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@jscott They have Microsoft Service Manager, we use it
@LucasKauffman Looked into it. There were a couple shortcoming that ruled it out. I'd have to look into my notebook at the office to remember though.
@jscott no idea
but landesk isnt really for ticketing
we use footprints here for that and change management
does any here use iDRAC? looks pretty expensive for what it is
@ColdT I use HP's iLO extensively but it really depends on if you need it
We do a lot of stuff remotely so couldn't really be without it, but if you're sat next to your server room then it's probably not a major requirement
ended up installing 12 of them for a client, just think its a waste of money... got to be cheaper solutions
I'm only on the other side of the building from the servers (not a long walk) and I use iLO extensively... There's no KVM or anything plugged into most of the servers.
@ColdT I've never heard of any - bear in mind it's truly out of band
@ChrisS We don't even include KVM's in our suggested kit lists unless people specifically want one
@Dan fair point it is indeed out of band
@Dan Sounds reasonable if you've got iLO Adv
hp iLO Adv is even more pricey then dell iDrac
I love that I can login from home and see what the console is doing when Windows bluescreens or whatever. No running to work at 3am when something blows up.
@ColdT Meh, $300 per server at retail prices.
@ChrisS what about a water leak, had one of those over the summer but lucky enough i was actually working the weekend!
@ChrisS it adds up quickly when you are talking 20+ servers
would have blown up nicely
@ColdT Well 1. There shouldn't be water above your servers 2. At least you'll know it's not a software issue when iLO isn't responding
although they'd blame IT either way lol
it was the AC pump that blew up and started leaking
@ColdT You wouldn't be paying retail at 20+ servers.
no i understand that, we get heavy discounts from both hp n dell
Also some people have noticed that it may be possible to use the same iLO key on multiple machines.
@ChrisS cough it is cough
@ChrisS you got that one right but unfortunately can't suggest that to clients, would get my a$$ sued for something no doubt
@ColdT You could suggest they try iLO (or DRAC) on one server and see if they like it...
@LucasKauffman 7 years here.
question for everyone, how the hell do u hand your notice in without pissing of anyone :s
@ColdT why do you assume anyone will be pissed?
It seems most of us here like older women, huh
@ColdT I've found there's really nothing you can do (obviously if you're a jerk about it, they'll be pissed anyway). But some bosses just don't like it when they don't get their way, and there's nothing you can do about it.
@LucasKauffman Bunch of freaks
@ChrisS you're the odd one here!
because they like having it ONLY their way especially my manager, hence why i want to get out of here
@LucasKauffman I know, but I feel better calling you all freaks. =P
Just dont do it publicly
Schedule time to talk in private
Thank them for the opportunities that they've given you
Tell them you've enjoyed your time there (lie if you must)
yeh naturally, going to speak to manager at half 4
And tell them that you've gotten an offer that you cant refuse because of [advancement|pay|benefits|whatever]
@ColdT tell them you will part on a journey to a galaxy far far away
@MDMarra Yep, that's the one. I've never had a boss not congratulate me etc
Yeah. I just left my old job 2 months ago
everyone was gracious
Just give enough notice to hand your projects off, etc
its not so bad here, they got a good client base, but scope of work so limited sometimes and i'm kind of wasting my time here, the pay is rubbish even when i started but then i thought the way they went on about 'projects' in the interview it would deliver experience and well that didnt happen
thank them for giving you an opportunity to grow|succeed|be awesome and then peace out of that bitch
Happy SysAdmin Day!
same to you, sir
Thanks :)
@ColdT Just say that, but in a non-dickhead way
Just don't burn bridges, the world is smaller than you think!
Something like "This was a great opportunity, and I appreciate everything, blah blah blah, but in this new position, I'll be able to do more relevant project work etc etc. And the pay bump I'll receive is just the icing on the cake"
@MDMarra i did say exactly just that, and even then manager took it wrongly and took it as a threat
If you make it about the opportunity and not so much about the pay, then most bosses will understand
If they don't then they're a shitty manager
@ColdT Fuck em then, just hand in your notice and serve the rest of your time
You may even get lucky and get some gardening leave
Gardening leave?
@MDMarra tired of you so they send you home on leave instead of staying on the job for the rest of your period
@MDMarra that's what i basically said before. I go to them in the least dickhead way possible that i joined not because of their shitty salary but because of the experience that they said during interview they would offer
@MDMarra You guys probably have a different term - where the company doesn't want you there, so they send you home on full pay for your notice period
Yeah, not sure what that's called here
@Dan if i get gardening leave, that would be awesome but as you know, UK weather is crap!
I just know when I left, I got paid out on 5 weeks of vacation time in my final check
I was like "new fucking TV...here I come!"
@MDMarra must have been a big ass TV
@MDMarra Not bad - I got a couple of hundred.
lol biggg ass TV for sure!
Honestly, don't sweat it dude - I take it you already have a new job?>
any admins around, accidentally pushed looks good instead of delete: serverfault.com/questions/56719/…
had 2 offered, turned them down a few month back, should have taken it back then
@LucasKauffman Still have flag "Not an answer"
I'm out of flags for today
@Dan It was all time that I was owed and hadn't taken yet
@ColdT Then just do it - it sounds like they'll take issue regardless, no winnign that
@LucasKauffman I didn't spend all of it on a TV haha
@LucasKauffman Also, dude, I surrender.... You win /review :)
That would be a really fucking large tv
@MDMarra Over here it gets pro ratad
what do you mean?
So, for example, if you left 6 months into the year you'd only get 6 months worth of holiday minus what you've taken
@MDMarra of course not, you also need a bluray, mediacenter, surround sound...
So it's actually possible to owe them!
@jscott we fought a fierce battle
@Dan Yeah. Mine was acumulated from the previous year
So at the time I could have taken 5 full weeks. So I got paid on 5 full weeks
@MDMarra Gotchya - most companies over here only let you transfer 5 days
THat reminds me, I have like 17 days to use by November and I'm not allowed to take any til September. I'm thinking of taking off 3 weeks, or working short weeks for a month or so
@Dan I was owed 4 weeks and carried a 5th
I left, literally, the day after vacation rolled over
if i had 5 weeks over holiday from previous year, damnnnn this place would collapse!
@LucasKauffman ha!
So that's why I got the full maximum
@MDMarra Nice parting gift!
no kidding man
I bought a MBP for my fiancee, a new tv for the living room, and banked like 6k
just from my final check
the best part is that my first check at $newjob came on the same day as my last check from $oldjob
@MDMarra wow nice
It basically paid for the rest of the wedding we'd been saving up for
@MDMarra which state you working in, i think i need to move there, UK pays crap!
@ColdT PA
in Philly
Not that you guys care, but my missus got a promotion yesterday which is nice too
My old job is actually open still :p
@Dan always nice
@Dan give her a kiss from all of us!
@ColdT How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
@Dan give my congratz
@ColdT Ooh, same as me! You just gotta try and find the right job mate
we're all 26
Damn youngins....
@ChrisS Get out grandad
i found a pretty decent job, was 2 hour drive though each way :(
@ColdT Ah yeah, I commute an hour which is pretty far in UK terms
was offered the position but don't think i'd managed 4 hour traveling everyday
Do you mind saying what sort of cash you're hoping for?
Nah, that's a lot of time on the road
4 hours of traveling is a lot
I did a project the other year which took me over 1.5 hrs each way. Did it for 2 months and it was pretty hard work
they offered me 33k that place, 120 physical and 80 odd VMs to look after
33k pounds isn't bad
@ColdT THat's not bad at all, yeah
what's the exchange rate nowadays
and is that pre or post tax?
@ColdT didn't you consider moving?
they were moving up onto blade, so that would have been good
with 4 hours commuting though :(
(it's always weird trying to figure out how much you'd be worth overseas)
pre tax
From what I hear from Bay Area friends, a 2-3 hour commute isn't that atypical there. Of course, you wouldn't catch me dead in the Bayt Area.
i did, went for the interview, waited 2 days, got a call and they offered it to me
@MDMarra here nothing :(
@MDMarra ~$1.6 = £1
I just googled it
It's about 52K USD
@MDMarra I don't think it's doable, easily. Cost of living etc
4hrs too much of a drive though, if it was any closer, i would have jumped at it
yeah very true
you do get some nice healthcare in the uk
this other position offering me 29k in a college, they want me to revamp the whole setup
Truth be told, I think I'm earning the most I can without actually having to work hard
@Dan That's where I am. =]
@ColdT college also often means a lot of free certs
@Dan i wish i could do that!
I think it gets boring after a while no?
@LucasKauffman yep thats what i'm going there for lol
If you just want to get paid, check out IT consulting jobs in Iraq/Afghanistan.
@LucasKauffman College commonly also means having to put up with Teachers/Faculty who think they're $DEITY's gift to the world and your stupid computers are the problem.
@ColdT To clarify, I do work hard on a job, but I'm not expected to answer phone / e-mail out of hours, I get away on time 90% of the time, chilled out office and no pressure when not on a job. Love it!
@jscott Good money, lovely weather and the excitement of the ever-present risk of kidnap, torture and beheading. Dream job :)
@SmallClanger :)
@Dan that's nice, the one thing they told me is that I have to be flexible in that way, sometimes working at night when the client asks to
@Dan that is like me in this place, i relax, no stress, no headache but i need opportunities
helping another part of the company out this afternoon with their Cisco MDS's - not frustrating but in a way I wish they'd said they didn't know what they were doing, it would've save a lot of time, things like rescans are taking ages
@ColdT Yeah, you need to be stretched technically to keep interest really
I say all this as I'm setting up remote access so I can jump on over the weekend and set off some updates!
But that's my choice to make Monday morning nice and relaxed :D
@Dan does that mean you can come in at 11 instead of 9?
@ChrisS I was 23 on wednesday ^_^.
Anybody seen the new careers advert? It's a picture of a starfish on a beach in the sun with the caption "this is what your job should be like" - so laying around doing nothing?
@LucasKauffman Haha no, I'm not that bad :D
@tombull89 They are advertising mostly to programmers.... so, yeah, sounds about right
well they always told me a good admin is a lazy admin ...
@tombull89 Cool :D
@ChrisS Heh - this was on SF though...
am I the youngest then? Anyone younger than 22? o.O
@tombull89 It's the same network wide.
@LucasKauffman Jacob, when he's around, is like 17 or something.
ah true!
@LucasKauffman nice blog u got there cloud101
@ColdT ty :)
but i hate splunk licensing lol
@LucasKauffman @ColdT CloudsRBad
it's not cheap
@voretaq7 haters gonna hate!
@LucasKauffman I only hate stupidity :)
"Herp derp fire the sysadmin and put it in the cloud!"
@tombull89 Nope, new one on me
@voretaq7 but who will run the cloud then @voretaq7 WHO??
@voretaq7 "Happy Sysadmin day. We got you a card!.. well, it's more of a piece of paper... and instead of 'Happy Sysadmin Day' it says 'P45' in nice friendly letters in the corner."
@LucasKauffman dont they run themselves?
@SmallClanger I'd rather have scotch :-)
@voretaq7 skynet?
@LucasKauffman google
@Dan We got...quite a lot of calls from them...before the summer holidays. Seems a lot of schools did but I've never heard of them.
user image
@tombull89 I'd run a mile just for the harassment!
Happy sysadmin day guys
@Dan The best bit was when they phoned up and said "we understand you're the person to talk to regarding ICT procurement?" I was tempted to say "I don't know who sold you that info but it's wrong. Wrong Wrong Wong." I have no buying power whatsoever.
this question should be deleted, no programmer should ever know the truth: serverfault.com/questions/18538/…
Hi strangers! :]
So, what's everybody's take on this Google Fiber thing? I guess it's going to be a while before it's comes to Europe/UK but it's still interesting.
@tombull89 if that thing comes to Belgium, all the major ISP's will die here
@LucasKauffman We've got BT and Virgin fiber in the UK although I don't know how they would stack up against Google. I think it's mainly for the US markets as a lot of the US providers seem...sucky, to say the least.
@tombull89 but can you get a gbit connection for 120 pounds?
I think for 100 euro we can get 100 mbit atm, not even full duplex
@LucasKauffman Highly doubt it. But how many people are going to want 1GB? Most people would be failry happy with their 5/10/50/100Mbit.
true I'd be happy with 100 mbit, but gbit is so fancy
@tombull89 and to be fair, a lot of people think "faster is better" and will just get it without thinking if they need it
So many websites aren't up to the task of keeping up with a bunch of home users having 1Gb connections, or 100Mb, or even 10Mb for that matter... so it doesn't matter all that much.
US ISPs generally suck because our population density is somewhat sparse. Thus wires all need to be much longer, and that very expensive.. Combine that with an overwhelming push by Wall Street to return high profits instead of long term stability/growth, and you end up with the crap we've got.
anyone familiar with find and the -ctime (-atime) parameters ?
@Iain Mostly, what's up?
-ctime +1 finds files that are changed >48 hours ago
-ctime +0 finds files >24 hours old but why does it work ?
You're asking for things with a ctime that's more than 1, units are days, and the ctime from the files/dirs are rounded up to the nearest unit.
@ChrisS You think you have a sparse population down there??
@MikeyB Yeah, the 51st state is even worse. =P
-ctime n
File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago. See the comments
for -atime to understand how rounding affects the interpretation
of file status change times.
-atime n
File was last accessed n*24 hours ago. When find figures out
how many 24-hour periods ago the file was last accessed, any
fractional part is ignored, so to match -atime +1, a file has to
have been accessed at least two days ago.
Shopping? Or perhaps Polling.
Q: Layer 2 Network Diagram Generator, OpenSource, Must run on GNU/Linux

TechZillaI've scoured the interwebs, and have been unable to find a solid diagramming generator. Everything I have found either only maps layer 3, which really just looks like a giant circle, or is part of a giant monitoring system. The network has a ton of switches, and routers, but all devices have S...

You can also specify alternate units of time... It's a confusing system on account of the rounding everything up...
@MikeyB I've read it and that's why I'm confused n*0 == 0
@ChrisS Right, and 23//24 == 0 and thus matches.
It works like I want it to but just doesn't feel right
@Iain Do you feel DIRTEH?
@Iain I completely agree... It's just a weird thing you accept as a historical artifact
@MikeyB yeah ... sort of
@ChrisS At least it's documented.
wow, @Ethabelle with the deep magic Bacula questions!
If you use a much smaller unit, like seconds, it seems much less awkward. For instance, if you specify -atime -1h30m you'll get everything within the last 89 minutes.
sigh my first Reversal badge, and it's not even on a site I spend a lot of time on
@ChrisS I'm happy with the syntax it's just the +0 that's interesting
@voretaq7 I love Bacula. It's good at computer essence sucking.
@Ethabelle yes but it's important to set the filesets correctly so it only sucks the VITAL essence
I mean really who needs 15 copies of the default Ubuntu kernel? :)
@voretaq7 That's what the dedupe on your storage backend and VTL is for. :p
@MikeyB doesn't solve the problem of the data going out over the wire
Storage is never my problem with backups -- it's always time
the time to compress and encrypt the entire 200MB Linux kernel on every machine is pretty hard to justify :-)
On that note, I now hate RHEV. Because managing storage on it sucks donkey balls. Can't:
* resize VM disks
* attach new VM disks live
* resize backend LUNs whatsoever
* storage vMotion while machine is up
* create/delete snapshots while machine is up
* copy LUN while machine is up
@MikeyB Linux community solution.
that's more accurate since VMWare is technically Linux...
@voretaq7 Commercial solution in this case.
@voretaq7 Isn't that just the service console?
@MikeyB developed by one of the leading Linux community members
@MikeyB yeah as of ESX/i
@voretaq7 RHEV is awfully damn expensive to be 'community', isn't it?
@Adrian I'm speaking of the developers, not the product
@voretaq7 Ah. In that respect, it is awfully damn expensive considering it's community-developed.
Everything I've seen/heard of RHEV seems to follow the same pattern of "Hey here's a cake!" / "Dude that's just some cake batter with icing on top! I can't eat that shit!" / "IT'S A PRETTY. CAKE. EAT IT!!!!!!"
@Adrian oh I think the developers are (well-paid) RH staff - they just have the Linux community's view of it being OK to ship a half-baked product.
@voretaq7 Hmm. Not sure I'd call it community then if it's developed in-house and they charge nearly VMWare prices for it.
which only bothers me because every company/project I have any level of respect for takes a "When it's done." approach to shipping products -- If it's not in working order it doesn't go out the door.
@LucasKauffman Done at 3.9K? Why not 4K?
@Adrian RH developers are a substantial chunk of the Linux community though - and I would wager that RH contributed some kvm code back that came out of their development of RHEV
it might not be a "community project" in the sense that every college student with bad skin and a penguin fetish is writing code for it, but the developers are indoctrinated with the mentality of their community
(which is also probably why there's no pretty GUI for managing FreeBSD Jails as much as I'd like one -- That community says "Use the command line! Be a man like Eleanor Roosevelt!")
@voretaq7 Not saying you're wrong, but perhaps. $500/socket is a bit more than I'd want to be spending on something that requires something else to manage it.
@Adrian I'd gladly pay it if the tool was up to snuff
but the underlying technology (kvm) isn't there, and the lipstick they put on the pig is inadequate.
@voretaq7 It's certainly not. The $500/socket doesn't even include the RHEV.
@Adrian WHAAAAAAT? Fuck. That. Shit.
Whoops. Sorry. I misread that.
The $500/socket is on top of the regular RHEL license.
Management server requires x86_64 server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 64 bit (Not included. Must license separately)
Still, considering the list of missing features above, I'd rather go with my ESX servers.
Once again my boss has made me a cert and I have no idea where the corresponding key is. I think we need a better process.
@Ethabelle Do you have a regular Pool = directive in your job? I don't see one in the configs you posted
Oh god, someone get me a drink. I just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why a PS function wasn't returning any values. Turns out I wasn't invoking it...
@84104 Why? This is very secure.
@SmallClanger You're cut off sir!
I'll lose my license at this rate...
@voretaq7 Because then the new ldap servers will run without certs. (Or I could to to GSSAPI all the things, which might work, but kstart is more of a mess than SASL external TLS.)
@Adrian Well… you need a RHES license. Which could be a VM… in your ESX cloud…
@84104 no no... you want to use TLS on your LDAP servers
Some systems don't like kerberized LDAP (NetBSD used to HATES it!)
@voretaq7 Yeah, but for that to matter I'd have to some kind of freak running BSD. =P

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