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Yes, comprised primarily of children, or adults with the mental/social ability of children
Just a bit @dan - the BBC reporter telling that story made sure to do a live interview with a drag queen in a gay bar in sochi just to rub it in.
haha lol
@RobM I really don't get the problem people have
I'm honestly not sure how the olympic people can preach equality while holding games there though.
Yes but sometimes they can be really cruel
That I have nothing to do with
@RobM No, it's a disgrace and they should have been thoroughly boycotted by way more people
oh isn't there some kind of riot or something in Ukraine
sorry I live under a rock
and get most of my news from the Colbert report
@Ethan Yes, looking rather more than a riot at the moment. Not directly related to anything to do with the Olympics, though
yea I saw stephen making fun of people wearing metal pasta strainers on their heads and holding brooms
more like terrorism. It's not a friendly place at the moment
does everyone here live in the states?
There are supposed to be a couple of suicide bombers that have got inside the security ring around sochi.
where do you live Rob?
Hey @RoryAlsop
I would like to be in the Uk lol
@Ethan You know Rob is a bot, right?
Morning @Dan
@RobM a bot?
@Ethan - I definitely don't live in the states
#yolobot v.1.1
loading snark.......0%....20%...40%....60%...80%...100% ok
where does everyone live then?
I live in west Los Angeles
@RoryAlsop Still playing with fast motors? Can't remember the last time we spoke, but I have my bike now
@Ethan Well, the evident is somewhat conclusively yes. I believe @RobM does have some human interaction from SF
@Dan Definitely - car is in for a few grand's worth of work right now :-) Which bike did you get?
lol your just screwing with me ik
@Ethan Sunny Scotland
@RoryAlsop Upgrades or repairs? I've got a Bandit 650 - plenty scary enough for the time being
well, I say sunny...it isn't dark right now
haha do you have an awesome Scottish accent
This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
@RoryAlsop Urgh, feels the same down here
@Dan bit of both - redoing the cylinder head, so while the engine is out there are bits and pieces that they can do
@Ethan Of course - all the Rories do :-)
And an excellent kilt
damnet you must be awsome lol
@RoryAlsop Ah, machine work - fun! I'm just hoping for some sun this year
you should come to the U.S, youll get all the chicks with that accent
haha lol
The sun has just come out here.
I'm on pacific standard time
I just finished all my college apps yesterday
and took the SAT
pain in the ass
I regret missing the Carnegie Mellon deadline
I hear they have a killer logic department and that their CS department is rly good
It's looking promising here
got school tomorrow
missed 10 days sofar, can't miss to many more or I will have to go in front of some school board
are any of you in college?
I work at one, but that's probably not what you meant
yea lol I can't see a systems admin being a student on the side
though I don't know much, and the term systems admin is pretty broad
@Ethan Yeah, you can say that again
I try and avoid using it
the "I don't know very much" or the "I can't see a systems admin being a student on the side"
or just using the word "systems admin"
@Ethan The ambiguous use of Sys Admin
I'm not very comfortable using titles, I think it sort of makes you look conceited. Best to remain humble
call a person what ever you want lol
unless its for some formal email or job application BS
where you have to smooth things over with a title
@Ethan That's not great advice, you should generally address people who they want to be addressed
I mean how long do you have to be studying biology to declare yourself a "Biologist"
@Dan I meant for myself
if someone asks me to call them that, then yes I would
but for me I don't really like the idea of trying to fancy things up
@Ethan Well, you're a Student Biologist while studying, as soon as you move into work or research you're just a Biologist
like when I email my first period English teacher, and she writes at the bottom "M.A. National Board Certified Teacher, CSUN Writing overseer blah blah"
I would just rather there name
I get it for professional emails etc tho
Hey quick question
I've been sending alot of emails to colleges
and most of them use an email of the form "[email protected]"
and then I get a response from a particular person
instead of that email
is it like a forwarding thing?
do the emails I send get forwarded to people?
like they bounce off that address and get sent to other people to reply to me
Is that what is likely happening?
I don't want to bug you guys in this chat room
where could I ask these sort of general questions?
if they fit into some category
Yahoo! Answers?
something more high brow
my questions aren't that random
I don't want to post an off topic question on one of these forums and get a billion down votes so I can't communicate there anymore with out looking like a moron
Never mind, I should figure this stuff out myself
Sorry for wasting everyone here's time
a "how does x" work sort of question?
dunno, really.
yeah I'm not thinking, talking to much
my mind isn't very clear right now
I think I've also divulged some stuff I don't want too public
is there anyway I can get everything I typed here in the last hour purged?
Try asking on reddit's /r/sysadmin forum for how stuff like that works. Lots of people there with opinions on how stuff works.
@Ethan Half the fun is making up crazy titles :-)
what crazy titles
I have been a sysadmin, network admin, presales tech support, director of security, and various things, but my favourite title is 'lead pyrotechnician'
those titles
sorry talking to much
forgot what I was talking about lol
@RoryAlsop yea I'm guilty of making up a few to make myself look good
I mean they are real things I do
but I make up the name
Chief Vice President Dish Washer at Apple Bees
haha joking
I'm not sure whether my current one is show-off-y or playing down what I do: Head of Information Security Oversight :-)
sounds cool right?
And when half the people who see it, don't know what you do
they wont be able to judge
You actually have work experience though, so you have more to work with lol
I can't fancy up a job tutoring kids in college preparatory math
all this college stuff is a pain, I think I rushed through alot of it
I might take the year off, though I'm worried about finding a job. Most of the mathematics I know is pretty much useless (number theory, some abstract algebra, etc)
what was your first job if you don't mind me asking
does a paper round count?
paper round?
I could get a really sad embarrassing job, so my next employer has sympathy for me
like a Janitor
Delivering local weekly newspaper
or I could get the best job I can find and make it sound big for the next job
@Ethan first proper job - technical support engineer
I think I'm going to have to leverage a few jobs to get somewhere enjoyable if I take the year off
@RoryAlsop damnet that's not bad at all
first non-career jobs included peat cutter, butcher, sailing instructor, truck driver, barman
though you have an unfair edge
being born in the pre computer era
damnit - I get the age jokes in here as well :-)
Paper round, till staff, barista, waiter/host, retail assistant, ICT apprentice, ICT Assistant, and current role.
See I bet you were with like small places, and now there big as hell
@tombull89 yikes
If I do take a year off I was thinking of trying to get a labor job at Caltech, then I can take courses for free
though apartments in Pasadena I dont think are cheap
Paper Round, plumber's mate, civil servant, mainframe computer operator, bailiff, minicomputer operation, PC Support guy, network support guy, senior pc support guy, networking engineer, senior networking engineer. what fun!#
Mainframe computer operator
haha did you make that title up?
> Start with a good enterprise-grade firewall. I love Mikrotik myself, but PFSense is also another great option, or SonicWall (now owned by Dell).
don't you need like some kind of police training or somthing
Yeah. No.
no. This was in the 80s working for Texas Instruments. It took about 20 people on each shift to make the computer they had work.
@RobM: half of them to crank it?
It felt like that at times
haha lol that sounds pretty decent today
@Ethan I was at university.
Sysadmin and student simultaneously.
I connected with several programmers who worked at wolfram research when it was small aparently
I thought it was pretty crazy I know people who know millionaires now
Im pretty naive though
I know the CEO of topsy labs
who just made like 200 million from apple Inc. I think
I know lots of CEOs, and CTOs.
sold it
they're all just people
FWIW, which isn't much.
lol I've never been around anyone like that though
guess it feels like a big deal to me cause i don't know much
I tried connecting with stephen wolfram
my linkedin profile was viewed by "an anonomyous user"
just realised i missed a couple of coding jobs off my list. Never did like coding
no reply yet haha
do people actually use linkedin?
@Ethan No.
I just created the account for college apps
Except recruiters.
to find people I imagine?
@Ethan What are you expecting? It's like trying to connect with Justin Bieber.
Google hires through linkedin.
Guess I'm not being hired by Google then.
@FalconMomot er. Not exclusively.
@TomO'Connor Yea, but I know a guy who works for him and has him as a connection
@Ethan I do, but some people hate it!
@TomO'Connor no, of course not exclusively.
2nd degree connection or some weird stuff
@tombull89 Do you want to be?
I have quite a few Google contacts..
@TomO'Connor no thanks
@Dan you mean people get pissed when that sort of thing happens?
no, i've refused a few times now, i think.
not sure I'd want to work for Google. I really don't trust them.
I've only refused once
Once a month, or so I get an email from someone at google, someone at amazon or someone at ebay asking if i want to work for them.
I think it would be a bad ass job you could tell lay men about
who dnt know much
I think Google would be a very high intensity place to work - quite a high chance of burnout.
Tempting to get on the nocontact list.
Like you can with jehovas witnesses.
The technological equivalent of answering the door in your boxer shorts.
@Ethan while it would be much easier to explain than my current job, it's not worth it.
@tombull89 what do you mean
@tombull89 Same, I wouldn't go that way personally. I suspect their Work/Life balance sucks and they use the niceties in the office to justify it
(or as my housemate once did, with morning wood)
@Dan the pay is also held down by that and other things
There was a scream, and we never heard from them again.
@FalconMomot yea lol, I just imagine there is always that perk of having bragging rights to the uninformed average folk
though I don't get out a lot
@Ethan a lot of stress involved
@Ethan Yes, that's worth living your life for the sole purpose of working!
It makes me super uneasy that they were defendants in a class action suit (I believe they lost?) along with apple, over monopsonist collusion to keep wages down.
@Ethan I'd rather establish my own bragging rights.
Rather than trading on the name of someone else.
I know it was just a perk
there are loads of companies who pay as well as they do and give more interesting work.
The free food is a huge perk.
also if you plan on doing something not affiliated with your current work, people who don't know better might look at it good
It's nice but its just a way to keep your nose pressed to the grindstone longer
for future employment maybe
When I lived in London, I'd visit my googler friends a few times a year just for the free grub.
the food is good too
lol that desprit for food
but again, probably not worth the stress...
I take alot of amphetamines, so I don't eat much. Usually like one meal a day
@Ethan it tastes best when someone else's corporate overlords are paying for it...
half a pizza
haha your evil lol
no, it's just the truth
it really does :P
I probably should get better eating habits, I get kind of compulsive with my food
and it comes with the satisfaction of knowing someone else bought your lunch in a transparent attempt to bribe you
I can not like something but after eating it for a while, it is all I will eat
@FalconMomot its just a pr ploy to get people to work there?
Like the retarded movie "the intern"
google food? no, probably more a ploy to keep people in the office.
they seem to go to great lengths to make sure their employees spend their nights and weekends there socializing with coworkers.
it's kind of like a cult :P
that sounds kinda cool lol
if I were still working in desktop support I'd totally go there
it does look good on resumes
yea thats what i was saying lol
you have to spend 5 years to make it worthwhile though
5 years is a long-ass time in my world
if you decide to go into some other field too someone not familear with that sort of thing
People assume you must be smart to have worked at google, which just goes to show that those people never used google wave.
would definitely know a name brand like google
you shouldn't plan to change your career frequently :P
@FalconMomot Same - I think the risk with working at one of the big boys (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon) is that it's going to become very hard to step back down without people thinking you fucked up
oh never thought about that
they will assume, why would you leave? if its so "good"
@Dan hmm, depends. any startup owners would understand well why you left.
and then they think you were canned?
one just doesn't move from there to a mid-size company.
I did some consultancy for Microsoft and it went well enough. They offered me a permanent position in a department I didn't want to be in though.
@FalconMomot Startup yes, but they're exceptions in nearly every business discussion!
@Dan they're also a great place to work, if you could handle google or amazon stress but want a bigger role.
@FalconMomot yea if your working with start ups wouldn't you change jobs frequently tho
yes! that's the point!
assuming they sell early
then you get one that succeeds, and you stop doing that for a bit.
then you build it up, over a few years, and sell.
you get new stock options
@FalconMomot Yeah, I've always been tempted to get in with one one day, but high stress and high risk and I'm not young enough to have missed the dot com bubble going pear shaped
to whatever big name they sell it to
it's taken this particular startup I'm with about 5 years, or so? and we aren't yet on the verge of selling.
if you work for them now I mean
I mean if you get bought by a big name, then you work for them now
@Dan the risk isn't quite as high as you'd think.
and you probably get new stock options and other stuff I imagine
and you don't have to work for the people that buy you, though it is usually profitable to do that
@FalconMomot I guess you're right there - no riskier than contracting
if you get really lucky they will both do golden handcuffs and leave your operational model alone.
do they pay a lot more then something traditional?
@Dan contracting is riskier, I think...
@FalconMomot I'll let you know in a few months :D
in my experience, and my family's, since the point of contractors is to be elastic, as soon as there is a hint of economic trouble you're out of work for a while.
at least with a startup, you have a few customers... that's hard to get as an IT contractor.
when you work for a start up and they get big, does your salary usually get a large boost?
as an IT contractor the people you contract to tend to see you as an employee no matter what, and place commensurate demands on your time.
or do they still keep things old school like they were in the begining?
@Ethan depends? almost always.
if you have chops what can you make say in like South Bay or Ny

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