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Replace the hardware with "apache, proxy, nginx" and its a question people would answer.
but some said, "call Cisco"
Oh, look, seems the interesting tab is implemented already and just not shown by default.
Heh, I have my own version. Basically tags with 'Windows' in them ignored.
That's... interesting
You know what they should do. They should have a 'didnt answer because' button in the subject fields that you can fill in.
Because: stupid
Or, let you downvote /upvote on a subject which may/may not contribute to the users rep somehow.
From the main screen, without clicking it. Kind of a little like reddit I guess.
Note down/up the subject, not the question.
Maybe it could 'bump' a question up the list of drop a question.
@MatthewIfe The last podcast talked about things sort of like that
All the Windows questions pretty much disappeared, which is nice
I dont often downvote because theres this margin between "downvote because its a poor question" and "close it because its retarded" . Where I dont want to do either and would at least like some way of venting my frustration at a question.
There is also editing a question. Not enough of this goes on, in my opinion.
@MichaelHampton if it's just formatting that's easy but beyond that it's often too hard to know what the question is about - it's easier to give the OP the opportunity to fix things
I can tolerate a badly written question, where it lacks info theres a comment, but some questions just appear to indicate too little done by the user and I have to fight off the urge to leave a patronizing comment (so I dont comment).
@MatthewIfe Yeah, if it's obvious they don't know what they're talking about or haven't done anything, go straight to close.
Hm, well sometimes I doubt I'm a good enough judge to determine that, since the standard I have is just a lot higher for 'done enough work'.
I.E I was looking into working out why systemd --user doesnt work in rhel7. "Done enough research" in this case was looking through the source code and seeing they patched it out.
@MatthewIfe stripped out of the source in the RPM build?
Hm, what to do, what to do?
@ewwhite I looked at the f20 source, found the thing that initializes the interface. Compared the same file/line in rhel7, noticed it wasnt there. Grepped all the patches for the line that should be there and found the patch responsible.
Interesting... usually the comments are verbose. Was the patch descriptive or no?
The patch filename itself was descriptive. The reason they removed it was not. In true redhat style they refer to a bugzilla bug which nobody can actually access.
@MatthewIfe That usually means it's a security related bug. Though sometimes it's a bug that the reporter wanted to be private for some other reason.
I actually think its related to problems they had with it in f20 which they worked around.
I've had some qualcomm patches that were private
I suspect that any bug reported by a paying subscriber is just inaccessible to the public.
I'm pretty sure that's not true. Pretty sure.
Well, if thats the case theres a LOT of private bugs.
There's hundreds of thousands of public ones too.
A few weeks ago I was looking through the kernel changelogs in relation to a NFS caching performance regression we was having. I grepped out all nfs changes from the kernel rpm changelog, then manually visited all teh bugs (about 150), each and every one of them was private.
Wow, that's odd. ... Are you a paying subscriber?
As a matter of fact, erm today we are.
only because I want to see those bug reports and I want to be able to submit my patches and have them go somewhere other than bugzilla for months and months on end without ever being looked at.
Hm. Might want to make sure your Bugzilla email matches an email tied to your subscriptions.
Today we are. Not the days before ;).
An example of a pretty nasty bug thats still not fixed in RHEL6 which I reported 9 months ago. Not only that I added a patch to fix it.
@MatthewIfe Oops, someone at RH dropped the ball on it, looks like. Might be worth pinging them.
Once the payment goes through, I'm going to actually report it to redhat support and get them to move their shit.
I'm having to repatch and redeploy about 5 packages at the moment that redhat ship because of bugs.
I'm down to three packages. One I build just because it isn't in EPEL. I might have to take it over.
Strong crypto is broken in ntp in RHEL6.x, I had to build/package a more recent version from upstream sources.
@MichaelHampton with the SSH one in particular, imagine the number of unnecessary OOMs that happen because of that.
@MichaelHampton a GUI? Why??
is there a per tag rss feed ?
@MarkHenderson thanks
good lord, the interesting tab is great
ok so how does that work if I want the feed to say
I've answered 3 questions in 10 minutes.. that's more answers than I've done in months
@pauska it may be based on data that was collated in January though
I really hope they're going to let you override the tags though.. for some reason it thinks that I hate sql server (which I do not)
and that I love apache-2.2
and I really really don't
@pauska it's based on the stuff you have historically answered questions in
@pauska yeah it's not bad
@Iain I understand that, but I really do not like to work with apache..
@pauska that's not what the star wall says
I just need to spend dome time to knock up a userscript to change the main logo url or one of the tabs to point to interesting now
@BigHomie ask Mark in chat I had to :) — Iain 10 secs ago
@MarkHenderson as you are the resident tag rrs guru, can you have multiple tags in one feed ?
@Iain Its not exactly sensible, but yes
@MarkHenderson that's perfect, using boolean logic no less
@BigHomie No, using tagnames=windows,ssh,cpm would be much more sensible
It's kind of dumb
But meh
I think because it piggybacks off their search URLs and thats how their search is structured
@MarkHenderson what if you wanted active directory and powershell
Hey that actually works
I didn't think it would
@MarkHenderson yeah that's what I was saying ;)
Not sure how you would do that with commas, unless something like windows+ssh,linux,sccm,etc
actually that hybrid might be better
I built a windows server today
I feel dirty
$ mco facts lsbdistrelease
Report for fact: lsbdistrelease

        4.7                                     found 4 times
        4.9                                     found 2 times
        5                                       found 2 times
        5.10                                    found 8 times
        5.3                                     found 1 times
        5.4                                     found 3 times
        5.5                                     found 3 times
        5.6                                     found 1 times
@DennisKaarsemaker I built a CentOS server a few weeks ago. Rather than have serious bodily injuries caused by frustration from SELinux I just disabled it
@MarkHenderson that's the first thing I do too
I for one welcome our mandatory access control overlords.
The Comms Transcripts are public and get indexed on Google right?
@kce yeah, if one is looking for it
@MarkHenderson Nooooooooooooooo
@Jacob Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss
@BigHomie Hmmm.
@DennisKaarsemaker I did too, and I have to build another one :(
@BigHomie That pretty much sums this room up
Another school shooting? Fuck, I'm so over this. Something has to get done.
@Jacob I seriously think they are on some forum somewhere plotting this stuff
There was one in Seattle the same time @Cole was there last week
@BigHomie Not even. They just watch the news. They get all the encouragement from that.
@Jacob Maybe, Maybe Not.
Damn, I thought I did better than that. Better go back out and try again. strava.com/activities/152006225/overview
@DennisKaarsemaker If it makes you feel any better, I just did a Server 2003 install...
It sounds a lot like suicides.
then I installed service pack 1 >_>
They normally dont get reported on the news because places become 'suicide spots'.
@MatthewIfe what does?
School shootings.
People seem to get the idea that its a useful means to get attention.
@MatthewIfe thought that's what you were talking about, a group of students actually tackled the guy in Seattle and the police took him alive
I never hear about this in other countries.
Getting to the point that sending your kids to school in america is potentially risky.
@MatthewIfe 'course not, these are American suburbs!!!
@MatthewIfe I'd actually feel safer in a school in Detroit
I dont think theres a lot you can really do about it in regards to making schools more secure.
only slightly, at least there you know who's got guns, and who they don't like, they don't typically just shoot random people
A bit like terrorism. There is a lot of bravado but I think it really doesn't change much. Or you end up trading in way too much liberty at the cost of security.
there's been a couple cases, a car full of dummies shot into a crowd leaving a school one night, chumps.
@MatthewIfe no, that's exactly what it is: young terrorism
@BigHomie Oh god I can't read any more of that
@MarkHenderson sick ain't it, I read it the other day
whatever day I onebox'd that dudes wikipedia
@MarkHenderson a little extreme, but people tend to be a little on the extreme side when under internet anonymity
@BigHomie Dude complaining that the hooker he fucked was ugly with her clothes off?
There's no pleasing these people. Guy is actually getting sex and still isn't happy
Men are pigs
@MarkHenderson that's cuz he is unsatisfied w/ himself
there are deeper issues there
always deeper issues
So yeah an entitled rich white kid driving around in a new 3-series totally had a worse life than the people he killed
whenever a dude feels that entitled to a woman/women he's never met it's something wrong, I'm speaking from experience
I gotta stop reading that article
@MarkHenderson you can't make sense outta that stuff
the sad part is I think that guy was actually serious
@BigHomie It's more than that. When some one thinks they're entitled to a person in general you have a major issue.
> [3:27 PM]: remember goerge sodini? what if elliot met george sodini

[3:27 PM]: the great sodini
This is the biggest wtf:
> 12:42 PM

I am in a hotel in Washington, DC, and my boyfriend is taking a bath, reading. I barge in, demanding to know if all men are terrible, eyes blazing. He tries to calm me down, but I am upset.

I leave the bathroom in a huff.
I've never been with a girl in any sense of the word, and I'm ok with that and these pricks need to learn how to as well.
Who has a bath at 12:42pm?
@MarkHenderson I do after working out..
Speaking of which, MOAR interval training. Talk to you guys later!
@MarkHenderson lol he should have said #YesAllMen
@Jacob Shuddup. I really need to get back into it
Maybe I will watch mondays GoT whilst working out tonight
@BigHomie Sooo not going there, nomatter if I agree with you or not ;)
Anything to do with feminism I just stay right the fuck out of it. No winners there.
Woo! New international bandwidth directly into our DC!
takes latency down from 10,000ms to 5,000ms ?
@BigHomie har. No but it should drop my hops to get off-shore by at least 3 or 4
Now I feel bad for validating this flag, this is pretty sick
@MarkHenderson that's pretty cool
Am I.... banned ??
what I miss
@BigHomie No
No flag
@BigHomie You need a GUI to run GUI applications, like Firefox, OpenOffice, etc.
But that was pretty gross
@MichaelHampton assuming this was for me, I see, I thought it might have been a server or something, or is it a terminal server?
@BigHomie Linux isn't just a server operating system. I've been using it as a desktop OS for about 20 years.
@MichaelHampton I just haven't met many people who use rhel for their linux box is all
@BigHomie I don't. But I do evaluate lots of things.
Question: When do you guys look at increasing vCPU shares or cores? When a VM regularly sits at >50% CPU? Or when it peaks at 100% for more than $x minutes?
Ping @ewwhite
@MarkHenderson When the services seem slow, the CPU utilization is high, and it seems likely that upping one of those things would actually make the services faster.
@MarkHenderson The peaks hitting 90%-100% for more than 5-15 minutes on a regular basis is roughly what I'd mean by "high".
@freiheit They'd be > 90% during working hours for perhaps 15-20 minutes over the entire day
But > 40% for basically the entire working day
I only have raw stats to go on right now; will ask some users if they feel any speed issues
@MarkHenderson Even better is if you can actually measure the performance of the app. Easy with some things, nearly impossible with others...
@freiheit Terminal server :(
@MarkHenderson Yeah, you can't exactly throw ab at that one...
@MichaelHampton "Planning".. what is "planning"?
@MarkHenderson The thing you're supposed to do before "action" to prevent "emergency"
@MichaelHampton I recognise the words, but I do not understand what they mean
@MarkHenderson You use the the things you know about in your brain and the things you can find out to come up with an idea of how to get from where things are now to where you want things to be. Then partway through you throw all of that away and run around in circles until the fire goes out.
@MarkHenderson hello
@MarkHenderson Oooh, well, I look at the CPU demand
and sometimes size up, if I understand how the VM is being used
typically, vmware environments aren't stressed for CPU resources...
@ewwhite So when is HP going to get some RHEL7 repos and hp-snmp-agent builds for RHEL7?
A: Dell Poweredge 2950 faster than Dell Poweredge R820?

ewwhiteIt's almost like you could look for a side-by-side comparison of an Intel X5450 and E5-4620 CPU online and interpret the results!! For your use case, virtualization is a convenience. You're definitely not maximizing the use of the new platform, but at least you're using a system that is current ...

@ewwhite No, this is the first time I've ever even considered increasing CPU shares or adding another vCPU
@MarkHenderson what's the current allocation?
and underlying harrrrrdware?
@ewwhite I don't need any drivers, I just want the SNMP stuff so that my monitoring can see all 42 temp sensors. Some of the stuff from their RHEL6 channel worked fine on RHEL7, but the hp-snmp-agents tries to link against a version of the snmp library that isn't there.
@ewwhite ESXi 5.5, 2x E5645, 140GB RAM
Checking allocations now
@freiheit yeah, I wouldn't even consider EL7 until the drivers are certified.
@ewwhite "Normal" shares (4000). If that means anything on its own. No reservation. No limit.
@ewwhite It's an experimental box, not something i'm rolling into production next week. Mostly trying to make sure all my puppet shit is fully ready for RHEL7.
@freiheit well, I think it's premature. Live without the HP agents.
@freiheit Yeah we all know what "experimental" means "Will go to dev and be forced into prod within 5 working days"
see if you can get hp-ams running
and leverage your ILO for temp monitoring/snmp/email alerts
@MarkHenderson do you know how to gauge contention?
I have one client whose primary database server running their 1.2TB database is called prodSql1\ProdNameStaging
@MarkHenderson It's actually a box intended to be our next monitoring server...
@ewwhite %RDY?
@MarkHenderson In my experience, it requires programmer involvement for an untested proof of concept to be rolled into production without warning. :)
@freiheit This is true
A programmer combined with a manager who is under unrealistic deadlines

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