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@HopelessN00b If you actually worked 50 weeks (40 hour weeks) at $350/hr you'd be able to buy SEVERAL nice houses outright
or one in New York.
@MatthewIfe with or without mview
see if it honours the variable on its own first
and then we'll know if its something to do with mview clearing envs (cant see code to suggest that) or the db program clearing envs
@voretaq7 Heck, in Atlanta I might be able to get 3 nice houses for that. ;)
@voretaq7 Not really. 700k, pre-tax. After taxes, you're down to about half. Less if you have to go the please-rape-me,-IRS 1099 route.
@MatthewIfe does not honor
@HopelessN00b Ah, yes, taxes. Two nice houses.
So, one nice-ish house, unless you live somewhere expensive.
Or one really nice house in the ATL.
@KatherineVillyard Two nice houses for < $500k? I really should consider moving to the US
@HopelessN00b If you can't find a "nice" house for $400k (which is about what you'd work out to) you're Doing It Wrong my friend :)
guess theres no source for that program either..
@MatthewIfe I can get access to it
but it's far larger
@voretaq7 I can get one slightly below average house in an average suburb out in suburbia for $550k
@MarkHenderson "nice" in a suburb of Atlanta. You could get 4 nice houses in the midwest
Or if you want to move wayyy out of the city and have a 90 minute commute each way, you could probably get one for $450k
@MarkHenderson Well, she lives in the South. So, I mean, your house can be as nice as you want, but it's still in the South, and therefore, shitty. (Much like residing in New Jersey.)
@MarkHenderson Depends on where. I hear $500K will get you a nice garden shed in San Francisco. ;)
@MarkHenderson You can get a nice house in the NY Suburbs (Nassau/Suffolk/Parts of Westchester) for about $500k
you couldn't touch ownership in NYC proper for less than 500k, and for something "nice" or in Manhattan 750k and up.
@KatherineVillyard That's more my style!
@voretaq7 The drawback of having standards. Nice == "something I'd be satisfied living in."
Yeah, "nice" in the Atlanta 'burbs.
@HopelessN00b You need more than 3 bedrooms?
@voretaq7 And that would be for a studio probably?
@voretaq7 Yes.
@MarkHenderson or a 1BR in the outer boroughs
@HopelessN00b You're strange.
I'm perfectly happy in a studio. I'd be happier in a 2 bedroom but really I'm not home enough to justify spending 3x as much on my home and having to abandon all my other frivolous pursuits :P
@voretaq7 Why in the holy hell would anyone want to spend 6 figures on something with one bedroom? I can have that for $400/month - some shitty apartment in the 'hood. And I don't want to live in one those either.
Yeah, John Scalzi (Science Fiction author) lives in middle-of-nowhere, Ohio, because it's cheap. He mentioned what his house cost on his blog, once.
I don't remember the exact number, but it was highly cheap.
Nice house, too.
What I pay for a 3br condo in New Hampshire wouldn't buy a closet in NYC.
@HopelessN00b Because ownership has substantial tax advantages (to say nothing of the advantage of an equity stake in your home)
@MichaelHampton but you're in New Hampshire :)
@voretaq7 Yeah, and? New Hampshire got DSL last week!
@MichaelHampton you're above the snow line!
@KatherineVillyard Yeah, even in Columbus, you can get a legitimate mansion with acres and acres of land for under a mil. Drawback being that you're in Columbus, of course, but as far as that goes, it's not really so bad, unless you're comparing it to like SF or NYC or one of those other places you could drop half a mil on a glorified broom closet.
@voretaq7 Meh. And in exchange, you're a slave to your dubious investment in something that takes you decades to pay off.
I really don't get wanting lots and lots of space in your home. I mean I'd like a little more space, but I don't need 15000 square feet for me and two animals.
@voretaq7 But seriously, I'm an hour out of Boston, if I ever really do want to be surrounded by millions of idiots experience modern culture.
Depends on what you're looking for I guess. There's benefits to buying and benefits to renting.
@HopelessN00b ...as opposed to being at the whim of the market (i.e. having to move pretty frequently around here because your landlord decides they can get more money and jacks up the rent) and having nothing to take with you when you leave.
@MatthewIfe This is tricky... nothing seems to honor the variable.
@voretaq7 Yeah, well, what you get for living in NYC.
Or to put it another way: "I'd be paying the same whether I rent or buy - why would I pay someone else's mortgage when I could pay my own?"
You can set it programattically
but would have to be done in the source.
@HopelessN00b Anything worth a few hundred grand takes most people a decade or more to pay off. Something being expensive in itself is not an excuse not to invest.
@HopelessN00b That's why I DON'T live IN NYC. I'd be paying 3-4x what I pay for my place, and that's renting.
@MatthewIfe should it be set in the mview source?
your house prices in NYC are crazy. From the outside looking in at least
even making decent money and having pretty damn good credit I wouldn't take a mortgage on NYC properties even though I qualify
@voretaq7 I like to live better than prisoners, mostly. When your dwelling contains space comparable to a prisoner's living area, you may as well just kill the first person who pisses you off and live on the government's dime.
its the db program responsible for clearing the env
@RobM no they're just crazy.
@HopelessN00b I like to have a disposable income - otherwise I'm just in a gilded cage (house-poor)
@MatthewIfe if I set ESCDELAY and run iptraf-ng...
yep, that works
@voretaq7 the whole world's crazy. It's cheaper to buy than rent over here. Not always by much, but still...
to me having thousands of square feet to furnish, heat, and maintain just means less money for theater/concerts/flying/vacation/camping/boating
@MatthewIfe yep, beautifully
@KatherineVillyard thats more like it. Put that in an average suburb here and that would be a million dollar house
@HopelessN00b @voretaq7 has a plane to pay for
@RobM yeah around here it's about the same (buying is cheaper or about the same). in NYC proper it's usually cheaper to rent than buy (but not by much in many cases)
@voretaq7 Meh, see, renting achieves that same balance for me. The ability to tell $landlord to kiss my ass, disposable income to blow on blackjack and hookers meaningful pursuits, and enough space to live better than a prisoner.
@MarkHenderson and I like taking $500-1000 weekend mini-vacations :)
@HopelessN00b my problem with renting is the price is just going to go up - unreasonably
might not be a problem where you are, but here you're guaranteed a 3% increase every year. More if your apartment isn't rent controlled (and nothing in the suburbs is)
the house that @KatherineVillyard posted would go for about £250,000 here I guess. About $400,000?
@MatthewIfe couldn't mview be set to use ncurses?
@voretaq7 Hasn't been a problem here. And you can rent houses here, too.
I've had friends move out of apartments they'd been in for 5 years because one year the landlord turned around and said "You've been paying me $1000 a month, I'm gonna need to go and up that to $1750" -- Ummm hell no?
@HopelessN00b you can rent houses here for slightly more than the mortgage costs usually
@ewwhite it wont matter. Nor would it affect the output
Its that statically built ncurses in the db program causing the delay
the fact it seems fast calling it natively leads me to think theres a config option for it somewhere for the program itself.
but there's no delay when I run this without mview.
@voretaq7 $1,000 month also doesn't sound too bad. I was paying $350/week (so... $1400/month) for a 1br tiny apartment out in the suburbs when I first got married
so you could rent something like my parents' place (3bed 2bath, finished basement, 1-car garage, 2-car driveway, on a decent sized lot) for about $1800/month
@voretaq7 that's the choice you make when you choose to rent. On the other hand if a storm blows some tiles off the roof then, here at least, you phone the landlord and it ceases to be your problem.
@MarkHenderson yeah this is like a 1Bed/1Bath, nice living room/kitchen
the price wasn't bad - but a 75% rent increase? Hell no.
You could try strace -e open in the db program to figure out where its reading its config values from
@MatthewIfe what would I need to find in the source?
and he sprung that on them 3 months before their lease renewal (which is legally all the notice he had to give, but still that's kinda dick)
@RobM Indeed. Houses are money pits. I'd rather let someone else deal with that shit (and the mortgage, paying ~%200+ in interest, and inflation and all that bullcrap).
@voretaq7 Yeah totally, that's uncalled for
All the more reason not to rent if you can afford it
@HopelessN00b I decided to move the other way and buy, which is the most common choice here rather than renting, but as long as its your choice its all good right
you could look for two things.
@RobM 6 beds would be £200k to 1.5M and up round here
@MatthewIfe strace -e open
grep for 'unsetenv('
open("/etc/ld.so.cache", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libpthread.so.0", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/usr/lib64/libcups.so.2", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libm.so.6", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libdl.so.2", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libc.so.6", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libkrb5.so.3", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libk5crypto.so.3", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libgssapi_krb5.so.2", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/lib64/libcom_err.so.2", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/usr/lib64/libgnutls.so.26", O_RDONLY) = 3
@voretaq7 "...on a completely unrelated note, a fire has gutted your house 3 days before we moved out. Good thing you're covered by insurance, and enjoy renting it out again in 3 years."
see if its unsetting environment variables.
@HopelessN00b houses are also equity tanks, even with the market being shit. Everything you do can be claimed as a tax deduction on sale, and every mortgage payment gives you a bigger equity reserve to draw on. Having to pay for the repairs and stuff sucks, but having that big chunk of equity if something bad happens is nice.
("/ppro/bin/DBCENV.TXT "/ppro/homedirs/pts_14/DBCDX.CFG look interesting
@iain £250k round here, starting price. Expect bedrooms 5&6 to be suitable for sleeping oompah loompahs only
also for some of us the tax benefit of having a mortgage (while still a net loss, yes) is attractive :)
@voretaq7 Yeah, I prefer to have that money in actual money, though. Not as partially paid off debt/equity.
and in my case my interest payments are going to net the bank about 50k on an 80k mortgage because I'm on an accelerated payoff plan so they can suck my hairy Italian balls :)
@RobM rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/… is about 5 miles away
@HopelessN00b but if you lived here you wouldn't have that money as actual money because you'd be making the same exact payment to a landlord (with zero tax benefits to you).
@MatthewIfe they just set environments... paths, license keys, etc.
is the program setuid?
because that does clear some environment variables
or are they invoking it in sudo?
@MatthewIfe not setuid... just 777
I guess that's why I don't understand renting if you can afford to buy - in my area you're literally spending the same amount out of pocket either way. Renting seems like a losing game in that situation.
@voretaq7 I dunno about that. I mean, you pay your landlord tens of thousands of dollars a year, seems like you know where to acquire a big pile of money if you get desperate and need it.
Or for those of you who think "my house should look more like a castle", I give you the house at the end of my street

ok but you dont run it in mview with sudo or anything like that?
oh, but mview may...
hold on
@iain I could stand to live in that house you posted.
@HopelessN00b In my state we call that "larceny" and they send you to a beautiful part of upstate NY when you do it... of course you're in a 6x10 cell and don't get to see the beautiful part of upstate NY, but they do send you there :)
@RobM and me
@RobM Might me 3.4MM to buy but how much is it going to cost to upkeep?
@MatthewIfe no, not setuid
@MarkHenderson it's just been restored so not as painful as you'd first think. But probably not at all cheap either though...
they have a few programs that are, but not dbc or mview
@RobM That is a fantastic bathroom
if you grep their code for unsetenv does that show you anything
It's bigger than my whole house I think
grep -R unsetenv /some/source/path
But what is it with the English and baths? Where's the shower damnit. A bath is just too much work.
Believe me @MarkHenderson that house might be at the end of my street but my house is nothing like it...
@MatthewIfe I'd have to get them to do that. Code isn't local to me.
oh right
@RobM Our 3 bed detached is worth about £220k
I can possibly come up with a hack. possibly
@RobM Well I bet you also don't need a full time gardner and house keeper
@voretaq7 I wasn't suggesting larceny at all. I was thinking more along the lines of armed robbery. And, as with everything else, it's only illegal if you get caught.
@MatthewIfe what type of hack?
@MarkHenderson Well I do, but that's because I'm crap at gardening.
@MarkHenderson I would very much prefer a proper shower to the tub-and-showerhead system of the US (which we very much inherited from our British counterparts)
A place like that I would expect to have a walk-in shower as well as the bath
@voretaq7 We had one of those as a space-saving measure, but yes I agree
write a ld_preload library to override unsetenv so that it will honour all unsetenvs but the one for ESCDELAY
there's a lot to be said for a long soak in a bloody hot bath when my back's acting up.
for that matter I would very much prefer a proper wet room like they do in Europe
providing they are atually unsetting that env and its not some other trick thats being done.
@RobM I'll take an old-granny shower chair and a nice 32 nozzle shower-massager room :)
@voretaq7 Oh eww
@voretaq7 ideally you'd have that in your wet room, and still have a bath as well so you're happy either way.
@MatthewIfe so LD_PRELOAD fun... hmm...
@MarkHenderson well presumably if your back is acting up you need to sit down
otherwise the chair is largely unnecessary and the wall jets just serve to get soap off you more efficiently
@RobM also acceptable, but I'm 6'2 and I've never met a tub I fit in properly so I'm biased against them.
@MatthewIfe That could work. I have a nice environment file that's sourced by every dbf login session.
there are some benefits to being a short-arse then
@voretaq7 Clearly you're not rich enough. You need to get someone to commission a bath for you so that you fit
Dammit. Now I have to kick someone in the freaking nuts. 4+ hours on this SSRS crap, and mostly because someone put the password in wrong. >:/ NOT amused.
@MarkHenderson I would need to buy a proper cast iron claw-foot tub
Q: vSphere - Allocate 100% CPU to 1 VM / 88% efficiency

Cody SmithEDIT 2: My application benefits from hyper-threading A. Yes I know what the technology is and what it does B. Yes I know the difference between a physical core and a logical one C. Yes turning HT off made the render run slower, this is expected! D. No I am not overprivisoning when I assign al...

he's back!
@ewwhite Why the FUCK do people turn on hyperthreading on a hypervisor?
If you have 16 logical cores, why can't you assign 16 vCPUs?
Can you give me a list of environ in that db program
Hyperthreading is a bad fucking idea in general :-/
from cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr "\0" "\n"
@voretaq7 I disagree
@MatthewIfe one moment
@voretaq7 you can have hyper threading on...
@MichaelHampton you could assign 16,000 vCPUs if you wanted - you're just going to hit contention every time a shared resource is needed.
It abstracts task scheduling away from the OS and allows non-multi threaded applications to share a single core
@voretaq7 We do it because someone mentioned something about CPU contention to the bosses a few years ago, and now they insist on it to avoid CPU contention... and I'm too tried of arguing stupid shit with them to give a fuck anymore.
you can leave your hat... er hyperthreading on!
I just don't get this whole "HT is BAD" thing. It's clearly good for some workloads.
not a problem... but VMware recommends not assigning more vCPUs than physical cores
@ewwhite but then your hypervisor lies to you about the number of cores (and consequently the amount of CPU power available)
erm, hyperthreading is a huge boost in virtualization environments
@voretaq7 it doesn't lie... VMware knows the difference
@MarkHenderson or allows two unrelated applications to fight over a single core
@voretaq7 ESXi knows the difference
it's not a great idea when you're doing 1:1 though
It doesn't lie
@voretaq7 that can also be controlled
you can set a vm to never to share a core
(popular setting for your urgent super duper critical database server)
while in a VDI setting it makes perfect sense to let them jump around
@ewwhite @MarkHenderson VMWare isn't all virtualization platforms - though I'll cede the point if you guys think it's really excellent at doing so
@pauska it's not easy to control outside of VMWare (e.g. with an OS on the bare metal)
@pauska Yeah, we're pretty close to 2:1 actually, have HT turned on, and suffer surprisingly low (like unnoticeable) CPU contention. VMware really improved their hypervisor in v5 regarding CPU contention issues.
@voretaq7 ok
all I'm respond is to your "Why the FUCK do people turn on hyperthreading on a hypervisor?"
@HopelessN00b that was fixed way before that
I've yet to encounter a workload where HT made a measurable improvement personally
4.1 afaik
@pauska I'm still not a fan of the idea personally - but I'm not a fan of the core concept behind hyperthreading to begin with.
@pauska We had huge issues with this workload under 4.1. So, they made big improvements between 4.1 and 5.1 as well.
@ewwhite escdelay is there?
@voretaq7 oh, with other hypervisors, I don't overcommit
Dont set it to 0
this is the db program I imagine right
If you want more CPUs, add more physical cores - don't "fake it" by allowing apps to execute in discrete chunks of the core until they both ask for the same (shared) resource.
@HopelessN00b hm, maybe they added more logic when it comes to hyperthreading
NOT mview
but the "reserve all vcpu's" for every single thread was fixed
@MatthewIfe Oh, I defined it locally
@voretaq7 this works just fine with vmware..
and its still there in the program
@ewwhite Even with ESXi I try to keep my (CPU) overcommit to 2:1 or less
overcommit depends on the usage..
Try exporting it as 30
you monitor it (esxtop and RDY values)
@MatthewIfe I can set it...
@pauska it "works just fine" with everything: The cpu screeches to a halt, evicts one of the programs, executes the other, and then goes back to get the one it kicked off (Sorry buddy, please don't hate me for suspending you) -- I know it's gotten better but that's still the core of it, no?
@ewwhite I dont understand, you have it right there in the running program as 0
@pauska Could be. We're close to 2:1, ignoring HT, and close to 1:1 with it... but with a light load on CPU, so my guess is they figured out how to use the hyperthreading more efficiently.
@MatthewIfe that's from a session where I was testing the export
so that pid you catted it a bash shell?
@voretaq7 if the CPU has to block vm's because of congestion you'll see it in esxtop
here's a clean one
@pauska absolutely, in my cases (general compute workloads, virtualized web servers, etc.) performance starts to tank after around 2:1. It also tends to tank if I overcommit RAM pretty much at all unless some machines are almost-always-idle
and yes, memory overcommit is evil
OK, so if you do export ESCDELAY=30 and re-run that db program
I would never ever do it unless it's in a HA/DR scenario.. and then resource pools should be used to make sure that your critical stuff never ever gets ballooned or swapped
then get the environ of the db programs pid
is ESCDELAY there?
@pauska yes, but this isn't a "virtualization" thing - it's a "that's how hyperthreading works, which is why @voretaq7 thinks it's shit" thing :)
@voretaq7 and how the hyperthreading is being utilized is up to the hypervisor
where esxi does a pretty good job at it
it knows when it's scheduling a HT or not
(it prefers not to)
On an unrelated note, anyone know of any (not Microsoft) sizing/capacity resources for SharePoint 2013? This dumbass PM is wanting to use the MS minimum recommendations of ~"any size SharePoint 2013 requires a supercomputer," and I'm hoping it will be easier to find counter examples than it will be to cut her body into small pieces and dissolve them in acid.
/proc/<pid>/environ reflects the environment variables set in that program as of it being printed. If the program was unsetting it it wouldnt appear in the list.
@pauska yeah, I overcommit RAM (and CPU) in our dev environment, but I have the two sets of machines in resource pools with one prioritized over the other. (Of course that means when QA is being used for testing the performance in Dev sucks monkey balls, but people shouldn't be changing code while QA is running anyway :P)
@MatthewIfe k... client on the phone. One moment
like I said I'm just down on the underlying technology behind HT - I think the cake virtual core is a lie, and if you want more cores you should invest in the silicon for them. We have 4 and 8 core dies now so IMHO HT has run its course
@HopelessN00b Sadly your PM may have a point. SP runs like a goat with 3 legs, and one of those 3 legs has a bad sprain, on anything. We've got 4 well specced SP servers, not counting the DB, to serve 3000 internal users plus the college website.
@MatthewIfe export ESCDELAY=30
and yes, it shows up in the environ
hmm.. ok.
try exporting it as 4000
then running dbc
so it's not unsetting, but it's not respecting either
see if the escape delay takes ages
no idea what I wrote there previously. Apart from a garbled mess of semi-legible english.
@MatthewIfe exported and set... but there's no delay.
works as normal
aww :(
is that program you are using
is it stripped?>
dbc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
hold on, lemme test this
run dbc
in a new window
run gdb --pid=<pidofdb>
this will suspend the program, thats ok
@MatthewIfe yep
now run
inside of gdb
call get_escdelay()
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command.
run 'bt'
does that produce output?
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000032c42df308 in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1  0x00000000004a69a7 in evtwait ()
#2  0x000000000040d14c in dbcwait ()
#3  0x000000000043a907 in vkyds ()
#4  0x0000000000421539 in dbciex ()
#5  0x0000000000409921 in mainentry ()
#6  0x000000000040994c in main ()

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