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@tombull89 it's speeding up
Of course I'd get an OP to argue with.
All of our users have email boxes on Google apps and Office365. Google Apps happily routes mail for 1. specific user, 2. Members of specified groups, or 3. Mail to addresses matching a regular expression, to office 365, but mail boxes exist on office 365 as well, and the question is entirely about how to (have messages sent from within office 365 to a mailbox that DOES exist in office 365) routed to Google apps. The scenarios mentioned above are already achieved. — gbegley 2 hours ago
"I want it to work the way it won't work! My world! Mine Mine!" - OP
If Mac wants to be taken seriously by the world of large corporations, all they need to do is make their shit manageable. Either plug into AD or make something that lets us do the important stuff centrally. Also, make their shit run in VMs so we don't need to mount mac minis in the server room.
I'm not looking forward to the next Netapp project- I'll be installing one to centralize the storage for some 80 drunks "creatives" in the marketing department. Right now, they have USB hard drives on local laptops with critical marketing data. No central backups, no DR plan.
@pauska he hasn't obscured his ip, either.
God damn you markdown. How do I strikethrough?
the biggest thing that fucks me off about OSX is you only run it on Mac hardware. Yes, you can make a hackintosh but you're not gonna have them in enterprise, are you?
@Basil You can run their VMs on ESXi with much hacking and tweaking.
@Basil triple dash
triple - either side
like this
@ewwhite If it's not supported by all the vendors, we don't do it.
That said, I don't even think they have a server
they have a server... built into a Mac Mini
@Basil good news: netapp does dedup. Bad news: "creatives" tend to create 50 copies of the same thing with minor variations. Layers? Wat is dat?
@Andrew It's ok, we don't even dedupe our windows user files :(
Our primary NAS is so old that we don't even have 64 bit aggregates
@Basil You'd cry if you knew what we're using our netapp for...
@Andrew doorstop? Bludgeon? Bagel-warmer?
VMDKs. NFS. Need I say more?
ok, it works pretty well. But...
@Andrew that's actually pretty common- Netapp is good at file systems, VMWare's not
We looked into it for VDI
but ended up deciding to stick with block storage until we get big enough that the benefit of NFS would outweigh the cost of putting something between the block and the servers that would do NFS
It's our "SAN". for our vsphere guests. We don't expose it to anything but ESXi.
@Andrew That's pretty common, and as long as your network is at least as fast as the block alternative (8Gb/s FC, usually), you're good.
because there was a miscommunication between our vendor's sales team and project teams and us.
@Basil cough gig copper
Count your blessings that you ended up doing something well documented that has a track record of working
@Andrew 10Gb?
ouch, well you can at least aggregate
@basil you can joins macs to AD... but clearly Apple don't want to be taken seriously by business. In their defence, they're already driving dump trucks full of money up to the bank as quickly as they possibly can, so ignoring business needs is working for them
I think it's all in failover mode rather than proper bonding.
@Andrew also, the offload works for NFS I think, so like a storage VMotion between aggregates would use Netapp copy services in the background, and not go over your network
@Andrew Can you post your /etc/rc and ifconfig -a here? I'll tell you if you want
@Basil allegedly... but we very rarely vmotion and we're not licensed for storage vmotion anyway.
@RobM yeah, you can't argue with success, no matter how stupid it looks.
Isn't this a dupe?
Q: How can I force users from USA to go the USA server and visitors from UK to go to the UK server

LukaIf I have a single domain with visitors from both USA and Europe and also have 2 servers, one in USA and one in UK, how can I force users from USA to go the USA server and visitors from UK to go to the UK server in order to reduce the ping of visitors? First of all is this possible? And why comp...

... and I'm pretty certain I'd be directly breaching some insane "thou shalt not reveal details" policy if I did.
@MDMoore313 anycast DNS?
@basil fun fact - apples own servers run on vmware+hp proliant+netapp
@Andrew That was the example I picked because it's so hard on a 1Gb ethernet storage link, but anything that copies data around, whether it's cloning or snapping a VM
@Andrew Yep
from what I remember their datacenter contains exactly zero mac minis..
@pauska That is a fun fact!
@Chopper3 can verify this tho
"You must not run Mac OSX on hardware that's not Apple! (Unless you're Apple)"
Whereas Microsoft have a big old build server lab full of mac minis
@Andrew If you want, I can tell you how to check.
@Andrew because fuck you, that's why.
@RobM some god just killed about 90 kittens
because while Jobs was in charge, every product that Apple released that wasn't a Mac was designed to sell more Macs. the iPod. the iPhone.
"It's an MP3 player that people will have to buy a $3000 Mac for to use!"
"It's an MP3 player/phone/web thing that people will have to buy a $3000 Mac for to use!"
@Andrew well, you can use iTunes on Windows...
not that anyone should do
I like my macbook air and my 2 mac minis at home. Not cheap, but money well spent.
@RobM wow
@tombull89 only because "but Mr Jobs sir, think of how much more money we can make!"
@RobM CRTs? really?
@Andrew The key command is ifgrp status, and look for words like 2 links, transmit 'IP Load balancing', Ifgrp Type 'lacp' fail 'default'
@RobM Looks like that contract is happening - 7 weeks starting 3rd March so no unemplyment yet!
@dan good news then :)
@Basil I suspect that we're not near saturating the link anyway, but I do wonder if they're running at 100Mbps based on switch reports
Damn. I just missed this gem on MSO.
@RobM It is - not going to lie, I felt kind of sick when handing over all my company details for them to write up the contract. It's far weirder than I expected
I bet @dan still you're on your way now right :)
Anyone here need a coffee minion? I want to quit my job.
one of the people on our team here quit today
She's been so unhappy here that I'm really pleased for her that she's got a better offer elsewhere
@RobM Definitely - and the numbers on the spreadsheet look.....nice
@Basil fairly certain I've seen that it's in aggregation mode...
@Andrew if that's the case, at least you'll have failure tolerance.
@dan :-D
"active aggr" is there
@Andrew Look up a bit- on my output, that is only on the part that describes the individual port
you want to ensure that your groups are set up
yeah, 4 links, transmit 'IP Load balancing', ifgrp type 'lacp' fail 'default'
perfect, that's failover
Assuming your switch has its settings right
so we just must never get >80-90Mbs throughput on those ports
You could kick off a large copy and benchmark it
the switch is very definitely set up as bridge aggregation
ideally next time you need to do something to a VM that involves a lot of writes or reads, check the utilization
that said, the bottleneck might be the storage
@Andrew Do you mean Mb/s, or MB/s?
@Basil I'll see if I can get you a graph (warning, from Cacti, so expect suckage)
@Andrew That wouldn't mean much to me without context, but I ask because 80MB/s is reasonable for a single Gb connection, and you might be seeing the fact that you never get more than one wire capping out from your hosts.
You could also watch the NFS latency on the box to see if there's any trouble with response time. Low throughput and bad latency means that you might have a network bottleneck.
@Basil yeah, our hardware is seriously huge overkill for our workload. But hey.
@mossy Hm indeed.
@TomO'Connor God damn it Valve, why so evil
have you, y'know, read the comments on this reddit thread?
Yay, both the VNX batteries are reporting failure at the same time
no cache for you
I'd like Valve to do 3 things: 1. put tags into libraries 2. if I say "don't download", don't download okay (because now I have no quota left) 3. HL3
@Andrew "2. if I say "don't download", don't download" Holy shit! Why do they do this!
I have no cap and 60Mb/s at home. I downloaded witcher 1 and witcher 2 just to see whether I wanted to spend 3$ on them. Decided I didn't, deleted the files.
There should be a global option for updates
Realized I bought GTA 4, and realized I actually never played it!
@mossy It's called your hosts file
I had it confused with 3, so I started on that one last night steampowered.com
@JoelESalas you still want to be able to play your games...
but they may have a separate domain for downloads
cdgpw ti pki qinihkpcafm xkiragifcr gpw pfg edfdkafm dvk fpcadf'r eikacpmi.
Well played, NSA.
@TomO'Connor klingon or lovecraft?
@DennisKaarsemaker Simple substitution cypher.
E is the most common letter in the english language
find the letters you think are e, and see if you can figure it out ;)
similarly, that 'r is almost certainly 's, so we know r = s
@TomO'Connor meh, can't be arsed. I don't get off my ass for anything less than a viginere
Someone already figured it out anyway.
@MichaelHampton yeah
Chat flags from portugese stack .
That was hard.
That's going to be ... a mess .. if they do that very much.
Q: error 404 with WordPress on ISPConfig3

BabyAzertyI had a shared server with Wordpress and now I'm transferring everything to a dedicated server running ISPConfig. I changed the DNS so that the dedicated server is the one showing the website. I transferred the entire web folder to the new server (/web/_entire_wp_files_folders) I also transferre...

@TomO'Connor And fuck em. I am not going to waste my time editing your typos.
@MichaelHampton I don't think it was a typo..
I ran translate on it, it looked like he used the portugese word equivalent of that N word that'll get people stabbed.
@TomO'Connor nagios?
@DennisKaarsemaker :) Yes.
I just think back to Die Hard 3, with Bruce Willis in the sandwich board that says "I hate nagios"
f*ing gimp made that take longer than I wanted :)
@DennisKaarsemaker haha that is awesome
@TomO'Connor don't you live here:
Tom, did 'HP Half-Height SATA DVD ROM JackBlack Optical Drive' meet your expectations? Review it on Amazon.co.uk
Can of whoop-ass inbound.
@mossy Is it you who just LinkedIn me? :)
@Dan yap
...another Monday, another call to the suicide prevention hotline.
@mossy I knew I knew you, I just couldn't quite place it
@HopelessN00b :(
Now decision time - do I upgrade the NIC Firmware on a set of servers that have been working fine
@Dan What's in the changelog?
@TomO'Connor Lots - the firmware on these is from 2011
@Dan Ugh.. Well if you pull the trigger, let me know what breaks. I've got a ton of HPs that have firmware from 2011 or earlier, that I keep thinking I should update.
@HopelessN00b I've done the firmware, cos that tends to be fine
The BIOS firmware, I mean
@Dan Well, if the BIOS is 5 years old, I bet that the rest of the firmware is of a similar vintage.
@HopelessN00b More than likely - I'll tell you my issue, the servers in question are part of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure that hinges on streaming images, so network is critical
@Dan Ugh. Well, in that case, if it's not broken, don't fix it. Nothing puts me in a killing mood quite like all my users bitching at me about something.
@Dan HP?
Pretty safe to run NIC updates.
@HopelessN00b Haha, that's the problem - I can't work out what the right thing to do is. I'm leaning towards "if it ain't broke", but then if I always thought like that I'd still be rolling out Windows XP
I do it every quarter
@ewwhite Cheers - to be honest, I've not tended to bother in the past
And yup, BL460c G7
Also depends on the chip manufacturer.
HP bundles them... Emulex, Intel, Broadcom... it's safe
I'm not so familiar with Emulex....
I remember when changing the NIC firmware meant replacing the Boot ROM chip.
Well Broadcom is pretty famous for "Ship First - Fix Later", so always do all the updates....
@Dan Hey, we run those! And also haven't updated the NIC firmware or driver since they were installed.
@HopelessN00b Do it!
@Dan Well, but XP was broken. :) And 7 comes with new, useful features, so ther's a case to upgrade to the better thing. Not sure if that same argument applies to the firmware updates here (though it could).
460 and 465s G6's here...being phased out this week.
Current Version: 3.102.x.x
New: 4.6.x.x

Gotta be worth it, I reckon
@Dan Well, let me know if it blows up in your face or not. Make my decision about whether or not to update the firmware a whole lot easier. :)
@HopelessN00b I actually had a failed flash once - I was very glad of the backup BIOS
(it's safe)
@ewwhite Is it normal for it to do a second reboot doing POST?
After the NIC flash, I mean
You don't have to reboot for a NIC flash
oh, maybe emulex
I did it offline with the ISO
but not the broadcoms
oh.. not sure, then
Just did one on a Broadcom chip and it "recommended" a reboot.. Not sure if it was actually necessary or not.
The BIOS reflected the version change (And updated the copyright info), but then it restarted. Just seeing what it does now
It's continued - phew!
sometimes firmware upgrades to NICs add features that weren't there before
offloading features ususally
Oh, God. Anyone know a non-sucky (ie, not manual) way to deploy a ton of printers via GPO? I'd like to deploy all the printers on site X's print server to all the clients at site X. Got the WMI filter in place, and just realized Microsoft wants me to right click every printer on the print server, browse to a GPO and add it. Can't select all at once. Or see the change in the GPO.
@pauska All the stuff we disable for streaming :D
@Dan where do you disable it? inside the vm's?
@HopelessN00b It's still a manual process, but I'd just use Group Policy Preferences and add the printers, rather than use the Print Server
@HopelessN00b Where's @RyanRies with a magical PowerShell script when you need one?
@HopelessN00b We have a bigass single GPO with a ton of GPP printers..
@pauska The streaming server isn't virtual, so just within the HP NIC thing
and you can link the GPO to the AD site
or use item level targeting at each printer, "if site is blah"
@Dan ah
@Dan Yeah, I think that might be somewhat... dammit, where is @RyanRies with a magical PowerShell script when you need one?
@pauska I don't know if it makes any major real world difference, but it's in the best practice.
@Dan offloading features are hard to troubleshoot
@pauska It starts to hit the edge of my knowledge, to be honest. I get the principal, but yeah
And 2012 R2 isn't seeing the storage
And there is no driver listed on HP, though it does support 2012 R2. Why is nothing simple
Oh, that's pure class - it says I have to install a driver, but when I click browse it lists the drives correctly.
We've got one GPO with Deployed Printers for all the printers..
@ChrisS high five
Who wants to bother with installing printers manually??
@ChrisS The same people who are scared of automation?
Cripes... I've got better things to do with my time.
Like diagnose Group Policy Printing issues? :D
Yay for powershell. Just created 50 OUs and 100 groups.
I did that once but I'd typod the root of the name :'(
Honest question - does anyone else sit there desperately needing a pee just waiting for the most efficient moment to leave something happening. I'm loathe to get up when I could be waiting for a task to complete
@Dan yes.
Alright, @RyanRies ... show me some PowerShell magiks, and earn some rep. :)
Q: Deploying Printers via GPO/GPP - is there a programmatic option?

HopelessN00bFor reasons beyond my control, I've been tasked with setting up GPO/GPPs to deploy our 100+ printers to our 1000+ clients. The good news is that we have over a dozen sites, and for the most part, I'm allowed to push out all printers at site X to all client PCs at site X. The bad news is that th...

Damnit Windows... Y U NO Understand Symlink??
Just deleted everything on the SD card in my phone.
That's a bit inconvenient.
Yes. It'll take a hour to recover it all...
What is with people not reading the actual question lately?
I've run across a couple people who seem to have skimmed the question for topics and outright guessed what they question is asking.
I'm a moderator, not a mind reader!
@ChrisS ....because Windows?
@voretaq7 Yes. i know...
@ChrisS Actually that's really not an excuse since NTFS has a concept of "symlink"
Windows is just shit at it.
I think it's because the filesystem is normally abstracted through the Media Transfer Protocol instead of just presenting the block device. I don't think MTP knows what a symlink is.
@ChrisS sure it does! A file that ends in .lnk
Well, lesson learned about deleting a symlink ->./
@ChrisS Well, on a lot of the questions I've been seeing lately, actually reading it is detrimental to understanding the problem.
@HopelessN00b I read one this morning where I could figure out what he was asking, but didn't have the energy to write an answer after spending all that time figuring out what he was asking.
You rang?
@ChrisS The internal "CDN" question? Well, that was the one for me that I no longer had the energy to answer, after reading it 12 times to figure out what he was asking.
26 mins ago, by HopelessN00b
Q: Deploying Printers via GPO/GPP - is there a programmatic option?

HopelessN00bFor reasons beyond my control, I've been tasked with setting up GPO/GPPs to deploy our 100+ printers to our 1000+ clients. The good news is that we have over a dozen sites, and for the most part, I'm allowed to push out all printers at site X to all client PCs at site X. The bad news is that th...

The one I'm thinking of was something about a core dump.
Mr. Hampton threw you under the bus and suggested your PowerShell magiks might be the solution.
@HopelessN00b Create a GPO, User Config -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Deployed Printers, Deploy the printers there... You have to select each printer individually, but it's rather quick. Separate GPO per site.
@HopelessN00b Hmmm, yes it could be done programmatically, but it won't be easy... there's a COM interface to programmatically create and link GPOs, but it's a bitch to use.
The GPP sh*t takes forever to punch in each printer... If all the printers are on print server(s) the Deployed Printers thing is much faster.
Crap. I was afraid of that. Gonna bitch at the boss again, I guess. "Need intern, because I'm not doing this shit."
Hi Ed.
I have a very important foreign vendor who tells me that his emails to me are ALWAYS bounced back to him.  He swears he’s using the correct address for me.
He uses the following 3 email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nothing is ever simple
who wants to translate this?
Q: HP DL360p Gen8 Smart Array P420i driver issue

Alexi was installing DL360p Gen8 via SUM, there was a problem with one driver (later found out it was Array driver), it just was not progessing. After all, i installed this driver cpxxxx.exe manually. All is working, but i can load disk management to see disks. I can create arrays in HP utility (HP ...

Very quiet in here today.
@ewwhite half-assed holiday
True... but my people deliver the food so people can enjoy this half-assed holiday.
You're Chinese? That's news to me...
I spent the morning trying to help my wife determine where to connect a cable on a server I blew up (at her company) last night.
well, I have a real question, then...
I have this client in California... they're super small... maybe 10-15 users.
they're also pretty stable... I installed a server for them in 2009... I flew out to reboot it in 2012... and it's been running since.
# cat /etc/issue && uname -a
CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m

Linux Rohrer 2.6.18-128.4.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Aug 4 20:19:25 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
so their needs are basic... but they benefit from having nicer hardware.
they're asking for a new server... is it wasteful to put a midrange system in place?
Current machine is a ProLiant DL360 G5 with one E5420 quad-core CPU installed, 6GB RAM and 4 x 146GB SAS disks in RAID 10
what do i replace it with?
A virtual machine?
@MichaelHampton Needs to run on something...
I could put a single host ESXi box there... but all that does is make it more difficult to monitor the box.
is it wasteful to just put a current version of their existing server out there and be done?
I don't know why that makes me feel so guilty
Do they really need to upgrade the hardware?
@MichaelHampton Not from a performance perspective... but from a support perspective.
I have several who are on intel 5400-series systems... 2008-era
Oh, it's an HP that went out of support and now you're fucked?
I can re-up warranties on them... but these servers are G5 ProLiants... they've been eclipsed by G6, G7, Gen8... four jumps in processor technology
posted on February 17, 2014 by SysAdmin1138

A bit off topic, but it's been on my mind lately. XX and XY are not the sex-absolutes you may think it is. They're the two most common bins, but they're far from the only genetic bins that humans end...

If they'll actually get some other benefit from it, then it's probably worth upgrading. Of course, if they really want to spend the money...it's hard to say no.
so the client is like, "well, it's been 5 years, and this thing has been stable. Sell me a new server, Ed"
the benefit is newer OS, SSD and current warranty
@ewwhite That's only because, surprisingly, no hackers have moved in and called it home.
no open ports
and I manage the firewall...
That would do it.
there is a local PC guy/consultant who also has an SBS server onsite.
and that is also an HP... but very low end.
and I see stuff like that and want to fix it all... but know that it's a battle
new vSphere cluster with HA and we'll P2V your SBS server!
but that's overkill
@ewwhite Sell him a Raspberry Pi, which I recently learned you can find colocation services for.
Q: What are some free Raspberry Pi colocation services?

tunnuzSome time ago I read, on Hacker News, that some Swedish company was offering Raspberry Pi colocation services for free and forever. At the time I didn't own a Raspberry Pi, but the offer was interesting. Do you know whether there are any other services like that one, and, if so, which one would y...

@HopelessN00b or maybe I should offer my CLOUD hosting....
My butt hosting.
So nobody told me today was a holiday at work. Here I am, in the quiet office, trying to figure out what to do with my day
@cole Hosting servers in your butt sounds like it would hurt. And be difficult to get high speed internet to. All the ISPs I use hung up on me when I asked to get a quote for a fiber run to my butt. :(
I woke up and showered and everything FOR NOTHING
@RyJones /ragequit
@cole nah, I like what I do for the most part
Everyone at work is grumpy today.
@RyJones Empty the spank-bank
@RyJones Netflix.
@ewwhite I actually worked yesterday for a couple hours, and I already did an hour this morning (usual 7am Israel work), so I'm covered
since I get paid a day rate, one minute or 23 hours 59 minutes pays the same
Crap. Is there any way to see the RAM configuration of an HP blade... without actually pulling it out and looking?
Linux or Windows?/
look in the vsphere client.
Duh. silly me, looking in iLO. Thanks!
Yup, yup. Thanks much. Got 12x8GB. Hmm. Wonder what the hell I'm gonna do with the 60 8 GB DIMMs I'm gonna have left over in a little bit.
@HopelessN00b eBay
@HopelessN00b I could dispose of them for you.
@MichaelHampton Yeah, we don't do that. We literally have our old EVA SAN sitting in storage, gathering dust. And judging by the other stuff in there, it'll be there until 2040 sometime. (Although, I am pretty tempted to eBay that and buy a new car. Or a down payment on a house. Damn serial numbers.)
@ewwhite I ran into the same issue you had with a failing SD card (or usb stick in my case)
@pauska oh no!
@HopelessN00b You don't have a disposal policy?
shared storage?
sad part is that I have to do it manually - the nics will change names
@pauska so what did you do?
@pauska did you save the config?
this server originally had 8x1gig, it now has 2x1gig (disabled) and 4x10gig
so the pnics will change order..
@ewwhite yes, I did
but it wont work
I can always extract the config file and look at the contents, but I'll probably just do it by hand
shouldn't be more than 20 minutes of work anyways
Is Nagios a bit "too much" for one host? I'd have a dedicated I'd like to keep an eye on and Pingdom a) charges and b) is for websites
@tombull89 Linux?
If so... Monit.
@ewwhite Windows - Server 2008 R2 Ent.
Wouldn't this be better on Ask Ubuntu serverfault.com/questions/576112/installing-pecl-pthreads ?
@HopelessN00b Find a certified recycler... They'll ether physically recycle the materials, or wipe it for resale (typically to non-profits and the like, double benefit to society) and indemnify you against data loss resulting from your donation.
@Iain PUNT!
@ChrisS thanks
@Iain Is that a commonly used term over there?
@ChrisS Punt ?
Hmm I know it in two forms I guess. One is betting and the other is in relation to your football
It's not common usage but I think most people wouold understand it
@Iain I think you mean handegg.
you also might say "Bob punted Cindy from the team" to mean kicked out
which is how I parsed his statement
@ScottPack rugby ?
@RyJones That's how I parsed it too

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