hello all, i hate to come here for technical queries - but can any one help me understand in brief what a 3 node Vmware cluster is ? They have Iscsi connection.
VM-Ware cluster has two network cards dual port 10GE vmnic0,vmnic1 negotiated to 1GE dual port 1GE vmnic2,vmnic3 negotiated to at total of 4 Network ports on each node.
what does it again mean by 4 network ports on each node
I hate to say it, but you are much better asking questions on the main site. That's what it is there for and it's going to get a lot more exposure than the current 3/4 people in chat.
Best to have a read of this and see what you can do. Although 44 questions, 4 with -'ve votes and 2 closed, and no answers means it's going to be a bit tricky.
okie i used to be very active here . I will open a new account then. But, can you please help me a little to understand if that's okie ?I am not good in VMware -mostly into unified storage
at least you can try, my question is -when a customer says he has The Harrisonburg VM-Ware cluster has two network cards dual port 10GE vmnic0,vmnic1 negotiated to 1GE dual port 1GE vmnic2,vmnic3 negotiated to 1GE
why he is again saying -total of 4 Network ports on each node.
VMWare isn't easy to pick up, you need to spend money on it. Be it proper training or someone to come in and do it for you it needs to be done.
Oh. Just reading the questions I realised why the quality filter had been triggered, I remember I've heard of your name before, and I am also surprised why you would be let near production systems, as harsh as it may sound.
@tombull89- yes but what is confusing is when he says" total of 4 Network ports on each node". If its a 3 node cluster ,that means he has total 12 network ports?
And please don't hate me that much - i haven't been doing bad in the storage world
there are ten network cards configured on just one of my VMWare ESX servers.
no one can tell you what the details of their config is without taking a look. It's a specialist job to configure and manage a complex VMWare ESX cluster
We dump debug and transaction logs into mongodb.
We really like mongodb because:
Blazing insert perf
document oriented
Ability to let the engine drop inserts when needed for performance
But there is this big problem with mongodb: The index must fit in physical RAM. In practice, this limits u...
@wildchild Same as me. Ok, while I'd love to be in control of a VMWare cluster I know I haven't got the experience and technicial knowledge to deal with it properly. Get someone in who does.
@RobMoir Yeah, they didn't really release much info about it.
@wildchild right, supervisors don't have "ports 37 and 38", seriously you're so far out of your depth it's not funny, change jobs immediately, anything will do but this is A, B, C stuff, super basic, insultingly so - you're not learning from us/me, you're clearly not choosing to learn this yourself, it's gone too far, put down your keyboard and leave your job right now
We dump debug and transaction logs into mongodb.
We really like mongodb because:
Blazing insert perf
document oriented
Ability to let the engine drop inserts when needed for performance
But there is this big problem with mongodb: The index must fit in physical RAM. In practice, this limits u...
Need help designing Active Directory for a client who has 4 branch offices and one head office
The 4 sites have people email IDs in Same primary domain as well as 2-3 more domains, which are sister concern companies for the Primary company
should I use SBS or use 2008 R2??
I'm too closing down...
hear hear. I've always had the theory that the costs end up about the same no matter what you do and all you're choosing is what headings they appear under in the budget
It's about what I was expecting, but colder than I was hoping for. =/
I really don't like the whole default configuration for Apache with the separated VirtualHosts enabled/available sites thing. 99% of people who are new to Apache just want a simple and clean conf to start playing with.
People who are hosting complicated sites have undoubtedly written most of the conf files by hand anyway.
@voretaq7 My forecast for tonight calls for some snow.
@Iain As near as I can tell, the CentOS/RedHat way is still to use a separate config file per vhost, but not to deal with the enabled/disabled sites nonsense.
@ScottPack I don't know either but out of the box they don't do it that way though I do tend to use an include file so the vhosts are separate from the main server stuff
When the server is only hosting a site or two I just lump the vhost stuff into the end of the conf file. If it's more than that I start breaking things into include directories.
A few years ago I started in on Exim and that "f- this" after trying to understand the basic documentation for a week straight. That was shortly after wrapping my head around sendmail. I run Courier now and I'll give it up when you pry it out of my cold dead hands (though it has it's own quirks).
One of these days when I get time (which is probably never) I'd really like to dive into Courier's source and fix some of the things that drive me up the wall.
Exim was written by some cambridge maths professor. His book is brilliant. Very helpful, but the syntax does require some sort higher plane of consciousness.
I've been spending a lot of time at our datacenter recently. Unlike at WWU, we colo at one of the large providers so I'm getting to interact with a datacenter vastly larger than the ones I've played with in the past. This is cool in many ways (this is a multi megawatt facility!) but there are some downsides.Sound.I've known for years that datacenters can get very loud. When WWU picked up our fi…
I don't even put in tickets with TAC any more. I just email one of my engineer contacts there and say something like "TAC is always shitty, can you escalate this and just have someone with a clue call me?"
"Have you cast your 'oh my god this is crap delete it forevers!' votes today?" http://serverfault.com/search?page=99&tab=newest&q=answers%3a0%20closed%3a1%20migrated%3a0
@peter we have 1141s that we're really happy with. Not sure if they're lightweight only though. Honestly, you should look at Aruba if you haven't. They have some sweet tech. I considered them but we already had 300 cisco aps deployed.
@PeterGrace I'd have to agree with @MarkM, the controller-based Cisco gear is nice, mostly-easy to work with, but it does cost. We used to be a Meru shop, but the higher-ups wanted 5Ghz and Meru wasn't there at the time.
Not having to worry about the idiots down stairs blasting 2.4GHz radiation ever few hours would be so nice... I should look into getting A or N running.
Aside from increasing the speed of light?
Google isn't a good measure of network speed. The response times that you're seeing indicate clearly that you're hitting Google servers in the some country (or at least on the same continent) from both locations.
Routing to the other side of the world ...
His comment there is great
when I phone using VoIP from HK to france, there is no latency!
@PeterGrace Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy with the Cisco gear we have. Aruba just looked like they were on the cutting edge with some of their offerings and their prices are super aggressive.
Nobody regrets getting Cisco gear (so long as they got a solution that fit the problem). It's just the TCO is notable higher than everyone else. But if you need a 'money->solution' machine, Cisco's there for you.
@Aaron Predictive networking. I know the data you're going to send. (It's porn. Obviously.)
I officially despise udev BTW
I can't get it to stop spamming shit to the console before the bootsplash screen comes up (like 3 seconds worth of ugly scary text that makes my users wet themselves)
speaking of scary text, I did not have the presence of mind at the time, but when I was on a DL flight back from costa rica to the US at one point they rebooted some of the seat-back entertainment systems and they were running some flavor of linux
I just install updates on my windows server 2003 small business. and after restart it is un-reachable. even I can ping my server from other machine. Any idea? it installed 73 updates. any clue which directions i have to look in.
Aside from increasing the speed of light?
Google isn't a good measure of network speed. The response times that you're seeing indicate clearly that you're hitting Google servers in the some country (or at least on the same continent) from both locations.
Routing to the other side of the world ...
Actually, it's not a list of questions sorted by views. If you scrolled down a couple inches on your screen, (and didn't have ignored tags hidden) you'll notice the 4th entry clocks in at 24k views, which is higher than both the 2nd and 3rd entries combined.
The faq tab is built from links (and ...
@KyleBrandt Trust me, I'm going to do a writeup. I've got 2+ pages of notes on what I need to cover in RF theory before the BS I'm going to write will make sense.
@KyleBrandt well, a lot of people talk about wifi like you toss an AP somewhere and if it works, it works, but in reality there's easy-to-understand science that helps to make your AP install a success.
2.4GHz Spectrum 101: 1. Anyone can use it. 2. When you get interference start yelling. 3. Eventually everyone is yelling and you can't hear anything anymore. 4. The weak eventually go hoarse (RF amplifier overheats). Only the strong survive. 5. RF Chipsets get stronger because of natural selection. Goto 3, or move out of the 2.4GHz Band to a nicer neighborhood (goto 1)
@voretaq7 1) Buy APs that will violently crush neighboring APs. Eventually your neighbors will give up and you'll only have microwaves to contend with.
@voretaq7 a few departments randomly try and plug in Linksys routers to try and get wifi in their offices even though we provide secure and available wifi across campus. Our Cisco gear can send disassociate packets to the rogue clients that look like they come from the rogue. Instead of killing the rogues at the switchport, I let them live and kill the wireless connectivity and count how many times the rogue MAC changes. It's a running tally of how many WRT54Gs they've bought :)
PSK31 or "Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud" is a digital radio modulation mode, used primarily in the amateur radio field to conduct real-time keyboard-to-keyboard informal text chat between amateur radio operators.
PSK31 was developed and named by English amateur radio operator Peter Martinez (G3PLX) and introduced to the wider amateur radio community in December 1998.
PSK31 was enthusiastically received, and its usage grew like wildfire worldwide lending a new popularity and tone to the on-air conduct of digital communications. Due to the efficiency of the mode, it became, and ...
I appreciate it; not trying to challenge anybody's decision as much as expression my frustration; I'm none too good with SQL so those took a good 20 minutes to craft only to find out that they'll never return any results.