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This guy has some neat stuff in his powershell profile: github.com/6ongit/MiscPSStuff/blob/master/…
@cole He really should take the time to convert all his read-hosts over to Params, so auto-complete works.
His inconsistent formatting also drives me a bit nuts. Why can't people pick a single style for using braces and stick with it? At least in the same file?
@Zoredache auto-complete?
Oh I think I know what you're saying now.
@cole So you know how once you type a built-in function/commandlet name you can use auto-complete for the parameters? So I type gwmi -C{TAB} which expand to -Class.
@Zoredache huh, that's pretty neat
So for example in the fix-pcname function in that profile, I would change the bit that gets the computer name into a parmater so I could type fix-pcname {computername} or fix-pcname -ComputerName {computername}
yeah I'd like to do the uptime one just uptime {computername}
He even uses a it in his Import-History, which makes me wonder why he didn't fix that for all the functions.
But I am guessing he just copy and pasted a lot of crap into his profile from various sources, and didn't take the time to make everything consistent, and elegant.
@tombull89 that's why they give you free SQL Server when you buy System Center
@Hennes I know people who still use 3.11 and will do so for a few more years yet - they new this and planned well for it. They still have a good supply of 'new' systems and cards to play with
@MDMarra well.. a free sql server for system center, not for anything else
But it means you don't need to try and make SCCM run on SQL Express
bad idea anyways
Which is what Tom was complaining about :)
thanks for the link to that azure networking doc, btw
regardless of what you want to make work on sql express
i have to learn that cloud shit as well
so was interesting to dig out :)
Work asks for documentation out the ass, and then complains when the documentation is "too technical." DOUBLE MIDDLE FINGER
@RyanRies yeah... just do screenshots, nothing else :D
Q: Netapp raid scrubbing on a V-Series

BasilMy V-Series NAS is running ontap 7.3, and gets all its disk from a SAN. LUNs are provisioned to the Netapp, which puts them into a raid-0. The SAN itself, of course, uses RAID with scrubbing and prefailure analysis. Basically, we use the SAN to handle all the disk, and the NAS as a file front-end...

> which tend to erode in a marine environment
Did they mean corrode ?
"a solid state hard drive instead of one with cooling fans"......
Next headline: BSOD causes bridge to fall in river
presumably after someone installs the crapware along with the JRE.
I thought I understood sssd well enough. It appears that I don't.
I'm trying to get sssd's pam portion to authenticate a user without a uidnumber. sssd is not having it.
Authenticate for smtp, not login.
Q: Can sssd-ldap authenticate non-posix users?

84104I am migrating a sealed MSA from using pam_ldap to pam_sss (sssd-ldap). However, pam_sss seems to have having trouble authenticating users without uidNumbers. I had thought changing ldap_user_object_class from posixAccount to top would fix this, but it has not. Users with uidNumbers seem to be f...

I suppose I could just keep using pam_ldap.
users without uidNumbers make very little sense to me
do you map them to a static uid?
@DennisKaarsemaker They just don't login to unix systems. Email/vpn only accounts generally.
try setting ldap_user_uid_number to some valid attribute name
probably the same for _gid_number
ldap_id_mapping (boolean)
Specifies that SSSD should attempt to map user and group IDs from the ldap_user_objectsid and ldap_group_objectsid attributes instead of relying on ldap_user_uid_number and ldap_group_gid_number.
from the manpage
so it looks like there are options.
Yeah, but I think that's all for the nss portion, where it would make sense.
could be, I'm just randomly poking at source files and manpages, trying to find useful bits.
@Jacob - uniFi AP bumps my speed on 2.4Ghz from 6Mbps to 24Mbps, but 5Ghz 802.11n is still only 45Mbps
@MDMarra yeah...I hadn't bought it, I was using the eval :P
@MarkHenderson saw you were irked with Sourceforge. I use ninite for most stuff now.
@tombull89 Never heard of it
@MarkHenderson You've not heard of ninite? Dude, you're missing out. ninite.com
That is pretty awesome
> “Ninite.com frees up your day”
The Christian Science Monitor
Now there's a glowing review from a publication that everyone has heard of
Tick what you want, download, and run. No crapware, no spyware, no bullshit.
It's about time somebody did that for Windows.
If I needed to create a Windows 2012 domain controller urgently, but didn't have anything available to me but an idle Linux server, how much sense does it make to install Windows on KVM?
@tombull89 Wow it's almost like a package manager :P
@ewwhite It'll run fine.
Or am I in for a world of HURT?
@ewwhite Well it sounds like you're urgent an in a hurry
you need a DC quick? install it in Virtualbox #yolo
I don't even know how to KVM these days.
This is for @mdmarra so I can get my ghetto-fabulous customer off of a pair of Windows 2003 DCs.
On 2003-era hardware.
With no disk redundancy...
@ewwhite Run virt-manager on your Linux worksta...oh wait, you have a Mac
gist: Install virt-manager osx, 2014-01-08 21:26:00Z
git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/virt-manager.git
cd virt-manager
sudo port -v install intltool py27-pygtk
sudo python setup.py install

holy shit what's that
git has onebox now?
Some developer went nuts.
But is it worth it to blow up my Linux box to run KVM? Or do I sound biased?
One box!
@ewwhite You don't need the virt GUI on the server, if you do something like that.
@ewwhite ilo4 firmware 2.0 is out
it now has a RESTful interface says the README. Can't find any docs about it though.
@Jacob turns out the poor 5Ghz speed could have been just iPad related because it doesn't do MIMO
@dennis tell me moar!
@ewwhite don't have moar to tell yet, not yet using it
@michael KVM scares me.
Partially because I got fired over it.
will probably prod at it tomorrow as I do another round of adding API calls to python-hpilo.
Such a diligent developer.
@ewwhite If you got fired over it, it must be good.
I wish I could make a contribution to the systems community.
@michael this was pre-you. It played itself out on ServerFault... With Ethabelle, destroyed blade servers, a terrible boss, a server named "booty", Supermicro hoarding, a gutted BackBlaze and an illegal Canadian sex-slave/Wife trapped in the apartment next door.
You do. You take care of these insane systems so we don't have to :)
@MichaelHampton Since when do Gists one-box? That's neat.
@Tanner Since a SE developer got bored one day.
@ewwhite This sounds like a thrilling story.
I think @pauska was here then.
But I had an epic battle with my boss. He wanted KVM, I wanted VMware.
@ewwhite KVM scares you? Try Virtuozzo.
I was hired to implement infra for a trading software firm.
I got all the hardware built. The colo. Comms. Networking. Storage. Even did a little with TomTom, since he trades on the infrastructure I built.
Well, I squeezed a 2012 DC into a KVM VM with only 512 MB of RAM. You might need a bit more than that, though.
But at the last minute, bossman was like, "I don't trust VMware. I can't see inside of it like I can with KVM"
@ewwhite Dude. You can't argue rationally with crazy people. You know that.
@ewwhite It's a fair complaint, but it should have been brought up at the beginning, not at the end!
All you can do is build a case based on solid logical requirements.
*"let me show you something... Log onto
Booty and type `gaggled virsh blah-blah` - Now show me how you can do that in VMware"*
# virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 2     PuppetMaster                   running
 3     IPA_DC2                        running
"Gaggled" was the process monitor he built because he couldn't google "Monit"
Oh dear gawd
(Testing one box)
@FalconMomot Monday!
@Jacob is that your start date?
@FalconMomot yes
@ewwhite Weren't we telling you all along that he was crazy though?
@Jacob I'll be back in town a week after.
@Magellan I'm flying out tomorrow.
but ok
@MichaelHampton Technically that meets the minimum requirements
@magellan you were here. True. He was crazy.
The guy would go to nanog and hire strippers and arrange for pallets of used Supermicro gear to be shipped to his house.
@ewwhite And where does the Canadian fit in to all this?
The boss had an illegal Canadian wife who he kept in a cabin in Wisconsin 100 miles away, or sometimes in his apartment next to the office. She was not allowed to leave.
@ewwhite Wow. I don't remember hearing about that, and I didn't think NANOG was that kind of organization to run a conference where there'd be strippers at the "events".
@ewwhite Thats pretty fucked up
Oh, the strippers were for him. It was... Weird.
Angry man. He stopped liking me 3 months in, and would simply not speak to me or look at me.
I used to have a boss who would go to "the bank" for an 90 minutes several times a week. Bothered me for years, until I discovered a brothel about a 15 minute walk from the place we worked at 15 mins there, 15 mins back, 60 minute sexy sexy fun time
All the pieces fell together
But he was a good programmer... But had some strange tendencies. Like several dozen screen sessions running at any time. And he'd remember by session number which contained his irc session to blah-blah
In unrelated news, listening to politicians attempt to explain how the internet works is hilarious. Someone should compile a video of them and add a laugh track.
how do I know which one to install ? — fogsy 2 mins ago
His sex issues were mainly around harassing my junior engineer... Grabby-grabby.
I'm really trying to comprehend how this is not blatantly obvious...and it's not working.
@ewwhite Normally grabby-grabby equals sacky-sacky
Yeah, he was a knowledge hog and partner. So no sacky.
Ethabelle went on to do great things.
@ewwhite Don't think you lost much there...
Actually, I learn from every job. Every effed experience teaches you.
There, I learned about puppet, deeper multicast, GRE, git, restraining orders, that I have a low alcohol tolerance,how to hold peer-biss and that I'm not the worst non-team-player.
ugh. cloudflare shows some gigs of traffic. godaddy shows the same-ish traffic. the iis logfile shows 1/10 to 1/50 the traffic level
I guess I can beg him to move off godaddy some more.
Ick. GoDaddy.
completely agreed. I offered to help him set up AWS free tier, which would do fine, but he doesn't want to be an SA
Q: What is the recommended way to version VMware Templates?

Werner StrydomAssume that you're in an organisation with numerous data centres, each with their own private clouds running on VMware vCenter 5.5. There are VMware templates for different Operating Systems, including Windows, Redhat Linux etc. Lets assume there are two private clouds, C1 and C2. C1 was built a...

OpenSSL update coming. Several high impact security issues.
@MichaelHampton better that they come out I guess.
> Welcome to Microsoft Azure
> Explore the modern and customizable experience that streamlines the DevOps workflow and surfaces the insights you need to move forward, faster.
Surface THIS insight!
Microsoft is trying to surface my insights, but I remain unstreamlined.
Or, rather, Azure won't start my fucking VM
Ah, there it goes, finally
God dammit chrome on my iPad keeps crashing
Q: Backup without the help of softwares

CONtextI am quite new to VPS, although I have become comfortable setting up Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySql, git and other tools in CentOs, plus do some basic security and A Lot! optimization drills, all through shell access. I am now stuck at the most important part; How to do a proper backup. Here is the what...

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