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@voretaq7 Ug, so many things to spend $150 on before that....
@ChrisS That costs more than $150
@MarkHenderson Slightly...
@ChrisS So, how about greenfield projects on Windows XP...? Professional or no?
Q: Setup Local Email and IIS SMTP Server Windows XP Pro

ukieI am look for a way of creating local email server that will allow me to send emails throughout the LAN only. That is, One computer is running an SMTP server and sending out emails to other computers (Microsoft Outlook) on the LAN (no internet involved). I know I can setup a Virtual SMTP server ...

It is awesome though
@MichaelHampton I still feel any new XP installation is automatically off-topic at this point. Maintenance questions should be essentially limited to migration. And running server software on XP is way the f--- off-topic. But that's just my opinion.
@ChrisS I, for once, totally agree
Do we have something about that in our FAQ?
The FAQ is so big and confusing these days I forget what's in there
SapceX did a test recovery burn on the last launch, still landed in the ocean, but a nice soft landing. Next time they might try landing back at the launch site (or near the launch site.... details)
@MarkHenderson No, it's a debate we've just had on Meta too, and people aren't completely onboard with the idea that the Manufacturer says "though shalt not use anymore" and we stop supporting it too
Q: I think we're overdoing "that's not professional" comments

Ward[Most of this post blatantly ripped off from MDMarra's] Compiling newer version of Apache in Fedora 14 ... is the question that prompted my post, but this has come up before. Sure, he's using an old server OS and basically working around self-inflicted limitations, but most of us have been in ...

@MarkHenderson There is no FAQ anymore. It's the Help Center. I certainly appreciate that SE tried to make it easier for people - but I think it backfired.
There are good reasons for us to provide some support for end-of-life and out-of-support hardware and software. The question is where do we draw the line. I don't think we can do what Ask Ubuntu does and just tell everyone they're SOL.
I agree there should be a soft-line... XP is just a thorn that wont go away, and we're way past mainline support, nobody around here has extended support contracts.
I just look at that question that sparked the debate... He picked the wrong platform to build a server on, now it's 2+ years out of support and he's having support issues. SURPRISE! It just makes me want to scream: "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!"
Yeah, I would not have used Fedora < 18 for a server under virtually any circumstances.
And even >= 18, the circumstances are still pretty limited (though I'm happy with it where I've used it and can afford to upgrade it twice a year).
But if he was using a version of RHEL that was a month past support, that'd be completely different IMHO
A month, perhaps. Two years past support though? Would you still answer RHEL 3 questions?
@MichaelHampton Using it is perfectly fine if you plan on rebuilding regularly, that's a perfectly valid usecase
@MichaelHampton I wouldn't have answered RHEL 3 questions when it was current as I don't know jack about RHEL. =]
@ChrisS Did I tell you how long my down time was when I did the F19-F20 upgrade?
@MichaelHampton nope
@ChrisS Six minutes.
@MichaelHampton That's pretty impressive.
@MarkHenderson I think the What is "a professional capacity"? question neatly covers this
Well, it's on SSD, so that had a lot to do with it. But it was 11 minutes for F18-F19, so I think they've improved it.
running shit that's past end of life is not "professional" (within our constraints of Doing It Right professionalism), similarly running servers on a desktop OS has never been on-topic here (because Doing It Wrong).
I still have an Ubuntu 8.04 server running :/
@ChrisS And that time is from when I shut the system down to begin the upgrade, to the time the upgrade was complete and services were back up and running.
@Andrew That's.. um.. a little old.
@voretaq7 What is sysadmin for?!
@Wesley Telling people "No."
@Andrew My grandmother is still on 8.04, but it's a laptop, she's 3,000 miles away, and also reasons. =P
I will say "No". Often. That's my fucking job. Don't wanna hear no? Hire a stupid kid right out of college with zero real world experience, and I'll come fix their mistakes for $300/hr in a year.
@voretaq7 Can you subcontract your favorite orange tabby kitty? I can run cable in the hard to reach spots!
I've got a FreeBSD 9.0 server that needs to be upgraded still. Another running 9.2; other two are 10.0 thought.
@Wesley Can you meow loudly in a way that sounds like "No"? :)
@ChrisS I'm still running 9.1 everywhere, next stop will be 9.3, then 10.1
Do you always skip *.0?
@MichaelHampton the odd-numbered point releases are the "extended support" releases
@voretaq7 Oh, then it makes sense.
Do I get the jerb?
@MichaelHampton but as a general rule I wouldn't run *.0 until *.0p1 or later
I also don't run *.{1,3,5} until p1 usually
@voretaq7 Gonna take a jaunt up to Ottawa for BSDCan next month?
@Wesley nah, it's a huge pain in the ass to cross the border nowadays :(
You can always sneak across the border.
We were dicks to the canadians, so now they're dicks to us - it's just dicks all the way down.
@voretaq7 Did you go to the February NYC BSD thingy?
What do you have against dicks?
@MichaelHampton Yeah but I gotta work on my Canadian first, eh? If I sneak over I'm not gonna be comin' back doon eh...
@MichaelHampton We're talking about USCBP - These are the micropenis overcompensating dicks - no fun.
I wish BSDCan was in a place with cheaper travel.
@Wesley no, I'd planned to but I had family shit come up :-/
It'd cost me about $1k just in travel and a hotel room for 2 nights.
@voretaq7 It's always family.
@ChrisS Can't shoe-horn that into a professional advancement budget, hrm?
Now Verisign started another BSD Con outside DC, but it's just as expensive....
@ChrisS Fuck Verisign.
Fuck Verisign with one of these:
@ChrisS ...durst though casually look for employment elsewhere?
@voretaq7 I generally agree, but open collaboration is open collaboration
@voretaq7 Sideways.
wow... that garden weasel got mauled in image uploading!
@ChrisS Ohhh, nice. Staying in the general area?
@ShaneMadden err, yes. We are aware.
But server is due for replacement anyway.
@Andrew tell him it's "For the museum"
@ChrisS Wooow, lost MS partnership? That's serious. It wasn't that long ago that you were saying things were reasonably secure and growing. =/
@ChrisS Move to new york, they pay 2x what they do in Michigan
(granted everything costs 4x what it costs in Michigan, but still....)
@ChrisS So now you get to live my life of looking for positions that are largely remote with very occasional travel.
(Hint: My life sucks.)
@ChrisS UNSINKABLE! steams defiantly toward iceberg
@voretaq7 yes
<Iceberg>: . . . yeah, I'm unsinkable. I'mma just keep floatin south 'til I melt....
Time to go kill some people for a while - hope the lag is good like it was last night
@ChrisS Hey, let me know an approximation of what you're looking for in a job (skillset required, skillset you desire to grow into) and I'll keep an eye out in my many and varied sweeps of job postings.
Holy shit, I was just looking at Grand Rapids on a map and there really is a place called Kalamazoo
I always thought that was just a madeup name
I felt the same way when I found out that Tumbuktu was a real place too
@MarkHenderson yeah, all the Looney Tunes place names are real
@ChrisS Drone control can be a bitch with these satellite links!
@MarkHenderson About as made up as Wollongdong or whatever it's called. =P
@MarkHenderson About how I felt when I found out there actually was such a thing as a Tasmanian devil. And Tasmania.
Wollongong ( ) is a seaside city located in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia. Wollongong lies on the narrow coastal strip between the Illawarra Escarpment and the Pacific Ocean, 82 kilometres (51 mi) south of Sydney. Wollongong's Statistical District has a population of 292,190, making Wollongong the third largest city in New South Wales after Sydney and Newcastle, and the tenth largest city in Australia. The Wollongong metropolitan area extends from Helensburgh in the north to Windang in the south. It sits within the Wollongong Statistical District, which covers...
@MichaelHampton There's a map, ya know NSFW
@voretaq7 We didn't have Internet back then...
@MichaelHampton the song probably wasn't written back then
And those were not Tasmanian devils in that video, but a completely different sort of devil.
@TheCleaner Huh, nice.
that one is safe for work (cc: @MarkHenderson)
@Wesley Wollongong. Or Woolloomooloo. Or Wagga Wagga.
@voretaq7 You know my standards for SFW. Anyway I don't watch videos at work usually. No speakers.
@MarkHenderson Love our place names :P
@MarkHenderson Actually it may not be safe for work in Oz -- she makes fun of Vegemite
I think that's like high treason for you folks :)
@Bob What's the saying? You know you're an Aussie when you know that Wagga Wagga can be shortened to Wagga, but Woy Woy can't be shortened to just Woy
@voretaq7 Just looked at the title. We know that song. It was all over Triple J (radio station) a few years back
It's Funny 'cuz It's True!
(Actually I don't mind vegemite/marmite)
Never tried marmite
@Andrew Rich motherfucking kangaroo. I hope he held onto his woolloomooloo real estate
@MarkHenderson it's baaaaaasically equivalent to vegemite - I think it has more sugars in it though, molasses or something
@voretaq7 I actually don't like vegemite :(
@Bob Get out
Get the fuck out
@Bob The angry kangaroos will be by shortly to escort you from the country :P
brb, knock on the door
Bob has left: Connection to peer reset
IRC jokes ftw. I should see what bash.org is doing these days
Quake I Server (offline)
Streaming Audio project (offline)
Reader-submitted banner / Button Logo
Messy Desk Contest (offline)
Moderator Application (offline)
Guess the Quake server isn't coming back.
@jscott It's been that way for years
I remember the messy desk contest. It was a disgrace.
oh, anyone remember the cdrom.com or whatever quake map/mod archive?
@Andrew Remember?
I had like 50 maps up there :)
and I helped on the BYOM patch
@Andrew Nah but I made dozens and dozens of Duke 3D maps back in the day
At this point, I've almost certainly lost my Quake Live account due to inactivity. :(
I was the master with Build
I could never get the hang of closing all the leaks.
@jscott I used threed
it was much easier than build but very expensive on the polygons - you needed a good BSP generator
Why does Word sometimes depreciate shortcuts when they're not replaced?
Ctrl+Shift+- used to be subscript
But now? Nothing.
Also, whoever the fuckass was who changed Ctrl+Shift+S from Save As to being "Apply Style" deserves a kick to the face
@MarkHenderson uh WHAT?
It's been 7 years and I'm still making that mistake
@Jacob I know
It sure as shit used to be "Save As"
@MarkHenderson I know right. That's like a universal constant shortcut.
And styles are now front and center in the ribbon dialog, so it's not like people can't find them otherwise
Ctrl+D used to be Paragraph settings, and now it's Font settings (useful, but still changed)
Good news is that Alt, F, A is still "Save As"
@MarkHenderson You use alt shortcuts??
@MarkHenderson deprecate*
Would be better if they had some way to change shortcuts, like Visual Studio (or just about any other program on any other OS...)
@Bob Yeah that one
@ShaneMadden Fuck yes
evenin' gents
@ShaneMadden My favourites are Alt+Tab and Alt+F4
@MarkHenderson Well, yeah, those. But the menu ones!
Day 1 of detox. :P
@ShaneMadden Oh yeah I still use them
One of my daily use programs has roots back to DOS so it relies on keyboard shortcuts a lot
I also like Ctrl+W for Close Window so that programs don't exit after closing the last open document
@MarkHenderson I'm definitely not going to criticize that one :)
Wow, I found a question on the hot list that (1) didn't have a good answer, and (2) I knew the answer to.
@MichaelHampton Miracle
@MarkHenderson No, it'll be a miracle if it gets either upvoted or accepted.
And ... I spy a trainwreck coming...
@MichaelHampton Uh that's not a "wrong way" logo
That's a "men at work" logo
They should have shopped that sign out... :)
@MarkHenderson And then there's Firefox on *nix. Ctrl+W closes a tab, Ctrl+Q closes all tabs without asking for confirmation. Guess who makes a lot of typos when not paying attention?
And that's not a men at work logo...
Uh, what?
> Hi Lorraine,
Thanks so much for joining Pinterest! To finish signing up, you just need to confirm that we got your email right.
Why even use a name in scam/phishing emails when you can't get it right?
@Bob It will be right for a tiny percentage of them.
@Bob I get them all the time. A lot of people called Mark clearly don't know their own email address
They're not phishing though, they seem to be real
One guy keeps signing up to those online free sex sites
@MarkHenderson This was sent to the admin email on one of my domains. I don't even use that... it's sad people apparently fall for things like htis.
Huh, the confirm link actually goes to pinterest. It might actually be a legitimate email O_O
@Bob I very nearlty fell for an eBay phish. It was very, very well executed. The only reason I caught it was because I noticed that it was sent directly to my gmail account, whereas my eBay goes to my ISP's account which is then forwarded to my gmail
If I hadn't caught the wrong email address I probably would have gone through with it
But then when my eBay account was genuinely stolen one day, the email I got from eBay telling me about it looked like a phish
It had spelling mistakes and broken hyperlinks to 404's
Wait, not the admin email. It just got caught by the catchall redirect :\
Catchall email addresses? Turn that shit off!
@Bob How did they ever think that would get to a destination?
@MarkHenderson Beats me. And the sender checks out. It's actually from pinterest.
Who on earth submitted that email address to them??
@Bob Is your .org a bunch of random letters?
@MichaelHampton Hm? Is it bad?
They probably mashed the keyboard
@MarkHenderson I suppose it could look random.
@Bob Let's just say I'm surprised you get as little spam as you do.
four-letter sequence for short URLs
@Bob Four letter domain? Probably a random mash of the keyboard
@MichaelHampton It's not used or listed publicly anywhere. Except whois.
@MarkHenderson A random mash that uses a .org at the end. That's new.
And, there are bots out there which just make up random email addresses and random domains, trying to register accounts, deliver link spam, or whatever. You should see some of the bounces I get in redmine...
@Bob shrug
@Bob can we take a look at the raw mail?
@MichaelHampton Eh, if the spam ramps up, I might. My real address is never exposed anyway.
"show original" in GMail
just to look at the headers
@MichaelHampton may be russians as well
@PatoSáinz I already took a look.
slaps @MarkHenderson around with a trout
damn mIRC users and their trouts
@PatoSáinz If you want:
Received: from o15.email.pinterest.com ([])
	by se4.registrar-servers.com with smtp (Exim 4.82)
	(envelope-from <bounces+644569-9884-6xnc8y=<redacted>[email protected]>)
	id 1Wco46-0007bp-Oi
	for 6xnc8y@<redacted>.org; Tue, 22 Apr 2014 23:41:59 -0400
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed; d=email.pinterest.com;
	h=content-type:mime-version:subject:from:to:reply-to; s=smtpapi;
	bh=s1asiPB+y1mWsvq8ada4h8qmQsM=; b=F3MVVEX2hKYuWFxMYlNT94GEWAcms
> pinlatergrowthworker-948580c4.ec2.pin220.com
buzzword overflow
especially since I see that as a pun for "growth hacker"
a title that should never have existed
@MichaelHampton yeah we have registrations like that too
And now I'm getting welcome emails from them.
...how about not sending anything else until the email address is confirmed?
We changed our form input name parameters to not be "username" and "password" etc and all the spam went away
@Bob Well, you clicked the confirmation link. What did you expect?
@Bob o_O
@MichaelHampton No, I didn't.
@Bob Aha... I thought you did for some reason. Maybe Gmail did.
@MarkHenderson by the way, are your forms not hit by fuzzers?
@MichaelHampton Thunderbird.
Some sites I administered just had bots dumping /dev/urandom into the forms
@MichaelHampton Sooo... that's a thing. Greeaat.
@Bob And...do I see NameCheap in there?
@MichaelHampton Ya.
@Bob Namecheap itself, no...but you should consider the possibility that your account is compromised.
@MichaelHampton Hm? Why?
@Bob Maybe someone else checked your mail and clicked the confirmation link?
But... that domain is not publicly linked to the eventual destination inbox in any way.
nsa has u
Sure, it's possible, but a pretty big stretch.
@MichaelHampton where do you register your domains?
hello @JourneymanGeek?
@PatoSáinz I am in the process of moving them to namecheap
I see your nomination for SU modmanship is going well :)
@JourneymanGeek first Software Recommendations, later SuperUser. Then the world.
I'll just go change the pass.
Lol. Its an embarrassingly bad nomination. Just my luck I'm away from home through most of the nomination period
@JourneymanGeek why are you going to India anyway?
Bleh, useless thing doesn't show IMAP logins.
Gran broke her hip
@JourneymanGeek I don't think you even need to write any more in your nomination.
@JourneymanGeek oh. Is she alright? Are you gonna see her for her post-op?
Meh, that's precisely why I need a good speel
Yeah, she's better, she's walking a little and we'll need to chase her out of the garden before long
I just read through the SU nominations. I think @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork knocked it out of the park.
@JourneymanGeek When I won SF I gave up my other mod positions. I didn't realise you could hold more than one
superuser working well, by the way? We sent it through cloudflare earlier :)
@MichaelHampton Pity he's a fuckwit with a dumbass name
But hey, he'll be SU's problem soon
Yeah, you can.
And being a su and sr mod might be useful
Oh, I don't even have Comic Sans installed. +1 for Linux!
@Andrew ...<blink>?
> This page scientifically designed to annoy web hipsters. Donate now to stop the Comic Sans and Blink Tags
Let's face it, it's not annoying web hipsters. It's annoying web users.
@Andrew ....kay?
That's um
not making their case for being taken seriously as a replacement for OpenSSL
looks fine on opera mobile
@MarkHenderson I'd love to see that twat Evan Carroll get elected.
@Magellan He doesn't have enough sock puppets.
In the last SF election, the only people who voted for him were himself and 13 sockpuppets.
@MichaelHampton Did they re-ban him for the sockpuppets?
How is he not suspended for a century?
At least, I presume they're sockpuppets, since nobody who could get 150 rep could possibly take him seriously.
@Bob I dunno. SE seems to have an odd tolerance for moronic useless trolls for some reason.
And, sockpuppets aren't something I usually look for here, since it's extremely rare. In the time I've been a moderator, I know of only one case where someone was up to no good with sockpuppets on SF.
@Bob He got himself unsuspended and we got a slap on the wrists for suspending him for so long
And it was a complete accident that he got caught.
Oh, so that's why suspensions are capped at 365 days now?
Arrogant little millenialist shit.
@MichaelHampton The same idiot who admitted to creating a new account to bypass the suspension?
@MarkHenderson It always encourages me when I hear that the Community Driven and Moderated goals so often espoused are held to the highest standards.
@Magellan Whoaa there. We're all not that bad are we :(
@MarkHenderson One and the same.
@Jacob I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about that arrogant little millenialist shit.
The one who calls himself AWESOME?
I'm going to bed now. Gentlemen.
He sounds precisely like my 13 year old.
Damn. Well, we can't get him banned for being under 13, then...
@ScottPack g'nite, good sir!
@MarkHenderson :(
I left this on his election nomination
> I would like to see a PoC for your moderator propsal. Let's see you build this proxy first and release it to the public based on your current credentials. – Mark Henderson 20 mins ago
I'm hoping that he builds it, releases it, and then we can just do some nasty shit with his account and get him suspended for good
> I will single handedly smash the white cis hetero patriarchy
that sounds like an excellent way to make friends with the white, cis, hetero, male users
How come calling something "gay" is hate speech, but "cis scum" isn't?
@Andrew It is
Just like how there's no such thing as "reverse racism"
There is just racism
@MarkHenderson oh cool, I'll flag a bunch of stuff when I see it then, mainly on facebook from raging arts students
so is "white cis hetero patriarchy" borderline conspiracy-theorist?
@Andrew The dude is a troll, there's nothing deeper to be read into here
He grabs onto whatever the flavour of the day is and runs with it
Right now it must be transgender issues
@MarkHenderson sadly I can't flag the nomination as trolling :(
I wouldn't worry about that. He has absolutely no chance of winning or even coming close.
The only bad thing is, the SU election doesn't have enough people to go to the optional phase, where he would be downvoted into oblivion.
@MichaelHampton should we all nom?
Oh wait, there are 11 candidates now. It will go to primary, and you will get to downvote him.
"I know how to use a computer, herp derp"
@Andrew They will probably delete him
Of course by talking about him we are of course feeding his ego
He is probably lurking the transcript and stroking himself right now
Thank you @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork
He loves it when I talk about his sexual habits
This is what happened last time I suspended Sir EC
Missed it? tooo bad
@MarkHenderson Aww.
morning boys
@ScottPack Go to bed. It's late.
I so want @JourneymanGeek and @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork to get elected mods at SU.
It would be like a National Lampoon bad-cop / badder-cop routine. =P
@Wesley A genious of network deserves to be a mod on ALL sites!
@MichelZ Universal Rootmod for All Time.
And every n00b here should give him root access as well on all his machines
I was wondering if people had heard about the OpenSSL fork so I did a search
and it turns out that it's literally so yesterday
@strugee Were you forking OpenSSL before it was cool?
@ShaneMadden oh yeah
@ShaneMadden Don't you have one? shame on you!
the irony is that I literally live in a place which is known for being filled with hipsters
@strugee Portland OR?
not quite as hipster-y
I grew up in Salem, we were so hipster even Portlanders rejected us.

(Actually it was just because we were lame farm kids who would drive up the the Crystal Ballroom in our station wagons to see Alice in Chains.)
@Wesley A+
were you hipsters before it was cool
Were were uncool before it was cool.
@Wesley here we have open air reservoirs with fences and trees so people can't get near.
Anyone know if it's okay to put graphite on titanium threads?
@Wesley Building your bike?
@MarkHenderson No, trying to keep a pen of mine from becoming a mini-paperweight.
Threads lock up on it when taking the tip off.
Okay, night-night time.
ZZZZzzzzz... -.-
@Wesley keep away from chlorine and chromium is all I know
... or not?
@Wesley What the hell kind of pen do you have?
@Wesley lithium grease is good, apparantly
lithium grease is good stuff, yes
@Magellan I use it on my bike
@Iain yes. I use it for the bearings on my motorcycles.
@Magellan How's the family progressing /
@Iain they're doing well. babies growing and we're coping with the lack of sleep.
Good to hear
hardly seems possible that they'll be 2 months old on Friday.
2 months already?
yeah. thankful for the amnesia effects of sleeplessness at this point.
@strugee Another Seattle-ite, eh?
Ya know, if you move to the South End, there's fewer hipsters. Of course, there's more ghetto, but I think I prefer ghetto to hipsters at this point.
@strugee You remind me of myself as a teenager. That happens rarely. I am duly impressed.
@Magellan You seen Columbia City lately?
@Skyhawk That's not really South End. That's a chunk of Fremont somebody transplanted into the middle of the Rainier Ave ghetto.
And yeah, Lady works in Columbia City, so I get to see it all too often.
@Wesley Pen? Threads? Taking the tip off? I'm missing something here :P
Trying to think of what type of pen has threads and a removable tip...
@Magellan OK, so, White Center it is.

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