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@sysadmin1138 Noted.
I said Kyle because he was the one who sent me a shirt and some stickers for starting the 10K challenge. ;)
@WesleyDavid do you run your own consulting firm?
@Jacob Yes, I have an LLC from which I do consulting and contracting at the moment. I have an eye on becoming a hosted services company in the hopefully-not-too-distant-future.
@WesleyDavid and peptides are semi cool
I have been considering linking to it in my profile, but not sure yet.
Yeah, I have no idea what a peptide is. I have no background in chemistry at all. It was just a random name I picked after getting frustrated that seemingly any nick I chose was eventually taken somewhere, so I'd end up having to append a "_" to it. Nonapeptide has never been previously taken anywhere I've signed up to.
Then I got over my paranoia and decided to use two of my names which is sufficiently unique that no one has ever used that at any place I've tried to sign up either.
@WesleyDavid are you on G talk currently?
@WesleyDavid added
SUH-WEET! USB Headset / mic works on Fedora. /me is a happy camper
@WesleyDavid cool
@WesleyDavid You get your nvidia bits sorted?
@packs Yes! It worked great. Not exactly as that blog post had it though.
For example, I do not have an xorg.conf file nor do I apparently need one.
I suppose F14 and newer versions of X take care of some of that via deep magicks.
The newer versions of xorg attempt to build your xorg.conf on the fly. Usually it works out pretty well
I installed the akmod version of the Nvidia driver
So far so good, but I've got some weird graphic anomolies on my second monitor.
It's like some weird, garbled rectangle of color, but it only shows up when the color black is over it.
Sounds weird. HArd to explain.
It's like a green screen effect.
So black text in my browser, when in front of that portion of the monitor, will show through with that garbled block of color.
ahh ... one of my bigger gripes with *nix ... multi monitor support suuuucks
@Zypher What's your OS of preference for desktop use?
I tend to stay with windows ... especially now with win7 ... it's so much easier to admin *nix boxen from windows than it is to admin windows boxen from *nix
and at home it's all about the gaming
I tend to dual boot my laptops
giveing me on the go choice
My biggest beef with multi-monitor is gnome and the whole, "We're the usability experts here, so we will tell you how you want to use your computer."
@Zypher Yeah, I think I'll need to dual boot for Steam, unless the WINE version rocks the heck out.
@WesleyDavid Good luck with that :)
haha yea ... ahh steam i do so love you :) ...
I went to install Battlefield 2142 this weekend and had to crack my desktop open to plug in the DVD-RW drive ...
honestly I'm just fine on any OS you give me - you know if i was forced to a "standard" :)
@Zypher you still in here?
@Zypher is always there. He's ServerFault's deus ex machina.
@WesleyDavid no idea what "deus ex machina" is
(in ancient Greek and Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve the entanglements of the plot.
@WesleyDavid Are you sure its not #2? :)
Possibly, I jus tlike to think of him wearing a toga and descending onto the stage by wire from a crane. ;)
@WesleyDavid i figured he had a SF sense
walking along..... I'm needed... Quick to the nearest internet connected device
It's a common literary device, and often indicates poor planning on the part of the writer.
Wesley Crusher is an excellent example of a deus ex machina.
@packs ಠ_ಠ
Except that Wesley Crusher didn't actually solve any problems or have any powers.
@WesleyDavid Does that mean that Crusher is your 3rd name? :)
@packs lol
They always marched him out at the end to reverse the polarity and redirect it through the deflector array
@packs thats really what happened
Honestly, I never saw too many episodes with him in it.
and then the captain feels bad for bitching before
Or, he'll realize that the science experiment he was shown fiddling with in the first 30 seconds of the episode will fix the problem. By performing the previously mentioned modifications, of course.
"Captain, I just realized that my new recipe for klingon pancakes can solve the life-threatening problem with our aeon drives!"
La Forge: Shit we has this bigass issue that I don't knowhow to solve, and we blow if I don't solve it in 1-24 hours. Wesley: All we have to do is inverse this shit and route through the deflector La forge: holy shit thats good, lets do that. Wesley: I already set this bitch up just hit that button.
aeon flux drives?
La Forge : 30 seconds ok what ever.... everything is safe on the Enterprise Captain Picard: Damn, now I feel bad for bitching at Wesley 3 hours ago.....
standard TNG episode
I miss aeon flux. I was too stupid to get it when I first saw it.
That and Maxx
or he's all like let me go grab this thing I invented 15 minutes ago to save all our asses
Holy cow, Aeon Fluxx was that long ago?!
1991. Sheesh.
I know, I have very fond memories of that too.
ahh shows before my birth oh noooooooooo
@packs Did you watch a lot of MTV back in teh early nineties?
Because there's an animated series at about the time of Aeon fluxx and The Maxx that I'm trying to remember.
Back when it was still worth watching? Yes!
Liquid Television baby!
@packs AHA! I found it.
@Jacob Thanks for that.
Weirdest show EVAR!
The Brothers Grunt is an animated TV series that aired from August 15, 1994 to February 20, 1995 on MTV. The series was created by Danny Antonucci (later of Ed, Edd n Eddy fame). Overview Premise The series centered around an ensemble cast of pale, rubbery humanoids distantly related to human beings, all of them ostensibly male, wandering around in their underpants. Their main food staple is cheese; nevertheless they are able to eat other meals (at least potatoes: see episode #23, Not My Potato). Their single parent is a giant, mute aquatic individual, called Primus Gruntus Maximus, to...
About a bunch of semi human beings that ate nothing but cheese, wore nothing but underpants and had trouble defecating. I mean, is that brilliant or is that brilliant?
@packs no comprehenday
@WesleyDavid OMGZZZZZZ I used to watch this
@Jacob Really? When and where? I haven't seen that since it was new.
I don't remember this one. I wonder if it was during that time....
I can't remember gah
Ok, now I remember The Maxx cartoon. Good times.
MTV cartoons started sucking at around the 4th or 5th season of Beavis and Butthead. And then Daria came along and pretty much cemented the suckitude.
I enjoyed Daria for a couple of seasons.
@WesleyDavid its all the unnameable show now(Jersey WGAF Shores....)
That was about the time Ren and Stimpy came tromping along.
I distinctly remember coming close to losing control of major bodily functions laughing so hard at Ren and Stimpy's episodes.
@sysadmin1138 Bah! Great minds...
@sysadmin1138 I can't begin to tell you how many hours I spent playing their Gameboy game.
Though, Pinky And The Brain is the cartoon that features most prominent in memory of the time.
@sysadmin1138 Remember that... how do I know all your cartoons????
I still make Pinky and the Brain references, but at the time I enjoyed Ren and Stimply more.
Heh, heh, heh. I still make Brain references. "I think so, but where are we going to get a pink tutu at this time of night."
@sysadmin1138 I don't remember much
@sysadmin1138 It is not an uncommon occurrence to wander into another analyst's office and hear 'The same thing we do every ${time_of_day}, try to take over the world.'
@packs Where are Wine apps installed? I'm trying to find where the mock Windows filesystem is that Wine creates and am having trouble finding any kind of documentation
I mean, this seems like it would be a straight forward thing to know and find.
But nooooo...
no evil laugh :(
@WesleyDavid Sir, your on Linux not Windows :)
@WesleyDavid Look somewhere in ~/.wine
That's what I was thinking but...
Most likely ~/.wine/drive_c/
Oh sweet, now SELinux is fighting with Wine.
"Stop! You're attempting to be productive!!"
ll .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
I desperately need to carve out a few weeks of my time to figure out SELinux.
Let me know if you make it out of that rabbit hole.
@WesleyDavid SELinux never loses :)
We (IT) are moving over to a new website design (thank you new version of CommonSpot)
I'm thinking of writing blog posts for our page as an excuse to learn more about those kinds of things.
A: Serve static media on "nginx"


we have a HLMGTFY here
Hey guys quick question
would asking how a ISA proxy server is able to pull your username and domain when attempting to vist a blocked site Would that be offtopic?
IMO, no. You'll probably get a lot of one or two line answers with links to TechNet.
I can think of no questions to ask/ don't know how to reply to other questions, so I bid SF a good Night"{Time_Of_day} " until I wake up to reply to the "noob" rush in the early GMT-5 timezone :)
@packs your comment is simply amazing to
A: Serve static media on "nginx"


@WesleyDavid night
Holy cow. I just heard a guy say that he's been on UNIX boxes that had 20,000 running processes or so. Is that common?
@wesley what?
20K processes seems a bit high for a Windows admin, but you know those crazy UNIX longbeards. Always pushing the envelope. ;)
20k processes... my celeron does that
While under clocked during a solar flair
20K simultaneous processes running? Helluva a Celeron.
What's a good generic small-office router? Do you find things like the Cisco 800/1900-series in there, or is that more likely to be something non-Cisco?
@sysadmin1138 When you say "router" do you mean firewall/router combo?
Just making absolutely sure I understand you.
Ayep. That's it. With a downstream switch. This would be for the edge.
I don't work in the small office space, so I don't know what people run into.
Well, as far as what's "run into" all the time, alas it's LinkSys products. Like the RV42/82
But please, for the love of your fellow man, avoid LinkSys. :'(
SonicWall TZ 180 isn't bad, especially if you get the Advanced OS.
Never used Firebrick, but I looked into them and couldn't find anything wrong with them.
And when you say small office, I think of 50 or less people, needed standard services exposed, port forwarding, DMZ, some graphic and charting, maybe edge A/V and anti-spam built in.
RADIUS/LDAP authentication
It's for a blog-thing I'm working on. I need an edge device for a 30-person office that a clued networking person walking in off the street would look at and think, "Oh good, it isn't crap."
SonicWall TZ 180 would be my bet.
I use one at a small office -- never had an issue with it in 1.5 years or so.
No hangs, no quirks, no forehead slapping.
That's a strong endorsement.
It takes a bit to get used to how SonicOS likes to have service groups made, and I still haven't gotten the hang of it much because I havne' tmucked with it much.
I mean, I was able to walk a non-techie through unboxing it and plugging it in over the phone and then I set up our services and VPN and etc. - 1.5 years later, never had to do anything else (except block all inbound SMTP from anything other than our upstream anti-spam provider).
That's the way I like my appliances.
The building has crappy power, and that TZ180 has weathered blackouts, brownouts, you name it. No corruptions, no problems.
Done bragging. =)
Mmm, that IS good. This is for a business park environment with variable local-tech skill, so it fits well.
Thank you!
Okay, maybe just a bit more... I had to have them plug a ethernet cable from the TZ180 to a workstation in the building that also had a wireless connection. I remoted in via the wireless interface and switched the physical link to a 192.168.168.x subnet so I could configure the SonicWall remotely. Then told the person to unhook it, plug one end into the modem and the other end into the ProCurve switch that the office runs on and boom, we were in business.
Sounds nicely bomb-proof.
Only issue I suppose is that sometimes a reboot will make the firewall drop into the alternate firmware - the emergency store. Physical power cycle causes it to boot into the regular firmware. Is that a problem? Meh. I should look into it, but the tyranny of the urgent has made me just forget about it.
And of course the emergency firmware has no VPN settings or anything so I have to call the office and have them power cycle the thing.
But last time I did that was... maybe a year ago?
Grr, arrg.
It's most likely something that I mis configured or overlooked. I don't think that's the normal behaviour. I have the whole set of firmware documentation and had lofty goals of reading through it all and even getting SonicWall certified.
Some peoples go for the Cisco 5505, but I think that's seriously overkill... unless you're a Cisco guy in which case rock on.
Cisco sounds like serious networking.
3 hours later…
@WesleyDavid: Sonicwall.. ewwww
@WesleyDavid: And no, the ASA 5505 is not overkill :D
howdy folks
ahoy Phil
@Chopper3: Ever taken a look at Splunk? The Cisco security plugin is quite amazing
that map shows real-time traffic hits with GeoIP tracking
my partner showed a demo of a existing setup for a school, where they had some red dots showing up in east russia etc
all were icmp smurf attacks
huh.. it's quite similar to SO..
oh it is an SE site :D
hi, sorry, was busy getting angry with another tomtom style rude, ungrateful and wrong swedish guy - serverfault.com/questions/235602/…
as for splunk yes, though only fairly recently and purely because of SF - we've gone in for it big - got a great deal, some of the best sales people I've come across - love their licencing model, the product does what it's designed to do very well indeed but you need to look at it to fully understand where it's focus is
that's a nice plug-in, thanks for pointing it out - we use ACEs so that's immediately appropriate - cheers
still fuming about that prick
ESX 4.1 does LACP? I didnt know that
cause I've tried it and failed miserably before, had to buy a 3750 and run etherchannel
I posted a brief answer aswell, correct me if im wrong
(the answer i posted is EMC's guidelines)
you're right, I'm wrong, it doesn't do LACP, it does a functionally similar thing through software though but you're right
anyways, I wholeheartly agree with you on the VLAN tagging
it provides so much more flexibility to just trunk everything
just gotta be careful to talk with HP guys, they think the term trunk means bonding :)
I dont understand why he (or Dell) think its important to interconnect the iSCSI switches
it provides no function at all
I always wondered if the Interconnect was redundent on the iSCSI network design
there shouldnt be any need for it
as you would typically place iscsi-vlan1 on switchA, and iscsi-vlan2 on switchB
controller0 port0 to switch a, controller0 port1 to switch B, controller1 port 0 to switchA and controller 1 port 1 to switch B
if the controller is half way decent it'll present all the luns on both vlans that way
uplinks should be for management only imho
and if its even more decent, migrate controller0's LUNS to one of controllerB ports in case of controller failure
what I'm not sure of is whether ESX will allow a single datastore to be opened CONCURRENTLY over two vmkernel vswitches as he seems to think you should be able to for performance reasons
erm well
that would depend on the policy used on the datastore inside esx
I've never seen a policy supporting concurrently access.. round robin is the closest
I have a similar setup here, I can see that both vmkernel switches are active for a given LUN but only one of them is doing I/O
yet he sees this as a path to 2Gbps performance
that is not possible, unless his controllers support etherchannel
I'm not convinced, although I have been trying to 'lab' it all morning, which seems a bit extreme to simply regain 8 rep (he DV'ed me for being 'wrong' - tool)
or well, it would depend on the controller I guess
I have no idea if our EMC will allow concurrent usage of the same LUN on two ports
I'm pretty sure it wont
well the controllers could user etherchannel/lacp into the switches - but he's need need two trunk ports from each server to each switch - which he's not got, he's hoping the built in MPIO code will allow activity over more than one link
and again, the path selection policy must support this, wich I've never seen
that would actually destroy his HA
you cant etherchannel the same ports from a controller into a single switch
switch failure would bring down his storage
unless this is some crazy new stuff with more than two ethernet ports per controller?..
glad we're thinking the same thing
Still being on shift since yesterday
@pacey Guten Tag! ( think thats how you spell it :) )
really? nasty
yes @Jacob you're right :-) Guten Tag
@pacey I am taking German as a language but we speak it mostly not write :)
A: How do you add a domain name to a VPS?

JacobThis is going to be a two step process, so stay with me. :) First as Sam said: Log in to your DNS manager at network solutions (assuming they are providing your DNS) Create or edit A records for domain.com, Wiki.domain.com etc to point the IP address of your VPS Now we're going to setup our web ...

i think I covered everything?
@chopper3 yeah, backup dc's raid went on degraded after taking a snapshot of the machine. HyperV ran into trouble installing some updates. And the backup of our Exchange machine took some more hours.
Hello @coredump
painful pacey
Worst thing about this is doing it all alone :-/
yeah, nobody to celebrate victories or get angry at
serverfault.com/questions/235670/juniper-ssg5-help perhaps there should be a rule when posting that the engine checks for any lines that look like password config
hahaha - nice edit tom
Couldn't resist.. I didn't feel it warranted the Idiot tag :P
I know it's a dumb idea but running ESXi inside ESXi is surprisingly quick
more than I'd anticipated at least
Hey peeps
Managing meeting today
Hey @Jacob :)
I like the fact that I find more and more of my googling for stuff ends up at a answer here on the site :)
@pauska I am noticing it too. Better than experts exchange :)
I have a generic question for you.. lets say you're building yourself a small ISP, with dual DHCP servers (with failover/split range) and two DNS cache servers
assuming DHCP+DNS is run together on each machine (two machines), the obvious choice would be to define DNSA as the first DNS entry in DHCPA, and DNSB as the first entry in DHCPB
but would you set up forwarding between the DNS servers to maximize local cache?
lets say serverA crashes horribly.. would DNS server B (in this case BIND) be quick enough to understand that the forwarder is down and use regular root lookups instead?
or the forwarders after serverA in the list
It depends on the amount of first-look DNS hits you're expecting
quite a bit
guest network for the corporation
plus students
how many users?
~1600 at most
    forwarders {; };
    forward only;
I'd say it's more trouble than its worth myself - it's a low impact traffic type, plus it's a small user group (in real terms anyway), I'd go for as simple a solution as possible
I just tested this, and it still managed to resolve queries after a little pause
( is not a valid dns server)
nevermind, i had some old servers in resolv.conf ;)
@TomOConnor I bet the original is already cached
oh and hello guys
Nearly got my CentOS VM running on Hyper-V =)
@ITHedgeHog what are you using it for?
Nagios I think
I've yet to broach the subject of bind for external DNS - I'd need to prove why our current setup isn't suitable
@ITHedgeHog PowerDNS :)
its quite nice
how many queries do you get?
@ITHedgeHog is centos/rhel not supported?
@Chopper3 garbage:) it'll work
It's supported by MS with the integration tools
Thats what I'm busy installing
@ITHedgeHog have you looked a powerdns instead of bind?
No, I haven't - I'm mainly leaning towards bind because of what was said yesterday
If it powers root DNS servers, it should be good enough for us.
@ITHedgeHog because DNS roots?
@ITHedgeHog ah, never done linux on hyper-v
@Chopper3 Neither have I really
Beastie's 'root down' on my internal jukebox now :)
@Chopper3 I haven't heard that in a while. I think I need to queue it up.
I'm slightly music-obsessed so constantly have music on somewhere
your jukebox internet facing?
My office backs up to the elevator shaft. I always have something playing, just to drown it out, if nothing else.
I can't sit in a silent office, always have some music on. Whether its my itunes library, pandora, or xm online
Speaking of which, anyone listen to sirius/xm online, on a mac?
I thought it was Windows only?
@DanBig I listen on windows
I listen on my iphone since I can't seem to get it to play properly on osx
It was screwed upon droid(froyo) until a few weeks ago
@Chopper3 CentOS5 x86_64 seems to be pretty good under Hyper-V - I've installed the integration components and its reporting to the management server
`I just got down voted for posting a simple yeah its good and heres some technet to
Q: Is Windows firewall secure enough?

Davide VostiI have Windows server 2008 R2 running on Rackspace network and I'm having difficult times to secure it behind a linux and iptables... I would like to know if the windows firewall is secure enough to leave the server accessible from the public internet without any other security system... Thanks

@Jacob you said technet
@coredump I didn't know what else to add its a firewall... :(
Multiple layers is always better, but I'm more interested in his other comment about having "difficulties" putting it behind another firewall.
Sounds more like he doesn't actually know the traffic profile and what audiences need access.
@packs I didn't really want to say dude fix your linux skills :)
I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and let my starting point be that he knows how to construct iptables rules.
Actually writing the rules is easy, knowing what they need to be is the hard part.
@packs I think I'll stay out of this one :)
@packs true
Except for a few exceptions, I would be willing to posit that any good admin will know what those rules should be, or would know how to find them out.
I have to hit 900 rep today in order to stay on track for the 10k challenge
@Chopper3 You may be interested to hear that my jukebox jumped from 'Root Down', to 'Wish' (NIN), to 'Born to Hand Jive' (Sha-Na-Na). I'm finding it very amusing.
My rep goes up so slow that when I hit 2k I will throw a party
it will be next year, so everyone has time to plan the trip
@coredump where?
@coredump I have to make it; otherwise I don't get a SF tee shirt :(
@Jacob well by the looks of it will be in Brazil >:)
@Jacob do we have t-shirts?
@coredump they giv 'em out
supposedly we get them if we complete Wesley's 10K challenge
T-shirts t-shirt everywhere!
@Jacob Has that been confirmed?
(btw oversleeping and missing the good trains sucks)
@Jacob wait, what challenge
@packs Zyper or Wesley is going to talk to Rebecca
@packs nothing official that i'm aware of, but i'm sure we can work something out i'll poke rebecca (hm that sounds wrong)
@Jacob Ok, that's where I thought it was.
@Zypher Or very, very right?
/me shrugs
@Zypher be sure to pay her a dinner first. Or use chlorophorm.
@Zypher along as its above the waist you're(for packs) good :)
I dunno. It was a pretty weak attempt.
@Jacob %s/your/you're/ :)
/me looks for HR
hmm need to install the userscript
ok time to lunch before more meetings
is this 10k think starting from 1st Jan>?
@Chopper3 Yeah
@Chopper3 technically yes
but I started last night :)
ah right, and what do we get?
@Jacob we can go back and see what your rep was on Jan 1
I need to make 100 rep p/day :(
@Zypher 25.5 :)
@Jacob You need to average about 27 per day, every day.
@Chopper3 ummm a sence of accomplishment? (and possibly t-shirts and stickers nothing official there yet)
@Zypher Presumably a better, more cohesive community?
@packs Thats the minimum 100 is much better/harder
ah got SF tshirts and stickers already - the best thing I've got out of SF was the money donated on behalf of mods to charity last year - classy touch
@packs of course ... that's my goal in everthing
@Jacob That's also 36.5k rep :)
plus once I hit 1500 my blog rss gets put in here:)
@Chopper3 yea I do enjoy that spirit in the company
@packs I average 50 or so a day now
@Zypher Too true.
@Zypher probably the single most positive email I got last year in fact
well ... excellent then!
giving back is one of the core philosophies of the company
and a very good one to have I think
A few years ago my closest friends decided that, instead of buying each other presents for Christmas, we find people on Kiva to invest in. It's felt a lot nicer.
@packs any ROI yet?
@Zypher Hire more admins :) I'll be'd glad(BS try estatic) to work for SE
but that won't happen for quite a while
@ChrisS Nothing meaningful, the loan amounts have been too small to hit that threshold. I've only got a total of $100 out of pocket invested. I tend to think of it as more of a donation that I can reallocate every now and then.
@Jacob yep, well who knows by the time your ready we may actually be hiring :)
@packs I am part of PPs micro loan think
@Zypher by the time your read -- what?
@zypher I think it goes without saying, everyone here wants your job =P
@packs Well if you got any back that's at least something... Most of those "investment" programs I've looked at in the past were really just misnamed donation programs. Misleading me about the "investment prospectus" isn't the best way to garner my trust or donations.
@Zypher we'll think of the internet the way we think of CB Radio by then though
@ITHedgeHog I don't ;)
@Jacob s/read/ready
@Chopper3 There's CB in UK really?
int he 70s there was
@Zypher bah, you could do it now... :)
@Chopper3 Lies, the grass is always greener on the other side ;)
@ITHedgeHog yes i know ... that first email from Joel asking me to interview was like ... wait holy F is this real
probably about 100 people still, sad, sitting in their rooms talking shite to strangers
except @Chopper3 but he is living the life now :)
CB is basically dead here (except OTR Trucks), but HAM radio has a small/strong following still. Crazy people...
@ChrisS I haven't lost anything, but I went into it not expecting to really earn anything anyway.
@packs I've made like 5 dollars
@ChrisS I think I have a HAM radio antenna in my attic space, I just haven't climbed up to see exactly what it is yet.
@packs I might have to look into that... "Kiva" you said?
@ChrisS I live in an area full of retired types and there's a dude down the road, must be 90, MASSIVE ham radio mast in his garden, must be 100m high and wide too
Greetings, mutants.
@ChrisS That's an affirmative. Most of the loan periods that I've gotten into have been in the 6-12 month range. That's not a lot of time to earn interest on $25. But, like I said, so far everything I've loaned out has been fully payed back, and I haven't lost anything on currency exchanges.
Q: Can we do a DNSSEC 101?

PAStheLoDPlease share your opinions, FAQs, HOWTOs, best practices (or links to the one you think is the best) and your fears and thoughts about the whole migration (or should I just call it a new piece of tech?). Is DNSSEC just for DNS providers (name server operators)? What ought John Doe to do, who hos...

wiki material?
wow - that rude swedish dude from this morning, who downvoted my answer, just accepted it - ffs!
@Chopper3 ouch sir
You answer is right though? it depends
@Chopper3 Clearly you're an idiot and don't actually understand how the technology works.
@packs and your only a mod because well ( still coming up with joke here)\
Meh, being a mod doesn't necessarily mean anything. I mean, look at @sysadmin1138. He somehow managed to buy that diamond. :)
Anyone look at Nagios XI or nagios Fusion ... and more importantly know what the hell they are?
Q: How do I rename my local SQL development server?

drachensternI'm a dev who inherited a mostly functioning box doing most of what I need. Except for the machine name is still that of the old dev (we name it "{username}-dt" or "{username}-lt" for ease of id on the network) and I want to rename it from old-username to my-username. Naturally this will affect ...

should I have put that on SF instead?
@Zypher AFAIK they're pretty front ends that cost money

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