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@MarkHenderson Sadly, there's absolutely no show that gets technology right. To be fair, this is true of most any topic... medicine, history, military, etc, etc. It's pop culture, so it reflect what the ignorant mob thinks about $subject.
If it's not plainly wrong and painfully stupid, it's better than most.
@HopelessN00b I should just watch shows set in the past or fictional universes, like Game of Thrones
@MarkHenderson Or good sci-fi. No pesky reality to be inconsistent with.
@HopelessN00b Exactly
Too many crime shows on TV anyway
We need one or two good ones, and the rest can die in a fire
That's one good thing about not having may TV channels here - we (for the most part) only get the better shows. Most of the crap we leave behind
And the stuff we do get from America? My god how bad must the rest of them be
@MarkHenderson Bullshit propaganda for the police. Perpetuating the dangerous fiction that cops are anything but thugs of below-average intelligence who wouldn't be able to find their asses with a map and a flashlight.
@MarkHenderson Whim of the mob and all that. Considering how stupid your average person is, it's a small miracle that the lowest common denominator is something like American Idol, and not people flinging feces at each other.
@HopelessN00b I... i would watch that
(jk gross)
Sigh. Just got my 5th year anniversary badge from Server Fault
How much time have I wasted here...
all of it? ;p
@HopelessN00b there's very little good proper sci fi these days.
@JourneymanGeek Sadly yes
I've some hope for the expanse TV series
especially if they adopt the universe rather than the novels
OMG DEVELOPERS. Who stores a "Day of Week" field as a fucking bigint. There's only 7 possible fucking possibilities
however, chances are they will kill it off in a season.
One of my developers, that's who digs through commit logs
Fanbois! Thinks that universal voltage switchmode power supplies might be an Apple specific invention
Q: using Apple products abroad: just replace the plug?

jj_pFor many Apple products, e.g. macbook air, or iphone, the power supply is the same for different countries, and it accepts a power range of 100-240V and 50-60Hz (which I think is a great idea, since it encompasses most of the power standard used around the world; I don't know whether this is spec...

"I don't know whether this is specific to Apple or common practice"
@jscott Which means he thinks there's a chance that somehow Apple invented this
Whatever the opposite of rose-coloured glasses is, thats what I wear when I read apple.stackexchange
Shit-coloured glasses maybe
Shit-colored is a pretty normal color for sunglasses...
I'd assume they were only familiar with Apple products, maybe haven't spent time building their own machines. If you asked my wife "How do you take a screen shot?", she'd answer in an instant... She wouldn't mention the PrtSc key, as I don't think she has ever seen one.
@jscott I kind of like the Apple printscreen method. Apple+Shift+4, Space, click for a specific window
Of course alt+prtscrn is even easier, but there's something about the apple one that I like
switching to fiber on the 7th
@MarkHenderson rolleyes
100mbps, but cheaper than cable. and I suspect the new ONTs do routing
@MarkHenderson Yeah, they've some neat options, but I instantly think Alt+PrtSc too.
@JourneymanGeek Sexy
Our connection for the office (FTTB then VHDSL for the 20m from basement to office) is still pending a capacity upgrade
100mbps, but its cheaper than what we were paying for 25mbps cable.
connection is going to be a bitch
they're throwing in a dlink router
@JourneymanGeek You're going to need a proper router to push 100mbps
Most of the CPE stuff you can buy on a budget caps out at like 30mbps
I have no idea if they do ipv6 for that though
@MarkHenderson: I have a decent consumer grade router
the chokepoint for my network is the powerline stuff, and the important parts slightly exceed 100mbps
@JourneymanGeek Gross
I've recently had a total hardon for some MikroTik routers I've been playing around with
They're so cheap and incredibly functional
@MarkHenderson: meh, if I had a budget, I'd probably wire up the whole place, ask you guys, and buy a goddamned 24 port router.
But mostly, omg after looking at Cisco router pricing and then seeing MikroTik's I had to check if the decimal was in the right place
(actually, its not even the budget. Wires would be cheaper)
@MarkHenderson: cisco is enterpricy ;p
asus.com/Networking/RTN56U this is my main router at the moment
@JourneymanGeek I have a rule in my house. Nothing goes on the wireless unless it literally doesn't have an ethernet port
@MarkHenderson: oh, thats what we basically did
there's two parts of the house where I need wired internet that though
one's my room, the other is the living room where wifi dosen't reach
I have cabling between the place the new ONT will be and where the old modem was.
I'm half tempted to sneak a wire over the ledge to my room >_>
@JourneymanGeek I was climbing on the roof taking off roof tiles to get access to external wall cavities the other weekend so I could run a pair of cat6 cables and some coax into the kitchen - coax for the TV antenna for my new kitchen TV and then two cat6's in case I ever want to put an apple TV and maybe something else on there
I figure I have loads of cable and loads of empty ports, no harm in just throwing everything wherever I can
@MarkHenderson: apartment, 25th floor. Also, I live with my parents ;p
and I don't have loads of empty ports >_>
@JourneymanGeek Yeah parents can be roadblocks. My Dad was fine with it just as long as it was invisible once it was done. No cables through corridores, nothing hanging out of the edges
I have one on a proper segment of the network, and 4 fast ethernet port in the ass end of nowhere.
My Mum however got very shitty when I put a 32U rack in my cupboard. "BUT ITS INVISIBLE WHEN YOU CLOSE THE DOOR!" - I lost that one, had to go on ebay
"I am not having that monstrosity in my house!"
I got in trouble for a mini itx box >_>
back in the day
@JourneymanGeek Old people aye
Don't worry you'll be old once and saying "back in my day NFC was good enough for instant payments! No need for this newfangled retina implants"
"I remember when you could use a username and password to log in, and you didn't have to submit a DNA sample"
"When I was your age, we used to look down at our phones and walk into street signs. And we LIKED IT."
"I remember when we had to push buttons to activate functionality"
(other than the last part, entirely true!)
right now my dad has a "If you buy something new, something old needs to get thrown out"
Works for me. I keep a small stash of sacrificial crap ;p
@BigHomie I'd appreciate you stopped XSSing me into your unrelated [to me] replies daily, thanks.
@PatoSáinz: ok.
@JourneymanGeek yea but at least you do it directly
Q: Leave your feedback about the Help Center and your closed or downvoted question here

Robert HarveyThis question is for new users who have asked questions that have been closed, downvoted or put on hold by the Stack Overflow community. We would like to use your feedback to improve the Help Center, and hopefully help new users ask their questions without getting them put on hold or downvoted...

stackoverflow ew
@JourneymanGeek instead, he goes fucking with <span tags and ways to get me highlighted
i need more stars
@BigHomie no seriously, go report that XSS
bleh, looking up the gear I'm getting, there's no information I can find on the ONT
Ohai @PatoSáinz, what are you so excited about?
And why aren't you in school
And what is xss?? Cross site scripting??
@BigHomie yea but you know what I mean by XSS, injecting your unwanted html in this html
@BigHomie it's 2300 here
Anyone want to buy a tank?
> One of the more amusing arguments made by citizen control cultists is that they think you shouldn’t be able to own arms of military value
Inflammatory language much?
@MarkHenderson You should see the language the other side uses.
@MichaelHampton The whole argument seems to be "I'm allowed to own a tank because some dead guys said I could"
I just don't buy it
Although owning a tank would be totally awesome...
@MarkHenderson: thats about the main reason one wants a tank
and zombies
but a IFV would make more sense there
depending on the type of zombie, either the oldschool sort with firing ports or one of those sealed NBC models
@JourneymanGeek Yeah but if I had a spare $200,000, a tank would be wayyy down on my list of shit to buy
@MichaelHampton Do you mean the more obvious inflammatory language like "dangerous gun nuts", or the more subtle inflammatory language like "assault rifle"?
Cheaper than a Ferrari though
@freiheit: meh, both sides of the arguement have idiots ;p
Tanks are silly to own.
@JourneymanGeek So are Ferraris
wait, whose side am I on here?
a ferrari can get you laid.
@JourneymanGeek Pretty sure a tank would get you laid with a certain type of person too
@MarkHenderson: she'd only be interested in the size of your barrel ;p
Imagine this:

"Hey man, wanna come around and check out my tank?"
"I'm not gay"
"No no, seriously, I actually own a tank. I'll even let you drive it."
"Ok fine I'll have sex with you"
nothing gay about admiring another man's barrel.
@MarkHenderson That... yeah, that could work...
@freiheit And then after you've both cleaned up, you don't let him drive the tank. Ultimate burn.
@MarkHenderson Definitely need to do the tank driving first!
@freiheit Always get payment upfront
you're all evil evil people
@MarkHenderson No Net-30 terms without legal contracts
@JourneymanGeek Just because we would use our tanks to have sex with assult rifle carrying gun nuts with beards
(I'd like to say if guns where legal here, I'd own one. And shoot it a lot.)
It was the best thing about the military ;p
@JourneymanGeek That and all the bunk sex with your superiors, right?
@MarkHenderson the fuel costs, though...
@MarkHenderson: naw
you must be convincing us with the navy
> The Treasurer, Joe Hockey, says: ''I look at my children and I say there is no way on God's earth I am going to leave you with a debt.''
I'm honestly not sure if these people actually believe the bullshit they spout anymore.
@Bob Go fuck yourself Joe Hockey
@Bob Could definitely buy a nice bike with the cost to full the tank of an M1 Abrams... and am I reading that right that it gets barely better than 2 gallons to the mile?
By his own admission he didn't even see his son for 3 weeks
I understand that they are busy and I'm not judging him for that, but don't use your kids as political scapegoats or pawns
"I don't want to leave them with a debt" => *deregulate all the things!*
the M1 isn't designed for furl efficency
does not compute.
its got a turbine, LOTS of power, light weight, runs on different fuels
@Bob No, he'll just leave them with a $120,000 university bill
But that's OK because he is rich
Considering that all these baby boomers got their university educations for free
Has every generation been fucked over by their parents generation?
@JourneymanGeek So, when you rob a gas station you don't have to be too picky about whether or not they have diesel?
@freiheit: I seem to recall those run off avgas
@MarkHenderson Since we moved from hunter-gatherer to agriculture, yes...
@freiheit Well then I can't wait to see what my generation does to my kids
@MarkHenderson I remember a Hockey quote about that.
Something about him protesting the introduction of fees. His was free.
Fuck off.
@Bob They want us all working in blue-collar jobs leaving the white-collar positions for those who already have money and can afford university positions
Making it even harder to get from lower class to middle class, and impossible to get from middle class to upper class
Whilst making the upper class even wealtheir
@MarkHenderson If we burn enough coal and gas fast enough, maybe we can get into one of those runaway greenhouse cycles and Sydney can be underwater? Nah, we'll probably figure out some more creative way to fuck things up for your kids...
But tahts what the Liberals do and they always have so its not like people didn't fucking know who they were voting for
@freiheit And then the rich cunts with waterfront properties will drown
Works for me
So Watch Dogs 2....
@Jacob Will be 10x better than watch underscore dogs is
Same as Assassins Creed kind of sucked, but AC2 was awesome
@MarkHenderson You'll see
Yeah no shit. We know this. Apple have always done this. This is not news. Shut the fuck up and find something new to complain about.
The ending sucked. It came out to here's what you're going to do in the sequel.
@MarkHenderson Now I get to invade some games!
@Jacob Don't ruin it
@MarkHenderson I didn't because that's how every UbiSoft Game is..
Oh and about 15 minutes of unskipable CREDITS
@MarkHenderson meh, I just skip WWDC news ;p
@JourneymanGeek It's pretty hard to avoid
I'm only interested in new iPhone releases. And even that I just want the bullet point features so I can decide whether or not to stick with my 4s
On the contrary, its very easy ;p
@JourneymanGeek Just don't go on twitter. Or any tech website. Or open the newspaper tomorrow morning. And close your RSS reader
"select all, mark as read"
other people use RSS readers? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I switched to feedly since Google Reader shut down
but I hardly use it and unsubscribed from almost everything cos I didn't like it
I'm currently running ttrss
(and I still use it a lot)
That's a pretty heavy solution for a single user
I went from google reader to old reader. Then I was like fuck this.
@MarkHenderson: I run a web server anyway so...
@Bob how would you feel if Turnbull challenged and won?
Twitter seems to think it's a done deal, which of course means shit all nothing here nor there, but it'd be interesting
morning, northerns
@MarkHenderson No idea.
Not sure what could be worse than the current, but if I ever say that it's gonna bite me in the the arse.
1 hour later…
Good morning fluffers
@Chopper3 No.
I don't like mondays.
It's Tuesday???
@Chopper3 That's the worst kind of Monday
Unless it's Monday - they're the worst
@Iain Only on Mondays.
1 hour later…
user image
@freiheit Yes, much like that.
is it fair to say that this could have been done manually in the time it took to write the question?
Q: Fedora, ssh and sudo

Ricky RobinsonI have to run a script remotely on several Fedora machines through ssh. Since the script requires root priviliges, I do: $ ssh me@remost_host "sudo touch test_sudo" #just a simple example sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified The remote machines are configured in such a way th...

@ewwhite the easy fix is to have some sort of proper configuration management to fix the damn sudoers file
@ewwhite Not really - they would still have the problem which would bite them again when they wanted to do $somethingSimilar next time
Or root access?
@JennyD it looks like something is borked with the tty
something is definitely wrong...
@Iain I'm too grumpy to be helpful to them today.
but it seems like a case where the OP doesn't necessarily know what's wrong
@Iain Oh, what type of helmet do you use?
Bell Alchera (I think)
@ewwhite seeing the latest comments I'm almost tempted to go with minimal understanding - needs basic education
@Iain Shit, just talking to a mate, over the weekend his dad just disappeared, yesterday morning the bailiffs turned up at his house to repossess it as he'd basically gone bankrupt without telling his wife - 'kin 'ell eh?
@syneticon-dj, Whats your point? I dont argue, its a challenging task. You, as a professional admin, somehow managed to remember important things about infrastructure administration. You know where to seek problems and where not to. If Google car can drive itself, computer can do all tasks you can except googling. — ADOConnection 5 mins ago
some people have no idea
@Chopper3 very kin'ell
jesus wept @Chopper3
also, morning all...
@RobM I know, nasty eh, my mate's late 30's so no direct impact on him but his poor mother must be distraught.
some recruiter just send me an e-mail, her job title is "Hiring Ninja". What the hell?
@PatoSáinz no html sir. Just good old fashioned markdown.
@Chopper3 oh yeah. And still a shock for your mate too
If you can figure out how I've done it my young apprentice, I'll stop.
Maybe i'll just report it later
Also, I don't have time nor will to sink my time trying to replicate the bug
heyy @JennyD
Greetings folks.
howdy y'all
@PatoSáinz it's not a bug, it's a feature.
sup dudes (and dudettes) :p
it is only tuesday morning and i am already up to 70% of my work enthusiasm level for this week.
ahh last day before vaca
Q: We are reluctantly closing this site on Monday, June 9

Jon EricsonHave you ever run across an awesome blog post and went to read the rest of the site only to discover the author gave it up after a week or two? That's how I feel about this site. To my (admitted unexpert) eye, the questions and answers so far are just what I'd hoped to see on this site. There's a...

Some Bull.
that site is in closed beta, so I can't read it
apparently you probably never will :(
> Have you ever run across an awesome blog post and went to read the rest of the site only to discover the author gave it up after a week or two? That's how I feel about this site. To my (admitted unexpert) eye, the questions and answers so far are just what I'd hoped to see on this site. There's a lot to like. But the initial activity suggests a site that didn't gather the critical mass that Area 51 is supposed to build. Our concerns today mirror Gilles' concerns last week. At the current rate, it seems unlikely this community will be the best place on our network to get answers to embedde
@bighomie sure... If injecting obnoxious html through a markdown parser were a feature
Wow I'm getting so excited for Seattle.
Kill all the users.
Wow, this IT guy in France is such a dick
"Please re-check your procedure as this is clearly not working."
He said that, to my manager.
And it does work - I have a feeling their DNS is fucked.
@BigHomie damn it. really?
@cole It's always DNS.
@kaiser Yeah, after 2 weeks they close the private beta. I don't have much experience with these things, but we were building momentum I'd say.
I have only written two answers on meta there, but I really hoped that it would take off. It's just not programming like what is mostly asked on SO: Web development questions.
@BigHomie the real fix was adding a secondary SPN and setting the correct encryption type - if it's still not working for them, it tells me their DNS is fucked
Or they just suck
btw, @BigHomie we already had some problems with Jon trying to knock down the renaming of our WordPress.SE site. But we won the fight over three meta posts. :)
@cole It probably is. We reject mail all the time b/c the Reverse DNS doesn't match. It's a losing battle though, b/c our end users think 'our system is screwed up', b/c we follow the rules.
@kaiser Perhaps it can be saved, but not w/out some hardcore endurance over the next several days
@BigHomie our European offices just do whatever the fuck they want.
Damn, 38 close votes in the queue
time to use my daily votes!
@cole don't mess with us Europeans. Or we do to you whatever the fuck we want.
I'm from New England, the better England.
@mossy I wish I played DOTA
I'll teach you.
@mossy seriously?
I've always wanted to play but I don't get it Q_Q same with LoL
@mossy what level are you in Wildstar now?
23 lol. I was busy yesterday.
Had to go... outside.
I'm not going to have time to play until I get back from Seattle. I wonder if my work laptop can play it....
@mossy nnnnnnnnnnnnoooo
@mossy Much money. Many cash.
I was once able to call up a hosting company and get the nameserver IPs changed for a domain name I did not own.
@cole LoL is a watered-down DOTA honestly
like I was ordering a pizza.
@NathanC ah. I still want to learn
@BigHomie that's no bueno
There's a lot less stuff you have to worry about and the damn camera isn't always against you lol
spilled coffee on my shirt and it's not even 10:00am
@cole great for me, I'm the webmaster and the user had owned the domain name for years and years, waiting to put it to use.
@BigHomie Some years ago, someone called the hosting company of an IRC server I was an admin on and managed to get the shell password changed...the network was subsequently taken over for a good 24 hours
I did, however, immediately began to think of the possibilities.
@mossy quit now
@mossy Sounds like you need more coffee
@NathanC That sounds like social engineering, all I did was call and say hey, I just need the nameservers on watchout.org changed to x.x.x.x and x.x.x.x and they were all like, done, wait for your ttl to update
@mossy always blaming someone else. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
and I was all like nah, I run ipconfig /flushdns like a boss
@BigHomie Yeah, it was...the security there was a joke. Just asked for their name and address which happened to be on the WHOIS record of the owner
Public information should never be verifyable :/
Coffee and cat hair is just part of my look now.
@NathanC You'd get a kick out of this then
@NathanC talk about getting pwned.
@BigHomie Ah yes, I remember that story
@mossy Oh snap! it's here already?
@BigHomie What a terrifying sentence when talking about operating systems.
I've been hearing about something like this being in the works, didn't know it was out so soon. This may be different than what I was thinking about though.
@mossy yeah, this is something different. Still looks cool though. I thought this was a low level OS designed to be run throughout the datacenter, designed for datacenters
"Run Services with docker"
i don't know... how I feel about this.
@MarkHenderson I need you
@MarkHenderson Not you. @MichaelHampton
No, kids, Amazon Linux is NOT compatible with RHEL.
@MichaelHampton indeed
I'm also sick, so I really don't have the energy necessary to properly kill users today.
> CoreOS runs on almost any platform, including Vagrant, Amazon EC2, QEMU/KVM, VMware and OpenStack and your own hardware. If you're currently running in the cloud, running a single CoreOS cluster on two different clouds or cloud + bare metal is supported and encouraged.
Maybe this is what I was thinking of
I don't know. I feel like if I used this OS I could break an app stack in record time.
#1 reason I don't do devops: there's so much stuff out there now (docker, chef, puppet, openstack, vagrant, etc etc etc) that i'd have no idea what I'm doing
@mossy Don't look at me!
Nowadays it's always "there's a framework for that"
Meanwhile all the small apps I do use custom (!) sql classes and no silly frameworks...
@NathanC Hey I'm sorry but bootstrap and jquery are lifesavers
could be b/c I'm not a graphic design person, I work the backend.

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