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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@ScottPack Ugh yeah. The "Network accounts are unavaliable" is a scary message (but the login still works if you wait)
Also, TIL that the command line has an 8kb limit on command line parameters
Because some smart cookie decided they wanted to merge 1,200 PDFs into a single document
that sounds like a reasonable request
@RyJones They are doing a mass mailout of all their outstanding invoices past 30 days overdue
So I guess in that regards it is reasonable
And the PDF merger can handle it, it merged them in like 30 seconds flat
@MarkHenderson ah, mail merge
But it bombed out on the command line max string length
how did you work around it?
I keep an eye on the length of the command, when it reaches 7kb I run that batch, then clear the command, and keep going, then merge the resulting documents together in a final run
Well, when I say "I" I modified the merging program to do that
I was going to say... I hope that's automated
Did a test run and ended up with a 500MB PDF but it worked
Nothing like an ops to go and fix a devs bug :)
Well I'd hesitate to call that a bug, it's more of an enhancement on a limitation
I'd say, always merge one pdf into another (you're never merging more that two pdfs), until you hit some ordinal file or whatever
like the directory is empty of input pdfs
@RyJones I tried that first. It took about 45 seconds longer to merge them that way
@MarkHenderson so, 1:15 instead of :30? for a process that runs once a month (apparently)?
@FalconMomot all those shenanigans from yesterday got spiked. Every single team objected to re-spinning the release.
@RyJones Well the PDF merger works pretty hard
This particular one broke it, but it merges 10,000 or so documents a day
Just not normally in such a large batch
@MarkHenderson I was just busting your balls
@RyJones I'm used to it
There's always someone who wants to bust my balls over some decision I've made or something that's happening that they don't like
"I had to downvote you because I'm a Linux guy and I know how to install a Remote Desktop Licensing server on Server 2012."
So the strippers that we had enquire about our work order management software want a second meeting, and it turns out they do escorts as well
They'll be the best organised whores in the country
@MarkHenderson Do they have a Project Manager to oversee the service deployments?
And by "service deployments" I mean "sex for money".
Just so we're clear.
@ScottPack They have 4 office staff. Currently for stripping appointments they have a set hourly rate and use recipient-generated tax invoices (they create an invoice for themselves on the strippers behalf). They send out a mass text message and it's first in, best dressed.
I don't know how the sex appointments work
@MarkHenderson I do!
joins room
leaves room
@ewwhite Dare I ask why?
You used to be a Jiggalo didn't you?
@MarkHenderson Friends from high school and college are sex workers.
highly-educated sex workers..
So they provide post-coitus counseling?
so they run their operations as a full-fledged business...
Accountants, professional web services, pro photography, marketing, etc.
and yes, schedule management
I suppose that might bring a whole new meaning to 'double booking'
So sex works pads their income?
Oh waity
@MarkHenderson no... it IS their income
They are not accounants, etc. They hire accountants
Gee next you'll be telling me that they pay tax ;)
@MarkHenderson they do
Wait I think I remember you telling us you have a friend who said that she doesn't mind if you watch her have sex, just as long as some creepy dude who hacked her webcam doesn't?
US government doesn't care how you earn money... just that you pay taxes
@MarkHenderson um, not me
@ewwhite hrm ok
@MarkHenderson It's true, we even have a law that specifically says the contents of your tax filings cannot be used as evidence for...stuff. The IRS couldn't care less so long as you don't lie.
weird, right?
puritanical America...
except when it comes to taxes
@MichaelHampton Are you working with it yet?
Also, a nice note from TomTom - How I nearly lost my business to 3 hard discs
@ewwhite I've known of citizens who worked out of Central America in the 80s and whose official legal advice was to put down "mercenary" as their job title. cough
So that's why TomTom runs all his websites off his phone. Flash memory doesn't have a problem with headslaps.
Also, his blogging on LinkedIn is just as amazingly poorly written and edited as his SF posts.
yes... he shouldn't have posted that
I always assumed he was Australian.
@ewwhite TomTom nearly lost everything to a RAID6 failure?!
I had an array lose everything this week as well but shit I had backups
@ScottPack German living in Poland
he was a customer of the trading systems I ran for a former company
@ScottPack I had a theory that he was wasted when he went on SF
so we interacted outside of SF
@MarkHenderson Like I said, I assumed he was Australian.
@ScottPack I remember googling him when he first caught my eye and I found a podcast where he was a guest
And he slammed poor development practices on the podcast in the same way he slams shitty sysadmining on here
Being drunk does not necessarily impact one's ability to remain cogent. Hell, I'm drunk right now!
Thats when I knew I'd found the right guy
@ScottPack Showusyerdick
@MarkHenderson It's in my pants. Besides, that's somewhat lewd.
Also, not very classy.
@ScottPack Then you're not drunk
"My own business has not been doing backups for years, we just started" <--- this would probably keep me up at night.
@JourneymanGeek It has kept me up before
In fact I have donated backup hardware to non-profits who decided that they couldn't afford it
I find it pretty tricksome to justify running an IT services consulting company complete with a virtualization stack and decide on a whim, "I've been calling people ignorant fuckwipes for years because they once did something wrong. Maybe I should consider running a backup or two eventually."
@ScottPack Next time he flies off the handle we'll just leave that link there...
@ewwhite Am I working with what yet?
@MichaelHampton Butter-Eff-Ess'
@ewwhite Tried it. It isn't quite as slick as ZFS yet. But at least it doesn't eat all my RAM while pretending not to.
So I'm still using ext4 and now some xfs, most everything being in LVM volumes.
@ewwhite ... is that how you pronounce it?
I don't hang out with other tech people, only found out I'd been pronouncing "nginx" wrong all these years
Apparently it's "Engine-X"
You certainly don't pronounce it "better f s"
@MarkHenderson Butter or Better FS
@MarkHenderson It is. And that's even right on their home page!
@MarkHenderson How were you pronouncing it?
@MichaelHampton Yeah I tend not to read shit
@MarkHenderson I call shenanigans. I prefer "in-gin-ux"
@Bob nnnnnnn-jicks, sort of like hijinks
@MichaelHampton from 4:30 to 6:00am I would be asleep
So one of the higher-ups at one of our client read a story about how USB firmware can be hijacked to install malware on a PC without anything on the USB stick being actively run
And I've jsut received an email stating that they are implementing a new policy of no USB devices except explicitly authorised devices are permitted to be used
This includes keyboads, mouse, wireless kb/mouse receivers, or your USB-powered mug warmer
Printers etc
These people do absolutely nothing of any note that anyone would want to steal, ever. They will never be the victim of a targeted attack. They are the worlds most boring company.
This is craycray, right?
I'm pissed off by reading it because it's going to ruin a lot of peoples time for no gorram reason
@MarkHenderson: Apparently you can also pick up GPG keys from shielding so, clearly, you need to cover all the IO ports with epoxy
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I saw that video too
Or was it a paper?
I forget
I think it was a paper and a talk
@MarkHenderson remind them how many hackers come through the internet and email
see if they'll ban those next
@Bob The crazy thing is that they have physical breakins by junkies all the time, but have done little to increase their physical security
don't the russians use typewriters still?
it'll be an interesting experiment if nothing else
About 2-3 times a year they find their door jimmied open
One time the junkies found where they stored their laptops and portable projectors
That was an expensive week
@MarkHenderson: eheh. We used to break into our own bunk in the army if we forgot the keys. They kept having to 'fix' things
We even were able to jimmy open the lock at one point with a card (fail!)
how does that even work
(Then we opened the doors from outside with a broom, which they fixed by rearrangeing the furniture, then we got a skinny guy in through a window...)
I've never seen a door(frame) actually vulnerable to that
basically you have a lock that locks the handle, no deadbolt, and the angled side of a /| shaped thing facing out without a plate in front.
can I say... lowest bidder?
I think I just missed my train stop
@Bob I don't miss train travel. Occasionally my train would run late and it would skip North Strathfield and Concord West and go straight to West Ryde
And I'd have to change and go back
@MarkHenderson was up all night, so... yea, a tad sleepy
I have no idea what the next stop is. Just that I'm in a very long tunnel I don't remember
...north Ryde shit
@Bob Not a good sign
My wife once drove for 25 minutes on the M4 in the wrong direction before she goes "Hmm I don't remember these mountains and this 90 zone"
and 15 min wait for a train back fuck me
That was our first argument - I refused to drive for 45 minutes to come and find her wherever she had got herself to at the blue mountains at 11:30pm just so she could follow me home
@MarkHendersona ah, the unexpected 90s are always fun
no exits for quite a way, too
@Bob How do you drive for 25 minutes without thinking "Hmm the trip home on an empty freeway doesn't normally take this long and I don't recognise any of these signs or landmarks"
"Wow this is a big mountain I'm driving up"
"I don't remember doing these switchbacks yesterday"
It's Tom Tom!
Q: My I can't reach my server of my iPhone 4s! Is there's a way to fix it?

user239756My server not open if I put a simcard that made in the phillipines the server of my iPhone 4s is reachable!is there's a way to fix it?

"if you have an opal card and you can't tap on or tap off please call opal customer care"
huh, never heard that one before
@Bob How is Opal?
It sounds like a disaster
@mark I don't really use it yet
it takes a good second or two to scan though
Pretty stupid
You end up taking as long as fumbling with paper. or longer.
We use something like that
tho, its pretty fast. Got mine on a lanyard attached to my keys
The EZ-Link card is a contactless smart card based on the Sony FeliCa smart card technology and used for the payment of public transportation fares in Singapore, with limited use in the small payments retail sector. Established in 2001, it was promoted as the means for speedier boarding times on buses. It had a monopoly on public transportation fare payments in Singapore until September 2009, when the NETS FlashPay card, which had a monopoly over Electronic Road Pricing toll payments, entered the market for transportation payments (and vice-versa). EZ-Link cards are sold, distributed and managed...
@jou the concept is nothing new
@Bob When I was in London 10 years ago they had RFID cards that you didnt even need to stop for
this implementation is fucked
You just walked into the gate and by the time you had entered the gate the barrier slammed open and shut
Everyone just flowed in
@Bob: It works pretty well here, so its clearly the implementation ;p
and before that we had these magnetic cards
@JourneymanGeek They tried to implement this thing 7 years ago
oh yea tcard
installed readers at all the stations, spent several hundred million bucks and then dropped the contractor because they couldn't deliver
didn't the company go under?
@Bob Maybe
I don't remember
@JourneymanGeek Anyway it's been a huge fuckup
Melbourne has had integrated ticketing for 20+ years
Melbourne ticket machines have 5 buttons. In Sydney they have like 45-50 buttons for all the different options
Zone 1/2/3 and Full Fare/Concession and 2hr/24 Hour
Ok 7 buttons
sets @JourneymanGeek on fire
buries @FalconMomot in javadocs
@JourneymanGeek silence! I'll kill you!
god I love proper documentation
I need to move my tt-rss server soon, and it turns out I already have a full set of instructions somewhere.
(and I remember this cause the last time I was doing this, I came across my own instructions ;p)
1 hour later…
Any puppet users around?
Is there any easy way to set an ACL for a directory with the file resource, or would I need to make an exec thingy?
hmm we don't use ACLs here. But I don't think there is
Thanks. I'm fairly sure you're right, I just wanted to see if there was something very simple that I'd overlooked.
Elance was a waste of fucking time
@dawud Thanks!
Guess who's back!
Nicholas Cage?
Robin Williams?
Michael Jackson?
Anna Nicole Smith?
please tell me!!!
I missed you guys too :)
@Basil How was the vacation ?
@Iain Very nice :)
When are you moving to Switzerland ?
@Iain Not sure if I am, but I'm going back a second time next spring to get my citizenship
@dawud how is London and the new job ?
@Iain I'm really enjoying the experience so far, thanks for asking!
I feel a little bit like I'm not doing the stuff I'm good at, the tasks I've been assigned so far are quite simple, so I'm looking forward to get myself involved in more serious things, really.
stupid amazon marketplace vendor... Cutting off the address, delivery guy can't find our company office now and the package is in limbo
@DennisKaarsemaker people will still R5 them
Aww, the onebox doesn't catch the mouseover
2 hours later…
@FalconMomot Your unique expertise is desperately needed here...
Sigh...I have to rebuild all my failover clusters since it just doesn't want to behave itself
@MichaelHampton hmm, it was closed while I was writing an answer.
Blame @NathanC
@dawud That seems like a pretty glaring Puppet oversight
> The additional security surface java puts into your environment is complex, and it's important not to ignore it or try to simplify it away.

Firstly, there is the horrible record the JRE has for having security bugs. It's hard to point out a specific one, and this is the scary part - the bugs are overwhelmingly unspecified vulnerabilities with unspecified vectors.

When I, as a security consultant, read clauses like "allows a remote attacker" without further qualification as to their meaning, I see that it could very well mean that certain parameters getting into a certain function might
vCenter's being annoying...trying to remove a dead datastore from inventory, but it's insisting one of the VMs is still using it (so it's listed as a related object) even though I changed the settings so it's not just like all the other VMs on that list...
@NathanC Probably fixable
@FalconMomot I VTC'd it because it is indeed an opinion-based question
@NathanC debateable :P
but whatever
@ewwhite Meh...I have more troubles to worry about ...such as rebuilding my SQL failover cluster sigh
@NathanC Shouldn't you be at VMWorld?
I like when both the noob OP and the answerer continue on with comments in a question that belongs on Yahoo Answers.
Q: Set up a server at home and call with desired URL from remote

NabinI am very new to setting up a server. I have been using free online web hosting for a while. And I used its server to keep APIs for my application. I then called those APIs using http://domain.sth.com/myapi.php Now I want to learn to set up own server at home. I just downloaded Ubuntu Server ...

@TheCleaner see, yes, that we should close.
@ewwhite If I could afford it, I'd go to stuff like that. :P
@FalconMomot Hit it.
@NathanC I've never been :( I feel left out.
I'm so hung over - glad I'm off till Tuesday.
but then, just as you, VMware has been f-ing up a lot recently.
@ewwhite Indeed...this whole swapping NAS's to set up HA has really messed a lot of things up, lol
The failover cluster stuff I thought I fixed by introducing the new iSCSI drives and copying the data over, but the services remain in a "failed" state with absolutely no logs as to why
other than "it failed"
So, I took the sledgehammer approach and will rebuild them...they're all non-production anyway
Want to make billions? Create an ERP System and a cool looking website to promote it....and then GIVE IT AWAY...but charge for customizations, programming, and support.
@ewwhite indeed, luckily there's also a workaround there, if you want to use the provider proposed (I haven't used it, so I can't comment if it works as advertised).
@TheCleaner Our sales software is like that...I've become an expert at programming the thing
But, said skills are likely useless outside my current job since it's not a widely-used one, ha
@NathanC That's almost better. I know a guy that does nothing but travel taking care of 7 (yep...just 7) companies running some complex CRM application that nobody at those companies cares to really administer. He makes around $200k/year doing it because he was willing to learn it well enough to support it as well as the OEM could, but at a cheaper hourly rate and with more of a personal touch. He originally worked for one of those companies, got really good at it and found he was
one of the go to experts online for it...and finally decided to go into business for himself. Smart man.
damn, lol
I think our support contract is something along the lines of $175/hour if I ask them to assist with something...
@TheCleaner (cough Supporting produce software/hardware)
Horray, rebuilding my SQL cluster failed miserably.
@ewwhite you weren't who I was thinking of...but yeah good example as well.
But are you on your own or work for someone Ed?
On my own
but I have 45 clients now.
including one whose check just bounced... fuckers.
Do you enjoy working for yourself? I ask because when I was on my own I hated it.
@MichaelHampton lol, choosing some CVEs from the list to beat him over the head with amused me.
thanks for pinging me that :)
So, guess the best solution is to start completely from scratch with SQL Server and restore all the databases from backup
@TheCleaner Having/making my own schedule is worth it. I've been taking time off this week to ride bikes and do cartwheels. I've automated a lot of the ugly work early this year, so things are more efficient. I'm trying to work out an arrangement with the produce ERP software firm to become an escalation point/performance engineer since I've solved many of their nagging issues.
@TheCleaner I miss being around smart people, though... so that's one big negative. Even when I worked for bad companies, I felt like we were innovating or in the mix with various technologies. On my own... not so much.
@FalconMomot I almost wish you'd told him he was a bad person and should feel bad for ever using Java in the first place.
well he is
but you can beat java people over the head until they fall over, and still they'll drool out Sun's old buzzword litany about it.
Java is about as secure as my arse after 10 pints of guiness and a cold baked-bean and boiled egg sandwich.
@ewwhite yeah, same for me on both counts
Browsing reddit while I wait for SQL Server to work through its gajillion install steps
"King of Code" can't compile a program? What?
SQL Server: Reticulating Splines. Please wait a few days.
@MichaelHampton Well, he's not the "king of compilers," so it makes a little sense.
@RobM It's fun having to install the "setup support tools" every time I run the installer
I know, right.
@Dan I thought the same about elance too... glad to hear I wasn't just "missing something" or whatever. Bunch of idiots farming out jobs to the third world for 8 cents an hour and wondering why they're getting poor product back.
I understand that it's a complex product and all but I think the people who made that installer really do not like other people.
I kinda jumped the gun on uninstalling SQL Server from the failover cluster by removing the applications using the failover cluster manager first...
rather than the remove node feature
i'm sure that's giving you all kinds of fun now
@RobM Yep. I can't "Remove Node" since it fails saying it can't validate the cluster, and the normal remove fails because it's clustered...
it's smelling like a VM re-image ._.
Hmm...according to a guide I can restore all the failover cluster settings. I'll try that first.
Success wheee
@HopelessN00b Posted a clear advert and one person out of 8 has shown any signs of actually reading it
Thank you for your assessment of value. System was out of warranty, so part was purchased from a random online retailer. — user3758010 24 mins ago
@ewwhite Heh...I still have an old proliant in production ...guess it depends how lucky you get. :p
@Dan So... pretty much in line with tech recruiters, eh? :)
@HopelessN00b Pretty much - get lied to, seek clarification, get lied to some more
I installed gitlab today
Man, some developers just need to get shot.
Out of a cannon.
Into a volcano.
Driver: Canon iR C3200 PCL5c. Destination architecture: Windows x64. Error: 0x80070057. The parameter is incorrect. ...oh Windows, you swoon me with your descriptive errors
I did a printer import and it did fuck-all aside from acting like it worked -_-
@jscott From the logs it was a driver arch mismatch
Alright, so how does everyone here have their home network setup? I just moved and I've got this double NAT bullshit going on (Internet -> shitty cable modem/router -> good router). Is that really [still] the best way to do this?
Butttt, it appears to all be working now, so I'm gonna leave it alone
@HopelessN00b Typically you can eliminate the cable modem part by bridging, but otherwise you're stuck with that config
Blech. Not my month. Can't really do the bridging thing, for various reasons, so I'm stuck with this ridiculous shit, then. So much for IPv6 eliminating the need for NATery. :(
@HopelessN00b Yeah. Sometimes you can get away with buying your own modem that doubles as your router if it doesn't suck
@NathanC Gonna look into that, I think. Buying a modem that's just a fucking modem, and return this shitty hybrid modem/router atrocity to the hell from whence it came.
@HopelessN00b I turn off NAT (except at the edge) and do routing.
@HopelessN00b And oh yeah, get rid of anything the ISP gave you.
[Bascially] Had to have it at the last place for the land-line phone over cable thing... but did away with that for here, after realizing I didn't use it once in almost two years.

Looks like the magic sauce to this that I've been missing is getting rid of the cheap ISP-provided router, though.
@HopelessN00b Yep. I want to get rid of ours, but $100 for a new modem isn't in my budget right now...
But what makes Java more insecure than any other Language? All the security vulnerabilities and exploits, primarily. — HopelessN00b 11 secs ago
It'd be nice for the cable bill to go down like $9/month, though
@NathanC Pretty sure I only get hit for 5 bucks a month for the cable modem/router... so it may not make economic sense to rid of it, but I'm gonna try to get rid of it anyway. :)
Pretty much everything on the CPU is java or mysql. Here it is: pastebin.com/ZWVxpwMsCodek 2 hours ago
Pet peave: people who post outputs for stuff like top and cut out all the useful data
I mean, not like there's revealing information in those commands ><
Great, "PHP 5.6" is out now.
@MichaelHampton Not too long before we start seeing "php upgrade broke my server" questions
PHP has a habit of changing internal bits around enough to break a lot of things written for versions just before it...
Yes, and they did that again this time too.
"PHP upgrade broke my server" -> regression to mean/computer with PHP installed on it returning to its natural equilibrium.
@HopelessN00b Meh. PHP isn't that bad. It's all the shit developers who think they can write complex webapps after glancing at the documentation and going through a few tutorials.
Which will come first PHP broke my server or I tried to compile PHP 5.6 from source and I'm having problems ?
@Iain Luckily the compile problems we can shove onto U&L
@NathanC Fair enough, but PHP has some pretty ridiculous behaviors and idiosyncrasies that make it difficult for me not to dismiss it out of hand.
@NathanC They should just be put down - no need to be nasty to the nice folks on U&L
@Iain Hah.
@HopelessN00b This I can agree with...
I haven't done a lot with it outside of small sites or scripts, so I haven't ever dug deep into it. Nor do I really want to.
c# is already painful enough
@NathanC Much like C++, it combines the portability of assembly language with the ease of use of assembly language.
Q: Assessing suspicious activity by systems administrator

Taylor TaffA dedicated server was logged into by the IP address of a regional off of my host. They logged in using SSH and the user looked around. Here is the SSH log of the user's activity: 917 history 918 ls# 919 ls 920 cd /home 921 ls 922 cd billing/ 923 ls 924 cd public_html/ ...

Is this guy being somewhat clueless or ridiculous in finding the posted behavior suspicious, or are my thresholds off again?
I never wanted to comment 'Complete bollocks' more than here
Reading something and understanding it are two very different things, though.
@HopelessN00b I kinda read it as he knows who dun it and is building an HR case
@HopelessN00b It's difficult to tell because it's not certain if the user had permission or not
but if the use had permission then it's difficult to prove motive
There are over 100 questions in the close queue. WTF?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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