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Woo, Ubuntu 14.04 was released today!
@ChrisS Sometimes it's hard to know what to put into the calculator in the first place. I don't know if that's his case, but still.
@DennisKaarsemaker Was it a four year course? Knowing what you know now, would you say it was a good curriculum that held you in good stead over the years?
@Wesley Hell, run ipconfig and punch those into the calculator.... This sh*t ain't rocket science!
@ChrisS Basically, yeah. If you can't figure out a deterministic system using a calculator, you shouldn't be in the IT field. You should be working as an IT guy for my current employer, instead.
Talking about masturbating, I was describing ZFS to another engineer today, and I think it was getting him hot. I even let him take a peek at my server...
# zfs list
vol1                245G   539G   136K  /vol1
vol1/images         245G   539G   245G  /images
vol1/mdmarra        100G   539G   100G  /growlr_pix
@ChrisS That's the basis for a good IT employee. Someone that may not know but can learn it if they poke at it enough. It's the ones that say "F if I know that crap" that end up being unworthy.
@Wesley 3 years BSc, helpful. 2 years MSc, not relevant enough in the industry
(since @mdmarra doesn't come to chat anymore)
but there are better master programmes, I simply chose wrong
@DennisKaarsemaker Only 3 years, interesting. Did you do a lot of extra credit and summer courses or was that just the natural length for the degree?
damn, how do I search ldap and filter by rdn
I posted a new question on Meta...because meta questions are free all day today with coupon code WHOGIVESAF?
@DennisKaarsemaker Cool. Just curious.
@ewwhite no fishing for OOC stars.
@MikeyB I'll go home :(
@ewwhite why does the mighty bearded one not come to chat anymore?
Are you slaving him out again?
@DennisKaarsemaker I think he's making big money being a Windows guy... doesn't want to associate with the little people anymore.
I've tried to give him work, and he hasn't responded quickly enough...
geez... if only there were a qualified Microsoft expert here willing to take my money :(
@ewwhite @Wesley needs a job
@ewwhite I'd be happy to take your money. Do I have to do anything for it, or is simply being a qualified Microsoft Expert enough?
@HopelessN00b gotta make shit work
@DennisKaarsemaker You need some snow shoveled?
Oh, so I have to actually earn it? Damn, always a catch. But sure, I'd be a Mark-substitute... just so long as I don't have to compete with his beard.
Of course, you'd think Wesley, being a cat, would be able to do that and compete with Mark's facial hair.
@MichaelHampton Good idea. I'm gonna have to make up a certificate for an MS-certified... um, web-browsing master. Those master's certs are really worth something, after all.
I once saw a book about Windows.
"Boot Failure Troubleshooting Flowchart" wat
@PatoSáinz Oh noes, I only have ATA drives! The guide is worthless!
@danila - I'm coming to NY next week.
(so much wrong here)
on regards to the previous email I got the following information and would like to know the possibilities of the changes. DW DHCP SERVER

not sure what is the DHCP range set up at this location. I need 5 static IP out of the DHCP range. Please Advice. Thank You
that's the IT guy at some produce company... I have to call him (and take him seriously)
@ewwhite I didn't know Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. did produce...
@ewwhite you review job applications, don't you?
@ewwhite Yeah, that's always the most challenging part of IT work, at least for me. Not laughing at things (or people) that really, really seem like jokes.
@DennisKaarsemaker You should tell Ed's client that neither of their websites load. :)
@PatoSáinz I have in the past
Anyone know where to find the "I have the dumb" dog picture?
Anyone in here have any feelings about IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)? Thinking about turning it on on all our print servers, in the hopes our users will find it easier to use a webpage to find/install/F.O. with all their printer-issues that otherwise require a tech to point at their screens for them.
@KevinSoviero look in the mirror
@DennisKaarsemaker Is someone talking?
@KevinSoviero found a cat:
Someone please tell @ewwhite to unblock me.
@ewwhite @KevinSoviero wants you to keep him blocked and not respond
> We greatly apologize but it looks like your account has been flagged by our automated backend systems. We try to minimize the number of false positives, but unfortunately no screening process is 100% fool proof.
@DennisKaarsemaker haha.
@DennisKaarsemaker Oh thanks.
Dammit, @KevinSoviero . That link better be the dog one you're looking for... copy-pasting it just killed a transfer I had going over a fucking T1. >:/
Stupid Windows clipboard behavior.
@HopelessN00b How did posting a picture on a chat room kill your T1 transfer?
And yes, it's the right one, thanks
@PatoSáinz Need a new VPS
I can hook you up better than DO
@Jacob where?
I'm using DO because of inexpensiveness
also, becuase $10 free coupon code
that's 2 months free :)
@Jacob Details?
@MikeyB haha I was late to use DO's $50 free for SXSW ;_;
@PatoSáinz That happened to me as well setting up a second account for work, took about 10 mins to resolve.
@MikeyB oh damn I forgot I had another account with DO
god i'm forgetful
@MikeyB one of the brands @work hosts VPSs
I could have just used that
@Jacob feel free to email me details
@KevinSoviero The crap I was transferring was in the clipboard. So copying that link to paste it here... replaced the thing I was copying, with that link.
Like I said, stupid Microsoft clipboard behavior.
@Jacob same with @MikeyB
also, pricing, if it's a good deal I guess I'd switch
@AzkerM can we forbid this link forever
@HopelessN00b Linux has clipboard managers... Just saying.
On the phone with PayPal at the moment, getting a client set up on PayPal as a payment gateway. Can't believe I'm talking to a real live person!
@PatoSáinz @MikeyB gforceservers.com/vps.php 30% off with lowendtalk
I also know of a few other hosts, I'm not involved day to day with this brand.
@MikeyB they haven't done anything yet, more than 10 minutes have passed
@PatoSáinz you clicked the 'send us an email about this to fix it' yes?
(also, I'm sexier - faster service)
@MikeyB yes
@KevinSoviero And more than one clipboard :D
> Automated Account Verification Request
fukken you
@MikeyB shift-control-alt-function-3-v for pasting! So easy!
@MikeyB did you do the same?
@Wesley lolemacs (middle-click for selection buffer, (shift-)?ctrl-v for primary buffer)
@PatoSáinz yea PATIENCE MAN
@Jacob seems nice, def cheap, still, the storage space is sorta small for my liking
@PatoSáinz I can get that increased for you, not sure why it is so small
@PatoSáinz Naww your gen Z
@Jacob i don't even care about categories
lawl. Sales dude is talking about PayPal data exports. "So you can export this as XML, and Wesley you'll know more about this than me, but the tech guys tell me it's Excel..."
@Wesley No it's not either csvs
@Wesley my eyes are bleeding
"you have fully used your vote allowance"
@PatoSáinz Stop voting so much. How are you ever going to become an American?
@PatoSáinz $5 -> 2 cores instead of 1, but 4GB SSD instead of 20GB? Rouch.
@MikeyB MULTI! PASS! I can't count in the number of times I've seen that movie... Dozens.
@Wesley bu but i don't want to be american
@MikeyB what's rouch?
@MikeyB I can have that issue fixed, but you also get 30% off
@PatoSáinz You already are. Chile is in America
Again, I'm not sure how/why it's so slow
@dawud Please tell me you're not still at work.
@Wesley It's way worse, I'm on holidays.
@Jacob Can you fix the fact that gforceservers is US ONLY?
@MikeyB Canada. Why what do you need? I know pretty much all of the good players in the market
"This Agreement shall all be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of The United States of America applicable to agreements made and to be performed in The United States of America. You agree that any legal action or proceeding between GForce Servers and you for any purpose concerning this Agreement or the parties' obligations hereunder shall be brought exclusively in a federal or state court of competent jurisdiction sitting in The United States of America."
@Wesley but if it helps, I'm spending 4 days I had left from 2013.
@MikeyB Well that's wrong no idea. XNS is Canadian.
@MikeyB Besides why does that matter?
I feel productive, I wrote a Powershell script in 2 minutes. Enough work for the day for me, 30 more minutes till I can go home.
@cole I copied a PowerShell script from a technet blog once. That's basically the same as writing one, right?
@HopelessN00b totally.
@Jacob I could tell you, but I'd have to kill your mom.
@MikeyB Ok tell me.
@MikeyB You're into some weird maple-syrup-moose-on-loon-poutine porn aren't you.
> Our backend system has detected multiple accounts registered by the same user. In order to add supplementary notes as to the legitimacy of these accounts, we'd like to reach out to you and ask about the purposes of these accounts. Please respond to the following:
ok DO got in touch with me
@PatoSáinz DouchbagOverflow?
@Wesley DigitalOcean
@Jacob Same thing.
@Wesley I know it's a cloud for developers I mean how could anything be worse than that. I bet they roll out all their code changes on fridays.
@Jacob Continuous delivery. Bugs delivered fresh hourly.
@Jacob I trust DO
they are not cheapo on their service
@PatoSáinz You need more experience. :)
But they'll be fine for your purposes.
@Jacob probably
@Jacob of course, I had anything serious I'd just go with srsvps.com (just joking, Rackspace, Amazon or whatever)
@PatoSáinz I actually needed that link.
@Jacob lol why?
@PatoSáinz Because I want multiple accounts, bitches. How dumb are you cunts that you don't want more of my money? Sincerely, Pato.
@HopelessN00b LOL
@PatoSáinz cuz VPN
@Jacob oh nice, but I wouldn't trust a VPN on them
first, they use shitVZ and it's eww
second, their admins are the same admins of encyclopedia dramatica
@PatoSáinz nah most likely not
still, having a host in romania would be nice
@PatoSáinz We already have one
Anyone been on Alaska Airlines?
@cole I think I was on one of their flight attendants once. Nice gal. That count?
@HopelessN00b well, I hear it's tight onboard - so....yes?
MOTHERFSCKER I have to write some quick and dirty php...

$descriptors = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"),
1 => array("pipe", "w"));
$convert = proc_open("/usr/bin/convert - png:-", $descriptors, $pipes);
fwrite($pipes[0], $content);
$png = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);

... now I have to turn this into something that'll work.
GOD I MISS subprocess.communicate. Doesn't PHP have something similar?
@cole getsome
@cole yeah
@ewwhite you want to meet up?
lunch or dinner, whatever you prefer.
@ewwhite Is 'Identity Management for Unix' the ADDS-Identity-Mgmt feature?
@Wesley are you thar
@cole I've been on Alaska Airlines turboprops between sonoma county and LA or Portland a bunch of times. Also once to or from Hawaii. They're a decent airline.
@MikeyB It's different... it's its own install.
@PatoSáinz No.
I'm gone.
Ghost cat!
@Wesley wanna watch a good movie?
@PatoSáinz Are you asking me on a date?
@MikeyB here...
@Wesley maybe
@PatoSáinz Does the movie involve blood and guts?
I watched the dumbest movie on Netflix last night.
Not even blood and guts could make it good.
Or stirppers
Or bloody strippers.
@Wesley it involves Swedish House Mafia's last tour. I cried. My feeling were warmed.
@PatoSáinz Sure, sounds like fun.
@Wesley nasty... Was her name Mochachino?
@ewwhite Bloody Mary.
@Wesley leavetheworldbehind.com also, it's available in TPB and I can tell you where to download subs for the parts in swedish
If you were implementing two-factor authentication today, would you use Duo or something like Google Authenticator?
@ewwhite Primarily opinion based but, I'd go for Google Authenticator.
pam module available in RHEL repos, don't know about DUO, though
I've had Duo. Very easy to install... on everything
but maybe it's that I don't trust Gooooooogle.
DigitalOcean fixed my account and closed the ticket
't was quick
@ewwhite Remember, it's 2014!
EPIC 2014 is a Flash movie released in November 2004 by Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson with original music by Aaron McLeran. It was based on a presentation they gave at the Poynter Institute in the spring of that year. The movie is 8 minutes long and is licensed under a Creative Commons non-commercial license. The movie is presented from the viewpoint of a fictional "Museum of Media History" in the year 2014. It explores the effects that the convergence of popular News aggregators, such as Google News, with other Web 2.0 technologies like blogging, social networking and user particip...
@ewwhite @ewwhite and that's deprecated in 2012r2? fuck?
@MikeyB So nice, you @'d him twice.
sudo is for pussies
men lie @Wesley and I do everything as root
Who the hell still uses NIS anyway?
> The Server for Network Information Service (NIS) Tools option of Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) is deprecated. Use native LDAP, Samba Client, Kerberos, or non-Microsoft options.
@ShaneMadden Ah!!! @ewwhite that doesn't mean what you think it means. That's just the NIS master, you can still use the unix attributes in the directory
home bye bitches
@PatoSáinz With passwordless SSH keys.
@MikeyB I can't get to the attributes without the plugin.
@ShaneMadden right, what does that mean?
I want to be able to turn AD integration on/off per user in the user's attribute page
@ewwhite No longer supported, not present in newer OSes (2012+).
wait what
DigitalOcean only has Fedora 19
what about 20
@HopelessN00b so what happens when I have a 2008 environment that goes to 2012?
@ewwhite You lose NIS. So... stay at Server 2008 R2, or figure out/buy a different solution.
@HopelessN00b Nobody is really using NIS
@HopelessN00b and hence the damned question.
@ewwhite Right. Why bother when you can SAMBA?
@HopelessN00b Samba and Winbind is buggy.
and not what Red Hat recommends.
Hmm... I missed that question. Not that I have enough expertise to know the proper answer, mind you...
@ewwhite Then why do you care about Identity Management for UNIX?
@MichaelHampton Because of the GUI.
This is how things have been set up at my past... gulp... four companies.
@MichaelHampton So I'm saying that I don't know what the right way to do this is, in light of the Windows deprecation.
Hm, I thought those attributes in the GUI came from some other feature?
Typically any place I'm working with that needs directory integration is using Active Directory. Some of the produce firms are wise to this and want central user management for their ERP systems. So I'm trying to make the right recommendation.
@MichaelHampton the attributes aren't present until I add that role... so presumably, this extends the AD schema.
@ewwhite Isn't that just part of RAST these days? My interface under Windows 7 has it, and SUA isn't installed.
@84104 I don't know. Let me check another server.
@84104 But NIS is deprecated. Not present in Server 2012+... so having it in RAST on W7 does you no good if you ever want to upgrade.
@HopelessN00b Let me check my 8.
@HopelessN00b Also present under RSAT for 8. Though I'm pretty sure this forest had NIS role installed on something once.
Yeah, not sure how, or if, it would work if you upgrades a server with NIS on it to 2012.
@HopelessN00b NIS? People still use the MS SFU shit?
@voretaq7 scroll up... and see the question.
slaps @Ward with a soggy bagel
@voretaq7 I know, seems crazy. People should just upgrade to Windows already. :p
@Wesley You beat me to it, I came in here to slap you around!
@HopelessN00b Think about this... large healthcare applications that I supported in former job have things configured this way....
@Ward So my friend in Vancouver mentioned that she's seen a guy on a tandem with a girl on the rear seat. I mentioned that it was probably you. Small world.
@Wesley Haven't ridden the tandem this year
@Wesley Is her name Daisy?
@Ward I think this conversation was in January (haven't been in here in a while) and she was thinking back to a few months earlier. When was the last time you were on it?
@84104 ...no.
@Wesley It's possible, then. Actually gotta get the tandem out and going again..
@ewwhite An answer. You can has.
straight-LDAP has the most standards-consensus on what needs to be done where and how, and it's what I know best, but RedHat has Their Own Thing (which they seem to support well).
@MichaelHampton "DocuWhatNow?!" -- The Linux Developer Community.
@voretaq7 Yeah. I looked. Though Red Hat is well known for their thorough documentation so I expect it will show up before final release.
@MichaelHampton yeah I'll give RHEL that, in the last 5 years their (released product) documentation has come up to a par with FreeBSD and Postgres.
Their "Under Development" docs are still worked on in a lair of secrecy and myth though which is fucking LAME.
@voretaq7 well @ewwhite had access to their moon base... he still can't talk about some of what he saw
Anyone is here?
No, nobody is here
I feel same
I feel hungry
Gabriel García Márquez died
@AjmeraInfo Wait, we're feeling up nobody again? I could be doing that at home, by myself. For free.
@PatoSáinz Never heard of him sorry :(
@Jacob one of the biggest Spanish writers
@Jacob Doesn't sound like anyone I might have impregnated either.
@voretaq7 :(
@HopelessN00b That sounds not fun.
@Jacob Plenty of fun if you're doing the potential impregnating, though.
I'll admit that I have no idea what the woman gets out of the experience.
@HopelessN00b I'm a traditionalist. That sounds not so fun.
@Jacob Well, sure, sekz might not sound fun, but don't let that fool ya. It is.
@HopelessN00b I never said that it wasn't fun (though I wouldn't know), I just consider it to be not so casual.
@Jacob Wut? You just said, twice, that it sounds not fun.
@HopelessN00b That was odd sorry
Ugh, That's my best attempt
Having trouble braining today?
@Jacob Unless you end up getting all fundie and stuff, that attitude will probably change after your first divorce or two.
@HopelessN00b I;m in Lit class. :(
@Magellan I'm hoping not to be divorced.
Atleast that 's the goal.
@Jacob That's a good plan. Better to be widowed. Much cheaper.
@Jacob Good luck with that. We're in IT. We're widely seen as excellent starter husbands.
@Magellan "starter" Relationships aren't houses.
Maybe that's why I haven't been in one
@Magellan Well, the secret to avoiding that isn't hard - sort out the ones looking meal tickets from the rest, and do the whole "together for many years before getting married" thing that's so common these days.
@Jacob your opinion on that isn't what matters. That would be 'her' opinion.
@Jacob You haven't been in a house yet? Wow, crazy.
@HopelessN00b extrapolate a little bit more out of that.
@Magellan I can't say that it's possible, but I'd consider my fault if I didn't know that was 'her" opinion.
@Jacob Well, OK, so your parents raised you in an apartment, I get that... never been over to a friends' house, though? Or were they all apartment residents too?
@Jacob Best of luck, dude. And hide your assets in overseas accounts.
@HopelessN00b I don't have friends.
@Magellan Yeah, my ideals seem to be crazy these days.
Though, the assets thing shouldn't be too bad; seeing as I have none yet.
even though it's slightly from a shill, this answer helps...
A: Common wisdom about Active Directory authentication for RHEL/CentOS Linux Servers?

Jake Summersre: "The commercial solutions like Centrify and Likewise always worked, but seemed unnecessary, since this capability is baked into the OS." Well I think most of us have been hearing for years that XYZ operating system finally cracks the AD integration puzzle. IMHO the problem is that for the O...

@ewwhite Common wisdom is "If you like logging into your servers, don't"
@Jacob Crazy's not the right word... but not a good idea, either. Even dangerous.
@JoelESalas what do you mean?
@HopelessN00b Wait. What?
@ewwhite Wut?
@HopelessN00b How so?
@Jacob AD auth and their Kerberos implementation is so apeshit and so easily broken with GPOs that it's never worthwhile
@voretaq7 just frowny...
because the Windows guys will make a change that doesn't seem to have any basis on anything
then every linux box is chucking PAM errors like it's 1969
@JoelESalas whose AD implementation is broke?
@JoelESalas Wrong question, but ok :)
@ewwhite everyone's?
@ewwhite Not mine - I don't HAVE an AD :-)
now, I'm going to get my haircut.
@JoelESalas don't say that!!
@Jacob Well, sex is an important part of life, and given that we're not in a pre-technology, strictly patriarchal society, maybe acting like we are WRT sex is.. not a good idea.
@JoelESalas Yes.
And frankly, a lot, if not most/all people who actually try the only one sexual partner for life thing end up worse for it.
@HopelessN00b yeah... freaks.
@HopelessN00b I never said/meant any thing about patriarchal.
bring on the pornstars!!
@Jacob But those rules around sex that you seem to be sticking to... that's where they come from. And they're based on patriarchal property inheritance, and nothing more.
@HopelessN00b I didn't necessarily state one either, but the relationship would have to be significant.
@Jacob Alright, well break it down. Why?
...it's like anything else in life. The first time you try it, you suck. You also don't know how to deal with it, and make bad decisions from lack of experience. Not really a great spot to put yourself in when it comes to a serious relationship...
@Wesley - Good I guess. It's only Day 4 so I don't think I should be re-imaging all them.
@HopelessN00b So because of that sex should be so casual?
@Jacob Well, first, define "so casual," but sure. Get your experience in when you're young, so you know better when you're older and making life-altering decisions based on it.
Oh and obligatory tension break.
@Jacob i'm about to ask you the noobiest question but I never questioned it myself:
Like an education. You don't wait until you're 30 for one of those...
who should own the files nginx serves?
TONIGHT on The Comms Room: A serious conversation! About sex no doubt.
@Jacob Chalk it up to math. Had to happen at least once, even if only due to random chance.
@PatoSáinz Whatever you set the permission. www is sometimes used
@Jacob www as in "the user who runs nginx"?
because in fedora the default is "nginx"
@PatoSáinz That works
@HopelessN00b Given enough time and monkeys, The Comms Room will still devolve into poop throwing.
@Wesley What, you mean again? That was awful. My monitors still smell like shit.
@HopelessN00b Because, I'd have to be comfortable with the person?
I guess that's the primary reason.
@kce Extreme Makeover, IT edition: "WAKE UP MANAGEMENT FAMILY, surprise thin clients!"
@Wesley - It's not terrible. There's only about a dozen or so (10% of the fleet). I'm inclined to just replace them with regular machines and see how long they last instead of waiting on thin cleints.
@Jacob Nah, you just gotta hit it doggie-style. :) But seriously, there is (or ought to be) a pretty large gap between "comfortable with" and "serious relationship."
But I promised myself I would wait at least three months before I start imposing my will with an iron fist... er I mean making suggestions.
@HopelessN00b But I'm fugly, and mah disability adds some complications to that. And honestly I'd much rather the relationship than the physical aspect.
@Jacob <shrug> Well, if you say so. Just seems to me that you're putting yourself in a bad situation down the road.
@HopelessN00b I've got to drive home. I'll be back around in 25 minutes if you want to keep telling me how I'm messing my life up.

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