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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

In the last 3 months my site had 1 pageview from an IE6 browser, probably a red herring.
Also interesting, 55% Chrome, 28% Firefox, 8% Safari, and 6% IE.
WTF is a Camino 2.1.2?
Hrm, looks like some ancient Mac software
@ChrisS Yeah, I remember using it at some point. I think it was basically the Mozilla/FF renderer with better OSX integration than anything but Safari had at the time. Quite thoroughly defunct now.
@faker That's a question I've asked internally in the form of a change proposal for disabling SSLv3. With some supporting data bout our actual SSLv3 connections. (approx 0.1%, and looking at the user-agent strings, I'm not convinced very much is actually from browsers that don't support TLSv1)
@freiheit for us it was easier. We only use SSL for logged in actions which only a small percentage of our users use anyway. We just turned it off.
Here's a good one... Client is procaccibrothers.com - Their internal AD domain is pbscorp.com
@faker The data I gathered was from our single-signon server. We primarily only use SSL for logged-in actions, too, but as a university we have a lot of logged-in activity. In fact, a huge percentage of the activity on our main campus web cluster is going to the front page and then clicking the "login" button.
We're trying to get an SSL cert...
and the client doesn't own pbscorp.com
@ewwhite whois says it's for sale!
yes, for $3k
(but, seriously, why is it so hard to just use a fucking subdomain for your AD domain? ad.procaccibrothers.com, perhaps?)
I use ad.domainname.com
we're a .local ;.;
it'd be a royal pain in the ass to switch, so I'm stuck with it (was like that when I started...and when my boss started...)
we're actually a .com
we are .$companyname and I hate who did that
@faker java programmer probably
@ChrisS got your image linking thing if you want it :P
@RyJones it was a sysadmin consultant with very limited view into the future
company just got bought by $corp? Let's take .$company as the TLD in the new datacenter!
so now $corp migrates all their stuff into .$company
which is just as confusing as it sounds
Q: Full resolution option for embedded pictures?

TheCleanerMaybe this has already been addressed. I searched around here but maybe I'm searching for the wrong keywords. I'd like to see a built in "click through" option that would automatically open an embedded picture that ends up on http://i.stack.imgur.com. Currently, high resolution pictures end up...

@Bob How do I know that doesn't random links to goatse?
@ChrisS oooh, good idea!
in all seriousness, either trust me or browse the source yourself
be pretty hard to hide a goatse in there
well if we're being serious, I already installed it and do trust you that much
@Bob It's hard to hide a random goatse, but that last line basically looks like shellshock. ;)
i work some with some serious nerds
Q: How to mitigate POODLE but keep SSLv3 support for old clients

cypresHow do I mitigate the POODLE attack, but still keep support for old clients such as IE6 on Windows XP or an e-mail client. I've noticed that google does this: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=mail.google.com I'm using nginx and openssl. In addition I want to keep Forward Secrecy...

Not bad.
This day is dragging
@freiheit hm, there's an idea.
now you have me wondering if there's any browser that dumps JS through bash :P
@ChrisS lemme know if it breaks; I didn't exactly put a lot of effort into testing it
incidentally, Firefox debugging tools and Greasemonkey apparently don't mix
I don't get why people are throwing so many downvotes on these questions about mitigating POODLE.. can anyone enlighten me?
I honestly don't understand it either...
it's because the poodle problem has been answered lots and lots of times...
@NathanC Fuck. Can we just let IE6 die already?
Seems like a perfectly reasonable query but got an instant downvote: serverfault.com/questions/637872/…
Collected 9 downvotes pre-edit: serverfault.com/revisions/637605/1
@MichaelHampton Is there a petition? Where do i signup?
If it's a dupe, then close it as a dupe. Dupes aren't bad questions just because they're already answered..
@ShaneMadden That seems like a silly question, unless you were last on the Internet in 2000.
@MichaelHampton How so?
@cole So's my face.
@Wesley well ok
@ShaneMadden No, it was even at +2/-2 when I edited it. It got to +2/-7 at one point, and now it's at +9/-9
@ShaneMadden It would be very difficult to run a web server and not be aware of TLS.
@ChrisS Ahh yeah you're right.. also collected 3 close votes after the edit, heh.
Well one of those close votes predated the edit... The other two were after.
@ShaneMadden That seems like a borderline LMGTFY question, so I would have probably moved along with no down vote at best, and down voted / VTC'd if I was feeling grumpy.
@MichaelHampton screw China... I think the Great Firewall blocked my site anyway. =]
@ChrisS And India. Aside from those two countries there is no significant use of IE6.
@ChrisS Looking at timeline, all 3 after - first two were minimal understanding then the off-topic
Must have been right after I edited it then....
That compound question: "Will this disable HTTPS on our website completely?" <-- That to me appears to be just downright silly.
"What clients rely on SSLv3 still, should be be concerned about supporting them?" That seems too broad, with the exception of mentioning IE 6. The real answer is "Depends." What apps rely on your SSL web app?
I dunno, that question just seemed like zero effort was put into it. The edit didn't even help it much.
I didn't even think there would be a debate on why that was down voted / VTC'd.
The straightest answer in there is a stackexchange site. And not this one.
@ShaneMadden Okay well POODLE kinda screwed the results in the last few days. Now the returns blow.
It requires understanding of the actual protocol versions to reason through that.
How much do we need to cater to people who are administering something they don't understand?
@MichaelHampton Remember, thoughts.
@MichaelHampton Catering to them and allowing the questions are different things. People are downvoting and closing on the basis of "I think you should know that to have that job".
I neither downvoted nor closed it. :)
@MichaelHampton Talking about the community as a whole, not you :)
The irony is, Ask Ubuntu came up with a much better Q&A for POODLE than I've seen anywhere on SF.
@ShaneMadden So yes I was a down voter and VTCer on that. Reasoning: "You didn't do due diligence to make a question within the guidelines of this site."
It appeared to me to be one step above "Give to me codez."
Perhaps I need a refresher on what the purpose of ServerFault is. To me the appropriate question is not "Will disabling SSLv3 shut down all SSL/TLS apps" but rather "I've learned about SSL/TLS and realized it shouldn't cause problems to disable SSLv3 and leave TLS available, and yet I'm seeing XYZ errors, and ABC client troubles. This is not expected and I don't know why it's happened."
@MichaelHampton Yup, which is why I'm scratching my head as to why people here other than one brand new user aren't trying to actually put together some good answers on that.. because it's too easy to read the vulnerability announcements then extrapolate what that means for specific software and deployments based on good working knowledge of the history and versions of socket encryption protocols..?
@Wesley Right, but I've worked with plenty of people I'd consider competent that would have a hard time making the leap from "people say I should turn off SSLv3?" to "let me learn about the versions of SSL and TLS" to "I need to do X to mitigate this in software Y"
@ShaneMadden ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm just a dick.
@Wesley you need a belly rub
I really do need to refresh myself on ServerFault's mission statement / whatever-it's-called-now
@Wesley Heh, fair enough. Doesn't look like you're one of the close voters on what I'm looking at so you can still go VTC that if you want ;)
I think I'm going off of five year old info and never bothered to really sink into the latest FAQ.
@RyJones I could use a 5 minute scalp massage right about now.
This dog is priceless: youtube.com/watch?v=89bcFDlP5rw
@MichaelHampton @ChrisS @Bob is the man! Thank you for the userscript!!!
Yep - have to agree
A: Full resolution option for embedded pictures?

BobAs an interim measure, I've written a userscript that makes images link to their original/full sizes. You can install the current version from here. Currently tested on Firefox/Greasemonkey. It should work on Chrome, but I've lost track on the current way to install userscripts there.

Props and upvotes here ^
@RyJones The problem with those is that I when I had one, a spider moved into the handle and it could never be used again. ever.
Say... any of the Windows folks around ever have to query hundreds of computers remotely to determine if they have a system reserved partition? Or... how would you go about that?
(Windows 7, so no easy Get-Partition cmdlet.)
at least the Kindle version is slightly cheaper than the print version
@RyJones good read?
@cole I'll let you know Monday
@RyJones 5 stars on Amazon
@attrc, New Orleans
@Volatility Core developer, @Blackhatevents DFIR trainer, The Art Of Memory Forensics Co-Author, @BSidesNola Co-Organizer, interested in #dfir & #infosec
8.2k tweets, 11.3k followers, following 5.3k users
The author is active on twitter
So, the author's a twit? ... Twitterer?
"You can’t identify gender with IP… DHCP prevents that. IP’s are recycled." - all righty, enough internet for today.
@faker wat
If gender could be identified by IP - mine would be in IPv6 - doesn't make sense to most, only the ones that are smart enough to get it.
dont get it
I was reading a pornhub blogpost about differences in search behaviour (for science!) and that was in the comments
@faker jesus.
Well, he's not wrong. Because IPs are dynamically assigned, and change, you can't identify the gender of a NIC by IP alone. You'd need to get the MAC and ask/query the manufacturer.
@RyJones Holy cow you can read that in a weekend? I must just suck.
@faker Let's just take a step back and look at this:
"I was reading a pornhub blogpost"
I was reading a pornhub blogpost
I followed a link from Reddit -- I swear!
You might be the first person on earth to notice that pornhub has a blog, @faker.
one of this days one guy comes to SF asking for porn... after that I don't doubt anything anymore...
@ThoriumBR I can has porn?
one guy had his site redirect guests to a porn site, and a guy asks "send me the nudes"
@HopelessN00b this is a new theory on how mac address works. people seems obsessed with macs today. maybe they fear they will be identified as a man posing as girl on CoD?
@faker reddit.com/r/nsfw or something like that, I suppose...
Heh. There's a much easier way to identify men posing as women on CoD... the fact that no actual women play CoD.
@ThoriumBR /r/dataisbeautiful actually
@faker cool, it's on the frontpage...
I don't think the proxy will like if I click on that link...
see! I wasn't lying!
it's one of my favorite subreddits just after /r/devopsgonewild
@HopelessN00b I'm sure that's not true, but none of them admit to being female because that's the fast path to being harassed...
$200/month free VPS / storage \o/
what should i make
@freiheit Yeah, I imagine that's true. Don't play CoD myself... or generally congregate in places where the most used "word" is "niggerfag."
I couldn't even get my wife to play kinect sports with me... and ended up selling my xbox 360...
@ThoriumBR Divorce her. It's the only solution.
no, I love her, she cooks amazingly well, and she cares a lot about me. she even lets me play Dota2 until 3am and does not get mad... this downside is negligible.
@ThoriumBR I've got my mind in the gutter now because I legit read that first line as "she cocks amazingly well"
While cleaning up someone else mess... #sysadmin #fail #linux #unix #servers http://t.co/HP1XLg6gsW
@ewwhite What's so bad about that, by the way? Other than being weird and unconventional?
@HopelessN00b It doesn't do what you might expect, for starters.
@MichaelHampton Well... what would you expect it to do?
...and is it actually bad/problematic... or just... kinda pointless?
@HopelessN00b It's pointless and very likely bad. You can use all of those "accounts" to log in, but they are all UID 0 so they are all logged in as root, regardless.
So, you can't tell who did what, which is usually what the point of that is.
Oh, they are UID 0? Yeah, that's bad.
Oh, duh... the screenshot even shows the UID. And home directory. Nevermind me... I must be sober again. I'll have to fix that right quick.
That stuff just makes me feel better about starting two more new exchange deployments.
I used to be a Linux admin, didn't I?
And I used to have rep points. And people would mark SF answers.
My crutch, mdmarra, is on vacation, so I have to do ugly AD stuff on my own.
is a crutch like a beard?
can you fools see this?
My friend was grading a test...
@ewwhite 100% clearly
@ewwhite 'Murica
@ewwhite hallelujah
I once did something similar on a maths test. I didnt know the answers, I didnt kno whow to get to the answers, so I wrote an essay in the answer space about how fucking stupid this test was because in real life you'd just hire a surveyor to do all this crap for you
@MarkHenderson And then you died.
Behold, the #devop in his natural habitat:
@RyJones hi
@Jacob salut
@RyJones you said Renton is shit - yes?
@cole Yes
@cole I did. Perhaps that's an overbroad brush to paint the city with, but I wouldn't live there
unless I had a job there, then I'd live there
@RyJones @Jacob yeah most of the apartments are cheaper...but look....less appealing.
@Jacob how far are you from the office?
@cole 2 miles.
@Jacob oh not bad
I'm the closest one here by far
2br is a bit too pricey for us
You can easily drive or take transit
@cole 2br?
Yes, my girlfriend is coming with.
and our three cats.
@cole It's not my place, but 1 br won't work?
@Jacob Impressive, the rent on that 2BR apartment (that's smaller than my 2br/2ba) is over twice what I'm paying now
we discussed and agreed that it would be better to get a 2br so i can have an office
@RyJones Are you in seattle?
@Jacob Nope, Kirkland
@RyJones how bad is the commute from Kirkland?
Seattle still seems much cheaper than Boston
@cole bad
@cole 20 minutes
@RyJones oh that's not bad.
@Jacob you have no practical experience with this commute.
@RyJones I've seen the traffic...
Kirkland seems pretty much and very reasonable.
I'll yield
Well I used to commute to north of Boston, can't be that bad :)
@cole You can find cheaper stuff in West Seattle (than what I linked you too, where I live)
The counter commute (live in Seattle, work on the Eastside) would be fucking miserable and I would not do it
@Jacob those apartments are quite pricey
@cole New building nice perks
They seem very nice
I'm sure, once they toll the I90 bridge, the 520 bridge will suck and everything will even out
@cole: @Jacob gets gigabit internet living there.
Well dang.
I'd rather pay much less and get a 2br lol.
@cole Yeah, I mean I'm the only resident so I turned the dinning area into my office
do not live in snohomish county and expect a reasonable commute
oh wait, that's miscategorized listing
it's nowhere near Snohomish
@cole You could look at burien
Overheard: "Your cells keep growing dude...they continuously grow dude:"
Less nice though
there's a great sushi joint near that apartment
@RyJones South Kirkland - nice?
I think $1431 is reasonable for a 2br w/ W/D in unit
@cole all of Kirkland is pretty nice. Kingsgate is a little declasse.
It's interesting -
Most of the apartments I look at, even the "bad" ones aren't bad compared to Boston lol
@cole Call mgmt at my building, they want those units occupied. Might give you a better price.
@Jacob they'd have to cut the price down $600-$700/month lol
$1500 is our cap
@RyJones TBH, you'd be in good company if you commute a long distance. Just note that parking is limited at the office
If you can take transit it is a good option
@cole you're going to have a commute for a $1500 2br
@RyJones that's fine.
My girlfriend doesn't have a career or anything. Mostly retail background so she doesn't make enough for us to spend $1700+ on an apartment
@RyJones He could go to Everett, and live cheep
@Jacob also true. Marysville is nice and an easy commute on a motorcycle
@cole You should do pretty well out here...
@RyJones From EVT, I'd take the rail.
I think overall it's going to be better for me
I do that drive to get to the DC way too often.
It's kind of a fresh start but I already know people out there
Hell, I worked with people at Microsoft that commuted every day from Olympia. They lived
I used to commute from Franklin, MA to Waltham, MA
@cole I meant money wise :)
You should be able to afford what you want on one salary
@Jacob yeah I wonder how the position will line up with what I currently make
that was my old commute
@cole did you quit?
@RyJones I haven't worked at NetApp in over two years
@Jacob I make almost $90K
@cole no state income tax out here, don't forget that
@RyJones interesting.
@cole 90k should easily get you a 2br appt in the city
@cole sales tax and property tax are higher, of course
@Jacob I have debt :)
@Jacob that's living on Broadway money
core of cap hill
Which is my my apartment is only $725/month
@cole That much?
@Jacob student loans and surgery costs, yes
I paid for surgery out of pocket
@cole Ouch
After everything was said and done that was about $10K
@cole That shouldn't be that bad?
@Jacob it is.
I have credit card debt too, and student loans (~$48K)
Car payment
@cole That should only be ~500/mth in payments
@Jacob all my bills right now is about $3K
@cole Dude
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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