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@Basil and we could upvote them and make them viral
"Is there a way to install windows 3.1 in parallels?" "If I get the metal one, can I sharpen one side in case I ever need to defend myself?"
"What's the best way to back up my ram?"
Hmm, phone interview
@Basil Take the first one?
I'll do 'What's the best way to backup my nvram before clearing it'
or ask a question about an Apple II
@MDMoore313 To be fair, putting out a cigarette on a Mac is probably more common than discharging your firearm at it.
(And I think that views have more to do with getting in that hot network questions sidebox and going viral than upvotes, just for future reference.)
@HopelessN00b you're right, but we were able to get the question tweeted and up to about 100 views in an hour, so we were close :-) This is in reference to my question about urine-proofing your mac, not the bullet proof one
Q: How can I make my macbook pro liquid proof?

MDMoore313As I hang around those who are toilet training, and people who really dislike macs, I'm wondering if there is any way to make my macbook pro urine proof? Update What about adding a waterproof case, if any exist? I'd like to be able to use it at the same time if possible.

also edited by AD mods
The word discharge is so nasty
@MDMoore313 Yeah, StackExchange does that. They edit all the flavorful parts of my posts too.
You sure do ask a lot of "How do I X-proof my MBP?"
@ScottPack piss, cough, vomit, excrement, jizz, rain, snot...
Remind me to never let you touch a computer that I want to use after.
@ewwhite I'm very glad I never worked support when we provided in-dorm computers.
@ScottPack The last 3 of those questions were urination, cigarette burns and bullet-proofing - sounds like a frighteningly kinky time.
@HopelessN00b But no candle wax.
@HopelessN00b Sounds sorta like the emergency room to me...
@ScottPack ...or handcuffs, or other bondage gear, which seem like they belong somehow, at least to me.
@ewwhite lube.‌​..
@ScottPack I need to ask how to mac-proof my mac
@HopelessN00b But asking how to handcuff proof a laptop is lame.
@freiheit I suspect that would be closed as a duplicate of liquid proofing.
@ScottPack Well, you put OSX on it, right? Already done with Macs... so they come factory-handcuffed.
So @MDMoore313 @Basil @MDMarra -- apparently after resetting this silly Netgear again and then reflashing it again with DD-WRT I was about to give up and trash it...only to find out the admin portal pages work just fine on a win7 computer, just not my win8. Why, when I tried IE, FF, Chrome on Win8 is it slow but not on Win7? Who knows...
@HopelessN00b I'm surprised that's not on /r/sysadmin
I've created some e-mail accounts from cpanel at my hosting at godaddy
@ScottPack /r/sysadmin never gets questions that good funny.
I'd ask my Macbook pro blood question if I didn't fully expect an LEO contacting me and me having to explain it was a joke.
@TheCleaner Needs to be blood proof for some perfectly legal reason, then. Clumsy diabetic? Perfectly consensual dungeon? Bringing the ipad in your ambulance? Slaughterhouse?
Quick Windows question... Using a Security Filter and a WMI Filter on a GPO is an and right? (Must meet both filtering conditions to get the GPO)
Blood sealing an iPad would be easy. Otterbox.
@freiheit :)
Well, it better be, or I'm gonna have a real shitty day in about 15 minutes.
@HopelessN00b whyso?
@HopelessN00b I think it's an or
I think asking "how do I get blood cleaned off a macbook" with my username is grounds for VTC alone.
@TheCleaner Well, you could either change your username on that one site, or go for a play that you're a professional crime scene cleaner...
@ewwhite Because I just applied a GPO linked in domain root that relies on a security filter and a WMI filter to be properly applied. If not, every system in the domain's gonna get the GPO, and that will cause some very bad things to happen on our servers.
@HopelessN00b nah it's an and technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc904317(v=ws.10).aspx implies that they restrict on two different objects (users and groups vs wmi stuff)
@ewwhite hmm, what is in and anyway?
@MDMoore313 Looks good. Just gonna be a normally lousy day today, then. Yippie.
@FalconMomot I think scrum is something @MDMoore313 wants to protect his MacBook from...
Q: Apple 2 network connection says Selected Appletalk Connection can't be found

MDMoore313Apple ii is setup for ethernet with addon card. Link light is green, however I cannot ping google. It's setup for 10 Base T and used to connect just fine. I powered cycled my modem one day, and after a snowstorm it would no longer connect. I can access my default internal network fine, just not a...

@ewwhite I have plumbed the depths. Thankfully, they're basically empty!
So this unprovoked Twitter thing happened to me early this morning:
*zzzZZZZZzzz* falls asleep on @Nonapeptide's timeline. *zzzZZZZZzzz*
creeps through @Nonapeptide's timeline quietly. Don't wake @fakeKingBowser!
sorry @Nonapeptide, I'll a-pay you-a 10 coins for-a the damages..
@MDMoore313 You've made a few mistakes here. For a start this chat room is for Serverfault, secondly you're not going to significantly promote your question to any chat room, there's never enough people in it, thirdly you only asked the question fifteen minutes ago - this is considered extremely rude by everyone on stackexchange and will actively discourage people from helping you.
And then @fakeGoomba favorited one of them:
@fakeGoomba, between the pipes
679 tweets, 58 followers, following 0 users
@Chopper3 you've got to see the rest of the thread.
@Chopper3 Is it so rude nowadays? I see a lot of us regulars dropping our fresh questions in here, even cross sites.
I thought things had changed a bit.
Evolved if you will.
@Wesley Isn't it just a little bit 'me me me me me me me me me '?
@Chopper3 Kinda, but we're all rep whores here so isn't that at least consistent? =P
@Chopper3 Yeah, the problem is that his Mac has been urinated on, burnt with a cigarette and shot. With bullets. I don't know Macs specifically, but I know PCs hate all of those things.
I mean just 'cause I do it doesn't make it right, but I usually drop my unix.se questions in here so that the folks here can gain some sweet rep over at another site... and also because ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! =P
@Chopper3 don't worry, I don't post too many ME! ME! ME! ME! questions in the chat, I'd like to consider myself a regular @ least for the past couple of weeks
I think you can do it if you do it infrequently and do other things also.
@HopelessN00b Can't you do that with a Toughbook though? Or only if it's running Windows XP...
@FalconMomot I think blowjobs change the dynamic. I dunno, ask @HopelessN00b
@Wesley When I whore my questions, it's for answers to the boss's most recent seizure request, not rep.
Rep is worthless. Getting the boss to leave me alone is priceless.
@Chopper3 just ridiculously senseless questions and occasionally really good ones
@HopelessN00b Not having a boss: priceless
@MDMoore313 If you changed your profile picture we wouldn't be able to tell you apart from @MDMarra and then we'd leave you totally alone because catbeard!
@ewwhite Youshuttup. =(
@Wesley I dunno about the bullet thing, but a ToughBook should shrug off a little urine and a cigarette burn or two. Doubt I'd want to use it afterwards, but it would work.
Then there's @jcolebrand. Nobody messes with @jcolebrand. He has grant all
grant all, just like my domain controllers and SQL servers.
@HopelessN00b Multihomed with one internet IP that you can DDoS from?
@HopelessN00b Don't make me DDoS you! I have a cloud domain controller!!
@Wesley Of course! What would be the point if they weren't open email relays and open recursive DNS resolvers?
Sooo, Azure. How bad does it suck?
<--- never used Azure.
@HopelessN00b I had someone mention it to me the other day and I had no idea. Really don't want to attempt to get into it for another bone that'll get taken away as soon as I try to grab it.
Please no jokes about me grabbing bones.
I'm a cat. Cats aren't into bones.
@Wesley Not even gay cats?
@Wesley depends, what did you want to do with it?
@MDMoore313 Basically the project appears to be indistinguishable from any Amazon EC2 project. Just cloudified Windows servers to do stuff with.
But the person was interested in Azure because of brand name and whatnot.
@MDMoore313 commented
@freiheit This Strava route builder is badass. I had no idea this existed.
@Wesley that's exactly what it is. Even the pricing scheme is the same. I don't know about the licensing though (rds, vdi, etc), but then again who does
@MDMoore313 Oh okay, that would be interested if they gave breaks on CALs and other licensing.

DevOps Engineer

a mediocre corporation

A Mediocre Corporation is looking for extraordinary DevOps Engineers to build the automation and…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on February 25, 2014

@ewwhite Points for Honesty?
Do you remember Woot? We built that. Now we're on to more mediocre sites.
@ewwhite Why would you name your company that? People... just... ugh, when's the apocalypse gonna get here?
@ewwhite Well they're not wrong
@HopelessN00b hey I think it's awesome branding
@HopelessN00b No, see, I always had an idea for a restaurant. Not far from where I grew up was a hole in the stripmall place called "BEST TERIYAKI" and I thought, isn't that raising the bar a bit too high? I mean, you're a strip mall teriyaki dive. I want to name my restaurant "THE WORST TERIYAKI!" so that when people come, eat and leave they walk to their cars and say "Eh, it wasn't the worst teriyaki."
So then people hire me and say "Hey, he wasn't the worst sysadmin we've seen."
lol They're serious
“We really tried to lower expectations with the brand,” Rutledge told me.
Case in point concerning lowering expectations:

@voretaq7 Travis CI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Strider CD, Circle CI, Node.js, JavaScript, Mocha, Tap, QUnit, Cucumber, Selenium, PhantomJS, CasperJS, DVCS, anal, Git, Mercurial, Chef, Puppet, AWS, Azure, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, APM, Boundary, Pingdom, NewRelic, Splunk or Storm
MARKDOWN! The "down" is a metaphor for your expectations.
@ScottPack SKOHT!!
@Wesley You're assuming people will eat at a place called 'THE WORST TERIYAKI!'?
@MDMoore313 For the novelty.
@Wesley I've missed you my dear.
"They come for the novelty, the come back for the Teriyaki!"
Take that how you will.
@Wesley SOCAT!
@ScottPack What happened, did I accidentally hang a picture over that peephole in my bathroom?
@ewwhite you may have already seen this, but anyways, check the comments in http://h30507.www3.hp.com/t5/Coffee-Coaching-HP-and-Microsoft/HP-ProLiant-Gen8-Agentless-Management-Overview/ba-p/108579#.Uwz4_GeF200 , there's a little description of the item that OID refers to
Ugh. So, my new 2012 forest was defiled by an XP machine. :( Now I want to rip the whole forest out and start over.
I mean WRT https://serverfault.com/questions/578248/hp-proliant-gen8-health-agents-and-el6-x-cpqhomibhealthstatusarray-has-changed
the specific example I'm looking at is # snmpget -Os -t 1 -v1 -c <SNMP COMM STRING> <iLO IP ADDRESS> enterprises.
which is suppossed to return cpqHoMibHealthStatusArray.0 = Hex-STRING: 04 04 02 02 02 02 02 04 02 04 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The heck keyboard
@ewwhite do you happen to know which version in h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/hpsim/… applies to your server? I'd like to take a look at the MIB and see if I can be of any help
@Wesley That's a picture?
@ScottPack Did you get the MAvericks update today?
@Wesley I'm Macless until Monday.
@ScottPack NOOOOOOOO for why?
@Wesley I don't have a non-work provided one. I turned in my equipment Wednesday of last week and will be getting my new equipment Monday.
Dude buy a computer.
It's not like you have a mortgage, or kids, or a family, or people that care about you or... uhm... :'(
@dawud I'm finding that wiping the IML log makes this go away
I considered it, but I had an old laptop sitting on the shelf that I was able to reprovision and with work giving me one...meh.
@ScottPack Did your last Mac have a Retina?
@dawud I found this: h30507.www3.hp.com/t5/Coffee-Coaching-HP-and-Microsoft/… But that's really ugly
@Wesley No, it didn't. It was a 13" mid-2012 non-Retina.
@ewwhite check this also http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/ITRC-HP-Systems-Insight-Manager/Management-Component-Pack-9-30-for-CentOS-6/td-p/6197919#.Uwz8pWeF200
@ScottPack Gotcha. I've considered moving from 11" Air to 13" retina with all the trimmins
there seems to be a bug in versions < 9.40
@dawud I can google!
Puppet keeps the version updated.
I really liked the 13" form factor. Great to carry around and still big enough to be useful. I found myself wanting a 15" when I started using it as my primary workstation.
@Wesley I like my 13" retina, but I actually wish it was 15"
# rpm -qi hp-snmp-agents
Name        : hp-snmp-agents               Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 9.40                              Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company
Release     : 2506.37.rhel6                 Build Date: Sat Jun 29 01:30:56 2013
@pauska Too small of a screen for that many pixels?
you have a usable resolution on the 13" that's pretty low.. unless you scale it up, but then it becomes a bit more pixelated
@ewwhite I know :) just sharing my findings
@Wesley the other way around actually :)
Hmmm, happening on 9.50, too...
@pauska So wait, you want MOAR pixels on a 13" screen?
[root@Indy_Fruit_New ~]# rpm -qi hp-snmp-agents
Name        : hp-snmp-agents               Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 9.50                              Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company
This is how I'm picturing @pauska at his computer right now:
Some folks refer they start receiving the proper emails from 9.40 onwards, but the hex data is still showing up
@Wesley Yeah...about that...@pauska shoots blasts just not from his eyes...
@dawud email always works... it's just the health array BS
@ewwhite To be fair, you're always thinking that.
@ScottPack So this is a typical Friday night for you and him?
@ewwhite ah, OK
I don't see the point in blessing sneezes. Is there really that much of a concern of soul displacement?
So... I found 1871 files that are different, w/ different modified dates between two of our DFS-[in-an-unspported-configuration]-replicas. Easiest way to handle this is suicide, right?
@Wesley thanks bro
so I need to figure out how to enable a Multiflex trunk link on an MPLS router in ~15 minutes.
@ewwhite WHAT. DO. YOU. DOOOOO?!
@Wesley I don't know
@ewwhite Charge $200 an hour, and outsource it to someone in Pakistan for $10
The best days are when I come in at like 11:30, immediately go to lunch, then leave early.
@Wesley outsourced to one of my old trading engineers.
card type t1 0 1
that's it
controller T1 0/0/0
 cablelength long 0db
 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
controller T1 0/0/1
 cablelength long 0db
 channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
controller T1 0/1/0
 cablelength long 0db
controller T1 0/1/1
 cablelength long 0db
@ewwhite uuuuuuugh
@JoelESalas Square called.
@ewwhite How'd it go down
@JoelESalas it's like the engineering team didn't tell the recruiter anything about me.
so the recruiter was thoroughly unimpressed
@ewwhite Fuck that guy
Also I too prefer to let teammates make their own decisions
@ewwhite Square is full of squares?
How is it that the neckbeards around here let this question last 3 and a half years without an answer containing a link to the POSIX standard?
Q: What characters should I use or not use in usernames on Linux?

Ed HaberI want to create user accounts named after a domain name. adduser complains that the usernames need to match the NAME_REGEX regular expression. adduser: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured via the NAME_REGEX configuration variable. Use the `--force-badname' option...

@JoelESalas "We mainly have ex-Google, ex-Apple, Ex-LinkedIn, ex-Facebook"
@ewwhite Makes it sound like they all got fired
Is my neck just beardier?
interface Serial0/0/0:0
 description >>> T1 DHEC851480.801.ATI <<<<
 bandwidth 1536
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 ppp multilink
 ppp multilink group 1
interface Serial0/0/1:0
 description >>> T1 DHEC851480.802.ATI <<<<
 bandwidth 1536
 no ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 ppp multilink
 ppp multilink group 1
interface Serial0/1/0:0
 no ip address
interface Serial0/1/1:0
 no ip address
(I use SF chat as my own personal Pastebin)
@ewwhite thanks, because it's googlable.
While this is true it's generally frowned upon to have upper-case characters in usernames - people have enough trouble with case-sensitive passwords, and making them have to remember case in their usernames is just kicking them when they're down. (Exception: When your username convention is ALL UPPERCASE CHARACTERS.) — voretaq7 21 secs ago
that's why :-)
@HopelessN00b There are neckbeards around here?
@HopelessN00b @MichaelHampton yall make em sound like warewolves, or old pirates
@voretaq7 Makes sense. Though, if a user can't remember how to capitalize their username (which is very likely to be their name), someone needs to remove them from the gene pool ASAP.
@MichaelHampton I'm finding RHEL docs to be lacking
@ewwhite Where?
@MichaelHampton I've been mounting /cgroup manually like a bitch for the past couple of years.
and I wan't aware of cgconfig
@ewwhite cgconfig is horribly buggy.
Be careful.
@MatthewIfe :( What should I be doing, then?
I'm trying to incorporate numad onto the Sandy/Ivy Bridge servers.
@HopelessN00b mgraziano is not my name.
@ewwhite The problems during reloads. Providing you've got the setup working in one boot, itll work.
@MichaelHampton I was using cgroups before cgconfig came out
and effin' numad
@ewwhite I don't doubt it. I don't think it was well supported in RHEL until recently.
Oh, and RHEL 7 is going to do it completely differently...
@MichaelHampton I feel like I get left behind every time RHEL changes how something is done...
and turbostat??! Should I have known about that?
@MatthewIfe You know turbostat ?
Man, I need a good night's sleep
I'm not sure if you're the sort who reads documentation just because it's there.
Q: Monitoring/controlling Intel Turbo Boost in Linux

ewwhiteIs there a nice way to monitor and/or control Intel Turbo Boost technology on Nehalem processors from a Linux host? I'm looking to do this RHEL/CentOS 5.5 hosts running stock or Realtime MRG kernels. Has anyone here found a good way to leverage Turbo Boost in your environments?

@ewwhite never heard of it.
@ewwhite the fuck
@JoelESalas ??
@MichaelHampton I land on RHEL docs every couple of weeks...
but I don't know how to keep on top of this stuff
@Wesley I mostly use ridewithgps' route building, because I can coax an okay route slip out of it and already have a pretty good idea what most of the roads within 50 miles of home are like. Strava's is a new thing that's looking pretty good...
@ewwhite The release notes and technical notes are usually mostly complete.
@MichaelHampton :(
RHCE is $$$
@mossy kinda
@ewwhite Takes about five minutes to skim through them and see if anything interesting pops out.
@MichaelHampton are you sayin' I'm a slacker?
@ewwhite No, I'm just sayin'
@MichaelHampton so do you use turbostat?
@ewwhite Nope :)
For instance, if you skim through the technical notes, you'll eventually see this gem:
> Some HP Proliant servers may report incorrect CPU frequency values in /proc/cpuinfo or /sys/device/system/cpu/*/cpufreq. This is due to the firmware manipulating the CPU frequency without providing any notification to the operating system. To avoid this ensure that the HP Power Regulator option in the BIOS is set to OS Control. An alternative available on more recent systems is to set Collaborative Power Control to Enabled.
@ewwhite "Success Pack" $3,100
@MichaelHampton which is counter to what HP say in their white papers for EL6.
@ewwhite What does HP say?
@MichaelHampton we never use OS Control. It's typically High-Performance or Dynamic Power Regulator
Well, if you're on high performance, you probably wouldn't have this issue anyway.
Unless the machine turbo boosted.
Yeah, I posted this:
+1 - excellent question! Glad to have you here! — TheCleaner 34 secs ago
I'll go back and check Collaborative Power Control...
A: How do I disable "Processor Power and Utilization Monitoring" on an HP ProLiant server?

ewwhiteThis is outlined in the document you linked under the "Tuning Procedures" heading. In order to enter the Advanced system options menu for modifying a G6 or newer HP ProLiant for a low-latency application, you need to get to the main BIOS screen by pressing F9 during POST. Once there, type Ct...

tuned is going to try to change that anyway, and if you have the OS locked out from it, then you lose that benefit. Which might be fine for HFT, but doesn't seem wise for general purpose stuff.
@MichaelHampton Our tuned settings for trading are different than general stuff... but even my produce systems get the treatment. I can relax on power settings and disabling C-states, but still make use of the storage and I/O tunables.
But why can't everything just be the same for awhile... Again, Ubuntu people never seem to bother with any of this
@ewwhite Ubuntu don't care, and all their systems run suboptimally. Of course.
In conclusion I need all the possible reasons that can make the throughput low --> You seek The Holy Grail? -- trying to enumerate everything that can happen between point A and point B on the internet is unlikely to ever happen. — voretaq7 1 min ago
Yea, I posted that.
anyone who wants "every possible cause of slow throughput" explained to them needs to be beaten sensible.
@voretaq7 hence my hashtag
@voretaq7 I don't think the guy will catch on...
@TheCleaner I'm waiting for y'all to close it as "Too Damn Broad"
> Libreoffice contains a number of harmless files used for testing purposes. However, on Microsoft Windows system, these files can trigger false positive alerts on various anti-virus software, such as Microsoft Security Essentials. For example, the alerts can be triggered when scanning the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 ISO file.
@MichaelHampton "Trust us, our shitty ass office software wouldn't possibly harm your precious data!"
@voretaq7 fine....happy now? #kickscan
@voretaq7 "Trust us, LibreOffice really is a virus. Buy Office 365 today!"
@voretaq7 it has 3 you can go kill it now
although I don't see any reason why you couldn't have done it preemtively yourself once youd finished plaing cat and mouse with it
Q: ASA stops internet when connected to VPN - firmware 9.x

PaulI'm having issues setting up Remote access VPN on Cisco ASA (firmware 9.1) i'm able to connect via the VPN and access all internal resources but i'm not able to access internet when connected to the VPN. I don't know split tunneling here is my config: : Saved : ASA Version 9.1(3) ! hostname c...

needs fixing
Browser textareas really need global search and replace.
@Iain because when I mod-hammer people they go to meta and cry and whine and piss on the floor about how all the mods are nazis. When the community does it I have moral cover.
@voretaq7 Just like the Nazis? "I was only following orders!"
@Wesley I can blame you people for mob mentality :P
@voretaq7 So you're saying we should put away the torches and pitchforks?
@freiheit well, maybe just save them for special occasions.
@voretaq7 You mean like workdays?
@Wesley jawohl miauw Führer
@DennisKaarsemaker Jaw hole mine furrier
@DennisKaarsemaker stop positing @Wesley's high school yearbook photo!
> The Konqueror browser enabled Java support by default. Because Java is one of the common targets for browser-based malware attacks, Java is now disabled by default in Konqueror.
This was classified as a bug.
Q: When is a request for product recommendations not a request for product recommendations?

Paul GearI have a vested interest in this issue, since I recently asked about Solutions for integrated management of L2TP/IPsec VPN clients and 802.1X wired & wireless clients and it was put on hold because it was perceived as a request for product recommendations. I know that product selection was part ...

Well whatever CDN hosts the site's CSS is fucked
Was I wrong that everyone hates Nagios?
@MichaelHampton There isn't anything objectively better
but yes we hate it.
aw hell, that was good enough to star twice...
@DennisKaarsemaker If you look carefully, you'll see I already linked to that.
@MichaelHampton hey, I created that :)
Nagios isn't really that bad
@NathanC but everybody hates getting alerts
Is a likeable monitor even possible? In the end all of them blow up your phone at 3 am when things go down.
I'm lucky to have avoided Nagios.
I've set up and used Nagios before. NEVER AGAIN.
@MichaelHampton Are you one of those Zenoss weirdos
@JoelESalas I think he is...
either that... or OpenNMS
@JoelESalas I was using Zenoss for a while, then I switched to Zabbix. Problem with Zenoss is it has no real community.
@ewwhite You can't talk, you're an OpenNMS weirdo
@MichaelHampton ;)
@ewwhite OpenNMS is like dental torture except less fun.
Senior Linux engineer – Nagios monitoring – Chicago

As a senior Linux engineer for this large hedgefund you will be responsible fothe lifecycle of the Ubuntu environment consisting of about 200 servers. You will be building, improving and maintaining the monitoring environment by using Nagios and or Zabbix. The Senior Linux engineer will be working in a team of highly qualified, highly technical linux engineers that always strive to provide the best technical solutions.

• 5+ years work as a UNIX/Linux systems administrator
I use nagios and like it
@DennisKaarsemaker So you're a masochist, eh?
@DennisKaarsemaker Then...turn them off?
@MichaelHampton well, I use Ubuntu too (though not in production). You be the judge.
Nagios monitoring engineer... meh
@DennisKaarsemaker I'm losing faith in you
@DennisKaarsemaker Ubuntu isn't masochism, just bad taste
Any packages that by default start the service you installed are guaranteed horseshit
I am so glad to have my desktop back on Fedora.
@JoelESalas although sometimes I want that
@ewwhite That's semantically incorrect though
and hmm, I'm having a puppet issue.
@JoelESalas and any package manager that is trivial to corrupt is donkeyshit
You can start ssh by default automatically. You damn well better let the admin manually turn on everything else.
rpm is just a collection of problems, yum only makes it worse.
@DennisKaarsemaker So what's catshit then?
@DennisKaarsemaker I've never once corrupted rpm/yum
@DennisKaarsemaker If you think yum and rpm are bad, you should see apt and dpkg.
@JoelESalas nope. Don't install the package if you don't want the service. It's bullshit not to start the service :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Package management and service/config management are separate tasks
@MichaelHampton I know them both very well. dpkg may be stuck in the 90's, at least it's robust.
@DennisKaarsemaker Well, sure, it's robust...until it breaks spectacularly.
It's an antipattern in my opinion, but to each his own
@JoelESalas If I install... numad, I kinda want it started...
same for most things...
@MichaelHampton rpm's "database" breaks all the f*ing time. I've never seen dpkg's database break.
On the other hand, there are services that asplode if you install the package without stopping the service
but there are times when i don't want that.
never thought about it
@ewwhite hence, puppet!
@DennisKaarsemaker not very often.
@DennisKaarsemaker Go read SF sometime... it's full of people whose systems could not complete an apt-get -f install for various reasons.
@JoelESalas puppet is fucking up on me
Yum's "less scaffolding in the package" approach is better suited to the puppets
@DennisKaarsemaker And I haven't seen RPM's database break in a very long time... even if it did, it's trivial to fix.
@MichaelHampton meh, motly because they enable crap repos
@MichaelHampton it breaks about every day here.
@DennisKaarsemaker Sure, but the apt system isn't very robust against crap repos.
For me, I have a conflict as to when to use puppet to manage a service, versus monit.
@DennisKaarsemaker What the hell are you doing to it, piping /dev/urandom into it?
@MichaelHampton neither is rpm/yum. But it's much easier these days to create apt repos, so there's more crap
in rpm land there's rpmforge/dag that you need to stay away from and that's it
@DennisKaarsemaker That repo is dead, isn't it? It all moved to rpmfusion?
I did work somewhere where we used apt repos for our RHEL systems
@MichaelHampton nope, just running puppet and ossec at the same time. Stupid yum library doesn't enforce locking on the rpmdb.
repoforge is the current
@MichaelHampton well, then rpmfusin needs to be avoided :)
I only use RHEL/Centos + epel and homegrown packages
@DennisKaarsemaker Eh? rpmfusion seems fine to me. Then again most people don't need it. It's mostly for desktop video drivers and such.
@MichaelHampton rpmfusion is the PPA of redhat land, utter lack of quality
But someone tell me why this isn't updating:
    # Install packages
    $spppackages = [ "hp-snmp-agents", "hpssa", "hp-health", "hp-smh-templates", "hpsmh", "hpssacli", "hponcfg", ]

    package { $spppackages:
      ensure  => "latest",
      require => Yumrepo['HP-spp'],
@DennisKaarsemaker Are we talking about the same repo here?
@MichaelHampton no
@ewwhite Metadata is too fresh?
@DennisKaarsemaker I use those, plus vmware tools repo on my vms, some dell repos on some dells, some hp repos on some hps, and starting to move towards using the puppetlabs repos for puppet.
Also, @DennisKaarsemaker - Have you seen this?
@ewwhite seen it, but I don't know the MIB by heart and was too lazy to look it up
@JoelESalas I don't think so.
it updated everywhere else... let me check my illegal copy of Puppet Enterprise.
@ewwhite "yum clean all ; puppet agent --test" and see what happens?
@freiheit hp repos? Do they actually have a repo? I just grab rpms and stick them in our repos
My puppet server crashes weekly
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, I think you're thinking of some other repo. rpmfusion is pretty much exclusively nonfree video drivers and media codecs. Maybe freshrpms, rpmforge, dag? Those were some crap repos with no quality control.
@ewwhite Are you on the latest?
@MichaelHampton well you said rpmforge/dag were now rpmfusion, I didn't actually bother to check that :)
@DennisKaarsemaker yes, there's a repo... I have a quick puppet module for it
@DennisKaarsemaker heh, Yeah, but that merger took place years ago and the original personalities are long gone
but otherwise, it's what I just posted... $spppackages = [ "hp-snmp-agents", "hpssa", "hp-health", "hp-smh-templates", "hpsmh", "hpssacli", "hponcfg", ]
Not to mention any of the free packages have mostly been absorbed into fedora/EPEL already.
RPMforge/repoforge RPMfusion are all the best way to ruin your shit
@JoelESalas I don't have problems with it
If that's your basis for saying "yum sucks" that's really rather weak
@DennisKaarsemaker No, I was wrong, neither rpmforge nor dag was merged into rpmfusion... "RPM Fusion is a merger of Dribble, Freshrpms, and Livna; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples."

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