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I swear, we should all get some kind of royalties on whatever lovesh is building with all the time we've put in to help him with it.
1 hour later…
@DanatheSane, there are cases where sudo without a password may be appropriate. The question is badly asked though. It should have asked, under what conditions is using sudo with NOPASSWD appropriate.
Wow, the mods must be active tonight. My flags are getting acted upon in mere minutes.
Thanks oh Wielders of Yon Hammers.
1 hour later…
The hell are appclones...?
For you baseball lovers out there (and even you non-baseball lovers)
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Chopper3 hi
I might have been a bit enthusiastic generating a 1GB trace file for the SQL tuning advisor.. its been sitting at 0 % progress for a few minutes now :p
@Chopper3: morning phil
@pauska hi
Q: IIS7 beginner question

AMHI face two problems when try to upload large data , it fail, while uploading small data success I have site be hosted on iis7 , after a while it give time out , I want to cancel the session time, I tried to do that i the web.config file but it failed, I want to increase session time or make i...

@tombull89 hi
Hi. Before you ask, I know next to nothing about IIS.
@tombull89 ok thanks for fast response
user image
Only because I was paged out of blissful sleep....
@Holocryptic Saw that on reddit merely minutes ago.
sigh. When you've got a boat load of clients, it's apparently a given that you'll get woken up almost every night for some type of outage.
@Holocryptic any idea please
Any idea what?
Besides the fact that I was rudely awoken by the company pager after an hour of sleep, no, I also have no idea about your question. And chances are that the probability of finding someone in the chat room at o' dark 30 (US time) is close to 0.
In fact, I'd say that p does = 0
@AMH When you mean you want to cancel the session do you want to log the user out? as that probably would be part of your CMS
@tombull89 now the user after certain time log out ,without do that , I want to cancel that
@Holocryptic OK thanks
the site is for asking questions
@AMH That's probably not an IIS thing.
there are thousands of people there, and 4 people in the chat room
we just chit chat here about random stuff
(my god I wish they could add a header to the chat explaining this to people)
As of today HP's DL980 G7 can go up to 4TB of memory - I was talking to some pals about what the hell you'd use that for - memory-mapped DB was the only thing - can anyone else think what else - even if you used it for virtualisation that's still 24GB+ per VM if you did a thread per VM
@tombull89 I tried to increase it in web.config
We're quickly getting to the point where we'll be saying, "Oh yeah, well, I remember when PCs had 4 GB of RAM! You kids with your 4 PB.. Bah! Get off my lawn!"
@pauska Who's the room owner?
@Chopper3 4x900GB DB VM's or a memcached/sql-in-memory server
@Chopper3 You could probably run Crysis 3?
:) it does have a LOT of PCIe bandwidth so it would be an amazing gaming rig
8 x 800GB enterprise SAS SSDs too
@tombull89 zoredcache, warner, sysadmin1138 and marc gravell (??)
@Chopper3 Not exactly small, is it?
k. I'm going back to bed...
@pauska Ping them, ask them to change it?
see ya in a few
10U, we have one for a splunk server but only with half the CPUs and far less memory
"HP ProLiant - DL980 G7 - 256 GB RAM - 2 GHz - 0 GB HDD £31,388". I though "256MB RAM? That's not much". Then I saw it was on GB, not MB.
that's what we have, 256, couldn't justify more - we get them for much less tbh, really good value if they fit your bill
but that's the last HP model to support the new 32GB dimms, we've got 64GB ones coming late 2012/early 2013 with 128GB ones summer 2014 apparently - imagine, 128GB in a single dimm!!
@Chopper3 what you use them for, virtual hosts?
Also, woah, 128GB is...wow.
no, we just have one big splunk server with a fusionio octal thing, I know you can distribute splunk over lots of machines but it didn't make sense for us to do it that way
fantastic. bought some wireless gear from dell, and I complained to prosupport about not being able to log in to download the latest software
here's the reply: "the reason you can’t use your service tag yet to find your product is because it is so new that it have not yet been updated in our database, it normally take 14 – 31 days."
I sent them a very angry email, and woop - software suddenly uploaded to a file connect share :P
@pauska A whole month to update a database? I don't buy that...
1 hour later…
@Chopper3 high performance computing is an additional use case that makes easy use of 4T of RAM ;)
there are more than enough scientific problems that can consume 4T of RAM
and way more than...
and yes, people buy enterprise/business machines to run that kind of stuff.
such stuff gets even more popular now since you have so many cores today that your per core memory decreases and people code worse than years ago but problem sizes grow
@Chopper3 talking about FusionIO have you ever used this IO Turbine stuff (that FIO recently acquired) ?
@pauska - that's baloney from someone making it up as they speak. Your dell machine had a service tag number in their database before it even had a case
In the above image what is the use of private key?
I believe that the second generated key is to set up in DNS. what about the first generated key
Anybody please help me.
a (visiting) technician has just taken down a secondary core switch for "x" and the primary has just failed. No network connectivity, no wireless, no phones, no idea.
posted on September 05, 2011 by Matt Simmons

I’ve been playing around with RHEL-derivatives, and despite my earlier annoyance, I still think that RHEL is the best enterprise linux available, and that an up-to-date derivative like CentOS or Scientific Linux is the best choice a cost-conscious admin could make. One of the configurations I’m working on is replicated MySQL servers, but to make [...]

@Kars ask on the main site. This is not a support room
@Ben Pilbrow - I posted there also.
@BenPilbrow Yeah, he did. Publishing his private key for all to see.
Heh, great.
@tombull89 - :-) I generated that key for testing purpose only.
Hello all. Do anybody can tell me how to sign outgoing emails with DKIM private key?
yay for StackOverflow?
Q: Sign Emails with Private Key for DKIM with ASP.NET

JoshJeff Atwood has a good post on ways to pass email spam filters in his post at: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2010/04/so-youd-like-to-send-some-email-through-code.html The only issue I have is figuring out a way to sign the email with a private key for DKIM. We use the MailMessage and SmtpClie...

@tombull89 - Thanks! but I don't mean with ASP.NET I mean all emails sent out from my SMTP server.
@tombull89 good luck then :P I remember the same thing happening to me like a year ago. Wanted to remove a cisco FW module from a 6500 but the FWSM had the routing instance on it and the TACACS machine was needed routing to be reached from the sup engine - at 4 in the morning with the guy who would know a local level 15 account couldn't be reached for 1,5 hours :P
posted on September 05, 2011 by Wesley David

According to a recent Infosec Island article titled “The Urban Legend of Multipass Hard Disk Overwrite” something that most of us have taken for fact is in fact, not fact. As IT professionals, we’re often told that data that was previously stored on magnetic media can be extracted even if it’s been overwritten. Methods like magnetic [...]

1 hour later…
I'm slightly in love with vSphere 5's StorageDRS - only really touched on it before but spent a good chunk of today messing with it - it's just lovely
all those new storage things in v5 will be great
vasa is somthing i'm lookig forward to
also the HA is now properly done with master elections and disk quorum
not the joke that it was before 5.0

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