@ewwhite Was thinking the other night, how many times has it been Chicago that's the ruined city in Hollywood films recently? time was when it was always NYC getting destroyed but these days it's always Chi
@ewwhite well I'm always blinded by 'ease of ownership' as I don't like supporting - so for me picking a single SKU that's supported by someone else and is based on bits I know and trust is all I care about - but you're used to these 'roll your own' setups that make my teeth itch - 'horses for courses' (this may be an English expression sorry)
My job isn't really the same as yours and, because I don't act alone, I have to watch out for the others reputation too. However, if it were me, I'd go in with the options and talk them through it. Basically, let them decide with your advice.
@Dan yeah, they don't want options, I stopped giving them a long while back - every so often someone specifically asks for them but even then they get two to choose from and I've made up their mind for them before we start talking
@ewwhite Not yet, I've seen the next version and it makes a lot more sense, I might use that in lab kit or whatever in the future but the version of today isn't something I need or trust
@ewwhite Lab it, see what you think, I don't think it's ready for production yet no, but then perhaps I'm more cautious than most - also the benefit to us is lesser as we get 'proper SANs' for so little
I have a couple of these LSI arrays
LSI Model: 0834
LSI Class: 3600
LSI Name: LSI Engenio
LSI product name: 1932
LSI Product codename: Mary Jane
Enclosure name: Shea (DM1300)
End of Life: 31-Dec-2010
which was bought with 2TB disks.
My plan is to use either XFS on Linux or ZFS on OmniOS.
@JourneymanGeek no, but we checked by mounting the disk on another vm -- no partition table. Seems that all VMs are on a particular storage array, so suspecting a borked backup run, they using netapp so we'll engaged them and see if they have any handy disk wiping tools bundled with their software :)
ahh its fuckin panic stations at the moment there anyway, all their disks are full, I think the wiper is filling their backend array or something. Wont get any useful information for a while I think.
First thing I did was check google images. Even searching for the string "Operation 2 of 2" "Wiping disk" Comes back with nothing... well it did anyway :) google.com/…
A console view of a Windows 2008 R2 VM, on vSphere is showing the following screen:
"Operation 2 of 2"
"Wiping disk"
Can someone advise on what this program is?
Some information on this mystery:
A number of VMs are now effected. The symptom is after reboot "OS not found" message is appearin...
part of the problem in identifying the program is knowing from where it's executing. It could be outside windows, but it looks just MS enough to make me thing it's running just after the HAL
@Rqomey I have seen windows getting really weird when people tried to use the same disks for two separate windows server. And I've also seen windows clear out disks when it saw disks without NTFS on it.
@JennyD YEa if the NFS was presented to a windows server it can decide to auto format the LUN, this displays in a different way, in that case the esxi complains about invalid partition table
In this case the esxi is happy, and even some other VMs are running on the datastore
Another horror story: guy made a reimaging disk which he built on his own desktop system, and tested it out on a remote system. Worked perfectly. Then he left the disk in the drive and rebooted his system when he got back in the next morning... and he'd of course made sure he'd never backed up his local drive :-)
@JennyD its not my site exactly, but that may be a possibility. The fact they are localised to one of two datastores is still a bit suspicious. But are you thinking custom script?
@MichelZ Please, why bother? Console access to SAN and ESXi host servers. And Avamar boxes. Why bother wiping from inside the OS, when you can just wipe all the storage?
@MichelZ Hey, I ain't running the call at the moment, so the focus is still on the storage side (they are trying to figure out if the other VMs were corrupted or not also)
They wanted to check the VAAI stats to see if there was a write-out getting called. They have now ruled that out, so I am waiting for engagement from the windows team. Not sure what the time frame of this will be #
@MichelZ A number of years ago I was the mail sysadmin at the same company where my husband managed NFS and backups. The company got bought out and started treating its employees like crap. Husband and I spent a lot of time designing ways to destroy the company without getting detected.
One of the favourites was encrypting all backups, having the decryption key in the restoration software, but set a job to destroy the key some time after we'd quit. Then set another job to start randomly deleting stuff later on.