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They keep wasting our time and taking risks with our environment, and sending unqualified unisys techs
@Basil When we had EMC, we had some serious support nightmares. NetApp's been consistently awesome.
And when we invited them to bid on a VMAX, they quoted us on the smallest one they can make with far less capacity than we'd asked for (all 7200, natch), for more than double the budgetary quote of the other three vendors
@freiheit Netapp support has been rock solid. HP and HDS too.
@MDMarra Plus I don't have the right to work in the US ;)
EMC has been really good when it comes to support in our case
but maybe I'm just lucky
Maybe you are, but I'm almost starting to think we're on a shitlist or something
Apparently there was some serious bad blood between our sales rep and a manager here about 8 years ago
The other weird part is how much better their data domain support has been
There was a job listing the other day, "Storage and Virtualization Technical Lead"
vmax 40k...
@pauska It's never a good thing when your particular setup spans two divisions both more interested in blaming the other than in getting your problem really solved. It's even worse when they "escalate" a problem right away from the engineers and up to managers.
bit tempted to apply
@pauska You should do it :) You'd be great
@Basil never even looked at a symmetrix though
quick... help me decide on an IP scheme for a VoIP network!!!
@freiheit I work with a company like that. I hate ever contact I ever have with them
We used to have allies there, but they were all smart people who quit to go somewhere that they were appreciated
@pauska If that doesn't stop them from hiring you, then you will not have to say that any more
actually, it's VMAX and NetApp on top of vplex
@ewwhite use their cell numbers as their new IP address
@MarkHenderson four locations... 180 phones..
@pauska Do you know netapp and vplex?
@MarkHenderson how's
Netapp is very deep, but totally worth learning
Guaranteed never to be confusing
Anyways, I'm going to get out of here. Night folks
imbalanced.... 100 phones at one place
@ewwhite Why not. Personally I run 10.x.y.0 where x is company, y is site/vlan
Starting at 10.24
Actually... scratch that idea
If your phones are like mine, they can't print very long IP addresses on the screen
So the last part gets cut off
@MarkHenderson s/172.16/55/10.1.1/;
I dont much about voip, but cant you just use dns to make useful names?
If the clock is wrong enough in OSX the AppStore App will silently fail to load the AppStore website.
@MatthewIfe DNS is for people who aren't masochists.
@84104 SSLOL
So use an addressing scheme where the whole thing fits into the screen
@MatthewIfe Haha most VoIP phones register with things like HCG00018374665467.dns.suffix
@freiheit Yup.
@ewwhite I think 127.x.y.z where x is site, y is department and z is phone would be really short and really low latency. I would highly recommend it.
@MatthewIfe If you made it 127 then you're gunna have all sorts of problems is loopback
@MatthewIfe That's not so far removed from some real questions we've gotten here.
I think you mean 172
And the 172 block isn't RFC1918 until 172.16
@MarkHenderson loopback=super low latency!
@MarkHenderson You spoiled the joke :(
@MarkHenderson Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
@MatthewIfe Sigh
I guess I'm just used to dealing with incompetent people who would think that's actually a good scheme
anyone go to RSA this year?
I apologise for being dense! It's not even 8.30am so I blame that
No, and I heard a bunch of cryptographers boycotted RSA this year.
@MarkHenderson I think I'd be ok with my VOIP phone using a 127.x.y.z IP scheme...
@ewwhite or, Its more efficient when you want to call multiple people.
@Basil Dude, you could get a TN visa in your sleep, which is practically as good as authorized to work in the US.
@MichaelHampton I go every year, its a good way to see venders and get info
just being almost robbed in the bus was kinda fun
homeless guy pulled a knife on us outside a bar though...
just a glaring reminder of why I need to get a CCW :p
@PatoSáinz that sucks... you kick his ass?
@MattBear didn't engage, ran, like the sprinter i used to be
@PatoSáinz I almost got robbed on a train once. Thankfully the gang were clearly noobs and I literally just said "Yeah, no" and walked away
@MarkHenderson lol
Well it wasn't quite that simple. I said "no", they punched me in the head a few times, I still said "No, fuck off" and then walked away
@MarkHenderson I was lucky they weren't even a gang, just 4 dumbfucks who happened to collaborate
Hell they weren't even armed
@PatoSáinz I'd call that a gang
Small gang
You're not going to fucking rob me if you don't have at least a goddamn kitchen knife
I know who I'm spearphising for their birthdays! =D
These guys were the same. BUnch of kids who should have been in school. I think it was an initiation.
@MarkHenderson mines were 4 people from ranges 19-30
@mossy Haha badass
@MarkHenderson Do you look like Chopper Reid?
But I had to deal with them in fucking 20 minutes
@freiheit I do not
I was alone at the back of the bus (maybe asking for it), and these 4 people surrounded me
I looked liked a rich entitled white person travelling on a train through the scummy parts of Sydney. This was in 2003 and I had a discman :P
@MatthewIfe Of course.
I had to be talkative to them aka "plz don't rob me" "i don't know what phone you are talking about" "i don't have anything in my backpack" for 20 minutes
@mossy I suspect if someone put a shotgun in my face I would shit my pants and give them everything
@MarkHenderson same.
@PatoSáinz Haha yeah I did the same thing "I don't have a phone, so you're going to be disappointed"
They were patient (maybe they thought I was just not very clever) and the guy watching the bus exit had moved a bit to the left, the bus stop came and finally there was a hole from where to sprint through
(which was of course a lie)
@MarkHenderson i had the phone in my hand when they approached me
So my lie wasn't even trying
@PatoSáinz That sounds very similar to what happened to me. Mine was over in about 5 minutes and I suffered a few punches, but apart from that yeah. I waited till the guy at the train exit wasn't paying attention and the train was pulling into a station
Just to delay until somebody noticed what the fuck is a 14 year old schoolboy speaking with 4 poorly dressed men
@MarkHenderson I was punched once, gently, in the forehead
@PatoSáinz Did you still ahve to go to school? :P
luckily before hitting me the thief hit his partner
I got the day off work. Police made me go to the hospital for a checkup.
@MarkHenderson I was coming back from school
@PatoSáinz Well next time get robbed on the way to school
@Basil nay :|
@MarkHenderson lol
Damn. That sort of stuff just isn't common around here.
@ewwhite I use 172.28.x.x for VoIP
one /24 for each site
@MarkHenderson shit is, I don't know why was I targeted (apart from being alone in the back of the bus
@MichaelHampton Parts of Sydney are a cesspit for crime and violence
hasn't been a problem for me.. yet
Unfortunately I used to work in one of them
@PatoSáinz Thats the only reason why you were targeted'
But I don't look like a weak man at all and my avatar here is years old
Plus if you were wearing a santa hat they probably thought you were mentally handicapped
@pauska Thank you :)
@MarkHenderson lol
@MarkHenderson Of course it's not all roses.. consider this strange news. boston.cbslocal.com/2013/10/15/…
me three weeks ago
@MarkHenderson golf clap
Probably not an easy target for a thief
@MichaelHampton Well here he'd go to jail for having a gun and probably get a harsher sentence than the would-be robber
@PatoSáinz You're 14 and you have that beard?
But again, apparently I had to deal with the world's most idiotic thiefs... not even a fucking knife, wtf?!
@MarkHenderson indeed
holy shit
@PatoSáinz Fuck you I didn't get a beard like that till at least 17
@PatoSáinz That was one hell of a hairy girl you were with in the middle.
Also if I had worn that beard to school they would have sent me home to shave (private school policy. No facial hair for students)
@MatthewIfe don't i look cute
@MarkHenderson same here, I had to shave one week ago... actually, just trimmed it
@PatoSáinz Those girls are wearing way too many clothes for being at the beach. Unless they're your sisters in which case they should be wearing two more layers.
@MarkHenderson from courses above 8th grade the de facto rule is actually "acceptable facial hair"
Anyone here play Diablo 3?
@MarkHenderson It was a cold day and the sun was just coming out
@MarkHenderson i've been confused for an university freshman
it's quite... convinient sometimes
@PatoSáinz Whats the legal age for buying alcohol where you are?
@PatoSáinz If the checkout chick isn't paying attention you could totally pass
Luckily I live in a rational place where you can enlist to the army, drive and buy alcohol at the same age (I'm looking at you, America)
I was passing by the age of 16, but certainly not 14
@MarkHenderson Even when paying attention, it works, personal experience
@PatoSáinz America. The land where you can star in a porno, but not watch it.
@MarkHenderson holy lol, then what do actors who fall in that category do? Perform blindfolded?
@mossy I got about as far as Act III on normal and kind of lost interest.
@PatoSáinz At 18, it's not illegal to perform it. It's not illegal to have sex. But it is illegal to watch porn if you are < 21 in some states
@MarkHenderson Lemme guess... Texas?
@PatoSáinz Not sure
Not really across my US laws
I don't even know how they remember so many states
@MarkHenderson they don't
@mossy Play Torchlight 2 instead.
We have 8 states/territories and sometimes I forget them.
@MarkHenderson I've travelled to most of them.
Americans suck at geography
We just have one :) (but around 15 regions lol)
@HopelessN00b Haha yeah that happens here too
@HopelessN00b I'm amused at how America can be so liberal in so ways and so fucking interventionist in private life in others
Boy gets on sex register for having a selfie taken by 16 year old girlfriend
> The teens at Susquenita High, who all knew each other, were accused last fall of using their cell phones to take, send, or receive nude photos of each other and in one case a short video of a oral sex. That resulted in a felony pornography charge for each minor.
@PatoSáinz It's two sides of the same coin: people who have power want to lord it over the rest of us.
Clearly I went to school 10 years too early
@MarkHenderson the exact thing happened here in 2008
My brother's girlfriend who is a high school teacher told me how she had to sent two kids to the principal because a female student was giving a blowjob in exchange for a big mac
When I went to school, a cell phone was the size of a briefcase, and might even have been installed in one.
it even became a meme
And she teaches at a rich private school!
@MarkHenderson To be young.. and to have a camera in every pocket.. and hormones.
@HopelessN00b thats nuts...
@MichaelHampton most I know about American Law is through popehat.com's blog
It's a really good-quality blog
@MarkHenderson What do you get for a fillet of fish, I wonder?
@MarkHenderson when your hungry your hungry!
@MatthewIfe Also I'm guessing its not members of the AV club or the Chess club who are sending/receiving sexts
So I guess some things will never change
@MattBear Sigh
@MarkHenderson I dont really think anything has changed. Its just more accessible.
I really worry for my son
He is tall and has dreamy blue eyes and is kind
He will have an STD from a tramp by the age of 17 I'm sure
@MatthewIfe You're probably right
@MarkHenderson least he wont be eating McDonalds.
@MatthewIfe No, he'll be giving it away
@MattBear Actually pretty common, though. That was just Google hit of 1 of 18 trillion. I'm dreading the day when my friends kids grow up and I'm gonna have to chop some prosecutor into fish food.
Nah I will teach him right. He will at least pay the girl out of his pocket money
@HopelessN00b Do fish eat lawyers?
@MichaelHampton If you cut 'em into small enough pieces.
@MichaelHampton no... you actually have to dissolve them with a base, acid doesn't work
@HopelessN00b Cleaning the blood out of the wood chipper was a real bitch.
@MichaelHampton Have you learned nothing from Dexter? Bone saws and plastic sheeting, dude.
I think Sodium Hydroxide would work
Although, to be fair, you want to drain the blood before you start cutting. A lot easier to cut that way for some reason.
@MattBear Yeah that would do it
@HopelessN00b Or freeze them... then you can just break parts off
no mess
The US closely tracks purchases of certain chemicals...
@MattBear There are a couple threads about that on chemistry.se, actually. And that's what the chemistry nerds say is best.
@HopelessN00b haha really?
I have a friend who's a chemistry teacher
@MattBear Yup. seem to be spawned by breaking bad, but they're there.
he brought a flask of it over and was showing me what it could do
it changes color when you shake it up
and mixing it with sulphuric acid creates... water
@MattBear Horrible idea, actually. You ever tried to break off a piece of ice when it's 6 inches thick? and that's without all the muscle and flesh holding it together. Check out a meat locker some day and tell me you still think frozen flesh is easy to break off
@MattBear And salt. (Well, a salt... not table salt, though..)
@HopelessN00b Perhaps is you freeze it with liquid helium/nitrogen
@HopelessN00b well yeah
That would be NaOH and HCl.
@HopelessN00b big enough hammer would do it, or an industrial shear
@Jacob Now that.... sounds like fun. Gonna call around tomorrow see if anyone knows how much of that it would take to freeze a person... and then if they'll sell it to me.
@HopelessN00b seriously though... hogs
@PatoSáinz I could drive @16, technically you're an adult at 18, but no booze until 21.
they will clean up a body short time
@Jacob and you could be in the army @18 iirc
@HopelessN00b Refrigerant would work, it just might take a lot of i.
@MattBear Too smelly, and I don't know any hog farmers. So it's fish food and a trip to Lake Eire for my body disposal needs.
america is just craazy
@PatoSáinz I can't, but other people can
@Jacob - just a reminder, are you going to email me about that VPN?
@HopelessN00b your in Australia aren't you?
@MarkHenderson Yep I'm going to do that soon
@Jacob Thanks
@MattBear Gotta find some factory farmed hogs. The local organic-fed heritage breed hogs won't be allowed anywhere near something as nasty as human flesh...
Q: using SQL in vbscript

greentigerI was wondering if it was possible to create a OnLogOff VBScript that gathers a machine's hardware and some software information and then have the script run a query to stuff that into a database somewhere. I'm thinking to set up a PHP/MySQL database that just collects and updates machine inform...

@HopelessN00b I've taken up attempting the impossible for my new hobby.
Q: What happens if I fart on someone's balls?

C-dizzleDo you ever get the chance to fart on someone's balls? So far Cartman and Randy have told me "never fart on anyone's balls" but I have yet to find someone I can do this to. Ultimately, what happens if you do fart on someone's balls?

I thinhk I must buy this game.
@MichaelHampton There was a great one I saw earlier. Something like "Who must I fart on to to people to respect my authority" or something
Q: Who's in charge? I want to fart on some authority figures to speak truth to power

LessPop_MoreFizzWorking on rounding out my accumulation of achievements, it seems that I may have been insufficiently diligent in my quest to fart on everyone in South Park. I say this because I've finished the game, but have not earned the Truth to Power achievement. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to fart on fo...

Q: Al Gore won't leave me alone. How do I unfriend someone on Facebook?

LessPop_MoreFizzIn exploring South Park, I met a somewhat curious older gentleman hiding in he bushes over behind the movie theatre. It turns out that gentleman was former Vice President Al Gore. He promptly became my Facebook friend, and asked me to help him place some fancy science equipment around town. Afte...

@MichaelHampton Haha that one
@MarkHenderson And of course Australia gets a censored version.
@MichaelHampton We don't tolerate rape joke or anal probes. At all. Ever.
Mind you, I played the uncensored version of Saints Row IV and the game was censored in AU for 2 particular missions. The missions were totally unnecessary and stupid and the game wouldn't have been any worse off without them. Except that it makes your multiplayer experience incompatible with the rest of the world
@MarkHenderson What about terrible school names?
@freiheit Haha thats... unfortunate. You also like to call things "middle sex" which is also weird
@MarkHenderson middlesex is more of an east coast thing... Though... when I was attending that high school, I did live very near "sexton" rd...
Real question: How on earth do I get source RPMs for centos if eg. yumdownloader --source libselinux-ruby fails?
@JoelESalas This is why we switched to Scientific Linux.
@MatthewIfe Bfjhgfhngf
@JoelESalas that and the distance between 6 in rhel and 6 in centos was stupidly long.
@JoelESalas you can probably nab the srpms from a SL Mirror to be honest.
@JoelESalas Browse the repo with a web browser?
@freiheit It definitely isn't there
@freiheit First time I heard of it was in Donny Darko and it confused the hell out of me more than anything else in that movie did
So is it remotely possible to rebuild centos?? I thought it was
@MarkHenderson "middlesex"?
@freiheit Nah he went to "middle sex high school"
Not intersex :p
I thin theres an archive mirror
@MarkHenderson Getting laid less than the kids at "Sexton high school" but more than the kids at "Chastity High School"? ;)
i'm back don't worry.
@MatthewIfe That doesn't seem to provide the equivalent /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/selinux.so file?
@JoelESalas Name the correct souce RPM instead? libselinux
@MichaelHampton You're absolutely right, just inspected the spec file.
I was about to do something very dumb.
yum really should figure that sort of thing out.
@MichaelHampton thank you thank you thank you
@MichaelHampton Yum is really smart about deps, but grabbing srcs is a pain. "yum install /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/selinux.so" totally works, and once it's installed you can "rpm -qi" the package it installed to get the info.
I think grabbing sources is pretty easy, providing you've got the repo for them.
@HopelessN00b What's a TN visa?
@MatthewIfe And providing you know which srpm you need, yeah. :)
i hate having to circumvent my own departmental policies to get shit done. =/
Well, you can just to rpm -q --whatprovides <thisfile> then "yumdownloader --source <thatrpm>"
@MatthewIfe No, you can't. You can only do that for simple packages.
@freiheit example please.
Back from a public holiday! What did I miss?
@MatthewIfe You need rpm -q --queryformat '%{SOURCERPM}\n' --whatprovides
@MatthewIfe @JoelESalas' example of /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/selinux.so. Any file in the mod_ssl package is a good example, too.
Well, thats pretty cool, didnt know that.But the rpmdb should resolve all files in an rpm to where they were from and the rpmdb should know from any given package which spec file they were generated from.
Thats partly why rpm's are so bitchy during spec generation about what files are deployed where and whether files are missing.
@MatthewIfe I'm not sure that yumrepos have the info about what source rpm a given ${arch}.rpm package is associated with, though...
(not that the info isn't in the RPMS used to build the yumrepo info, just that I'm not sure it actually goes into to those yumrepo indexes)
@freiheit it does store it. I checked the yum sqlitedb schema.
`sqlite> .schema packages
CREATE TABLE packages ( ...
rpm_sourcerpm TEXT,
@MatthewIfe Patch time?!?
So I heard a lot about the show Cosmos that was on TV last night
So I downloaded it and watched it
I didn't think it was quite as good as everyone on the twitters thought it was
@MarkHenderson did you ever see abc.net.au/tv/voyage
@MarkHenderson Was awkward at some parts
@mossy I saw a lot of people bitching about the animations. I didn't mind them so much. It's obviously a show geared at people who have hard-ons for space, but it was really, really light-on and didn't really cover anything particularly deep
@MarkHenderson Most of them got high first
@MarkHenderson Seth MacFarlane was involved, what did you expect?
and Brannon Braga. argh....
A few of the lines in it got me frustrated as well. Like the bit where he mentions that in the 16th century that freedom of speech didn't exist. News flash: it doesn't exist now
@Andrew Haha good point
@Andrew Nah i didn't
wtf internet
He said something along the lines of "Oh. You have to thank them for sex." queue awkward pause and smile :3
I probably wasn't paying attention though.
It did do a very good job of making us feel incredibly small and insignificant
@mossy Oh yeah that was terribly executed
I mean, i'm already pretty much insensibilised and don't need eye bleach but... some shit still manages to shock me
@JoelESalas no patches for me today hopefully ;)
@PatoSáinz Why are you watching shock sites then?
@MarkHenderson I've seen a lot of different shock sites, goatse could be my wallpaper and i wouldn't mind it
I watched cosmos. Was, meh. Felt a bit too jackanory to me. Also thought the religious sniping was a little insensitive to a program trying to get people interested in science.
@MatthewIfe Eh they tackled that better than they otherwise could have.
@JoelESalas I think just looking at that face is bad enough
Fuck this shit. I'm going home.
They mostly stuck to the facts, rather than preach about the "danger of religion"
@freiheit Cheers
@MarkHenderson well, the irony is that if they 'teach the facts' about historically what small minded bigots actually did do, its the small minded bigots that will complain / not tune in in the first place to have their minds changed.
Satisfaction: Setting up a mod_proxy perfectly on the first attempt.
@MatthewIfe So in other words, they are preaching to the choir. No surprise there.
It should teach about the universe, and what we know, how we know it. Not spend 10 minutes going through the torment someone went through for knowing it. Its kinda rubbing it in the religious rights face.
fwiw I'm religious and I didn't find anything particularly offensive, just a bit depressing that so many religious leaders, then and now, are so close minded.
I know plenty of people who balance their faith and their scientific curiosity
They even had a go at Martin Luther who is a bit of a hero to me. But he would have never claimed to have been perfect and would have admitted to making mistakes.
@MatthewIfe I see your point. That part didn't really progress the story. But I guess what it did do was sort of explain why it took a long time for science to progress. It's no secret that religious reasons have quite the history of blocking scientific progress
They were heavily insinuating that religion would lose control and power if people really knew how the world worked.
@MatthewIfe And they were insinuating what the religious leaders at the time thought. But non-religious leaders do the same thing. Just look at North Korea. Keep the people living in ignorance and control their lives and retain your power.
So it's not a fault of religion, but rather the fault of people drunk on power, keeping their power by keeping the masses ignorant
Which is probably right. But cosmos I think should really be focusing on the wonders of the universe rather than mans shorted-sightedness of discvering them.
@MatthewIfe Well let's see what next week has to offer
They've done their introduction/history back story summary
Maybe it will take a back seat
I suspect cosmos has a harder battle to fight with regards to the earlier cosmos, American culture has shifted more to the right, I think people are overall less tolerant of having their religion criticized (however true it mgith be)
Lets hope so :).
I did like the bit at the end when he was talking about when he met Sagan. That was a nice.

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