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I can english good.
@NathanC conduit...nopenopenope
@ewwhite I would not trust DNS to nano pico users.
My nephew explaining Good Friday & Easter to my other nephew: "Today is the day Jesus was crusi-cried (crucified). He died for our sins and the sins of the world. But then he went and hibernated in a cave and God said he could come out and now he's in everyone's hearts"
afternoon all
@tombull89 What scares me most is that appears to be professionally made. It would be different if it was someone's handwritten note, everyone's allowed one misspelling or two, but you'd think a business would take the time to vet their spelling beforehand
@cole Not bad, age?
@BigHomie he will be 5 next month.
@cole lol
@BigHomie he's super smart - he knows every single dinosaur too.
can anyone explain why rDNS does not work correctly via Microsoft DNS GUI?!!! frustrating you have to edit the text to get it to work!
you got to be kidding me, this OP is claiming to be the healthcare director!! - reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/23cdh2/…
@tombull89 It wanted to install something else too
@DennisKaarsemaker Yes, sad. How can I say, "we should probably move DNS" without hurting his feelings?
@ewwhite Just tell him he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, he can focus on other things
Either that or just be blunt, depending on your personality
@ColdT wat
Funny Friday:
@TheCleaner 2:15 - ahh you crazyy
Ooooo... Fog Creek is hiring an IT engineer.

IT Engineer

Fog Creek Software

As a member of the IT team, you'll be responsible for enabling all the great things that happen at Fog Creek. You'll…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on April 7, 2014

@HopelessN00b Those are pretty basic requirements. Unless you count the Joel Test at the bottom (but that's probably just cut/paste for all their stuff). But at a place like that you are the IT "janitor". "Yo IT Engineer guy...fix this crap so I can write code again, then go back into your hole."
@TheCleaner So.. like every other IT engineer job in existence, then? At least this one comes with a hole that has a closing door.
@HopelessN00b Not the places I've worked. I've been fortunate that the Network Admin type role was more prominent than the Coding roles. I was typically Big Dog on IT Campus and liked it that way. I wouldn't want to work in a place that is software/coding centric.
@BigHomie yeah, his videos are great. Some serious balls to do that and either not laugh or not worry about getting told off or punched.
@TheCleaner I definitely believe that, especially since this is a place where
> We treat programmers like rock stars
IT 'Engineers' must be roadies then.
@TheCleaner I dunno, I've worked at a couple software development shops. Much better than non-IT companies.
@HopelessN00b And likely they'll have to have admin rights
@HopelessN00b The only one I ever worked for ending up outsourcing everyone but me and 5 key programmers (out of about 30 IT specific staff). It always felt like a place that didn't care whether you stayed or went.
@BigHomie Not at the dev shops I've worked at, actually.
@HopelessN00b - so are you applying or not? :)
@TheCleaner Sounds like a place that had other problems. A shitty software development company is still a shitty company.
@TheCleaner If it's still around when I get me passport back from the damn Canadians, yeah.
Q: Configuring Logstash when installed as a service

Binyomin TragerI have installed logstash as a service using the logstash APT repository on Ubuntu 13.10. So now I can run: sudo service logstash And it outputs: * Usage: /etc/init.d/logstash {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status} So I see that the logstash service was successfully installed. I know ...

@faker Seems so. Tell him he can specify the configuration of his services by opening services.msc, right clicking on the service he's interested in, and selecting properties from the context menu.
I've been revoked access to production. Too drunk.
@HopelessN00b Really ? How does that work?
What am I supposed to do of the remaining hours of my afternoun ?
@Kwaio Post on workplace.SE that your past 2 comments as a question there. Sure to get you tons of upvotes!
(Does he says that to anyone who uses question marks ?)
@BigHomie They were shops that "did it right" and set up up entirely different environments. Test, Dev and ... um, the "corporate"/general use/whatever one. (And a production environment for the ones that did customer-facing services).
@HopelessN00b What is this voodoo you speak of? I thought programmers always had the same answer when you pulled the string on their backs...."It works on my machine".
@TheCleaner Only the bad ones do that, in my experience. The good ones know that if it works on their machine, but not the test environment, then there's something wrong with their code.
@HopelessN00b Ahhh, yes, the unicorn environment.
@TheCleaner there is only one response to that: "clean up your e-mails we'll ship your machine to the datacenter!"
@Skyhawk We should be roommates!
@BigHomie Heh. I've been at three different places that had it set up that way. Not sure it's unicorn-rare, though it is rare... but that's true of just "doing it right" in general.
@faker I've been lucky enough to have setups where I can say "Oh, really, it works on your machine? Well, if you're sure that's the problem, then your image must be corrupted... let me redeploy the base image to your Dev box..."
@faker LOL, I like that!
One basketball prank, one Gym prank, and four I love you pranks later @TheCleaner......
@Skyhawk Headbonk
@Wesley In Arizona? Dream on, my friend.
@Skyhawk Seattle is top of the list of most likely places I'll end up moving to.
@Wesley Awesome. Sell everything and get on a plane and we'll have lunch.
Would love to rent in the Queen Anne district, but that would likely be out of my initial price range, so I'll probably end up renting a room and getting robbed and beaten in my sleep.
@Skyhawk Sells laptop and bike Well heck, now what.
@Wesley Queen Anne? You are not compatible with that neighborhood.
@Skyhawk And you're up early. Didn't we just talk like two hours ago? Something about chicken and waffles?
@Skyhawk I'm not?! Dreams: crushed.
@Wesley What do you want from your neighborhood?
@Skyhawk To not die, I don't like noise (although my hearing is impaired slightly by tinnitus from careless youth), walking / riding distance from coffee and supermarket shopping.
So not really looking for trendy, but I'd like a few hundred sq foot flat with a kitchen and bathroom of my own. One room flat would be fine.
@Wesley That is pretty much any neighborhood in Seattle.
@voretaq7 I'm simultaneously laughing and cringing in horror. This is a fucking disaster. Anyone taking bets on the time till the next stop-the-internet bug is found?
@Skyhawk The "not die" part was something of an optional feature in some of the places I've been in.
@Bob I'm more interested in the delta between the next "stop the internet" bug being found and when it gets leaked to the public.
@Wesley In Seattle? This is not L.A. or Chicago or Phoenix. Our "bad" neighborhoods don't stack up.
My money is on there being at least four-hundred stop-the-internet bugs live right now.
@Wesley So go get a job in sigint and find out for sure. But if you tell us, you'll have to kill us.
@Skyhawk This was mostly around the old Kingdome and SeaTac areas.
@Wesley That's a relief!
@Wesley Uh huh. Seatac is a different city, and the Kingdome is dust.
@Skyhawk Also why are Seattle homeless people and pannhandlers so obnoxious. And Portland for that matter. It's like they're trying to prove they're just as hard as New Yorkers, but really they're just stoned and smell like petiole oil and will blush when you compliment their dreads.
@Wesley Just make like a Canadian and say "sorry" at first contact.
@Skyhawk I'd miss guns too.
@Wesley That's all you are expected to do.
@Wesley I thought you didn't want to die.
@Skyhawk I like guns as long as they're mine.
@Wesley There are great IT jobs in Afghanistan.
@Skyhawk Actually, no joke, I know a guy there.
@josephkern, Helmand, AFG
Have laptop; will travel.
6.6k tweets, 637 followers, following 385 users
He's former Air Force though, so gets preferred treatment with contracting firms I think.
I knew I should have recruited when I was 18!
@Wesley Why are you in a hot place with guns but not getting paid what he's making? Shape up and ship out!
@Wesley I am pretty sure that said preferential treatment is due to a proven tolerance for living in "deployed" conditions.
@Skyhawk I.e. pooping in a can with an audience. Hey waitaminute I'M QUALIFIED FOR THAT JOB!!
And I'm not making nearly $300 an hour!
Setting up Sun boxes e_e
@Wesley This one was actually star worthy
@BigHomie That's what she said.
@HopelessN00b - righto on the 2008 R2 usb thumb drive question. I read it as "install from" not "run on"
Best I could find close to that would be Hyper-V though: technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee731893%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
@MichaelHampton Thanks, so the in-depth answer is "People are free to vote exactly as their whims take them."? — Franck Dernoncourt 12 hours ago
Looks like PhD dude shared his link to a few friends. =P
@TheCleaner Either way, it's doable, but it's incredibly difficult to tell that from search engines, which can't really return relevant results regarding the big difference in meaning with different, small, common prepositions.
@HopelessN00b "run from usb" +thumb +Windows +Server +2008 +R2 site:microsoft.com
@TheCleaner Yields information on making a bootable install disk on a USB thumb drive. Not the same thing either. :)
@HopelessN00b best result was either Hyper-V or Windows to Go: technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831833.aspx
@Skyhawk I dunno. Between the lack of modern infrastructure, and the threat of being blown up... well, there's a reason they pay $300 an hour for those jobs.
@DennisKaarsemaker How well known is Caro Emerald in Zee Neverlands?
@HopelessN00b I'd totally do it.
well, also remember that alot of programmers dont know much about hardware .. but still need to use it time to time :) ... doesnt necessarily mean they are clueless. nowadays w/ JS, browswer side computing, cloud, machine learning being so important setting up servers is a skill that not all of us are specialized in. — jayunit100 28 mins ago
@Skyhawk Seattle was pretty sucky this time.
Make it better!
@Wesley Do it, then. Only thing stopping you (I assume) is that the high-paying jobs are usually for the US government (or one of their contractors), and thus have security clearance requirements.
@ewwhite Irrelevant. Maybe we should go over SO and ask why our codez aren't working, and how to compile them from notepad.exe. I mean, it's not our fault we don't have experience with IDEs and compilers, right?
@HopelessN00b Right. Hard to get into the ol' boys' club, but maybe Joseph can put a word in for me.
@ShaneMadden How's the voice? =P
@Wesley Oh, it's not as bad as all that. So long as you can pass the background check, they're generally fine with civilian contractors... even ones that aren't ex-military.
@Wesley Still there. Though my ears are still ringing, heh.
☐ Military Enlistment
☐ Security Clearance
☐ Hazardous Environment Experience
☐ Deep knowledge of homogenous environments
☐ IT Skill
☑ Can poop in a can

Actually, cans are hot commodities in Afghanistan. I think the minimum required skill is being able to dig a hole and poop in it, which I totally have the knack for!
I would not go to afghanistan for $300/hr
How do you list a directory with too many files for ls to run?
Displaying one at a time I mean
find tends to work in such directories still.
not this one, I type find at it pauses still
@KevinSoviero how many is too many here?
I don't even have a clue what's inside this folder...
@JoelESalas I don't know, I can't know.
are you sure it's full of files and not corrupt?
@JoelESalas I'd consider it for $500/hr
@KevinSoviero do this: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f
@ChrisS The FS is out of disk space, so I'm not sure what the alternatives are.
delete shit duh
@JoelESalas nope,
@voretaq7 You know what, maybe I'd do it for a year
but then you'd have to work for the government which itself is upsetting
@JoelESalas $500/hr
@voretaq7 ... I feel better
@voretaq7 That's a salary of ~$1,040,000... That's not worth it to me.
@JoelESalas There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's an hourly rate for which I will put up ith your shit :-)
@KevinSoviero $600/hr? :)
@voretaq7 There's no amount of money that will motivate me to go to a fundie middle eastern country.
@KevinSoviero so let's see the net take-home on that would be.... <runs calculation> . . . um, you can afford TWO Big Macs :)
@KevinSoviero meh, I live in what wants to be a psycho-batshit-crazy-misinterpretation-of-Christianity fundie western country. At least the Islamic theocracies are being honest about it.
Fuck ungrateful clients....
Yeah, I said it.
@ewwhite ...they won't appreciate the orgasm
@voretaq7 $642,111.25
Been playing too much FTL: Advanced recently...
@KevinSoviero Mid-six figures is typical for that kind of work
@voretaq7 America?
I sometimes feel like users/clients have short-term memory issues.
@ewwhite Where money gets involved, we all have short term memory issues... Unless it's how much someone else owes you, then we've got the memory of an immortal elephant.
@ewwhite What happened? That client that shorted you still shorting you?
@Wesley different one.
They asked for something to be done right now...
@voretaq7 I can't think of anything I'd not do for $500 an hour. Except cold blooded murder. I'd flip the switch all day at the penitentiary for half that money. =P
and I said that was a bit short-notice... and that it would have to wait until later today
@ewwhite Aren't you Mr. Right Now? "You pay me for access"
and the customer said, "stop all work for us"
@ewwhite Like, outright, word for word "Stop what you're doing and suck it."
@KevinSoviero that'd be us :)
@Wesley yes
@ewwhite Tell them they have to pay not only your hourly fee, and an hourly fee equal to ALL OTHER CLIENTS losses.
Are they paying you enough to make it a possibility to stop all work?
@KevinSoviero on Linux man 2 getdents contains the complete C source for a program that can easily be modified to list a directory
and if you recall the active directory DC clone issue from last week...
@ewwhite I wasn't here last week. =(
@Wesley sorry.
@ewwhite There is a price for which I would do that. That price is everything I make from all my clients, multiplied by 10, and guaranteed for the next 10 years.
@ewwhite But each of your clients has AD problems so if I've heard of one's problem I'd heard them all. =)
@voretaq7 I don't like being played in this manner.
I think I'm fair in terms of access and taking calls/requests.
@ewwhite oh their request is totally unreasonable. Tell 'em to get stuffed.
@ewwhite How much would it hurt to lose this client?
@ewwhite I know, in cases like this it's about respect not so much money. Like my ex-client that called me on Saturday at 8PM like it was nothing. Not even 150% $150 an hour (which is what I should reasonably be asking) would make that feel very good the way he did it. He just called and left a voicemail like nothing was up, asking for mundane statistics on something.
they'll discover that there aren't many contractors willing to fuck over all their other clients to service one prima donna (and the ones who will do that tend to suck)
forages for food
@Wesley Look!
It's a bear!
runs away
@NathanC Seconded.
@voretaq7 I really think it was rude of customer... but that's how it goes.
Can't get 3 sectors in with Osprey layout C, but dammit I'm trying.
@ewwhite it's not rude, it's unacceptable
and you should tell them that.
@voretaq7 He says he sent me an email in early April asking for this.
If they want you 100% of the time they should be paying you a (hefty) salary (and benefits)
When you have time can you <do task>.
that was the earlier message :)
@ewwhite well 2 business-weeks is getting kinda "delayed", I probably would have asked you for a status
@Tanner I kinda cheated...even with cheating the boss can still kick your ass lol
@voretaq7 yesterday, he had an emergency... I dropped everything to work on it.
but "drop everything and DO IT NOW!" is unacceptable unless this is a "My business is dead until it's done" thing
this morn, he asked for status on the emergency and this request...
then told me to drop the emergency issue and asked for me to work on the 2-week-old request
20 minutes later, he said forget it... and that he'd use someone else.
Do they pay you well?
@NathanC mind control + teleport = win. steal all the crew on the boss. :)
I responded that I'd be available to do this after 1pm local timezone
@Tanner You do that and it goes into super AI mode with superfast repairing :P
@voretaq7 just hourly a la carte... no real established plan otherwise
@NathanC leave one. =D
@voretaq7 the response to my response was, "forget everything... drop all work"
@jcolebrand What's more terrifying, bears or chimpanzees with .45s?
@ewwhite Heh...probably figured out he couldn't make you do stuff when they want it
@voretaq7 Starred for troof.
(Not starred for RT though. I'm still not sold on any ticketing system.)
We have sysaid for ticketing, but the project has been delayed for months
even after the IT manager dropped $8k on the license
@Wesley bears.
Chimps can't shoot
@jcolebrand Let's test that theory. Meet me at the zoo and bring ammunition.
@NathanC Wookie laser Rambo bears!
We just started using a ticket system. I'm having a hard time making our users sound... not retarded.
@Magellan mew
Hmm, seems like gmail is hosed
@Wesley head-scritch
like our user who discovered the wonders of autocomplete today...
definitely going to get better at putting lipstick on pigs.
@Tanner This is why I no longer do end-user support.
After two years of helpdesk I've been diagnosed with severe stomach ulcers. That's normal, right?
@Tanner Yes. How's your liver holding up?
@Magellan Yeah... It's not.
@Magellan What liver? oh...
@NathanC That thing you use to process sweet, sweet ethanol.
@Tanner Yeah but seriously, how is your liver? =)
@Wesley It's been listed as a endangered species.
@Tanner =(
Seriously though, no liquor anymore. What with the ulcers, if I get a hangover I puke blood.
@Tanner Make sure that any user you kill has a compatible blood type. For... you know... reasons.
@ewwhite Do it! Be mean!
@Wesley that's morbid
@ewwhite So's my face.
I did that wrong again
oh, and who here knows bind really well?
Speaking of compatible blood types, I need to get to the Red Cross station.
I'm O-neg I think, and they needs some bloods.
@ewwhite I hear @voretaq7 is into leather and straps, so...
@ewwhite I wouldn't say "really well", but..
@ShaneMadden Well, looking at the screenshot below... is there anyway to set separate TTL's for each record? I'm walking someone else through the steps to move a website host.
5 hours ago, by ewwhite
user image
@ewwhite Just place it before the IN
so storm1 600 IN A
That should override the zone default TTL
@Wesley what's the current TTL?
@ewwhite 86400 seconds / 24 hours
@ewwhite in the SOA record
and for the top-level domain... would it just be: ` 300 IN A` ?
@ewwhite @ 300 IN A
Also, as per "DNS and BINS 4th Edition": specify units of m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), and w (weeks)
going for seconds.. :)
So you can do (host) 1d IN A
lowering TTL for host migration
@ewwhite Done that many times myself, and then cursed evil DNS admins that hijack your TTL values and don't honor them.
just set the whole zone to a low TTL
like, a minute
is that an accepted approach?
so used to Route53 :)
@ewwhite If by accepted you mean it doesn't stomp on RFCs and it's also easier... hells to the yeahs. =P
when I've done it in the past, yes, I used longer TTLs - five minutes or so - but one minute is also fine
RFC / standards compliant laziness is the awesomest laziness.
@ewwhite 5 minutes or so is the lowest most recursors will go
you'll increase the load on your DNS server for a little bit, but as long as you start pushing the new, correct DNS with normal TTL, you'll be fine
@RyJones You'd have to have one heck of an active zone to really see much server uptick for even a 60 second TTL. I've never dealt with a zone that did much more than a few thousand queries an hour at peak
Welll, okay, maybe one did a few ten thousand an hour at peak times.
@Wesley welcome to working on the pipes for MSN.com and Microsoft.com. :)
@RyJones Yeah I was going to say "Did you have a certain domain in mind, like maybe one bought by Uncle Bill?" =P
@Wesley we only did that a couple times, and the circumstances were different. We were switching IP blocks, so the servers could actually serve both IPs for a while
but we also didn't want to camp the old IPs
@ShaneMadden Care to chime in on this one?
@ewwhite Ugh. Doing it wrong!!
@ShaneMadden if it's not in the GUI or documented well, it's probably not a knob that should be twisted.
@ewwhite Have you ever had VMware themselves court you for a job?
@Wesley I've applied... never responded.
Same for Apple.
hey, @ewwhite, any idea of a HP ProLiant DL385 G2/G5 supports 8GB RAM modules? The spec sheet says 4GB but I'm guessing that's because 8GB module didn't exist back then.
@ewwhite Surprising. However, welcome to my world. =P
@tombull89 G2 and G5... AMD... hmm...
@tombull89 I AM A BANANA!
Sorry. Can't help it when I see your avatar. =P
@tombull89 I don't think the DIMMs existed.
@tombull89 I have one to log into right now...
DL385 G2
@Wesley no, you are a cat
@MDMarra Is your LOPSA talk going to be recorded?
@Wesley What's up homes!
@RyanRies Hanging out, being corrupted by you degenerates. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
@ewwhite I can get both 4GB and 8GB DIMMs, so while I'd prefer 8GB ones there's no point if they don't work :D
@ewwhite Bring back memories?
(Memories of last week for you, probably)
Triple ML750's!
no wait...
@ewwhite Compaq Proliant 7000s, I thought.
Compaq 8000's
nope, 7000
Getting a ticket reply that starts with "hello dear" always makes me feel... well I don't know what it makes me feel.
Weird in a vaguely attracted and yet repulsed way.
Like getting a hug from a stranger who's just slightly less attractive than you wished they were for such intimate yet random behavior.
If you outsource your help desk, you should at least tell the responders not to use terms of endearment.
"Hello my favoritest and most radiant lover,

Plz to be rebooting."
... or if they must use terms of endearment, to at least include some naked photos to make the greeting seem more sincere and genuine.
@Wesley I asked the client if I should remove my monitoring hooks .
@RyJones What on earth
@ewwhite And they replied...
@Wesley I e-cycled it the day after those photos
@RyJones And by e-cycled you mean shot it to hell? =P
A lone Alaskan appears.
@Wesley no reply
@faker You should pull out some sweet disco moves just to fight the power.
@Wesley - What's up?
@Wesley no, it went to the Bellevue e-cycle center
Did you get a bike yet?
@kce Kind of but no? I'm using a friends bike while I work on my own Surly build.
I'll allow it...
@ewwhite Oh so wait, this client was... which one now? The ungrateful one? Did you give them the heave-ho?
"I'm taking my monitoring hooks and going home!"
@Wesley getting arrested for public dancing - I like it!
@faker What would they really do?
@ewwhite Sounds like implied consent to swap out your monitoring hooks for more lucrative hooks. I could use a network from which to commit crimes.
@Wesley nothing, private parties are still allowed. And at public parties the bar owner gets fined
@faker Gotcha.
@faker Interesting, but the individuals aren't? Okay.
some venues do iPod parties tonight. No music is playing and everyone is dancing to their own iPod with headphones
I've seen "silent" nights where they have two or more DJs and you choose which one to listen to by which set of headphones you pick up.
very weird if they're playing wildly different music

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