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@BigHomie Run out of questions for me yet? ;)
@voretaq7 Is it HTTP at the app layer or is it load balancing something else?
I only ever see HTTP load balancing.
@NathanC Actually no, I think I have @ least one more
I just fixed the core monitoring to follow the HAProxy instance when the load balancers fail over but the node name is always "fw1" because the configs are identical. Stupid monitoring system exposing the flaws in my grand schemes!
@NathanC they're relevant which is why I don't just post them in chat
@Wesley I have a few things passing through it, but 90% of it is http/https
@voretaq7 kewl
I don't do SSL offloading so https is effectively "blind TCP" with better monitoring :P
@voretaq7 So here's the big question... is it running on FreeBSD? =P
of course
what else would I run it on? :)
@voretaq7 CP/M?
Anyone have a nice way to explain the Linux VFS?
it runs on the firewall hosts
@NathanC so you can go into the drive, and the red x still remains? Are you sure the user account is the same?
@ewwhite It does things with the bits.
But really, no.
@BigHomie Absolutely sure. It's using my windows login
@Wesley remember client from yesterday?
And yes, it still remains. in fact, it remains for ALL the drives I have mounted
@ewwhite yessir
@voretaq7 It's a layer.
@Wesley blah technical explanation
@MikeyB it's logically "routing" (application layer routing, but still routing)
and the client is like...
Good Morning Ed – I had a little discussion with Win about the interesting stuff around Linux RAM caching. Would it help PPro performance if we added more RAM to the PPro vm for caching, or are we barking up the wrong tree here? We have the resources sitting here idle, and if it would help, we can add more RAM. Thoughts?
@ewwhite Run top. If any of your ram is "free" the answer is NO.
@ewwhite "Are we barking up the wrong tree?" Yes, you won't take my advice to get bare metal.
@voretaq7 free -m
@ewwhite Also, you're charging for your time or is this part of a managed contract?
Charging time
oh wow, past lunch time. no wonder i'm hungry...
Buying a motorcycle is stressful.
@ewwhite Okay, good. I know what it's like to go into deep detail about how to do things right, but then have the recipient wipe their butt with it because 1) Too expensive, or 2) Because I want what I want... and on top of it, you're not charging for time for one reason or another. I can handle disrespect and stupidity if I'm getting paid my hourly rate. =P
[mgraziano@monitor ~]$ free -m
-bash: free: command not found
@voretaq7 looool
@MikeyB All the world is not a Linux machine sir.
(but anything worth using has top)
@MikeyB VFS caching is for reads, right?
ksh: top: not found
@MikeyB Whatever that is root's shell is ksh so god hates you :)
@ewwhite yeah - you getting high service times on reads or writes? different problems, different solutions
(ancient Solaris box?)
@MikeyB on writes. High latency
@voretaq7 AIX -> topas
Is this true?
@ewwhite add more write cache to the storage subsystem
No, the RAM is sized optimally for your setup. The Linux VFS cache layer is for reads, not writes.
I’ve clearly outlined what’s necessary to achieve better performance. It is not possible with your current infrastructure.
@MikeyB eh? 5.3 has plain old vanilla top
@MikeyB EMC VNXe - Seems misconfigured
ksh: top: not found
@MikeyB whaaaaat?
I'mma have to turn on my AIX box this weekend
@voretaq7 it has topas but no top
@voretaq7 scared that you have one
@ewwhite Be even more afraid, it's a genuine panel-bearing RS/6000
@Wesley I'm wondering how to end the discussion
5.3 is the last AIX revision it can boot :P
@ewwhite Client be all like "dude, we want speed but don't want to spend cash. How do?!"
@voretaq7 PPC4lyfe!!
@ewwhite POWER4 for (slow, painful, lingering) death! :-)
dude these things are freakin' metal. The box I'm working on had two disks fail in a volume group, a filesystem (THE FILESYSTEM with all THE DATA) had 918 extents sitting with both copies on those disks.
They lucked out. The filesystem fscked. I forced the VG and FS online. No data loss.
@MikeyB saved the day!
makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, right?
(but so does my tapeworm)
@MikeyB JFS will put up with a LOT of damage
@ewwhite this is their legacy mostly read-only ERP system with 40-ish years of records. Anyone who know how to AIX is long gone. Turns out the "backup" they thought they were making was just a mksysb (bootable system restore of the root volume group (yes, these fuckers can BOOT FROM TAPE to restore)).
@voretaq7 oh right, but of course I knew in this case it was :P
@MikeyB unix-stud
@MikeyB any trained monkey can AIX with smitty :P
@voretaq7 Sure, but knowing where to put the X == priceless
I mean, smit.
woot, I have the mainframe and one VMWare test cluster on the new fabric :)
I mean, sam
@voretaq7 "Oh hey, maybe you should set your extent inter-allocation policy to maximum instead of minimum. So, you know, it's actually redundant."
Even though superstrict was set on LP on separate PV. Not sure how that happened.
ksh: rsync: command not found
so... much... not... here.
it's on my ksh...
@Basil grabs package from intertubes FTPs package to server rpm -ivh rsync...
@ewwhite So you're just done with it? No amount of time paid will make you feel good about continuing the discussion?
@Wesley I told them that there was no cost-effective solution that would allow their existing virtualized solution to work well
@ewwhite Right - but maybe I'm being to opportunistic about it, because I have a clean conscience with continuing to charge for time after I very clearly stated "You're doing it wrong and asking me to advise you on how to do it wrong in the rightest way possible. You know I'm billing for this? You're okay with that? Okay, well..."
So that would keep me on the fishing hook, but you do things differently and have, you know, success. So it's different for you.
@Wesley no, because of opportunity cost. I can be doing other things
@ewwhite IMO it's best to be politely abrupt. So just "My recommendation for bare metal will solve these problems, and you will still be highly available and highly recoverable. VMware confers no advantages that can't be matched by my solution, and only adds downfalls. In the interest of narrowing my liability, I'll let my existing recommendations stand. If you'd like to pursue this VMware trouble to a satisfactory solution, I can recommend the following consultants:"
Cut the cord firmly and cut it as soon as you feel squeemish about the situation.
The longer it bleeds out, the weaker your position becomes.
@Wesley no, they still need me
@ewwhite Oh well that makes things awkward.
Speaking of making things awkward, nuzzles @freiheit
@ewwhite If they want a second opinion (paid) we'd be happy to review your notes, findings, etc :)
@Wesley No licking this time!
@MikeyB opportunist!
@ewwhite Damn right!
Actually I'm so busy right now... imaging, Samba work, Samba work, Discourse, beating people over the head with RFCs, trying to explain to a company why they shouldn't be relying on 5-year old crummy hardware for core business functions, the usual.
@NathanC you say you do a build in visual studio? Tell me more.
@BigHomie Nothing special...it's a simple C# app I wrote. Build -> Build Solution ...I then manually run the script and it copies the files. The files copy while the drive is mounted now (robocopy was failing, but regular "copy" works fine) but it won't disconnect
@MikeyB You'd hate looking at my rack.
Wait... that sounded weird.
Look at my rack! LOOK AT IT!!!
Who's posting pictures of their rack?
I need a backless chair. I'm tired of sweatstains on the back of my shirts.
@ScottPack Didn't you say that you used a kneeling chair once?
Has anyone figured out how to attach a programmable electrode to a mouse and/or keyboard yet? I need to start delivering triggered, programmable electric shocks to the users.
Listening to a developer explain vi to a new hire...
it's... interesting.
@ewwhite "It's a text editor based on emoticons as commands..."
Q: How can an e-mail get lost?

otisonozaThis happened to me yesterday. Someone claimed she sent me an e-mail, but I did not got it. It's not in Inbox, Spam, Trash, etc.. it's nowhere. How is this possible (assuming there is no user error)? Where can things go wrong?

@BigHomie It's funny how such a simple question can get 20+ upboats and well thought out answers while mine sinks to the bottom :p
@NathanC Your question requires work, of which some people are severely allergic to.
@Wesley No, that sounds uncomfortable.
@BigHomie Wow, nobody mentioned the most important thing.
@MikeyB The email gnomes ate it? Reverse DNS?
Its not possible unless your email provider filtered the email before it even got to your inbox. — Ramhound yesterday
I think I just threw up in my mouth.
@BigHomie The queue ID.
@RyanRies OK you get Serverfault Gold for that.
@BigHomie Why? I have no machines running IE.
OK, I lie, just patched our terminal server. Now running IE8!
@MikeyB That's more like it.
Hnngg 2 more hours of driving to go
Somehow I don't think WSUS is working correctly...
I did a synch to grab that IE update, but Windows still reports no updates available and WSUS doesn't show it
@NathanC it's probably ddos'ing MS with the rest of the world
I'm doing the same thing
@BigHomie You sure you're looking at the right article? "Article ID: 2887505 - Last Review: October 9, 2013"
@BigHomie Micro$loth is being ddos'd by an IP!!
@BigHomie Linux desktops, Linux servers, BSD routers... I'm good.
@cole Yikes, what's happening? (I swear if you're texting and driving I will kill you even if you survive the trip.)
@Wesley What if he's using speech-to-text?
@NathanC meh, seen one IE hole, seen 'em all.
@KevinSoviero Still a tactile distraction. Unless he's got hands-free.
@NathanC The patch was supposedly released @ 1:00pm today, so we'll see
I'm listening to Barbie Girl by Aqua.
Thanks Spotify.
sup gents
and dirty cats
oh, our Azure storage is down since a couple of hours
@MattBear DUDE
@MattBear Where you been?
@faker Ouch. How much are you using and what for, just out of curiosity.
@Wesley having babies
@MattBear D'aww. @MarkHenderson had his second while you were gone. Girl.
@MattBear So you've got baby K. and now baby... ?
@Wesley oh cool
There's too many pregnant people around here!
@Wesley Kimber and Jace
Agent K and Agent J? Where's Will Smith!?
@Wesley image serving on some of our sites, we use it a lot
@MattBear Very nice. How's your lady doing?
@KevinSoviero hehehe how do you find Will Smith in the snow?
@MattBear Also did you get my PM to you on SpiceWorks?
Sorry that was a bit stalkerish. =P
@MattBear Not sure if racist ;)
You follow the Fresh Prints
@MattBear gahhhhhh
@Wesley no, I never log in to spiceworks lol
@TheCleaner dumb question, but did the user who deleted this contact do a Shift+Del
@MattBear Okay, I thought maybe SpiceWorks sent you an email when you got a PM. That's the only other place I knew how to direct contact you since SF/SE doesn't show email addresses and neither does Fitocracy.
@Wesley she's ok, much less fat
@MattBear lol'd
How do you get your wife to lose 10 pounds? Induced labor.
How do you lose 130 pounds? Divorce her.
@Wesley when did you send it? I'm checking my spiceworks folder
@MattBear Like two or three days ago.
oh no, no notification
@MattBear Douchesnorkelers.
heh I found a way to get LOTS of free points on fitocracy, without lying
posted on May 01, 2014 by SysAdmin1138

I did this at a previous job, so here are a few tips for what will make it easier on everyone. Plan at least 4, preferably 6, weeks out. This gives your watch-standers the chance to arrange their lives around...

1100 lb leg presses!
one or 2 of those, turns a 'meh' day into "dang thats a lot of points"
@Wesley that... just sounds gross
@MattBear the frik
Achievement unlocked: Dream the impossible dream! Gross out @MattBear
@NathanC GOT IT!
@Wesley 266 points each
@MattBear Gaining weight or losing it now that you're busier with a new bebeh.
@Wesley got my son circumcised yesterday, spent the night cleaning another dudes scabbed up, oozing penis.
@Wesley gaining muscle... weights kinda the same
@MattBear Dude, foreskins are awesome.
@Wesley I put it under his pillow for the foreskin fairy
@BigHomie Yep, I'm seeing it now too.
@MattBear Who gives gifts of neosporin and Jose Curevo?
turns out the foreskin fairy is Jewish...
I have a 48 hour "deadline" period so by monday everyone will be patched
he got a cough drop
@MattBear Not even a knish? D=
@Wesley oh I got a bike
@MattBear That's nice. I hit 195-ish late last year but got nailed with vertigo, couldn't work out, then got lazy, so I just decided to start cutting down, leaning out and then rebuild the muscle. I'm about 173 now. Aiming for 165 before I start the bulk up again.
@MattBear I hate you.
@Wesley I'm 230 ish... haha
@MattBear I have a an enclosed four wheeled bike with an engine.
trying to lean out back down to 210
Also goes a lot faster
@KevinSoviero bet it doesnt
@MattBear How fast does your bike go?
or 300 kph
@MattBear What kind of pedals are those?
nah im kidding... its a pedal power :(
but I am getting another street bike soon
prolly a 2013 R1
@KevinSoviero Faster than @Wesley's
I bought one of these last night at HEB (local grocery store): delonghi.com/en-us/products/coffee-and-espresso/coffee-makers/…
I'm in love
@Basil Anyone can be faster than him!
@Wesley yeah, it's just a Trek i got off a buddy, up untill the kid popped I was doing 7-8 miles a day
@MattBear Get on Strava, punk!
@Wesley whats that
@MattBear strava.com - great way to GPS track your riding. I'm on it: strava.com/athletes/1512353
Okay vcenter, that was only 5 minutes to authenticate..
@BradBouchard no...I figured it out...PITA
I'll post the answer on the question...
@Wesley you didn't log a single ride in the last 4 weeks!
@Wesley 4 miles per ride?
@faker Yeah, been weirdly busy. Started running on the treadmill instead just to keep stamina up.
@Wesley I do both... ride and run
Why do quotation marks no longer have any meaning to search engines? :(
@MattBear First one? What did you get?
@MattBear That aggregates all rides ever I think? The last month or two of riding I was doing 10 to 15 a day
Google Now tracks my excersize, and it thinks I ran 5 hours this month... It's so ffar off it's not ever funny.
@BigHomie Trek 1000
@MikeyB There's a lot of optional LPPs for stuff you probably want (like rsync)
@MattBear Sounds pricey, good deal?
FreeBSD RC scripts for things that are interpreted scripts are weird :-/
@ryan it's GOOGLE, not InfoSeek!!!
Ugh, I hate editing posts when I don't have the "automatic submit" privilege. Doesn't let me just add code tags when people don't use them.
@MattBear Add me on Gtalk or Gmail or whatever if you feel so inclined: [email protected]
@RyanRies You don't think so?
@voretaq7 Oh yeah, easy enough to fix. :)
@BigHomie $300
from a buddy
Sigh... you see man, it's all about how you present it:
Tough shit for them. Also, you're not putting a router in their office/home. You're putting a Phone Connectivity Device. The only thing behind it should be the phone. — MikeyB 22 mins ago
Yo, Exchange Admins...this is nice to have around in your arsenal, especially dealing with other Exchange environments: blog.enowsoftware.com/solutions-engine/bid/181267/…
@MikeyB Yeah, looks like @getsauce will have trouble sitting for a week or so after asking that question. =P
la la la fixing stuff you only discover after reboot-testing the environment
@MikeyB Yeah, it gets infinitely more complicated at this point.
out of curiosity, who else is using HAProxy and how do y'all monitor it?
@MikeyB If they wanted to pay for it, I'd drop a firewall in their crib and make it a TFTP server. DONE.
I have a delightful disgusting hack that connects the Unix socket to a TCP socket so our monitoring system can show stat on it.
@voretaq7 mmm haproxy. Zabbix. Probably not monitored very robustly.
@MikeyB does that let you get frontend/backend status information, connections, etc? Or do you just monitor the frontends via whatever protocol and alarm if they go down?
Jeez, SQL Server on our WSUS server is just eating RAM
Use the unix socket directly:
cat <<EOF | socat stdio /var/run/haproxy-1.5.stat | grep -v ^$
disable server app/app${BE}_00
disable server app/app${BE}_01
disable server app/app${BE}_02
disable server app/app${BE}_03
It was hovering at ~500mb free (out of 4 GB) so I hotplugged another 2 GB...it's eating through that rather quickly
@NathanC It's a SQL server, so... yes, yes, it will do that.
@NathanC SQL is the RAM manager, so you're going to see that wherever sql is installed
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork DARNIT YOU
I need to cap it before it decides to crash IIS again
@NathanC Go ahead and pose that on main why don't you
echo show stat | sudo socat stdio /var/run/haproxy-1.5.stat
# pxname,svname,qcur,qmax,scur,smax,slim,stot,bin,bout,dreq,dresp,ereq,econ,eresp,wretr,wredis,status,weight,act,bck,chkfail,chkdown,lastchg,downtime,qlimit,pid,iid,sid,throttle,lbtot,tracked,type,rate,rate_lim,rate_max,check_status,check_code,check_duration,hrsp_1xx,hrsp_2xx,hrsp_3xx,hrsp_4xx,hrsp_5xx,hrsp_other,hanafail,req_rate,req_rate_max,req_tot,cli_abrt,srv_abrt,comp_in,comp_out,comp_byp,comp_rsp,
That's nice and parsable.
@NathanC IIS has to request RAM from SQL Server, it may or may not get it
@BigHomie Naw :p i know SQL Server is a RAM hog...just thought it would slightly more optimized
@NathanC Not a hog per se, it's the RAM manager
@mikeyb yeah, Linux looks hard.
@voretaq7 ... yes I should probably monitor them better.
@ewwhite I know - CSV... so hard.
@MikeyB yeah, we basically do the same thing, only we connect it to a TCP socket
It's in the middle of a sync so everything on the server is sluggish
then the monitoring system connects to that and does show info / show stat and pretties it up
@voretaq7 and I already have an output-reordering-stable bit of code to handle it :) gist.github.com/Supermathie/10681756#file-parsecsv-py
I'm not really thrilled about the tcp socket half of things (nasty, nasty perl script)
@voretaq7 shouldn't be nasty at all, should be nice and easy.
@MikeyB I wrote the haproxy probe here :)
:15282250 um.... the core of the script is:
	while(1) {
		my ($client_socket, $haproxy_socket, $cmd, $res);
		# waiting for new client connection.
		$client_socket = $socket->accept();

		while ($cmd = <$client_socket>) {
			$haproxy_socket = new IO::Socket::UNIX (
				Type => SOCK_STREAM,
				Peer => '/var/run/haproxy.sock'
				) or warn "No HAPROXY Socket!";

			while ($res = <$haproxy_socket>) {
that's pretty disgusting :)
Q: Twisted server for multiple clients

AndesayI want to write a server that can accept multiple clients in python (twisted). I am already quite familiar with socket programming with the standard python socket module but here comes the trouble.. I think twisted is really hard to get into and i have read some tutorials about it. But a thing t...

No longer need an excuse to learn twisted :)
(the parsing is worse because of the TCP probe language in Intermapper, but the plumbing script is pretty grotty)
That'll teach me to select all classifications for downloads...but at the very least it'll cut down on bandwidth use when we provision new machines
# Read username, output from non-empty factory, drop connections

from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
from twisted.protocols import basic

class FingerProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
    def lineReceived(self, user):

class FingerFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
    protocol = FingerProtocol

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.users = kwargs

    def getUser(self, user):
        return self.users.get(user, "No such user")
@voretaq7 truth be told, I'd write up a quick daemon that polled haproxy and sent stats back to the zabbix master every n seconds.
@MikeyB my eventual plan is to hack hatop a little bit so I can run it remotely
but this way the HAProxy integration with intermapper is "almost seamless"
@Wesley did you remember?
@MattBear There are so many C&H comics that I just don't think are funny, at all.
The first four panes at least made me smile - the last two left me with o_O.
@ChrisS That one escapes me somewhat, not sure what the innuendo is supposed to be.
@BigHomie Maybe that's it... Maybe I just don't get the reference?
Maybe he is saying his dick is tiny?
@MattBear Put that in the list of things I wish I could say in real life. =]
@BigHomie theres no innuendo.. it's just stupid, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny reference
@MattBear Never heard of them
Dumb movie
@MattBear I thought every day was dick day
Waffles for lunch. Go me.
@Wesley one c**k pushup a day!
then give it a nice massage
Wait, @MattBear censored himself? WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MATT?!
@Wesley I.... dunno
So it looks like between the two boxes I put on my pfSense-based DNS resolver, I'm doing about 275,000 queries every 24 hours.
Now I need to get everything else looking to it.
@Wesley . . . are you a filthy fucking spammer?
@voretaq7 No, but I run an email appliance that does inbound mail handling for a few hundred domains.
@voretaq7 All inbound SMTP connections are run through a gauntlet of three RBLs, which is why queries are so high. You gotta get through SpamCop, SpamHaus, and Barracuda to make it through.
@Wesley <eyes you suspiciously> . . . fucking...spammer?
75F and an IPA on the deck.
@voretaq7 I make spammers cry with mocking rejection notices when they fail my tests. =P
I call them bad names.
@Magellan Baby on your chest again?
@voretaq7 (Also, inbound only. I don't touch outbound. People need to handle their own poop-throwing.)
Nope. Snuck out for a haircut. There's a pub next door.
@Magellan Oh nice.
@Wesley my access map has a bunch of hard-fails in it that say "I unsubscribed from your shit, you didn't honor the unsubscribe. You're never sending mail to bsd-box.net again."
(that's mainly for the ones that SA doesn't catch)
@voretaq7 Actually my RBL rejection messages are tame. I thought about being mean, but... sometimes it's just too much work to be mean. I simply drop a link to the proper dispute page for the RBL. "Here, go deal with it you poop flinger."
@Wesley it's a disguised goatse.cx link isnt it....
@Wesley my RBL rejections do that
my "You're getting around the anti-spam measures, and you annoy me" messages are basically "It's my fucking server, and I'm not letting it talk to you anymore."
Just saw someone look puzzled at a printer ...they thought it was a copier
@NathanC the two devices are usually conjoined these days.
I don't know if its possible to get high on caffeine, but if it is, I am.
Anyone know how to adjust SQL Server's memory usage WITHOUT SSMS?
I really don't want to install it on the server since it requires a bunch of other crap
@KevinSoviero too much caffeine can cause rectal bleeding
@KevinSoviero of course it is.
just fyi
poor server
@MattBear "I don't know about you, but if my anus is leaking that's not a side-effect, that's an effect." -Robin Williams
@NathanC Tell it my main load balancer said "STFU Bitch" (it's got 512M of RAM)
@voretaq7 It's all SQL Server's fault
@voretaq7 Tell all y'all's server's to kiss my routers ass... 128MB of RAM
@KevinSoviero your router doesn't have to run haproxy :P
Hey, does anyone have @michelZ on linkedin or email? I got a question I want to ask him
His profile is on his user, but I don't know anyone he knows so I can't add him
@dawud wheres the "shit you don't need/want to know"
you know... anything to do with miley cyrus, kardashians, jersey beach, or justin beaver
@MattBear I'd say it's in shit you (already) know :)
@dawud falls into the "don't want" category
and say what you will about Kim... she can schlob a knob!
I saw that video
about 50 times
@MattBear "shit you know" should be split in: 70% "shit you already know and you wish you wouldn't" and "shit actually useful, I think"
fuck you windows
windows let my mother in tears
bad windows
@PatoSáinz why? windows are useful, they let you see the outside.
I would like to publicly applaud ServerFault's font color choice for hyperlinks...and publicly rant about SuperUser's choice.
@TheCleaner what is it
@dawud windows 8 -> 8.1 broke her newly bought notebook
@PatoSáinz see my answer here:
A: Where is windows backup settings stored in Windows 7?

TheCleanerThe settings are found within Windows Backup's utility itself. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/set-change-automatic-backup-settings#1TC=windows-7 The scheduled task does exist though. It's under Scheduled Tasks, Task Scheduler Library, Microsoft, Windows, WindowsBackup.

@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork - I voted for you in the election, but it appears you have around 130 dickfers.
@PatoSáinz broken as in hardware-broken?

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