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12:10 AM
@Jacob: unless there's some reason you can't there's generally people willing to take systems people want to offload ;p
@JourneymanGeek Is that an offer?
If shipping wouldn't kill me faster than my parents, it would be
@JourneymanGeek I remember when I lived at home coming in the door with a 42U rack loaded with 100Mbps fibre ethernet gear. My mum almost died, made me put it on eBay.
Thankfully it was gone within the week.
12:27 AM
@MarkHenderson: my mom and dad are... odd
they use technology but hate it ;p
12:43 AM
@JourneymanGeek My Mum hates technology but tolerates it, but my Dad loves tech. I know he felt bad for me when my Mum made me sell all my stuff
Thankfully my wife likes technology, just as long as it's neat and there's no cables urnning through corridores or anything
@MarkHenderson: my grandad was a prototype-geek, he would have loved it
my dad and mom are... well
very much stereotypically indian
@JourneymanGeek I find you nice wife, you settle down and make me grandbabies
(thats about as racist and stereotypical indian as I get... and I work with a few of them)
You can say fucking :p
The indian woman I work with here, she said that she misses having servants, but she loves not having to live with her entire extended family
Ya, there's that
god. I can't imagine that
i donno, the moment you put three old ladies togehter, its like there's backstabbing, and sniping and...
12:50 AM
@JourneymanGeek Why would your parents kill you?
@Jacob: 'Not enough space'
@MarkHenderson I built an entire DC in a spare room, silly American parents.
@JourneymanGeek My Mum is a teacher, and she said that when she works at schools with female principals, all the staff are bitchy and backstabbing and undermine her at every move. But at schools with male principals, they are all bitch and backstabbing to eachother, but they at least obey the rules and don't undermine the principals. She's the first person to admit that working with a female boss is shit. So I guess it's just the nature of the gender.
which is funny since i have the least personal space here. I have a desk and a bed, and thats it, other than a few things that split over
@JourneymanGeek Keep them in your room? the hum is a great sleeping aid
12:51 AM
@MarkHenderson: I haven't gotten to the murders ;p
@Jacob: for some odd reason i got put in the spare room
@Jacob I fget the feeling that poor old @JourneymanGeek doesn't have the space in his room
I once opened up a box, and found it full of old, empty jewllery cases
@JourneymanGeek I see from your profile you live in Singapore?
@MarkHenderson They're rack mountable, they stack :)
@Jacob: I get my degree, get a job, then probably i can run a spare DC with no bitching ;p
12:52 AM
@JourneymanGeek I understand what you mean then. I read that you have to purchase a license just to own a car?
@MarkHenderson I had 64U of equipment in my room at one point,it was great until I had to pay the Power bill
@Jacob That's why in big business it can make sense to throw away perfectly good servers when Intel release lower wattage ones.
@MarkHenderson I had the biggest Beowulf cluster for 100 miles, then the DEA called.
And it's in situations like that where Blades start make real sense, because you're only disposing of the power hungry parts, not the rest of it
@Jacob Thought you had a hydroponics setup?
Its pretty common to find those things by looking at unusual power usage in neighbourhoods
Thats why you steal it from your neighbour ;)
@MarkHenderson: ya, and its auctioned, limited supply, on top of 100% duties and so on
Let me put it this way
12:55 AM
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I invited them to see the cluster. :) they never showed
I can't even build a desktop without getting bitched at that the 5-6 year old system we have still works ;p
and my personal desktop was pulled from a dumpster (and suprisingly, no one complained)
Well you seem to be quite knowledgable for all of the hurdles in your way
Do you work in the IT industry?
no, can't get a job cause i don't have a degree
I'm not very good with acedemic stuff ><
@JourneymanGeek Having Cerebral palsy made computers my only real hobby.
12:58 AM
@JourneymanGeek Is Singapore one of those college degree only places job wise?
@Jacob: Used to wargame, parents hated it. They hate computers too, but the hell with it ;p
@Jacob: very much so
even toilet cleaners got to do certifications and upgrading and crap
"Oh, i went for a course on waterjet cleaning concrete and i get paid more!"
@JourneymanGeek It's because of the Population
@Jacob: and the asian mindset
@JourneymanGeek In the 'states, degrees are becoming trash.
@JourneymanGeek They're just being handed out
@MarkHenderson: Its passion i suppose. I actually love working with computers, as opposed to seeing the industry the way a lot of people do.
1:00 AM
@JourneymanGeek +1 everyone sees it as lots of money. the ads for tech schools to make lots of money are endless here.
@Jacob: If i needed to interview someone for a job, 2 hours, situation that they'd face. they wouldn't need to solve it, just ask the right questions, look in the right places
So far its been first interview, we'll call you back, never got called back ;p
so, went back to school
@Jacob: Money is nice, but, eh
Computers are really unglamourous, boring things. They should be left to the people who actually see them as being awesome ;p
And actually, there's a small advantage to working with constraints
your theoratical knowledge ends up pretty good
I can't believe it's this hard to find cheap VPSs, all I want to do is test a Load balancing a website
@Jacob I can. Cheap == rubbish usually
What about EC2's free instance?
@MarkHenderson I'd need 2 and a elastic LB, and I'm kind a preferring Windows, but that might not be an option.
@Jacob Can I ask which type of CP affects you?
1:15 AM
@MarkHenderson Spastic
@MarkHenderson More specifically Spastic hemiplegia
@Jacob: buyvm is worth a look
but they have a bit of an inventory issue
they're great in terms of reliability so far
@JourneymanGeek always sold out I have one :), but I'd really like my web hosts to be windows
(they have stock every few months only, and when they do, WHAM, its sold out)
they have a windows option methinks
not one of the super cheap tiers
opposite of me, i go LAMP, all the way ;p
though I bet I can get 2 x web tier 2x DB tier, 2x LB tier for less than 2x windows and 1 LB
@MarkHenderson familiar with CP?
1:24 AM
@Jacob Sorry was just on the phone. A little bit, I have a nephew with it
I also ahve a cousin with Muscular Distrophy and her son has Down Syndrome
@MarkHenderson oh wow, what type of CP and how bad is it?
And another cousin who is a neuro-surgeon
So I have a bit of interest in neurological conditions
@Jacob hemiplegia as well. He's only 3 years old, but it doesn't seem to be too limiting for him.
@MarkHenderson yeah, only my left side, comparable to a stroke victim
@MarkHenderson Have the parents talked to a doctor about botox?
@Jacob I don't really know. They live on a farm in a fairly remote area of the country so I don't talk to them much. I'm seeing them at a wedding in about 3 months, but they're both pretty open to trying everything
But at the same time they're very concious of trying to raise him normally so that he doesn't feel like an outsider
@MarkHenderson I understand, imho its one of the best things a mild CP sufferer can do.
1:32 AM
I'm glad that they changed the name too
When I was a kid, there was another kid at our school with CP and he had to wear a bike helmet everywhere, so the word "spastic" took on a really negative connotation
@MarkHenderson I had to wear an AFO( leg brace) for about 10 years
@Jacob Interesting. I had no idea that Botox was actually a neurotoxin
@MarkHenderson yep, I've done it for 5 years, and it helps an immeasurable amount.
@Jacob Are you able to type with your left hand?
@MarkHenderson: it is, thats the whole point of it
1:37 AM
@JourneymanGeek What is, sorry?
@MarkHenderson no, I have no ability to move only one digit on my left hand, I can't remember the term my rehab doctor calls it. isolation I think
in most cases, its used to selectively 'deactivate' nerves
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I guess I just never thought about it in that much detail before :p
@MarkHenderson I have some interesting stories about typing with one hand.
@Jacob Well at least your masturbating hand still works
1:39 AM
I think I would have offed myself as a teenager if I broke that hand
Actually, i used to type with my just my right for years
I was born a left hander, i was forced to become right handed, and well, for quite a while my right hand was VERY dominant
@MarkHenderson secretly thats why I am a Windows admin more than linux
@JourneymanGeek Forced?
by school?
1:40 AM
@Jacob Well hey, I bet that's something that usability experts don't think about
@Jacob: cause you can use a mouse for most things?
Next time someone rants at me about the superiority of Linux I'll stick that in their face and see what they say :p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah
@MarkHenderson: eh, text based config is better for repeatability
@JourneymanGeek I guess it depends on which system you learned on. I find it so frustrating to ahve a single app spread over so many disparit folders
And yet *nix people must find it frustrating to have config files in 10,000 different locations
1:42 AM
@MarkHenderson: it gets easier
and there's a strange logic to it
unless someone decides to do it another way
(and yes, strange)
For example, start up scripts
windows has.. maybe 2 ways to do it (registry folders, and the obsolete autorun or whatever they call it folder i haven't used in years). Every windows system is the same
One of the reasons I like Windows is for the most part, there's consistancy. Because the entire project is written by a single company with a single directive and a single set of standards and rules, I know that I can go from a Windows 2000 server to a 2008 R2 server and for the most part, UI and config files are in the same places and in the same format
But if I have to jump from Redhat to Ubuntu, I get soooo lost
linux.. depends on distro, normally it uses init scripts, of which there's two style. but if you run ubuntu, there's upstart, which is better, but hardly documented
to the point where i asked on irc, possibly SF... and eventually got an answer on the local LUG mailing list
@MarkHenderson: I think that's the big thing
I don't think of linux as an OS
its a framework, I don't have a house, i have a pile of boards ;p
/me needs to get a windows server setup to learn eventually
@JourneymanGeek It's a pity but very few Windows skills are transferrable to Linux, and vice versa
Its like learning how to drive a car, and then learning how to drive it all over again
I just can't think of what i'd need to do on it (at a home server level) that i couldn't do on a desktop version for now, so i keep putting it off. Running an AD maybe, but my network setup is odd enough for that not to be useful
1:48 AM
@Jacob Where all the hot doctors at?
@MarkHenderson The only thing that bugs me is that she works for EVMS so she always has students with her.
I reckon if rehab doctors were 20-somethings with a fallback career as supermodel, I bet they'd have a high success rate
@MarkHenderson: I primarily do windows desktops (both a a very small, almost SOHO like network admin). Linux is a hobby primarily, since i can't do the thing i really want to do often enough ;p
@MarkHenderson: well, doctors often have assistants ;p
@Jacob Not sure what EVMS is, but if it's a school thing, then you have to understand that her students need to learn. My wife works at a teaching hospital and I know that some of the patients don't like it, but it's a part of life. They gotta learn somewhere.
when i was in physio (busted ankle from the army), most of the physiotherapists were fairly young
1:50 AM
@JourneymanGeek Where I live Physio is a bit of a gateway to full medicine
I have a friend who did a 4-year physio degree, worked for 18 months then re-enrolled in medicine
@MarkHenderson It's not always that shes explaining things to them, but it's kind of strange to have people just a few years older than me in the room.
@Jacob Just wait till they're younger than you :p
Well the local polytechnics (which is a little like not quite universities, you can transition) have courses for that, and thats were most are from
medical here is hard to get into
@JourneymanGeek Same here. You have to get a highschool score of 99.9 or something crazy.
polytechnics are easy
1:51 AM
And for non-highschool entry you need to pass a medical exam to get in the first place
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like our version of TAFE. Which is Vocational training (hands-on, not as theoretical as university)
@MarkHenderson I had a friend that was interning at the school and she was shadowing the doctor that day. That was strange.
If I had my time again I would have done vocational training, I think Uni was a bit of a waste of time fo rme
@MarkHenderson Eastern Virginia Medical school
something like that
but we have ANOTHER system for vocational training called ITE
@MarkHenderson Most students are post grads going for specialization meds
1:53 AM
which is also useful if you actually want to learn practical specific skills
I.E rehab or sports med
@Jacob Sports Meds and Exercise Science are just people who are in it for the money and want to touch sports players on the genitals
my brother wanted to go for a pipe fitting course (he's a mechanical engineer, mostly cranes, and water) there
@MarkHenderson no comment
My uni was full of exercise science students. It was like going back to highschool all over again
@Jacob If you wanna touch sports players on the gentials, be my guest. But I just don't think it's a particularly worthy way of spending a medical degree
There are many other people, mostly more deserving, who need rehab
1:56 AM
@MarkHenderson I'm good thanks, rehab is a much better field
@Jacob fair enough. My wife spends a large part of her day with her fingers inside other peoples bottoms, so I'm not one to judge :p
(Ok so I do judge a lot, but not about where people put their fingers)
@MarkHenderson BTW if the parents of the child with CP ever want to talk to me or my parents, let me know.
@Jacob I'll let them know. I think they have a fairly good support network where they live - small communities tend to be quite supportive
I must remember that it's Monday for me, which means its Sunday for most other people in chat. I was just wondering how come nobody starred my comment about putting fingers in other peoples butts.
If @WesleyDavid was here it would have been flagged in a moment
@MarkHenderson Yeah, but speaking to someone that has or deals with it is always reassuring. UCP was a lifesaver for me
@MarkHenderson happy?
This is true
@Jacob haha not fussed either way. It just caught me be surprise ;)
2:54 AM
@MarkHenderson You can run Windows on EC2 Micro instances? problem solved
@Jacob You can? I don't know, I'm very wary of EC2
3:24 AM
@MarkHenderson I'm not too fond of the PAYGO server concept. VPS it is
@MarkHenderson The biggest flaw with Linux/unix/BSD is atleast on the server end, it assumes you can type like a mother fucker. Even with 1 hand I can type faster than most people, but it takes a while to get shit done from a command line. Also the reason I chose administration over programming.
3:44 AM
@Jacob You could be good in perhaps an IT management position then. They have to have decent IT knowledge, and know the ins and outs, but you don't actually have to do the dirty work
That's what my degree was - basically a glorified management degree with a heavy IT slant.
You have to put in the hard yards doing the dirty work to get to that position, but you seem quite capable of doing that
@MarkHenderson I like the "dirty work" though
And I don't know what the laws are in the US but if you're physically capable of doing the work, you're probably not allowed to be discriminated against
@Jacob I used to enjoy it. Now I prefer the higher level stuff, writing powershell scripts to do the dirty work for me :P
@MarkHenderson Scripting and coding bring up an interesting irony though
@MarkHenderson I think so much faster than I type, so sometimes I end up skipping lines completely because my brain is ready to move on.
@MarkHenderson I need someone to invent an alternate form of text input
@Jacob Thats OK, most people talk faster than they think
@Jacob There are plenty, but they're for people who are paraplegic and the like
I once saw a person who would literally peck keys with their nose
(they had a pointer thingo on their nose to make it easier)
Theres been a lot of experimentation with one-handed keyboards too. You write "chords" (like piano chords) to do common tasks and get to the rest of the letters
I suspect they take a lot of getting used to, but once you know then you might be quite efficient
His philosophy is one I agree with though
The violin you buy doesn't make you a good violinist
@MarkHenderson 1 thing though he can use his injured hand to press the shift key, that takes immense concentration for me to do. as far as typing style, its about what I do.
1 hour later…
5:15 AM
@Jacob: eheh. One of the things i want to be able to do, eventually, is to be able to build customised keyboards, well least the electrics/electronics of it. I doubt i'll be as good as ben heck, but it would scratch an itch.
(and one handed keyboards would be a nice one, since it would be relatively simple)
3 hours later…
7:58 AM
8:14 AM
@t1nt1n you neglected to point out that the wetware is probably the weakest link
morning all y'all
@iain true
We all well this morning
8:29 AM
fine & you ?
im good apart from checking Event logs on a server got the following An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk1\DR1 during a paging operation :(:(:(:(
quite a few times. Time to have a look at the disk.
Morning all
Morning @Dan
Everyone have a nice weekend?
@Dan yep - 56 mile ride in my legs and feeling good - you ?
8:44 AM
@Iain Good work - I haven't been running at all in over a week :( Seriously need to get back on the wagon! That said, in the sun I did manage to pull the camper out of the garage to begin preparation for project "Get the damn thing on the road"
I spent time in the garden yesterday, bit of a tidy up and started to clear some ground to make a wildflower patch
Cool! I like looking at / sitting in the garden but the doing side isn't my thing!
Yea it was a good weekend. We have a pool and we did the yearly clean.
Damm froggs.
we've got frogspawn in our pond already and the lilly is putting leaves out too.
Morning all
8:57 AM
good day
9:20 AM
Logic suggests I should have a headache - I had two bottles of red wine last night but I feel brilliant - what the hell's that about?
@Chopper3 Christ knows - me and the Mrs shared just over 3 bottles the other week and I woke up feeling terrible! Mind you, 3am bed time rarely helps
I was asleep by 12:30 or so, had wanted to stay up to console a mate of mine who we all knew wasn't going to win an oscar but just needed to go to bed
9:40 AM
it can't be a lot of fun being nominated for an award you know you won't win
anyone on/using pinterest?
or anyone want an invite at least
@Chopper3 Yeah, I would be interested
ok, want to do that 'show me your email then edit it' thing?
@Chopper3 You missed it :)
got it
9:49 AM
Thanks :)
Got it, thanks :)
Sign in using Facebook -> Choose a username/Password ><
10:12 AM
yeah, some cow had "Chopper3", bitch
2 hours later…
11:48 AM
REALLY NSFW - but funny
Funny because it's true:
(mostly for the frenchies, but still, nice with subtitles :)
@Chopper3 Is the girl behing him half way through handling some......beads?
I'll rewatch
12:35 PM
Q: Utility to Track processes which Utilize CPU over some user defined threshold value

dhrooveI am using windows server 2000 I want to track all the process that Utilize CPU more than defined threshold value in particular time interval. I have tried using process explorer but couldn't solve my purpose. Please suggest my some utility for the same.

is w2k still being supported :p ?
I just can't imagine any circumstances where you'd want it
@BartDeVos reminds me of the episode of South Park where they smell their own fart
Lol "big tits, bukake, youporn" xD
1:06 PM
@BartDeVos That was funnier than I expected
@Dan Do you speak French?
@BartDeVos No, but I can read subtitles :D
1:37 PM
Working on my reading comprehension, but is this correct?
A: LPR command won't recognize CUPS printer

ewwhiteYour printer's name, according to lptstat output is literally "printername". Running lp -d printername test.pdf or lpr -P printername test.pdf will work. For example, here's the output from a running system: [root@Smack ~]# lpstat -t scheduler is running no system default destination device f...

@MDMarra Good Morning! :P
What's shakin' this morn?
Not a whole lot
Just ordered some SANs and servers and VMWare licensing
1:49 PM
eh, here either. Writing another blog post.
So, I'm reading as much shit as I can about it
@MDMarra Mmmmmm spending someone else's money on cool toys.
@MDMarra Shiny! What you getting?
@BartDeVos, behave.
@tombull89 sorry :(
A pair of HP P4500s and 4 DL380s with dual 6C and 64GB, plus 8 sockets of VMWare standard
1:50 PM
@MDMarra DL380s - dribble.
How much was the VMWare licensing?
Including vCenter
You have fully used your vote allowance for today :(
And man, you should have bought the servers from me :)
You're a reseller?
1:51 PM
what's the spec on the DL380's?
I wonder if I have a vote allowance as a moderator.
@ewwhite I don't have the exact quote in front of me, it's on my boss's desk and he's out, but it was 2x6C CPUs and 64GB RAM
Yeah, kinda... That's why I push HP so hard. But on reasonably-spec'd machines, I can save my clients a considerable amount.
@ewwhite How much for an empty C7000 chassis? :)
We worked with a vendor whose president is on our board of trustees
1:52 PM
@ewwhite wait, empty of blades, but I want two Flex10 modules.
So, we did pretty well on price, I think
$3k. C7000 Chassis
Flex10 $1900 each
I really heart the C7000
We've got a C7000 - I'd hate to think how much we paid for it.
I actually wanted DL360s since they're 1U, but the 380s came out cheaper somehow
1:54 PM
I got a $115k dual C7000 full of redundant Flex10 10GbE, Onboard Administrators, etc. setup here for ~$35k - including 6 x X5660 BL460c G7 servers
My rack space isn't at a premium, so I rolled with it
380's are usually cheaper.
@ewwhite Me Want.
360 is a bit constraining in certain situations (you lose the highest two processor steppings) and I/O expansion
@ewwhite but they've got a thing against blades here. They like "commodity hardware"
1:55 PM
I don't necessarily spec blades often... usually DL380's
The P4500s with 4x1Gb interfaces and 24 600GB 15K disks were actually cheaper than Dell on an EQL with 24 600GB 10k disks and only 2x1Gb
I haven't prices P4500's in a long time...
or any of the lefthand items.
I tend to use the HP hardware and you know, build it up with Nexenta...
We were right at 50k for the pair, I think.
but they're solid units
@MDMarra I know Zypher is pricing out SANs for our vmware project, that might be a good nugget for him to see.
1:58 PM
Wow. I knew we got shafted with the C7000 but I didn't think it would be that bad.
Yeah. Considering they're 15k disks and there's no extra licensing for snaps/cluster/replication/etc, I'm happy with the price. Especially compared to other options in the low-end space
I get exceptionally good pricing. But I do pass it on... let me know if you're looking for anything
Yeah, will do.
Definitely good to know going forward

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