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@freiheit no but I will try to get my hands on them
problem is that currently I still have about 140 bottles of beer in the cellar :/
You need my postal address?
@DennisKaarsemaker You mean terrible?
@LucasKauffman pliny the younger is nigh-impossible to get. (gotta live near where it's made, or near one of their favorite accounts). pliny the elder isn't too hard to get...
What's wrong with people. Why is the first thought "can you tell me how" and not "where is the documentation"?
I have a pretty strong negative opinion towards IPA. I do, however love me some stout.
@ScottPack it can be done right, but most people do it wrong. It also gives you headaches.
I am sorry, but can you give me an easier answer to understand? This is my first time trying to play with group policys — Mike 4 mins ago
(elder is bottled, etc etc)
@DennisKaarsemaker I've never had that problem with ale or lager.
@freiheit mmmm I'll swap some Orval, it's the second hardest beer to get in Belgium
@ScottPack You probably stop drinking after the first six-pack...
@freiheit I'm not sure my belly can contain that much to begin with.
@LucasKauffman I could be convinced of that plan... How much does it cost to mail beer that far...
@LucasKauffman the hardest being westvleteren?
@freiheit mmmm I'll swap some Orval, it's the second hardest beer to get in Belgium
@freiheit not sure
@DennisKaarsemaker yea
I've had that once, it's .... something else
@DennisKaarsemaker I can get my hands on that, but it will cost me about 10 euro a bottle
I paid 12,50
Are you guys excited about Miller Lite bringing back the classic can?!
@DennisKaarsemaker you should try a Rochefort 10, it's quite similar or the La Trappe quadruple
@LucasKauffman I haven't had either yet, but will try them. There's a few good belgian beer bars in Amsterdam
@LucasKauffman I've actually had Westlvreten 12 and, uhm, 8(?). But not Orval.
@DennisKaarsemaker La Trappe is dutch actually :p
@freiheit It's the only Dutch Trappiste
@LucasKauffman ORLY?
La Trappe is een Nederlands biermerk en trappistenbier. Het bier wordt gebrouwen door de Bierbrouwerij De Koningshoeven van de abdij "Onze Lieve Vrouw van Koningshoeven" in Berkel-Enschot nabij Tilburg in Noord-Brabant. De brouwerij heette vroeger De Schaapskooi. De naam La Trappe is afkomstig van het Franse cisterciënzersklooster "La Trappe", waar in 1892 de orde der trappisten is gesticht. Geschiedenis De bewoners van het klooster leefden oorspronkelijk van de landbouw en veeteelt, maar omdat de originele inkomstenbronnen niet meer voldeden door de snelle groei van de congregatie, w...
@MDMarra I'd rather drink Heineken.
and I consider drinking urine less foul.
@MDMarra You are simply a terrible person.
@MDMarra I understand that Pilsners are, by nature, shitty beers, but try not to denigrate them too terribly.
@MDMarra You would not mock the gold nectar if you had had the privilege of tasting it!
You guys want to trade for some of this?
@ScottPack depends on the pilsner, Jupiler, Stella Artois, Bittburger are quite nice
It's an American classic
@LucasKauffman Stella's not a bad cheap alternative to good beer.
@MDMarra yea I know, you guys need to drink lite beer to be able to keep up.
Isn't Stella owned by Anheuser Busch?
@MDMarra yea
@MDMarra Other way around. :)
@freiheit Nope
It's an InBev product
AB Inbev owns Stella
I'm living in Leuven
at the source of the beer!
Anheuser-Busch InBev (, abbreviated as AB InBev) is a Belgian-Brazilian multinational beverage and brewing company headquartered in Leuven, Belgium. It is the world's largest brewer with nearly 25 percent global market share and the third largest fast-moving consumer goods company by firm value (as of March 2012). AB InBev has 14 brands that individually generate over 1 billion USD per year in revenue out of a portfolio of more than 200 brands (2010). This portfolio includes global brands Budweiser, Corona, Stella Artois, Beck's and Brahma, smaller multi-country brands like Alexander Ke...
we still even have one bar which has a direct beer pipeline to the brewery
Ever see ummm Beer Wars?
I think thats what its called
All right kiddos. Time to move on. Gentlemen. @MDMarra.
@MDMarra Right. AB-InBev was formed by a Belgian beer corp buying Anheuser Busch.
Stella on tap is pretty good
@ScottPack g'dnight
We (my company) is going to Prague this spring (yearly kick off thingy).. I'm looking forward to the headache on sunday that weekend
@freiheit correct most of them being of the original noble families owning the Stella brewery
@LucasKauffman I played around with some shipping options (told it Antwerp since I figured most of belgium's the same cost) and holy shit it's not worth it to trade beer between belgium and california...
@freiheit how much is it?
@LucasKauffman Well, I started out thinking "ok, 3 bottles in a flat rate box" and that was over $50... need to double-check the actual weight and figure just one bottle and see what that would work out to, but my at my weight guess $18.41's the cheapest price...
(for a $5, 500mL bottle)
@freiheit omai
@freiheit We made a woman at a Ticketmaster booth cry a couple weeks ago. She tried to crouch down and hide behind the counter while she got herself under control.
@pauska Whattt.... ok so now the empire state building just made my bucket list
that one is fantastic
Anyone here use Weather Underground?
They had a large outage the other week for about 7 hours, which fucked up a bunch of batches that we have for clients that rely on their API
Since then I added a logging to our zabbix for getting a response from their API servers
It goes offline like 10 times a week
Thankfully at times that don't affect us, and usually for < 5 minutes, but sheesh
Wondering if that's normal for WUnderground, or a new thing recently
Apparently right now a photographer from the local paper is taking pictures in our Data Center of a philosophy professors, because the article in the paper is about robotic ethics and somehow our data center is the perfect scene...
@freiheit Do you offer Robot colo?
@MathiasR.Jessen Robolocation?
@MathiasR.Jessen The only Robot in our data center looks sorta like this:
(except that screen looks way nicer than ours and some other subtle details... and, okay, fine, it's just a bigger black box than the other black boxes in the DC)
@freiheit That's a robot alright
@MathiasR.Jessen It's hard to imagine a less photogenic robot. :)
I wonder whether you could say that it acts as a moral agent though :P
@freiheit robot ethics, eh....
@DennisKaarsemaker philosophy professor...
philosophy is the ivory tower on the ivory tower of academia...
oscars nominations are out
Somebody in Payroll just called me saying they can't get the bank website to come up. This is what they had bookmarked: wtb.ebanking-services.com
other subdomain of that address are phising attempts, luckily this one comes up blank
No idea how the hell the URL got replaced in her Favorites. Anyone run in to something like that before?
@Tanner She got phished, of course...
@Tanner Possible she's been going through the phishing site to log into her bank acct for months?
@freiheit History shows she went to the correct one last time.
@Tanner Clever! Spyware that replaces the bookmarks for known safe sites to phishing sites
Because you will trust the bookmark that you made when you knew you were on a safe site
(fwiw I don't use bookmarks, but not for that reason)
@MarkHenderson Why not
@JoelESalas Because it's faster for me to hit F6, type, autocomplete, enter than it is to take my hand off the keyboard, onto the mouse, move, click, read the fucking list, move, click
@MarkHenderson Don't most browsers auto-fill from your bookmarks anyway?
@JoelESalas No idea
I dont have any bookmarks
what the fuck
Are people really that retarded?
It's a fucking plug filled with glue
@pauska If there's one thing we 'Merkins know it's that ultra violence is OK for children but a boob will scar them for life.
@MarkHenderson HAHAHAHA
@MarkHenderson people who are scared to death by any kind of radiaton.. yes
my girlfriend goes into periods like that when she's scared of just about anything
wireless radiation being a big one.. refuses to sleep in our bedroom if I have my cell there and so on
> I am sure anyone can argue with anyone's scientific data. Looking at certain aspects of data one can make things sound different from what they are- if they want to mislead. I am not here as an electromagnetic field expert; I am a consumer of a product. I can only speak to what I notice in my home. I notice about a 10 degree drop in temperature in my office (this with 2-3 monitors, servers, and other electronic gear that my IT husband runs 8 hours or more a day).
@MarkHenderson "electrically sensitive" people are, yes.
it's not easy I tell you.. and seeing stuff like you linked now makes me want to stab the fuckersi n the face for taking advantage of mentally ill people...
Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) is a descriptive term for symptoms purportedly caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields. Other terms for IEI-EMF include electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), electrohypersensitivity, electro-sensitivity, and electrical sensitivity (ES). Although the thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on the body are established, self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity report responding to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (or electromagnetic radiation) at intensities well below the limi...
@pauska So your girlfriend is mentally ill?
@MarkHenderson hypochondria is an mental illness
and some other stuff that I don't want to go into great detail on the indexed internet
Local town turned down an offer for free downtown WiFi from the local ISP because too many electrosensitives showed up at the public meetings about it and bitched how terrible WiFi is.
@freiheit WiFi is terrible. You ever tried to use a wifi network with more than 15 people on it?
@MarkHenderson Like any conference I've ever been to? ;)
@freiheit Electrosensitives?? People who can feel EM?
@JoelESalas read the wikipedia link
Hah, that wiki article looks like an edit war.
> EHS symptoms are a real and sometimes disabling problem for the affected persons
Next paragraph:
> self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to distinguish between exposure to real and fake electromagnetic fields
the symptoms are real, they just can't prove that it has anything to do with the actual EMI
my guess is fear..
they built a new emergency network here in norway (police, firefighters etc)
here's a great website: electrosensitivesociety.com
immediatly after the new transmitters were built there were massive complaints about headaches etc
Yes people are fucking retarded
no one can feel that shit
at best one in a million people
it's like cancer patients.. it's been proven that a lot of those who have 100% faith in getting better actually heals faster
@JoelESalas I swear, when I go into the electrical room for this building, I totally can feel it.
I think there's always going to be malcontents that find something, anything to complain about to brighten up their lives of dirty carpet and lots of cats
@freiheit that's different.. I can feel that too
(ok, I'm 99% sure I feel the various subsonic vibrations, not the electricity)
it's just the low-hz waves of high amperes
@ShaneMadden yes it's controversial
it's like homeopathy
always a fucktard trying to edit the article
@freiheit That's also a lot of fucking amps, not like 10mA
@JoelESalas sometimes it's goats instead of cats...
@freiheit I don't know if I should click at work
@pauska placebo effect
@JoelESalas it's safe. article in local paper about a goat hoarder wanting his goats back
> I used to take as many as nine different pills a day for my various ailments, from my self-diagnosed Aspberger's, to my self-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome. My doctor refused to diagnose my with any of the problems I was clearly having, so I finally changed doctors.

And boy was that a great move. Not only did my new doctor prescribe me these new Placebo pills, but he told me the automatically treat ALL of my problems. Apparently "placebo" is Latin for panacea!

I feel so much better, it's like I'm a new person, thanks to Placebos!
my sides
@PatoSáinz homeopathy actually helped me, abit they didn't just use the needles.. I have no idea what you call it in english, but they break up your joints etc
@pauska Chiropractors
@pauska chiropractors
that's not homeopathy
he did both
@pauska Acupuncture?
and chiro
@pauska Homeopathy is like "mix a little silver in with water and drink it and your cancer will go away"
because water has MEMORY
ah fuck
not homeopathy
@PatoSáinz The more you dilute it, the more powerful it gets!
What's the one where you're supposed to get more effect when you use less of something?
@pauska Congratulations you just re-gained your self-respect ;)
@MichaelHampton cocaine?
@MichaelHampton see above
@pauska osteopathy is the real medical deal. chiropractic helps people a bit, but sometimes people claim it does way more than it can.
tolerance and adiction of course
All chiropractors do is relieve joint pressure
@freiheit it cured my back for sure
@JoelESalas sometimes chiropractors have actually left people crippled

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