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2:36 AM
does anyone have any recommendations on picking up ideas for best practice & managing DNS ? I'm looking to improve how we do it now but it's not something i've ever needed to touch before (outside of windows anyhow). At the moment we're just a mess of masters, slaves, and recursive servers for domains and sub domains. There's like 17 machines involved in serving a total of ~500 records.
I want to do it better (simpler, cleaner, and more importantly ourselves - currently its farmed off to another team), but i'm not really able to find a good source of wisdom on running such a setup - gotchas, that type of thing.
the only books i can find are 'how' not 'why' really. Books on configuring bind and such.
2:50 AM
17 machines serving only 500 records? you could do that with half of one!
no kidding. by the time we've allowed for geographic redundancy, and masters which control a sub domain (each with their own 2 slaves).... its just a mess. I'm in that awkward position where you smell bullshit but don't know enough on the topic to call it out. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal though. I really want to get this sorted before we ever think about ipv6 though.
we've got 1 machine which goes to 2 others, each to 2 others, 2 of those 4 go to 2 others. then there's 3 more which do one sub zone. I'm meant to be implementing dynamic updates on this lot and then it's 'well, you need to be able to update it here, or here... or maybe here also'.... then there's split horizon to think about and ....ugh.
i get how to configure bind more or less (id rather use powerdns i think), but i'm aware once i rubberstamp this setup and take over ownership of it i'll never get time to fix it due to fire fighting it.
what OS for the servers?
centos 6 on everything.
7 prolly in the next 12 months for 1-2 of them would be nice.
ah... bind. I'm not DNS expert, if I had to architect this out I'd go after availability and geographic reachability, and then attack a DNS configuration that lets it replicate and play nice across them
personally, i'd build new, and move the domains one at a a time
you'd painfully learn how they all work, but then you'd be squarely solid.
at one point i was thinking 'ya know, screw the complexity and replication, just have one static config and use bittorrent sync to replicate it'. then just cookie cutter dns servers as needed off that. But i'm aware of noone doing that, ever - which is probably a bad sign :)
3:06 AM
@Sirex: btsync isn't very enterprisy or neckbeardy
Also, it tends to fail silently in my experience.
1 hour later…
4:16 AM
@JourneymanGeek yeah that was my thinking I guess. I don't mind it being non neckbeardy that's a plus in my book. non enterprise is a little more troublesome. I just wondered if anyone does dns and deals with replication as a separate issue. seems like dns doesn't really need that in the protocol these days. adds tons of complexity for what it gives you.
5 hours later…
9:31 AM
one of these mondays:
bike stolen, work pc of a friend of mine virus infected, some backup not working correctly and a memory leak.. fuck this.
9:43 AM
@DennisNolte Bad start to the week :(
@Dan yep, but another friend of mine pays me back a loan of 1k€ i gave him a few years ago, which is nice.
@DennisNolte Awesome - have you been invited to Slack yet?
10:07 AM
@Dan give me a few min to find out what that is :)
@DennisNolte Post your e-mail :)
(You can delete after)
sorry, no, i do not have access to create my generic ones from here, additionally i do not think i will ever use something like that unless i am forced to.
i like having things seperated.
@DennisNolte I'm confused
Basically, this room has mostly migrated there
You just need an e-mail invite :)
@Dan it did? hmm, lemme check , give me 5min
It's all unofficial of course!
10:21 AM
@Dan obviously :)
Got it, I'll let you know when it's sent :)
oh, yeah
@Dan ok.
10:36 AM
@DennisNolte in the post
@Iain thanks, i will look into it soon.
ok see you there
10:55 AM
Is that it, then?
Server Fault - 30th April 2009 to 31 October 2014?
11:12 AM
It depends what you want out of Serverfault. It'll continue to provide impressions for years I'm sure now that SE appear to have basically given up on quality.

If you want quality interactions with peers and not amateurs then it's probably not performed for some considerable time
3 hours later…
2:33 PM
@tombull89 sf is more than a chat room
the comms room is just where people bitch.
/people bitch/people used to bitch/
no, we still bitch in the comms room on slack
Anyways, SF as a Q&A platform is still good
I check for storage questions
and the once a year they happen, I'll answer them
The Slack channel is less "The Comms Room but on Slack" and more "IT people that like eachother and want to talk about work and life."
I hope that we soon don't mention SF as much on Slack just beacuse I hope the group grows past that.
We're like jilted lovers. Sure we have a period of bitterness looking back, but to truly grow you just have to let it go and find new love.
And with that, I'm out. Someone invite @spacemanspiff, and Spiff if you read this, email me at nonapeptid@gmail.com
1 hour later…
3:57 PM
Does anyone know if I can have multiple VirtualHosts running in Apache on the same subdomain? I.e. I'd like to have it check /var/www first, and if that 404's then fall back on Passenger/rails.
4:10 PM
k, I'll go look into that
Can I have a VirtualHost only apply to a set of paths? Like an "if it's /foo or /bar, do this, otherwise, hand it off to Passenger" ?
2 hours later…
6:23 PM
@Undo <Location>
6:59 PM
@ShaneMadden lonely?
@ewwhite maybe ;)
@ShaneMadden Where did everyone go?
@ewwhite It's a mystery!
@ShaneMadden if you want an invite give me an email or email me @ one of the addresses in my profile
got it
@Iain Thanks!
7:05 PM
7:20 PM
Bot started.
Bot started.
>>help commands
7:37 PM
@Iain Are you a bot now?
can't type :P
>>help commands
@freiheit no I'm playing with something so I can try and make a feed for this to $elsewhere
7:51 PM
Installing Vista atm and I feel a bit like the windows 2000 user.
@Hennes you should join us on slack :)
And yuck. The install screen is ugly. As if the colours bleed from green to blue.
8:05 PM
Ah. Slack is a website. No wonder I could not find the room on SE.
yes, we've all moved there. I need your mail address to be able to invite you as well
got it
Waiting for the mailserver to get it a second time. (it greylists by default)
heh, I sent it as well :)
I do not miss ye old days with (on average) 130 spam emails per day.
But sometimes the grey-listing makes me impatient
1 hour later…
9:12 PM
@superpatosainz Why aren't you on ServerFault anymore. =(
@Wesley d'awww
9:43 PM
@PatoSáinz Apparently no one is on SF anymore.
ah @84104 give me an email address and I'll invite you to slack which is where people are now
or email me - check my SF profile
@Iain What's the worst that could happen?
you talk to yourself here
@PatoSáinz is in school @Wesley, he can't stop in every waking moment like us professionals ya know
@Iain That would make it like everywhere else. It all blurs together.
9:53 PM
Your choice. Unfortunately we can't make slack open you have to have an invite ##
@Iain I think there's been a miscommunication that will be corrected shortly.
indeed :)
@BigHomie indeed. You know that I only come here when I work at the office.
@84104 rip in pieces

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