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Zephyr Pellerin
Chat works exceptionally well on android
Zephyr Pellerin
That's A bonus
Zephyr Pellerin
You could almost say its been designed for android :3
Joe Philllips
Frank's Red Hot. I put that ---- on everything
:3524 cool; good to know
Server Fault Community, we need your ideas; chat.serverfault.com/rooms/31/pick-a-meme
4 hours later…
gblah. You'd think a company of Apples size had a system for managing volume licenses. It's a maze of google searching and reseller requests just to get quicktime pro vol licences.
2 hours later…
anybody around for a quick question on ESXi?
@Ben ... maybe ...
cool - i have a server on my desk with a laptop connected to it running vsphere
i want to transfer a file from laptop to a virtual machine but i can't see how :/
Umm... just like you would if it wasn't a virtual machine?
For instance if they are both windows ... just use \\machine\c$
no that's not working
Can then ping each other?
no but you know what, i think that's just provoked a thought!
esxi has IP and guest VMs are 10.x
duh :/
If it is bridged that should really matter I don' think
You just need to put the laptop in the same 10.x network
If you are using nat you will probably have to do it from the laptop
ERrr.. from the VM rather
So from the vm \\laptop\c$
Chris S
Yeah it doesn't matter if the host and VMs are on the same subnet; but your laptop and the VM have to be on the same subnet.
cheers guys, i'll give it a go
esxi isn't really my thing - it's only a one off demo, so i'm probably doing it all wrong anyway :)
Well for networking it is really as if it the host is also a switch if you use bridged networking
Or a switch and router/nat device if you chose nat
Hi guys, I have a question... why can't a VPN user from home use the same subnet as the location he is connecting to?
How would the computer know where to send packets?
There might be hackish ways that it will work thouhg
I generally try to build company's networks on something unlikely to be used
i.e. or something
Never or 192.168.0/1.0/24
when you say "how would the computer know where to send packets" - is this because the computer wouldn't be able to differentiate between its local network and the VPN connection?
Right, think in terms of the routing table
And if you are not comfortable with routing tables, start there
I think I'm fairly comfortable with them
if I was, I probably wouldn't be asking this question though :o
So directly connected routes have priority
If you are home network is you will have an entry for that
So it will just use arp / layer2
I bet there is some clever hack that allows for this thouhg
aha I think I get it
So if someone was to connect on the same subnet... what would happen?
The router would just ignore the VPN side?
Not really sure, if anything the host would ignore the VPN side
alright thanks :)
rarp is also layer 2 right
yes it is :)
@emtunc: CCNA / Network+ ?
I'm preparing for the ICND1 exam next saturday... I've gone through a lot of stuff but I'm not sure if I'm ready yet
Never went for any certs myself
full on experience?
Started to study for CCNA but ended up with a Job doing fairly advanced (or at least CCNP) stuff so just never got around to it
Cisco ones are good I think though
So more power to you :-)
So you learnt most of it on the job
Ya, or just books/labs
Setting up some dynamips/gns labs is a great way to learn
When you set it up and doesn't work you ask yourself
And then get a better handle on the layers
I agree
I use something called cisco packet tracer
have you used it?
Nope, heard of it thouhg
its a lab simulator sort of thing. I've been thinking of getting some real switches/routers from eBay but there's so many
@emtunc: Takes most a good amount of time to get good at networking so don't feel bad. Really important skill though. For interviews networking is kind of the only "universal" thing you can quiz people on
In my not-so-humble opinion
IMHO is a little pet peeve of mine since people using it are generally not being humble
haha yer
so are you on a network admin sort of role
or more sys-admin side?
I would say I was more of a Network/Unix with some Windows experience but now I have to increase my windows skills
I also need to start to get some DBA skills
what do you think about MS certs? useless?
Don't really know much about them
Coding Gorilla
@emtunc IMHO (and yes I'm very humble :P) they're useless, 95% of the people I've met that have the certs couldn't tell the difference between the AD and a phone directory
hah... I was thinking of either taking MS certs of Network +
but I jumped straight on to the Cisco ones
and it's very hard indeed
well... not hard... just a lot to take in
Coding Gorilla
Cisco certs are a lot more valuable I think
Coding Gorilla
MS certs just got too watered down, everyone and their brother ran out to take the tests but really didn't understand what they were doing
Cisco certs expire after 3 years too so you can't really blag it
and the pass rate is way too high
CCIE doesn't have the highest pass rate I don't think
I've heard more people than not need a couple cracks at it
From what I know: Most people fail their exams before getting it right
yay... power down all the servers and the websites still came back up after :-)
Does anyone have any idea why my Exchange server suddenly removed a user from the global address list? The account isnt disabled, and the checkmark to hide from adress lists is not checked. The user can even recieve/send mail normally through exchange.
Er, wait, I'm using cached mode. updates OAB
User still gone from GAL. Hrm.
Hey guys I just read, that copilot relies on VNC is there an opensource project which basically replicates their software? I'd figure their should be some..
:3706 Is CCIE the one where you're stuck in a lab for like 8 hours?
Ya, you have to likely fly there and stuff
I've heard there's only one center in europe - Brussels
I'd hate to fail that :/
@KyleBrandt how does licensing work in these cases.. I know you can download and install the app without any issues, but they say on the website "you have to provide your own IOS/IPS/PIX/ASA/JunOS" (?). So, you'd need to have smartnet for every IOS device you own and would like to test with?
@l0c0b0x: No Comment
If you have a valid contact though you can get IOS images from the Cisco website
However the have a scheme now where you need to enable certain features which is new that I don't know about
I think as of version 15 if I am not mistaken
... you mean, if you have someone who has smartnet for the particular device OS you'd like to test with, right? (IOS/PIX/ASA)
Don't know "smartnet" ?
SmartNet is a support agreement wich includes software updates
Oh is that what the call TAC and general support?
also gives you the 'privilege' of downloading updates, fixes, and/or tools from the Cisco website... but only if you pay that yearly tax (If I'm mistaken, please let me know)
Chris S
:3694 I strongly disagree that MS Certs are useless; perhaps the older test were too easy, but not these days. There are also different levels of certification and tests, and blanket dismissing them as useless is just ignorant.
Chris S
:3729 TAC includes support for configuring the devices. Smartnet only includes updates and support for specific functionality (ie bugs).
I used TAC a bunch and honestly they didn't help most of the time
Chris S
(As I understand it... I think Cisco purposely confuses people so they'll pay more for support they don't really need)
Gahhhhh! I've raised the event log level for the OAB generator to "Expert" now, and I can see that it generates an OAB entry for the new employee, but he's still hidden from the global adress list. I've tried manually downloading the OAB, restarting outlook a dozen times, bleeehrg
Chris S
The user isn't set to hidden in AD?
How do you hide a user account in AD?
Or do you mean in the Exchange extensions for ADUC?
@ChrisS: nope, fresh user (and I tripple checked it)
@Izzy: The "hide from address list" extension
Chris S
:3740 Yeah, what pauska said.
fair enough - thought you were on about vanilla ADUC, which would entail some dicking around with perms, which would be nasssssty
Chris S
I've had issues like that before; but I always just waited a day and it resolved itself.
@KyleBrandt: Unexpected maintenance?
@ChrisS: Weird, the user shows up in the global address list in OWA. Maybe I'll just start drinking beer and wait until monday.
Error at query 1: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ÿþ"
LINE 1: ÿþ-
what dose mean by this error in postgresql when i'm uploading a Master_XXX.sql file
Wow - great planning here: serverfault.com/questions/182249/…
@sysadmin1138 You're never going to sell hex based IP addresses as "not too scary" :)
@Izzy, you are right of course, but the sarcastic comment probably won't be all that helpful.
It probably does deserve to be closed though..
It really doesn't have anything to do with system administration...
Sarcasm is the body's natural defence against stupid
So... the easter egg thing. Is that for within Chat? Or on the main sites?
easter egg?
that's for chat
@Zoredache Sticky starred, top item
the status tags are the joke for chat.meta (although they still work here -- but we'll turn that off)
Zephyr Pellerin
I posted this idea for super user, and people seem to like it:
> how about this: When the message matches /^how (?:can|do) I (.+)\?/i, a talking paper clip appears with a speech bubble saying "It looks like you're trying to \1. Do you want some help?" and a link to SU
so -- find something sysadminish!
That's cool
How about an auto LMGTFY pop-up
matched on mod_rewrite
not that it comes up that often on chat I guess
@Izzy Oh I know, I know. But non-hex addresses can be used at first to take some of the dread off.
:3796 try to post a LMGTFY link :)
AWWW! No fun
pwnd :)
it follows the tinyurl, determines it's lmgtfy, and then changes it? bums
It's a buzzkill, that's what it is!
Chris S
:3809 I know where they're coming from, not allowing LMGTFY, but some of those questions seriously deserve it.
@ChrisS Yeah, I know where they're coming from too
It's just the RTFM meme in 2010
but still, not very professional
Anyone can help me setup a svn server ? I got trouble setting up the permission for the folder
probably, but there are so many different ways to setup svn and different platforms. You will need to be more specific about your enviroment.
It's running under CentOS
Have you searched SF, and if there were no results, asked a question?
I got no clue of what I am doing wrong atm :/
As Izzy, mentioned there are a large number of existing questions that cover subversion setup.
You haven't provided us enough background yet for us yet either.
this is what I have followed so far
you have reviewed all the docs ?
The problem I have atm, is that when I connect with a user I get Access Forbiden
This reminds me of someone's rant yesterday about wanting a bullet-point list of what to do, rather than just reading the docs and learning the product
Zephyr Pellerin
Chris S
:3837 ::sigh:: - yeah, had one of those this morning... Sometimes people really need to just hire someone who knows what they're doing instead of spending 100 hours try to figure it out.
I do sometimes wish I was like that Dr Reid from Criminal Minds though, able to read 20,000 words a minute
That would make a lot of things easier. I wouldn't be so far behind on my Economists.
Zephyr Pellerin
Only two big names to know in Economics
Zephyr Pellerin
Friedman / Keyes
Zephyr Pellerin
Zephyr Pellerin
In all seriousness, alot of economics just boils down to the two schools of thoughts
Ayep, if you want to keep it abstract. The Economist is a dense magazine, and I just don't have time to give it justice.
Zephyr Pellerin
Ah, you meant the magazine
Zephyr Pellerin
Not the field of study :)
Zephyr Pellerin
But yep, you're right
So anyone able to tell what language and server setup they used to get the most requests per-second?
My top on a C2Q Q8200 4GB box with the highlevel PHP script was about 900 rps for a normal 10 file script with simple DB access.
I've seen a couple c/c++ http servers out there and I'd love to see the speed they could through
have you used something like xdebug to profile your application to see what the slowest portion of the script is?
Oh, ya. But even xdebug has problems with low ms benchmarks
xDebug also slows your system down somewhat so you have to be careful
But it's certainly good for finding slow spots
Filesystem checks and queries are usually the main problems.
you don't run xdebug on a production system or doing a benchmark. You run it to profile. If for example you find that DB access consumes 80% of your run time you may need to improve your database..
Any httperf masters around?
I am unworthy of their attention.
Coding Gorilla
Is there something goofy going on with the editors on the SE pages (like the comments/answer editors), seems like text/code I used to type just fine is not working anymore
Can you be more specific? There is a known issue with Chrome with the quote/code blocks.
@CodingGorilla: I haven't heard anything. You might try flushing the browser cache etc and see if it keeps happening
Oh, code/quote blocks don't work in chrome? I use Ubuntu Chrome and XP Chrome and it works fine.
Coding Gorilla
I'm usng Firefox 3.[whatever], like I typed   and it was eaten by the page, I hade to put the ticks around it
Maybe they fixed it.. There where some problems with the Chrome 6
Q: Blockquote glitch in editor in Chrome 6 and 7

Dan Tao Please star this ticket rchern helpfully created to help have the bug addressed: Issue 56095: Markdown behavior since v6 branch Well, I would just bump up this question with an edit, but my meta rep isn't high enough. So I'm posting this as a new question. Here's the problem: in the ...

I'm hope SO opens a chat, then again, with the amount of traffic they receive it could turn into a nightmare. Perhaps they should add a 200rep join limit.
:3878 They will be
> However, stackoverflow.com will be the last site to get chat because its immense volume presents the hardest challenge.
no doubt
And chat crashed today, so I don't think they're ready for SO chat yet :-)
Hey, that never stopped twitter
This is true
we're pretty sure that it wasn't chat's fault -- just sayin' :)
LOL. I was so sad when I say that chatty catty!
2 hours later…
> (Jeff wants me to put pictures in my blog posts. This is my dog Taco. Taco has a bucket!)
That's great
Taco has a bucket.
> Newton South High School instead of Newton North
I LOVE IT! I used to go to Countryside Elementary and worked for the City of Newton's ITC department
so awesome
WHo went to NNHS, Joel?
I pulled cable in Newton North
Q: Automatic warranty scanner?

brianicusI'm looking for something that runs on either Windows or Linux that will automatically query devices on my network (specifically the HP and Dell servers), determine their serial number, look that serial up against the manufacturer's site to determine warranty expiration status, and have it genera...

The perfect time to use the idiom "Do you want the moon on a stick too?"
"There’s an even longer list of things that really belong on the new Programmers Stack Exchange, which appears to be degrading into fairly stupid water-cooler nonsense, and could benefit from an infusion of more meaty subjects,"
@Izzy Yep, if we had snark-tags, [moon-on-a-stick] would be the one for that.
@sysadmin i wish the worst-question-ever tag hasn't dissappeared
:3926 I remember tagging a question that way once
oh yea ... it was something like "My internet isn't working, what is wrong and when will it be back up" in broken english
@Zypher, speadking about the internet not working. Our internets where just down! Whats wrong, and when will it be back up? :p
@sysadmin1138, did you guys loose you Internet connection as well?
Ayep. K20 issue. Telecom just briefed us.
Ours hit about the time the blog-post hit this chatroom.
:3931 You have good memory my friend, lol
I hate blackboard, yes I do.
@l0c0b0x only occationally ... stuff like that sticks for no good reason :)
Jeff Leyser
Nice profile pic, Zypher. I think I've worked in that Data Center.
short story we had to swap in about 30U worth of equipment into 2 full racks w/o downtime
Jeff Leyser
How many in "we"?
so all wires got run out to a crash cart in the middle of the DC isle that the servers were sitting on
me and my boss at the time :)
Jeff Leyser
Yeesh. Hard work
hell yea
about 2 weeks of 15 hour days (including the setup of the vmware enviroment and testing)
Jeff Leyser
Of course, you got so much overtime pay + comp time it was worth it, I'm sure. :/
good one
ahh well ... i got em back ... gave my two weeks notice last tuesday ... they had been promising a backup for me for 8 months and it still hadn't happened
Jeff Leyser
Got something else lined up?
yes i do ... very sweet gig
Jeff Leyser
ohh yea ... kinda wish i was starting this monday instead of next ... i'm ready for the new challenges :)
Cool company?
Very cool, can't say who it is till I start though - personal superstition
Right on. Congratulations on the opportunity.
thanks man :) unfortunatly this does mean i won't be out in westbelt anytime soon :)
Oh shoot, that's right.. TP.
I bet you're ecstatic. ;)
LOL oh hell yea
Definitely a shame in that regard, I was looking forward to meeting you. Nevertheless, I'm certain that the opportunity will present itself another time in the future.
oh yea ... i do still go out that way a couple of times a year, one of my close friends lives in akron ... i just can't get there free anymore
Phillies gametime ... have a good weekend all
Hrm.... how do I debug a sftp connection that is intermittently dieing... Does anyone know if the newest version of wireshark, has the ability to decode sftp assuming I can get a hold of the keys on all sides?
older (2007-8) maillists seems to indicate that it is not supported...

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