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@MichaelHampton haha we're TPM only here sir
@BigHomie No PIN or anything?
@BigHomie Yeah, but it doesn't have all the useful features TC has. Inner hidden volumes, cascading ciphers, decent volume mounting management... probably other things I'm missing... :(
@MichaelHampton last thing we need is hundreds of users calling b/c they forgot their 'PIN'. And they won't do anything but write it down and stick it to their laptop anyway.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork: diskcryptor.net/wiki/Main_Page seems nice but lacks container/hidden volumes.
Also, will BSOD your system on demand (Its a feature, not a bug)
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork You're right, I had big plans for it. I think I might still have a copy on a client's machine of 7.1a, I'd probably DDOS Dropbox throwing that puppy out there
cascading encryption was insane
@BigHomie: sounds like a legitimate use of bittorrent to me.
Indeed, encryption was disabled in truecrypt...
Warning ("INSECURE_APP");
return 1;
@NathanC yeah in the 7.2 version
@NathanC fwir it's decryption only
@BigHomie All my encrypted volumes used triple cascading ciphers, because... well, why not?
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Because: Watchlist.
hello strangers!
@BigHomie Pffft. Like a cipher cascade is gonna be what gets me on one of those anyway.
@BigHomie Yep. I still have 7.1 on a machine at home...
I haven't really used it except to play around with it (last time, Windows killed itself and it would've taken 2 days to decrypt the drive so I could repair it)
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork nah, triple cascade is what people who are already on a watchlist use....
Well, no reason not to that I could see... not like it slowed my disks down noticeably (over just a single cipher), so... yeah.
@MichaelHampton We just have to protect against physical theft anyway. As long as they don't write their domain credentials on a sticky and tape it to their laptop, we're good. Thieves typically just pawn the machines anyway and aren't looking for PHI.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork AES-256 is just as good really
@NathanC Well, until some AES flaw is discovered, or people start making ASICs... then having other ciphers in a cascade means you're safe, and you don't have to re-encrypt everything.
Wasn't that long ago that DES was good enough for everything.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Well yes, but that's because it used a very small (56-bit) key
@NathanC Other reasons too. Regardless, it won't be that long until 128 and 256 bit keys are also considered small, or the currently bulletproof algorithms are found to be exploitable.
Nothing lasts forever.
@MichaelHampton Except death
@NathanC Depends who you ask, on that one.
@NathanC I did say that nothing lasts forever. Death counts...
8,192 bit keys are the only safe thing around here, period.
@BigHomie Until a general purpose quantum computer becomes a reality.
reality for who? b/c once it becomes a reality for me then I'll be cascading that with 65k encryption!
Well, encryption is all well and good until technology advances enough that our minds can be read to divulge encryption keys. Then it doesn't matter how secure your shit is.
oh, but it has.
@JourneymanGeek Exactly. Social engineering or "encouraging" information is much easier than trying to brute-force it
As I mentioned (here? Elsewhere?), civilized places often can legally demand you hand over that sort of thing. Less civilized places just start with your fingers.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, as amusing, and true as that is in most cases, there's a very sharp limit on what information you'll be able to extract via torture, and from whom.
and eh, autocorrect corrected civilized as vivsected.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork: if you want detailed information, yes
if you want a password, it makes more sense since verifying if its correct is easy.
I don't agree with torture, but it can happen.
thing weighs 1/3 ounce, you could hit me all day with that, not budgin'
In cryptography, rubber-hose cryptanalysis is the extraction of cryptographic secrets (e.g. the password to an encrypted file) from a person by coercion or torture—such as beating that person with a rubber hose, thus the name—in contrast to a mathematical or technical cryptanalytic attack. Details According to Amnesty International and the UN, many countries in the world routinely torture people. It is therefore logical to assume that at least some of those countries use (or would be willing to use) some form of rubber-hose cryptanalysis. In some contexts, rubber-hose cryptanalysis ...
@JourneymanGeek Even more than that. There's some information you just won't be able to get with torture, and some people who may as well be immune to it (for information-gathering purposes).
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork: if its information like names and places, its silly
(and eh, most militaries train for that. Our local one used to illegally dunk folks until they killed someone by accident)
@BigHomie I prefer the ol' steel pipe
speaking of which
what exactly is a lead pipe?
I keep hearing about them but no one but the romans were dumb enough to do it.
@JourneymanGeek Used to be plumbing pipes because they could bend easily
Until the whole, you know, lead poisoning/cancer thing
almost makes sense, I guess.
yeah. would be a bummer.
@JourneymanGeek Yay wikipedia! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pipe
Ours are copper
pretty nice to work with, but we don't bother bending em
we just tossed on compression fittings when we were fixing em up and needed a bend
yeah, ours is copper too. PVC for drainage
@BigHomie Goes well with a meal of lead paint chips.
...oh, and we don't have a care pack for our HP blade enclosure, so we can't upgrade the firmware, so we can't install the shiny new blade servers we bought.
Fuck HP with a pointy stick.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Shoulda bought PureFlex
On topic?
Q: Why would Linux VM in vSphere ESXi 5.5 show dramatically increased disk i/o latency?

mhuckaI'm stumped and I hope someone else will recognize the symptoms of this problem. Hardware: new Dell T110 II, dual-core Pentium G860 2.9 GHz, onboard SATA controller, one new 500 GB 7200 RPM cabled hard drive inside the box, other drives inside but not mounted yet. No RAID. Software: fresh Cent...

@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Not under warranty?
Ok, internet connection is now somewhat stable.
@ewwhite Good question but OP is clueless. I guess that's what the site is for.
Now that I've just said that, I expect it to go down again in approx. 5 seconds.
@MikeyB why you say?
@NathanC That's the problem, yeah. I want to ship the whole thing back to them with a couple blocks of C4 and a timer inside.
@MikeyB nah it shouldn't be for the $clueless
@ewwhite ok, I just skimmed it the first time, not entirely clueless, but that does seem kinda weird.
@BigHomie So funny how often this pattern repeats. Tobacco, Anti-drug, Sugar, Fracking…
@MikeyB Does it matter? I mean, shit-in, shit-out.
Oh look, it went down again.
@ewwhite point
@Iain But I don't wanna add a certificate, I just want to use SSL!
@MikeyB lol lobbying?
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork it's not just that - the 2 opened directives haven't been closed and and andandnadnadadndnadnndnan
Yeah, I honestly stopped reading after Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured and jumped on the close link.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork same here, although I didn't vtc
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Yeah, the answer is in the error message
A reminder: If you see spam, please flag it as spam, not as "very low quality". This ensures that SE's network-wide anti-spam stuff takes notice of it.
@MichaelHampton What if it's very low quality spam?
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork post it here for a good laugh.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Then you feed it to the trolls.
Q: HP Server with P420i - Migrate to RAID 5 Error

Great Big AlI have an HP DL360 G8 with a Smart Array P420i with 3 physical drives, currently setup RAID 0, I would like to migrate to RAID 5. When using the Smart Storage GUI when I attempt to migrate the drive I am only offered RAID 0 and the option of changing Stripe size. In the Smart Storage Admin C...

@ewwhite Yeah, is that even a feature? Migrating a RAID 0 array to RAID 5?
I mean, obviously, the guy should see a mental health professional first, on account of having a three disk RAID 0 array, but after that...
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork yes.. if you have the room
...and technology marches on, encouraging people to do it wronger and wronger the first time 'round. :/
This is getting ridiculous. I need to punch someone at HP's Storage Support. I opened a case last Monday (19th) about this f---ing MSA and it's still not fixed. Today's latest bullsh-t: "You have teaming enabled on the server's that connect to the iSCSI MSA, we don't recommend........." NOPE, No teaming. Read the f---ing logs again.
@ewwhite I've heard of the phrase "RAID 0 stands for the amount of files you'll get back if a drive fails." and it's all too accurate
@ChrisS :(
Hello sirs.
and misseses
@Goatmale sup
oh you know, just a little IT on a thursday.
whoa it's @Goatmale
@cole Is he some type of legend?
@BigHomie haven't seen him in a long time
I see
I should come here more often.. last time I was on here a lot @ewwhite got me a job and @spacemansomethingorother gave me a 300 dollar video card for free. Actually delivered it to my apartment.
@Goatmale How's it working out over at SWC?
Shit, maybe I should try to get myself a job!
@cole you're right! I still owe @spacemanspiff a chipotle trip.
@ewwhite Very good. filling in at a law firm on Michigan ave this week. I enjoy it, nice to get away from the office.
@Goatmale so you've moved up to consultant?
eh.. I moved from 2nd shift NOC to 1st shift NOC, i'm not an engineer, if that's what you mean.
I'm just a warm body ;_;
@Goatmale better than a cold body....like my ex girlfriend :)
That sounded a lot creepier than I intended.
What I'm trying to say is, she's a cold bitch.
It's okay. We'll only star the first one.
Working on the NOC is slowly sinking me into getting pigeon holed into focusing more and more on monitoring and less on actually doing IT.
which I do not, like, however considering I made double I made a year ago I can't complain too much :)
Doesn't look like @sfstarwall has updated on Twitter since April 23.
@Goatmale $$?
You want figures??
They seem like a good company
I wouldn't mind figures... gotta figure out how much to ask for from the next place. $250,000 seems high, even if I really want that much.
I have to go back and look, it's been a while.
more importantly I learned so much after switching jobs.
That's pretty decent... don' think it'll help me figure out how to crack a quarter mil at the next job, though. :(
:15792235 What's your resume look like if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking for a similar shift in income.
so thanks for that :)
Let me see if I can dig it up.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Oh, I made that YTD already :)
@Goatmale good company. They taught me a good amount of what I know.
Not sure I'd be willing to take on your clients to make that kinda money, TBH. I just want lots of money for doing nothing... and don't wanna be in management either.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork my clients started out as clients of @Goatmale's company.
So, what you're saying that you've been taking goatmale's sloppy seconds?
$242k... but I had to do some ugly things for it.
@dan around?
ah that's my crappier resume.
oh well
@Goatmale nice
I do like working downtown.. makes me feel all adult.
Also I don't live at that address in my resume anymore, feel free to rob that location.
@ewwhite That massive bundle of unterminated wires scares me.
@Goatmale damn I missed it! haha
@Goatmale I hate working downtown :-/ Such commute. Much terrible. Very "Jesus christ on a christmas tree I hate this train someone PLEASE kill me!"
Not that working out here on the island is any better.
@Goatmale thanks :)
no problem!
need to finish CCNA @_@
Knowledge, money, fun.
@voretaq7 New Jersey? New York?
@Goatmale NY
Fuck Jersey.
so.... I apparently have lots of rep on superuser now
I feel dirty
We don't let people from NJ in here.
I've got almost 5k rep on SU. Mostly from migrated questions.
@voretaq7 :(
All I know about NY i've learned from Louie and Opie and Anthony. So not very much. Only that the Comedy Cellar is one place i'd like to visit.... and that they call Maddison Square Garden "The garden"
Had all of our backups fail again this morning...our NAS somehow lost contact with the DCs so it was rejecting authentication requests (the classic "no logon servers" error)
A reboot fixed it, but it's rather annoying as it requires taking down the SQL cluster in the process -_-
I'm considering spinning up a central "backup" server and mounting a iSCSI LUN onto it, then shoving all the local backups on that LUN, then backing up the entire LUN to an external disk....seems overly complicated though
Labeled "Eth 0" on back of server. OS picks it up as NIC #2... figures
@NathanC ... NAS ??
or am I just being picky
@BigHomie Yes...a synology DS412+
It's no SAN, but it's what we could do on a budget. Before the NAS we didn't even have shared storage...just tape backups
this customer has one of the most impressive backup exec deployments i've ever seen. 48 tape robotic library, 160 backup jobs, 16 tb used for their b2d backups.
but still it's backup exec 2010, heh.
@Goatmale Google has something similar but at a larger scale (robotic tape library)
We have less than 500 GB of data in total, but money of course makes all things difficult
It works though, just the technology likes to throw a fit occasionally
@NathanC at least you folks are realistic in terms of data. We had a single researcher request 16TB, and couldn't fathom why we couldn't provide it.
40% of the data in our general data storage is all marketing crap (1 GB .psd files, ftw!)
@ChrisS Well if I'm dirty you're filthy.
That's exactly what she said!
@freiheit I have a question
@ewwhite I have no idea if I have a useful answer. :)
@freiheit I rode my bike to "work" today
and I'm all wet now.
people are looking at me like I'm crazy
@ewwhite Are you crazy?
@freiheit It was a 16 minute ride to the office
and my back is soaked.
it's 67 degrees here in Chicago.
@ewwhite Maybe you should try pedaling slower on your way to work...
and how does one prevent this?
@freiheit I did...
it's not that cold, it was pretty warm this morning
When I commuted by bike I'd make sure I had a change of cloths and a towel in the office
@ewwhite Ok, basics: (1) bike slower (2) bring change of clothes (or have them waiting at office already) and change after you get to office (3) bring a small towel and/or "baby wipes" to knock the worst of the sweat off
This cracks me up:
@freiheit I'm just my back is wet
I don't know how to ride slowly
@ewwhite Also, 23mph sprints don't count as "going slow". Try keeping it under 18mph the whole way next time. under 15mph if it's warmer than 80F.
@freiheit that's strava's inaccuracy
@ewwhite You put the bike in a lower gear and keep to a lower cadence, so that it barely feels like you're pushing on the pedals at all.
@freiheit singlespeed
small gear
@ewwhite pedal slower
wear less spandex
moar spandex
@ewwhite Here are two small towel choices sufficient to get sweat off your back: rivbike.com/product-p/az3-blk.htm rei.com/product/836298/rei-mini-multitowel-
swtich to a nice baggy cotton shirt and a huffy cruiser
I like the hollyhock color.
@Goatmale huffy cruiser == more sweat. Baggy cotton isn't a bad plan, though.
Okay, I'm dry now.
@ewwhite my lady says the same thing
I guess it all depends on how you wear it.
I saw a guy in a do-rag and an a turquoise suit jacket with those sweet elbow pads walking to the train this morning. It was swag overload.
@Holocryptic that is not sfw, unless you work @ chip n dales.
I live in Vegas
@Goatmale elbow pads
@Holocryptic explains a lot now
What are those things called?
I see, lol w/ a doo rag
elbow pads?
@Goatmale you got it, pads/patches same thing, just forgot they existed b/c that's not my bag baby.
I saw a guy in one of those rasta hats and a full suit yesterday too.
@Magellan & @RyJones - I'll probably be getting a rental car in Seattle FYI
Where is @mdmarra?
@Goatmale too cool for school
@Goatmale once a weeker pretty much, if that nowadays.
Mar 24 at 23:44, by MDMarra
Good to see I can still drop in here once a week and rack up some stars on a bunch of dumb shit.
not anymore!! I fill the start board now.
@Goatmale Britons.
but there's only one in your photo.
Hey, Linux pipples... what's the proper way to grep for a file in a directory that starts with 2013? I've tried both single and double quotes, but I'm getting back weird results.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork ls -l 2013*
are you looking to grep the contents of said files?
or just list them
Just list the files... but it's a bit more complicated. It's grepping through Avamar backup sets, so I need to return, well say, everything that matches the below pattern

everything I punch in seems to return a lot of files, including ones that start with 2010, 2011, 2012 2014 and 2015.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork If you have a directory named "D:" on your linux box, there's something else wrong to start with...
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork find /some/dir -name 2013*
@freiheit Well, that's how Avamar backs 'em up.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Are you sure it's D:/site/Users/user/2013... and not D:\site\Users/user/2013... ?
Mar 5 at 23:32, by freiheit
@PatoSáinz That reminds me... i actually have a system with this directory on it: /usr/singularity7.0.4u1/C:\dcimaging\lib\tomcat\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\attachments
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork is that the names of the files in the directory or are they lines in a file ?
@freiheit Quite sure.
@freiheit "Everything is terrible, all the time."
@Iain File names. Got a "halp, some files are missing that start with 2013 and 2014" ticket.
I didn'tthink you could have / in a filename on linux hmmm
@freiheit yeah, find really doesn't like the pseudo Windows directory structure file names.
@Iain / and null are basically the only things you can't have in a filename, but you can have a / in a filepath and the distinction between filename and filepath isn't always worth bringing up.
@Iain I'm not entirely sure how the hell this all fits together, but for example, I see the following.
@freiheit no, you want find /some/dir -name '2013*' - if you fail to quote or escape the *, it'll try to glob it first
been burned by that one before :(
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork In my experience, find works fine with any valid path, whether or not it's unix style
@Bob Fucking markdown. I actually said it with a backslash... find /some/dir -name 2013\*
So, TBH, I don't know if those actually are files, or if there's some trickery Avamar's doing behind the scenes, or what.
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I think that's all one line and you're getting what you asked for
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork It's also entirely possible, since it's spitting out crazy windows-style paths, that those things are going someplace you don't expect and/or actually writing them out with \\ in the filenames but displaying them with /, because that works great on windows
@freiheit Chat Markdown strikes again? :P
Yeah, could be. I do like Avamar, but searching through backups suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks like nothing I've ever seen.
> \ in the filenames but displaying them with /
Monospaced backslashes are hard in chat markdown. Surround them with multiple backticks instead of one: ``\`` => \
@freiheit Some people just want teh D
@BigHomie #baaaaaadpolitcs
All of my clients right now -
@NathanC #politics-as-usual ?
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork another look at that output and it really does look like one line. I'd be tempted to preporocess it with sed to add like breaks then search with $utilityof choice
@DennisKaarsemaker Do you have an 'important' folder too?
@mossy tinyurls
tinyurl.com/frogged frogged3 and frogged4 (frogged2 is a 404 now)
On May 23, 2014, a killing spree occurred in Isla Vista, California, United States, starting with a stabbing attack at an apartment, and continuing with a series of drive-by shootings and vehicular attacks near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara. Elliot Rodger, 22, killed seven people, including himself, and wounded thirteen others. Events Killing spree The killing spree started at Rodger's apartment on Seville Road, where three men, later revealed to be his roommates, were found stabbed to death. Initial reports indicated a knife was used, but there are now beliefs t...
dude was off his rocker. Sad, mental health patient who stopped taking his meds (serious)
> Rodger posted a video on YouTube on the night before the attack, titled Elliot Rodger's Retribution, in which he complained of being rejected by women and described details of his upcoming attack,[8] also laying out his motivations and plans.
> I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl. I've been through college for two and a half years, more than that actually, and I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it.
@BigHomie So, uhm, why are you bringing that up in here?
@freiheit Oh, just came across it, thought everything was on topic here?
@BigHomie It's been all over the news every day since it happened and the #NotAllMen and #YesAllWomen hashtag culture war's been all over all the social media (and a bit in the news)... I guess maybe more coverage in my local news since some of the victims were from the greater SF bay area...
So. Weird/scary hard drive noises. Yay!
double checks backups are valid
@freiheit I see. I've only heard a little bit of it when it happened over the weekend, but really didn't know much about it (don't really watch the news much anymore, guess what you see on the news all day in Detroit?)
I'm not trying to start a flame or anything, what do the hashtags mean?
@BigHomie Combination of news about Detroits gradual collapse and about a drive-by shooting 2 blocks away?
@freiheit I can't even remember the last time I heard about a drive by (couple years), nowadays they just walk up and shoot :(

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