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Come to think of it, my favorite bookmark is crazy light, but I've never bothered weighing it....
@freiheit nice
Reply from bytes=32 time=1985ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=587ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=1968ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=2457ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=2508ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=2192ms TTL=52
@NathanC to space and back?
Roommates on Netflix
Netflix: the broadband killer
I've been on the phone with F5 for 105 minutes.....
If only it were possible to have two internet connections at the same house, lol
@Magellan Damn. My boss was on the phone with dell for 45 minutes today...he was pissed heh
On that note, I do believe sleep is in order... Zzzz....
@NathanC we used to have that :p
Q: Scalable Multi Server E-mail setup using Linux/Dovecot

cyberboyOne of my clients ask me to set-up a multi server, scalable email system. I can configure multiple servers to send emails. By using PHP Mysql based login script, users will be redirected to each email server with a login cookie. Domain SPF has all those servers so it can send emails without any ...

130 minutes.....
@Magellan I hope they give a happy ending
I mean, F5 is downtown. Just drive over there and holler at them
Heh. He's a nice chap from NZ.
I've only been on the phone for 2:15 -_- Sprint
And finally done at 2.5 hours, 2 different bugs identified and 1 broken AWS network security group policy.
@Magellan did they actually solve the problem?
Well my solar installation is active today
I'm officially off the grid (during daylight hours)
Well, then. Here's something you might find interesting.
@MichaelHampton Impressive
I'd love to be totally self sufficient
Next is going to be a few thousand litre water tank
A 5,000 litre tank looks reasonably simple to install, and with the solar pumping it should be close to free
I could always pump from an underground tank to an above ground tank during the day when the electricity is free and then deplete the above ground tank
hmph, apparently someone has skimmed my bank card.
they should go to jail for the aggregate amount of time people must wait for theirs to be replaced.
since if we're going to have retributive justice, at least it should be poetic.
@MarkHenderson Batteries?
Or cheaper to pay for mains?
@Bob No batteries. They were an extra $10k cost, and council would almost certainly reject an application to install them
Ah. Do you use much power during the day?
I honestly am not sure
Sometimes we use a lot
Sometimes we don't
Right now it was generating 3.7kw and that's enough to take the house entirely off-grid
But nobody was home except me and the installers
Huh. I'd be surprised if we used half that during a normal day.
I have an induction-based AC measuring thingie that came with the solar system which will show me my mains draw or my production, but not both
But the inverter has RS485 ports, so I will look at interfacing with that perhaps
I can always go outside to check the production if I wanted to, but that's kind of inconvenient
@FalconMomot First Tech seems to have that happen often
@RyJones I have no idea where that is.
@FalconMomot Local credit union that seems to need to replace my (nearly unused) ATM card every couple of months due to a skimmer being found
One year of uptime on my server... do I get a cookie or something?
@RyJones ha. this happens to me very rarely.
@NathanOsman Hurray! You win a cookie full of exploits!
@NathanOsman You get a smackdown for not patching
Didn't one of Eds produce sites he took over have an uptime of several years?
@MarkHenderson I've had boxes up for many many years.
Not quite to NetWare levels of uptime
but around 1000 days if I recall
I'm trying to think why the largest uptime device I have would be right now
Other than stupid things like printers
or phone systems
I think the switch in my hobby rack has been up for two years.
@JennyD Heya

Cloud Systems Engineer - New York


Cloudreach’s Systems Engineers work with challenging technical solutions for industry leading clients. We love…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on March 24, 2014

CLOUD Systems Engineer for CLOUD reach
The word "cloud" is on that page 32 times.
That's so devops I just put all my website's static assets on to Dropbox.
Great idea. Poor man's cdn ;p
@Wesley: I think my old router hit about 5-6 years
Damned thing is senile now tho.
good day
And, this makes me feel bad about bitching about wanting to open psts outside outlook...
Q: How do I print 10,500 e-mails and their attachments?

user4167750For some unholy reason I am required by work to print out 10,500 e-mails AND their attachments (which accompany about 70% of the e-mails) through Outlook 2010. I, like you, am appalled at such ridiculous inefficiency and the 55,000 pieces of paper we have estimated this will cost us and the world...

@MarkHenderson: where did I say I never patched anything?
The software is all up to date.
For all you know, I might even be using ksplice :P
@RyJones yeah, they definitely fixed it. was brutal though, and they need far better AWS Support for their virtual edition balancers.
@Magellan glad to hear it
is this useful?
@ewwhite if you have to test 500 ports a day, sure
anything is useful for something
and if it's just to beat the crap out of users
meh, there's better things for the latter
I think it prints switchport, etc.
oh wait.. it doesn't test cables
Holy balls we're finally on MySQL 5.5
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like legal.
Yeah, probably
sounds like they haven't heard of ediscovery
or they are complying fully with the request in an irritating manner
"we are also willing to spend in excess of a 200 Euro on software."
plus "This will take five of us one month"
priorities much?
The point of complying fully with a requesting an irritating manner is to irritate the OTHER guy more than it irritates you.
Printing is relatively easy, reading and searching much less so
although if the other side are organised, they'll just scan them
"value" : "1659 days",
"name" : "uptime",
"environment" : "production",
"certname" : "imapswitch-101.ams4.corp.booking.com"
gotta love puppetdb :)
@Iain it might be easier to acquire the other company, add them to the AD forest, set up a trust and grant them privileges to view your company's mailbox
@JoelESalas you could also just export to PST...
some of german politicians think about dropping the 2nd foreign language, f.e. latin/french in school (after normally english) and instead let the kids learn programming.
another interessting point: one should not economize their private data but instead sell it so that mankind can get better results and nicer products..
ye not gonna happen.
j4i but im quite certain you guys know about it already:
"Presentation: Extreme Privilege Escalation On Windows 8/UEFI Systems"
@DennisNolte you're reading heise I guess :D
@DennisNolte Sounds like a reasonable idea. Least as long as it isn't java. ;p
@JourneymanGeek yeah... academics use java, I think it's a given :(
Java still sucks
Like there was ever any doubt
I guess it was OK, until C#/.NET crushed it ;)
Java has always struck me as the result of someone's bet about whether or not it was possible to produce a language that combined as many disadvantages and as few advantages as possible from other languages.
@RobM because <platform independent> trumps everything else
online banks in norway are finally phasing out Java for the two-factor auth
after that I don't really see any use at all for Java installed on regular client pc's
@MichelZ yep. If only that worked. If only there wasn't so much "platform independent" java that required a specific, insecure, JVM. Or if only devs didn't interpret "platform independent" as "lowest common denominator welcome here" and make java apps that suck just as badly on any platform.
die java, die!!!!
(some starbait.... sorry)
I assumed you were speaking German! "The Java, The!!!!"
@MichelZ obviously.
java is uni, for school back in my days it was (visual)basic + later c++
university did java aswell. so meh.
@tombull89 comeone, not even 5min :(
@DennisNolte okay, while you're at it this one too: serverfault.com/questions/364188/…
@tombull89 done :)
Big sigh
I'm in a weird place on a weird project - no idea what they want from me
Think I'm acting as a secret "second opinion"
@Dan you need more coffee, or less drugs.
jesus what is it with spam today - serverfault.com/questions/638578/…
strange, after restarting the service there seems to be no load anymore. though everything seems to work and nothing is reporting errors...

i know there is something wrong, the server was never so quiet in the last 3 years..
@DennisNolte tumbleweed.local
@ewwhite May I suggest DHCP guard on the switches..
@tombull89 views not found
@tombull89 404 profile not found
Developer: "Could you please give me the root password for DM(Main database server/ main data storage server), I won't do anything just need to configure some things"
@Nick sure, sign here: "i want to cancel my employment with $company, effecting immediately "
Wait... are you working on the same installation you started in March? And there were additional answers to your query in July. Hmm... — ewwhite 15 secs ago
@pauska never assume managed switches :)
@Dan Interesting.
When people dont give NSFW warnings... ughhh
@ewwhite so it's a pretty fast change in infrastructure :)
@Nick where?
@JourneymanGeek reddit...
@ewwhite unmanaged switches with VoIP.. you have the weirdest clients
@pauska It's what happens when people don't ask me things and shady vendors sell stuff.
"sure, we can put this phone|video|security system in... no, you don't need to involve your networking person"
next thing you know, I'm paid 20 hours to fix the result.
@DennisNolte Thank @pauska for answering it. I'm sure the OP will come back for more advice in February.
Anyone familiar with failover clusters and file servers?
I can't see my failover cluster shares when accessing the client access point's IP address, but I can through the DNS address...
Oh...apparently it's by design. -_-
Bleh I'm so hung over today.
@cole after those 2 mondays already, who can say differently.
@Nick NSFW: B=====D
sup @Basil
Man, printers can be such a pain.
I need to give a user permissions to add additional drivers - but I don't want to give him administrator access - I've tried explicit permissions on the printer and the print operators group, neither work.
on his own device, or on a print server?
@cole Blame Microsoft for that one.
@NathanC it's frustrating
@pauska print server.
but only for specific printers.
yeah that won't work.. drivers install to the central driver location, and then you assign the driver to a printer
it's basically a software install.. no idea how you're going to fix that without local admin
maybe you can grant him a user right.. there is one for allowing driver installs
Fucking AIX
there's no maxdepth support on find
@pauska that was my thought - I was thinking Print Operators would be one but no dice on my test account.
so I need to make a bastardized prune command
What's goin on in cheah
sup stranger
Oh, good, Windows people. Anyone seen an issue where a Windows DHCP server saturates its pipe with traffic to
@HopelessN00b Nope, only you.
Yeah, not exactly a surprise. Grr.
I mean, it does send broadcast traffic to that address when it's answering DHCP requests
But...not at a volume to saturate its connection.
Yeah, literally 10 Mbps of traffic to ... I was hoping someone could say "oh yeah, that's [blah]" and I'd be able to avoid installing wireshark on my server. :(
funny when you see people who ask the same question over and over... for MONTHS
@HopelessN00b Sounds like a DoS to me...or a misbehaving client spamming DHCP broadcasts.
@NathanC Yeah, I'm sure I'll want to break my foot off in someone's ass, whatever it ends up being.
Damn users.
@ewwhite how do you find them - that's 2 today
@HopelessN00b On that note, 10 Mbps? What are you using for a LAN, token ring? lol
@Iain I don't know. It's weird... If I had a problem like either of those for 6 months or more, and was being paid by an employer, it's kind of a sign that the OP can't solve problems.
i could ask the same question as i did again myself, with slightly different words to actually show that the issue is not fixed, but shifted and still is not located.
For me at least it is because the problem costs more time than it is worth fixing (and too much other fires to put out )
Well, let's use the ghostscript issue. I outlined the steps I would take to try to solve the issue.
Ghostscript is a complex beast
I had an issue with it that caused it to just...well, not work. Had to change config files for imagemagick to get it working again
@ewwhite don't you have issues you not yet know the actual solution for and are to busy to actually work on because it does not "hurt" anyone other than yourself?
but at a certain point, a google for "kill process older than" would be the right path.
@DennisNolte yeah, then I'd update the original question... I have lots of long-standing bugs/issues to deal with
like the at daemon which crashes at most of my sites...
@ewwhite hmm, guess i should do this once i have time :)
I had to put a Monit check in place to keep it running
@NathanC Some switch from the 90's.
but I dunno... maybe even going to Stack Overflow and asking for teh codez would make sense in the Ghostscript guy's case
@HopelessN00b Jeez, heh. We finally weeded out all of our 10/100 switches when we moved.
@NathanC lucky you, i still have some 100 in actual production, thought a 10Mbps would be enough on that spot, the hardware isn't able to write more than ~2Mb/s anyway.
This is at the site everyone hates, because the management out there are all indescribably cuntly. It would have been replaced years ago if everyone didn't avoid visiting the site like it's a toxic waste dump.
@HopelessN00b where is that ?
On an unrelated note:
Do you guys hate it when some bloggers/journalists/devs/guys mistage Bytes with Bits or write it wrong, saying f.e. i have a 16MBps connection and do X..
Often you can tell from the context, but sometimes you just know he does not know what he speaks of.

Makes the whole point of reading it go: meh,next
@Iain BFE, Kentucky.
Cheers - now I'm non the wiser ;)
The other part of the problem.... who wants to go to rural Kentucky, where the nearest Walmart is almost 50 miles down the interstate?
@HopelessN00b the paranoid ones?
@Iain Yeah, well, if you didn't know better than to avoid the rural South by now, not sure I could do anything to help you. :)
@DennisNolte Nah, that's Montana/Utah/Idaho/etc. Only thing the rural South has to offer is the ability to marry a blood relative.
Q: Installing SCCM Client 2012 failed: "CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004002"

MichaelWe're using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012. And I have issues installing the SCCM Client on a Windows XP Prof SP3 PC. The Log on the XP machine says: Failed to query BITS 2.5 interface with error 0x80004002 ccmsetup 22.10.2014 15:46:34 268 (0x010C) This operating syst...

Windows XP, ew.
@NathanC we should do it the ubuntu way: xp is not supported anymore, upgrade, closed question
isn't that out of support by all means from microsoft?
@RyJones Allegedly. Although they did release a patch after the end of support for one of those big vulns a few months back. That pissed me off.
@RyJones not completely, you can buy support for i think 250k€/year for xp, but i don't know how many licences you get for that. Some part of german government did actually buy extended support.
Guys, we are full of virus.
anyway, enough work for today, until friday, have fun.
w͕̳͈̩̬̮ͧ̋̆̀e͚̤͇̅͂ͬ̃ͭ ̝ͧͤ̀͑͊̾̾̒ǻ̳͉͓̋̉ṟ͛̄͑ͫe̥̘̭͈͐ ͎͇͚̥̼̎̃̿̀̒̈́̄͑f̥̗͕̩̭̼͎̈́ͯ̂̇ͫ̇͐͒u̮̿ͭ̃̉̾ͅl̹̭ͩͭ͛̋̊̾ͧ̊l̩̲̤̜̮̱̖͂̉ͬ̓ͧͯͧͮ ̪̭̰̪͚̦̂̽ͦ͛ͫ́ŏ̹͍ͭ̅̅f̙̝͎͙̑ͪ̐̍̎ͯ ̬̬͈̼̅̚v̼̻͖͉̻̠̯̹͐͛ͫͣ̔ͫ̎̅i̞̳̺̟̝̎r̜̦͙̻̹̖̫̭̒ͪ̾ͣ́̓̏̿u͕̜̙͇͓͇̘̗̣ͣ̈́̓͐̿ͮs̟͍̆ͬ̓ͯ͒̈̚
@tombull89 Computers can get sick, too!
Does this look like a suspicious website? - paloaltofoods.com
@ewwhite Probably because of PaloAlto.
Barracuda is killing it... and I'm trying to understand why.
You know, on account of Palo Alto networks. Why not ask Barracuda?
@ewwhite Looks like a working website to me
@ewwhite looks fine to me
wordpress-based, even
My money would be that Barracuda thinks it's a phishing site for Palo Alto networks. They've always been pretty quick to fix that kind of thing for me.
@HopelessN00b it could be. Kinda interesting
@ChrisS LOL
You CANNOT install Windows XP SP3 without getting infected again. Windows XP is end of life, it does not get any more security updates and it is only a matter of time until you get infected again. — MichelZ 23 secs ago
Ed, We still seam to bi having an issue with locate... this morning I was looking for the file COINVCHK.CSV using locate one of the file has been on the server since 10/20/14 at 4pm on my folder.. Locate found nothing!! I then went to root and ran updatedb and if found three copies. not sure what is going on.. but locate is a Quick and simple way for us to locate files and it has work on every linux server we have used.
I think this customer has a keyboard problem...
@ewwhite Is this the same box that you had issues with the updatedb cron job?
@NathanC yes, it is.
@ewwhite alias locate="find / -name="
or should I set mlocate.cron to run every MINUTE?
@ewwhite Yeah if they want up to the moment accuracy on locate, they need find. Are they implying that they used to get instance updates to locate?
Or are they implying that they should go back to pen and paper
@Wesley no, the old server ran locate or slocate to updatedb daily as well.
alias locate="sudo updatedb && locate" ...does that even work?
recursive alias!
God I love making sweeping changes to production global DNS infrastructure without anyone noticing
@RyanRies I love making sweeping changes to production global DNS infrastructure with everyone noticing. #BOFH
but I should try to fix the broken behavior.
use find.
How is the new job, @Wesley?
@RyanRies I have a question for you if you wouldn't mind
about Windows DNS/Infoblox DNS
@RyanRies Going great. Learning a lot. Most of all, getting paid, which is nice. :P
@Wesley Yes, a stable paycheck will allow you to put up with a lot more than you would otherwise. Funny how that works. ;)
@cole Ok, shoot!
We're trying to move off of our smaller Infobloxes
@RyanRies That moment when you get an error code after conducting said global DNS change
@NathanC Shhhhh don't jinx me
I can do a secondary zone transfer from corp.<company>.com no problem and reverse look up zone from the Infoblox to a Windows Server - I can't however do <company>.com
What do you mean you can't "do" company.com? What are you trying to do to it?
The permissions are all set correctly, and Infoblox says that in the logs they see it successfully initiating the transfer however Windows says it's refused. The logs say: Invalid response from master DNS server at <infoblox> during attempted zone transfer of zone waters.com. Check the DNS server at <infoblox> and ensure that it is authoritative for this zone.
zone transfer?
Trying to do a zone transfer
and all the permissions are set correctly on the zone within Infoblox
Infoblox says it's a Microsoft issue.
SOA record there?
If I'm on the Windows server and I do nslookup -q=soa company.com do I get a response?
So if I do a stubzone - the SOA is there
@cole Tell Infoblox they can suck it.
@Wesley I want to.
Their support sucked.
The more that vendors take sides in a problem that I'm facing, the smarter I get, because I never get more motivation to learn and retain information as I do when I'm setting out to prove someone as being horribly wrong and incompetent.
@Dan sounds like there's talk of me going to Manchester soon.
@cole Your Windows DNS server... is it 2003 or 2008? I seem to remember 2003 trying to use funny high-numbered ports for AXFRs and IXFRs instead of port 53.
ctrl slot=1 create type=ld
   drives=1I:1:1,1I:1:2,1I:1:3,1I:1:5 parityinitializationmethod=rapid
      ctrl slot=1 create type=ld drives=1I:1:1
that's very Powershell-like... minus the capitalizations
@ewwhite Have you disabled SSLv2/SSLv3 on your CAS Exchange servers?
@Jacob no
haven't done anything at all
@ewwhite You know they're vulnerable then right :)
@Jacob calculated risk. I'm not too worried.
@Jacob SSL 2 enabled at all is a scary thought.
@ewwhite Yeah, I'm trying to disable them, but when I do OWA can't reach RPC anymore.
I wish I could leave v3 enabled, but I can't. :(
@Jacob Exchange 2003?
@MichelZ 2010
2010 uses SSL v3?
sure about that?
@MichelZ on IIS 7.5
@MichelZ I have no idea what happened yet
All I know is that as soon as I disabled v3 in IIS, OWA wouldn't connect to RPC
Linux is crazzzzy! - This is a thing?
Can you just start the original process with timeout. — Zoredache 22 mins ago
@ewwhite Yeah, I use timeout in some of my cron jobs... if lockfile -120 -r5 -l14400 -s120 $LOCKFILE ; then if ! timeout 13200 /actual/cron/thing &>> $LOGFILE ; then echo alert about failure; fi ; rm -f $LOCKFILE; else echo alert about lock timeout; fi
timeout is in coreutils on RHEL
very cool.
I still average 2-3 new Linux things a week
I'm still learning CLI basics...
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# sh CP020194.scexe
CP020194.scexe: line 92: .: CPINIT: file not found
Internal error cannot continue.  See log for details
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# chmod +x !$
chmod +x CP020194.scexe
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# ./!$
Is CP020194.scexe a binary?
What is the first line in CP020194.scexe?
@ewwhite BTW, if you want me to do some puppet things for you, you totally have to tell me what they are. :)

#  (C) Copyright 2001, 2002, 2005-2007 HPDC                  #
it unpacks a binary firmware payload
scexe's are fun
I have a generic scexe extracter somewhere.
though I think all of them support the --unpack argument
@DennisKaarsemaker the disk firmware scexe's can't be executed with sh anymore
and need libstdc++.i686
well, fuckem :)
time to reverse engineer those.
hence me changing them to +x and running that way
@ewwhite linky?
4 mins ago, by ewwhite
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# sh CP020194.scexe
CP020194.scexe: line 92: .: CPINIT: file not found
Internal error cannot continue.  See log for details
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# chmod +x !$
chmod +x CP020194.scexe
[root@PMS_LXC ~]# ./!$
I mean, link to the firmware. I can't be arsed to navigate HP's webmaze
@RyanRies 2008 R2
Also, this is non-AD Integrated DNS.
@ewwhite do you need the .ham file?
@DennisKaarsemaker oh, I run the script. I never need to extract these
dennis@spirit:/tmp$ tail -n +373 CP020194.scexe | tar zt
@ewwhite it looks like commit 60ea57b on 2009-12-16 added older-than etc to killall
@Iain Yes, this has been around awhile... Interesting. - gitorious.org/baserock-morphs/psmisc/commit/…
So that's in the Fedora 12 era...
I wonder why it never made it to RHEL.
EL6 is off F12/13 and that change falls between them
it was a dark period in RHEL-land. I was working at a trading firm that needed specific kernel bits from Fedora 12, and we ended up having to deploy it into production
and it's 2014, and they're still on Fedora 12 because they couldn't get off.
Bah, I was asked for something when I got off lunch, but I can't remember what it was.
I hate when that happens >.>
@NathanC I have a standing "write it down, or I won't remember" policy. Has the nifty perk of making many smaller, stupid or inarticulate-able requests evaporate before they even get to me.
@ewwhite I hate it when I can't get off.
@HopelessN00b Yeah, didn't help that he was asking me about something when I was in the middle of stuffing my face with foods
I really should start leaving my office space when i go on lunch
@Wesley There's a NSFW solution to that.
@ewwhite From your gimp mask experiences, I take it? :P
@ewwhite I need the kitty version. I'm not into inter species stuff.
This is why we don't want t get known for RPis serverfault.com/questions/638843/…
Q: Are RaspberryPi's ever on topic for ServerFault?

WesleyI'm seeing more questions to do with RaspberryPi boards. This latest one set me off: Why can't I stream more than 1 file using nginx? Is there a belief that RaspberryPis can be used in a professional capacity that would justify their inclusion on ServerFault? How should we handle questions that ...

I was shocked and appalled at there being any support for Raspies.
@NathanC Oh, and the DHCP problem was some Windows PC making ~200 DHCP requests per second. I see something new, mind-boggling and painful every day around here.
Okay fine I'll buy a bike -- STOP RUSHING ME!!!Wesley Jun 23 '13 at 0:54
@HopelessN00b That'll do it.
@Wesley I can see RPis being used in a professional context from time to time... but at the same time, they're $25 a piece. Don't support/troubleshoot them, replace them the instant something goes wrong.
Using something for business doesn't make it a business platform any more than putting on a doctors coat makes you a doctor. — Wesley Jul 9 '13 at 3:18
Heh, I'm working on a RasPi solution to power a couple TVs to display stuff and things
Much cheaper than dumping $200+ on a small form factor PC
@NathanC It was creating a magnification DoS, actually, because the network gear was picking up the funky requests and forwarding it onto the server, along with the original request which made it there on its own.
So yes, you could use it in a business environment, but it would be just like putting a Windows 2000 domain controller in a business environment. Totally possibly, just not recommended or supported. =)
they can be literally mounted to the back of the TV and wireless, so the only "wires" are power/hdmi
@NathanC I've considered making some digital signage stuff with raspies
@HopelessN00b Damn. I bet it would've slowly eaten a gigabit pipe given enough time
@DennisKaarsemaker I bought a bike (frame).
@Wesley I'm testing something called "Concerto" ...it was designed for schools and such at first, but it works with the Pi
since it's all javascript-driven
@Wesley you never finished?
8 mins ago, by Wesley
@ewwhite I hate it when I can't get off.
@Wesley I disagree. I'd rather use RPis for shit like our PLCs (programmable logic controllers), bulletin board screens, line label printer computers, etc. In manufacturing, you have a lot of need for computers that typically get filled by a very underutilized small form factor PC crammed somewhere it doesn't really fit.
@HopelessN00b This. We were testing them for controlling saw stops (to control the length of a given cut)
@HopelessN00b Right, but it's shit hardware with shit distributions and shitty support. E.g. every Windows XP box in production right now. :P
but they don't like the power fluctuations all that much...
It's just a dev board.
It's a teaching aid
that's what Pis were designed for
@Wesley I had a working "thin" client setup on it...just simply booted an RDP client.
Wait, shit hardware, shit distributions... looks at front page Maybe RaspberryPis are on topic here.
I mean, when normal thin clients like Wyse terminals go for $200+ a pop, a Pi with minimal work is pretty nice
@Wesley Right, so exactly like the shit we have in place now, only much smaller, much easier to standardize on, and much easier to get budgetary approval for to replace. :)
Got tonnes of semi-broken/semi-functional PCs attached to manufacturing equipment because the cheap-ass bosses don't want to spend $400 for a new small form PC.
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