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@84104 I think we've been using Samba since 2.0.2. Though I have to admit that we didn't even get all our boxes onto 3.0 until 2007. We're still not using 3.5 on our main server.
Is this a sufficient edge case that you 10Ks would kick a question to this effect over to SU?
What question are you kicking our way? :P
@SimonSheehan The Welcome Screen mod I was talking about for 20 minutes. =P
@Adrian Ah okay :P (too lazy to scroll up) Sounds like our type of material though.
@SimonSheehan Yeah, I can never quite tell with Windows stuff. For that matter, I still run XP at home, so I don't know squat about Win7 yet.
@Adrian Well if it doesn't really relate to server's and is about UI customization... I think you can assume its not for SF :P
Also, this is beyond crazy. Cooking a fish in a dish washer..
A: Is it possible to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher?

JeroenSurely the authors of the previous (sublime!) answers will throw the "Sure it works in practice, but does it work in theory!?" at me, but this great SE question and its answers still lured me into creating an answer backed up by empirical evidence. The Answer YES! It's certainly possible. At le...

That's a bit creepy.
Serious question, gents
Your company has invested a non-trivial amount of money into a system that was chosen by a now-departed director of IT
This system involves some overseas management and it was tough to sell them on it, but they finally bought in on it
The system does not work. Period.
What do you do
- Vendor is uncooperative
- Returning the system could be an option (but involves tons of egg-on-face for management)
That's a political decision, not a technical one.
Last time I had that happen (system worked, but massive security issues made it impossible to go live) we convinced management to stop the project and asked for our money back. Lawsuits were involved.
@Joel Sounds like a variation on what I'm dealing with. Dev think their shit lives and operates in a vacuum and doesn't need to inter-operate with anything else.
Best of luck on that one. =/
G'nite gents. Time to drag my sorry carcass home and feed the cat.
@ShaneMadden Holy wow. Who sued who first?
@WesleyDavid Not sure, actually.
@Joel I'd start from the position of 'Vendor is uncooperative' → 'Vendor has broken their (implicit?) contract'
Think we ended up getting part of the money back
@WesleyDavid Naw, I'd have to have come home first anyways to get a picture of balls.
@Joel Also, re: egg-on-face - it's bloody important for everyone (us admins, management, EVERYONE) to be able to say "I made a mistake and we should correct it."
Now, real world, people are idiots :p Good luck.
@MikeyB So... not everyone has a picture of balls to share at a moment's notice?
Main site slow for anyone else at the moment?
Honestly I'm thinking that the "get our money back" route is best
also lol $100K in legal fees
That's a little depressing.
@Joel Let me guess, this is ERP software?
@WesleyDavid exagrid.com
@Joel Oh shoot, I know of them. I was really interested in their stuff for a while.
@WesleyDavid It's bad. Actually, I lied. It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaad
where the badness is directly related to the number of repeated a's.
Good to know - crossed them off the list.
I wonder if they'll see incoming links from here and investigate.
I wonder if any company / product has ever traced anything back here.
@WesleyDavid Not sure what they'd do about it, the product is just poorly designed
Probably grovel and whine and try to make it up to you somehow.
Or sue StackExchange.
@WesleyDavid Apart from the overall awfulness of the product, it's just not the right product. It's not the right process, or the right line of thought. The basic concept of what we're trying to accomplish is fundamentally flawed because no one had the guts to say "This is a bad idea and you should feel bad."
@Joel And the bad person is now gone, but the badness lingers on.
Hey, that rhymes.
Should put that to music...
@WesleyDavid 2 deep 4 me bro
Something from Johnny Cash
@Joel Hey, screw you dude, 7-11 uses Exagrid and they say it's awesome. What's your problem.
Site crawling for anyone else, or is it me?
tis not you
@Reb did it.
nah nah
don't be going there
Oh; SE knows about it, seems to have happened several times lately... Ever since @PeterGrace joined the team. Coincidence?
very iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting
@ChrisS Don't listen to @Reb, she's setting @Peter up as the fall guy.
I have to verbally abuse someone every day or I haven't felt like a proper manager...
hey it wasn't my idea to blame Peter. I'm just rolling with the punches.
evenin' folks.
@Adrian Another ~1000 words on the ol' résumé series project.
Total of 8,500 words so far.
I'm thinking another 5,000 words to go.
5 to 7 posts total.
Dang. You write novels for a hobby? =D
@Adrian I used to write short stories - then I had to get a job.
And then I took an arrow to the knee.
Nice. Let's just say my prose is best described as business literate. =)
This April Fool's, find any place you can get internet traffic and put a proxy in front of then, then rewrite replace all fbcdn.com/.jpg requests with a picture of Rick Astley.
What do we do again with ridonkulous SEO questions? serverfault.com/q/371387/2101
Another 50GB or so and I can finally continue the RAID rebuild I was working on last night.
@MikeyB I flagged it for Webmasters
@WesleyDavid I'm pretty sure that's an OMG_Dupe over there.
Not that it fits here.
@sysadmin1138 I figured as much but was too lazy to search it out. I vote: laser death.
LASER!! caution LASER!! caution LASER!! caution -- What could it mean?!
(huggles to the person that recognizes that quote and knows the episode number without looking it up.)
Time to pull out the plastic and spend more money that I barely have...
You want stories? Have some: shadowunit.org
6.4 million files takes a while to copy.
that they do
Just over 24 hours in fact.
@JeffFerland I like your plan there
1 hour later…
Rarely have I desired a counter to click upwards like I am now.
do u guys like kvm ?
Last I checked, which was August-ish, the virtual disk format had some I/O problems relative to the others.
1 hour later…
how's it going ?
My brain is a riddled corpse. a husk of itself after learning about IPv6 for 4 hours tonight
posted on March 20, 2012 by Matt Simmons

Did you ever have anything in your life that you just kind of…ignored until it went away? Or at least, ignored it until you forgot about it or pretended it went away? That’s kind of what I did with multicast. For a long, long time, I would hear people mention multicast, and I would be [...]

eeep - you still about - that's not good ?
Day two of the RAID recovery. The file-copy is just about done. Then I get to see if it'll continue to rebuild, or if we need to migrate-the-hard-way another LUN :P
how're the rest of the disks holding up ?
3 in predict-fail so far.
These are dangerous waters we're sailing in right now.
And of course, right in the last dregs of the copy we get a file nailed by corruption so I get to live through the re-read/re-try cycle.
pain heaped on pain
Speaking of RAID isues, I got the mdadm devs to admit there is a bug in mdadm...
@Zoredache cool
Oh shoot me now. Time to copy 68K text-files.
So my question about what was going on with the weird output is that mdadm is buggy...
Is it me or Serverfault once has much more activity?
I was never a regular this time o'day so can't really say.
@AdamBenayoun seems like a normal morning to me
I asked a question 2 days ago, with that kind of certainty that someone would answer right away, but only 1 answer and double digits views. :/
I wish SF was popular like SO
Heh. So does everywhere else. The target market for SF is smaller, for one thing.
I think sysadmin are an endangered specie
It doesn't help that we tend to the reclusive server-troll with a dim view of other people's troubleshooting skills.
@AdamBenayoun no, well run sites are endangered as more and more amateurs and devs think they can do the job
@AdamBenayoun if you asked your question at the weekend then the chances are it'll get missed - you could try editing it so it gets to the front page again
Yeah, weekends are definitely slower around here. We get some good content, but fewer eyeballs means fewer answers.
hmm - editing or commenting on an answer wont bump the Q
it's on the front page now
I think an edit will. The idea is that you edit to improve the question and the improved question will get more views
right - now I see it
A: monitoring services, CPU, memory remotely on a Windows server machine

Lucas KauffmanTry observium on a remote machine, then setup SNMP for windows on the machine you want to monitor and add it in your observium server. It will give you a lot of information. Another possibility is to setup a nagios server with nagiosgraph and install nagioswin as agent. You can also use nagios in...

the guy here says, "had to vote down your answer because it's non-sensical"...
how is using nagios non-sensical :/?
he's entitled to his point of view, though I do disagree. The only possible comment I could make is that the person asking the question may have been asking for a pushbike and you've given him a mercedes, so to speak.
I'd be happy if I asked my parents for a pushbike and got a merc instead :p
you know what i mean
Morning all :)
morning bart
> At Stack Exchange, we insist that people who ask questions put some effort into their question, and we're kind of jerks about it.
@bartdevos homeworking?
@KennyRasschaert Zaventem
Rolling with the big boys :)
bring me back a lanyard will ya
@KennyRasschaert I'll ask :)
@KennyRasschaert The view is pretty stunning from up here I must say. Planes and cars everywhere :)
@BartDeVos where in Zaventem ?
@LucasKauffman Next to the Microsoft-building (just off the R0)
@BartDeVos ooooh pretty :o
imagine you are a big boss on the top of one of those building, must be awesome to have your office there
@LucasKauffman I'm having a meeting at 11 with him, i'll ask :D
@BartDeVos nice :p good luck ^^
right, revoke my root access from a server but keep me in the mailinglist, I get crap but I can't fix it ><
please, someone kill me now, these conference calls with manilla, bombay and voronesh are killing me
mailbox rules to delete crap are your friend Lucas
You can only ask a person 5 times to repeat themselves, after that, I just give up...
@BartDeVos what company do you work for?
and POOF
so...seemed like an intresting time last night on TCR?
@KennyRasschaert I also went to Ikea, like you, to buy two tables for a LackRack. Like you, I also found out the table legs were hollow. I was not impressed.
@tombull89 What's a lackrack?
When you read up on that, you find that people say "oh you need to reinforce the legs so you have a solid structure you can bolt the servers to". Then what's the point of buying the lack?
@LucasKauffman basic rack made from cheap Ikea tables.
How much does a table/adjustments cost?
it looks pretty :p
I wish there were more UK sysadmin jobs on careers.SE
@RobMoir at least you have some, no jobs in Belgium :o
true enough :-( that just makes me feel sad for you guys instead of better for myself though
@LucasKauffman £5, for the white one. Up to £10.
@tombull89 :o that's dirt cheap, it will probably be more expensive to drive there :p
@RobMoir That's because it's careers.SO, we need a careers.SF
@LucasKauffman Plus you need the brackets to hold the server up, and brackets to hold the table(s) together - I spent more on the brackets that two tables.
It's a good idea but it Has To Be Done Right.
@tombull89 where do you get the brackets?
@LucasKauffman I went to a local DIY store, B&Q.
@tombull89 I was thinking of getting one of these sound equipment racks, they were about 100 euro, but if I can make one myself that looks that sexeh ...
@LucasKauffman Don't forget you'll need to reinforce/remake the legs - plus music racks tend not to be as deep at server racks.
@tombull89 how do you reenforce them? put metal struts in the leggs?
@LucasKauffman I don't know - didn't do that :P The legs are hollow - the legs are fairly thin wood (i.e. you can punch through it with enough force -_-)
I just turned mu LACK upside down
and bolted the servers in
@KennyRasschaert you may be right.
to keep them in place
not to support them :)
I've always wondered about the point of lackracks myself, outside of perhaps very small office or home use
I was going to use one for my home lab
ah that's a better idea, actually. @RobMoir, I did it (or was planning it) for my home lab, nothing major.
@RobMoir We did a radio project over the summer, they are awesome to do a quick outdoors deployment :)
Put some big-ass wheels under them and you are golden :)
This is an interesting one:
Q: What should I consider regarding LAN wiring before building a house?

Torben Gundtofte-BruunI am planning a small house (4 rooms, 2 floors, no basement, no attic, 120 sq.meters) and I want to run a lot of LAN cables throughout because of poor WiFi experiences in my apartment. Because the house will be built according to my wishes (including electrical plans), I can pretty much choose ...

speaking of careers.so, does anyone need an invitation?
@tombull89 I'd get a fibre backbone!
@tombull89 "Really what I tell everyone is this: install only the cables you need today or in the immediate future. If you want to try to be future-proof, run an empty conduit." – gregmac 12 hours ago
that is the best advice on the entire page imho
@RobMoir i have a lack rack
When we were renovating an old house, we ran empty conduits everywhere. If we ever want to run Cat37B in there, we can.
good points I think
It's very awesome for the price i paid
well you can't go wrong for the price
got a norco 4224 and a switch mounted to it
@LucasKauffman no more bans I hope
@RobMoir I'm too scared now to post anymore pictures :(
I had a nightmare last night that the bridge people raped me :'(
i have no answer to that last comment
Does anyone use a KVM switch at home with more than 2 ports? I've got a Belkin 2-port one for my ESXi server and File server but I'll be adding two HP Microservers to the party as well - any thoughts?
@tombull89 I used a 5 switch port in our student room
@LucasKauffman There's a Belkin 4-port model of the one I've got already but it's insanely expensive - what's the one you use?
I'll look it up now
@tombull89 It's a very old dlink my friend says
but you can probably get those cheap on ebay no?
Are you sure you're talking about a KVM switch?
@KennyRasschaert yea
Didn't know DLink made those.
not a KVM over IP, but a regular KVM switch
Only experience I have with KVM switches is with Avocent. Pretty cool stuff but it's probably overkill for your needs.
@KennyRasschaert Would be a nice addition to your lackrack
@LucasKauffman $346.99 notbad.jpg
@BartDeVos ssh is all i need
@BartDeVos yea, you can get the 4 port swtiches for around 70 I think
@KennyRasschaert what if ssh doesn't work :o you will need to get up and change the cables?!
Yeah, this is non-IP KVM. As much as I'd like to have a play with them bit overkill (and bit too much) for a home setup.
@LucasKauffman No, he just picks up the phone and yells at some DataCenter monkey to reset the machine
@BartDeVos they charge us 50/15mins :(
found this on ebay: Avocent DSR 2010 520-331-002 2D W/Local KVM SWITCH 125 euro + 35 euro shipping
no clue if that is a good series of kvm switch
but the price seems reasonable enough
So with "normal" KVM you have mouse/screen/keyboard. You can get ones with sound, too, but I guess with the IP ones you get things like remote reboot and such?
@tombull89 yep
So (if your server has it) why not use iLO or DRAC?
@tombull89 I do but I can't put it on the WAN network :p
still drac is the shit
I got one for Sinterklaas from the school, and boy do I love that card
@LucasKauffman lol
@LucasKauffman I did wonder about that - if you Colocate a server you get KVM access with it, but I thought whats the point if you have iLO - but there's obviously the security risk if you expose an iLO card to the interweb.
@tombull89 I think I actually posed a question about that here somewhere
Wow. There's quite a difference in price between USB/PS/2 KVM and IP KVM.
Q: Is iLO safe enough to be hung on the WAN

Lucas KauffmanI am wondering if iLO is safe enough to be hung on the WAN, I looked for some articles but could not find any ? How do you guys secure iLO ? Do you put it behind a firewall ? Would you use a firewall that can be accessed from the WAN using iLO ?

@LucasKauffman so, "it's more than possible, but really not reccomended". yeah, I can live with that.
@tombull89 well, yea if they get into it they can just format the machine and install their own OS
Idrac would be nicer if they fixed their keyboard control
over lossy or high latency connections they have some serious issues with key repeat
serverfault.com/questions/371475/… --> please help me build a way around my dodgy hardware xD ?
built-in NIC will crash the system if it is placed under heavy load o.O
Is it just us who would just tell the vendor to fix their busted ass crap if we could prove it was a hardware fault of that kind, instead of trying to work around it?
1 hour later…
@RobMoir nope, I would demand a refund
If you like a bit of wob wob wob music: soundcloud.com/jorisjonckheer/skyve-presents-islamabad
Wait a minute. I go home last night and miss a picture of dog balls that results in someone from gaming going all self-righteous?
@ScottPack and they banned me :''''((((
@LucasKauffman Wesley once annoyed somebody, can't remember who, into banning everyone in this room.
@ScottPack powerabuse and general douchbagerie
@LucasKauffman You talking about mods or Wesley?
@ScottPack those mods
@ScottPack especially since no one said anything about it, if it annoyed somebody I'd have deleted them
I blame @voretaq7.
@ScottPack why :p?
/me shrugs
@ScottPack Is it voretaq's mistake :o?
Why not?
@ScottPack idk did he do anything wrong except maybe deleting the flag :p?
but you can hardly call that a mistake
I still find it, as a matter of policy, easiest and more constructive to blame him.
@LucasKauffman I warned you, didn't I that I wouldn't always be here to save you from a chat-ban :)
@TylerShads you did, but it wasn't that bad, not like that half naked lady I posted
You got banned for dog balls?
@LucasKauffman But the point still stands, you get someone who's all OMFG I'M A MORAL PRICK HOW DARE YOU they're going to approve a flag that says "darn" just because.
@BartSilverstrim But not for a disturbingly large and weapon like turtle diddle.
@TylerShads tinyurl.com/7wbmwrf this is what I posted NSFW IM WARNING YOU MORAL PRICKS!!!
@LucasKauffman Haha, that's hilarious. I wonder if it's trying to reach dog on the other end...
Was it an American that banned you?
Just remember though, it's not just the person that clicks 'valid' but also the person that clicks to flag to begin with.
@petergrace - April first. Have devs change so that if someone bans someone else, instead they ban themselves. Happy April 1st!
@TylerShads indeed, I still wonder who it was :p
any of you guys notice stackoverflow going down last night?
Someone that obviously, does not come here as much.
@PeterGrace check the logs who flagged me
I always bristle at that thought...people get away with random banning and flagging without having to own up to it.
@petergrace: you broke SO last night?
@BartSilverstrim I think you're told who banned you, not sure
How'd you do that?!
I didn't.
They're the last ones to get updates rolled out.
@tylershads: I'm not sure they do tell you who banned you.
We got DDoS'd like a mofo.
look at that scale.
Where was it coming from?
@PeterGrace 381 :/
@PeterGrace was it anon?
the first D in a DDoS
How'd you piss them off, dude?!
Yeah, doesn't mean it didn't come from a block in China.
@PeterGrace probably someone got downvoted :p
We're pretty sure they were spoofing IP's because it was coming from Barclay's bank range.
Among others.
there was nothing we could do; completely overran the conntrack buffers in our linux routers
just another reason to finally put those big honkin' ciscos in instead.
@LucasKauffman =0 Evan Carroll and TomTom joined forces. IT HAS BEGUN
Oh dear lord.
@LucasKauffman No you fool, the more powerful beasts you throw at them, the more they shall turn, there is no stopping them!
It's not the best day today. Forgot my cellphone in my car and I'm on call.
@PeterGrace Get a drink...or 7
@PeterGrace go get your phone...
Let me illustrate for you so you're aware
@LucasKauffman He's like 17 hours away from his car, if memory serves correctly because of taking several planes to work
@PeterGrace You're on call...? so you're working from home...but...where's your car?
I'm in manhattan
just we rotate who's the first responder
So you're on call...in the office?
Can't you just open your door?
@BartSilverstrim he has a door to @RebeccaChernoff ?
@Iain And @wesleyDavid is their scapegoat
I'm confused about being on call while in the actual office of tech people where they herd the non-techs into the center of the room, and everyone else is in chat rooms and seconds from email or probably just posting to their own subreddit to get attention...
@TylerShads ;)
But he still wants this..."phone"...thing for communication.
@BartSilverstrim if I'm in the potty, or I'm hitting on the girls from CHAOS, or otherwise not around my desk, I won't know something's wrong.
@BartSilverstrim Oh I get it! Its actually a 1990's pager! He just calls it a phone to make himself sound hip like all the cool kids...yo
@BartSilverstrim don't lots of SE employees work from home and ($deity forbid) some are even in different countries and continents
If you're on the potty, there's not much you can do for several minutes anyway.
@PeterGrace you don't have a monitoring system you can open in a screen?
@iain: ...email?
@PeterGrace You will when people start crying about not geting their lolcats, that usually makes a lot of noise
and chat?
Unless you have a REAL problem that requires replies within ten seconds. I think it's funny that someone not refreshing reddit results in @petergrace waddling into the office with his pants around his ankles and toilet paper streamin' in the breeze behind him to check a router.
one sec, @KyleBrandt in the office
He's in Manhattan? Must be a special day.
Got another e-mail from someone thinking that we've been hacked! They found Jean-Luc Picard is one of our mailing lists. le sigh

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