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@Adrian Never know when you're going to stumble upon @Chopper3's spinning johnson.
so it was a mail filter?
@MikeyB or a semi-discarded sock.
Argh! Not enough pickle forks in the world to get these images out of my head!
I want to yell at this guy...
Q: Creating keytab for computer account to decrypt packet capture

PJ PWe are having an issue with our blackberry server (EWSTest fails at autodiscover lookup) and I am running a packet capture with Wireshark in an attempt to diagnose the issue. There is a conversation that is encrypted with Kerberos (RC4-HMAC) that I would like to read. After some research, I fou...

@ewwhite Yep. Took a while to get there, mostly because Exchange 2007 on a VM hosted on RAID5 disk isn't the quickest thing ever. hurk. Of course, for a 10-user business, you don't really need it to be the most performant thing ever.
Fixed! They'll be able to email those cu^Wother people now.
Is this for real?
Q: "your users are out of order, click re-order to fix" - what exactly does this mean and why does it effect a programs ability to load?

Patrick"your users are out of order, click re-order to fix" - what exactly does this mean and why does it effect a programs ability to load? OS: Windows 7 64 bit ultimate edition What does it mean when right-clicking on a file and clicking on security you see a message that says this "your users are o...

@Adrian Insert Coin and press P1 Start to continue.
Chuck Norris uses HTML to parse regular expressions.
@MikeyB cloud
@ewwhite Of course! Why didn't I think of that! I'll just off-cloud the outsourcing!
Every Solaris JRE 5 I'm getting from oracle is declaring itself corrupted
@Adrian HISS
@voretaq7 You sir, are no Cat.
Unless you're channeling your lizard. And I don't want to see it or know about that.
@Adrian for my next trick I will run across the surface of a pond
also, why don't developers ever want to change their code?
I can't believe there's no on ServerFault
@voretaq7 because Dev are just as lazy as we are?
Like seriously, your code performs a bunch selects that take 300ms each to set up the join for. You can change the code to do one select, which takes 301ms. Why don't you want to change the code?!?
@Adrian ...when my systems introduce a performance problem I change them. I do it before customers notice whenever possible.
Maybe I should try java 6
@voretaq7 Now you're just spouting crazy talk. Monitoring your apps performance before it gets deployed? Good Heavens!
I mean yeah, the change will involve adding some special-case ugly into the code, but we're talking about taking something from O(N+(S/N)) To O(1+S).
@WesleyDavid Was this what you were talking about re: being smart w/ Linux vs. thinking dumb with Windows when transitioning between the two? serverfault.com/questions/383929/…
Wow, the monospace O (O) looks like a 0 (0).
@Adrian I know, I'm insane.
my ubuntu's dist upgrade is slowly killing my laptop, chrome is now just a big red square
but damnit so are my customers!
So my next challenge is to fix this...
@LucasKauffman Ubuntu the Laptop Slayer.
@voretaq7 Gotta watch out for those increases in expectation.
@ewwhite Wait... hang on....
@Adrian Dunno. Seems he's legit trying to figure things out.
@ewwhite 2-banana job
@ewwhite Hey! HowTF did you get into my server closet?
@ewwhite That looks rather tame.
How much bad do you see in the image?
Linksys Wifi router...
That should help.
ok, java6 seems corrupt too
10/100 switch...
there's a HUB in there...
What's that Linksys in the bottom left corner? That a hub?
Relisys serial terminal.
There's a white Linksys dual-speed HUB
@ewwhite Linksys device, 3 modems, 1 hub not in the rack, no UPS, CRT monitor, is that a T1, DSL or Phone connection hanging out at the bottom of your rack there?
@ewwhite hah! I knew that was a hub :)
@ewwhite I thought so. I had one in the boneyard/museum on the shelf in my office until a few weeks.
Not even a CRT monitor... it's a green-screen serial terminal
I like the backup modems in there hopefully for backing up a T1? The local Uni hospital uses that same hardware so it can't suck TOO bad.
@ewwhite CRT monitor. Don't mind that it's a serial terminal, but buy a fucking flat screen.
@ewwhite Oh, and zipties instead of velcro strapping.
At least that POS Hawking device isn't in use anymore.
and no UPS that I can see -- that's about all I spotted.
Well, this is another warehouse... old client. I'm going to put this in place: ityuda.com/product_images/y/317/J9064A__09608_zoom.jpg
We used those for a few years in the mid-2000s. They had a nasty habit of randomly turning on the built-in DHCP server in those stupid things.
Nope... no UPS.
Yeah, the hawking was short-lived. There's a Cisco Pix 501 in there, too
WhyTF does a USB<>Ethernet "print server" need a DHCP server in it anyway?
^^^ Buy the shears. :-)
but all of the frame-relay, DSL and T1 stuff is decommissioned...
and there's a fancy Ethernet-over-copper MPLS link coming in
@ewwhite nice
What's that Dell jobbie in the middle? standard switch?
some 100-megabit Dell switch
and the phone room...
user image
@ewwhite And Jose's extension(?)... that's gold.
@ewwhite Really though, is that some sort of disconnect for the users? BOFH-style?
I'm going through my old site photos. There's lots of awfulness throughout.
yes, those old switches...
What ARE those little boxes, anyway?
@ewwhite Would you be willing to post that to my Ghetto IT Flickr group?
@Adrian they look like cut-out switches (one direction your phone rings, the other it goes to an alternate location - voicemail, open line, etc.)?
but very much old-school
@voretaq7: Where is your DC / colo?
@ewwhite is that what they are?
I only ever saw one system like that (it was push-buttons)
I'm really not sure. All I know is that it all works somehow.
@KyleBrandt NYI (100 William)
God Damn Fscking Apple! I can't update any apps or install new ones until I provide answers for 3 out of the 4 questions they want for security. Mind you, I don't HAVE answers for 2 of them.
@voretaq7: That colo?
@KyleBrandt still hunting for cage space?
Thinking about it yes
@KyleBrandt Yeah, I don't think they have cage space available at 100 William but they have a Jersey site that I think is bigger
There's always 60 Hudson :-)
I'm finding some gems...
just ya know... leverage the entire company and a few of the employees' first-born children. That should buy you a month in the carrier hotel :-)
@voretaq7: That crazy expesnive
Ever seen one of these?
Manhattan colo? $$$
@ewwhite I think so. A small firm sometime in late 1999, maybe?
@KyleBrandt Dunno, never knew anyone with floor space there, just meet-me-rooms/interconnects
it was the TelX hub before 8th ave got all uppity
can't you guys just do what Google/Apple/Amazon/etc. do? Buy out some midwestern farmer, stick a couple of wind turbines down so you can say you're "green" and start demanding tax subsidies for your data farm?
Organic free-range data - No hormones or pesticides!
The malware is hand-picked off the disk by underpaid migrant workers.
I still have Telx contacts at 111 8th
but a couple of horror stories, too
Not that big, right now we are 2.5 racks, looking to go to 5-6
But only 16AMPs usable per rack
I would like someone who would give me as much power as I want
do you NEED to be in Manhattan?
I could use 40AMPs per rack I think
is NJ an option?
It is very helpful being close with all our growth
That all the data I have on power, very hard to forecast
@KyleBrandt so that big spike was either a san, a bladecenter, or a cisco device...
@KyleBrandt I would like that too...
I think that is when we racked a few servers at once
NYI gives us I believe 20 amps/rack
Is that pretty? A model setup?
My current place will upgrade us to 30, but the problem is they only have 5 racks to give us in a cage
@voretaq7 The guy wants to go design his own OSS/BSS ?
@ewwhite CARPETING?!?
So long term growth, which really might be less than 2 years if that, is not great
And the rear....
that's it, I'm burning the datacenter down.
Can I join in?
it shouldn't require much help.
@ewwhite COMPAQ????
@Adrian the alphabet soup puke, yes.
I'm SO posting my iPhone photos of my server room once Flickr finishes downloading
That reminds me, I found a really nice Sun cab on ebay for about £160
Plexiglass on top of the racks to divert the sprinklers away from the servers...
@KyleBrandt bladecenters and SANs baby -- pack in that density!
@voretaq7 Data Acq. and Mediation for those god-awful things is what I supported at Big Blue. It was a nightmare.
...and then get kicked out for being over power :(
@voretaq7: Do blades give better power density?
That is density in terms of space isn't it?
@ewwhite yes, because we don't want to put the fire out if it means the systems get wet...
Space isn't my constraint as much as it is power
@KyleBrandt the new energy-efficient ones are a little bit better than a PSU in each server
combine blades with SANs and you can save some amperage, probably not enough to make it worth your while though.
@voretaq7 I'll bring the marshmallows!
@voretaq7: We are largely SSD too, those are low power I think
@KyleBrandt yeah that saves you some power especially if your loads aren't write-intensive (and if you're using SSDs you know enough about them that your writes are reasonable)
@Adrian your rack is all colorful
what do they all mean?
My rack is blue and yellow - blue for primary and yellow for secondary.
Clean that stuff up!
@voretaq7 Different cable lengths, mostly. Orange is Cat6. Some of the reds mean Guest Network outside the staff network
@ewwhite It's waiting for the next authorized downtime.
@voretaq7: That down side to that image from before is that really I have about 50 AMPs I should be pulling now :-(
If I go off the 80% of a 20 AMP feed per rack they tell me
@Adrian . . . SMACK Make your colors mean something boy!
Dead pixel on one of my 30 inches
@KyleBrandt . . . did you trip the floor breaker?
It is also dark around the deal pixel
@KyleBrandt ack! Try massaging it!
(does that still work?)
@voretaq7 I've had two proposals to do exactly that rejected by management. insufficient benefit for the time spent working on it.
Doesn't help
If it didn't have the dark spot around it I might be okay with this, but this is annoying
Dell better replace this
Here's a picture of the ceiling above the switch rack. Note the plumbing directly above the rack for the bathroom they put in several years after the server room, and the catch tray ceiling designed to keep sewage leaks from the floors above the server room from getting on the equipment.
And yes, that's the drive magnet on the overhead catenary that I use to hold my magic server reboot paperclips.
That is odd, seems a reboot fixed it
When shutting the monitor off and on did not
@Adrian . . . and when SW002 blows up and you can't just find all the shit connected to it by eye so the downtime is 10x as long, what then mr. smarty-manager-pants? Hmmmmm? (Morons you work for, MORONS!)
@KyleBrandt Windows workstation?
@ITHedgeHog: Congrats! just noticed the pinned message
Well, I rebooted from Linux into Windows
Because I am going to start playing video games
@KyleBrandt Rebooting Windows always fixes the problem. Even if the problem was happening in Linux!
@voretaq7 Yeah, at one point the dept. policy was that all the punchdowns were at the top and the switches at the bottom. So we had bundles of 12 patch cables each running down the left side of the rack when we did the install. I'm sure you can see just exactly how well that worked and how long that stayed neat.
Anyone know where on earth I can get Solaris 3ware tw drivers from? 3ware / lsi site is being non-useful
@Adrian sigh
@voretaq7 So we've lately been moving the punch downs around a little to fit switches in between so that we can use little 6" patch cables down to the closest switch. You'd think I invented the cure for cancer or something as far as my Technicians were concerned.
I have three cabling policies.
1. Switches go at the top.
2. Use the shortest length of cable practical.
3. Tie everything with velcro straps so it looks neat.
You manage 1, 2 and 3, and I don't fucking care about the rest.
@Adrian cable cancer.
Unfortunately we seem to have an unofficial policy of use the closest cable you can find to get it up in a hurry.
My NY datacenter needs a recabling pretty bad.
I didn't have enough 4 and 5 foot cables, so I have some 6 and 8 footers that are wrapped and strapped
Speaking of which, I'm going to go spend some time in there since it's Friday, and they can fsck off if they don't like it. I had to clear my desk today so that they can put new counters in this weekend, so I can't do anything useful anyway.
also NONE of our power cords are the right length
I miss working at the ISP
You need a server racked? You give it to ops. They put it in the rack with a power cord the exact length to go neatly from the PDU to the power plug running on the left side of the rack, and an ethernet cable the exact length to go from the ethernet port to the patch panel or switch running on the right side of the rack.
But 1ft, 2ft AC cords...
@ewwhite but it was hard enough to get them to let me buy multiple lengths of ethernet cable - the 4-6 footers come with the server, and they won't spring for custom--length power cords.
I'm going through my greatest hits...
How's that for design... build the server INTO the furniture...
I used to have to do this stuff full-time.
Rats chewing through cables was a valid diagnosis on 3am support calls.
@ewwhite It's like a radiator cover. Except they left the ugly part that says Compaq showing...
@voretaq7 One of the owners fancied himself a carpenter...
man using the destroy button on spammers feels good.
Too bad it doesn't destroy them IRL.
We have a sponsored tag! Repeat: We have a sponsored tag!! serverfault.com/questions/tagged/scalability
@WesleyDavid ... they sponsored and they're talking about cloud?
I noticed!
@voretaq7 Dude, the cloud scales, man! It scales, do you hear me?!
In light of the fact that (a) I'm blue, and (b) the cash they're pumping in helps keep the site free, I shall refrain from bashing them further.
. . . ::shoves @WesleyDavid into a pillowcase, swings it around like crazy and drops it into the koi pond:: -- DID IT!
I've been following RightScale for a few years now. They're cool. I approve.
@WesleyDavid I have nothing against RightScale (don't even know 'em). I just hate clouds.
all kinds.
I considered using them myself when I was orbiting a certain project about two years ago that would have needed it.
just discovered the ignore tags feature
goodbye nginx you miserly fuck
@SpacemanSpiff I do it with Oracle. And yet, I still weigh in on some of the questions. >_<
@WesleyDavid OraSun.
@voretaq7 Lawnmower man?
@WesleyDavid The lawnmower doesn't care that all the talent is leaving the company. The lawnmower doesn't have wants or feelings, it just cuts grass.
are there 5 users awake in here?
Q: united authentication for multiple *nix hosts?

fujiSomething similar to nt domain controller in linux? ex. two hosts with one shared authentication. how to ?

^ Go kill that for me ^
@Adrian herp derp google's down or something
and I'm trying to look less like mr. mean-nasty-question-blasting moderator by making you guys do my dirty work for me :-P
Why, on an SSH console, do I need a fucking JVM just to install a driver?
At this rate, it's looking like the easiest thing to do will be to chuck this 3ware card and just buy a different one
3ware were meant to be good :(
Ick. 3ware. Eternal pain in my ass.
@voretaq7 I smell an Insanity Wolf in the works...
@WesleyDavid STBY1
Should have just gotten another AOC-SAT2-MV8
I'm raging at everything tonight
If google is going wrong, I bet it's somehow Java's fault
stupid java
fuck you too QuickMeme. The image is mine, even if I have to use Web Inspector to get it.
and on that note, 7PM - time to go get foodstuffs
And another thing....
Software that goes Can't start graphical mode. You're on a console. Re-run me with '-console'
Why doesn't it do it itself?
@growse because DEVELOPERS
Oh, it's Steve Ballmer's fault?
2 hours ago, by voretaq7
also, why don't developers ever want to change their code?
'Driver failed to attach'

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