch - works for a machine shop
I'm not familiar with the type of thing I'm seeing.
What do I do if I run out of close votes? (Not that I ever expect that to happen, but you never know...)
@MichaelHampton Wait for the next UTC day, or flag it if it's particularly bad.
... Heh, that's easy
@Chopper3 maybe a little bit -- can you put some flower child head wreaths on it for Summer of Love? :)
I. will. try.
hi everyone, this is my first time chatting
@jftuga Hello! Welcome to The Romms Room.
@jftuga Welcome, mind the open floor tiles and flower children...
@voretaq7 That's just creepy
@voretaq7 looks a bit like my daughter
@jftuga join around the campfire and tell a little about yourself? Do you like kittens?
@Chopper3 how old is she?
@ChrisS I KNOW, and it's the first result for "flower child picture" in Google Images
We have a guinea pig, actually.
@Chopper3 that just makes it creepier! ::delighted::
@Chopper3 13 year olds look a lot older than they were in my day :<
why? she's a child, looks like a child, as does the girl above
@ChrisS I was originally trying to find a Michelle Phillips picture...
@voretaq7 I had to look that one up.
@ChrisS ... sigh
@ChrisS I couldn't find an image of the album cover I wanted to use -- all I could find was the one of them all in the tub, and that's a little odd even for here.
@voretaq7 Kesha is on the radio station I'm listening to right now. ;]
@ChrisS I have no idea what that is
(a Kesha or a radio station :)
I freakn hate these tv shows that use poor pseudo computer language "We have tracked the IP, here it is" <=== deserves major slap
@voretaq7 I think she came along about 1 or 2 generations of women rap stars after Queen Latifah. But I don't watch TV anymore, so I might be wrong about that stuff.
@LucasKauffman Because the writers were all art majors?
must be if you look at all the "CSI tools"
@Adrian Her man has a mullett - She is invalid in my universe.
(and so is her man)
@voretaq7 3Oh3 is strange in just about anybody's universe. They're like a BloodHound Gang for the 2000s.
I used to spend a lot of time listening to music on satellite radio when I worked at Big Blue. I pretty much only listen to KEXP now because the GF listens to it and everything else on the air sucks.
@Adrian Goes back to my earlier point about art degrees being a waste of money :P
@MDMarra Unless you want to be a museum curator
There's a lot of degrees that are a waste of money for most of the people going through them.
@ChrisS One or two schools nationally could cover the demand for that. And I have no problem with art-specific schools, but the land grant colleges doing arts just annoys me.
RIT even had a School of American Crafts back in the 1990s. Learning how to make reproduction vintage furniture and cabinetry by hand.
@ChrisS True, but most of them don't stop at a BA
6 years of undergrad & graduate programs to learn how to make furniture?
@MDMarra not a waste... have you no respect for the arts or culture?
The great musicians and artists either have no degree at all, or PhDs in their respective fields
I doubt that there's more than a handful of influential people that have nothing more than a BA in Music History
Yet, there are tons of students that go and get a BA in Music History or Composition, or Literature, or Art History, or Fine Arts and then are confused as to why they can't afford to live alone, pay their bills, or eat more than pb&j
anyway, I'm outa here
Most of the great musicians I know left the IT field to play music.
Makes me wish I had some g'damn talent...
@ChrisS Ever seen Ke$ha interviewed? She make Rihanna look like a genius and 'RiRi' is a deeply stupid human
@Chopper3 Nope. But that doesn't surprise me in the least.
shit I've lost a lot of rep due to the cap today - maybe over a 100
I don't understand this saltiness toward people who pursue the arts or humanities...
@Chopper3 Actually I think it makes her every so slightly more attractive considering the content of her songs. =D
@ewwhite I don't have any issue with the arts at all, if anything I'm slightly obsessed - she's just stupid
@ewwhite It's mostly coupled with them whining that they can't get a job, pay back their loans, or live a middle class life.
@ChrisS With whose whining?
@ewwhite Frankly, I'd be more cheerfully inclined towards them if they didn't have a shitty condescending attitude towards people who pursue more technical career paths.
@ewwhite Recent graduates of arts programs. Maybe we're talking about two different conversations??
Hmm... they're some of the happiest ones I know. A lot of creative types in Chicago... shared-apartment situations and kinda crappy jobs (cafe, bike messenger, etc.), but they're not tied to a desk either...
@ewwhite The only part of me that's doesn't prefer the desk is my waistline. I worked construction for 6 years from high school through college.
@ewwhite Don't forget that ignorant people are the happiest too.
Well, we're not here to be employees...
or are we?
No, definitely not. But I do work a job that I enjoy, which is apparently more rare than I'd think
Heck, only about 1/2 of the population in the US has a job at all. So we can shoot that theory out a cannon.
The only guy I know that studied arts and is really making money of it is friend of mine who's a fashion designer, but he also has a degree in economics apart from his artsy one
@LucasKauffman he was probably fashion "oriented" before entering the program?
yea, he's good at it, makes good money and works with some famous fashion houses, but I wouldn't want to do his job
he works 12-14 hours a day
he makes good money, but it's hard work
plus lots of politics apperently
but I guess that politics are everywhere
I think the "saltiness" was 1. The demand for most "arts" degrees is in the thousands per year for the whole US; while there's tens of thousands of graduates, and enough programs to keep cranking them out. 2. Many people who are interested in learning about the arts take those degrees while they're not actually interested or talented in doing arts.
It's the same with someone studying philosophy
or theology
it might be nice to do if you want to continue studying but don't want to do anything serious
Of course we all went to school to be rocket scientists or brain surgeons, someone would still have to flip burgers and mop floors.
There was a guy I know who did a Bachelor after his CS bachelor, he studied for medical management assistent (doctor's secretary). He ended up partying a whole year and still passed magna cum laude
plus he had access to a lot of hot chicks
@ChrisS With excellent burger-flipping technique!
@LucasKauffman There's a smart man. =]
@voretaq7 "Lets calculate how much force we should apply and at what angle we need to flip so we get the best trajectory for a proper burger flip"
@LucasKauffman force is ketchup dependent.
fscking mosquitos
Q: How to manage a global VM startup order across the whole data center?

MassimoSuppose you have a fully virtualized VMware infrastructure: ESXi, vCenter, vMotion, HA, DRS, the whole package. Inside, you have lots of VMs, which at any given time may reside on one host or another (that's the whole point of clustering, isn't it?). You experience a power loss, and, one way or...

Good question... VMWare doesn't even seem to have answers...
I suspect that's because it would take less time to reboot everything all at once and then kick any misbehaving services than to actually implement something like that.
@ewwhite VMware? Damn the answers! FULL INVOICES AHEAD!!!
@MichaelHampton oooh no 100s of VMs all starting together isn't a good thing - the storage gets battered
I think they want any VM startup stuff to not require that a host talk to other hosts or to vcenter...
@MichaelHampton I think of it as a hands-on process.
@ewwhite +1 to both of you, very interesting idea
@Iain Starting hundreds of VMs off of shared storage negatively impacts performance you say? I shall consider this opinion of yours. Fascinating.
Oh yes, the storage. Why didn't I think of that?
Last time I saw a similar question, I think the answer was "Buy more diesel."
@MichaelHampton And figure out how to get a generator that can be safely (and legally) refueled while running. :)
@freiheit Build the datacenter on an off-shore oil rig
@freiheit Oh, so THAT's why there are two generators.
@JoelESalas Somebody tried that already.
Sadly, we just have the one generator...
@JoelESalas Connecting to the hosts individually does actually work... so you can set priority to get a few systems running.
@freiheit A place I worked lost the main power feed to a building. It needed trenches digging to replace it. They hired a portable generator (on a wagon) to power the building - it was refilled from a tanker whilst still running.
@Iain We hired a generator like that for some work to be done a while back.
Sadly, the generator mounted to the ground not only can't be refilled while running, it can't be tested more than once a year without spending some money on cleaning up its emissions.
I think they call that kind of thing "Value Engineering"
To be fair, we're a university campus, so if the power's out for more than 24 hours the students aren't attending classes (etc) anyways
it had mobile phone technology built in and it phoned home to let them know when to come fill it up. On 2 occasions if ran out just as the tanker arrived ~ just not in time :(
One of our clients does something very interesting. He went to all the hospitals, datacenters, etc, in the state and offered to take over their generator maintenance at an absurdly cheap price, but on the condition that he gets to control when the generators are turned on etc. So when the electricity is at its most expensive (i.e. during the evening), he powers up the generators and feeds back into the grid, but only a small amount. He then takes the tax credits he gets for feeding power
back into the grid at peak times, then shuts them down. Only does it for an hour or so from a few of the sites each day, and it reaps him a small fortune.
Then he goes in and re-fuels the generators
that's legal?
@MarkHenderson that's a good idea ...
Don't see why not. There's a blanket enegery-purchasing scheme for the state. Any excess electricity must be purchased by the supplier. It's designed for solar panels, but this guy has a creative loophokle
(it's worth nothing that the generator does not supply electricity to the building when he does this, it only pumps it back into the grid)
@MarkHenderson Did he have to modify how the generators are connected?
Usually generators are specifically wired to not feed back into the grid.
they just drastically cut the subsidy that small scale <50KW suppliers get here
@Zoredache I don't know the specifics of the business to be honest, but I imagine he would have yes
He only provde him with his work order management system, for when he actually does the servicing and re-fueling for the generators
@ewwhite So the "Only allow vcenter" setting is a no-go in that case
Have you ever been asked to enable it?
@JoelESalas Never.
@ewwhite How very odd. I'm trying to imagine a use case that would recommend/require it but I really can't think of one
a more security-conscious network
@ewwhite You'd figure the ability to fix stuff in an emergency would get veto power, every time
@JoelESalas I interviewed at several places that had over 3,000 VMs in their environment.
and I could see them needing weird policies like that
who's skilled around here with ASA?
I guess I am.
it probably will get migrated over here, just out of curiosity, isn't it enable secret instead of enable password encrypted?
enable password dhaksjhdasjhsjk encrypted for the enable pass...
username ewwhite password 4X897987eMX9qBI encrypted privilege 0 for the user...
mmm is ASA that different from routers?
different enough
I fake my way through cisco... but I've installed about 120 of these...
so I have an easy group of examples to look at.
I think the guy has a different enable password than user password.
@ewwhite Doin' it rite, even if it was on accident
this guy must be shitting bricks:
I think I only need 10 more rep to be capped.
@MichaelHampton Feels good?
It'll feel good if I get it in the next 90 minutes :)
LOL evil @ewwhite is evil
@MichaelHampton gimme a sec I'll cap you :)
@LucasKauffman @MichaelHampton He's already rep-capped
I am now, thanks whoever you were. :)
Guess I'll wait a while before I answer this next question. :D
@MichaelHampton you were already... 250 points for the day
@LucasKauffman Did the elephant really drink chlorinated water
MichaelHampton's on quite the roll lately. Therefore, I fully endorse the downvote suggestion.
@ewwhite Rep from accepted answers doesn't count :)
@MichaelHampton That is just silly. Just answer all the questions you know the answer for. In the long run you will be getting more rep from your older questions from months and years ago then stuff you answered an hour ago.
Or at least you will if you answer the right questions with good answers.
@Zoredache That's pretty much what I AM doing.
Necrorep, indeed. Repcap is just what you have to suffer through for being a lousy overachiever right now. :p
...or you could take on one of the bounty questions. Those bypass the rep cap too.
@HopelessN00b Not today, I only try to answer questions I know the answer to.
@MichaelHampton Doing a bit of research on a promising bounty question generally scores you the bounty
Especially if it's something you can reproduce/test
Ah, well here's one you may know, then...
I'm right, right? Dude just doesn't get how fail2ban works...?
Q: fail2ban fails to ban most of the time, why could that be?

RoboTamerIt does work, like 5 times out of 3000 or so. Running on Debian installed with apt-get and added only following jail.local file cat jail.local [ssh] enabled = true port = ssh filter = sshd logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 6 bantime = 43200 When I run fail2ban-regex /var/log/aut...

Anyone here ever had the idea 'lets build a piece of software that I can access from my browser and runs under the httpd user so I can write at free will'?
@JoelESalas First, I try to stay away from Windoze questions. I either don't know the answer or I don't want to know. Second, of the rest of the ones that have bounties, the problem is all too often the user asking the question, and I don't think that answer would be helpful.
@LucasKauffman Ever heard of WordPress?
@MichaelHampton wordpress doesn't necessarily run as the httpd user, with httpd user I mean full access to configs and everything
@LucasKauffman OK, in that case, no. Nobody I know would be crazy enough to do that.
Q: HTTP daemon and Webroot permissions

AblueWe have a contracted web developer that uses deployment scripts to update and deploy web sites. In order for them to work they require write access to the whole webroot through the httpd user. I have tried to convince them to upload their changes by ftp or even scp, they just don't want to. Can...

@MichaelHampton guess what
@MichaelHampton Sure, it often takes some prodding to get the needed info out of bounty question askers, but the rep payoff is usually worth a few "gimmie info pls" queries.
@HopelessN00b I rarely bother.
@HopelessN00b I seem to be doing better by answering 5 easy questions for 10 rep each than one insane question for 50 rep. :)
Many of the bountied questions are crazy... or the poster never follows up.
Q: nginx clobbering sftp traffic during peak times - is tc the answer?

njahnkeThis is probably a continuation of my previous (unanswered) question because the underlying cause is probably the same. I have a Linux server with nginx and sshd running on it. It's on a shared 100mbit/s unmetered link. During "peak times" (basically, during the day in the US), sftp performance ...

@ewwhite yeah, with 30+k rep, I guess you don't have the motivation to go slumming around for 50 rep. But for some of us, that's >1% of our total.
@ewwhite At that point you're metagaming on Serverfault, meaning the game as a system has failed
unless you're into that sort of thing.
WE ARE THE 99%!!!!111 or something.
Hey, I put my time in...
and followed the trends...
I didn't do anything on the site for a year...
Besides, if I wanted a really bizarre question like that..well I already have one I've been working on all week.
Not saying otherwise. Just saying the crazy looks different depending on how much that bounty would actually move your score.
Well, I have to keep away from @mdmarra (in points)
Can't be beaten by a Windows guy? :D
Let's see if we can get ewwhite's rep to be exactly 2^15.

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