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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

i m unable to use mod_rewrite under linux
i have checked httpd.conf at the loadmodule line for mod_rewrite is uncommented
this means mod_rewrite is enabled what can be wrong?
1 hour later…
@lovesh Everything.
2 hours later…
@quux: I'm in no way defending Dell in this case, but there is a slight difference - these are re-branded Aruba products
2 hours later…
@pauska oh, I had no intention of defending them either. it just sounded a bit silly. but maybe there's some holdup in the process they use for 3rdparty stuff.
Yo folks
Had to pop by for a bit to let you know the latest from our head developer.
He's just very loudly said "Product manager X is living in dreamy booby land! DREAMY BOOBY LAND!!"
quick! he said boobs! star him!
You have to understand, my head dev is a Georgian - english is not his native language. He doesn't understand why I'm smiling
@Chopper3 I undeleted serverfault.com/questions/74313/… (hope it's okay.)
iain flagged it
yes, but it's an answer, not a question.
@Chopper3 @splattne the OP changed his answer between my flag and the delete. The original wasn't an answer it was a me too
@Iain okay, sorry. Didn't see that. Thanks!
@splattne this was the original Anyone found solution to this error??? I am getting same error.
@splattne oh hey. How long have you been a mod? Or are you a old mod with new avatar/username?
@Iain yes, I've checked the first revision. very unusual case.
@tombull89 I'm an old mod with an old username :)
@splattne a right royal pain - could have cost me weeks of FW - flags should be removed from edited posts really
appointed 7/4/2009...you're not joking ;)
I was very active in the first year.
first user with 10,000 rep.
(this was before Titans like Evan, Chopper3 and Sysadmin1138 were active) ;)
yep, stefan was the first really active mod in fact
@Chopper3 but you've set new standards. You're a rockstar ninja mod.
this is true ;)
though I've been busy elsewhere recently, no rep for me at all for weeks
actually looking at the stats I'm hardly ahead of you on flag management at all and you've deleted far more comments and made WAY more edits than me
@Chopper3 yes, but you did it in a short period. No false modesty! ;-) though, on the other hand: mod tools have improved a lot during the last year.
yeah, and if I had to catorgorise what I spend most of my 'mod-time' on it's either quick flag-alerted non-answer deletes or spam-hunting, man I love a good spam-hunt
one of our developers needed a machine with a bit of power so I ordered him a HP DL580 G7 with 40 cores and 128GB memory, took a couple of weeks to procure/deliver only THEN did he say he also needed 24TB of usable R10 15krpm disk - great, could have mentioned that too!
@Chopper3 just as well that you have a budget greater than the GDP of a small nation then !
not as much as 'our' "21CN" project, who has £12bn to spend
21CN ?
yeah, all the bt ip network uplift stuff
VOIP from cabinet etc too
all cisco kit basically - my new platform sits on it
it's multi-phased, so infinity is like stage 3, then multicast - quite a challenge - glad it's not my name on that one
posted on September 06, 2011 by SysAdmin1138

Matt Simmons has had it up to here with booth-staff at technical conferences that don't know the products they're trying to sell. I totally know what he's talking about, if the person I'm talking to at a booth is only there to hand out glossy fliers and take my contact information so a sales engineer can call me next week, I wish I didn't bother stopping by. If I wanted to view their website, I

@Chopper3 looks like next year at the earliest for infinity for me
that matty/1138 thing is funny, I speak at more conference than I purely attend and I NEVER do the 'floor-walk' thing, it's never of any value whatsoever, I'll happily do one-to-one's with the product managers of companies whose products I'm already interested in but shuffling along with a soggy paper plate of vile international food and being jumped on my idiots wanting to 'swipe my pass' (i.e. spam me) isn't productive
@Iain me too
@Iain actually bt broadband start nat'ing some of their clients on thursday night - just consumer line though, and only in dribs and drabs
it's hard to see when we might get it tbh the map gives general areas and none are directly Moreton/Upton etc although areas around us are getting it so won't hold me breath - get just under 7M anyways
yeah, I've no idea, nor influence in the matter
Our (i.e. parents) AOL/TalkTalk contract runs out on the next few weeks...I'm pushing for BT Infinity (as we're with BT for phones already, don't have specalist Tv or anything) while my brother wants 02 :/
we currently have O2 - works well for us
@all I have problem regarding iss7
@AMH serverfault.com/questions/ask the perfect place to ask
I applied bloggingabout.net/blogs/ramon/archive/2009/03/13/… , but still cannot upload 40mg file
@Iain I asked but no one rep[lied correc ctly
@AMH serverfault.com/questions/ask the perfect place to ask
@Iain I asked but no one reply correctly
then update your original question with what you have tried and why the answers you have don't help, or make a new question based on what you have learned
Q: IIS7 beginner question

AMHI face two problems when try to upload large data , it fail, while uploading small data success I have site be hosted on iis7 , after a while it give time out , I want to cancel the session time, I tried to do that i the web.config file but it failed, I want to increase session time or make i...

this is the question
right now there are 4 active chat users and 2 of them at least won't be able to help
@Iain IIS? That's something on Windows, right?
@ScottPack Correct. Windows equivalent of Apache.
@tombull89 Wild....
@ScottPack I think it might be - good morning btw
In more serious news. I know of places that use Apache on Windows. Boggles the mind.
Morning all
Oh, I thought it was like roman numeral "2", as IIs, or "twos"
@Iain And a lovely nearly not-morning to you as well.
@ScottPack I do run WAMP at home...for dev, only.
@ScottPack People that run Apache on Windows are the same kinda sickos that want to run AD with Samba.
@ScottPack (it's 13:19) it would be if we didn't have a big atlantic low throwing wind and rain at us
@jscott Heh, it's cool guys. Let's let our AD controllers be OpenSuSE 10.1. I hear you can do it with Samba3. What's the worst that could happen?!?
did you all have a nice long weekend ?
@Iain I will reply "yes" if only to not sound like a complainer.
it's not a universal holiday?
Q: How do I find my SMTP logs

Can anyone tell me how I can find my SMTP logs? I cannot get hold of our usual system admin at the minute and really need to view the info in these logs for debugging purposes.

You'll find them in the last place you left them.
In the freezer with my car keys?
@Iain Yeah, holiday from work => Honey do list
@Iain Technically a holiday, but [at least for me] a busy one. Teachers are back today, students tomorrow...
Lots of ends that need tying, etc, etc.
any help please
@AMH Sorry, we don't know.
@ChrisS Ok, thanks
Try posting it as a question that specifies what errors you're getting, if there's anything in the logs, and what changes you've made and the results, @amh.
@AMH Your question needs way more details. How large a file can you upload now, at what point does it fail. What exact error message does it give. What is shown in the log files. If you made changes to web.config what exactly did you change.
@ChrisS - web chat logs say I have the right to declare "jinx" on you.
trumpets fanfare I didn't get paged out last night! Yay!
@BartSilverstrim Sorry, that hasn't worked since I was 9 years old. =P
HP MSA2000 SAN units are fairly infamous for throwing HOST_CHAN_LINK_DOWN errors at random times. Of course ours hasn't done it in months, so this Saturday at 8:07 AM my phone starts going off with an alert. Fortunately it self corrects nearly instantly and life goes on.
I was paged out a few times this weekend
twice at 3am or so
...@chrisS: /mumble "wait until you check your server logs..."
hmm...early in the week, but do I want to be nice? serverfault.com/questions/308476/user-ntfs-rights
posted on September 06, 2011 by Matt Simmons

Right now, the most-read article on this website is my Nagios Configuration HOWTO. It was published on July 20, 2009, and at some point in time, it got picked up by the Nagios Community Site, and now I get a steady stream of people looking at it. So many that in a couple of years, [...]

@ChrisS I cannot upload 16 MB file, the connection with serever was reset this is the error appeared to me
@BartSilverstrim I updated my question
Can someone take a quick peek and verify the following two images look the same on their computer (please and thank you)
@chris any idea
Looked the same to me. @chriss
Looks fine to me
@AMH You haven't filled in the requested information.
@BartSilverstrim @Shads0 thank you!
@chis I did
@chriss I did
...error logs?
"What exact error message does it give. What is shown in the log files. If you made changes to web.config what exactly did you change."
That simmons anti-babe thing seems to have bugged out some people.
oh. I'm having to describe a RJ-45 connector over the phone. Someone hates me...
@ChrisS see my question, I updated it with the whole information
Compromise. Eye candy to attract, but have some actual anti-social engineers/programmers at the table to answer questions.
Like a telephone plug, only bigger?
ooo, good one.
@Holocryptic...google images?
now she found it
no network connectivity
"If it fits in your ear, it's a phone connector. If it hurts in the ear, it's a network connector."
@BartSilverstrim chuckle
@AMH, probably a dumb question, you ran iisreset after making changes to web.config, right?
@ChrisS no
shall I do that
@ChrisS I restart the web site
@Iain Tell me about it. I just spent a week on the beach down south. Low-mid 90s(F) every day. I get home yesterday, and it's raining and low-mid 60s.
I should design a keyboard that has the DEL key removed. I'd make millions.
@ScottPack today it is 57f with 38mph gusting 48mph winds
@Iain So, a bit drafty.
@Holocryptic or, replace it with "ANY"
a tad, yes
@tombull89 hahaha. Or "Oh Shit"
Am I the only one that finds the heading followed by the page content to be funny as hell? zooppa.com/contests/amazon-freedom-to-choose-video-contest/…
@BartSilverstrim Ruby (Rack) application could not be started?
Note to self...if I create a company/product with a tagline, don't make it something where a public failure will make said slogan/tagline look totally stupid.
@BartSilverstrim oooo, example please
@Holo: you mean like the website link I posted? :-)
@Iain Is there any forecasted end to the madness?
Ah, they got it back up.
It was something like Ruby, it just works, and just under it was a RACK error about failing to load XYZ
"Passenger - Rails deployment that just works" followed by "Ruby (Rack) application could not be started"
@ScottPack currently predicting Thursday evening ready for the next one on Friday :(
So apparently they define "works" as something other than what the dictionary would have us believe.
@ScottPack ...madness?
@Iain That sounds....unfortunate.
My area is receiving gobs of rain, and unseasonably chilly weather, but no winds worth speaking of.
first good blow of the autumn ;) - we'll get quite a few lost North American birds blown in too
@Iain We tend not to get much in the way of high winds in my neighborhood. The region is hilly enough to slow them down. According to the local weather station, we've gotten about 1.5 inches of rain since 00:00 yeasterday, though. While nothing compared to East coast, is quite a bit for us.
I'm 1 mile ( as the crow flies) from the sea - we get plenty of wind
@Iain A bit, yeah.
on really stormy days my car gets a coating of sea salt
@Iain The weather here better hold up for at least a couple more days - I got a tandem and want to ride with my kid to school at least once before it gets cold or wet.
@Ward I overtook a tandem going up a hill on Sunday morning - they caught me up on the downhill though
is it new ?
@Iain No, couldn't justify ~$2000 for a decent new tandem, but got lucky on craigslist and found an old one (from the early 1990's) in good shape and got it for <$400 Technically, the frame's too small for me, but I should be able to get a taller stem, and my 7 yr old daughter just barely fits on the back now, so it'll be good for her for a long time.
I'd love one but my mrs won't entertain it :(
I sorta unilaterally decided to get one... but got lucky to find a "real" tandem (not cheap steel) for so little.
who made it ?
I'm sick of my company's Cisco 881W, seeing that it is a bitch to configure, and I don't want to deal with hair-pinning it to handle both internal and external requests on our external IP. I'm open to suggestions on a new wireless router for our network. We are a small business (8 employees), and at times, we have several external VPN connections at the same time.
Has anyone else worked with the VShield edge?
@Iain Yokota twin peaks, similar to the one discussed and pictured here: expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/…
I've only ridden it for a couple test rides, but really like it so far.
Tandem mountain bikes seem like a recipe for disaster
@SpacemanSpiff a bit
@Ward looks nice
@Chopper3 - I'm trying to get the VPN functionality to work between the edge device and a juniper SRX, but all the documentation gives me is that it uses "AES" for encryption
not really too much to work with
no, not done that with it sorry
I like how Outlook has a delete option and a remove option for contact lists. Which do you think users hit more often?
@ChrisS the word is about 530 flags to get a marshal badge
@Iain Not as bad as I thought last week; not as low ad I'd like =]
I'm not sure which flags count either as I have 590 total 421 helpful 150 spam/offensive and 3 declined for FW of 739
@Iain you have no asked questions on SF? o.O.0
ah, I see. You're 90 so you've had plenty of time to learn stuff ;)
@tombull89 I don't either actually. Never had anything come up that Google couldn't solve
@voretaq7 alright for some ;)
also, In return I promise not to link anyone to goatse or tubgirl - ಠ_ಠ
@tombull89 I'm similar - my habit is to ask google even if I'm on the phone to support - it's often quicker
Now I feel a little better.
@BartSilverstrim @#%$!!
Sometimes there are things that come in that evoke only "agglel wha...huh?!" from my vocal apparatus. Usually followed by a slapping sound to the forehead.
@tombull89 you would prefer I not make this promise? :)
what should we do with down voted answers that are wrong ? e.g. serverfault.com/questions/68021/… serverfault.com/questions/68021/…
flag to delete ?
@Iain No keep them
@Iain Unless it's egregiously wrong, gotta let it be.
Wrong answers provide insight as well
that particular question has one other use OpenDNS answer that has been deleted
@Iain Links without explanations aren't answers...
@Holocryptic What about that one on SU that to the question "I want to restore my computer back to it's original state without re-installing" and their answer was a walkthrough of how to install Ubuntu -_-.
@tombull89 Sometimes blatant stupidity needs to be put on display as a warning to others
@tombull89 And SU doesn't count. It's mostly blatant stupidity over there.
Although the way the questions are trending on SF lately....
@Holocryptic Cheeky git. My rep on SU is OVER THREE THOUSAAAAAND.
Can't tell me that doesn't count.
I think I have a couple hundred over there
my rep on SU is 684 and the vast majority of that is on migrated questions
I only have a few hundred on stackoverflow. I always feel so stupid when I look over there.
Every couple of days I look at the calls I'm getting here and think I should have focused on becoming a programmer.
chuckle Will has over 60k o.O
I have more rep on MSO than I do on SF...
Anyone else want to weigh in? serverfault.com/questions/308131/…
@BartSilverstrim Never messed with windows software RAID, I'm happy to say. No idea ;)
I'm still trying to figure out why he'd use a hardware card for RAID but not use the RAID.
@BartSilverstrim It should work; though your last comment of 'some hardware combinations work better than others' seems to ring true. I've heard of people having issues with Windows not picking the drives up as the same drive. I have never had issues, but others certainly have.
@BartSilverstrim maybe he figures he's getting twice the RAID by having the hardware then doing it in software
It could work, but I'd not trust it.
I'd assume he's got some old or obscure card that isn't easily replaceable and wants a low-cost replacement; hence soft-raid.
If you're going software RAID, get rid of the proprietary controller.
And if you're not going to use the card the way it's designed to be used, I'd not trust hot swapping it.
Hell, I've used RAID cards the way they're supposed to be used and they still don't always work properly.
I don't want to tell the guy, "sure, it'll work..." then have it fry his drive or electronics or corrupt his server.
If he's really determined he can just test it with a few yanks and insertions on the server and see what fries. That's basically is what he's asking to do if he's asking others if it'll definitely work and he's not testing it.
Only with his method he'll test it by waiting until something is already dead and he has people screeching that the server's not working.
After some further though, commented. =]
Good comment.
the comments made me laugh serverfault.com/questions/27254/…
booo hiss to the rep cap
@all, I need to write batch file to execute command line
could u help me in that
@AMH This room isn't for asking questions
@ShaneMadden I ask without reply, and that's why I ask here , all I get down votes
if u can help me and tell me
I know it's easy, but I couldn't get it
Looks like you've only asked one question.
I'm trying to keep my cool, and failing miserably.
I think we need some music in here.
@Holocryptic Helpdesk still? Just make sure the phone's on mute.
@ShaneMadden Yeah. I'm alternating between wanting to scream, cry, both, or just fetal up and cut myself
@Holocryptic That sucks :(
I'm the only one running HD right now
not. fun.
It's basically one giant sigh fest coming from my cubicle.
@Holocryptic Really? The only one... that's messed up
Who did you piss off for that kind of hell?
Yeah. And earlier my boss was like," I noticed the queue getting kinda long. Do you need help?"
hire more people....
@Shads0 I'm not entirely sure, myself
@Holocryptic it was me. I engineered this with my ITHedgeHog brilliance because you didn't turn left 14 weeks ago instead you turned right.
@AMH If I could downvote chat comments I'd be doing it now - THIS IS A POOR PLACE FOR YOU TO ASK QUESTIONS, IS THIS CLEAR, WE TALK ABOUT SANDWICHES AND GIRLS. If you want a question answering ask it on the main board but given this is a FREE service there's not certainty that it will be answered, though it helps if your question shows sufficient detail and you've done the most basic of self-help research yourself.
@AMH Now come on here nagging for your poor questions to be looked at again and I'll ban you from chat, understand?
o.x wow, now i heard something about women and sammiches, where do I apply?
sudo make me a sammich
@Shads0 @Chopper3 sudo make me a sammich
damnit @BartSilverstrim beat me to it
@BartSilverstrim uni.xkcd.com
apply here, and I don't sudo ANYTHING for anyone
xD, its bad when you actually try using 'sudo' for someone ticking you off, not that I have tried that or anything like that >.>
@chopper3 is about the break out the spinach and go all Popeye on someone's ass.
@Chopper3 are you one of those pagans that lets people log in as root, or have you given up goodness and light and gone over to Windows for good? :)
Whats wrong with root access? All my lusers have it
I actually try to stay away from computers in general as much as I can, I find overall design much less stressful yet somehow better paid for some reason - but if I have to I prefer linux for speed and windows for comfort. What I meant was I don't every make/get food/coffee or anything else for anyone - I'll always pay but never get/make
@Chopper3 as long as you refill the coffee pot (with COFFEE) when you empty it -- I really don't care how it gets filled, but if it's empty when I get there heads will be removed and used as mugs!
@ITHedgeHog Root access doesn't shoot people in the foot. People shoot themselves in the foot.
...Windows gives him comfort?
nah, I'll buy the coffee machine, coffee, mugs, milk whatever but I don't make
@BartSilverstrim yeah, I find it easier to get 'general' stuff done - change IP/vlans, install/uninstall code, test stuff but then when I do production stuff I use linux
@voretaq7 We don't run Linux here, if we did root access would be fine - most of our PHD's can't type let alone run commands like rm -fR /
@BartSilverstrim Windows has League of Legends, what else could you ask for?!
@Shad0: OS X.
tbh I use osx wherever I can but sometimes I need to pick between windows and rhel/oel
Whats the consensus with VMWare ESXi hypervisor? Go v5 right away, or wait for first update? (I'm talking about the free version)
@voretaq7 BREW / HTCPCP/1.0
OS X, virtualized Ubuntu/Windows 7 in Virtualbox.
@phsr, why not download now and do some testing for us. :)
Honestly, I have to say, Windows has gotten better, I actually switched to OSX because of the abomination of Vista but since I have gotten a hold of 7, I love it. I still use OSX/Linux for all the dev stuff I can, though.
Try it on a few dev boxes or something,
@phsr happy with it so far, no 5.1 due until feb
Hey @Zoredache, would it be possible to add to (or change the room title) explain ing we're not a "live support site"?
to echo @pauska
yesterday, by pauska
(my god I wish they could add a header to the chat explaining this to people)
@tombull89, did you have a suggestion about exactly what the description should say? Lots of us can change it.
The Tits & Sammich Room, has a nice ring to it.
Well I pinged you directly as you're one of the room owners.
I think it did mention something about that at one point in time, but someone else changed it to our current 'Choppertars or GTFO'.
Something along the lines of "Bear in mind that this is not a live support chat room. Questions should be posted to serverfault.com/ask." Also, boobs.
Careful or you'll end up with this chat becoming highlighted in the new viral blog post about sexism in technology :-)
sudo set room.topic = "We flunked helpdesk training because we're mean"
Hey, I didn't start the boobs meme.
room topic changed to The Comms Room: We flunked out of helpdesk training because we're mean (no tags)
Woot Woot!
room topic changed to The Comms Room: This is NOT a place for 'Live Support', ask questions on the main site (no tags)
oh dear serverfault.com/questions/308392/database-dump-doesnt-work he can't eve be bothered to read @BenPilbrow's answer
does mysqldump have some magical auto-sense to know that it is to import when something comes in via stdin?
I thought mysqldump only, you know, dumpped output. If you wanted to restore you used mysql.
in fact if you use the syntax he provides you get a convenient usage message
Oh, I see Ben did cover that... His answer is a bit TL:DR...
@BenPilbrow That's what you get for being thorough ;)
Or at least it would have been a bit easier to read if his first paragraph was the executive summary. ie, you are using mysqldump when you should be using mysql.
@Zoredache That wasn't apparent when he wrote the answer. The asker hadn't provided any details re: the commands he was using
Why does nobody seem to get that group policies can be applied to GROUPS?
Is "The problem is that you can't be bothered to read the detailed answer that someone kindly typed out for you, containing exactly what you need to do to restore from your dump." too snarky? :p
@Zoredache FORGET THAT! We're all individuals! Don't treat us as groups! DAMN THE MAN!
@MikeyB, It isn't to snarky..
@MikeyB, most people don't even treat you as a group, they treat you as if you were an organization.
I fixed the title.
Oh, your backups work just fine. It's your restores that you're having trouble with :p
lol, he just added a comment..
Oh, and one on the answer "I checked md5sum of the file and its fine. I also checked the structure, all the tables are in there. What else should I check for?"
A pulse. On your wrist. Because no oxygen is getting to your brain.
Strictly speaking, the question really isn't minus-vote worthy (after the edit), he's right. I think those are behaviour-response votes :). And he's earned them.
@MikeyB which q. is this? the mysqldump dude?
@voretaq7 Yeah
@MikeyB there's obviously blood flow to his hands - he's typing. See if you can find a carotid pulse.
What is this question even about?
Q: No name brand SOHO NAS isn't connecting via NFS

MarkI have a no name, non-branded SOHO NAS unit. It allows me to format the HD with ext2 or ext3 (also FAT32, but who wants that?) and it's supposed to give me ftp (it does), SMB (it does, and NFS. The last is a problem. I haven't been able to connect via NFS. I've pinged the device by a name I g...

I've read it three times and I still don't know what he wants help with.
@WesleyDavid Trying to mount its data over NFS, but he gives no info on how he's configured it on the device or how he's tried to mount it on a client..
Whoa, WTF happened to mysqldump guy's question between the time I left work and now :/
@BartSilverstrim So, he's asking if he can rip a disk from a software RAID'd array? I wouldn't want to try it, and neither would I do it, without shutting down, even if a SF'er told me to. If it goes wrong and he hoses his server his only defense is "the internet told me to do it"...which is no defense at all.
@BenPilbrow You got a bunch of upvotes from all the attention we were paying to it, and we eventually convinced him to read your answer and he figured it out.
@BenPilbrow he posted an edit showing us the command he used to try and recover ...
Heh, I had an incling he was using mysqldump as the import tool too, but though I'd elaborate a bit to make it useful for others. That'll teach me for trying to be helpful :P
I'm in a remote desktop session, and I swear I can hear the server crawling along the ground to it's grave.
@WesleyDavid, I sorta understand the question, but if he's able to format the HD, it must have some sort of GUI-ish interface to do it.. so how did that work ?
@Aaron My question exactly.
Anyone following the LexisNexis "Hadoop Killer"?
@Holocryptic Dare I ask?
@Shads0 Just a crappy server on its last legs. Doing anything in Explorer is painful
Have today's questions been pretty weak, or am I just in a bad mood today?
You must've missed the fun earlier
@Shads0 Which part?
@ShaneMadden I made the rep cam so I guess so
Chopper3 laying a pimp hand down on someone
@Shads0 Oh yeah, I saw that.
That NAS GEAR guy, that device might be by omnitech
who is www.omnitech.com.tw and not www.omnitech.com , sadly enough
aww it got closed :(
Questions like this: serverfault.com/q/168439/2101 … I'm retitling it and having a hard time coming up with appropriate tags. Suggestions?
@MikeyB unix-devices? devices? block-devices? unix-block-devices? Ungh.
@MikeyB block-device is the only other one I can think of.
@ChrisS Which doesn't exist yet. But is appropriate, yes.
lvm, linux, block-device
I think that'll do.
How do you link a tag?
Ah! The help delivers!
I'm really surprised didn't exist.
@ChrisS No kidding.
@ChrisS how many people know what a block device is these days?
think of how watered down the *nix world has become...
I'm not worrying about that. I'm trying to retrain people every time I hear a storage subsystem called a SAN. :p
We have a... uhhh... business partner... who hires us to deploy servers for her customers on which she installs her application.
PIC database, forms-based app, etc.
Naturally, it's all installed 777. Because "it works that way."
also does Linux even have a concept of "block" devices anymore (that actually read/write blocks of data with OS caching)?
Source control? Whenever she needs a change she's done before, she logs into a server at the customer where she deployed the change and copies the file over.
@voretaq7 Uhhh… of course… they're all like that.
root@challenger:~# dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=10240 skip=187302743 > /dev/null10240+0 records in
10240+0 records out
5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.0663325 s, 79.0 MB/s
root@challenger:~# dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=10240 skip=187302743 > /dev/null
10240+0 records in
10240+0 records out
5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.0118273 s, 443 MB/s
@MikeyB not on FreeBSD - our "block" devices are raw/unbuffered by the OS
s/unbuffered/uncached/ ?
Just seen on the CentOS forums: "I have 3 server machines and i want to run a web hosting service. Unfortunately i have noooooooooooooooo idea how networking works."
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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