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@ewhite you about?
@Chopper3 two "w's"
As in "ewww, white people"
@ewwhite soz, did know that - just a quick one, not got a 380p in front of me but do they have spare PSU connectors for GPUs - another part of [main client] are asking and our on-site HP guy is in an all day training session
(when I used that name back in the early online dating days, any girl who suggested that was the meaning of my handle would immediately be excluded)
@Chopper3 Nvidia and auxiliary power?
@ewwhite :) and yes
@ewwhite I found there's a cable (697777-b21) so I guess there must be but I don't know if it's molex or something proprietary
@Chopper3 depending on the card, there's a riser you need.
and the riser gets the additional power from the power supply.
also needs the big 1200W PSUs
@ewwhite Yeah, it's just not 100% black and white with these I find, any time I order GPUs for anything I always over-order bits and end up with lots hanging around the DC - this is for a K1 for citrix apparently (I know very little about Citrix somehow), html5 hardware acceleration
@ewwhite cool, thank you
@Chopper3 there are a couple of articles around... but ask HP and look inside one.
@ewwhite there's only so much I'm prepared to help out this other team, they should be better at specing by now
Aren't you guys being hard on this guy?
Q: HP server - iLo 2 Licensing features - SNMP IPMI

user211435We've got ML350 G5 servers with iLO 2 standard license. Does upgrading to higher iLO license will unlock new SNMP or IPMI data registers ? If it will, which ones ? many thanks !

@Chopper3 hire me part-time.
@ewwhite As I'm sure you're aware, we decided a long time ago that licensing was off topic
Q: Should licensing questions be closed?

John GardeniersAfter seeing yet another licensing question I'm wondering whether I'm right in thinking they should be closed. While it can be difficult or slow getting answers for technical questions from the vendors, software companies, etc., surely questions about licensing should always be directed to the su...

Q: Can you help me with my software licensing issue?

Ben Pilbrow This is a Canonical Question about Licensing. Questions on licensing are off-topic on Server Fault. If your question has been closed as a duplicate of this question, then this is because we want to help you understand why licence questions are off topic rather than just telling you "it jus...

@Iain It's not a software licensing issue.
it would be like someone asking what the difference between a DRAC express and Enterprise is...
HP server - iLo 2 Licensing features - SNMP IPMI
@ewwhite I've love to work with you to be honest, just not sure what we need
@Chopper3 Just send a check every month... we'll figure it out
I need more time in the UK.
@ewwhite can you still get cheques in the US?
@ewwhite I'd love to see you over here too
@Chopper3 yes, sure.
@ewwhite they've either been discontinued over here or are very soon - if I recall correctly anyway
two SysAdmins in today - out of 5
@Chopper3 I'll try to get there this year.
@ewwhite well just let me know
You know how whenever someone in your family dies it's never at the right time. Well I'm a bit bored and not that busy at the moment, now would be a great time.
A week later and my badge still doesn't work on any of the new office doors
You have chip locks on each office door?
high sec..
@pauska Just on the entrances to the actual office itself...and the switch closet and server room
So, I can't even access IT stuff lol
We have electreical locks on our doors too - staff can get in teaching rooms while us and site staff can get in everywhere.
@tombull89 Do the students at your place get given email addresses?
We have a security guard at all three entrances. Lots of badge swiping to get into places too (at least for me)
@cole Is he armed?
@TomO'Connor they do now. Previously it was done through our VLE/intranet but they've just migrated to 365.
Then there's security guards who walk the building too
@tombull89 The school I'm doing the EES thing with appear not to bother giving them email
which is dumb, and irritating.
2 hours into re-imaging this Mac with 70 minutes to go...Jesus.
@TomO'Connor EES?
One student can't remember passwords, At All.
Engineering Education Scheme
it's a STEM project.
He's been through 10 password resets of his gmail account
roughly once a week.
Ah, right. We didn't have student emails here until about two years ago.
We have password complexity enabled for our students currently. That's fun.
@tombull89 Why bother?
@TomO'Connor something to do with an audit we had recently.
I'm embarking on a new project...
I'm supposed to spec new switches and clean that up...
also make it VoIP capable.
what are the white switches?
Linksys 16-port HUBS
Did all the tickets (that can be done) in the queue in 10 minutes (the 10 minutes I was here early) 3 people out - so I'm going to not do shit today.
likely daisy-chained
Replace with Cisco 2960s :D
problem is that I have to order everything and send it 1700 miles away... with very little recourse if I mis-spec'
I thought we went over this
@pauska Client just sent photos
so I'm counting ports at the various sites to see what I can do.
Another Monday morning brings yet more proof that God exists and hates me.

Morning, all.
@ewwhite Fly out, at their expense.
sup @HopelessN00b
@HopelessN00b hugs
@TomO'Connor I am flying out at their expense... but I have to get it right.
it's going to be $30k+ in switching gear to handle this and the other locations.
My bosses response to forgetting to add a conslutant as a local admin on a new server they're setting up "Wow, you can't remember to do everything? Ha ha, just kidding. Not a problem at all."
@ewwhite How about a chassis switch, and overestimate the number of ports?
@TomO'Connor it'll be 4 chassis switches across the sites.
price breaks even for me at ~96 ports.
Y'know what just isn't cool? When your server goes offline, and so does your host's support portal.
Someone hear mentioned that XD can stream VDIs; correct me if I'm wrong, but that's little more than a remote desktop session, from an MS standpoint, correct?
@TomO'Connor ouch
Totally gonna abandon them I think
This is the 2nd time in 3 days, and the last one was a 6 hour outage.
One of the things I want to achieve is not having to get near the servers at all, so "pressing F12" is not an option. Thus I need access to the DRACs to power them on at a distance. How to proceed from there (PXE boot etc.) I have already quite a bit of experience with. — Krist van Besien 17 mins ago
In order to autodeploy an OS I need to power the servers on. For that I need the DRAC... — Krist van Besien 16 mins ago
@ewwhite Freetard.
@TomO'Connor what's a freetard?
48 at the moment. And we will get more. And the issue is that DHCP has not been enable. I could have the next batch delivered with autoconfig, but for this apparently a Dell Lifecycle management server is needed, which requires a Windows machine which is not an option. I was hoping that there was a way to duplciate some of the functionality using DHCP and TFTP. — Krist van Besien 17 mins ago
@ewwhite Someone who strenuously avoids windows at every cost.
Oh, "I refuse to use Windoze"
because you know it's gonna take 4+x longer than it would to just use the right tools.
Can I tag it "freetard"
@ewwhite I don't see why not.
Do Dells ship without DHCP?
that seems like a personal problem
@ewwhite It takes 2 seconds for the on-site tech (who's racking the servers) to hit the power button on the server...
A: Provisioning DELL servers using only linux tools

Tom O'ConnorYou are a Freetard, and I claim my five pounds. You are trying to do something that's going to take you a significantly longer period of time, because you're a hardened Unix user, and are either a) afraid, or b) unwilling to use the right tools for the job. The right tools are the Dell Lifecycl...

I don't care.
Is it 430 yet? Shit.
Anyone else find it odd that Paul Walker died right before the release of Need for Speed's first movie?
+3/-2 Fun.
@TomO'Connor Yeah, I don't believe in "Linux-only" these days.
@ewwhite I don't believe in anything-only these days.
I don't believe in using "retard" and variations thereof as a slur.
Ok, I'll go with Neckbeard, instead, then.
Or just, y'know, "wanker"
@TomO'Connor That, at least, is not a direct reference to a disability.
hiiii @JennyD
Hi @cole
Read-Only Monday here /slamsheadintodesk
Now we're being sensitive?
@JennyD I'm disabled, and I don't find it offensive.
@TomO'Connor And therefore noone else should? Fallacy.
Someone who has a passion for linux shouldn't be labeled a freetard just because the lettering is similar, that would somehow imply that foss likers are inferior?
@MDMoore313 No, I'm implying that the choice not to use the correct tools makes you a bit of a douchebag.
@TomO'Connor And I'm saying that cognitively disabled is not the same as being a douche, and that implying so is not a good thing.
I agree, thickheaded @ the least. I'm just saying UD sucks sometimes
@MDMoore313 "The lettering is similar"? As if it were just happenstance that the two things happen to sound alike...
@JennyD That attitude really gets on my nerves, y'know?
@TomO'Connor And using ableist slurs gets on mine.
God I hate Lotus Notes.
@JennyD that's what I was trying to say, saying that it rhymed escaped me at the moment, it's 9:00am here and I've had no coffee.
@JennyD Fine. Fuck this. I'm outta here.
@TomO'Connor There are better ways that you could express yourself
@cole I'm pretty sure God hates Lotus Notes aswell, if that's any comfort (no blasphemy intended)
@pauska I appreciate that.
I've never known SF and Comms Room to be politically-correct... but the use of freetard does not seem to be consistent with the ableist slur.
@cole Not having to deal with Notes any more is one of the great advantages of having left the previous job.
Self imposed Serverfault Holiday. Starting now. Ending in 7 days time.
Yes. I just suspended my own account.
I've never met a sysadmin or an end user who really liked notes.
Aside from notes developers of course, but I'm not sure they really count.
@TomO'Connor that's gotta be a SE first
that it does
@JennyD It makes me die inside just a little bit....every day
Right now I'm building a Win7 VM so I can wipe my laptop of Win8.1 and install Fedora 20
I tried updating my windows 7 machine at home to windows 8.1 the other day. The windows 8.1 installer said it would wipe all my applications. I decided to stick with Windows 7.
@RobM It's actually a decent database program. Why they decided to jam a mail server and a web designer into it is beyond me, but as far as databasing goes, it's highly tolerable.
@HopelessN00b that's a fair point I guess. But as a mail and web server, it's very very painful.
And now @MDMarra shows up.
What did I miss
@MDMarra are you at home?
can I call?
@JennyD did you get my msg about that whitepaper for Steady State In W7?
@RobM No joke. I've even seen some really good Domino admins, and even with their help, you just couldn't get around the fact that Domino's painful as a web or email server.
@MDMarra And you missed this.
@MDMoore313 Not that I can recall...
@JennyD It's appalling, they suggest you use MDT to restore the drives to their original state
@JennyD checkout steadierstate.com
@ewwhite I am, but trying to rush some SOWs out the door. I'll have time in the afternoon though
@TomO'Connor The funny part of this was, you left a mod message to all moderators. It says we all need a holiday...
@MDMarra :(
There's a great rant out there by John C. Welch about the time he trialled Lotus Notes client for Mac and found the open mail keyboard shortcut was the actual copyright symbol.
@ewwhite Oh boy
@MDMoore313 Um. I am one of those neckbeards and everything anybody posts here about Windows makes me want to get a second neckbeard just to be safe...
@JennyD I like his approach, I downloaded the zip and there was a powerpoint inside. Basically he uncovers the feature in W7 Ultimate and Enterprise can boot from VHDs, I didn't know that
Sad face city up in here.
@JennyD so what he says is deploy a VHD with a differencing VHD, and when you want to roll back boot to a partition that wipes away the differencing VHD, not bad.
@MDMoore313 Windows Server can as well. It's how Microsoft deploys patched boot images to Azure hosts
@MDMarra yeah starting with '08 R2 I believe, I didn't know that either, that's exactly my plan for updating these VHDs
I don't think I'll be using Minasi's scripts though, but it definitely helped.
@MDMoore313 Yes, I get his point, too. But it makes me a little sad that it's so easy for someone in userspace to mess up the entire OS that this is necessary.
I might be trying out that steady state method...our HR director wants a machine available in the factory break room so people can check timeclock stuff
I am not the target audience for that whitepaper, I think.
So, the complete lockdown suite :P
We just setup a machine for that with a guest account and a browser.
@JennyD I wouldn't say the entire OS, but weird problems do arise that take way too much time to troubleshoot
@MDMoore313 I may be a bit more biased than usual, having spent an hour yesterday helping a friend get malware off of her windows computer... it was so hosed that she couldn't even use a browser to search for and download programs to help her clean it.
@JennyD part of that stems from users having admin rights on their machine. Would you use Chromium as root?
@MDMoore313 No, I would not.
Thus what I said above about being sad.
@NathanC his approach certainly has merits, I'll probably implement something similar using SCCM and Powershell
@JennyD can you really blame that on Windows though? In that particular situation?
@MDMoore313 I'd say that as an OS, it's making it too easy to do the wrong thing. But then I have to admit that the popular unixes are following along like little lemmings, so...
@JennyD That's true, but I must say Mint certainly has a nice UI.
@HopelessN00b, if you drink dunring work hours at home, you are impaired whether you think you are or not. Most drinkers never think they are impaired buut it is obvious to anyone not drunk. If you think being sober during the day is a problem, then you are most likely an alcoholic and need treatment. — HLGEM 6 mins ago
I love the workplace. Always brightens up my day.
it's awesome
@MDMoore313 Mint is the first Linux distro I've used and thought "I could use this as my desktop" instead of "I could use this but..." or "if..."

Never really got on with Ubuntu.
So apparently our ISP blocks NTP
@cole yes, that makes much more sense than rate limiting it..
@cole Hopefully a brief over-reaction to the new ntp DDoS attacks.
@cole with all the DDOS stuff going on around NTP a lot of them are.
@pauska block is much easier than limit. And monopolies can afford to be lazy, so why not?
To be honest, I don't even know if our AD points to an outside NTP server or something internal.
@cole large corporations usually have gps/radio clocks.. but then again, you have NT4...
Moving our main file server off of NT4 to the AD domain this weekend. dun dun dun
That leaves only two servers after that - then I can blow it away!
Yeah our DC points to something on the outside
@cole An NT4 fileserver? Wow, you guys like living on the edge.
I will let someone else on my team worry about it then.
@HopelessN00b it's a 2008 server but on the NT4 domain
@RobM yeh, I actually setup my desktop at home with it. But, had to dual boot with W8 b/c the mrs couldn't use extreme coupon printer on Chromium.... :(
Since I overheard the convo about the NTP thing. I will let the other sysadmin deal with it then (who was told by one of the network guys)
They could at least implement their own NTP server
@cole Ugh. That's horrible.
@MDMoore313 we do have one.
But this place is fucked up - ex: NT4
@cole I mean the ISPs that are blocking it
Oh yeah
@MDMoore313 Monopolies. Don't have to care about customer service.
I think my work has finally broke me - because I just don't care lol.
@cole Welcome to the club. Drop by my desk for a nip of scotch.
drinking on the job again eh @HopelessN00b
@HopelessN00b My fucks have been depleted.
I do wonder if I will get a raise this year, at my review.
@RobM Heh, I wish. If they'd let me drink at work, there's a significant risk that I'd be happy and therefore give a shit. =D
I wonder just how many times the same 5 or 6 students here need to keep re-trying their tor connections before they realise that i've not only blocked them but I'm watching them in the firewall and traffic shaping the rest of what they're trying to do
I should forward that to my boss @JennyD
If I don't get a raise this review time (yes I know I left and came back but I was gone 2 months total) I think I may flip a table.
@cole Put it in your email sig. Users love seeing it when you close their tickets.
@HopelessN00b I close tickets in.... a Lotus Notes DB! So they wouldn't see it.
God dammit Markdown, you had one fucking job.
Word on the street is I'll get a 1% raise for my review >.>
I think getting into a verbal altercation last week with a colleague is what broke me.
@cole #whybother
@cole oh really?
@Tanner seriously - give me more vacation time then.
@Tanner yeah, I didn't start it. He doesn't know when the STFU. It's the guy I've had issues with from day one who sits behind me.
@cole hah. if NT4 doesn't break you, what'd you get pissed about? was he choking a box of kittens?
@cole Fairly standard to have the PDC Emulator point at one or more of the ntp.org pools
@Tanner Standing behind me while I'm working (it's now 45 minutes after i was supposed to leave) to fix SSL cert issues on the load balancer that no one seemed to knows how to do it - even though we've had it for like 6 years...
Unless you need time accuracy for compliance reasons (bank, etc) most places dont bother with GPS-based NTP
Telling me "You better document this when you're done". I said "I always document my stuff - it should have been documented in the first place." he just kept telling me what to do.
And he had nothing to offer to the solution of the problem either - he was just irritating me and the security guy.
@MDMarra points to time.nist.gov
@RobM I know a "book" for your needs!
GPS time servers ain't that expensive in the scheme of things
@PatoSáinz oh yes?
@cole Sounds like you handled it badly.... should have just waited for the security guy to taze him.
@Robm the GHCQ's Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies and Related cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
@HopelessN00b security as in IT security
You know, or politely asked the security guy to taze him.
> 1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)
5. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression
@cole Club him over the head with a bottle of whiskey or old PIX firewall?
I see...
@HopelessN00b who was asking for my help because he didn't know how to get a wildcard SSL cert working in IIS and the Netscaler.
I haven't said anything to my boss, because it won't matter.
@RobM apparently it's also known as the @MarkHenderson guide to the internet
@cole "I can't concentrate... please smack that distraction over the head with something so I can continue helping you out." :)
@HopelessN00b I wish I would have said something like that.
I was pissed. The only thing I said was like "I document EVERYTHING I do here, so fucking lay off"
and he still kept telling me to document it.
> Technique #6 - 'GAINING FULL CONTROL'

It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a
@cole Just remember it... sounds like it'll come up again. And now, next time, you'll be better equipped to have someone deal with it for you.
pure Mark Henderson
@HopelessN00b comes up weekly with this guy. No one likes him.
He talks to managers like that.
My manager just told me to take a look at this to see if it was worth it: quest.com/active-administrator/…
@cole So... getting him knocked out might improve your raise, is what I'm hearing. "Not bragging, boss, but you didn't get annoyed by [$dumbass] today because I got him a concussions... you're welcome."
@cole NT4 is not supported ;-)
@HopelessN00b Followed by going to jail for assault
@HopelessN00b He'd probably rejoice.
@MathiasR.Jessen lulz.
@NathanC Have you been listening? Cole gets someone else to do the actually hitting.
Assault by Proxy
I don't particularly use any GUIs with AD admin shit other than ADUC and GPO Manager..downloading it now..
...and now, to complete my failure as an admin, I'm going to create >100 add printer GPPs manually, because I couldn't figure out how to script it. <sigh>
@HopelessN00b loop: i.sstatic.net/aOeCm.gif
@HopelessN00b printerlogic.com/printer-installer some of the best money I ever spent on printer management for this place
@HopelessN00b Get-GPPrefRegistryValue and Set-GPPrefRegistryValue, yes?
@RobM Yeah, we can't spend monies.
much better for us than GPPs or printer login scripts
ah :-(
@MathiasR.Jessen Something like that, but it needs to be a GPO or GPP, and I couldn't figure out how to parse the GPO objects in time... PowerShell support for GPO management is still pretty weak.
@HopelessN00b Configure a policy with one printer entry, open the GPT in SYSVOL and inspect the contents, deduce the logic and generate the remaining >100 entries with a script - paste it into the GPT and wait for sysvol replication
Still faster than 100 x 10 point-and-click operations :P
@MathiasR.Jessen My inner neckbeard laffs
@HopelessN00b Yes it is, and I'm still waiting for them to support AGPM as well
@JennyD I would imagine ^_^
@HopelessN00b @RobM What's the print management problem? I also have one.
@JennyD On the other hand ... editing the raw text files sounds pretty unix-y to me :D
@MathiasR.Jessen What I would do if it was just the one GPO. It's mapping all printers at site X to all users at site X... for 18 sites. So I've got at least 18 copy-pastas, may as well may it 180. Probably keep me out of trouble... while I'm doing this, I won't be tempted to improve or fix anything without proper management approval. :)
@MathiasR.Jessen It's the part with having to deduce logic from something you've point-and-clicked... And, again, I have to admit that the popular free Unixes are rapidly heading in that direction. This makes me sad.
we had a problem with managing printer queue configuration on clients. Couldn't get it working right with GPPs and GPOs because we have quite a complex configuration and also, iirc you can't (or couldn't when we looked) reliably assign multiple printers to a windows workstation and set specific ones to be the default printer because who would ever need to do that.
as we're a college we need to set printers on a per-machine basis rather than a per-user basis (which windows prefers) because we want to be able to say "all the machines in this lecture room print by default to the black and white printer in that room and the colour photocopier/printer at teh end of that corridor on a secondary basis"
@RobM Pretty sure you can now. At least, I hope so, or this is going to be an even more pointless waste of time than it already is.
@HopelessN00b Yeah, we should post that question on main b/c I have the exact same task, although mine is somewhere in the range of 200-400, with Item Level Targeting
@MDMoore313 Already did.
Q: Deploying Printers via GPO/GPP - is there a programmatic option?

HopelessN00bFor reasons beyond my control, I've been tasked with setting up GPO/GPPs to deploy our 100+ printers to our 1000+ clients. The good news is that we have over a dozen sites, and for the most part, I'm allowed to push out all printers at site X to all client PCs at site X. The bad news is that th...

@HopelessN00b good luck! We just gave up and purchased that software I was going on about. It took me an afternoon's work to replace the "nearly but not quite working" set of GPPs and login scripts that 2 of us spent a week or so setting up.
I saw that question and debated mentioning that software at the time but that wasn't what you were asking for there.
Thanks, though at this point, I think I'll just settle for a quick death. Behold, one of our printer share names:

\\[server]\ALSHPHPCLJ400 (HP LaserJet 400 color M451nw)\
I just told my assistant, the guy who did most of the donkey work on our printer GPP setup, what you're doing and he started weeping. Make of that what you will.
I feel cheaper than a 5 dollar hooker.
@HopelessN00b No shaming of sex-workers here!
Oh, crap... that's why I put this off... wanna do this cross-forest. D'oh.
I see a case of scotch in your near future.
@ewwhite I think you missed the adverb there. I'm not shaming sex workers, I am shamed by them. Even the one who charge $5 a throw, in that particular example.
@RobM Just a really expensive bottle, actually. And then maybe a few fifths of the cheap stuff for good measure.
Soon to be little more than a pretty glass bottle and an expensive hangover.
masterofmalt.com/whiskies/glenglassaugh/… yeah... I think I'll let it pass
Actually, this is only a few months off: masterofmalt.com/whiskies/benriach/…
my father collected quite a few scotches when he was alive. He'd have loved a website like that... His bank account and liver would not
@RyJones Meh, port. Not really my thing, but I would like to have a hit of 100 year old port, just so I can say I've done it.
@HopelessN00b they have 3cL samples for almost everything they sell, it seems
I like the domain name, if nothing else: neckbeardrepublic.com/?completely=free&swagg=outofcontrol
@RobM Yes, the internet... a modern miracle, connecting my liver with rare, old, ungodly expensive poisons. It truly is a great time to be alive. If only I was rich too...
@RyJones I suppose if you're going to drop that much money on a bottle of booze, it's a good idea to make sure you like it first.
@HopelessN00b Or find a place you trust that sells shots
@RyJones I actually checked a few months ago, and I shit you not, there wasn't a single bottle of 30 year old scotch for sale anywhere in this whole god-forsaken state.... which is how I found that wonderful website.
@HopelessN00b what state is that, and move?
@RyJones Ohio, and yeah, that would be the thing to do.
@HopelessN00b well shit, you're right there in bourbon central if you move a few hours south
@HopelessN00b sorry... SF chat has been especially sensitive today.
@ewwhite is tumblr leaking into here?
@RyJones perhaps
that's too bad
"Kudos to the MySQL team at Oracle for engaging openly and in a friendly way, earning the trust of Ubuntu collaborators and giving us the confidence to ship stable point releases in Ubuntu by default."
In other words, Shuttleworth is still a complete twat
Yeah, since acquiring a taste for old scotches, I really can't enjoy a "normal" bourbon anymore. I can barely stomach the 12 year single malts anymore.

I spend as much on booze as I do on rent, most months. :(
@pauska the more things change
@RyJones ... the more Shuttleworth gets deranged...
Co-workers trapped on the other side of this: komonews.com/news/local/…
WinAdmins: support.microsoft.com/kb/310316 does that apply to copy as well as move within a volume? I would like files that are copied/moved within a volume to inherit their new folder's permissions, but I've read a few SF questions on this and it doesn't appear that this "fix" is server side and is likely a PITA. Yes/no?
So EMC's older storage apparently requires a specific LUN to be mapped or else they can't fail over between controllers. Wish that had been known by my boss when he set this damned thing up...
Hi everyone - quick question. Where is the best place to host a personal site with 100k hits a month? Preferable not shared hosting. Been hoping to get some peoples opinions. Cheers
I'd use AWS, but that's shared hosting.
@CharliePrynn S3 bucket
@CharliePrynn wordpress.com. It's got some restrictions, but they're bullet proof
and you actually get decent money from the 1/50 ad impressions they do
@Basil it took 3 or 4 years for me to hit $100 minimum payout :)
@RyJones I forget how much I was making from my site, but they only really started paying out well after I basically quit and was just getting low quality google residue
but if you have 100k active engaged eyeballs per month, you'll make decent money with their monetization
maybe not quite as well as if you did it yourself, but then you have to pay for hosting
@Basil sure. I get 20 hits a day right now, and I see I have $11 in pending earnings since 10-2013
I may have been getting more money because I was writing about wow, and people spend money on stupid "guides" and illicit gold
@Tanner I haven't looked into that but heard good things. Thanks.
@Basil The site isn't built in wordpress, its static and is built using Laravel so I'd need to install extensions the server on the server, is that possible?
@CharliePrynn Not with wordpress.com
@CharliePrynn As TomTom would say, that'll run on my phone. Hit up lowendbox.com
It will be fine, I do not think there will be WW3 .
At least not over Crimea.
99% of americans do not even have a slight idea where it is at.
@DanilaLadner I hope you are correct.
at least did not know until the event. I am in Russia now by the way.
@DanilaLadner ah, I was wondering why you cared if you were in New Haven
Oh I would still did
I have family in both Ukraine and Russia
quick sanity check... can you reach: access1.ewwhite.net:8080
from Russia?
in general
hmm okay
@ewwhite Ericom?
@MichaelHampton yes, Ericom

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