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Time synchronisation is hard :(
There's three different times in that photo
You'd think it would be easy
Also: none of them are correct, the "correct" time at that time was 11:14
Thanks for reminding me to double-check our s- ahfuck it's running slow now
The phone and the desktop are now all synchronised to the correct time
The remote server is still drifting back into place
What do you think this is?
@ewwhite Sattelite link?
yeah... maybe some policy.
it's from 2002
also saw the subnet defined as
and that seemed wrong
A little help with this one, please. Provides no details but says this. “The question is simple, you either know about the issue or you don't. ” serverfault.com/questions/638193/…
...dammit Oracle, I don't want a freakin' account just to download Java6
You don't really want to download Java 6...
@MichaelHampton It's not gonna leave this VM.
Best I can do.
Are they running their webserver on an RPi? Sure feels like it.
Whatever the fuck that is.
garbage, to be sure.
Ok, done. Time to purge the VM.
@Bob With holy water.
But it being sun, everything was 'java'
Even gnome
4 hours later…
G'day Iain
good morning weirdos
Morning sysadmins
@Nick that's basically the same as I said
@MichelZ yup, same meaning, different wording
spam/non-english question
Q: Corliss Institute Group Review: Hvad er et bolig program for dem, der ønsker uafhængighed?

Elbert GalyeanPå et bestemt tidspunkt i en persons liv opnår en person en levelof kompetence og uafhængighed i social, økonomisk eller følelsesmæssig vilkår. De fleste mennesker bosætte sig i et familie liv med den nødvendige beskæftigelse forbindelse og socialt netværk, der giver mulighed for mere vækst i all...

@tombull89 unleash the downvotes!
bah, cloning RDS servers are so fucked up
now I have to do this..
Q: Old HP thin clients cannot connect to Windows 2008 R2 RDS server

ewwhiteI'm in the middle of a migration from an old virtualized Windows 2003 Terminal Server to a 2008 R2 RDS host. The environment is a mix of several generations of HP thin clients, as well as some Axel hardware terminals. The first batch of users migrated well, but as we encountered people with olde...

@tombull89 danish spam about housing. nice.
Huh interesting, gmail accepts email from non authenticated servers even when I have a SPF record
socialt netværk no guesses for what that is in english.
waiting for DNS to propagate, ... and swearing at my past self for setting the TTL so high
@Nick with "-all" ?
@pauska yup had it set to ~all at the beginning, set it to -all like an hour ago and its still accepting emails
@Nick probably cached in DNS then
@pauska propably the TTL was 1000 ill wait for it a bit more till it updates
@pauska Wait... wait ... wait... "Received-SPF: fail" ... it failed, but it still accepted it, wtf?
@Nick ask google :D
should we have to change Someone's IP address???Either A's or B's — testing 2 mins ago
just say: YES
@faker that question is wrong in so many ways
it's like going to cooking.stackexchange.com and asking which microwave meal is best
@tombull89 Apparently ME didn't exist
I'm going to be trained on how to use our Defibrillator friday...Battlefield 4 has taught me all you need to do is rub them together and go "TZZT"
Q: Postfix - receiving many "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"

DanielI once set up my server using this guide (or a very similar one) But from time to time I have days or weeks of flooding "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" to my inbox. Oh and I am using catch-all mail forward on my domains. This is an example from the mail: Reporting-MTA: dns; blah.blah.m...

answer: stop sending spam :)
so, what do you guys do with outdated/shitty software that doesn't have a uninstall program? package it yourself? how?
to uninstall it? I'l probably chuck CCleaner at it and see what happens.
no, to install it
and upgrade it
and uninstall it..
I've used Cameyo for applcation packaging before, works quite well.
not sure if you can make a .msi of the package though, maybe in the Pro version.
@pauska add-remove plus is a good software which tracks the changes in filesystem/registry for all i remember, though it has been a few years since i used it.
meh, i assumed you need to find out what was changed first.
@DennisNolte and this generates a MSI that you can install unattended?
@pauska no, its for the changes only.
so if you have software x and do not know where the fuck it installs itself into
you can track it with the above mentioned.
based on the google results i get the software is dead anyway
only cnet and other craplinks
Yeah, we're not talking about the same thing
What I want is a MSI studio that monitors a installation, then outputs it into a proper MSI file that you can deploy unattended etc..
I think I've found one
there's a few MSI makers around - NSIS and advancedinstaller.com come to mind
Ah, wait, yes, Cameyo will do it. You capture the machine, install the software, do a post-capture and then Cameyo will either make a portable/virtuliased application, or make a .msi.
@pauska There's a lot that will do this, but be warned it's not a simple task
And the ones that make it simple will copy a load of shite
@Dan manually installing software on 140 clients is not very easy either, so anything will be better to be honest..
@pauska When you say manual install, is it some shitty installer? Can't do it silently?
@Dan Shitty installers without unattend/silent, and many of them require manual work after the install (replacing a binary file with a patched one, registering DLL's etc)
the world of shitty, shitty financial software..
Ouch :(
one of them requires you to launch the software as administrator for the first time, to register a ton of dll files
so much easier than just providing a proper installer that does it for you
@pauska: Easy, give your users admin access :D
do we have a "memes of SF"
not officially. Not even TomTom's phone could handle the database backend for that (see what I did there?)
Seriously, you mean like the "many memes of meta" post on stack overflow meta? Don't think so but perhaps we should. If nothing else it would be a great way to get a post full of pictures of my little pony and industrial-size barrels of lube into the interesting questions sidebar...
Like the main site, please keep meta safe for work.
Yeah, I saw there was a memes of meta on SO. I also thought it wasn't a good idea to have the 50 gallon drum on MSF...that's more of a chat meme.
Haha, no I wouldn't. Hardly a day goes by that I don't have cause to beat some developer over the head with an RFC. — Michael Hampton ♦ 17 secs ago
@MichaelHampton This is why I have the RFCs etched onto Tungsten plates. When I smack someone upside the head with an RFC, they really feel it.
Sigh, I hate bluetooth. Can't get my headset to pair with my desktop.
@cole Ohhai. Another day in paradise?
@NathanC you know it
hehehe junior guy just shut down our VPN server instead of a to-be-decommissioned VM
@faker Whoops.
Now it's taunting me...if I unplug the bluetooth dongle and plug it back in, my headset says "PC Connected" like it's going to work, then says "PC disconnected" and I can't connect to it anymore. :(
@faker Oops
@NathanC linux? if so : "hciconfig hciX down && hciconfig hciX up " should make it responsive again
hello all
@Basil sup
how comes i suddenly have started to see really old threads popping up, don't people read dates no more!
spam, probably.
@ColdT Like what?
Q: How do you add a Windows environment variable without rebooting?

Chad Braun-DuinThis is probably an easy answer, but I have never been able to find it by googling. I simply would like to add an Environment variable to a Windows machine (desktop or server) and be able to use it without rebooting that machine. Say you have a production server which hosts a variety of apps an...

some guy responded to it recently
but i've seen one too many, is there no 'archive/lock' function?
@DennisNolte Nah, Windows. It's very finicky with bluetooth stuff. It's probably the crappy drivers for this dongle.
@ColdT New users trying to find a place.
@ColdT Protected.
not to be like everyone else who complains, but the questions here... geeez
Q: HexEditor what to change

Dave m.My company got infected by the citadel virus (Botnet) and now we want to bulletproof our system against such Bulls**t. we want to understand how the attack has be done therefor we have a working version of citadel Malware builder wich is protected. now i found this helpfull manual: http://www.x...

@ewwhite no words to that question!
@HopelessN00b thanks, might need 'Ultra Protection'!
@ColdT Have you consider Durex?
@NathanC good luck :) i only mess with BT + linux daily, so i rather not even have to do that on windows aswell.
@ewwhite I want to ask about whether or not the Windows engineers who came up with CredSSP were drunk a the time. ... Might actually improve the question quality, lately.
@HopelessN00b :(
@Dan lol i'll let you answer that one
I seriously think, the site should consider big bold red writing to new users stating not to respond to 2yr+ questions and repeat the same [bleeping] answer as below!
Q: HexEditor what to change

Dave m............................................................................ Solved!

Alright, let's delete this stupid shit, then. And the user responsible for it.
@HopelessN00b haha that is done an dusted then!
@HopelessN00b inb4 user ragequit
I'm really conflicted about this WAN optimization question. It makes me want to smack people.
and then wonder how they end up with these technical problems...
and I think this should be a close reason.
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 — Hamed JML Mar 12 '13 at 7:46
@ewwhite Yeah, when the singularity comes, I'm seriously thinking I'll end up on the side of the machines trying to wipe out humanity.
@ewwhite I think the real problem there is that he's trying to accommodate developers who are doing it wrong.
@MichaelHampton very much so
the scope of the problem changed CONSIDERABLY via edits and as I asked for more info.
and that just pisses me off
qoute "very thin WAN link - 400 Mbps"
ye fuck, very thin.. i would kill for that much upload.
@DennisNolte no kidding. I think our main site has 20 Mbps... or something piddly like that.
@DennisNolte 10/10 here ...400 Mbps upload would be glorius for ...reasons.
Hell, if we had 100 Mbps, I'd be financially independent within a year. :)
@HopelessN00b 100/12 here, while we cannot use more than ~30Mbps because of the stupid slow CPU in the router we have :(
posted on October 20, 2014 by Scott Pack

This is the third in a multi-part series where I explore the process of transforming an existing Graylog install into a resilient and scalable multi-site installation. Start here for Part 1. Previously we built our servers and reconfigured ElasticSearch. Next up is to build out the new Graylog2 and Graylog2-Web servers themselves. Graylog2 Server Build Software Install Since I sized an

@DennisNolte lol!
@MichaelHampton but I'm right... it's a people problem, right?
@ewwhite Very much so
why do they NEED to rsync compiled code around the world?
Because developers.
and why is it being done from desktops
@ewwhite vpn anyone?, get a decent version system..
Because stupid developers?
they have an MPLS and a ton of bandwidth...
but in the end, the OP shouldn't be the one to solve this...
since he couldn't form a proper question with relevant info
QoS is the answer to this..
hell, chuck BitTorrent Sync at them and be done with it.
that stuff happens when people without tech skills get blinded by devs without actually sysadmin knowledge and earn a lot of VC and waste it on stuff like a 400Mbps connection.. for something they could do with 10/10 most likely..
@pauska completely
@DennisNolte hundreds of developers.
@ewwhite Honestly, it strikes me as a problem that shouldn't be solved. This is obviously some massive multi-national ... and their code is rsynced around the world from developer desktops? Beyond saving, let it die.
why do devs know so little about computers?
@MichelZ because they don't care
@pauska not quite, if they saturate the downlink QOS won't help you on your end of the line.
when you're talking that scale, there was to be a network engineer... somewhere?
@MichelZ because they don't have to know.
Devs are a hot commodity
I disagree
@DennisNolte MPLS consists of routers on either side, this is a QoS problem....
devs should not need to know in my opinion, thats what their manager is for.
I think the more the dev knows about it - the better he can do his job
@pauska oh ok, i did not care enough to actually read it closely :)
@ewwhite There probably is a network engineer, and a sysadmin team... who are being ignored, because the developers would rather rsync their crappy code to the consultants in India.
@HopelessN00b that makes sense
or not
the devs should actually already BE indians
@MichelZ Of course. But good developers aren't a hot commodity... the dumbass MBAs want similarly myopic and moronic developers to push out crappy code as fast as the marketing department can pawn it off on some poor -sucker/customer.
Grrr... just paid the IRS
(yes, I filed my taxes 6 months late)
Nothing like paying taxes to make me feel the seductive allure of anarchy, lemme tell ya.
@HopelessN00b hmm, i would gladly pay taxes if they use them for beneficial stuff, like education, and not on stupid wars or to spy on us..
Government running education? Nobody will ever learn anything!
@DennisNolte I'm already glad if there's something left after deducting all the corruption :)
@HopelessN00b I feel empty
@DennisNolte Pie-in-the-sky dream, like an honest politician, or an accountable government, or unicorns.
@MichaelHampton Doesn't the government run education now? ... Oh I see what you did there.
@MichaelHampton What is this about?
Q: configuration to use gps time with no internet connection

wenzulI use ntp with a GPS device with PPS on port /dev/ttyS0. All seems to be fine if the machine is connected to the internet. Output looks correct. But if there is no internet connection I get: $ ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ================...

@HopelessN00b hmm, an honest accountable politician riding an unicorn eating flying pie
@ewwhite Don't ask me, I get my time from the Internet.
Doesn't it beg for more information?
@MichaelHampton i guess he has a local stratum source which ntp does not recognise.
like... why are you doing this?
@DennisNolte but GPS?
@MichelZ Assuming he know what he's talking about.... not sure he does.
I mean, that's how I learn... it'd be cool to know that it was for an embedded device solution for XYZ...
I mean I get it if you have a plutonium filled watch.. but a GPS?
"Why are you trying to get time from a GPS source?"
Seems obvious to me.
this quickly turned into a trainwreck..
Yes, nothing of interest there. Just this: Remote Desktop Virtualization Host successfully orchestrated the virtual machine named REMOTEAPP-2. Virtual machine name: REMOTEAPP-2 Fully qualified domain name=REMOTEAPP-2.london.XXXXX.com IP address= — user3848640 28 mins ago
100% win?
A: Problem with paper size when printing

Nicolas MardonesUntick "Scale content for A4 or 8.5x11" paper sizes". Work flawlessly. 100% win

@MichelZ GPS time sources exist, actually. Not sure what the advantage over a local device is, but I remember when I started out, and quality local devices weren't readily available, one of the datacenters I worked at used a satellite link on the roof as the time source.
NSFW: Found this while looking for bike leathers:

@HopelessN00b I think @RobM has a GPS time device?
@Dan add a gimp mask, and we're all good to go!
@Dan "looks at url" huh looks okay open in new tab "looks at page title" nope nope nope
@ewwhite I have one with your name on it
@ewwhite It has your picture, too
We has 2 @HopelessN00b@dan
was the StackExchange referral link on that?
I remember when I was searching for layers/masks for use with the Gimp image program...
@ewwhite :|
Googling "gimp mask" was not good at all!
@ewwhite Depends what you're after!
actually crying with laughter right now
@tombull89 Oh yeah, sorry, I deliberately changed the URL when I sent the link to my mate who is after leathers with the titles of "Special offer on Dainese leathers" :D
He's at work too, but as my best mate, did not get a NSFW warning
@RobM Was yours in response to issues you'd seen?
Consultant setup a service account is AD as HTTP/<servername>.company.com
That's the actual AD account, that doesn't seem right to me? I could be wrong but wasn't sure if anyone knows if that'll break things.
Reads more as an SPN than user name. You can't have a / in a user name.
@dan time server? Yes, we have some services here that are especially obsessive about not just time sync but correct time.
"EDIT: I will use it for accurate astronomical pointing. Mostly there is a internet connection availible. But sometimes I have no connection and also want a accurate time."
see, doesn't that add more color and context to the question?
@HopelessN00b - I'm not sure a single poorly timed answer constitutes a train wreck...lol
An hour into a "Master Class Video" and I've yet to actually learn anything new apart from some interesting bits of trivia. Clearly knew more than I thought
Can you guys get to chifg.com ?
@ewwhite Yes.
@ewwhite Yes, it wants me to log in
hmm, must be a Mac DNS problem here
As above
(flushes cache)
yeah, my DC
@ewwhite I....what? :D
I'm at a cafe and my Mac latched onto 3 wifi networks before I fired up my 4G card.
Interesting thing, though... Comcast, the major cable modem broadband provider here in the US, has a metro wifi solution.
to the best of my knowledge, it leverages the set-top boxes that people use for television to be the backbone of their metro wifi
so your DVR is basically a public access point
@ewwhite Yep, that's how it works. My neighbor has one.
i believe you can opt-out
but is that clever design/??
Yeah, you can turn it off. But they already limit the bandwidth guests can use on it
does it separate traffic though?
yes, traffic is separate
interesting idea
@tombull89 Yeah, it's separated traffic, same as running a guest SSID
need quite a high density I guess
so nearly everywhere I go in Chicago, I have free wifi
@tombull89 BT does similar with their OpenZone stuff, though it relies on normal internet connectivity
@ewwhite we have similiar in germany, our cable company does the same. some telcos do it aswell.
@MichaelHampton Thug
@DennisNolte Well, I was surprised by it... My wife explained it to me over dinner a few weeks ago.
@ewwhite Ha. I explained it to you in here a few months ago!
and then she asked me to hand over my sysadmin card.
@MichaelHampton 4-10 hours .. where i stay 10+ hours i have a fuckin cable!
its the narrow mindset we get when dealing with this shit all day..
makes one forget or ignore the marketing speech and see right through it ..
Sometimes overlooking "nice" features.
@MichaelHampton Did you buy the physical kit?
@MichaelHampton Just the freebie?
@Dan It's just code!
@MichaelHampton Yeah, I was looking at the physical thing they do
@Dan I was thinking of making it into an Android app
@MichaelHampton Please do, because I'm far too lazy to fire up a Linux VM for this :D
@MichaelHampton Its already happening here
@Dan Heh, OK, but I'm sure it will eat battery for lunch
Just a windows version would do :D
Windows? Never touch the stuff.
And if I ever did seriously try to use Visual Stupido for anything, I'd have to turn in my sysadmin card. Or go on a killing spree.
@MichaelHampton Awww
@MichaelHampton Why? Visual Studio is superb
@Dan Because then I'd be a developer.
@MichaelHampton I don't think I'll ever cross that line!
This question appears to be off-topic because it is now a trainwreck. — HopelessN00b 1 hour ago
@HopelessN00b What's wrong with this question?
Is everyone busy today?
@ewwhite Well... it's Monday... sooo
@ewwhite Nope, though I am watching some techy vids
I should be recording a vid of my own, but not feeling it
@Wesley you know me... my excitement occurs over the weekend
Wife's company didn't put fuel in their diesel generator...
and the power company accidentally cut power.
@ewwhite Sucks to be them.
so I was piecing together their Exchange information store and fixing linux filesystems through the evening
@MichaelHampton Just that it's turned into a trainwreck, with morons and other assorted jackasses contributing their method for changing the paper size in Excel. 4 low quality answers since January, compounding the fact that the question and existing answers weren't that great to begin with, 4 years ago.
Crossfit. Not even once. youtube.com/watch?v=T74Xek-pDLM
I feel like there are a lot of parallelisms between StackOverflow and Crossfit. Mostly that there are a lot of people doing weighty things in incredibly wrong ways that ultimately cause them and everyone around them to suffer in pain.
And then there's the comment saying it'll never get an accepted answer:
The problem existed 3 years ago. So it is too late. :) But your answer might help others. We don't have the printer any more. — Raffael Luthiger Mar 27 at 9:31
This question is no longer answerable. If you have a similar problem, please ask a new question. — Michael Hampton ♦ 17 secs ago
Heh...I was actually a little shocked nobody jumped on this one already:
Q: Scan through USB connected printer on Print Server

DTI-MattI have two printers, a Lexmark laser printer, and a Canon colour printer/scanner. They are both hooked up via USB to my Print Server. They are set up in Print Management and shared as \\PS1\Lexmark and \\PS1\Canon. When the client computers use the Canon printer via print server, they are not se...

Maybe I'm not the only one that rarely ventures into the bounty questions.
Product recommendation, DIY SAN, ancient hypervisor, ancient hardware... this question needs to be nuked form orbit. — HopelessN00b 19 secs ago
@Wesley ...ouch.
I rarely venture into Windows questions.
@Wesley The pullups would be the easier part.
@TheCleaner I saw that, but more headache than it's worth. I can see the back and forth with the OP about how he's sure it must be possible and he knows a guy who did it once like I need another hole in my head.
@TheCleaner Rotator cuffs are overrated anyway.
Q: Beer freezing after being opened

Dan BI am watching the Stoke vs Swansea, and to be honest, it's pretty boring. So much so, that I've started to wonder why it is that my beer has turned into a slushy after being taken out of the freezer. I bought it this morning, it wasn't very cold, so just before the game I put it in the freezer ...

@cole It probably does not break stuff, but it's an SPN, and not a service account :D
@Wesley sup, wanker?
@MichelZ My face.
@MichaelHampton Of course, the not accepted answer is actually the correct one...
@Wesley true. I tried years ago to figure out kipping but it was brutal on me for some reason. So I stick with plain dead hangs.
@MichaelHampton And now I really want a beer
Meh, I'm holding out for a pill or injection I can take to build muscle mass and trim fat in my sleep.Exercise and sweat and... effort ... are just not my scene anymore.
My work here is done!
@HopelessN00b I wouldn't mind if working out was more consistent - did a 7 miler yesterday. I'm helping Jane build her mileage so we went slow, but it was like running in treacle. I got back and my legs were killing. Still are, really.
Grrr...Synology, why do you have such wonky permissions? sigh
@MichaelHampton his question appears to be off-topic because it uses the term "super-PC" in a non-ironic context.
That whole question looks amazing
I'd always wondered what recursive fail looks like. Now I know.
I kind of want to comment, but, well, I just can't be bothered with the inevitable conversation that will follow where he just wants a magic solution to his insane idea
@Dan He has MSSQL on the box, so I'll just blame that and move on.
MSSQL's memory management is like the bully in a sandbox.
I'm choosing to believe he's trolling. And y'all fell for it.
@NathanC Well, if he did anything else right, sure... but the whole thing's just insane.
Can anyone decrypt what he's doing with Hyper-V
running the whole thing as a VM for portability?
Oh yeah, he is, I see now
Q: Do I have to give my mailing address to create a certificate?

Jeremy SteinSo, ICANN seems to require a mailing address for my domain, but my registrar (like many others) offers to proxy the mail to me to provide privacy. However, when I want to create an SSL certificate, that also requires a mailing address. What's the most common and acceptable way to keep my physic...

I mean, we have a terminal server with >30 users on it (2003r2) with a whole 8GB of RAM allocated to it, and it works just fine.
@Dan Rather than running Remote Desktop Services, he's running entire OSes per user.
> Why hyper-V?...Because of HW scalability and easy work(I can not be IT admin all the time) : In emergency I just copy the VHD file to different machine, and whole Windows with all users data and programms are on better hardware...I found this as most flexible solution....maybe there are diferent/better ways? ..I just dont want to do clean isntall and users-transfer every 1-2years, Our target way of work is Google cloud anyway....
Granted, all the users have access to is our ERP software and not a full desktop, but still.
@MichaelHampton Oh, my understanding is he has a 2008R2 VM running RDS, that's sitting on a 2008 box running HV
@NathanC So many variables, though
@Dan I might be confused. I stopped reading after the third WTF escaped my lips.
@MichaelHampton SUPER POWER PC
@MichaelHampton I don't think so... It reads like he's got everything and everyone on one OS, which he set up as a virtual OS, so he can just copy the virtual harddrive file to a new computer when his existing one catches fire and explodes.
"I want to create one single super-server for all users so everybody will work on the same machine, and share the great power"
...okay, I'm done with that question.
@HopelessN00b Oh god, I'm not sure which is worse.
@MichaelHampton Well, what you described is VDI which is a grand solution if specced right
I can see a use case for 1:1 virtualisation, but I'd love to know how he's specced the VM in terms of vCPU and RAM
He's also using an old-gen server (and 32 GB of RAM, really?)
4x 2TB disks, too. That's not going to give great performance - no way are they high speed SAS
Sorry, I don't have any more WTFs to give.
It's Q's like this where I wish I could PM the OP with a quote
@Dan Half of me thinks that.... and the other half thinks that if that's how it's setup now, there's probably not enough money in the world to unfuck it as is, nevermind the fact that everything else is probably setup in a similarly painful and mind-boggling fashion.
@HopelessN00b I was thinking more of a "2 hours, I'll take a look and tell you how badly you fucked up and here's the bill"
I'm sad to say that our VM hosts are SATA-backed, too
Yeah, bill for 2 hours, but determining that you need to nuke from orbit and start over would take about 7 seconds.
and running ~10 VMs apiece
But...the workload fits the spec. Most of the servers are idle 99% of the time and performance is where it should be (aside from network share speed, but I'm addressing that one)
No way I'd recommend SATA for a VDI-like setup
@NathanC That's pretty nasty mate
@HopelessN00b Obviously - I'm a consultant, not a charity!
@Dan Yeah, I didn't get to spec them...lol. We're budgeted for another server next year, and I'm pushing SAS drives.
@NathanC Or shared storage
We don't even use half the capacity of our current host disk space...and we have shared storage now.
When I first started, they had one host with no shared storage.
It's slow going with the money being a trickle rather than "hey, this infra needs work, give us moolah"
We're ditching vmware for hyper-v next year...I used that as leverage to get my MCSA exams covered by the company. :P
@NathanC Skills :D
Fark. Does anyone know of a way to block inheritance of a single inherited GPO in a child OU? Basically, create a child OU, which inherits all of the GPOs from its parent OUs, except for the fucking software restriction policy GPO?
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