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@BigHomie I just heard about it now...it's not very well covered apparently
That "22 year old virgin" excuse is crap though...shame people got hurt because he didn't take his meds.
@NathanC Shame his parents didn't beat his entitlement out of him.
@freiheit I see what you're saying now. I don't tweet either (read: true geek) so this is all news to me. Yeah, definitely wasn't trying to start a sex war, just saying it's really sad that when the mentally ill don't get the help they need. A lot of the homeless people and people who are locked up and looked down upon around these parts are mentally ill. I did hear of a police precinct that was being trained to spot mental illness and get those people real help
instead of just taking them to jail.
@BigHomie This. Spent 9 years working in mental health IT.
@NathanC I saw a little about it, must have been while it was developing, but of course it was drowned w/ Memorial Day weekend and the VA 'Scandal'.
@Magellan Aye. I was a virgin until 23 and I didn't shoot up a bunch of people over it. Sure, people struggle with relationships and things and today's culture doesn't make it any easier - but...it's so sad that this probably would've been prevented if he was treated properly.
@NathanC sure is, but it was real to him, now one should ask themselves why was it so real?
@BigHomie I'm not sure that kid was all that mentally ill. I've seen mentally ill, he mostly just needed somebody to actually tell him No sometime prior to turning 18 and getting his high school diploma.
@Magellan I can see that, the guy was driving around in a beamer for cryin out loud.
@BigHomie he probably had a mild case of narciscistic disorder. People who are really mentally ill usually aren't organized enough to put together a plan like he did.
@BigHomie Yes. However, I try to be careful about blaming mental illness, since the mentally ill are more likely to be victims of violent crimes. And in this case, the whole MRA/PickUpArtist online scene definitely seems to have contributed to the guy feeling entitle to sex...
@freiheit just fed his sense of entitlement. If he'd gotten some serious parenting sometime between birth and age 10, I don't think he'd have turned out that way.
@Magellan Beat it out of him? His parents are where he got it in the first place!
@freiheit yeah and movies like this one as well. I just saw that note on wikipedia about how he was diagnosed w/ functioning aspergers when he was a kid
@Magellan but isn't depression a mental illness?
@MichaelHampton Exactly. Sadly, it's become rather common nowadays. Every child is a special goddamn snowflake.
@Magellan yeah, and my kind are looked down upon b/c we beat our kids.
Oh are we talking about the narcissistic psychopath?
@BigHomie Of course it is. But that isn't the primary trigger for him.
@voretaq7 yeah, among other things he may or may not have been mentally ill
@BigHomie Yeah, committing mass murder pretty much means you're mentally ill.
"sane" people don't go on killing sprees. They have other coping mechanisms.
@Magellan we don't know. I'm not saying it's not his fault, it most definitely is, not to mention he might have been on creatine at the time as well
@voretaq7 the ridiculous sense of entitlement instilled in kids nowadays is enough to fuck them up pretty good from the get-go.
@Magellan Indeed
@Magellan If I could star this more, I would.
@Magellan we see it here on the front page all the time too
@freiheit guys are taking it personal, like they never came on too strong before
@NathanC I love my neighbor. She's totally the anti-typical teacher.
I've said some pretty wreckless things to girls before
She is always messing with her kids and telling them they screwed up.
It's because emotions are hard ...no one will ever understand how attraction "works" and thus people get frustrated
They keep asking her way and she says that it's her job to break them down before they can be built back up.
which is why that had to go~
@NathanC and us Aspie kids have that a little harder than most.
@voretaq7 Bit of a straw man thing going on there...
have you seen some of the crap on Parenting?
Just got off the phone with HP Storage Support again.. I've never wanted to punch someone through the phone so much as now.
But, the over-inflated sense of entitlement causes completely reckless behavior or thoughts, like "I deserve this" or "why do people not like me, i'm the greatest person ever blablablah"
@Iain yep.
@freiheit I think she makes some valid points, and I think she's talking out her ass in some other parts of the article.
I'm not a friend, I'm a parent.
@ChrisS CPoIP?
@voretaq7 Yes. That would work too
@voretaq7 Oh, yeah, she's got some points. I basically agree with her that the toxic versions of feminism do exist and should be avoided. But when she takes the other side describing stuff as sexist and abusive and claims they're calling it terrorism she's very much put up a straw man that's easier to beat down than the more nuanced real arguments going on out there.
@freiheit All arguments about gender politics are straw persons. From both sides.
#YesAllWomen because who else is going to bring me potato salad from the refrigerator
@voretaq7 sigh... that's about right...
I've long since given up on having rational discourse about these topics on the internet. Both sides are full of assholes. For every misogynistic asshole like Mr. Fromckalicious up there we have a shanley who would rather name-call and swear than articulate a point.
@BigHomie I'm tempted to tweet something like "#YesAllWomen because the massive volume of clueless backlash against is so misogynistic and awful I don't want to run the slightest risk of being associated with them.", but that needs to be reworded under 140 characters.
@BigHomie "And God promised that obedient wives would be found on all four corners of the earth. Then he made the earth round and laughed."
@freiheit lol
@freiheit ooh hang on
My sweet Satan some of the responses to this tweet: https://twitter.com/shakestweetz/status/470284433124122624 I can't fucking even - what the FUCK is WRONG with you people?!?
There ya go. That right there is exactly what's wrong with the internet.
@cole Cool. Issaquah is a ways out in the country. Just remember that everyone else on the road here is drunk and on Quaaludes when compared to your driving habits.
@freiheit #YesAllWomen bc the massive volume of backlash against it is so misogynistic and I don't want to run any risk of being associated with them
@BigHomie That's a good start...
Can someone explain in 50 words or less what is going on with that tweet and "#YesAllWomen"?
@BigHomie My response was to unfollow anyone who averaged more than 6 tweets about it per hour for more than 4 hours. I couldn't actually get any of my usual content for days.
@BigHomie Trying to wade through a million tweets doesn't exactly pare it down to 50 words...
@ChrisS women talking about their experiences being objectified by men
@ChrisS urls are 1 word, no spaces ;)
@ChrisS After crazy boy went on his killing spree a bunch of women used #yesallwomen to share stories of objectification/abuse/assault. Some men got butthurt over it.
@voretaq7 "crazy boy"?
@ChrisS the UCSB dude, Rodgers.
@Magellan figured it would be easier to have a car than rely on my friend and stuff
#YesAllWomen because the backlash is so misogynistic and clueless I don't want to risk being associated with them
@cole Yes. Our public transit isn't as good as Boston's, that's for sure.
@Magellan yeah that's what I've heard
@ChrisS it was supposed to be speaking out against sexism but now has strong overtones of feminism mixed in
Roads are most likely wider and less shitty than Boston though.
@freiheit nice
@freiheit I haven't bothered. I'm a rather non-verbal white male flatlander, it's assumed I'm a homophobic misogynistic asshole until people know me well enough to discover otherwise.
like so:
@Magellan well people assume that about me too if it's any comfort.
@cole Yes, outside of the downtown Seattle area.
@Magellan Plus, you're a sysadmin, so you must be a misanthrope, which is only a couple steps away from misogynist...
@Magellan It's interesting for me for people to thing I'm a homophobic misogynist as well - then I'm like - hey I have a vagina so fuck off.
@voretaq7 which is far more amusing in your case.
I hate all stupid people regardless of gender.
@Magellan inorite?
@MichaelHampton See, that's the only reasonable attitude to have.
@MichaelHampton YAS
@MichaelHampton I'm a racist. I hate humans.
"I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally."
@BigHomie That generally happens whenever a soapbox is involved.
@voretaq7 Head a snipped about that on the news this morning but wasn't generally aware otherwise.. I'm guessing his manifesto was largely misogynistic?
@ChrisS That and a sense of entitlement that he stores in the nearest sport stadium.
@ChrisS Very.
@ChrisS oh my yes. Also Batshit-Brand crazy.
@voretaq7 No, not batshit-brand. He was only slightly crazy. Batshit brand crazy would be talking about the President being an alien and how the FBI and CIA are after them.
@Magellan "I'm entitled to sex because... well, I just am" is pretty bat-shit crazy in my books.
batshit-brand crazy is what Lady deals with for a living.
@Magellan That's crackpottery
(and everyone knows Michelle is the alien!)
@voretaq7 dude, what does that even mean
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Unless Mom & Dad's accountant was taking care of paying all the bills, that guy was organized enough to have a roof over his head. That's not batshit-brand crazy.
The serious crazy ones are either in supportive housing and go off their meds or are homeless because nobody would put up with them.
I'm just going to make sure to beat my kids enough so they don't turn out to be batshit-brand crazy
@Magellan Um... John McAfee?
@BigHomie In today's free-market insanity there's lots of kinds of crazy out there, but when only the craziest will do you don't want to have some off-brand crazy. When you have to be the most insane person in a discussion use genuine BATSHITâ„¢-Brand Crazy.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Again, only moderately crazy.
There are plenty of certifiable, batshit crazy folks out there living independently because they made a truckload of money doing something before they lost their minds or in spite of their insanity, or whatever.
@Magellan Have you actually read any of the interviews he's done in the past few years? Thinking the aliens are trying to steal his brainwaves would be a lateral move for the guy.
@Magellan Hans Reiser.
@BigHomie Thanks, missed that earlier.
@voretaq7 Not crazy, just a murdering narcissist.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Dude wrote a filesystem.
@voretaq7 That one time at dinner he didn't seem any more insane than anybody else that comes to talk to a linux users group...
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Honestly a little anal probing never hurt anyone
@freiheit Linux! Double Insane! :P
@Holocryptic Well, so long as the person doing the probing goes gentle on the probe and heavy on the lube.
Just another excellent example of why we need Mental Healthcare reform. Also, I've starting to think perhaps there should be a mental evaluation before you're allowed to buy firearms - at the very least there should be no history of unresolved mental issues...
@ChrisS agreed
@ChrisS FUD bullshit. The mentally ill are much less likely to commit a violent crime than the general population.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork #statistics ;)
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Nothing wrong with that, at least those few threats will be mitigated maybe
but we know you're against any form of gun control that doesn't involve aiming
not judging, to each his own, ijs
My gun control involves my trigger finger. That's all I need.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork ...and I still don't want one with uncontrolled ASPD carrying around a weapon.
That would be like me carrying my gun. I don't because frankly I would literally be shooting people ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
@voretaq7 That's basically my thoughts...
@voretaq7 Not what you said, though. You said "mentally ill," which is almost as broad a category as "physically ill" ... not to mention being vague and broad enough to be applied to just about anyone.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I said nothing, but I do agree that certain forms of mental illness should disqualify someone from owning a firearm.
I almost want to use as a tag on people's questions that just seem so far out there that you'd be insane to attempt it
I also don't know how to markdown, apparently
For that matter I believe that certain forms of physical illness should disqualify someone from owning a firearm - For example I don't want someone with advanced Parkinsons packing heat, it's a hazard to everyone around them.
@NathanC [tag:tagname]
Anyone ever RDP into a 2012 server and it let you log in (pre-auth) and then shows a black screen, no mouse, for about 3 seconds and then closes the RDP session? Grrr...I don't want to reboot this server.
@voretaq7 noted :p
@TheCleaner physical?
@TheCleaner Console connection?
@TheCleaner Yeah, I've had that happen... most recently on a Server 2008 R2 server. couldn't figure it out after a week of poking around. Reboot.
@TheCleaner winlogon.exe fail
Yeah, I know I can connect to it through other means...I mean I don't want to reboot it anytime in the next week just for RDP.
@ChrisS possibly but it starts to show up with a mouse pointer and then all goes black again.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork ok...I'll resign myself to reboot it after hours.
there's actually a lot of google links on 2012 RDP black screen
I had a similar problem, but it just turned out to be an incompatibility with VMware on 2012 R2
@TheCleaner Heh, I didn't even wait for after hours. Joys of VMs. Reboot in 30 seconds.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Rebooting a production server in the middle of the day? Let's do it!
A wild Windows update has appeared ...oh...
@NathanC just now?
@NathanC It was only email. I mean, what's the worst that could have happened? Doesn't come back up, no emails, no ticketing system... peace and quiet. :)
@BigHomie No no...ha.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Until Outlook reconnects and dozens of emails fly out of their outboxes
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork It's a VM, but it's the SQL server...so...
@NathanC Yeah, we got a bit of that. "ZOMG, why did tha Outllok say I was disconnected a few minutes ago?!?!?!?"
I usually reboot during the day if it's just a "backup" VM...like our file server (DFS) or SQL cluster host that's not currently running the cluster on it
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork We use Kerio here and it has a taskbar icon...it has a red down error when it's not working, so I'd get calls asking why the icon looks that way after I reboot the mail server for some reason
@TheCleaner Meh, if it was important data, it would be in an Excel spreadsheet on someone's desktop.
@TheCleaner Hrm, sounds close... Perhaps it's starting to load then dying half way through.
@NathanC Takes all my willpower not to respond with "because you touch yourself."
Which reminds me: if someone has a file open over a DFS share and I reboot the server that they're "mapped" to via DFS, does it hose the open file(s) or automatically failover?
Bleh. Good thing Windows decides it wants to reboot them for updates during the day anyway, so no updates pending!
Open files are in memory on the client, so they're fine. If they go back to get something else from the directory, it should failover to the other replica, though they may get an error depending on DFS settings and AD replication.
@NathanC Yeah, we've had to slap a few wrists about people calling the Ops number for that crap. So many of the consultants don't understand that internal IT is a different group and we don't do anything with their email or the bug tracker.
@NathanC Mind you, it's all in their wiki if they could read.
@Magellan Yeah...if I have to update the mail server, it's just a package update (RPM) so I can quickly down/up the service in under 60 seconds normally. Unfortunately, the client also has to update and it fails on a couple select machines every time
And some people never close Outlook so the client doesn't update (but still works), so the next time they start Outlook it has to wait an extra 5 minutes heh
@NathanC job[-3] had a fix for that. Boss would simply never approve windows for outages to update the mail services.
In his mind, problem solved.
Ha. We don't have controls like that here, so I can reboot freely or do whatever I need to as long as I don't disrupt the factory.
Wow wtf is up with Truecrypt
@RyanRies heh, we should really use bookmarks in here
@RyanRies I'm feeling really out of touch with the world... What's up with Truecrypt?
Q: Is TrueCrypt not secure now and should I stop using it?

user11153The official TrueCrypt webpage now states: WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues This page exists only to help migrate existing data encrypted by TrueCrypt. The development of TrueCrypt was ended in 5/2014 after Microsoft terminated s...

5k hits already, insane
My best guess; The developers have other things that actually make them money and dont want to waste their time and energy continuing to build a product other people have more motive and time to develop.
Its quite funny how quickly people jump to conspiracy theories though. I'll stick with the more mundane explanation.
@MatthewIfe I'm with this guy:
A: Is TrueCrypt not secure now and should I stop using it?

LucBefore this change, there was a gpg public key on their website. If this was for real, I dare say they would at least have signed the message. Besides, Truecrypt is an open source project so there is no way that "development has ceased. Anybody could continue development or fix bugs. Lots of fre...

Looks a lot like a single pissed off developer... It's just plain weird that an open-source project would declare the software dead, like someone else can't pickup where they left off, and also recommend using a proprietary product.
Meh, thats a hell of a lot of spite to go about releasing a software version that rips out a lot of code, updating the websites and redirects just to prove a point to other developers.
@ChrisS The license has...serious issues. Which is why free-software-only distros like Red Hat never included it.
@MichaelHampton That reads like the only people that can safely use the software is TrueCrypt itself.
@Magellan Pretty much.
@MichaelHampton It'd be an interesting court case... There must be some sort of precedent for licenses with contradictory clauses.
The same license issues make it pretty much impossible to fork. At this point about the only thing to be done with Truecrypt is to abandon it and start over.
Luks is pretty good, has a lot of variety too, including most of the kernel encryption algos.
@ChrisS Who's gonna sue if the devs are anonymous? Heh.
@ShaneMadden I guess if they wanted to they could identify themselves by signing the court summons they send you using their GPG key.
@MichaelHampton So it's visible source, not open source? Or at least not "free software"?
@Soviero That's a good way to describe it.
@MatthewIfe Well, sure, but I guess what I'm saying is if they want to wash their hands of it they aren't going to go to court to stop a fork.
Well, its worse, as the source is viewable they can claim you've stolen portions of their code in your own product.
@MatthewIfe I think you pretty much have to reveal yourself for a lawsuit to have any sort of weight
So even reading the source is toxic.
@ChrisS Winning the case doesn't mean you won't pay out the ass to your lawyers anyway
@Magellan True, though it typically costs more to sue than the defend.
@ChrisS Yes, but only as a matter of degree. Poor sap living paycheck to paycheck, the number of zeros on the end of the bill doesn't much matter. He's fucked.
TrueCrypt's source is apparently assigned ownership to the TrueCrypt Foundation... If that exists, it must have some kind of articles of incorporation. If it doesn't exist then no owner??
@Magellan How do you know the TrueCrypt Foundation isn't some poor sap living paycheck to paycheck too though?
@ChrisS I don't. Is it a risk worth taking? Arguably No.
Red Hat, with all their lawyers, wasn't taking the risk.
@Magellan What are they going to sue for though??
@MichaelHampton They have plenty to lose, they'll never take any risk.
@ChrisS Since when does that matter? Nuisance lawsuit that doesn't make any sense will still cost $10k to defend.
@ChrisS In case you haven't gotten divorced lately, lawyers make $250/hour. $10k is one 40-hour week of work.
@Magellan Right - but that comes back to "Someone has to sue, and it's going to cost them $12k"
@Magellan I work 15' from a lawyer.
@ChrisS So. Maybe they have it, maybe they don't. Why are you hassling me about being more risk-averse than you?
@Magellan You started this!
@Magellan meh, @ewwhite makes twice as much as that hanging out here.
@ChrisS Now you sound like my 8 year old.
@Magellan Fees are the number 1 reason patent trolling is so lucrative
@Magellan Well he/she might have a point.
@ChrisS Looks like you put on the cranky pants today. Guess I'll go do something useful.
@Magellan You must have missed my ranting about dealing with HP. Also, 5 month old kid was up 4 times last night.
@BigHomie naw... I make around that much
@ChrisS heh, which one's worse
but can bill multiple clients simultaneously
like yesterday, the produce company that plugged a mini hub into itself.
The kid was hot, so not sleeping well... This I understand.
HP is just trying to piss me off with sh*t that makes no sense.
@ewwhite You mean you bill them personally? you don't have some type of virtual assistant? Guess that's how the rich stays rich.
I got a latte this morning and it fixed all my kid crying issues.
@BigHomie I'm not organized enough to have an assistant
I need a finger or two after dealing with the idiots at the HP Storage Support team.
is there a general, "how do I find a switch loop" question here?
@ewwhite that's why you get an assistant, and just send them email blurbs
@ewwhite idk, but we get it here all the time, so I have a logical answer from overhearing the network guys
@BigHomie "Unplug random cables until the packet storm stops"
in The 2nd Monitor, 2 mins ago, by BigHomie
What seems to be the problem here
The feeling when you bust into a chat room after a flag like you're the police.
@BigHomie what is it?
In response to that TrueCrypt story: I've been using LUKS encryption for years, and I've never looked back...
@ewwhite Well, in the bldg that gets them, they shut each of the 4 switch closets down one by one, until the loop is off, then once they narrow the closet down, they do the same thing to each switch in the stack, then each port if I'm not mistaken, buy by then they can pretty much tell where it's at. Usually people plug their computer into the voip port at their desk, or vice versa. Different vlans so...
@ewwhite powerpoint.
@DennisKaarsemaker visio.
So I met the new infrastructure architect and senior sysadmin at one of my clients today
@ewwhite any good?
@DennisKaarsemaker they're okay. A little sheltered. They both came from the same Amsterdam-based trading firm.
but it's eye-opening to see sysadmins who don't use ServerFault/StackOverflow
and to get an understanding of what they've done in other jobs
@ewwhite there are many of them :)
mostly the good ones
so the role I play is the "generalist". I've seen/done a lot... and am decently good at talking tech (even though @DennisKaarsemaker does all my work)
but these guys were good. Very Linux-biased, though... but they were onboard with HP/RHEL and all of the good things I like :)
so I'm kind of an advisor/resource for this company
it's a good place to be
@ewwhite You can get by without SF pretty easily, though you get to wade through more TechNet Forums and that ilk
@ChrisS True, but because of Google, it has to be hard to search for problems and not end up here
@ewwhite Yep, I was coming across SF before I even knew what it was
Yep, same here. Though I got on board pretty quickly...
so these guys were from the financial trading industry... and it was a quick reminder of where that field is in relation to the rest of IT.
they didn't have virtualization experience
so I'm giving a vSphere tutorial and we're going to work on diagramming to help understand the environment they'll be inheriting
@ewwhite Especially now that the search rankings in google got un-hosed, heh.
@ewwhite My boss was asking me today at lunch about the setup of our cluster.... He's slightly technical.. But where do you even start?!
@ewwhite I'm sure anybody who googles an HP storage error will come across SF and an answer from you on the first page if not above the fold
@Iain lol it camel humps on the weekend.
@ChrisS You start with the basics... this is Hyper-V, right?
@ewwhite yeah... it was an interesting discussion. Especially in front of other people, as he was thinking things were much, much simpler than they are - and everyone was quickly realizing just how much more complicated all this stuff is than they thought.
@ChrisS I'm with Ed, You have this machine, that runs HyperV....
That talks to another machine, that runs HyperV...
I explained the main concepts. Consolidation (with a live demo), high-availability, clustering, shared-storage... and then the networking
As a side, is Hyper-V pretty much equivalent to vSphere today?
Also, they want to understand why I'm pissed at HP. This morning HP was complaining about using Teamed NICs to connect to iSCSI. So I got into what Teamed NICs are, how are are setup, what that does, how we're not using teamed NICs for iSCSI traffic, and there are other NICs that do the iSCSI traffic.....
@ChrisS Can I fix your HP issue?
@ewwhite I think so, even though I've never used vSphere I know that MS is aiming to compete against it
I think they even one upped vSphere at one point and had live migration of VMs
@ewwhite I'm 99.9999999999999% sure it's faulty hardware.
this would be an MSA2000 G2 iSCSI?
I'm thinking the backplane between the controllers and disks. But honestly, I don't know, the symptoms are just damn weird.
@ewwhite Yeah MSA2312i G2 (iSCSI)
so the controllers reach all the way to the backplane. Have you removed one controller?
Yep, tried removing just one, then the other, same thing.
Tried multiple host server, with different configurations, same.
is it a performance issue, or stability?
stability (each controller has 2 "CPUs", one for management and one for storage - sometimes the storage CPUs lockup) and sometimes the iSCSI sessions time-out, particularly when reading specific parts of the LUN (not sure of the exact sector, repeatably times-out session when reading certain files from the LUN)
and firmware has been addressed/updated?
I'll sell you some G3's cheap :)
Upgrading the firmware makes the problem worse - The affected LUNs show as "RAW" in Windows instead of just having sessions time-out. BUT!! This only happens after the SAN has been powered down, which is only necessary because the storage controllers freeze.
oh, that IS terrible
It "suddenly" (I hate that word, but no changes were made) started doing this about 3 weeks ago (we didn't realize the extent of the problem until the beginning of last week).
On a side note, I don't know how I lived without iLO on my home server.
both controllers, hmmm
Did I give you an ILO key?
@ewwhite No, already have one.
Actually have several as we picked up a couple servers that had keys as well.
(just so everyone knows, the keys from 2005 forward work on all HP servers)
Also have some keys for ADG (RAID6) for P400 cards (or P410, or something....)
Time to beat the 5:00 rush. Laters all!
And I'll waste the rest of the afternoon watching this:
Something's definitely wrong with that.
Q: How to allow internet explorer and disallow Mozilla 4.0 at the same time?

user1925807Using an .htaccess file is it possible to allow internet explorer and disallow Mozilla 4.0 at the same time?

webmasters ?
Not migrating crap.
@ewwhite Hey would you want a chassis with embedded hardware (same as what NetApp used to use) with dual-ported disks for your Nexenta installs?
@MikeyB oh?
probably looks familiar eh
never seen
How long do you stay at a job before moving on to the next one?
@Soviero Somewhere between two weeks and 20 years
@freiheit You would stay at the same job for 20 years!?
I've started hanging out in the Python room, and I got to say, developers are nicer than sysadmins. I think they have less stress.
@Soviero I would
Plenty of people would
I don't understand the whole hack and slash culture of job hopping with the young kids these days
@Soviero they don't have developers
@Soviero Why not?
I've just figured out what this guy's trying to do.
Q: Apache - force set 304 status for all images

DebianIs it possible to force set HTTP 304 status for all images? I wrote code below in my vhost, but now instead 404/304 status I get 500 <filesMatch "\.(ico|gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$"> Header set 304 "HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified" </filesMatch> I have "Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)" version. Thanks for any help

He has deleted his own website and has no backups. So he's going to pull all the images from his user's caches by sending them all 304 responses and grabbing the images from the browser using javascript. Because Jeff Atwood once did it.
@Ladadadada Nice looking bike btw
@Ladadadada ...what.
@Iain Thanks. Poor thing doesn't get nearly enough use.
So BackBlaze will send me up to 110GB of my files on a 128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive for $99. That's cheaper than I could buy a 128GB USB 3.0 flash drive from a retailer.
> puppet-agent[2475]: Finished catalog run in 1700.97 seconds
Clearly I need to add more things to what puppet does to that box, since it's still a tad shy of half an hour for the first puppet run after install...
@freiheit I need PUPPET help!
@ewwhite Step 1: put your hand up the puppet's butt
I'm not making that mistake again!
@freiheit I was stupid
in the past...
and I have a lot of server out there with:
@ewwhite If you have a question for me, you should spit it out fast, because spandex time is in about 15 minutes
# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n
LANG should be
@ewwhite Ok...
I don't like augeas. What's the best way to fix en masse?
@ewwhite augeas...
there's no nice string replace?
@ewwhite Well, in the past I'd done that kind of thing with execs, but there might be something newer in the forge now...
@ewwhite I've barely ever touched it, but puppetlabs/inifile might do what you want...
@freiheit I'm asking for something simple, right?
Are there variances in the files between hosts? Might be able to get away with just wholesale replacing the files.
Otherwise, yeah. Augeas.
@ewwhite Puppet hates messing around inside files without types that do it, or just replacing the whole damned file...
@ShaneMadden I can just replace the file everywhere
@ewwhite Just blow over it with a file resource then, that's simplest. Though file_line is also a good idea.
Yay. Finally got native IPv6 through the whole house.
@ewwhite @ewwhite Oh, and I just confirmed inifile works great. :)
ini_setting { 'monkeys':
ensure => present,
path => '/tmp/test',
section => '',
setting => LANG,
value => '"en_US.UTF-8"';
let me see if I have file_line
(/tmp/test held an example with LANG="C" and another thing and after applying that totally held what you wanted)
@MichaelHampton Nice! Mine's still a bit spotty - not sure if comcast or my mikrotik is to blame, but devices tend to lose connectivity after a while.
@ShaneMadden Might be Comcast. For some reason they were sending me only a /64, so of course only one segment was getting addresses...
@MichaelHampton They default to the /64, have to send the preferred prefix length thing in your router solicit to get a bigger one
I heartbleed proofed my router.. maybe it's time to IPV6..
@ShaneMadden I was. The problem was on their end
@MichaelHampton Ahh smooth.
Of course there is absolutely no reason for them to ever be sending only a /64 in the first place...
@freiheit this works
so why augeas? :)
I'd like to hear someone here pronounce "idempotent"
@MichaelHampton Yeah, it's ridiculous. Spec says send a /48 to end customers. Not like there's any reason to conserve.
@ewwhite Because augeas is older and more familiar and more flexible. And also terrible and painful and obscure.
@freiheit is file_line newish?
@ShaneMadden What's more they're assigning out of a /28 block!
@ewwhite Wikipedia says I pronounce it wrong.
most people have the stdlib
@ewwhite stdlib is newer than augeas. Also, I think you end up needing two file_line's for what you described (one to remove old, one to add new). Inifile knows about name=value and how to replace old value with new value on a name.
@ShaneMadden It's like a "potent item"
@freiheit it worked with one
@ewwhite I'd said the first syllable as "ih", apparently it's "eye"
yeah. it's a weird word
I never learned it in CS
and.... spandex time!
@freiheit Latex time

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