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@MichaelHampton Didn't know. Thanks. (noh, I would never do that)
@BleedingFingers For the technical side, it's SuperUser. For the ethics of contravening your ISP's rules, I don't think there is one.
You could even give me your password, but you should not, because I'm a malicious third party.
@MichaelHampton CFQ or Deadline for KVM with Ceph and Openstack?
@ewwhite Deadline
A: Optimal kernel configuration and patches for KVM host

Michael HamptonTo begin with, the "canonical" reference for KVM hypervisor tuning is still IBM's excellent Best Practices for KVM which I suggest you go through point-by-point. Some things you will almost certainly want to do, after carefully testing with your intended workload: Use virtio drivers in your Wi...

Dense @MichaelHampton
And which operating system? I'd probably be using the deadline scheduler instead of CFQ regardless, though. — ewwhite 2 mins ago
@ewwhite can deadline do ionice these days?
@DennisNolte no, it cannot.
But in RHEL6, CFQ was soooo terrible out of the box, that it really never remained as a default on my systems.
damned, i keep forgetting a good hypervisor should make sure that you only get your share of TPS .
sup @Basil
@cole Not much, you?
@Basil tough Monday.
Not to be a downer
@MichaelHampton :(
Distribution is CentOS 6.5. See here, I/O scheduler selection doesn't make much difference for Ceph: ceph.com/community/…BlackBeret 56 secs ago
but today is 2 years since my ex-girlfriend died. (We had broken up for quite some time, but we were together for 2.5 years)
@cole are you OK?
here, have this Jedi Mindhug if it helps
@JennyD I'm okay, just weird I had a dream about her last night.
@JennyD thanks :)
So I think I'm just a little blah.
@ewwhite The really sad part of those tests was how much faster btrfs was than ext4 or xfs.
@cole not surprising... I had a very dear friend who died just a few weeks short of his 40th birthday. I'd known him since high school - not the same as a girl friend but he was the only person outside my family that knew me from those days... it's 2,5 years ago now but I always think of him around that time of year and I miss him.
It's hard, she was my longest relationship and we were together from when I was 16 till I was almost 19.
those years are very important, both from that age and from the first serious relationship
now I'm feeling old and looking back at my youth :-)
It's just sad and it hurts my heart.
of course it is and it does
@cole Mate - I'm not surprised. I have no romantic feelings for my ex, but I'd feel pretty fucking bad if she died tomorrow. That's horrible :( I don't think I recall knowing that
@Dan and it's really sad how she died.
She died in a car accident coming back from a wedding.
@JennyD It's funny how people stick in your mind - I had an old friend who hung himself. I'd not seen in him in the best part of 10 years, but it was still horrid and I still think about him lots.
@cole Missed the link, but urgh. Scary how delicate life is really
The driver survived, she was the passenger.
Ugh. Probably a mixed blessing for the driver. That's gotta feel incredibly awful.
Yeah from what I heard..it..was bad
@HopelessN00b Yeah, I kind of think the only thing worse than dying in a car crash is surviving one where someone close dies - especially if you're at fault. That's going to stick with you forever
Just feeling a bit down.
@cole How's current life, Cole?
@Dan current life is perfect - aside from work.
I met a girl, who is now my girlfriend, and she is awesome.
and I have awesome friends and family.
@cole yay!
@JennyD yeah she's a gamer and pretty nerdy...and she's 29 so that's a plus for me since I tend to date in the 24-25 age range which has worked out terrible for me lol.
@cole Still considering a career change?
@cole yeah, from what you've said I think you'll be better off with someone a bit more adult
not that maturity is always tied to age, but as a rule of thumb...
@Dan I am, but I also know a lot of it is this place.
@cole Good for you :) of course there's always something that could be better, ha
@JennyD I agree. Also, she's the oldest child and I'm the baby in my family. I tend to have dated only (and realized this last night) either the baby or the only child.
@cole Yeah - I feel bad for my wife at the moment because she hates the person she shares an office with. But, if she leaves (And I'd of course support her) that completely throws out our plans for getting a house next year
So she's much more "let me take care of you". She made me dinner last night and packed my lunch for today.
@Dan ah right.
@cole yeah, I think the oldest child always has to take more responsibility and grow up faster... it's certainly the case with my older sister and with my husband
I struggle because I have a 15 minute commute - and trading that for anything longer makes me want to punch myself in the face.
@cole Hah, Jane and I are the opposite. I'm the eldest, she's the youngest
@JennyD definitely a different dynamic - that I am enjoying much more.
I don't feel like I'm babysitting.
@cole I think it makes a difference if one can do something during the commute. (I can't because I drive, but at least I get to listen to a lot of podcasts I wouldn't otherwise get around to.)
@JennyD yeah that's my thought too. I live a 5 minute walk to the commuter rail (train into Boston)
My husband usually works during his 30 min commute, so he effectively has 1 hour shorter day at work
@cole I used to have an hour commute until I moved closer ...that really, really sucked
But then I think of how often my on-call is.
Now it's ~20 minutes and I can listen to music and wake up a little
@NathanC the girl I'm dating lives in Fall River - I'm in Franklin, MA - we're 45 minutes apart now. If I move to Boston it would be about 1.5hrs.
@JennyD Train commutes are so different to car commutes - especially if it's a nice commute. For 3 months this year I did 90 mins each way, but on one train in first class and I used to get home feeling totally refreshed
I also feel obligated to stay here since I left and came back.
@cole Fuck 'em.
@cole Don't feel obliged if they're treating you badly
@Dan yeah, that's what Husband does. I'm actually happy to drive, I enjoy the time alone
I said something to my boss along the lines of "I can't do everything" and he agreed........then dumped a whole ton of shit on me.
So I was like "alright..."
Q: How can I run Windows DFS whit normal priority?

Lucas Rodrigues SenaSometimes the server take very heavy, and I cant pass users to another one because the folders stop sync. I just need give more priority to DFS process to access HD free.

All of my wats
@JennyD I'm commuting just over 2 hours to London each way this week - I think that's pushed it too far. It'll be fine and nice to be at home overnight, but I don't think I'll make a habit of it
@Dan yeah, I wouldn't like that either... right now I usually have a ~45 minutes drive and I'm OK with that. But if I do get to change gigs I'll probably be taking the train instead, it'll be faster since the other place is a lot closer to the train station
@cole whit. noun: whit; plural noun: whits. a very small part or amount.
So he wants Windows DFS running with a very small amount of priority... which is convenient, because that's how it works by default.
@MDMarra - if you come in here anymore - you guys do Sharepoint consulting, right?
@HopelessN00b Basically. He's trying to band-aid an overworked server
It's oddly quiet in the office today.
Like...creepy quiet.
that happens when you work on weekend/holidays a lot..
strange when you hear noises though..
Actually, when I was driving in to work this morning, I was thinking it was oddly empty on the road. Didn't complain, for obvious reasons, but what thinking to myself "where the hell's rush hour traffic???"
@HopelessN00b The zombie apocalypse has begun.
When I went to CT over labor day weekend we went to the science museum for fun...and downtown Hartford was completely empty
It was creepy.
@NathanC Nah, I wouldn't get so lucky.
Probably wasn't downtown per-say, but I suppose it made sense if it was a business district.
uuuh, zombies
we need a zombiefault.com then
I would like to ask questions like "What's the most effective way to kill a zombie?"
@MichelZ Question posted: "How do I deal with this zombie beating down the door to my house?"
or "Can you be friends with a zombie?"
@MichelZ VTC! Opinion based!
@faker VTC: OP likely dead
@faker: We wouldn't have that close reason on that site.
It takes all the fun away
and of course: "Can zombies have kids?"
...my email box is full
mailbox full?
we're in 2014, not in 1994
huh...our backup software failed trying to compress the dfsrprivate folder
...and I have a specific exclusion for that set of files
Frustration level rising
I also still don't get why Windows is assigning the server I disabled from DFS namespaces
sure, why not?
seems things have evolved to not need that as much
you know... cores, powerful CPUs... better scheduling algorithms.
@ewwhite Even the most powerful CPUs can be abused by poorly written software
we use it for example for log file compression on web servers. It doesn't need to run fast at all
Oh, I have it running because a software package I support automatically renices certain processes...
@ewwhite i would love to have a server with that low usage :)
6 brand new Dell PCs came in today...and not one of them has the product key sticker.
This should be fun.
@NathanC isn't there a keygen for that?
@ewwhite Perhaps, but using a keygen probably isn't in my best interests
Stupid Cobian Backup...it keeps failing on folders that I have it ignoring to begin with!
@NathanC Go back to DELL then and ask them for it... (if you bought it)
@NathanC: they don't have product key stickers any more
IIRC the activation is in the bios
@MichelZ in heavy foreign accent "Thank you for calling Dell, please hold for 3 hours."
@JourneymanGeek I was recalling the same, yes
@NathanC Then call your sales rep...
or use google :D
@JourneymanGeek Yeah yeah...seems to be the case these days, eh? I think these come with Windows 7, but there's a 8.1 sticker on the back of it and the only disk that came with it is for 8.1 Pro
ah yeah, it is
haven't fired it up yet, but if I'm greeted with a Win8 startup it'll be a much longer day than I wanted it to be (we aren't ready in any shape or form for a Windows 8 deployment)
my laptop does not have a sticker as well
@NathanC: don't you re-image them anyways? corporate-image?
@MichelZ Haha, you're funny...corporate images. Volume licensing.
What is this, a proper IT department?!
(No, it's all hand-configured)
that's terrible
Granted, in an office of less than 100 machines, it has never been needed
that's why you are not anywhere near ready for 8.1 :)
@MichelZ Well, that and our primary ERP software likely won't place nice on it
if it runs on 7 it runs on 8.1
It had to be modified by the developer to function on Windows 7, and that was recently.
sucks to be you
1 message moved from Teacher's Lounge
@MichelZ i remember hearing that on vista/xp..
User Feedback:
"This is perfect, it just works"

Dan Feedback:
This is why it's best to just pay someone who knows what they're doing to do it for you ;)
@RobM This is the site with that SQL Memory limit, a ruined Default Domain Policy and, well, loads of shit
@DennisNolte well, xp/vista was a different beast, with all the additional security and stuff... but what's the difference 7 / 8.1 from an app dev standpoint?
@NathanC as long as it doesn't have any kernel-mode components, 7 to 8 should be fine
@NathanC Perfect reason to covertly automate your environment. "Oh, upgrading 100 machines by hand will take me... weeeeks, but I guess we don't have any other choice. Guess I won't be around the office much until month. Let you know when I'm done." Then kick off a scripted solution, and enjoy a month's vacation.
Hey, @cole, since you have a similarly janky-ass environment... if some PC in it got infected with crypto ransomware... how would you track down which computer it is/was?
@HopelessN00b hmmm - our security analyst does that.
Let me ask him
He usually finds them pretty quick
@HopelessN00b Generally you get a help desk call that goes "Derp, I can't open any of my files."
@84104 Yeah, we didn't. I think the responsible party might be scared about getting in shit if they speak up.
Son just got an email confirming he got his first choice for Uni accomodation, I'm well pleased
Right now it's just "halp, the shared files are all encrytped."
@Chopper3 Hurray learning!
@Chopper3 Congratulations! You raise him to be smart enough to avoid an IT career? :)
@HopelessN00b The couple of times it's happened they users didn't really understand what was going on.
@HopelessN00b he said he uses Websense or the IDP
@84104 yeah, they only really had three choices; en-suite where you can just hide from the rest of the place, 12-to-1 bathroom chicken coops and what he wanted which was two rooms with a joint bathroom between them
@HopelessN00b Yes and no, he wants to be a professional historian, so I'll be supporting him forever I imagine but there you go
@cole Oh. Bummer. Our Websnese missed it, or it used a different vector, and we has no IDP. Guess It's back to using my brain to figure it out. I hate that.
@HopelessN00b doh.
@Chopper3 Oh, good taste. What I wanted to do. If he does military history, that's about the one specialty where you can write books that actually make piles of money... so you just might not end up supporting him forever after all.
I suppose if you know the addresses of the C&C servers for the ransomware you'd be able to pick out who was communicating with them, even if it was encrypted.
@HopelessN00b economic history - specifically post-war soviet/russian economic history - he wrote an extended project thing about the finances behind the russian side of the space race that got published
@84104 Nah, boat sailed already. Did its thing over the weekend, so the client isn't communicating over the network more than any of the other clients.
@HopelessN00b Nuke from orbit and restore from backups. Was the user present over the weekend?
@Chopper3 Hmm. Well, maybe he'll just have to be really good, get a Ph.D. and become a university prof, then. Still a lot of money in that.
@HopelessN00b actually you know I think that's exactly what he wants to do
@84104 Probably not. Looks like I'll just have to scan a large list of computers for certain files.
@Chopper3 It might be a good idea to have a fallback (dual-major, for example). Served me well, once I realized that I'd rather eat the gun than fight my way through another 8 years of academia. :)
@HopelessN00b Wonder what the vector was. For us it's always been someone running around without adblock.
@84104 I suspect it's web-shit. We have to run IE with an old java version for compatibility with a lot of the "enterprise" craplications the business insists on using.
@HopelessN00b yay driveby
I always wondered, does modern IE really trip up that much on older apps? Its compatibility mode is pretty good.
@HopelessN00b Can you mandate something like AdBlockPlus on all your machines? I find that it helps multiple things.
@Bob Exactly. To be completely honest, I'm kind of hoping that it'll happen one day to a C-level executive, or one of our DBAs, or someone else (that's not me) that would basically cause ALL THE THINGS!!! to get encrypted. All that might be enough to make them listen when I/we say "don't use this app, it's Java-shit."
@HopelessN00b for that whitelisting and/or a transparent proxy help me in previous companies. If none of that is possible you could allways add a hosts file you update via group policy (dunno if that is possible though)
@DennisNolte good luck keeping a whitelist up to date
@Bob Well, it's still IE. And a lot of enterprise craplications break with different versions of IE because their crappy code practices relied on a version-specific function or library.
@HopelessN00b yes, but IE can emulate previous versions' features and bugs pretty much perfectly
@84104 Maybe, after this. Not likely, though. The problem we have is that we have two absolutely god-awful enterprise craplications that we must maintain compatibility with, which severely limits our policies on java and plugins, and even the IE version. Come to find out, one of these even delayed our Windows 7 migration by a couple years.
It's gotta be the corporate version of a woman who keeps taking her abusive ex back.
@Bob yep, a lot of work though
@Bob In this case, my money's on Java. I don't think IE will help. We're stuck on Java 6u29, and will be for some time... at least until we get of our crap time keeping and crap payroll (?) enterprise applications.
@HopelessN00b well, click-to-play for plugins helps a ton
assuming your users aren't stupid enough to click yes on all -_-
I wonder if you could whitelist a plugin for certain sites only on IE
@Bob That's not a safe assumption.
@Bob They are. IIRC, I related the story/profanely ranted about the user who our email filter caught giving a 419 scammer her SSN and bank account numbers.
@HopelessN00b If I recall, the infector takes ownership of the files. Might find out that way.
now I know why those things still exist.
@Bob I was actually reading an interesting analysis of them, talking about how the awful grammar and misspellings and all that was intentional. Kind of a crude filter to better select for victims who'll actually fall for the scam.
And "hi" to yo too!
Alright new server... tripwire installed: check
change ssh port: check

anythign else? dont think so
so.... today is gonna be one of those days....
@Nick install cPanel.
@MattBear "those days?"
I built an SFTP server on Friday, sent the client the info....
first email of the day today
"So I did get connected, however there is a problem. Although it says sftp, its actually a ftp port 21 connection. Can you set up a sftp port 22 connection for us (with user and password) as this customer data needs to be sent on a sftp (ssh) secure encrypted data connection."
@HopelessN00b now all we need is some way to get them to stop bothering everyone else
@HopelessN00b .... manual configuration FTW
@HopelessN00b I need no stinking control panel
@Nick Oh, of course. Manually install and configure cPanel. :p
@HopelessN00b I ment apache :p
@Nick Well, sure.. but isn't it more challenging and exciting to configure Apache with cPanel fighting you every step of the way? :)
guy knows enough to know what the standard ports numbers are.... but not enough to know the port # is arbitrary...
@HopelessN00b cpanel is like learning vi all over again... although I use nano
Comparing cPanel to vi is really unfair to vi.
@MattBear repurposing a well-known port? urgh.
Ohh fail2ban forgot to install that one
although I doubt theyll brute force a 4096 bit key :p
@Nick Heretic! vi is actually useful. (Although, I too, use nano, because... well, I also don't have 12,000 hours of my life to devote to learning how to use a text editor.)
@HopelessN00b heh I never bothered to learn vi
I can use vim but not vi :S
cant decide if I'm going to just tell the guy "the damn port number is arbitrary, use it or im switching it to 65533" or just switch it to 22 to make him happy....
just switch it to 22
probably because most clients default to 22 when you select SFTP
@cole that is true...
damn it
Probably doesn't want to deal with telling people to change their port every time
had to go and be all reasonable...
I know, I'm such an asshole.
well... the server is specifically for 1 person
Oh well - it always starts out for one or a handful of people - then suddenly, everyone uses it - so.
yeah yeah.... and in something like filezilla, if you tell it to use port 21 on quickconnect it will try to use ftp instead of sftp
ok ok, switched
@cole you just gave me so much extra work....
had to putty in, cd to the config file, open the file, change a 1 to a 2, save and exit, and THEN restart the service!
Welp, DOA computer...that's cool
It just beeps at me when I try to turn it on..
It was on sitting at the Windows Setup screen for about an hour...
@NathanC beep
@Nick stab
Dell diagnostics code says system board failure
@NathanC RIP
@NathanC or simply open it up and check if anything is loose :P
@Nick I feel like opening it will void the warranty...so...
On hold...weeee
Any of the PowerShell users in here know how to display which session a given piece of output is coming from in a multi-session PS Remoting scenario?
5 hours and skiddies have yet to find my new ssh port hoorah
Fuck, now I'm the Windows guy.
@84104 RUN!
Avoid windows at all costs
Give it to me
I'm your windows guy
Fast talking indian guy I'm talking to...this is fun
@MichelZ Well, at least the out of context star is nice.
Well, ugh. Asked question on SO, now need to cleanse my shame with shower or ritual suicide.

Back after lunch.
@84104 I can take it.
(another one?)
@HopelessN00b: Better SO than SU
@MichelZ I'm not so sure about that. Sometimes we do fun home projects.
@MichelZ So, I need a WSUS server and SCCM, right?
SCCM requires WSUS.
@84104 for what?
@HopelessN00b No it does not (if you're not using a SUP)
6 mins ago, by 84104
Fuck, now I'm the Windows guy.
ah, that was a general comment about windows environments?
You need AD, SQL, Exchange, WSUS, SCCM, SCOM - then you've covered the basics
@MichelZ Already have AD. We've got other SQL servers. I don't like Zimbra, but I'm not about to change it for Exchange (I actually don't have anything I like better there). WSUS and SCCM seem handy. Not sure about SCOM, but I figure I have enough on my plate as it is.
SCOM is nice for monitoring shit, it also detects things you missconfigured
@MichelZ I am the person people are most likely to bother if things go wrong, which means I'm responsible. =\
(and if you have SCCM licenses you have SCOM licenses, aka System Center)
and you need PowerShell
lots of powershell
my current job wants me to take over SCCM once it's all set up and running...
How much diskspace does WSUS need?
@84104 depends - are you downloading all the updates locally to the server or having the clients download them from microsoft directly?
@cole Either way I guess. I think they've been pulling from MS previously and it's not a problem for our pipes.
@84104 depends on a lot - how many PCs? Also, multiple languages?
@cole 20-40, probably only English
Usually in the 20ish GB range but I've seen it require 100GB when multiple languages involved
Yeah then you should be fine with 20-30GB
Can I relocate where the update files reside later?
I'm so out of my depth.
@84104 Yeah, but it can be a bit of a pain.
@HopelessN00b Life is pain.
@84104 This is true. Just "yes," in that case.
@HopelessN00b Despite my flippancy, I actually do appreciate the warning.
@cole you suck btw
@84104 just pull them from windowsupdate... when it used to work
@MattBear why now?
@cole proftp and SSH cant share a port
@cole yeah... I switched proftp to port 22, and locked myself out of the machine
and it was a cloud VM
@cole The guide for the role installation says only 6GB. I am incredulous at that.
should we really be writing scripts for hack programmers serverfault.com/questions/626915/…?
@Iain Probably not. Is he working at an ISP? You can really only control one hop.
@MattBear whoops
@84104 yeah it's all lies.
@MattBear Silly silly...use SFTP
@DennisKaarsemaker lolwut
@Iain Not unless I'm the hack programmer in question, no.
@DennisKaarsemaker :(
Q: Disinfecting a Supermicro IPMI Board

Miles FidelmanThe IPMI board on one of our servers seems to have become infected - we were hit by the "password in the clear" vulnerability - and it seems to have allowed something to have infected by a bot that launched a DDoS attack. Right now, we've taken it off-line, and know how to prevent it re-occuring...

Great, yet another threat to worry about
saving security reports to /report
what could possibly go wrong
@MichaelHampton We're already being DDOS'd by the stupid
@MichaelHampton Not so sure about that. His brief mention of the exploit suggests it's just the IPMI board leaking the admin password... not an actual IPMI/firmware infection.
I don't know for sure. I'm not really that familiar with Supermicro.
I just asked for a link
not sure how the "board" becomes infected though...
especially on modern boards...
It's just an embedded Linux. You could get a nice shell on it...
@MichaelHampton that would require flashing the BIOS though wouldn't it?
and couldnt you get rid of it by flashing it back?
If I've got a shell, I can just mtd write and put whatever I want in the flash. The system would have to actually check the signature of whaever was flashed to be secure against this.
@MichaelHampton Well, TBH, with all the NSA shit now, they really should be using signatures on firmware and the like.
Meh..Signed firmware really isn't as common as it should be, even now.
ohhh ok
I don't do hardware much
I am familiar with iLo though
so this is just LOM
did @mossy move yet?
What's wrong with this picture?
@MichaelHampton blocked images?
Or broken
@Nick No, that's not wrong. That's very intentional.
@MichaelHampton you block images?
@Nick I block images in my email!
@MichaelHampton ah thats email? seemed like a webpage :p
It appears to be correct on the web page. But there's something terribly wrong with the server specs as they were emailed to me.
@MichaelHampton that's a LOT of RAM....
Yes, indeed. I didn't know Haswell-EP would accept so much RAM...
64 TB... nice
for 300 a month...
That...can't be right.
hells to the yah, i'll take 10 of em!
the ultimate catch 22... I need my server to send email using my domain to my domains email but the mail server is spoof protected
heh, amazon phone is down to 99 cents on contract.
Call me when it's 99 cents off contract.
@MichaelHampton That'll be next month.
@ShaneMadden agreed
it's doing worse than the MS Kin, apparently
the OWA iPad app is amazingly full featured.
I don't want Haswell!
@ewwhite why not? Haswell MBAs are pretty nice
Oh!... I guess that's true.
I guess I'm responding to what I just got in the mail...
Today marks the next step forward for Moore’s Law -- the new Intel
Xeon E5-2600 v3 Processor Family has arrived! Packing more cores and more cache, these new processors bring new levels of performance to HPC, storage, and cloud workloads. In addition, DDR4 memory provides increased bandwidth and greater power efficiency,
translating to a lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

Intel’s latest platform includes new features like 40GB Ethernet,
faster QPI, and 40 lanes of PCIe per socket. Most platforms now also support 12GB SAS, and are ready for NVMe storage devices. These new systems, based o
@ewwhite Scroll up a bit to the most recent image, and then laugh.
Yeah, I'm really thinking about that server with 64 TB of RAM...
God... Sonicwall is terrible
Some very meta "cloud" accounting advertising from our friends at @xero over San Fran skies. ^Sim RT @austingunter: http://t.co/30COfV1W7m
not sure how cloud to butt works on actual clouds
@RyJones nice!
@RyJones We've had a few clients trial Xero and it all soudns great and all but then they start to hit limitations
Like they can only do 2,000 invoices a month
You can't post more than 500 invoices a day
@MarkHenderson oh, my word
So in 4 days you can rip through your entire allocation
You can keep submitting them but then performance starts to be really shit

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