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@WesleyDavid I have the same thing happen to me.
My current employer had an online "Survey". I thought it would take 15 minutes; easy lunch-time time-killer. But it ended up taking 4 hours after I answered each question in the detail I felt required. Since it was done in surveymonkey, I really couldn't come back to it later :P
Got the job though.
@Jacob Aren't you in SoVA right now?
@AaronCopley Yeah
@Jacob Did you died?
Sorry, probably shouldn't joke since it's pretty serious situation but I hear there's been no fatalities.
Alright so I have a source from across the street so here's the true story
The jet takes off for the Air Station and the lose a wing and the trainer dumps the fuel and ejects. The plane slams into the apartments but AFAIK no one was in that side.
@WesleyDavid Yeah, but way too applicants were supposedly "weeks" away from getting their CCNA and MSCT certifications but can't even explain getting hostname and address assignments except that it comes "from the domain".
@Adrian D= Scary.
Basically people have been encroaching on the flight line for years and then they Bitch from the noise and when this happens. Guess what buy a goddam house not on the flight line...
@Adrian Srsly? I think you should allow remote candidates and just hire me :)
@AaronCopley Thats a map of my location to the accident
@Jacob I think the primary problem is our candidate selection process isn't that great. But that's as far as I'm going to go when this chat room is indexed by Google
@Jacob So you've gone from starring out vowels in swear words to open blaspheme. Wow - we've dragged you down to our level and you're not even old enough to smoke. Let's all pause for a moment at the passing of innocence.
@WesleyDavid s/pause for a moment/Raise a glass to/
I blame @Reb.
Shifty eyes.
@WesleyDavid Wrong! Under the law, I can smoke, however I can't buy cigarettes, and it's illegal to give me cigarettes.
@Jacob I thought it's an "MIP" or "Minor in Possession" if you have tobacco products. At least, it was when I was growing up.
Then again, Oregon != Virginia.
@Adrian So is new guy going to eventually be your replacement?
(Whether management knows it or not...)
@WesleyDavid It's the South.
@WesleyDavid it was the same in PA
I absolutely hate Devs who desperately need to shove 99 different pieces of functionality into 1 script. Develop your damn software properly and you won't need to change things in 99 different places even if it's 99 different scripts each doing 1 discrete thing.
"Lets say they can't buy cigs, that'll stop em!"
but if they already have them for some reason ... well that's cool i guess
@Zypher I just had my older friends buy them for me. But then they'd expect me to share.
haha, i worked at a gas station ... and just sold em to myself :)
@Zypher Yeah, it was always the gas station attendants that would sell to you without checking ID.
quitting smoking was the best thing I ever did
Fortunately, I never smoked enough to get addicted. I just did it because I was a teenager.
Pre-emptive strike.
I was stupid, got through most of my teenage then started
wow ! SF is 3 years old
@Jacob Yikes... Too close for comfort, man.
@Iain What's the official birthdate?
Oh, today.
I dunno
@WesleyDavid nah 30th April serverfault.com/questions/1/…
question 1
@Adrian Wait, this room is indexed and I use my real name? :O
@AaronCopley No that doesn't scare me, what does is that I live on the Norfolk Intl. Flight line. The stories of the hours/ training of airline pilots scare me.
@Jacob they can
@AaronCopley Yes, yes it is.
@Jacob Sure they do... They do that all the time if over water before emergency landing. (Of course I say all the time as if emergency landings are a frequent occurence, but I'm sure the first I've heard of dumping fuel was a commercial incident.)
@WesleyDavid No bueno.
/me Googles "inurl:chat.stackexchange.com aaron copley" groooaann..
@AaronCopley Yup. That's why I've never actually directly referenced my employer.
I haven't either, but I've sure said some not so nice things. :x
@AaronCopley I think, between all of us, you are a 3 on a one-to-ten scale of inappropriateness. I might be a 9 - but I'm scaling it back. Really, I get too carried away IRL as well, so - time to straighten up.
@David ^ Pre-emtpive strike.
Yea, looks like I won't be putting my resume out there until these search hits age off.
@WesleyDavid I still think this room out to be permanently renamed 'The Locker Room'
@AaronCopley Fortunately, chat isn't a prominent feature of SE, so even if someone sees Careers 2.0 or a reference to your Serverfault profile, they'd have to really dig to come up with chat.
Not that I'm looking. You know... for the record...
I might be venting a little more here. The new staff person I'm hoping to hire is from a large corporate setting with very strict professionalism rules.
However, said person also seems to have a brain, which is nearly unique among the other applicants.
I've found that the larger the company and the more forthright the "professionalism" is stated - the more raw the employees are.
ah there we go, it said i had 20 rep but wouldnt let me chat
and no worries @WesleyDavid
@David I'm getting a nervous twitch whenever I see a new avatar descend into the room. I expect that if I've never seen you before, it's only because you've been hard at work on the next Facebook and now need help LAMPing your servers. =)
@WesleyDavid hahahahah
Or because they're a cake decorator of 30 years looking to get into IT?
@AaronCopley That and also I'm a jerk.
I am already in IT!
@WesleyDavid cake decorating - you do your own sugar work ?
@WesleyDavid This one was kinda cool, actually. Very structured, but the humor was kinda geeky. Even made a few jokes about some of the more horrific ideas revolving around best practices in network support. Which was refreshing.
@David Well... a lot of people that come here say that... and they still think IP addresses are assigned dynamically "from the domain cloud!"
not I
@WesleyDavid, wait, what? That /is/ how it works, right?
HALP! I have 200 used Dell PCs in my living room and I heard about this LAMP thing. How do I do that with Windows XP?
I think you can do it with something called Ubuntu, but I'm not sure.
I couldn't get Ubuntu installer to work right under Windows XP so I quit and started decorating cakes.
I've been doing it for 30 years and decided to start decorating cakes!
12. more. minutes.
2 hours 12 minutes here
west coast best coast
I haven't wanted a weekend this badly in a while. It was an absolutely miserable week at work.
@David Meh.
@David West Coast. Fruitbasket Coast.
uh huh
@David Even the weather is batshit insane. The worst one I ever did was a ride from Eureka to Redding in August. 37F at the beach and Zero-vis fog to 29F at the summit to 105F in downtown Redding.
love the weather here
im in sacramento, CA
always nice
@David I've never been any further south than Redding except when flying. I'm just happy when I can get away from rain and damp for awhile.
Ya'll have a good weekend now, y'hear?
It can get a bit toasty here in July/Aug/Sept
but its never super cold
pretty mild
joy oh joy, ADP Portal Administrator Login = down
at least pay isnt till next friday
@Adrian So in other words... it's the best coast. =P
@David My mom is from Tracy
@WesleyDavid Yeah?
gah fucking adobe
@Zypher Really? I thought they were all Flash and no bang.
@84104 they have such an ass backwards process for getting an offline install
@Zypher That they do.
ahh but it seems they have sped up the approval proccess
Speaking of my long-standing gripe about stupid names for open-source projects:
with you on that
Just For Fun Network Management System
Somehow Ubuntu has that one, but no OpenNMS packages that I can discern
@Adrian Would you rather: Microsoft Network Manager? Oracle Enterprise Network Management Could Service?
Cloud as a Service!
did anyone else get a blank April LOPSAgram ?
@84104 Or Tivoli. Which I used to support for IBM Software Group.
Network Synergy Cloud Monitoring as an Infrastructure Service! Oh, and DevOps.
@84104 Seriously though. I"m getting awfully fscking tired of the juvenile BS around the Linux distributions and what's supported and what's not. I still haven't found a way to deploy LDAP in a mixed CentOS-Debian/Ubuntu environment without rolling my own IPA solution.
@Adrian Wait was what I mentioned a real thing? I was trying to be flippant about naming.
@84104 Seemed plausible considering that I supported IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager for Wireless
I got really good at spitting out ITNPMW really fast in conversations.
@Adrian Really? We're using OpenLDAP against CentOS, RHEL, Gentoo, Arch, Solaris and OSX.
Probably have some debian/Ubu in there as well.
@84104 With Kerberos?
@Adrian Some with, some without.
Behold the power of PAM and SASL passthough.
im so bored
@David Rename your Active Directory forest! Fun for hours.
@WesleyDavid We don't run AD!
@David Build an Active Directory forest! Fun for hours.
@WesleyDavid I already have! But i'm not allowed to implement it until May :(
@David In that case, read this book while you're waiting: shop.oreilly.com/product/9781565924918.do
@84104 Yeah, I really don't have my head wrapped around all that stuff well enough to be deploying me own IPA infrastructure from the individual pieces. Too many things that are actually actively broken to focus on it at the moment and was hoping FreeIPA would get me there. =/
I want to bind our AD and OD but I will probably break something
IPA is a new acronym for me.
@David Fun for hours!
@WesleyDavid I wish!
57 minutes remain.
hrm let PFsense handle VPN or should I let RRAS do it? Decisions Decisions
@sysadmin1138 "Identity, Policy and Audit (IPA)" apparently. I didn't know it either.
@jscott You're probably one of those motherfuckers that calls that editor "Six", aren't you?
@MikeyB ??
@Jacob I'm a little behind in chat.
@MikeyB I blame the LSD in his "four" drip.
Anyways, my laptop has stopped overheating whenever I play ME2. I no longer require cold packs on my lap when I play.
It helps significantly that I blew the dust out of the cooling fins.
@MikeyB And thus the tide shifted in the between dust-bunny and heat sink. Unfortunately, it was not to last.
@84104 I'm just glad I didn't end up making that support call to Lenovo :)
Nice. Devs changed the API on their database scripts without any formal notice. All my password update automation completely broke this afternoon. Assholes.
@Adrian Is there any silver lining or are they still storing them in near plaintext?
@84104 No and Yes. In this case, they decided to have the scripts spit out username and password from the same script call with a carriage-return field delimiter.
That kinda breaks Expect.
err, not username. Password concatenated with the User Fullname
@Adrian Yeah, you guys are crazy. I still want to convert our kerberos backend to LDAP, but I haven't had the time/hardware to put that Ouroboros in place.
@84104 Well, the Devs would really we rather just left them alone and did everything manually with duplicate processes for everything. Management isn't quite willing to let them get away with that.
@Adrian I was a fervent proponent of DRY even before I knew it had a name.
Speaking of F/OSS and Stupidity, it's also difficult to take a project seriously when they use a "Y U NO WORK?" meme comic in the FAQ page....
18 minutes remain.
Love countdowns on installs
"About a minute" = 10 mins so far
WTF. Over. My Cisco 2960s don't come with Console cables. I thought they included those?
I thought all the "small" ones did
I heart USPS Flat Rate Shipping.
@Iain I too just got a blank LOPSA newsletter.
@Aaron Yeah, my Getting Started Guide says I should. The last 3 boxes I've opened do not. eyeroll
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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