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This is absurd, right?
You contact the guy asking him for his approval, he doesn't bother replying so you try again and he doesn't bother replying
So you do something and then he gets super shitty about it and demands that you apologise in public and change the name of your project so that it doesn't contain "standard" or "markdown" in the name
@MarkHenderson yes, he's a dick
@RyJones So its not just me thinking that then
John Gruber has burned off any respect I had for him. Not like he cared, but he could have been a lot easier to work with.
Fuck John Gruber.
My favorite part is complaining about the use of the name markdown being a violation of the license. The software license, on the original perl implementation, which I'm pretty sure isn't in use in the new project.
@RyJones You've had other dealings with him?
@MarkHenderson Less said the better.
@MarkHenderson Pity they didn't tell John to sit on a poisoned spear. Repeatedly.
On a related note, my boss spent 10 minutes dancing around the problem he thought we were having facilitating a DDoS because he didn't know what Akamai was. <sigh>
@HopelessN00b nice. "I'm under a sustained assault on port 53 by clients all over the world. the IP addresses then connect on port 80 for some length of time. what is going on?!"
@RyJones More or less. Except it was 10 minutes of "OMG, check out the traffic reports on our monitoring system!!!" "What about them?" "OMG, here they are!!!" "So what?" "OMG, here's a slightly different copy."
@HopelessN00b strange
It seems to be his thing. Does that all the time. Instead of just saying foo, he'll dance around foo for 15 minutes until he thinks he's going to get thrown out a window if he doesn't get to the point already...
It's amazing the shit you can come to accept as normal.
so start asking pointed questions earlier. "What exactly is the problem you see here? What exactly do you want me to do about it?"
Clearly you have too much patience, and need to throw him out of a window sooner.
pre-mark a window and let him know what you're doing. "This is the exact window I'm throwing you out of if you don't stop looking at our monitoring system"
(And there's more.)
@MichaelHampton On a related note, I really need to find myself a job that pays enough for it to be worth throwing bad bosses out an 8th story window.
@HopelessN00b you only need to do it once
I dunno. If I want to stay out of jail, I think I'd have to avoid taking credit. Might need to do it a few times to establish a pattern about what type of dumbassery is liable to get someone defenestrated to death.
I don't understand this...
A: nice sudo or sudo nice?

ThoriumBRThere's a difference, a crucial one. If you want to decrease the process' priority, the order does not matter. On the other hand, if you want to increase it, you must put sudo before nice. Since you are running the command as a normal user (otherwise you would not bother with sudo at all), you ...

+83 ?!?
It happens...
You said, "you win"
what do you mean?
@ewwhite uh wow
@ewwhite He dramatically outscored me since I hadn't mentioned the raising priority thing.
I can't even imagine a situation where I'd need to use sudo and nice together...
and if I were, it would be sudo nice command
@ewwhite one of my co-workers will do whatever in linux, and if it doesn't work, he'll add sudo as an incantation
@ewwhite pretty much
It's weird to see which questions get traction
My old boss sent a long missive detailing what he thinks is wrong with serverfault and stackoverflow
We aren't personal shoppers?
@ewwhite that's nice for him
No... more of... I still stand by my earlier assertion that the stack exchange sites were awesome at short form question and answers "what command line option do I give x to produce y" "how do I change the color of a button in language z" but they have always sucked at longer form. It's designed as question/answer and they hate question/discuss nuanced answer, they just weren't built for that or focused on that.
Then he brought up Google Answers...
and Honestly, why shouldn't people who answer questions on serverfault get paid?
Pretty much. And like it or not, doing IT well is usually a longer form answer, whether you're in IT-Ops, or writing code.
At breakfast today, my wife was like, "aside from job opportunities, what have you gotten out of spending FIVE years on ServerFault?"
Umm, Server Fault chat?
@ewwhite give her a gold star for perceptiveness
I didn't have a good answer...
I was sad that reaching my goal would come at a time where its meaning would be so devalued.
@ewwhite what was the goal? five years?
I mean, I have three months and nine years on you
holy shit I'm wearing the hat, shirt, and blue badge lanyard in my profile photo.
@ewwhite "aside from job opportunities" <--- pretty big aside, there. At least for most of us mere mortals.
@RyJones oh, the goal...
Yeah, but @ewwhite makes more than all the rest of us combined.
My neard is more luxurious though
@ewwhite well, you beat him.
@RyJones naw, not yet
few more weeks
@RyJones Not yet, actually. At least, not on ServerFault.
I fear that SF won't be as valuable for job stuff as it once was
Let me know when you pass Greg Hewgill
this opened up a lot of opportunities for me...
@ewwhite Yeah, it already isn't. Give it a little more time and it'll be just another Experts Exchange.
yet, many jobs are posted here
but they're not getting filled by SF regulars
that's the difference
I've gotten 4 jobs through Careers.SE
I think, based on your comment, it should be called Jobs.SE since nobody is making a career out of anything
IT has shifted dramatically and we're all trying to cope?
it has shifted
wanna see something from the people at my old cloud firm?
I was involved in the sale of some high-end server gear to them
"We are having some difficulties with the Disk Enclosure we leased not too long ago... THREE of the (25) 600Gb SAS drives come up as bad. We think it is the disks themselves because when we swapped in other disks they did not show up as bad."
351  Smart Array P420i in Embedded Slot CACHE STATUS PROBLEM DETECTED: The cache on this controller has a problem. To prevent data loss, configuration changes to this controller are not allowed. Please replace the cache to be able to continue to configure this controller.
"We have replaced the controller twice now and still get the same message."
So I told them two things... "You have 3 bad disks... shit happens"
and "I don't know where you're getting replacement cache modules. Call HP."
That's maybe one standard deviation
@MichaelHampton It's Logicworks... everything that touched their data centers seemed to just fall over.
And.. isn't the cache module an item that plugs into the controller?
even $30k HP server solutions.
@ewwhite Oh, right, so it's that guy with the static electricity
the cache module is just a plug-in part. But they had a high failure rate in the default 2Gb capacity. I replace them with 1Gb on systems I put into production since they fail less. Someone like @chopper3 would be able to speak about reliability at scale, but this was my workaround
@MichaelHampton something like that... or the datacenter carpeting or whatever...
My thought was that they tried to use a new controller with the old cache module
@ewwhite seems strange. density too high on the 2Gb modules, leading to overheating?
but these people are paid engineers... and they couldn't troubleshoot this... with HP support contracts and everything
@ewwhite Yeah, you should have told them that shag carpet in the datacenter was a bad idea
they're blaming my vendor
@RyJones I had two DOA in a week period...
and was just like, F-U HP
@ewwhite reminds me of my disk array problems in 94
Old-school hardware.
I think that's what missing in today's systems world... having to diagnose and fix hardware problems
heh searching for dec 8200 turns up desktop systems
having to fix things that aren't googleable.
@ewwhite You have something there... I would rather pay someone to worry about the hardware.
@MichaelHampton which equals: Cloud
@MichaelHampton But you have to have some hardware chops, right?
@ewwhite I need to know if my vendors are competent or drooling idiots.
I need some training on how to put in and remove contacts.
Contacts? Are those a part of a switch or something?
I've been wearing contacts for...
15 years.
Not the same pair, though :P
@cole well good for you, I've never worn them, and they're impossible to insert
@RyJones at first, yes.
After 15 years, I don't even look in the mirror
You cannot configure the whole WSUS website to require SSL because all traffic to the WSUS site would have to be encrypted. I don't really see the problem.
@84104 ugh
@84104 If I remember right, several of the routes are required to be plain HTTP accessible or clients blow up.
@cole: I would hope not ;p
@ShaneMadden So they say.
takes me probably 30 seconds to put both contacts in now. Most people say they prefer me with glasses though.
@ShaneMadden Do you miss VMware?
@cole I got the contacts only for use with my VR headset
@RyJones priorities man.
@84104 Well, hardcoded crap in the windows update agent I assume.
@cole yeah, I know
@ewwhite Miss? We use it here
@RyJones man, someone should design VR headsets you can install custom ground lenses into ;p
@ShaneMadden in any reasonable scale?
or just basics?
@JourneymanGeek you can get custom lenses for the DK2, and I might do it
@ewwhite Not like service provider scale like at the old job obviously, but everything here that isn't massive-physical-box scale is on there.. about 190 total VMs at the moment.
@ShaneMadden Yeah, I was amused? that they said, "You can't encrypt everything. That would make everything encrypted!"
@84104 Yeah, the implied "You wouldn't want that!!" is um.. interesting.
Between the ransomware over the weekend, and now that I'm replaying the Mass Effect series - All of ME3's DLC would cost $870 - I can't escape the feeling that my career's gone horribly, horribly wrong.
@HopelessN00b Figurines, controllers, and headsets count as DLC? Um.
Of course, I still haven't figured out how to encrypt any of the things. But I'll wait for the initial sync to finish first.
@ShaneMadden Well, they're all packaged with at least a small piece of digital DLC, so you can't have it all without buying the physical stuff. Or digital theft.
@84104 I remember the SSL setup on that being a bit of a headache; mainly from the MMC snapin getting twitchy
Kind of a sweet scam... just like the crypto ransomware.
@HopelessN00b Looks like mostly upgrades of multiplayer items (which you can get by playing multiplayer, just shortcut with the DLC)
@ShaneMadden Oh, can you? Never did multiplayer, because.... well, I'm not 12, and I didn't just learn how to swear.
@ShaneMadden not bad... hire me
Aww, the N7 snowboard is no longer on the bioware store, or that'd be a good example of something they left off the list :)
Damn, I... I mean... just... who? Who would even want that?
@HopelessN00b No voice chat, all cooperative. It was pretty good, but repetitive.
@ewwhite Heh :) We'll have another position posted soonish!
@ShaneMadden Make it a Hyper-V admin. Make him work for it. :)
@HopelessN00b If I snowboarded instead of skied I would have considered it!
@ShaneMadden I'm in! Will you pay $500k?
@ewwhite Heh, going to go with "probably not"
Hmm. Must be just me, then. Wouldn't fly my geek flag with a "brand"... or whatever you want to consider ME3 gear.
@HopelessN00b Heh. I'm fine with game related stuff that's like subtle and interesting. Currently wearing: fangamer.com/products/pirate
Yeah, guess I'm just weird. No news there, though.
@HopelessN00b eh I wear Gem-Tech hats because people that recognize them leads to discussions about things I'm interested in
Ah yes, conversations. I try to avoid those as much as possible. :)
@HopelessN00b You don't say?
@84104 Indeed. At some point, I noticed that my users were people... and I've been turned off the idea of interacting with people ever since.

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