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@Zoredache connectivity.opentext.com/products/exceed-products.aspx <- I used that a long-ass time ago, it wasn't unbearable...
Before I go to google, anyone here have any advice about generating and sustaining a high CPU load on a netapp filer over FCP?
I want to test failover
@Joel WTF dude. WTF. I thought I knew you man. ಠ_ಠ
that's better, onebox my cat videos Markdown!
Damn sudden unacepts long after the thread is dead. Now I've got to make another 20 rep up to cap today. murmer murmer
Metasploit is getting me nowhere with this
@Basil I know you can generate a high CPU load on a NetApp server by doing a lot of stat()s via NFS....
I like this guys name. Sounds like what I do after eating bad Italian:
Goodness, Khaled. Sheesh.
@Joel Don't blame the tool. Blame the tool who uses it.
@ScottPack That's why I didn't say "Metasploit is bad and Rapid7 should feel bad"
Don't blame the tool. Blame the tool who tooled the tool.
@WesleyDavid s/tool/fool/ somewhere perhaps?
@jollyroger Nope, nothing but tools, yo.
Great, the user just deleted the question I was going to answer. Bad luck.
Having a Windows server in Malaysia is like bringing your younger sister to a male friend's birthday party
@WesleyDavid iHork, uHork, he she or it Horks. weHork, theyHork...
u4ik? :)
@Joel Having a Windows server is like bring your younger sister to a drunken frat party. FTFY.
Q: sftp with anonymous user

JuanPabloHow I can set a anonymous sftp user ? I generate the ssh keys pair, set /usr/lib/sftp-server as shell in /etc/password and share the private key (id_rsa) and with this command the users get access sftp -oIdentityFile=id_rsa public_sftp@host is a good idea ?

@jollyroger Lol'd
I came in here just to poke fun at that
Never thought someone will migrate anonymous idea from FTP
anonymous user and good idea in the same sentence
@voretaq7 Yeah. There's no real cybercrime laws in these developing nations
@Joel meh doesn't matter. It's still Windows :-D
good afternoon, Gents.
If an OS X file server is rebooted when people have documents open from it, what happens?
They'll be able to save the document once the server comes back online, right?
@David Depends on the application/share
It won't close their documents though, right?
e.g. M$ office stufff
@Joel And it likes it?
like Joel said, it depends on the app.
If the app tries to write to a share that went away and doesn't handle it gracefully it might just crash
I'm just intending on rebooting the server after-hours
and hope nobody loses anything
@David Announce it now
Yup. Communication is frequently the difference between success and abject failure.
Oh the stories I can tell....
in fact you can even schedule the reboot to happen at like 10pm (read man shutdown in your terminal if you're unfamiliar) - that way they should all be home with their families.
@David wall The server's goin' down like the Lusitania in Irish waters. Save your crap, lusers!!
that accounts for the people here!
but like 1/2 the people are out today
@WesleyDavid wall "Due to maintenance on the UPS this system will be going up and down like a $2 whore during fleet week for the rest of the day. Plan accordingly."
and yeah @voretaq7 that was the plan, to get it to reboot after everyone (including me!) is gone
@voretaq7 Do they even make $2 whores anymore?
@WesleyDavid yes, but because of inflation they cost $7.50 now.
BTW, the X server in Lion SUCKS.
I have to restart it constantly - never had this trouble on Leopard/Snow Leopard.
Hooooly shit, enabled NLA and the attack stopped
@voretaq7 Damn you. I had a mouth full of soda when I saw that.
@Adrian Exxxxxcelent.
OK VMWare box - I like you, and you don't like me, but you're going to reboot. and when you come back this shit performance is gonna be 1000% improved, or else.
I hit my head twice fussing with a server today!
@David um....
@voretaq7 What did you change?
did you crawl into the rack or somethin?
It's a ghetto setup
on some cart with wheels under a desk
was trying to get to back of a server and then stood back up, BANG sharp corner
and then did it again 5 mins later lol
@Joel Nothing in the last 6 months - performance just sorta went to shit this last week or so and I haven't been able to trace a cause so I'm trying the Windows solution as a last resort :-/
@Joel What does NLA stand for?
network location awareness
Flipping heck Khaled, take a chill pill!!!
or not little asscheeks, whichever you prefer
@WesleyDavid mrr?
Now I know what I was like when I was on my flag spree. =)
@SpacemanSpiff I have no idea of the context, but I saw something about asscheecks and decided to star it.
Personally I prefer them flapping out in the wind
Ah. NLA == New-Fangled stuff. We're still trying to migrate off XP here.
@voretaq7 Khaled is going on a tag wiki spree.
For the 20 or so remaining units at least.
@WesleyDavid Good to see someone doing it. I've been too busy lately.
@WesleyDavid good, our tag wikis suck :)
wait a minute jesus henrietta christ 17 things in the edit approval queue?
Boy's worse than the flag-cat!
:glares meaningfully at @WesleyDavid who has been slacking off on his flagging:
@Adrian Network Level Authentication, it's an RDP setting designed to mitigate DoS attacks
@Joel Ah, a different meaning for the same TLA. Felt like I was back at IBM for a moment.
Raises a good question, once you've established an internal CA, is there a good way to get all your machines to request a new certificate for RDP?
@SpacemanSpiff If you establish an internal CA, and it's integrated with AD, then AD handles most of the magic for you. At that point it's more about RDP settings and less about trust relationships
Seems like most of my servers have been up for months now, as has been the CA
@voretaq7 tail between legs
@SpacemanSpiff Do your clients get certificate errors/notifications?
Yep, first time I connect even from my own machines. I can see my CA as a trusted root in my store
Have never really put any effort into it
@SpacemanSpiff Set them all to use NLA, I believe you use Kerberos authentication and identification
ya, but surely there is a GPO way of telling them all to request a cert from the CA for this... I can see in the session host configuration that it's using an "auto generated" one
yeah, there is... looks like by default it auto-generates
you just tell it which template to use
I'll have to play with that on a test box
4:20 on 4/20, god help us
@Aaron Lord, please deliver me my doobage.
I meant more "maybe now the morons will go away", but whatever works
mmm. PIE.
we have a new senior manager here that came in from working a middle manager job with the state. I'm becoming very tempted to scream at her at the top of my lungs to stop being a moron.
I cannot abide people who assume everyone else exists to cover the minor details they can't be bothered with.
@Adrian Are they still throwing away capex money? Can you get me hired to do something?
I can help outsource your email.
@WesleyDavid The boss is thinking about it.
I've been battling the 400,000 file fragments on our NAS for several weeks now. I'm down to ~200,000
@Joel Check your cflags, yo.
@Joel Wipe and restore from tape?
That one never gets old....
watching the VMWare environment proceed through its auto-power-on sequence....
I have entirely too many VMs in dependency groups.
@voretaq7 Set them free, allow them to choose their own destiny.
@jscott no, then everything spins up before the DNS/LDAP servers and firewall/router are ready and there's all sorts of hell
Found something comparative to puppet, but rather young and written in Python. saltstack.org Have anyone tried this?
This way when APO is completed I know the environment is ready to be used :-)
@jollyroger sounds like an automated version of ClusterSSH
If I had Python installed in my environment I might look at it :)
before i issue this command, @voretaq7 can you verify? I want to restart @ 8pm. "sudo shutdown -r 20:00"
@voretaq7 i tend to believe it's more declarative like puppet. At least the configuration in docs is yaml. It uses Python and jinja2 templating system i'm already familiar with, so I'll try it. Another good reason for me is that it's going to appear in Debian soon.
@David looks kosher - I usually use the plus-sign notation for time myself
cross your fingers for crazy emails
(if you use the + notation for time you'll get a banner saying when the system will go down, so if you fat-fingered the time you can always cancel the shutdown and do it again :-)
It told me using that command too
@jscott I lol'd at this. Free-range Kobe VMs, delicious
Is there an easy way to email my entire organization thru Google Apps
or do i just have to type in everyone's names manually
@David good question - I imagine it lets you create a recipient list, but I don't use apps so I have no clue how :-)
@David yeah - shutdown always tells you (and anyone else logged in)
@David there's time zone set on your server, not UTC, am I right?
It's a relic from the days where you would always be logged in on a terminal, and the warnings would remind you to save your work and log out :-)
@jollyroger i assume so!
@jollyroger You know I've never called shutdown when my user's timezone is different from the server's timezone - I wonder if it's smart enough to make the adjustment? :)
@voretaq7 just sudo TZ=<timezone> shutdown -r <safe for users local time>
whats the command to check the current time
@David date, and date -U for UTC
Who would've known the wifi in a dealership is pretty good...
alright its good @jollyroger
(hello everyone)
you scared me there
@jollyroger effort "{
@David How are you creating your accounts in Google Apps? Are you syncing to ldap, or are you creating them in Apps? There is a facility in Google apps to create groups, or you can create groups in your ldap and sync that.
@Zoredache just through google.com/a/cpanel
Oh, and I just learned we may be working on providing some kind of health services at some time in the future. I really don't want to have to deal with HIPAA.
@Zoredache It's the same as PCI, where it says "cardholder data" just cross it out and write "protected health information"
@David just go to the 'groups' tab, create a group, and check the box that says 'include all users in my domain'.
Then email the group.
I have to assign it an email address?
you know, like the army. You need a howitzer? Use the form for a portable mess kit, and just cross that part out and write in field artillery unit
@voretaq7 Yes, well we don't fall under PCI either at the moment.
@David Yeah, you can also check the announce only box, and then limit who can send to it. So it isn't a good target for external/internal spam.
@Zoredache so I made the group, what do I do to send an email to everyone? Just send it to the new address?
Just send an email to the address.
@David, have you asked MTA to reread /etc/aliases to apply changes?
@jollyroger say what?
have you asked MTA to reread /etc/aliases to apply changes?
I mean /sbin/newaliases or restart MTA.
I have no clue what you're talking about
@jollyroger he's using google apps, he has no interaction with the MTA :)
ah, ok then.
Then it was another try(failed) to scare him like with shutdown time.
@jollyroger Haven't all the MTAs figured out how to watch a file for changes and reload that database on their own yet? I know Exim does.
Fut the Whuck? I refactored a nasty nested select into joins and it got slower?!?
Next time I say something like "Wait! Have you.." @David will histerically look what could he possible forget to do.
@Zoredache that's unfair to older MTAs - sendmail has always accepted changes to the aliases DB in real-time, but the aliases db is compiled newaliases syntax-checks /etc/aliases and builds the updated db.
@voretaq7 I know, has sendmail gotten less ugly? I haven't used it in about 10 years, and the config syntax back then was horribly obscure.
It was as bad or worse then trying to read Perl source code.
@Zoredache It's the same now. I still configure it with just debconf scripts.
@Zoredache "Do not edit sendmail.cf by hand"
otherwise I've never had trouble with sendmail. The rules syntax is painful, but how often do you need to write MTA rules?
(hint: Never)
There weren't any of these fancy configuration front ends back when I last used it. Or at least there weren't any that I was aware of.
@Zoredache m4 is still the front-end of choice
editing the mc file is just a matter of being familiar with the options (and remembering that ` opens and ' closes strings)
I just flagged my first question ever!
@voretaq7 When in a situation where we did want to write a bunch of rules, we went with exim instead. :)
Psh @voretaq7 I got a badge!
@David we can fix that :)
what the hell does this mean
im trying to ping my windows server
and it says "ping: sendto: host is down"
I vaguely believe that happens when your default gateway is down, but you still have an arp entry for it?
i was JUST connected
opened up RDP window and it was stuck
can't re-connect or ping
what happens when you try a traceroute?
Is the windows system on the same subnet?
traceroute: sendto: host is down
and yes, my computer is, the windows server is
Win7 in VM says Destination Host Unreachable
sigh Oh Bridge.
Computers don't always respond to ping.
@WesleyDavid Fuck off
@ScottPack Fuck off
@WesleyDavid You should be flagged for that.
/me meanders off to go on a hike
@ScottPack You should be flagged for that
Going to see if I can sticker shock my boss back into reality.
@Adrian Elaborate?
Just quoted him $5k/month for Google Apps email.
@Adrian Yep. Google Apps is also not that reliable.
1) Car battery
2) Jumper cables
3) Wet sponge
4) Handcufs
5) Basement
6) Firmly anchored pipe
OTOH, our T1 service is more reliable than Google and rarely needs a reboot.
Oddly, my mail server rebooted 31 days ago and I was not aware this occurred. Time to go find out why.
Doh. 8e6 webex is starting too.
Problem solved
somehow it started using DHCP instead of manual IP
pretty weird
Error message fail:
yo bro your crededentials not be configured proper
lots of glass on the road
The m86 presentation looked pretty good, I must say.
Ooopsie... "Error : Your mailbox appears to be unavailable. Try to access it again in 10 seconds "
On this windows defender question, if Microsoft is aiming for security, shouldn't what he is asking be impossible?
It seems to me he is asking to do exactly what a piece of Malware would want to be able to do to compromise the system Windows Defender is protecting.
lol yeah
time to pack up
good day, all
Why am I forced to deal with CentOS4
oh for heavens sake... Why is this bug still open after 3 years. Surely someone could have figured out something by now... projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2014
Just for the record, this is still affecting users today. For example, me. Today.
Heh. Oracle is definitely a lawnmower.
@Zoredache The feature request for an outline view in OpenOffice is over 10 years old now. issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=3959
It is just annoying that it sure seems like a relatively simple thing to fix.
You just need to get the tool to run a chmod 644.
I suppose if I was bored enough, I would stop complaining, and go figure it out and submit a patch though...
What's wrong with CentOS 4?
Well RHEL 4 is EOL, so one would assuem CentOS 4 is EOL also?
It is. I have 5 of them still out there.
The clients refuse to let me upgrade (it went EOL 2/2012)
load average: 1.00, 151.03, 657.15
@Joel holy shit. that's a seriously stacked up i/o queue.
@Adrian That's ExaGrid's illustrious engineering team for you
@Joel I'd have to have 100 users logged into Gnome with 6 NFS shares dropping simultaneously to hit that number.

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