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@ShaneMadden what is your avatar ?
@Iain I always think it looks like a cantaloupe.
Or maybe a rock.
I thought it might be a coffee pad
Everyone star me. I'm a kitteh with a Santa hat on.
@Iain :-*
Santa with a kitten hat on would be a stunner
@syneticondj Sounds like something that would be on the cover of a Cannibal Corpse album.
@RebeccaChernoff Needs a hat now.
@RebeccaChernoff you are underdressed
@WesleyDavid I am not sure if the guys are much into fur
Q: It's Santa Time!

HolocrypticLet's do this. What with the DramaLlama being out in full force, I think it's time to take a breather and bring the funny back. To wit: I propose the Santification of your gravatars till after the new year. Some of us have already gotten started. You can use the image as your baseline. or ...

@syneticondj You haven't gotten to know @Holocryptic yet, have you?
I mean, really gotten to know him.
@RebeccaChernoff We appreciate your cooperation in the matter.
too busy smacking code right now (:
Just, don't ever get tipsy and spend the night on Erik's couch. Just... no.
@WesleyDavid is knowing him a prospect to be afraid of?
@syneticondj If you value your virtue, yes.
If you try to fork(@RebeccaChernoff) you get a roundhouse kick to the face because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!
@RebeccaChernoff my eyes are getting all twisted by your smileys. Is there any programmed add-on to turn them heads up?
user image
I'll use it if you add a dreidel (:
@WesleyDavid I eat people's virtue for breakfast, and serve debauchery for brunch
Can we do some kind of "definitive answer" on DDOS questions, like serverfault.com/a/341956/16732
@WesleyDavid post your gravatar to meta you wank
@TomOConnor Only if you have a santa hat on
@Holocryptic Lick me.
@TomOConnor this is as good as any serverfault.com/a/341956/9517 :)
@TomOConnor Big kitteh needs big Santa cat.
@RebeccaChernoff if you tell me what it is ...
@WesleyDavid We're walking that line.....
@Iain Well, if it gets accepted, we should lock it, and then mark future ones as dupes?
^ Dreidle
yay. dreidle.
/me spins
@WesleyDavid that's what I googled too but just checkin like
@Iain if google didn't have such horrible urls I'd just link to the image search, heh
@TomOConnor So whatever person the dreidle points it is who you have to kiss, right? That's how you play that game?
@WesleyDavid Only at my parties.
@RebeccaChernoff drop one you like in here and I'll see what I can doo
I'm off. Good $TIMEOFDAY everyone.
@syneticondj night
@Iain this sounds strangely like effort q:
luckily, markdown hides urls (:
@Jacob I think SE uses it. Why do you ask?
@Holocryptic Looking at implenting it, but can't find pricing.
Which product, @Jacob?
@Jacob I would see if George or Peter know
@WesleyDavid Esets workstation AV
@Jacob Implementing what?
@Jacob Ohh, okay. Yeah, pricing is a closely guarded sekrut.
You'll have to get a quote from a VAR or something.
Any other suggestions?
I could get you hooked up with my favorite VAR / Sales rep if you want.
what do i need to do to reload my gravatar?
@TomOConnor Leave chat. Come back.
That's what I did anyway.
No it updates automatically
or shift + F5
Or you can do it the hard way
I just hard-logged out and that didn't cure it.
I think @Iain just one a few internets with that.
@TomOConnor You changed it on gravatar, yes?
@TomOConnor Was the blood of a virgin involved? If not, that might be your problem.
alright, I usually join in on these silly things, but I can't deny that.
We are cooking with Santa hat gas now

@Tom, it sometimes take a while to update the gravatar, annoying isn't it

@WesleyDavid teh poni haz teh hatz
@Holocryptic Yes.
@WesleyDavid Know any?
@TomOConnor It's America in 2011 - are you joking?
I sent my photo to meta tho
Santa time is like hammer time with sillier hats and slightly more sensible pants
@TomOConnor I read that with "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME" voice.
@RobMoir Those pants were awesome! You take that back!
@WesleyDavid I dunno what voice that is. I just imagine you mewing lots.
@TomOConnor There we go. You're good now
tom has the hat too
@RobMoir HAW HAW your hat is tiny.
DJ Pon3 has a Christmas tree on the turntable though. Your argument is irrelevant.
A: It's Santa Time!

WesleyDavid kitteh head bonk of approval

Rebecca Chernoff ♦, St Louis, MO
101 2 4
@WesleyDavid Adorable kitteh is adorable, no matter what season.
who can argue with a kitteh
@RobMoir A puppeh?
dogs usually get their butts kicked by cats ;-)
Today, I replaced every single lightbulb in my flat with an energy saving one ^.^
yay tom saved the planet
itunes match is a big bunch of fail by the way. Whoever tested it at apple must be thicker than a whale's egg omlette
oh.. is one of you erik_paulson on twitter?
sounds like @pauska
@TomOConnor pauska
You just blocked him, didn't you?
I had a random twitter follower. .. His userpic is different. That confusled me.
Is that him...?
I think that's a different guy
@TomOConnor you better hope you aren't desperate for the loo at 2AM . You WILL NOT be able to see anything for at least 3 minutes :-)
Dead Giveaway.
@TomOConnor indeed
@BenPilbrow It was that, actually that prompted it.. The lightbulb in the bathroom blew, so i broke out the candles.
they take a bit of getting used to, those bulbs
@TomOConnor I actually just lol'ed
@Iain Cantaloupe, with "not food" written on it in sharpie.
@BenPilbrow It blew at like midnight last night.. so i thought i'd do a clean sweep and replace all the bulbs.
The ones in my house at least take 2 or 3 minutes to give off any kind of useful light
Maybe the newer ones are better
Hopefully the newer ones are better anyway
3 mins is a bit extreme though, did you get yours from crazy joe's place of cheap import bulbs
these are philips branded
@RobMoir No, they came from Tesco's, so not really knock off. I didn't buy them though, my housemate did, so there's every chance she bought cheapo ones
and seem to have a subsecond cold-boot time
fair enough
Must be SSD backed.
we have the slow bulbs where we don't need instant illumination and low power halogen where we want faster illumination
Huh. It was dark when I grabbed my t-shirt this morning.. it's a free one from a conference. Apparently I <3 my Smart Board.
really? I've never met a smartboard I never wanted to set on fire
@RobMoir This was from a promethean stand about 3 years ago, at BETT
Being the wasteful American I am, I have a few incandescent bulbs still in place.
Might go along to that next year for more free shit.
@tom thought so. I recognised the signs ;-)
@RobMoir I fully concur with your statement. They all really suck.
@RobMoir I no longer work in education, but still like free shirts.
Especially HP polos
fair enough :-)
@Jacob I love my incandescent bulbs
I also love not having to dispose of them in a weird fashion
@Holocryptic My dads a contractor, (one of)the supply house he goes to will dispose of them.
"A puppy isn't just for christmas. Put the leftovers in the fridge and it'll keep for a week."
Cough cough
Q: 2 ethernet connections between two Switchs

JacobI'm setting up servers at our new office and I brought a spare managed switch with 2 Gig ports to run all of our phones(VOIP) and workstations. Now for the servers I got a separate gigabit switch.(not managed) Will there be any difference if I connect a second ethernet cable between the switches?...

We've been kicking the CFLs out for LEDs gradually, damn things are expensive... spent $200 on bulbs the other day. Though we actually still haven't killed off all the incandescents that were here when we moved in a year ago.
@Jacob won't that cause a loop?
@Holocryptic Why I asked :)
@TomOConnor Thanks for the edit.
@Holocryptic Yes, it will.
unmanaged switches don't do lacp/pagp or STP
so you connect them together and the entire network goes PFFffffft.
Bah, @TomOConnor beat me to it by 23 seconds
@ShaneMadden :D
Interesting scenario actually - if the managed switch does STP, the dumb switch will probably send the BPDU right back to the managed switch out the other link. It'd normally block the non-root port that it gets that BPDU back on, but it won't block because it's the root bridge. Ever so close to avoiding the catastrophic loop - if only the root bridge were elsewhere.
@ShaneMadden Possibly. Never assume anything about cheap switches. I found one that was so cheap it dropped anything that wasn't an IP packet.
@RobMoir Can you please use tab completion? :(
@TomOConnor Nice! Kinda have to wonder how they managed that - inspecting past the eth header seems like it'd cost more, not less!
@TomOConnor assuming I can't send it back, if I only have 1 connection between them, will they be fine?
@ShaneMadden indeed
@ShaneMadden I know, right..
@TomWijsman You're gonna need a hat.
@Jacob Yeah.. The probability of a port dying is quite a bit lower than the probability of causing a huuuge broadcast storm.
I forgot how fun broadcast storms are. I was at a customer's site on Tuesday and we agreed to look at a problem they were having when they plugged some ethernet over power box in.
@ShaneMadden: I already have coal... (Gaming Hat Dash! :P)
Turned out when they plugged it in, a network storm happened and crashed all the crappy networking equipment they had on site. By plugging that in, I managed to crash 2 "Smart" Netgear switches and a Draytek router. Great fun :-)
@Jacob Yeah, as long as it's not openly hostile toward doing its job of switching, which is always a risk. I had a Linksys one time..
@Jacob You really need to send it back though. It's not fit for purpose.
@ShaneMadden This one time, at bandcamp, I stuck a switch.. in a rack.
@TomOConnor Not really an option. I would love too though
@Jacob Sell it on ebay and buy a new one?
@Jacob Also, why not an option?
@TomOConnor I'm working for a small bussiness who wants to save as much as possible and they won't understand the price increase for managed
@TomWijsman That's some serious coal
@Jacob So you ordered 2 managed ones, and got one managed one dumb?
@TomOConnor No, I had a managed switch( the small business happens to be my parents') so I used that and my vendor listed this as managed.
@Jacob So they're definitely in the wrong. Send it back.
@TomOConnor No returns :(
Your vendor sucks arse.
Lawyer up.
Ebay it.
Whatever.. just get rid of it, and get a decent vendor, and a managed second switch. Do it right..
or not at all.
@TomOConnor I really would love too. But as long as this doesn't explode in place with 1 connection between them I'm kinda stuck leaving it as is.
@Jacob OK, but i think you're doing the wrong thing here ^.^
If someone sold me a switch and said it was managed, but it turned out it wasn't I'd be breaking down their door and cramming said switch up their ass until they gave me a refund or a managed switch like I wanted
uk pricing, but meh :)
@Holocryptic In the uk, we have distance selling regulations which basically mean that if a product is sold online, but unfit for purpose, the seller has to accept a return.
1) Don't deal with vendors who don't know their products.
2) Don't deal with vendors who don't take returns.
3) Don't work for family.
@Jacob don't the colonies have a sale of goods act - things have to do what they are advertised to do ?
4) Do it right, or not at all.
@Iain we most likely do, it'll just be too much of a pain.
@TomOConnor We had a couple of those in our rack at my old place.. nice bits of kit actually
@TomOConnor I'll try to get it swapped out, but until then, I hope it doesn't explode
@BenPilbrow Yeah. I bought the fanless one for a new office build i did recently.
@BenPilbrow I'm usually pretty pleased with HP kit. We've got some problems at $currentjob where the backplane blocks up, and causes issues that can kernelpanic connected PCs
HP's networking stuff is really good actually, for my needs at least - never had a problem with them. Unlike the Netgear ones I replaced, which were awful and kept crashing. Plus I get brownie points for a decent switch at non-cisco prices :-)
@TomOConnor doesn't sound too fun
@BenPilbrow It's a perfect storm scenario. Only happens on a) high bandwidth operations, like NFS copies, with Realtek NICs, and HP 2910 switches.
Realtek suck arse. If you replace the NIC with a bcomm or intel one, the problem goes away.
if you turn on flow-control on the switch, the problem.. goes away.
user image
Did you see the oatmeal comic about that?
Well not that specifically, but wikipedia begging
Oops. Did I scare Jacob off? :o
@mailq you are underdressed
@TomOConnor epic...freaking...lulz
I bring you the stackexchange sysadmins
@Iain I'm what?
Where is your hat mister?
Have you seen the "Best Pool Shot by a Naked White Chick"?
@mailq under dressed - you need a santa hat
I'll try my very best
@TomOConnor Nope needed my SIM to make a call (stupid CDMA data is attached to my LTE SIM.) Anyhow, I got approval to pickup a new switch.
@Jacob :D
@TomOConnor I'm looking at that ebay auction' you linked me
@Jacob I didn't mean that one exactly
@TomOConnor @BenPilbrow - we're using HP procurve switches for a 10gb network and they've been great. Not had any break down and I can only think of one bug - if the power fails, comes back and then fails again before coming back properly then some of the modules in the switch chassis don't seem to start right, but then the cure for that is plug them into a UPS like god intended.
@TomOConnor It seems like a good price.
@Jacob How many ports do you need?
@TomOConnor 8 is plenty
oh, really small then
@TomOConnor Yeah, the other one has all of our other stuff and its a 24 port
@TomOConnor Me likes that box
@Jacob Me too.. They're decent boxen
Is this an appropriate "hat"?
@Jacob I was just looking at h20465.www2.hp.com/gpl/…
@TomOConnor Cool, thanks
So, SOPA got sneakily pushed up to the 21st for a vote, yay for more American bullshit
Do I follow your dress code?
@mailq indeed :)
Puh. I thought you were going to cancel my account
@TylerShads I can't believe they don't have better things to do. In fact, I know they have better things to do. Useless lobbyist pawns.
I think that list can be taken with a grain of salt
@Jacob I only know decent HP VARs in the UK and EU, sadly.
but if even half are true, its a sad indeed
Is there also a dress code for Easter?
So that I can prepare it now?
Bunny Ears!
@TomOConnor works for me
hatters gonna hat, I guess.
will one of these play skyrim ok ?
I think so, I have a 525M with slightly lower specs, and after a tad bit of OCing, it works on high quality just fine
though, im sure it would without the OC
@TylerShads it seems like it's better than the recommended card anyway
@TomOConnor Why thank you. And correct, I'm Erik Paulsen - not Paulson
@Iain it is, im just a quality whore
@TylerShads I haven't gamed for years but hearing you all go on about skyrim makes me want ot play it
I think it is spectacular, and I haven't played any of the previous elder scrolls. I tried to play Oblivion (the last one) and didn't like it at all, but Skyrim, ahh, just wonderous
I'm playing it right now...
good man, @jscott
now update the meta. Posterity is important
@TylerShads NWN et al and in particular a server in Sweden and another in Oregon was the last time I was gaming - I didn't move to WoW as I wanted an RL
@Holocryptic Took me a bit, had to jerk around with Gravatar, my cache, etc, etc, just to get it to show properly.
@jscott looks good to me
Not shitting you at all on this... My dad is Santa. For srs.
@Kriskringlenoel, Rochester New York
0 tweets, 6 followers, following 14 users
@Iain yeah, WoW was a bad idea, 6 years man..6 years...though I don't regret it. But this is definately more enjoyable

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