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@badp the flagger or the flaggee has been threatened with a suspension?
@WesleyDavid That's a different activity dear.
Flag abuse.
Oh boy, the drinking, it shows...
I thought flaggers were anonymous unless there's something I'm missing
Moderators sometimes get to know who's cast the first stone. A necessary evil for times like this.
@badp Violations of 36USC10?
(I think that's the right one...)
@badp noted
Yup. 36USC10.
@WesleyDavid your reading is as bad as my typing
@badp Do you also get kittens?
@voretaq7 Do unicorn hugs count as kittens?
@badp no. But if you get to eat the old unicorns that might be acceptable....
Is flag abuse something like having non-consensual relations with a flag?
@voretaq7 wasn't 00:00
@badp how come you guys get a nicer user page than we do? whines
@voretaq7 It's because we need those to grow! You're already grown up.
@badp The sub-100 userid is the real bragging piece - at least when you're in a crowd of sysadmins ;)
You get a hat rack? Aw man!
@zypher what time does the job to delete posts >30days old with 0 answers and -1 or lower votes run ?
@badp oh please. you've hung out here long enough to know we're not grown ups!
@ShaneMadden rimshot
@ShaneMadden Sub-100 and PRIME
@Iain err uhhh at some point between 00:00 and 23:59 UTC?
@voretaq7 define nicer
@Zypher I guess so
heh. I love that just as I was using my last vote, it became midnite UTC and I got a new batch of votes. well timed, Iain
@ShaneMadden Most of the sub 100 users aren't active anymore. Yes, I've checked. =)
@Zypher Two words: Hat. Rack.
@voretaq7 one word ... temporary
@quux I'm off to vote some more myself
see: hatdash.com
@Zypher doesn't mean we can't be jealous!
haha, sounds like a personal problem to me
*sticks post-it notes to his head*
Hat. <pout>
I'm so terribly scared that somebody would change their avatar to take advantage of the strategically placed piece of tail there
so I downvoted 30 no-vote questions in a row. Am I in danger of hitting some dormant AI routine if I do another 30?
(old, closed no-vote questions, that is)
@quux are they by the same user?
<- is immature. :-P
@Zypher no
@quux I try to use my last 5 votes as upvotes, just to be a little fair.
@voretaq7 We clearly need a hat reason and a name to add this to the list
@quux then no
Plus if I look hard there are at least 5 questions/answers worthy of an upvote :)
awww ... i think they have the hatrack behind an isEmployee check
@badp Post-It Note Hat of Jealousy.
started with the oldest in this search and let 'er rip: serverfault.com/…
@quux nope I've done that many too
eh. truthfully I'm probably not gonna get involved enough with SF to upvote anyone today.
hmm no that's not it
(also now everyone can see the laptops strewn about my office.)
@Zypher The hats. They hide from you.
reads up boggle
(I do give my fair share of upvotes; this is just a balancing, I suppose)
the old closed no answers list is currently 513 - what will it be on Saturday morning ? Answers on a post card please
@Iain the product of the sum of the squares of two irrational numbers. Truncated to a signed short.
@quux I prefer to upvote but use my unused votes at the end of my day to clear that list
@Iain I never hit the "used all your votes" thing unless I attack the list. But I also won't downvote anything by someone with >1 rep, because of my strange morals
@voretaq7 I've used all my votes a few times and will downcheck anything on the list as a simple recalc will fix
@voretaq7 I reckon we'll be between a char and a signed char
ok. decided to save 5 votes after all. 55 question downvotes in ~10 minutes, that oughta be a badge.
@Iain your compiler declares char unsigned by default?
@quux use your 5 and you'll get electorate I think
or something
IDK - I can't remember the badges. I WANT HATS! whine
One more thing for me to forget!
@voretaq7 You get Vox Popoli for using all 40 votes in a day
@ScottPack that's the one!
@voretaq7 already did the '30 in a day' thing
/me offers @ScottPack a ridiculous hat made out of post-it notes.
Post-It Hat of Remembering!
but 55 downvotes in a row. oughta get a badge that looks like this: i.imgur.com/8q7wL.jpg
@quux BAMF!
@voretaq7 It is completely useless knowledge. So it makes perfect sense that I remembered.
anyway, badges/rep do not interest me very much
@ScottPack heh, OK 19:20 and the cleaning crew is here -- they'll want to clean my office. I'mma go find me a dinner!
Later hatless losers! ... o wait, my post-it notes fell off. Guess I'm a hatless loser now too :(
@voretaq7 Your cleaning crew cleans your office? How did you manage that?
If I take my trash out to the hallway it will usually get picked up in a few days...
i've had many times when the cleaning crew got rid of my collection of bottles/cans while i was in the bathroom which confused me for some minutes afterwards
@Zypher I think we're all going to assume soda and not ask questions.
uhg i soooo do not want to deal with septa tonight
Wow, crappy photo.
Anyway, laptop driving the 24" and a desktop driving the 22" and 19" on the right
Synergy+ connecting the two so I drive the Windows machine from the one keyboard and mouse on the Fedora laptop
I'll take a better lit shot tomorrow
@WesleyDavid You run into the disappearing keyboard issue yet?
@ScottPack Not yet, but now that you've said something I'm sure it'll all go to hell.
The blinding light completely obscures my entire peripheral vision
I'm totally enveloped with my computer world. I have no concept of life away from my desk.
I. Am. The machine.
@Zoredache What on earth are you evaluating that takes 4 minutes?
Trying to deploy my squidguard blacklist database. Which is about ~1000 files.
Even with no changes to make it seems to take a long time.
class sqdblacklists::urlblacklist {

  file { 'dbs_urlblacklist':
    path => '/var/lib/squidguard/db/urlblacklist',
    source => 'puppet:///blacklists/urlblacklist/extracted',
    owner => 'proxy',
    group => 'proxy',
    mode => 0640,
    recurse => remote,
    replace => true,
    notify => Exec['reload-squidguard'],
du --max-depth=1 urlblacklist/
262532	urlblacklist/
find urlblacklist/ -type f | wc -l
Does puppet transfer the entire file to make the comparison? I figured it would do something like rsync and examine checksums.
'sup folks?
@Zoredache I don't actually know. What I do know is that it calculates md5s. If you have debug running, it will then print out the difs.
I think it calculates the diffs client side, though.
Which makes me think it transfers the entire file, stages it in /tmp, then moves it over.
That is, however, an awful lot of pretty big files.
I have though about setting up my puppet box to also be an rsync daemon, and simply deliver a cron script to use rsync, but the reason I don't do that is the I also need to fix the filesystem permissions.
Plus I am doing almost everything else with puppet, I really wanted to have everything all done using the same tool, because I figured it would make life easier for other people coming after me.
That still seems awfully long, though. I'm distributing snort rules via puppet, and they don't take anywhere near that long. For comparison, the number of files and size are each about half the size of your blacklists.
I can't get to the dashboard to check my runtimes after the files are updated, but a normal run only takes 5-30 seconds depending on the sensor.
Well, and it seems to at least be partly related to the connection speed. The site that only has 768k DSL seems to take a lot longer. The server on the same network as the puppet box handles it in about ~30 seconds.
Ah, that's probably the biggest reason right there.
Do you have any link utilization data?
I would be surprised if you max out the link, but you could be running into issues with the RTT.
brb, tucking time
Right now it transfers during off-hours, the usage is almost completely zero, and my latency sits at about 40ms during the that time of day.
What bugs me is that a transfer with rsync (where there are no changes) seems to take about the same amount of time on the 1Gb link as the DSL link... And so I was hoping puppet would do just as good...
@Zoredache And it takes about 4 minutes whether there are changes or not?
Howdy folks
@ScottPack Morning?
@WesleyDavid ...is that Vista I detect, good sir?
Sure, why not?
I think some people in here would like this:
I find that flaggingly offensive.
@TylerShads Bah! requires a understanding of Pop culture!
@ScottPack Please, Lets Not go there.
Damnit anyone rememebr when YouTube only carried banner ads
Those were the days
No more waiting 30 seconds every few videos to watch ads for products I can't even buy in my part of the world
@MarkHenderson adblock plus in either chrome or FF eliminates them completely
I didn't even realize it until i went to a friends house that didn't have adblock, was annoying as crap.
@TylerShads The in-line streaming ads?!
@MarkHenderson everything
chrome's is a bit glitchy though, if you click a suggested video from a vid you just watched, the ads still appear
Nice. I wonder how they managed to do that
but in FF ALL ads are blocked
dont know, dont care
Normally I don't like blocking ads cos I know thats how most sites get their money, but I think google have enough money
@MarkHenderson technically, its more for the people posting vids, than google
though, its funny seeing mascara ads when im watching starcraft replays
@ChrisS Maybe because Verizon for some stupid reason are paying money to advertise in Australia when we only have three different mobile carriers, and none of them are verizon
Still, it's their money
@MarkHenderson We only have 4; plus a bunch of companies that lease airwaves...
Do you guys have all those meme generators in your shortcuts or something
@MarkHenderson Why yes, I do.
Y U NO, Check Testa, Kitten 1, kitten 2, kitten 3... kitten n+1, etc
That guy :p
@MarkHenderson ^^^^^
It's not the same when it doesn't have "Y U NO" in it.
Because I have a datacentre, not a datacenter, but meh
@MarkHenderson I apologize, I speak us rebels American English. Yonder,Y'all,ect
@Jacob Apology accepted. You were just in time, I was locating your mothers house with my predator drone that I'm using to spy on US citizens
Nobody insults my datacentre
Man this sort of thing shits me:
A: Can I deny "Internet Explorer" via GPO and use Google Chrome as a default and the only Browser?

Mircea VutcoviciDeny access to iexplore.exe executable with file system rights. You might have problems with other windows components and it might be easier just to educate the users. The European releases of Windows have a non-IE and a non-MediaPlayer version. Don't forget that Linux doesn't come with MSIE pre...

"Don't forget that Linux doesn't come with MSIE prepackaged."
@MarkHenderson See, I'm using my 4G LTE datacard at my new office setting up servers. My house is a mile down the road. Want coordinates?
Like jQuery, Linux is not the answer to every single damn problem that exists in the world
Anybody know a *nix program/script to auto spellcheck a file (just take a best guess at misspelled words)
@MarkHenderson I agree, that needs a -1 IMHO.
@Jacob Well, the first part of his answer is correct. I sourced the N version of Windows 7 from our technet subscription just to remove IE from one particular computer
Or is it the K version? I forget
@MarkHenderson I'm not sure, however I'd love to disable IE on my domain too.
@Jacob Actually, I think it was Windows Media Player we were aiming to remove
I'm not sure if there is anything that ships without IE
@ChrisS Not wanting to use aspell?
@ScottPack I'm not familiar with aspell other than interactive mode
I'm confused why you would want to non interactively spell check a file when you can't display red squigglies underneath it.
@ScottPack I'm trying to auto convert subtitles from picture format to text using OCR, it mangles some of the words.. 150 movies worth of subtitles would take forever to manually spell check.
@ChrisS May I inquire the purpose? Seems interesting.
Oh, so you want it to automagically select the most likely word?
@Jacob Converting my DVD movie collection to x264/AC3 in MKVs, want to convert subtitles too.
@ScottPack Bingo
Your implicit and complete trust in such programs intrigues me.
@ScottPack I would imagine 100% accuracy is too important
@MarkHenderson Being the Math person I am... Zero is neither + nor - it is simply zero :)"
@Jacob I think you left out a word somewhere in that statement.
@Jacob Yeah, I originally wrote "0" and then changed it to "zero" and neither of them made sense, so then I wrote +/-0 but that didn't make sense either
Additionally, I failed Year 12 Maths, and I failed Maths at university too, so it's not exactly my strongest point
@ScottPack True, that happens to me alot. I think faster than I can type do to my disability.
hmm. something strange happened. post-midnite (UTC) I used up all my votes. Now I have more. Wonder if something rolled them back?
@quux Did you trigger the voting fraud system?
how would I know?
Fraudulent voting. Clearly.
Mods should be able to say. I wonder if we have any of those people around?
I can actually be useful today
It was bound to happen.
@ChrisS There is a non-interactive mode to aspell, but it looks like it just reports on the misspellings. It doesn't actually replace them for you.
@quux No fraudulent voting from you today
I may have to resort to the subtitle database... Manually downloading all of them might take a while.
hmm. curious. no worries
suppose I could trigger a recalc and see what happens
@ChrisS I'm having trouble finding something that might work. ispell and aspell are the only two that I know of, and neither of them have an implicit trust option.
@MarkHenderson I don't do the best in math, mainly because I'm bored...
There are, however, perl modules for aspell.
Ah, my son finally woke up from his afternoon nap and he is huuuungry
I better make him some lunch
Cya all
Have a lovely day, @Mark
@ScottPack Don't waste too much time... I'm starting to think the DB option may be the way to go
@ChrisS Perfect timing. I was just starting to close tabs and give it up :)
It's too late in the evening for me to start fiddling with the aspell perl interface.
As much as I love perl, based on past experience with CPAN, it can only end in tears.
lol; yeah; I know the feeling
@MarkHenderson Laterz
Right, I'm done here.
@ScottPack Laters to you too.
@ScottPack Our cleaning crew comes through once a week - they vacuum and empty trash bins.
also it seems that the old-question reaper ran.
@Iain 259 is the magic number. or 4. :)
@quux @MarkHenderson I can't imagine the system gives you back your votes on deleted questions... does it?
@voretaq7 Ah, sounds like the most likely candidate
<- upgrading his blog software
(No Good Can Come Of This)
((especially as I'm running my pirate alias right now))
@TylerShads It is Vista, yes. Home Premium no less.
Oh, he's gone. My life is ruined.
@WesleyDavid but I am here! q:
@WesleyDavid I hope I didn't stuff too many words in his mouth, but that Q needed some rewording....
@ChrisS Very well put and smart of you to remove that it's his parents biz
@ChrisS At it's core a good beginner's question. I do question how accurate the IT company's answer was relayed to us though.
IT company told the parents the answer, parents told son, son tells us. That's two layers of computer cluelessness that the message went through.
Yeah... We'll probably find out that's it's a *nix server that's very well locked down, serving static content, and all that jazz.
It probably started out like this: "Yes we have a full software firewall and antivirus system." and then filtered through to ServerFault as: "SERVER ON FIRE HALP!"
Oh hey, back to an earlier topic, this video has good examples of typical Canadian winterwear:
@MikeyB I was in Texas the other week. It hit 50ºF and some of the locals had goose down coats on. I laughed.
It's 63F in Phoenix right now and as I was just out at the store, women were in coats with scarves
It's 31ºF here and I'm still wearing a sweatshirt to go out. Once the white stuff flies I'll pull out my winter coat.
Itchy and Scratchy?
@WesleyDavid "We run fucking BeOS - It's not worth anyone's time to hack."
I remember now why I don't blog.
I discover breakage (like ImageMagick/convert randomly coredumping) and start fixing shit.
All I wanted was a thumbnail of my lolcat!
I've got too many excuses why I stopped.. Got fed up with crap like that and went to something overly simple... Decided I could write my own better engine, got half done figured out a better way to do somethings, started over (more or less), repeat that last step until the present.
@ChrisS s9y.org -- blog engine.
(replaced the piece of shit I wrote with a slightly less stinky one that other people maintain. and that integrates with twitter...)
Not using PHP, that's the end of that.
The problem I have is that I want something that's a fine balance between simplicity and doing simplicity well.
Hey guys, I want to run something by you. Doing a slide deck for a Cloud presentation... how's this:
Most I've found either are too simple and don't actually do anything, or don't do it well, or they have a zillion features and eat RAM like cookie monster on a binge.
@ChrisS well, then.... you're boned.
immediately followed by this: i.sstatic.net/blNu8.png
@ChrisS ... text files? :)
My current design is Perl & SQLite, if I ever finish it I'll be happy with that for a while.
@voretaq7 Heh, I want to give 'em the shocker with something they'll recognize.
I wanna see some bitchin' cornrows on those core memory boards by the time I get back!
@voretaq7 That's just core memory... old school
and would it KILL you to use different color ferrite beads?
@ChrisS core rope memory - it's a whole half-generation beyond those simple X/Y core boards! You can store almost a KWord on one board man!
AND it's EMP Proof!
(well, ok just really really really EMP resistant)
28KB in 6x6x6"
@ChrisS Too bulky man! You'll never get to the moon with one of those in the trunk!
What the crap is that stuff? Pre-historic RAM?
@Holocryptic ROM actually.
@voretaq7 My picture is more or less RAM...
/me mumbles something about a Block-1 AGC in LogicWorks
It sort of stretches the definition of RAM, especially as we know it today.
@ChrisS oh is yours charged storage?
well the core rope was decidedly ROM. Unless you're re-weaving the ropes while the computer is running.
(which at the speeds those things ran may actually be a possibility...)
@voretaq7 It's ferrite core memory.
@ChrisS but magnetic charge as opposed to transformer loop, right?
@voretaq7 Yes; orientable magnetic charge
(IIRC nobody ever made rope boards that could reorient the charges - they were all just "Here's some transformers. Run current through them and see what happens to the data line.")
((it's entirely possible I'm mis-remembering though))
/me rummages around in a parts bin
wait... I know I have one somewhere....
I'm barely familiar with this stuff... I started with the VIC20 and cartridges, didn't even have a tape recorder.
uploads photo
Shush, Ron Paul is on Lenno right now....
@ChrisS mmmh, he's pretty unridiculous
for the current crop of candidates
@voretaq7 Hurry up, dammit.
I don't agree with everything he has to say, but I love that he sticks to what he says.
@MikeyB stupid iPhone is being a whore. Probably because I'm breaking the machine I'm trying to uplaod to....
I just want someone who will do what they say, or say what they do.. That's about all it takes.
He got so nostalgic he took a photo with an old school camera and is waiting for it to develop so he can scan it and then upload it
@voretaq7 I read that as "current crap of candidates" - Freudian slip or something.
not really a slip
@ChrisS you're write, I made a typo.
That's a vacuum tube
@ChrisS seemed appropriate to go with our core memory, no?
Now I have to go put it back in the amp it came out of :-P
That'd be something to make a MP3 player/amp out of core memory and vacuum tubes. =]
@ChrisS I have spare 42AX7s....
(I had a wonky power supply in one of my amps - I went through half a case of tubes before I got it fixed)
ick, those buggers ain't free
OK, time for bed.
@ChrisS they're pretty cheap for tubes - $9 each
(42ax7 = Fender's 7025. If you search by the fender p/n there's lots of repro versions)
@MikeyB that's pretty good
@MikeyB LOL
Poor Rudolph....
@voretaq7 Yeah, $9 a pop is "cheap"....
@ChrisS … for a Vegas hooker, yeah.
@ChrisS meh, what else am I gonna blow 60 bux on? and the amp works now, that's what's really important right?
<justifies giving novelty dolls made out of old cat5 wire and blown vacuum tubes to people>
I'm not enough of an audiophile to go tubes. my class D works good enough.
@ChrisS On very rare occasions I'll loop my stereo through one of my tube amps
I use a daw (a maudio fastrack), and a good pair of headphones. No space/budget for anything nicer. Also, the dog does not share the taste in music i do
for the most part though I just use them for dicking around and recording
I've built a few speakers.. I've got components for some better ones, but haven't built boxes...
More projects for when I have more time... I've got a bit of a problem like that, but I enjoy it anyway.
I built 2 speakers in my life. Both were for old radios I was restoring.
Fun Facts: 1930s console radios with those big ass speakers?
Those speakers chew on 300 volts.
I enjoyed the process, really like working with wood anyway and building things; and the results sound better than any typical store bought 'made in China' crap. =]
@JourneymanGeek some, others are "internal transformer" speakers, and you feed them with plate voltages
@ChrisS The only thing that makes building speakers (or hell, anything that requires me to wind a magnet!) bearable is having a lathe. I don't have one anymore :(
Building a real GOOD speaker cabinet though? SO much better sound than the shit plastic/aluminum speakers you can buy
darn it. stop tempting me to try to build stuff for fun. I don't have the time ;p
@voretaq7 Oh I buy the drivers, you're much braver than I making those things.
You can take the shit "high-end" computer speakers and stick them in a decent wood case and they'll sound better
or space i suppose
@ChrisS I tried using a store-bought driver... it kinda melted when I turned the radio on
(not the first thing about that radio that produced the magic smoke mind you!)
@voretaq7: eheh.. proper wood cased speakers are <3
I have five words for everyone:
foil. and. wax. capacitor.
there is hatred and loathing in my heart for these things.
granted the only one i have is the subwoofer on the creative subwoofer on my main system
(which is old enough that creative gear was actually good)
@voretaq7: i've heard horror stories....
they sort of ooze don't they?
@JourneymanGeek hey man - that's the high-end shiznatty of computer audio right there
@JourneymanGeek if you're lucky. Other times the wax has pinholed or absorbed water and they kind go POP
lol. I got it for 45 bucks. Its kept running by a piece of stratergically placed duct tape
(fuse holder snapped, it was DOA, couldn't bother to get it replaced. duct tape fixes anything)
I always replace them, but to "replace" the damn thing you have to melt the wax and pry it out of its little metal case, and then stick in modern mica caps.

The latter is not so bad, but the former... wax.... everywhere.... in my raccoon wounds!
racoon wounds?
followed by:
::waits patiently::
@JourneymanGeek worth it, no?
nothing is worth racoon wounds ;p
@JourneymanGeek Some kind of nature show....
that show is on my catch up list ._.
@JourneymanGeek that's an old one :)
catch up list stuff is usually old
is currently watching farscape
@JourneymanGeek totally worth catching up on farscape first
don't forget the movie!
The peacekeeper wars?
its being obtained
@JourneymanGeek exxxxcelent
one of the VERY few 3 hour movies worth all 3 hours.
Besides, i hate cliffhangers

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