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@BigHomie "After the wedding, if you speak with your new spouse, you can determine where they will live." Isn't that pretty lousy? What if you end up marrying some NPC from the other end of the map?
@MathiasR.Jessen I have no idea, I literally have never played the game and just googled 'skyrim marriage'.
@BigHomie I actually thought about putting that on my CV as a title: "SysAdmin, MCITP, Level 70 Googler"
@MathiasR.Jessen or Black Belt in GoogleJitsu
am I unashed? You bet I'm not.
That moment when you realize your not an IT Pro - just a bionic Reverse Proxy for Googles search engine
^ happens at least twice a day for me :P
@MathiasR.Jessen I thought knowing how to google error messages was a pre-req for being an IT Pro~
@BigHomie Oh, it is... I'm simply implying that the Venn diagram for the two is close to being just a perfect circle
God, what a day :(
@DanilaLadner wassup?
@ewwhite hey man.
I ordered 2 more servers btw
@DanilaLadner Yes I saw.
I'm going to NY tomorrow.
@ewwhite You're avoiding me! (I'm leaving tomorrow)
@ewwhite Jealous - we miss NY
Oh, I'm not welcome at the SE offices.
@ewwhite For real?
naw, just had a bad interview with Kyle
You're unqualified!!
@ewwhite For which, the networking one?
@ShaneMadden sysadmin... a few years ago
before I went to logicworks
@ewwhite Ahh, gotcha. I think you'd still be welcome at the office :)
nah, turned me off... ;)
What is NEED is for @DanilaLadner to invite me back!
@ewwhite Well, we'll at least have to grab a drink if you're around next time I'm out here, heh
@Basil A shitty one?
@ewwhite I will be most likely going to see Ohad @ The Ladders about ansible and foreman integration, but might not, since have league soccer game
@DanilaLadner Is Ansible really the best way forward?
@MathiasR.Jessen in spades
I'm probably too conservative. I feel like Puppet is usually good enough.
i like it, since i know python, more flexible for me, can integrate python into play books directly, and i can't ruby and do not want to be tied up to puppet DSL. But then i hate cobbler for provisioning and reporting.
@MathiasR.Jessen Oh I see lol
@DanilaLadner totally understandable.
Remember, I'm a hack... so Puppet masks my lack of skills :)
my zfs/nfs setup is the beast
@DanilaLadner oh? done?
write to nfs mount saturates the 1G link up to 121MB/s
pretty efficient
Now add LACP!
and at the same time when the second client is writing at the same time on the second i get 98MB/s
I'm so sick of crap like this. If you haven't checked the logs and verified the most basic connectivity issues then don't post.
in parallel
that's one issue here, i have KVM clients they are M610 blades, they have only 2 ports in them.
one for stor, and one for reg net.
so I can't LACP on the client
I'll gladly sell you some HP blades.
I have plenty of baldes
In which case he'll see you crack
and anything else. I need to make money off of you somehow!
I just need to find a net card for them with 4 ports
All my adult life everyone tries to make $ off of me: wife, kids, parents, ewwhite, recruiters, IBM, DunkinDonuts. the list is almost infinite.
Hey, you have access to my premier hardware resource.
you get to be the hero coming in to your boss with $ savings on equipment
Wouldn't you get anything from your hw boys?
who did you interview again with?
My VMware environment is a proof of concept for the absolute slowest hardware that Windows guest VMs can successfully operate on.
@DanilaLadner Sometimes there's $ on the hardware deals
I mark equipment up much more.
for the clients?
I'm trying to secure a $1 million deal with <a former employer>
Ok, i can try to give you a few clients to sell eq to.
@DanilaLadner Naw, I want you guys to use me for my datacenter and ZFS skills
one is 1000 people health co
dc work is done
just left setting up ipsec tunnels.
That's a joke right? This is Server 2012, when would it even be used at home and why do I want it to find stuff automatically?
It's related to the three network states in Vista (I think) onwards - Work, Home, Public
It's in 2012 because it's in 8 :)
@Dan My *nix boxes don't want to find my devices for me! What is this madness?>!?
@Jacob It's just fancy network neighbourhood shit.
It doesn't really "do" anything if you're nto actually using it
Besides, This box is running inside VMWare inside of my cabinet at a datacenter. I doubt there is much listening.
@Jacob Media server d00d
More to that point, do me a favour and rename that NIC to something meaningful :D
And why aren't you using VMXNET?
It's been three years, but I finally got so annoyed at badly targeted emails that I created an outlook rule.
@Dan Poop
Forgot to set that, aaaand it's fixed
This one guy assumes that everyone in the IT department (all 1200 of us) needs to be informed about his project's progress and webinars. And just to make sure we're in the know, he sends the invites out with all of us in the "to" field, which made filtering annoying.
@Jacob :D
@Basil what co is it 1200 people in IT?
@DanilaLadner I work for a big railroad
Christ, reading this guy's email, I'm not sure he'd pass a turing test...
And he drives trains.
Hope it includes an insulting bounce message.

"Sorry, but your message could not be submitted as sent. The receiving mailbox sent the error message :'Fuck you dumbass!' in response."
@HopelessN00b Tempting, but no. I would have considered auto-declining, but instead just deleted.
Now I just wish I could get outlook rules to run on the server!
@Jacob Windows Server is sometimes used in workstations, when the license for regular Windows won't cover the hardware. That's a very uncommon circumstance though.
@MichaelHampton Actually, on a more interesting point - Windows Server is used a lot in a VDI environments due to restrictions on reselling connections to the desktop editions
@Basil Well, to each his own. I find it more fun to hack custom bounce messages into the Exchange server. Delivery rejected 69.69 - busy banging your mom. Delivery delayed - busy waiting to bang your mom. ... and so on.
@HopelessN00b Heh, luckily I only admin the storage, not the servers.
So the temptation is easy to resist
I'm not the email admin either... though they do get the most irate calls from customers occasionally... :)
@Basil We're running Exchange with Forefront, so the "Junk" rules in Outlook actually get implemented by the e-mail server. Block a sender in Outlook and e-mails from them will actually bounce at the Exchange server. I find this works particularly well with a slightly toned-down HopelessN00b style message like "Take a hint - they don't want your e-mails anymore"
What a night!
@Jacob okay tell me somethin'
@BigHomie I was just making sure I @'ed him
Oh no. How do I disable Internet Explorer babysitter mode?
(found it)
@Jacob you don't.
@BigHomie why?... going to elaborate?
@Jacob b/c IE Security holes are as big as texas and twice as oily.
@Travis Late December, back in '63
@BigHomie I don't browse the internet on my servers, I go to very specific links to get software to install.
@Jacob famous last words, but have it your way
I've recently tried NinitePro...quite impressed. I know they want to keep it bloat-free but it would be nice if you could push out msi's too.
Everyone thinks that stuff is there to keep people from browsing the internet
@BigHomie huh?
@Jacob Just realize that IE can be exploited by simply being open and in memory, is all I'm sayin
Oh, hey, RHEL 7 is out
@pauska 2007 rather than 2010 for us, and yes.
@Travis had a rough one?
@freiheit meh
@ewwhite I have one project I really wanted to do with RHEL7 instead of Software Collections (next version of moodle requires newer PHP and MySQL/MariaDB than RHEL6 has).
I've had a whole pile of projects waiting for EL7.
I never trust .0, .1, .2 releases of RHEL
Now taking bets on the CentOS 7 release date.
6.0 had glibc bugs, 6.1 broke my toilet, 6.2 killed XFS.
@MichaelHampton Hopefully a bit faster now that CentOS is part of RH
@MichaelHampton July 10th
@DennisKaarsemaker Ha. Just took a quick glance at the CentOS mailing lists. "Oh shit we've only done the branding removal on 10% of the packages!"
A: Are we becoming too judgmental about questions relating to "professionalism"?

kcePlease indulge my bit of amateur anthropology here... I think the other answers here have done a great job distinguishing between closing a question due to a "lack of professionalism" versus "not being about professional system administration"; however seeing as you are coming here from StackOve...

My bit of amateur cultural anthropology...
@MichaelHampton I see the ones about the branding tool, but where is that one at?
mornin' gents.
@MichaelHampton nice
@kce Nice job. Mis-spelled 'In' though. s/It short/In short/
@kce I like that
@Magellan - Thanks.
@Basil - I feel it is a more or less accurate summation.
@kce What's the endgame?
@Jacob - We, as in the SF "curate content" community lose.
@kce Of course. .SE had made that clear since they summarily rejected the first FAQ Rewrite with no input as to correcting it.
@kce We exist to help pay .SE's bills. That's about it.
In my opinion we've already "lost". There's very little voting, there's substantially less good content and good contributors from even a year ago. The only thing we have an increase in, is increasingly poor questions (by SF's community standards).
@Magellan - ServerFault! StackExchange's ClickBait!
Anyone have tech related podcast suggestions?
@mossy Bart and Pete do one. Geeking after dark?
@mossy that's awfully un-specific.
@Jacob Who's that baby
in the podcast
or is that a girl
No idea?
The question nobody has come up with a good answer for yet is: How do you attract and retain high quality people and content? — Michael Hampton ♦ 4 mins ago
Well, whatchall think?
@BigHomie Money.
SE Seems to think it's asking expert level questions, since they don't pay us most of us to be here -_- @voretaq7
@BigHomie They did give me this fancy diamond
("The reward for doing good work is more work.")
@voretaq7 MUSH!
Mush — sometimes called coosh — is a thick cornmeal pudding (or porridge) usually boiled in water or milk. It is often allowed to set, or gel into a semi solid, then cut into flat squares or rectangles, and pan fried. Usage is especially common in the eastern and southeastern United States. It is also customary for those in the Midwestern US to eat it with maple syrup or molasses. In Eastern Europe instead of boiling in milk, it is poured over the meal once served and cooled down. Corn meal mush is often consumed in Latin America and Africa. It has been considered synonymous, perhaps er...
Because.... just because.
<<===Lives up to certain stereotypes.
Q: Was this 4th grader's creationist quiz real?

TomOnTimeIs this 4th grader's creationist quiz real or a hoax?

it is awesome. Learning how to pan-fry it without it falling apart is important though.
@Jacob why @Yacub why
@BigHomie because?
Where's @MDMarra? I need to setup AD...
@Jacob Must. Fight. Urge. To. Defend. Beliefs.
@BigHomie lol
@BigHomie I just linked a question. I didn't comment on it.
@mossy I gotta keep it real man fried chicken and macaroni and cheese any day of the week for me, what can I tell ya ;)
@BigHomie I love cornbread
@Jacob I know, but that question is ripe for trolling and I have work to do :(
@mossy Then you've just earned yourself a gold star
@BigHomie <rawhide-theme>Trollin' Trollin' Trollin' - Lots of Jesus Trolin'</rawhide-theme> :P
@mossy @BigHomie Who DOESN'T love cornbread?
(Godless Communists - that's who!)
@Bobson that's an unscientific hypothesis because it has no predictive power — Sklivvz ♦ 2 mins ago
@voretaq7 I think even some of them like cornbread.
god dammit now I want cornbread
@BigHomie Yes, but if they admitted it they'd be sent to the gulag for consorting with capitalist swine.
@voretaq7 bacon and cornbread?
I can type. Shut up. Stupid fucking Apple keyboard....
too bad I don't eat pork anymore :(
@BigHomie interestingly those are two foods I prefer to keep separate
Bacon goes better with eggs and other proteins than it does with carbs
bacon cornbread sandwich??
mmmmmmmmmmm bacon
also it's lunchtime now, because we're talking about food and I'm hungry!
Salut @Magellan
@voretaq7 sshpsh, slap it between a slice of bread and some butter and you've got urself a breakfast my friend
@voretaq7 Bacon goes with everything
Q: How can we recruit and retain more talent?

BigHomieTangentially related to another meta post, the last discussion about this was a while back, so it may be time to revisit this topic. The #1 answer in the chat was money, so that and fried chicken aside, how can we draw more professional system administrators to the site? Personally, I came on ...

@BigHomie I've begged people I work with to contributed here and Stack Overflow and the opinion across the board is it's a cesspool where you'll be attacked, and therefore not worth it
yeh SO is full of vultures, but SF? A cesspool?? ouch
well I guess we better put our cape on.
@BigHomie I do sometimes compare system administration to plumbing.... (taken for granted until you have a problem)
@freiheit Same here
Anything less than complete success is failure.
@MichaelHampton I honestly believe it could solve our problems IF the high-reps start voting up
and post interesting questions
If it's going to get implemented then I'm going to double my question amount..
and for the rest of you, read the bottom half of this blog post (The decline of SE part)
Abby T. Miller on May 29, 2014

Welcome to the 59th running of the Stack Exchange podcast, brought to you by Nutella! Your hosts Joel Spolsky, David Fullerton, and Jay Hanlon are joined this week by special guests Josh Heyer (aka Shog9) and Robert Cartaino (aka Robert Cartaino) of the Stack Exchange Community Growth team.

We’ve got a busy podcast scheduled, so let’s get down to business, starting with New Features with Uncle David.

We are revamping the user profile, and you can check it out and give us feedback (and please do!). …

@RyJones Howdy Good Sir!
@BigHomie Our official tag for meta questions about the future of the site is
@MichaelHampton lol thnx, interesting choice
Ugh. I am so not down with the Going to Work thing today.
stay home, masturbate, drink some whiskey, sleep some more.
@Magellan hope your day is interesting
That it will be. I haven't turned my phone on yet as it's likely to have lots of emails in there for me....
@Magellan ugh
It used to be my house mail box I was affraid of, now it is my cell phone.
@Jacob not impressed, anyone can subscribe to a typical listserv, evident by the number journalists on the list. I was surprised to see [email protected] though.
So I just setup AD with .local. That's how it's supposed to be done right?
@Jacob Is that a real question?
@Jacob Shouldn't that come with a trollface?
@mfinni It should, as I used ad.domain.com
@Jacob excellent.
@Jacob never raise my blood pressure like that again
It's long been a meme in here to say that we setup AD with .local
It used to be to piss off @MDMarra before he stopped coming in here.
@Jacob so what is the proper domain to use nowadays?
@Magellan I normally use ad
@Magellan .localhost
A: Should engineering have its own DNS zone, delegate, or subdomain?

BigHomieFirst and foremost, make sure you own the domain.tld you plan on using (mit.edu). Even if this never connects to the internet, that's not the point. There are huge benefits to having a hierarchy of dns that at least somewhat matches the org. I've only seen this done when there is someone/people ...

@Magellan A sub-domain of your actual registered domain
If you're in a lab pick on of the big four, .test
ok. figured so. You Windows People are strange.
I think I'll stick with my 389. No black magic involved.
@BigHomie Why still not follow convention.
My home cloud used my domain
and yes I did run a cloud in my house
@Jacob well, I can see in a test environment if you want the added peace of mind of knowing there's pretty much no way DNS-speaking that someone an reach your domain, that's it, I mean they put them there for a reason I have to say
@pauska @pauska_sock it appears that Joel believes the 'Front Page' is the end all be all of question asking, not really the case
@freiheit It's also like plumbing in that we have a hands-on relationship with both shit and things that move shit around.
Sooo. I'm testing my Hyper-V Cluster by disabling the storage network ports. Currently have no iSCSI sessions going, my test VM and the cluster disks are still owned by this node AND the VM still works... hmmm
What is this sorcery?
I have my own proposal.
Q: SF should use the "interesting" home page

Michael HamptonAs you might be aware, Stack Overflow has a unique home page which tries to display questions which are relevant to the user. This works very well for SO and helps its users sift through the thousands of questions posted there daily. While we usually only have hundreds of questions per day, I th...

@MichaelHampton You sir, are ingenious.
@kce Drive some IO to it and see if it craps out?
@mfinni - I can watch YouTube videos on it, if that counts...
@kce Only if that causes disk IO; depends on your Flash cache settings I would think.
woah. the review queues are empty.
that's creepy.
Oh. Duh. That was Meta.
hahaha. oh, SF.
how attractive to spammers you are
@mfinni - IOmeter is preparing to run and everything is still working. Weird. Get-ISCSIConnection shows two open connections but Get-ISCSISession shows none of the Targets are connected.
Q: What is the water resistance classification of the iPad Air 2?

BigHomieMy team is looking to develop an app that will assist underwater welders, treasure hunters, and general sea dwellers as well. I cannot g into details because of the pending NDA, however I cannot find the water resistance rating of the upcoming iPad Air. What is the rating?

Upvotes anyone?
@mfinni I wonder if its just instrumentation?
@kce Ya got me. Lumeniferous ether?
*Luminiferous, apologies
Been awhile since I worked on pre-relativistic technology.
@BigHomie proofread
It's the other way around. It's non-deterministic Hyper-V. The chance of it failing or succeeding is merely a probabilistic and based on quantum-entanglement.
@Jacob one little vowel Yacob, but thnx
@kce What's the SKU for that? I'd like to order some.
Actually, sounds like what we've already got.
@mfinni - Windows! It might work. Maybe.
Killed the last connection and it locked up.
It seems to take a bit before the cluster disks failover
@BigHomie comment posted
@BigHomie Nobody knows what the rating of an unreleased product is.
@RyJones That's the beauty of it, when someone's finds out they'll post it there, then my question will be the SME muah hahahaha
@BigHomie It's offropic
Pedal time. I'm out.
More Office Workers Switching To Fetal Position Desks - Wellness experts say curling up in a ball on the floor is the healthiest way to deal with the non-stop agony of the workday.
huh, I heard @ewwhite didn't hang out here any more
@RyJones he doesn't
@ewwhite sad, he was my produce information connectin
@RyJones I heard he averages more posts per day here than anyone else in comms.
@BigHomie Do I?
@RyJones Not true, some Apple employees might frequent the site
@ewwhite The other day, it dipped a little and now I've got that title, so keep posting when I'm not around
I give up. Nobody that knows is going to say, and if I need to explicitly list every little condition on every statement, I give up.
@MichaelHampton serverfault.com/users/tag-future/current - get a feel for what the interesting tab might show you - for me it would still be full of crappy questions
I propose an HP ProLiant-specifc StackExchange site!!
Nah, HP would sue me.
but I did break 700 rep points on Unix and Linux!
@Iain Yeah, I'm more likely to answer Windows and Windows-7 question than your average user. Certainly no shortage of crap in there.
Hell, throw in a MySQL tag and cPanel/Plesk, and I may as well save myself some time and go play in traffic.
@ewwhite You really want to answer 50 questions a day about how to download Proliant firmware without a Service Pack license number?
@HopelessN00b I'll raise you linux and apache with a side order of ubuntu, centos and similar
High quality qestion sources - not
@HopelessN00b you know, I haven't had to enter a license or serial on HP's site for a loooong time
@Iain The one redeeming think about my future is that Ubuntu is the first tag listed for unlikely to answer.... even with Linux as my 5th highest tag by %. =D
It's interesting to see some of the discussions on mSO now that it's been split from mSE - they re now able to wrestle with their quality issues
@HopelessN00b I have a slew of Microsoft technolgies on my list
@Iain Must mean it's the shape of things to come. =D
PowerShells and Metro UI everywhere you look!
the less likely list that is
A: Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late?

Mysticial Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? I hate to pile on, but I couldn't resist summarizing the problem. And I apologize ahead of time for any potentially offensive language that I might use. Basically there are 4 camps of users on Stack Overflow: The "caretakers" who want to keep the...

That's interesting just for the graphic
I'm a 1 but becoming more 4 all the time
I'm a category 5. Bored and under-utilized at work, and happy for something diverting that looks IT-related enough to slip past the bosses' notice.
Meet person in real life. Later look up their LinkedIn profile. 3rd degree connection; LinkedIn won't let me connect with them. Wants me to pay to upgrade to premium. Google person's name and place of employment instead. Google caches LinkedIn search page with Connect button on it. Mission accomplished. :P
I'm 90% 4 10% 1.
I think I may have found the only My Chemical Romance song that I like: pandora.com/my-chemical-romance/…
I know, it's a new day in America!
Most people here in chat are somewhere between 1 and 4 the occasional 3 too
<< 134
I'm here because occasionally I like to show off on a subject matter I know (relatively speaking) a lot about, its not the typical type of topic you can easily go on about in a pub and have people even be able to comprehend about 5% of what I'd be waffling on about.
@Iain Is there an option for people who just use the site when they have a question, and ask legitimate questions correctly?
@RyanRies Oh, I just pay LinkedIn every month to assist my stalking efforts.
@Soviero whatever you want
@MatthewIfe It's how I feel about my HP skill set.
@Iain That's not a valid response to the question...
@Soviero downvote and close it then
Who's star-stalking me?
@Iain the graphic kills it!
Do I encourage stupid questions/answers?
I guess thats why I prefer chat too. Its a more immediate hit.
@ewwhite stream of conciousness ?
Let's test my star-stalker:
@Iain Half the time I look and know that I can help someone's issue... but stepping back, a lot of these people could have done better reading the manual/docs/googling...
Someone asked how to update their disk firmware on an HP box.... New user. Fine. But they could have found that on the support site quite easily.
Hannibal Lecter.
@ewwhite absolutely. I've stepped back and started answering questions indirectly - giving people clues and hints rather than code in an attempt to educate them
John Green.
but after a certain point, you can't teach people how to troubleshoot.
Hank Green.
The OP from this question came back today to give an update.
Server power removed.
iLO 2
05/29/2014 16:57
05/29/2014 16:57
Server power restored.
iLO 2
05/29/2014 16:57
05/29/2014 16:57
bad power cable/connection/UPS
@ewwhite that's very true and trying to diagnose something with someone who doesn't understand on the end of a comment stream doesn't do well either
which is among the first things you check before posting to the internet.
@ewwhite aye
so that's missing. I think we're getting old
Star this, if the star-stalker is @Iain.
I'm only here to eclipse Evan Anderson and claim that I won the internet
then I'll slink away or focus on bike riding or something
Ha! I should have known! @Iain!
I leave so many comments to the effect 'are there any interesting messages in your logs' I can't believe people ddon't look in them first
@Iain BTW, I've been riding every day.
and worse some even ask which logs and where to look :(
@ewwhite I did just 9 miles at lunch time today. Tomorrow I have 80-100 miles and 5800 to 7500 ft of climbing depending on legs/time at about 65 miles
climbing... so foreign to me
typical ride for me... 358ft elevation
@ewwhite I see @Wesley's and @jacob's rides on strava and can't believe how far they ride with no change in altitude. I live in a flatish area and make 1000ft easily
Heres my brutally honest look at the top five questions I saw on SF a few minutes ago (for me, I ignore tags).
@Iain Glaciers are to blame here
This is what Isee when I look at the questions subject line (the *only* thing that will attract a click)...
**Server being used to send spam mail. How do I investigate?** = Answered before, without looking at the question theres so much that could possibly be needed it might take me too long to bother drawing up an answer and thinking of all possible solutions.

**Which method use for granting sudo** = I actually clicked it. Was quite interesting in the answers, but I have no means to upvote without knowing if its a good answer / investigation into ubuntus way of handling things.
Oh, i just skim
and then I get emails on the hot tags I care about
@ewwhite 'here' the glaciers made valleys and cut the tops off qll the mountains at 3000ft
then there's this...
Q: Server have 6 harddisk, how to set daily full backup/clone harddisk?

Earli have a HP DL380 server, its have 6 harddisk, @72Gb each, i am planning to use centos + cpanel please suggest how to set daily full backup/daily clone harddisk? so if 1 main harddisk is broken, i got the backup/clone in the backup harddisk, just need to use the cloned harddisk, or restore it...

here is in north Wales where I'll be tomorrow ~ 20-50 miles away. Locally glaciers left us with clay
@Iain so you have mountains, too?
@ewwhite on a global scale they're foothills ~ 3000ft
the passes are ~1500ft
@ewwhite sounds from the question he wants erm, RAID. Not that he doesn't need backups too.
@MatthewIfe The good complex questions just aren't coming as often
@ewwhite All the sccm ones are on social technet
read: cheesy knockoff
but bigger community
@BigHomie . . . Windows Vizsla?
I feel like some discussion about DevOps needs to happen
@ewwhite Marketing is bad and you should feel bad.
@MatthewIfe I looked at the sudo question, it had an answer I moved on but its kinda crappy question. The spam - did the same as you - haven't seen the rest and qon't bother either
Hurricane DevOps is just off shore and is going to hit imminently. I hope you've evacuated!
@ewwhite partly its because when you're new each question looks as novel as the last one. When you've been here 3 years, you see the same questions asked over and over. A bit like pop music becomes gnawing and irritating after 10 years of bothering to hear it.
@ewwhite we see the results of DevOPs on the front page every day the devs throw the ops out and then come to SF and crap all over it
What are your thoughts on this?
Q: CISCO WS-C4948-10GE SFP+?

Brian LovettI have a pair of CISCO WS-C4948-10GE's that we need to connect to a new switch that has SFP+ and QSFP ports. Is there an X2 module that supports this? If so, can someone name the part number that will work? I have found some information, but want to make sure I have the correct part number for ou...

oooh, Onebox doesn't like https.
that's a real question... kinda?

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