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6:18 PM
I really don't understand why people vote on some question vs others
Why is this question (serverfault.com/questions/984044/…) worth 29 upboats? When I have so many other answer I have provided that are a lot more interesting, and I put a lot more effort into them. The time question only took me like 3 minutes on epochconverter.com
it's the Hot Network Question that do that I think, as it's like at 2k view, it's a lot
as if I take another question that was asked 21 hours ago, I see like 22 views, far from the 2000 views, hehe
But why is that a 'hot network question'? Not even sure it is really on-topic for server fault
hnq only check if positive and if not closed, and select per the view count
Often it's more crappy question that fall into the HNQ, like when a title is more cliked than another. I rarelly see technical's question that fall into the list
A good example is that question, serverfault.com/questions/807611/physically-locating-the-server, not really the best, and my answer got +40, but it wasnt a really good answer.
6:42 PM
I guess their idea when they did the HNQ was to bring new contributors, kinda the algorith behind is kinda badly done. I think mod can remove from the HNQ manually now a question from there, but it's not intuitive

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