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@TheCleaner Girl I'm seeing has the LG G2. It's nice.
@TheCleaner I have a RAZR MAXX HD and had the RAZR MAXX before that. They're solid phones.
@TheCleaner No, and not to totally ignore your suggestions, but Samsung GS4s are on sale now
since the 5 is about to come out @TheCleaner
I like the GS4 but (here's my absurdness coming out) I feel like everyone has it. Same with the iPhone. The G2 has some killer specs but the Droid Maxx has a serious battery life (big plus for me) and I still have fond memories of my OG Droid.
I have a SGS3, but it's slow..
it was blazing fast when I got it, but apps grow in size every day
Yeah, I'm not getting a smartphone without a proper, physical QWERTY keyboard, so... sadly, my phone sucks. I mean, it was awesome 5 years ago, but I gotta reboot it anytime I want to use Google Maps. sigh
Mornin', Basil.
@pauska CM10?
@HopelessN00b Seriously? Do you churn your own butter too??
@pauska I was so hopeful that my Galaxy Nexus would be the coolest phone ever. While I loved the phone at first, it's battery life is abysmal. I may get 2 hours of heavy usage on 4g out of it if I'm lucky.
GS3 w/ CM10 life has been great, haven't even batted a brow @ the GS4 or 5
@TheCleaner My battery lasts forever
@MDMoore313 crashed too much, back to stock
In all fairness I do use green power to limit drain from the antennas, but it's still a rock solid setup
@MichaelHampton Yeah, that's the big appeal for me on the Droid MAXX. I don't really care about the 1080 resolution on the G2, but the Droid's processor makes me wonder if I'll still be loving it 2 years from now.
@HopelessN00b Try using a modern android phone with SwiftKey.. you'll never look back
@TheCleaner It is not the fastest processor out there, to be sure. But it's plenty enough for me.
@pauska Yeah, there are some releases that crashed a lot, but I've learned to just stick w/ one that works instead of upgrading every time there's a new release or a push notification on my phone
@pauska swift key == swipe? That does work nice
@HopelessN00b I am amazed at how phones have advanced. I still have both of my "very old" Win Mobile at&t phones and it's wild to already see the difference 10 years makes
NFS...why you hate me so much :(
@NathanC Nightmare File System...what did you THINK it was going to do?
@TheCleaner Wow, I remember those!
@NathanC are you doing NFS on Windows? If so, then you deserve it.
@cole NFS export on Linux, mounting on Windows...
As late as 2008 I had one of these...
Just trying to make it easier to mass-modify my nagios configs lol
@NathanC FYL
@MDMoore313 Seriously, yes. Still running a Droid 3... because the Droid 4 had shitty specs, and I figured a Droid 5 would be along soon enough. Oh well. No matter how I slice it, I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on something I don't like, unless it's taxes.
Sneezy McGee over here this morning, jeez.
Meh, may just resort to using FTP
notepad++ supports it
@MichaelHampton my wife had a razr. I was ready to give up my Samsung flip phone and the idea of a qwerty keyboard drove me to the winmobile phones.
I could make samba work but lazy
@NathanC dude, it's easy!
@TheCleaner I did almost no texting, so that wasn't an issue for me. Still don't text much, come to think of it...
I had a blue Razr.
@MichaelHampton I still have one of those. Used it until the day after I got my Droid 3, which was... more recently than 2008. Still kinda feel Meh about smartphones. Got a little tablet, prefer to web over it anyway.
@HopelessN00b I was referring to the physical qwerty keyboard thing. I'm not spending that much on a phone either that's why I mentioned the GS4 to @TheCleaner
Man - I used to have a Nextel (I actually have owned two of them)
If physical keyboards are so passe, why don't you just use the OSK on your computer? :p

Physical keyboards are just better for inputting than touch screens, period.
At the old job it was "get whatever you want and expense it". Here I pay for my own phone. So I'm not as keen to run the latest flagship. Otherwise I'd probably just grab the Nexus 5. Honestly, I'd love to sport a Win 8.1 phone like the Lumia Icon but the sheer lack of apps just sucks for me. I have 3 apps specifically that don't have Win equivalents.
@HopelessN00b No argument there, but it all depends on what your inputting as well. Everything is swipe now, and like @pauska said you can even swipe words with better accuracy than before
@NathanC Dude - clusterssh. I'm sure there's a port to cygwin.
@MDMoore313 there is a swipe module, but I've never used it.. it's excellent at guessing what words you're going to type next though
@FalconMomot WTF?!?
@MikeyB Not worth the trouble just to edit some config files...
@HopelessN00b Oh I thought @pauska was referring to this goo.gl/bWcuVe
@NathanC but configuring NFS on Windows is easier? OK...
@MikeyB Heh...it's supposed to be since there's a native client for windows
@pauska Oh okay, yeah you can swipe with that one too
@MDMoore313 Yeah, not a fan. Rather just have something that does what I tell it, when I tell, and doesn't try to think for itself. The algorithms have gotten almost infinitely better, but they're still not good enough, yet.
Cool, Windows 7 Pro lacks the NFS Client...
> I wondered if they exercised at all, given their excitement at not having to - literally – lift a finger.
@NathanC That sucks, enterprise has it. I don't understand why they limit Pro, pro should be enterprise for non enterprise customers, you can't even run bitlocker on it for example. Not that I care much b/c truecrypt is dope btw
@MDMoore313 Ugh. Truecrypt... I mean, not that there's anything better, but it's a pain in the fucking ass, even moreso than most crypto. Stupid fucking government.
@HopelessN00b Really? You think?
I've got a client running it for 2 years now, zero complaints
My only complaint is no central management, if I weren't lazy I'd implement it myself
@MDMoore313 Yeah. Ever try to TC a RAID volume? Lost 5 TB of TV and movies that way. >:/
@HopelessN00b Oh, yeah that does sound like it would suck. which raid?
The lack of remote access is also rather bothersome, at least to me, and like you said, lack of centralized management. Not to mention if, heaven forbid, you get your OS disk corrupted, and have to attempt a repair on a TC encrypted volume. Huge bitch. (Ask me how I spent my weekend...)
@MDMoore313 6
@HopelessN00b I had my Windows 8 install fall over randomly...and it was TC encrypted
Part of that was the shitty HD placement on consumer laptops, but that fucking sucked... pulling the disk out, decrypting it so I could do a repair reinstall, re-encrpyting it, putting the whole effing laptop back together.... blech.
two choices: rebuild from scratch, or wait 22 hours to decrypt
Yeah, I got the old man's laptop, and decided there wasn't a pole long enough for me to touch a rebuild of that with.
@HopelessN00b bitlocker would work the same way though
@MDMoore313 Yeah. Like I said, not that there's anything better. Full disk encryption is just a pain in the ass, and it's what you need if you want to protect your data. Damn government assholes.
@HopelessN00b You want to know what's really a pain? SecureDoc.
Good morning
@MDMoore313 Never heard of it.
trying to port some undocumented web apps from one server to another
install feature did it work? No.. install another feature did that work? nope...
Ugh. Seems like that should come with hazard pay. Or a "fuck this, do it yourself" clause.
@pauska urgh that sucks.
sup @mossy
@cole Oh ya know.
Work stuff.
fuck work
To be honest I'm just looking at my desktop.
contemplating life
@mossy No good comes of that. I just end up wishing I had rich, dead parents.
@HopelessN00b Same.
Maybe not dead.
@HopelessN00b You don't want to. Long story short the straw that broke the camel's back was that with Macs they never got a development copy of the OS so everytime an incremental upgrade came out if a user were to upgrade their machine before we upgraded their securedoc client their machine would no longer boot. Guess how often that happened.
Gah. Seem to be a cautionary tale on using Apple products...
@HopelessN00b So I've been using LinkedIn as a eharmony replacement.
Not working too well.
@mossy Right, maybe not dead... I mean, I'd settle for tripping over a dufflebag stuffed full of $100 bills, too.. but I'm starting to think that's not gonna happen either.
@HopelessN00b Perhaps, but I'm against any enterprise level software company that can't invest the couple hundred bucks a year to make sure their apps are compatible w/ an OS before it hits the masses
@mossy Yeah, that doesn't sound like it would. I mean sure, LinkedIn is the professional's social network, but I don't think there's a lot of sex workers on it.
Anyway, I guess it's off to my meeting. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll die on the way.

Wish me luck.
@HopelessN00b Good luck sir.
@mossy never know - my ex who lives down the street liked my new profile pic on LinkedIn (it's the only way we're connected via social media anymore).
Oh, Chicago...
@ewwhite :O
Is that real?
I feel like there's a design error there.
Train should not be able to travel to places that people walk.
Breaks or no breaks
@ewwhite Conductor: "OOOOOH that woman has a pair of nice tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
@ewwhite No trains in tha D, from your orig pic I thought the thing went down the stairs
last winter, that was
@ewwhite @JennyD You folks should stick to the people mover
The Detroit People Mover is a automated people mover system which operates on a single set of tracks, and encircles Downtown Detroit, Michigan. The People Mover is owned and operated by the Detroit Transportation Corporation, an agency of the City of Detroit. The Woodward Avenue Light Rail line, beginning construction in 2013, will serve as a link between the Detroit People Mover and SEMCOG Commuter Rail with access to DDOT and SMART buses as part of a comprehensive network of transportation in metropolitan Detroit. The People Mover uses UTDC ICTS Mark I technology and the cars are dri...
ugh Windows 2000.
could be worse
So I have a client with two domain controllers... SFDC01 and SFDC02 - They're both Windows 2003.
They never establish AD sites or much of anything.
I'm building two new DCs running Windows 2012 R2...
what should I name them?
@ewwhite <site><dc><#>
SFDC03 and SFDC04? Or just get rid of the padding? SFDC1, SFDC2
@ewwhite I wouldn't kill the padding
I'd keep the padding, and keep seperate names.
I mean, this is a produce company... they are only in San Francisco, so the naming is redundant
@ewwhite I like the 0 in front of single digits, in case they ever get to double it looks cleaner, IMO.
the goal is to replace SFDC01 and SFDC02.
why would they ever have more than 9 domain controllers?
@ewwhite Silly train, you don't belong on an escalator
@ewwhite Then deprecate them one at a time and replace them with the same names
so do I make the new Windows 2012 boxes 03 and 04?
02 is physical at a warehouse a couple of blocks away... on pentium3 hardware...
can't remove it easily
@ewwhite you'd have to, unless you transfer all the roles to 02, demote 01 - make sure there's no metadata pointing to 01. Promote a 2012 server as SFDC01 and transfer the roles over and do the same for 02.
@cole I was assuming they had all the same roles but that's definitely the way I'd go
Why name them 3 and 4 if there's not going to be a 1 and 2 much longer
and if they are in fact replacements
The client hasn't been using both DC addresses for DNS... so getting rid of one will break things for the moment.
@ewwhite You never know if they'll purchase another company and bring up a new site
It's stuff like this that makes Linux people think - inflexible
Wait, what? Only one is running DNS?
I'd love to give these new DC's temporary names and rename them after the old Windows 2003 shit is gone.
Renaming can be done, I just don't like fucking with that shit.
@cole both are running DNS, but the client hasn't pointed machines/devices to use both DCs as resolvers
@cole i've done it before... but it's so awful.
@ewwhite you could, might cause more problems than it solves
@ewwhite ah are they all pointing to 01?
@ewwhite call them -0A and -0B then when you upgrade to Windows Server 2020 go back to -01 and -02
@ewwhite Well mod dhcp so that it hands out both, easy enough
@Iain Looking into the future eh?
So now I'm going to have to live with a name I don't necessarily want because renaming a domain controller is fraught with peril.
and explosions
@MDMoore313 40% of devices are static.
@ewwhite what's in a name
@ewwhite netdom should do it, easily.
@ewwhite 08 R2 or 7+? Powershell to update dns
@Iain well, it seems like a simple request.
It's the kind of thing that's a minor irritation now and forgotten in a month
@Iain perhaps
@ewwhite Assuming neither of those are CAs
@ewwhite Use dashes? site-dc-#
That's what we do... not that I care too much about the number, so long as they're unique.
how does windows handle this anyway? If you have configured two DNS servers on the client and the first is down.
Will it wait some timeout until it tries the second one?
@faker Yeah. It's a pretty short timeout by default.. wanna say 2 seconds, for some reason.
@faker Someone recently linked an amazing graphic on the main site
@HopelessN00b every request? Or it remembers it?
@MDMoore313 thanks!
on our Linux boxes we rely heavily on DNS. No downtime possible.
We use dnsmasq and a load balancer to achieve that.
But our Windows server just have their DCs configured...
@faker Looks like part 1 covers that. Nice little blog.
...alright, here we go... spinning up a new Server 2003 R2 VM. <Shudder>
@HopelessN00b :(
@HopelessN00b make sure those hamsters don't stop jogging
@MDMoore313 I'm really hoping that the hamsters catch fire, crash the ESXi cluster, and force us to switch to some other payroll (?) or whatever software that doesn't require Server 2003. Plus, if the cluster goes down, I have an excuse to upgrade to ESXi 5.5, which is something I can't seem to get permission to do otherwise.
@HopelessN00b That actually doesn't sound like a bad plan.
I'd like to gain insight on why choose ESXi over Hyper-V/SCVMM other than the catchy name.
Because it typically just worksâ„¢
@ewwhite lol HyperV is solid as well, are you referring to the clustering?
@MDMoore313 Many professionals have a longer relationship with VMware and there's a proven track record for larger installations.
@MDMoore313 Well, Hyper-V's less mature, so ESXi worked first. That's why we're using it. MS licensing with Hyper-V can also be a bitch.. to the point where Microsoft doesn't even know what's required sometimes. (That really rubs me the wrong way.)
My experience with Hyper-V has been painful at best. However, NOT as painful as XenServer.
@HopelessN00b Typical licensing may include the sacrifice of your first born child
AWS in one google chat message.
Top tier support? That's 15k
@mossy had a similar conversation about Amazon last night - but more so about selling through them.
that ended up being a larger onebox than I expected
@mossy Meh. AWS licensing is only painful if you haven't had to deal with MS licensing before.
@HopelessN00b fair point
AWS is overpriced for the hardware they give (based on EC2)
@HopelessN00b That's true. It's just a little terrifying when you set up a backup solution and you think to yourself.. "Hmm this could cost anywhere between 10 and 1,000 dollars."
It's like the cable company
oohhh TechNet Lab: Troubleshooting AD Replication: vlabs.holsystems.com/vlabs/…
i hate those guys too
"We'll be at your house any time between 9:00am and 6:00pm"
I did manage to score a $25 credit for doing their "survey"
fuck that
which I actually opened, then closed in a few minutes later - still got the credit
@cole Dammit, doesn't work in Firefox... and I suspect it'll puke pretty hard with the GPO settings we have for IE.
@HopelessN00b No styling with default IE 11 settings...sad when I have to compatibility mode for a MS site
Chalk it up to "web sucks." Concise and comprehensive.
@HopelessN00b Javascript sucks. The web is merely infected.
@voretaq7 No, there's also Java, and Flash, and PDF, and countless other piece of shit that only exist because of the web, and permeate it to its very core.
@HopelessN00b Well the person who devises a way to kill them deserves a medal
PDF isn't so bad, except for that whole remote code execution business
@HopelessN00b Java isn't web only. PDF is a useful technology.
Flash has been dead to me for decades.
@voretaq7 Yeah, java exists b/c of the incessant need of being lazy while writing software for multiple platforms
@voretaq7 Yeah, wish I'd had the foresight to patent that idea. "Hey, let's treat and render documents as images! Call it portable! Make millions off it, for some reason!"
@MDMoore313 If Java didn't suck as a language and the JVM wasn't full of terrible decisions I wouldn't have any problem with it - if it were invented today (when systems have enough power to bootstrap a fat-ass runtime) it would probably be tolerable.
@voretaq7 haha, yeah if water wasn't wet eh
@HopelessN00b PDF is effectively equivalent to postscript - I don't understand what your problem is with it. The other option is to literally treat documents as images and send bitmapped pages around the internet.
@voretaq7 That'd be horrible, but like I said, the whole remote code execution business.....
@voretaq7 Even if, you know someone would find a way to fuck it up. Like deciding to install it on a coffee maker, or a light bulb, or whatever other internet-of-things thing they could think of.
@MDMoore313 None of my PDF viewers supporrt that bullshit so I don't generally care about it
"Why does my icemaker keep running out of memory and crashing?" Because Javaâ„¢.
@HopelessN00b You mean like my blu ray player? Thanks Sony.
@voretaq7 So MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean.
but even that is arguably "useful" (you can do everything you do in an Excel spreadsheet, except it's cross-platform)
@ewwhite probably
but hasn't that been the assumption of everyone who wasn't drunk or stoned? :)
@MDMoore313 Well, to be fair, they gave you fair warning. The word Sony on the front was full disclosure that it would be a crippled piece of shit.
@HopelessN00b Yeah, real devs use Linux for that sort of thing
@ewwhite it's still just a (sound) working assumption until they find the black boxes
@HopelessN00b touche, but is there really anything better?
Why is my Windows 2012 limited?
or a chunk of wreckage with a tahi number :)
@ewwhite firewall? dns?
@ewwhite "limited" is more sensitive than "retarded"?
@MDMoore313 Sure, anything? Honestly, I hate optical disks so much I have 30 TB of RAID so all my media's on spinning rust, as a file. Without shitty DRM or other ridonkulousness.
@ewwhite Are you sure it is? Sometimes it just says that. Try hitting up an external address (browser, ping, whatever), and see if that goes away.
@HopelessN00b yeah I'm thinking of going that route, I need to b/c my toddler destroys optical disks for fun
@ewwhite Because it's having trouble loading www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt
@ewwhite haha network location awareness probably
@ewwhite give it a while it should rectify itself
ugh I hate mouth breathers on conference calls
Dude sounds like Darth Vader over here.
@HopelessN00b I saw that they tried to dismiss his claims also, scary.
More proof of the boundless reaches of human stupidity, or something.
My forest is being upgraded :(
I don't know what that means
@ewwhite Changing it to the 2012 forest?
It's taking too long!
@ewwhite Why you say that? Longer = more billable hours, no?
@voretaq7 What question? :)
@ewwhite :( Probably gonna need to check the logs to figure out how to fix that.
@HopelessN00b I pulled the server out the rack and blew on it a few times... Now it works!!
@HopelessN00b You must work in my office. I wish the same thing daily.
@ewwhite Heh. That's a new one to me. Have to add it to the troubleshooting checklist. If AD configuration fails, then pull server and blow on it.
@Travis Shitty management's all alike.
@HopelessN00b Just yesterday, I ran into a VMware issue where the instructions were to "walk away from the keyboard and let it sit for about an hour."
The #VMware #vSphere Data Protection upgrade process is just painful! - http://www.filippello.com/?p=211 @VMwarevSphere @VMware #sysadmin
@HopelessN00b I'm the manager...but the owner figured our $60k "ERP" works just fine for this $100m company...why do we need something that's $400k?
He also questioned why I have to get everyone off Windows XP by April 8th... His comment was, "will it stop working"... YES! It will. Every Windows XP machine here will stop working on April 8th...except the one you have at home.
@ewwhite I had a look at VDP and stopped when it didn't work on VM's with hyphens in their names, wonder if that's fixed now? VDR was such a pile of crap it put me off VDP, and yes I know it's wildly different
@Chopper3 VDP works... but it's really Avamar... and there's a whole world of hurt involved in maintaining it.
Anyone know of a way to test a Windows service account from Linux?
@Travis Well, sounds like your owner is being too managementy... and he's bad at it, surprise, surprise.
@cole RDP?
@HopelessN00b service account - can't log in
@HopelessN00b His solution for our "fax line was down" was to have the receptionist dial the number to make it "busy" so it would roll over to the secondary line. She had to hit redial every 3 minutes...
@Travis Ugh, maybe we do work at the same place. Well we're billion dollar company, so I guess not... but that sounds like exactly what we would do.
My solution was: "Now is the time to get everyone off faxing us orders"
@cole Guess you'd have to use PAM.
@Travis Yeah, <sigh>, I think it was only a couple months ago that I had to try to track down fax drivers. For our shiny new Windows 2012 Print servers. I died a little more inside.
Fortunately, I couldn't find any, so I didn't have to kill myself (or anyone else).
We just upgraded to server 2008
@HopelessN00b just found that myself, thanks.
and replaced 8 year old desktops with new ones
@Travis Yeah, we're trying that. I'm getting tired of trying to fight for not moving the same old shit to a shiny new package... so we'll probably end up moving the same old shit to a shiny new package. :)
@HopelessN00b haha! They did fortunately let me migrate our CRM database off a 2003 physical machine (4GB RAM/1.2 Ghz quad core) onto a 2008 VM (16GB RAM, 2.3Ghz quad core). It did slow it down though and I'm trying to work through why... I moved the file shares off that same server onto a different '08 VM and it's slower too.
@Travis That's awesome
@Tanner Moving it or watching everything slow down?
*2.93...not 2.3
@Travis Redial.
I'm guessing it has something to do with the NUMA aware technology for the slow down. Gotta find my perfect match.
@Tanner I felt dumb after that..."why didn't I think of that" oh right...it wasn't LOGICAL
@Travis Well, for certain short-sighted definitions of the word "logical", it does make "sense". :)
Should have at least punched up a bash script that continually makes requests curl requests to a phone API so that would call it, instead of making the poor reception hit redial every 3 minutes like some kind of trained monkey.
Or actually fix the problem... or remove the need for a god damn fax machine in 2014
It was more fun for me to watch the trained monkey... Although I don't want to insult the monkeys. She called me the other day and said her whole computer just went black. I shadowed over...told her the monitor was off. She argued with me that it wasn't... Someone walked by and pushed the power button to screw with her and she didn't see it.
@Tanner Well, until the government gets on board with not requiring faxes, no one else is going to either... but it's still the only way to get documents to a lot of government agencies (short of snail mail) even today.
Mar 5 at 18:14, by Tanner
So... I have to go troubleshoot a dial-up hyperterminal issue...
@HopelessN00b I don't mind faxes, but when you tell an ERP vendor that 90% of your orders are faxed and they go, "really?" it kind of makes you wonder
That was for Medicare. :(
Don't worry I'm back.
The monkey just called me and asked me why her excel spreadsheet is printing off in 4 pages even though it is landscape... "welllll...because there are 4 pages...."
@Travis Things like that remind me of that saying about not every customer being one worth having.
We accept credit cards. They want to do away with them because of the "fees" that get charged... Here's an idea...BUILD IT INTO THE PRICE! No one gets that
What happens when questions are migrated from another site, but the author doesn't have an account here? Is the question forever orphaned?
Q: RAID 0 InnoDB speed - Comparing 8 x 7,200 RPM drives or 4 x 15,000 RPM drives

billyshaneguyI am planning to set up a RAID array for scratch space use in a computational server (16 cores, 128 GB RAM). The users will routinely be creating large (500GB) MySQL InnoDB databases and storing these temporarily to the scratch space. The databases are filled with data from a cluster which may ha...

@ewwhite Unless the author creates/associates an account. I've seen questions like that as old as 2010, and there a re probably older ones I haven't seen.
March 2014 Data Usage*
304 GB
Because Netflix
Well, that sux
lol, Windows XP <3 on the International Space Station
@MathiasR.Jessen In fairness, hasn't the space program always been kinda behind the times, as far as software goes? Seems kinda weird for an industry all about the cutting edge of technology, but, nonetheless...
Ugh... so many thing about this make me sad.
Q: Windows XP Service Dependency Order and SQL Express

Peter MSeveral years ago I built and deployed a system on XP that involved a custom written service that talked to a local 2008 SQL Express instance (that also had a CLR dependency). At the time I set up the custom service to be dependent on the Express service starting up, and all seemed well. Fast f...

@HopelessN00b Yeah, it's a bit strange. On the other hand, you need well-proven tools for cutting edge science
They're talking about upgrading this system to Windows 7, by the way.
> is more of a "Hello world" statement?
@MathiasR.Jessen My assumption is that is has more to do with the levels of bureaucracy.
@HopelessN00b Or epic levels of "if it ain't broke, don't fuck with it"
and suddenly, rootkit on ISS that causes it to be self-aware and vaporizes everything.
@NathanC That sounds like a great maxim to live by when surrounded by the vacuum of space.
@NathanC I could buy that if they actually fixed the shit that was wrong, but they... well, they don't. That's why their shuttles kept exploding. Looks to me more like a case of bureaucratic paralysis.
Meh, I've tried too hard with answers today. Time to give SF a break :)
I like how Comcast randomly added TV to my account.
@HopelessN00b they kept exploding because they analyzed the risks and decided it was worth proceeding with the launch anyway
@mossy oh nice
@Tanner I might just pay it.
@mossy Saved you the trouble right?
Not worth calling and fighting about
@Tanner True story.
@ewwhite Wish I could do that... but it would mean going back to work, so I don't see how that's a good idea.

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